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ZAM's Lord of the Rings ContestFollow

#77 Jul 16 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
Been playing a little over a year now and I like it. Its a nice mature atmosphere that my wife and I enjoy. We joined a very good kin and have been extremely happy with the people we have met.

Gameplay, its fun. Leveling is a challenge, but once you get it down is easy to level alts. The later quests in Moria are very nice. The scenery in and out of Moria is awesome and I cannot wait to see what else is in store. The main thing I love about this game is knowing that this is a journey. Its not just another cheesy added on area that screams lets do something new, but rather the next leg of the journey. I know this journey will take years to complete and to me thats the biggest draw. At the end of it all when the final end game content is out, the ring is saved, Middle Earth has been drained of all evil I will feel like I played an important part and will hopefully look back on it all with fond memories. So far the memories are awesome!
#78 Jul 16 2009 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I have only played LOTRO for about 5 weeks. I am loving the game. I love the graphics and the feel of the game. The players are friendly and helpful from what I have seen. I played EQ and WOW for many years, and just wanted a more friendly place to explore, quest and conquer. I am into tradeskilling and fishing as well. The most awesome graphics on fishing! If you can't do it in real life, do it in LOTRO!!! hehe

There isn't much to complain about that I have ran across yet. Just wish there was more information available on some of the purple items that seem to be for crafting. I hate to vendor something that is of good use, but if it doesn't sell in AH and you can't figure out what it is good for, what choice do you have?
#79 Jul 16 2009 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
I like the game. the graphics and the play are great

#80 Jul 16 2009 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
I've been with LOTRO since two months after it opened. I enjoy the game overall. The graphics are excellent, strong storylines to follow through the various quests, and nice ideas for the crafting.

There are some areas that I'd wish would be fixed or addressed.
1. There are still too many antiexploits, particularly in Tinnadur.
2. Since updates to the starter lands for low level quests, it seems like few new quests have been added. Instead the existing quests were moved to new locations. I don't mind the move, but I'd like to see new quests with meat to them rather than superficial resource gathering. When starting new characters these lands are getting tedious with doing only quests that you've done 5 times before.
3. At levels 53+ it's extremely difficult to level up unless you grind through mobs. Would like to see more solo quests. There are plenty of quests needing fellows.
4. A major problem is the crafting economy. Crafting becomes obsolete because quest and mob drops tend to be better items than what a character can craft. Why buy craft items on the auctions when a mob drop is better? For example, the weapons crafter is obsolete because they can not make legendary weapons or something competitive. Armor drops in Angmar and Moria far surpass anything a crafter can make, even with critical successes. As prices on auction items escalate, how can anyone generate money when their crafting is out competed by their competitor, the LOTRO company (the mobs drops).

I continue to enjoy LOTRO, and would recommend to others. Because of these issues listed above, I do look elsewhere for a change, like WOW and Guildwars. I hope that LOTRO addresses these issues before adding any new content.
#81 Jul 16 2009 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
Hey all,

I started LOTRO as a founder, and have noticed more excellent changes in LOTRO than all the other MMO's that I've played. The game is great mainly because of the story. The developers have gone through and created a perfect visualization of the Lord of the Ring books. Finding those small side stories that were hinted at in the books. The gameplay is great, and the free additions over time have added more depth to the game.

All in all, LOTRO has few issues that really stand out. By far it is still a contendor in the MMO arena. The only thing I can think of to complain about is the community availability. it's god for those with large kinships, but it's still hard to find good people to hand around with. but it isn't nearly as bad as other games I've played.

#82 Jul 16 2009 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
I was a subscriber to LoTRO but I left the game. I will list some of the things that I did like then things I disliked. I haven't played since MoM first released. Some things could be different now.

I really liked the graphics of the game. I also like the fellowship focus rather than many large raids. I found the travel system immersive using horses. I enjoyed the classes BEFORE the expansion pack MoM.

I did not like the changes in the expansion pack to the classes. The classes went from unique fun classes to everyone feeling hybrid like. The burglar seemed to go from the debuffer to a dps class. The champion and guardian were tanking and dpsing. Loremaster had added dps trees when they are suppose to be crowd control. Seemed all classes could now be a dps class. I dislike that they addes a revive button for all classes, takes away from the unique ability of having a rez for some classes. Didn't really like riding goats in the mines. I would have rather had no mounts in there with only some travel take place with cutscenes on foot. I really didn't like the removal of fellowship quest through out the game, making it more solo oriented. The expansion was missing a big raid like in the original. The original didn't have much raiding but it had just enough.

If I win a free box I guess I will give it a try and see what has happened since I have been gone. Most things I could live with if the classes were brought back to what they were originally intended to do. If I happend to get a box, I will report back to give my new opinions.
#83 Jul 16 2009 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing LOTRO about a month and a half ago. I love it so far. My girlfriend saw me playing the game one day after work and now she has her own character and is more hooked than I am! I'm trying to get a few friends involved as well so that we can play together.

I'm a gamer through and though. I'm been skeptical of MMO's for awhile mainly because I'm a solo gamer and the price tag. I decided to try this one out because I looked at some videos, had some time, and I love Lord of the Rings. While questing can be similar to any MMO, the classes and races translate quite well. What separates this game from say a WoW is the lore. Tolkien had so much back story that the entire game revolves around things that are happening in the rest of Middle Earth as the fellowship is on it's own quest. Why weren't there too many dwarves in LOTR? Play the game and it'll make more sense!

I'm not usually a fan of movie-based games. Most LOTR games in general have flopped, themselves. The difference here is unlike a LOTR: Third Age, which repeats the story you already know, or a Matrix: Path of Neo which tells you a story that is supposed to bridge the gap but just might not cut it. LOTRO is based completely on Tolkien lore and theres enough of it to work. Tolkien knew what was going on in the rest of the world. This game actually follows Tolkien lore more than the movies do!

All in all its been a great experience so far. Obviously, I can talk about this for a long time so I'll stop while I'm ahead. I'd love to win a copy of LOTRO for a friend or some free months. I also look forward to reading what others have to say! See you in game!

Thonorin of Windfola
#84 Jul 16 2009 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing Lord of The Rings for 2 years now since i was 16. Been playing a Lore-Master during most of that period of time, so ive become well aquianted with the class. It hasnt been easy though, ive lost good characters to account troubles and so on and have recently started a new one that im trying to pay for. Despite the casual i hate this game scenario when you die by a large group of mobs near the end of a loooong quest or instance... I do love this game no matter what. I hope to stay with it till they reach the end of this great adventure of Lord of The Rings.
#85 Jul 16 2009 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing LOTRO back in Beta and was thoroughly impressed by the way the game came together as a whole. Even in that early period, these was such a synergy in the way the game systems worked and how the world was created. Unlike most other games I've played, the chaps at Turbine got this one right right from the beginning. Unfortunately due to monetary reasons I wasn't able to stick with the game for it's entire life cycle so far. I was, however, able to return recently for the "Welcome Back" Summer Fest event and was completely impressed. The game has only gotten better in my absence. Extremely fun gameplay. Extremely beautiful enviroments. Extreme attention paid to the LOTR lore upon which the game is based. Just a great game from the (Weather)top to the bottom (of the Mines Of Moria).
#86 Jul 16 2009 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing LOTRO since open beta and opted for the lifetime sub based on what I saw in the beginning. I am still enjoying that investment as well. I have played one other MMO, so I was familiar with the scene and mechanics. First note, the graphics and artwork are amazing!! The music is beautiful as well. The main draw for LOTRO was the emphasis on the RPG part. I am not a lore junkie, nor have I read any of he Tolkien books. Yet, I find myself hooked on the stories told within the game. The main story quest leads you along the plot of the game and thru each of the various areas within the story. The encounters with well known characters are fun. My first trip to Rivendel had me saying "'s Frodo!" It's been a real treat to be in on something this cool from the beginning. I've been able to watch the changes within the story line and the gameplay. The quests do change every so often to account for the travels of the 'fellowship', which I really have enjoyed. It's one of the main reasons why I play online. You can't help but notice how active Turbine's staff is on player forums. You really get a sense that they love what they do as many posts have a playful, sense of humour to them. I am somewhat active on the 'suggestion' forum as well and I have seen MANY player made suggestions implemented in the game. I'm not saying that they do everything we ask, but it's the little things that can really make the biggest difference. If something is not possible, it is usually explained why and not just ignored. There is sooo much to do with the game, that I'll probably never complete all the content. I would love to see 2 things added to the game (which I'll state in very general terms): 1) Freeform housing decoration 2)Non-combat professions (ie..merchant/crafter). Turbine has done a good job with so much in the game and there seems to be something for everyone's gaming style. Moria expansion added the 'legendary weapon' system which is like putting a plate of brownies in front of a chocoholic! The legendary weapons and legendary class items can be leveled. Gems/runes/settings can be combined and then added to legendary weapons/items (much like I've seen in Diablo..another game I loved). With the ability to change the line-up of player traits and legendary weapons, the game is quite a bit more customizeable than it was in the beginning.
#87 Jul 16 2009 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
Been playing LOTRO since the beginning. I love the lifetime membership. I think it is the best idea they had. Having played many other MMORPG's, I do have to say that turbine actually listened to the players.

The two things I think take away from the game are:

1.The auto targeting system could use some tweeking. Would be nice if it went to the closest threat. Or give you a hot key for targeting different threats. There was a way to do this in Asheron's Call.

2.The other thing is turbine's tendency to listen to the people complaining that one class or another is stronger then the other. Other considerations aside, One class should be better then others. If all classes were balanced then what is the use of playing one class over the other.

All in all I believe it is worth the cost of a lifetime membership.
#88 Jul 16 2009 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing LOTRO for a year, and it is a great game. I love the auction house. And I love crafting. It's an all-around great game.
#89 Jul 16 2009 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing LotRO during the preorder phase in April 07 on one of the EU servers and loved the game. After 5 days I purchased my Life Time. I even bought the US version of the game and played on those servers.

From April 07 until now LotRO was the only game i played: It was really like diving into Tolkien's great world and being able to experience some great adventures in a relaxing surrounding.

Until now. I just canceled my US-Account and moved the EU version from my SSD to the normal Hard Disk, as I no longer really only play this game.

Why? I really loved it and played nothing else!

From my point of view Turbine released with Mines of Moria an expansion that killed the original game:

LotRO is now item centric crap. Instead of really playing together everybody is only collecting items, hunting down instances one after the other to get gear to reach a certain level of radiance.
The nice and relaxing atmosphere LotRO had even on endgame during 'Shadows of Angmar' times was killed.
Sad thing.

No more fluff (like Housing, etc.), no longer a crafting system that was very simple but was integrated in the game flow, no longer hobbies to simply play ... LotRO ist now: Grind fast to toplevel (nearly 100% solo), grind reputation to get items, grind items from instances to exchange to gear which is needed to be able to grind instances for other gear.

LotRO has sadly changed into a game where many people were fleeing from: Until 'Mines of Moria' was released one was often able to hear from other players 'I quit WoW, because I really was sick of all the gear collection, item competition and grinding to be able to get to new content'
Now many people are leaving LotRO because of the same issues.

Sorry to say this: Turbine - from my point of view you really killed a great game. The question is: Does it make sense to kick many of the old players out of the game to be able to get some WoW-Players? I am quite sure that this will not work on a long term basis.

I really hope for Volume 3 that Turbine comes to their senses. I really do!
#90 Jul 16 2009 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
Played since release, well two day after since took Fed Ex time to get disc to the UK.
Graphically stunning. First release was great, as a solo player and crafter a lot of content and progress was steady. MOM and latest free content is destroying the game for the solo player, being increasingly aimed at the group and powerplayer with gear gated content and more and more the solo player has no possibility of accessing. Very few crafts are now worth pursueing, with the old problem of drops etc being better than the crafters can make. The level cap of 60 is pretty easy to solo to now but then nothing. Roll an alt or buy a new game.
#91 Jul 16 2009 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
I have been a part of Lord of the Rings Online since Open Beta, pre- Shadows of Angmar Release. I had launched my own kinship and with the help of friends let it mature to a rank 10. Despite that effort in the first year we found some incrediblw new friends on Nimrodel who where so welcoming and heartwarming that we joined Tinnu on Nimrodel and have never been happier.

I think the game captured the imagination and I would like to believe that Tolkien would be proud of the content and story the developers chose to emphesis out of the inspiration that Tolkien provided and vision that Peter Jackson brough to the motion screen.

I am now a Lifetime member and while sometimes patches and tweaks in the game might upset me or make me happy I am in it for as long as I am able to play.

I like the game so much that I have bought 4 people the game so far at my own expsense because I want my closest freidns in real life to also become my Fellowing LOTRO. In fact i just picked up another key and account for a friend I refered last week an on his 14 day trial he has already achived a level 28 Guardian.

It was helpful that the digital keys are now down to 9.95 of course :)

Now is a great time to buy the game an get involved. Early leveling has gotten so much easier, with pocket items and thigns to increase movement speed to almost doubleing the swift travel locations.

That is not to suggest that everythingi s perfect I took a few months off as I was frustrated with just how hard it was for my level 60 ministrel to get his radiance set. I still to this day only hold the pants :(

That is my only complaint though so ...

Get in the game!

I can by found on Nimrodel as Emrys, Lyrn, Orikalin, and a few others. Though I will be out this weekend at Azkatraz Harry Potter convention look around for any Tinnu uin Galadhrim member they are most helpful and hearty folk and they can be found all over.

#92 Jul 16 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent

I played LOTRO not long after it became live, and found the "realism" very refreshing. Compared to other MMO's that take pop culture references and infuse them into game play, I enjoyed a fantasy setting that took itself seriously.

I quit for a year or so, not so much because I didn't enjoy the game, but moreso due to needing a change of scenery, but recently came back a few months ago. There have been an abundance of updates/changes and it has felt like playing a new game from the start.

Pros -

1. Nice visuals, both on character look and scenery (The Shire is glorious!)
2. Crafting is a lot of fun, and something I didn't attempt my first time around.
3. Other players tend to be very curteous and willing to lend information if needed.
4. Leveling is somewhat slow, which I really like. If I level up to fast, it loses it's excietement.
5. Lots of quests, both solo and fellowship. No need to grind anymore if you don't want to.
6. I love the trait system. Gives grinding a legitimate purpose.

Cons -

1. Characters seem a bit unbalanced, with some classes overpowered or just bland. (minor quibble)
2. More character customization upon creation. Too many people look similar/same.
3. Better mount customization. I love riding, but how about being able to dress them up a bit, nothing silly
or unrealistic, just so every mount doesn't look the same.
4. I wish the music was a little more grandiose. Some is good, most is just forgettable.

Overall, this is the best fantasy setting MMO I have played, and it's not really close. The mood and setting is great for players who like a serious game and even enjoy roleplaying a little here and there.
#93 Jul 16 2009 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
I started the trial about 2 weeks ago, and got right into leveling; about five days into the trial I decided to buy the whole game, and am now working my way through the 30 free days. My highest character is 41, and I have to say that I am thoroughly enjoying the leveling process and have encountered many helpful and insightful players along the way. A good community helps make a good game even better, and this is a near perfect game.

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 5:38pm by Unmoved
#94 Jul 16 2009 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Why do I play Lord of the Rings Online? One word "minstrel". From the beginning (2nd beta) I've been a minstrel, and there is no changing that anytime soon. The classes are always changing in LOTRO, demanding that you evolve or go home. With the minstrel nothing has been the same for us since we were given "war speech" (WS). And now with 3 different class trait lines, and a plethora of legendary weapon options, you can be the burst healer, the buff healer, or the warrior Skald that kicks *** up and down the streets of middle-earth.

I’ve played some other MMO's SWG, PSO, and WoW (for 15 min once like 3 years ago). But through all of it I had my nose in a Tolkien book. Now with my minstrel it’s not just my nose that’s in middle-earth, it’s my whole world.
#95 Jul 16 2009 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent

Ive been playing for a year now. I have a lifetime Sub with Lotro. It has so many different things to do From PvE to PvP, crafting, questing - solo and grouping, the end content is challenging and fun. Its a great mix of people. You have all ages, men and women, singles, married couples, BF and GF, all playing together. The amount of content is awsome every area is huge. I still find places I havent been even after a year.

Things that I would like to see. Improved housing more hooks for things and different rooms ie a trophy room. More furniture selection. Id like to see a stable to put my horse in, I dont want them in my bags or vault any more, and id liked to see the horse or goat roam around. Speaking off bags need one more row Horizontal and vertical. I'd also like to be able to take my old weapons that i think are cool and have them mounted and be able to display them in my house. More armor design alot off toons are starting to look alike. More Character custamization. work on the Helms and hats and stop making all the high end lite armour robs.

We need another Player vs Player area. More advanced. NPC in the monster areas that can kill players and are a challenge to kill. Less bugging out of the NPC would be nice. Stop catering to the Creeps and their whining they are a smaller part off the big picture. Dont get me wrong I luv playing my creeps!!

Keep up the content and the areas - I want to see the lonely Mountain! I still go to Forochel so dont think people dont apprciate the content.

More Players - Come Join Lotro youll have a ton of fun.

Over all a great Job they have done. I hope other franchise's will learn from them.
#96 Jul 16 2009 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
I also was a ex WoW player and swg, but when this game first came out it was ok, some classes were especially better then others but as time went on the server i randomly picked soon dropped to the lowest population(Vilya). The only thing that I wish they do is a server Merge, I just don't think their is enough people interrested in this game as much to really populate the servers again. As low pop servers age, high pop servers become more fun and more and more people join those rather then the lower pop ones.

Content also durring leveling now is fine, but once you achieve endgame and have a kin that actually runs stuff(rare on vilya at least) its meh. Far from the endgame content of when I played WoW.

*Also I'd like to add that they need to stop making low level gear for rep in a high lvl area, forochel for example is 42 armor in a 44+ zone which by the time you do the quest to get friend, you are 47 and it was useless content added, would rather seen a L50 or L60 2nd rad set.

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 5:45pm by Whitemn
#97 Jul 16 2009 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing LOTR for a year and a half. Because the content is now gated for raiders only, at the end of this month I can also say I played LOTR for a year and a half.

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 5:42pm by mrreese
#98 Jul 16 2009 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
Have you tried the game?
Yes, I have been playing for about a year now. Having played a couple previous MMO's, the switch was a welcomed change. Whether you wish to play casual or hardcore, there seems to be a nice mixture of both.

What do you like about it?
I have always enjoy the lore surrounding the world of Middle Earth, from the books to the big screen movies, I found it all intriguing. So to see it come to life in an exploring/roleplaying video game is fascinating to me. The gameplay is very addictive, and to have a storyline to follow, and knowing there is so much more to come, keeps me in the moment.

What don't you like about it?
At first I loved the crafting system of LOTRO, but since the release of Mines of Moria and the introduction of Legendary Items/Weapons, the need for crafted weapons has majorly declined, along with the Radiance gear and the need for tailored/metalsmithed armour.
#99 Jul 16 2009 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
I first entered into the world of The Lord of the Rings Online back during the last few phases of Beta. I enjoyed the atmosphere, feel, combat, items and exploration, and this was before areas like Evendim, Moria and Eregion. I then decided to return to the game after a year or two and I'm glad I didn't wait any longer! I've been playing since March 17th of this year and it's been a blast! I haven't run out of things to do and overall, the Turbine team has done a good job so far. My only complaint is that the past month seems to have had a lot of server downtime, but it's not a big deal!

I'm looking forward to sticking with the game as every last corner of Middle-Earth is brought into the game!

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 5:43pm by Rathdyr
#100 Jul 16 2009 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent I'm now 19. I remember one of my good friends around the time I was 12 telling me stories from the Lord of the Rings universe and fell in love with the characters & tales she was telling me. So I got the books. I read through the books and fell in LOVE with Tolkien's universe. Then the Peter Jackson's movies came out...let me tell you I saw the Fellowship of the Ring (Extended Version) at least 21 times. Needless to say I was obbsessed with the movies, books, and even the games they created based on the Tolkien works.

A few years back I remember everyone was getting into the whole WOW (World of Warcraft) phase and really wanted involved because it seemed really cool. However, the monthly fees were a high price to pay do to me not having a job at the time. So I got into the Guild Wars games in fell in love with them. MMORPG's are AMAZING! Then I found out they were making a LOTR one and I was in shock. Finally I could live out my dream of being a Elf killing orcs and goblins with my arrows while Frodo is off trying to get the damned ring destroyed. However like WOW it had a montly fee. I broke down trying to find a way to get my father to let me DO the lifetime membership option but he said it was a waste of money. Two years pass on waiting for a price drop and I just gave up and bought the game just to play it for the free 30 days that it came with. This was 2 days ago...and I am OBSESSED with the online LOTR game. It is purely genius to create Tolkien's world into a MMORPG form. It even sticks to the Tolkien lore which made me happy! I am seriousally trying to find a way to get the 300 bucks for the lifetime membership because it totally is worth it. They (the company behind the game) haven't even completed the whole world that Tolkien has created yet but what they have accomplished is already a huge chunk of it. They followed Tolkien's descriptionsand created a Middle Earth that is totally worth immersing yourself in for hours on end. I TRUELY love this game and wish for more! I am on the edge of my seat waiting for Rohan and Helm's Deep to be created. The Two Towers was my favorite book in the series and I really wanna see how the LOTRO creater's create the battle of Helm's Deep. From what I can tell from what they have already will be epic!!!

Sorry this is a long post. I just really wanted to share my appreciation for them (the makers of this game) for creating a world that I lived in (through reading, movies, and my imagination) since my childhood and actually making it good.
#101 Jul 16 2009 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
Since it's launch I did nothing but make fun of lotro and refused to give it a chance. At the time I was playing another MMO on a casual basis, but I had become disinterested in playing it anymore. I tried 2 other new games as they released but they didnt hold me I decided why not try Lotro.

Best gaming decision I have made since puying DAoC back in the day.

Lotro has grabbed me from character creation and keeps holding me with story line and character development. The game world is amazingly well designed and the quests keep me engaged and wanting to complete them all.

I highly recommend lotro to all of my friends now and promise them not every other person is named xLegolasx.
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