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SE says Chrono Trigger isn't selling well enough for sequelFollow

#1 Jun 10 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Excellent
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And all this time, I thought they reserved the good drugs for the people that work on FFXI.
#2 Jun 10 2009 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
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*Eye twitch*

Just goes to show how out of touch Square is, and really always has been, with their player base. Then again, I suppose 3 million copies isn't that much (though 2.36 million for a 1995 game is pretty impressive). And Chrono Cross only sold 1.5 million. By comparison, Final Fantasy XII has sold 5.1 million, and is a craptastic game. Heck, Final Fantasy IX, widely regarded as the black sheep of the FF franchise, sold more than XII (though I'm sure XII's sales will continue to rise as time goes by).

Thinking about it, I guess it makes sense why they wouldn't make a new one. A crappy Final Fantasy gets twice as many buyers for name recognition alone. That the story is so superior doesn't really matter. Which is why I wish that ROM game would go through :-(
#3 Jun 10 2009 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
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To compare it to other games around that time, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past has sold over 4 million copies, including re-releases. Final Fantasy VI sold 4.2 million, including re-releases. Really, 3 million isn't bad for a game released around that time.
#4 Jun 10 2009 at 11:51 AM Rating: Excellent
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SE wrote:
Our lawyers said to shut down Crimson Echoes even though we don't care about the series at all. Have we mentioned we love your money lately? Take our crap and buy our stuff!

#5 Jun 10 2009 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
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They aren't talking about original sales though. It's a slightly misleading statement.

Square Enix is talking about sales of the DS re-release. Which of course, is an even worse statement, since just because people love Chrono Trigger, that doesn't mean they are going to go out and buy a re-release of a decade + old game for 60 USD and play it again.

Chrono Trigger DS had horrible sales. It was a HIGHLY pirated piece of software. Square Enix is not happy about the DS piracy and how abundant it is. They feel that it is not worth making new games if everyone is just going to download it rather than purchase it. It's a waste of money in their mind to spend money to develop new games if they are just going to lose money.

Square Enix games for the DS are top of the list for piracy downloads. Square Enix knows this. It's their right to halt production as a protest to piracy. In fact, it's the best thing for them to do to give pirates a wake up call.

"If you don't stop pirating these games, we will just stop making them!"

But that said, I think 59.95 is WAY too much for a DS game, especially one that is merely a re-release of a previous game.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#6 Jun 10 2009 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
TirithRR wrote:
But that said, I think 59.95 is WAY too much for a DS game, especially one that is merely a re-release of a previous game.
Oh wow, I didn't even realize it was that expensive. What the hell are they thinking?

Also, Chrono Trigger is just as overrated as FF7.
#7 Jun 10 2009 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
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NixNot wrote:
TirithRR wrote:
But that said, I think 59.95 is WAY too much for a DS game, especially one that is merely a re-release of a previous game.
Oh wow, I didn't even realize it was that expensive. What the hell are they thinking?

Also, Chrono Trigger is just as overrated as FF7.

Or maybe it was 49.95? I dunno...

New DS games are way to expensive.

Just look at the current Chrono Trigger DS price:

They still want 40 USD for it.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#8 Jun 10 2009 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
It's 39.99 new. I bought one, it's definitely worth it because its hard to find the original game either on snes or FF anthology. Probably in a few months it will go down to 29.99 like other FF games do.

Piracy really is a problem though, even the GTA game and retro game challenge got hammered on sales because of it. People wonder why there is so much shovelware on nintendo platforms. It's because a lot of the cooler games don't sell.

So SE will start to take a second look at making DS games, and maybe shift focus to more things that cant be pirated, like DSIware and Wiiware. WTG people.
#9 Jun 10 2009 at 5:43 PM Rating: Excellent
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The Neispace of Doom wrote:
and maybe shift focus to more things that cant be pirated, like DSIware and Wiiware. WTG people.

Wiiware can be pirated. Not that hard. The same emulator plays Gamecube, Wii, and Wiiware games.

(Not that I would know this, of course)

DSIware is not yet pirated, they have the files, but haven't cracked the code that locks them to the DSi they were downloaded to. The only reason I believe they haven't is because there isn't a huge demand for them.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#10 Jun 11 2009 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
Im not surprised the DS version of Chrono Trigger didn't sell well. I mean alot of people prob played the original or they bought and played the Playstation 1 release. I love the game but I wasn't about to go out and spend $40 on it AGAIN just because its on a newer system.

#11 Jun 11 2009 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
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Trith wrote:

Can you pirate a ps3 game, 360 game, or wii game yet?

There's nothing stopping square from actually putting effort into an epic new game on a system that isn't prone to piracy. That's exactly what Chrono Cross was, and that game was ******* awesome, except for the fact that it didn't actually have anything to do with Chrono Trigger.
#12 Jun 11 2009 at 11:58 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
I first played Chrono Trigger on an SNES emulator. I would have played the playstation re-release, but by the time I found it, my PS2 couldn't play PS games anymore.

I have a DS. I would not pay more than $20 for the second re-release of CT. I would buy a sequel for easily up to $60.

Edit: Well, no. Not if it were a DS game. PS2 or PS3, definitely. I'm currently waiting for FF13 to buy a PS3. I would buy one now if they made a good sequel to CT on it.

Edited, Jun 11th 2009 3:01pm by Ehcks
#13 Jun 11 2009 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
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Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
Trith wrote:

Can you pirate a ps3 game, 360 game, or wii game yet?

There's nothing stopping square from actually putting effort into an epic new game on a system that isn't prone to piracy. That's exactly what Chrono Cross was, and that game was @#%^ing awesome, except for the fact that it didn't actually have anything to do with Chrono Trigger.

Xbox 360 is easily modified to play pirated games. But you can get banned permanently from Xbox Live when caught. (They catch you from your game copies missing certain security sectors on the disc and from playing games earlier than their release date in your region).

Wii can be both soft modded using game exploits and hard modded using chips to install what they call a "Homebrew Channel" that will let you play pirated games and even emulate other systems.

Currently PS3 is the only system that can't be pirated. Sony did a pretty good job with it. They all but eliminated access to the portion of the system that handles graphics when you are running Linux, making it impossible to play pirated games by using the Linux OS on your PS3. That and the fairly new hardware (Blueray) is a hurdle that hasn't been overcome yet.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#14 Jun 11 2009 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
4,445 posts
ITs kind of a rip off at $40 on the DS I mean its not like they added any real interesting features to make it playable again for people? Also if they had really wanted to they could have put this game on the Wii shop channel for $8 to $10. Sure it wouldn't have the cut scenes but Cut Scenes are not worth $30 more.

If they were to make a sequel I would gladly buy it for $40 on the DS (or $50 to $60 if it was on the 360 system).
#15 Jun 11 2009 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
It was 79.99 on the SNES, I find it ironic. Good thing piracy wasn't that easy back in the snes days.
#16 Jun 11 2009 at 11:24 PM Rating: Excellent
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"If you don't stop pirating these games, we will just stop making them!"

Really the flippant attitude just makes me want to pirate their games. I've never pirated any game before, but this spiteful whining **** works in two directions.

So... ***** them. You have to be all kinds of isolated from your fans if you don't realize that they want a sequel to what was many people consider the best game ever made. If they don't want it pirated then they could make something for a home console, apparently for the 360 or ps3 since apparently they are harder to pirate.

Put that white engine to use or something.
#17 Jun 12 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Excellent
2,793 posts
In a way I'm glad they aren't working on a sequel right now. This isn't the Squaresoft of old, this is the company content to pump out crap like Dirge of Cerberus and let the words "Final Fantasy" stamped on it try and make the sales happen while the game(s) are simply not up to the standard past games set and often are plain total CRAP. So I figure if they don't do it now, they can't ruin it, and maybe someday a much improved Square will do it...Or go belly up and get eaten by a smarter company..

#18 Jun 12 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
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Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
If they don't want it pirated then they could make something for a home console, apparently for the 360 or ps3 since apparently they are harder to pirate.

I don't follow the PS3 mod scene too closely, but I would say think that something will happen with it before this year is over.

They just recently cracked the PSP 3000 model, which was previously untouchable (unlike the 1000 and most 2000 models).
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#19 Jun 12 2009 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
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thatdamnelf wrote:
In a way I'm glad they aren't working on a sequel right now. This isn't the Squaresoft of old, this is the company content to pump out crap like Dirge of Cerberus and let the words "Final Fantasy" stamped on it try and make the sales happen while the game(s) are simply not up to the standard past games set and often are plain total CRAP. So I figure if they don't do it now, they can't ruin it, and maybe someday a much improved Square will do it...Or go belly up and get eaten by a smarter company..

Oh Christ, so true. That rates in my top three worst videogame purchases ever. Might even be number one, actually.

1. Dirge of Cerberus
2. Pokemon Stadium
3. A tie: The Sims (played it for one hour and HATED it) and Harvest Moon 64 (because I bought it for $65 on eBay... great game, paid way too much).
#20 Jun 12 2009 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
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LockeColeMA wrote:
3. A tie: The Sims (played it for one hour and HATED it) and Harvest Moon 64 (because I bought it for $65 on eBay... great game, paid way too much).

Unless you paid a very small price for the Sims, I don't see how you can really compare those two. If you enjoyed Harvest Moon 64 and got many hours of enjoyment out of it, it was a good purchase. Hell, I spent something like $80 for Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen, and easily rate the $10 I spent on one of the Lord of the Rings games as a much worse purchase.
#21 Jun 12 2009 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
In a way I'm glad they aren't working on a sequel right now. This isn't the Squaresoft of old, this is the company content to pump out crap like Dirge of Cerberus and let the words "Final Fantasy" stamped on it try and make the sales happen while the game(s) are simply not up to the standard past games set and often are plain total CRAP. So I figure if they don't do it now, they can't ruin it, and maybe someday a much improved Square will do it...Or go belly up and get eaten by a smarter company..

They could at least have the decency to give it to someone else like they gave.. I think it was Monolith, the Xenogears story.

Pity that Monolith never finished it.
#22 Jun 12 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Excellent
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The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
3. A tie: The Sims (played it for one hour and HATED it) and Harvest Moon 64 (because I bought it for $65 on eBay... great game, paid way too much).

Unless you paid a very small price for the Sims, I don't see how you can really compare those two. If you enjoyed Harvest Moon 64 and got many hours of enjoyment out of it, it was a good purchase. Hell, I spent something like $80 for Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen, and easily rate the $10 I spent on one of the Lord of the Rings games as a much worse purchase.

I suppose I should have mentioned that HM64 was GREAT!... until I played HM: Back to Nature (the PS game) and realized that the reason HM64 wasn't sold in stores any more was because it was only a Beta version of HM:BTN.

I did like it, but it was nowhere near worth $65 :-P
#23 Jun 12 2009 at 12:07 PM Rating: Default
Really the flippant attitude just makes me want to pirate their games. I've never pirated any game before, but this spiteful whining sh*t works in two directions.

So... ***** them. You have to be all kinds of isolated from your fans if you don't realize that they want a sequel to what was many people consider the best game ever made. If they don't want it pirated then they could make something for a home console, apparently for the 360 or ps3 since apparently they are harder to pirate.

uhh..pensive the reason why they will stop making them is because it's a loss. They can't make money on it. So what if they want a sequel, if people are going to just pirate it to the point where they get no return on investment, they will have to deal.

What they see is that they released chrono trigger, it performed very poorly, and it makes them wonder if enough people would buy as opposed to pirate a sequel. A sequel would cost even more to develop and would just increase the loss. I'm sure they also looked and grand theft auto: china town wars and noticed how underperforming another big DS title is. It's not spiteful, its them just wondering if for all the want, enough people will actually buy the thing.
#24 Jun 12 2009 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
The Neispace of Doom wrote:
Really the flippant attitude just makes me want to pirate their games. I've never pirated any game before, but this spiteful whining sh*t works in two directions.

So... ***** them. You have to be all kinds of isolated from your fans if you don't realize that they want a sequel to what was many people consider the best game ever made. If they don't want it pirated then they could make something for a home console, apparently for the 360 or ps3 since apparently they are harder to pirate.

uhh..pensive the reason why they will stop making them is because it's a loss. They can't make money on it. So what if they want a sequel, if people are going to just pirate it to the point where they get no return on investment, they will have to deal.

What they see is that they released chrono trigger, it performed very poorly, and it makes them wonder if enough people would buy as opposed to pirate a sequel. A sequel would cost even more to develop and would just increase the loss. I'm sure they also looked and grand theft auto: china town wars and noticed how underperforming another big DS title is. It's not spiteful, its them just wondering if for all the want, enough people will actually buy the thing.

This, it isnt even totally about pirating, low sales for CTDS could very well mean that newer gamers arnt interested in CT, therefore making a sequal just for fans would be a pretty bad move, they need to have more support than that.

this is the company content to pump out crap like Dirge of Cerberus and let the words "Final Fantasy" stamped on it try and make the sales happen while the game(s) are simply not up to the standard past games set and often are plain total CRAP

Crisis Core says hi.
#25 Jun 12 2009 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
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LockeColeMA wrote:
I suppose I should have mentioned that HM64 was GREAT!... until I played HM: Back to Nature (the PS game) and realized that the reason HM64 wasn't sold in stores any more was because it was only a Beta version of HM:BTN.

I did like it, but it was nowhere near worth $65 :-P

Yeah, that's different.
#26 Jun 12 2009 at 11:22 PM Rating: Excellent
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Crisis Core says hi.
Used to be one could assume if it put out by Square, you could safely assume it was good. Rare were the not so good games. cough Mystic Quest cough Now thats reversed, I find myself wary of plunking down any money on pre-orders for anything they make. I now have to "wait and see".

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