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Venture into Hyboria ContestFollow

#127 Apr 22 2009 at 6:28 AM Rating: Excellent
56 posts
“Here I go again, the gullible Ipthar, on another strange expedition.” But being an adventurous and trusting monk, I’m not one for skepticism. Unfortunately, since I’m not one to pass on a drink either, the gullibility increases, as does my curiosity.

So here I am, running across the deserts of Sunderock Springs, headed toward the dreaded Endless Geyser. Now truth be told, I’m not stupid, but when a high elf wizard, whose lineage speaks of high intelligence and honor, tells me of a wonderful place to meditate, it’s hard not to believe what she’s telling me. Unless of course she’s still mad at me for knocking over a tray of drinks onto her scrolls. Anyway, I digress.

“In the center of the Endless Geyser, much like the eye of a hurricane, is a calm point that many legendary monks have used for meditation. The spiraling steam blocks all view from the outside world, eliminating any distractions and allowing peace of mind and body,” she says with a flicker of what looks like a smirk.

“Soundth great, but that geyther kills anybody that goesth near it. What makesh me, or any osher monks, special that my shkin won’t boil off from the shteam?” I slur as I take another draw off my mead.

“I have this little trinket that contains an enchantment to ward off any effects of the steam. All you have to do is wear it. Of course you’ll have to make it there safely on your own. The enchantment won’t keep you safe from anything that might want to eat you. Once there you can meditate to a level of enlightenment of which you’ve never dreamed.”

As I stupidly stare at my empty mug, I say “Okay, I’ll take it. Quellioush knows I could ushe a good medi…medita…mastication….mediation….you know, what you shaid.”

When I awoke this morning, with a lovely hangover, I realized how much of an idiot I made myself to be. Now everyone in that bar, who I know very well, will be expecting me to make this stupid trek. Probably even taking bets on how long I last. In preparation for this little venture, I recruited a couple of friends to come find my carcass and resurrect me should I not return in five days time.

Well, I’ve finally reached the geyser, that lovely spiraling column of steamy death. Having placed the talisman on my person, I slowly walk toward the geyser, settling my mind into a trance that would allow my body to be destroyed without pain. As I enter, I feel nothing but warm sulfurous air rushing up my nostrils, but no searing pain. I finally reach the calm center of the spiral, not believing that what the wizard had told me was actually true. When I look down, I see heat sores on my skin and my clothes are slowly falling apart. I start to feel the heat of the steam, my trance slowly ebbing away. As the heat starts to affect me more rapidly, I notice the talisman beginning to glow. In a sudden flash, a super eruption of the geyser hits my body. “STUPID HIGH ELF!!!!” I scream as my body is shot upward, passing me to unconsciousness.
When I awake, I find myself on a cot, naked and only covered by an animal skin. Sitting up, I see my clothes and leather armor pieces sitting on the floor next to my cot, soaked and shredded beyond recognition.

I hear the clanging of metal outside of the room I’m in. Metal workers? Hmmm.

Right then, a large heavily muscled woman enters carrying in a large bowl of what must be soup. “Ahhh, you are awake, little man. Are you hungry? You have slept for four nights.”

“Was a new inn built in Halas? I’m not familiar with this one.”

“Halas? What is Halas? Is that your home? Must be far away since I’ve never heard of it.”

“It is the home city of the barbarians of Norrath. Wait…you’ve never heard of Halas? Where am I?”

“You are in my village in Poitain.”

“Poitain? Is this not the land of Norrath?” I ask, begging Quellious to let me wake in my own bed.

“Norrath? No, you’re in Hyboria, land of our King Conan!”

Edited, Apr 22nd 2009 9:28am by Ipthar
#128 Apr 22 2009 at 6:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Omegavegeta's Last Night at the Steamingship

It was a Wednesday night in the city of Bastok, much like any other. Actually, for our “Hero” it was exactly like every other. Omegavegeta was at the Steaming Ship Restaurant’s bar & he was drunk.

He wasn’t just a little drunk, either. You know that drunk you get where you smile so much your face hurts the next day, you’ve pissed off every man, women, Tarutaru, Mithra (who are really all dudes anyway), & Galka in your linkshell, & you may have pissed in a bottle instead of walking the 15 feet to the bathroom? Omegavegeta wasn’t that drunk. He was long past it.

Now, the Steaming Ship is located in the port of Bastok, so it catered to a diverse crowd of peoples who had traveled from all over Vana'diel
via airship. Normally, allowing two loud, sloppy, & smelly drunks in a Restaurant that catered to tourists would be bad for business. But these weren‘t your normal loud, sloppy, & smelly drunks. These drunks were legends throughout Vana'diel. Their fierce debates & drunken shenanigans were legends in their own rights & entertained the constant stream of tourists through the port.

Omegavegeta sat & argued the details of past adventures with Oggbi, his master & everyday drinking partner. Oggbi was a Galkan who’s size was only rivaled by his smell. Both Oggbi & Omegavegeta were legends in Bastok for the many things they had accomplished in the past. However, it had been ages since either of them had done anything but get wasted in the Steaming Ship. While this saddened the people of Bastok, their past deeds came with privileges. The most important of which, was the ability to put anything at the Steaming Ship on the President’s tab.

This particular privilege was related to a deal Omegavegeta made years ago, in order to help the country with this problem they had with something referred too as The Emptiness. When Oggbi brings it up to Omegavegeta, it sends a full bodied wretch through his entire being. “Most humans would be proud that they saved all of Vana'diel from an Apocalypse,” said Oggbi.

“The months I spent farming CCB polymers, getting my *** kicked by Ouryu, & being shot at by Ultimate weapons paid off how?”, Omegavegeta lamented. “Just so I could get to Sea & get eaten by a shark, or sat on by a fracking UFO? For what!? So I could spend even more time in Limbus or getting slapped around by Promithia herself? No thanks, I’ll get drunk.”

“At least you got free booze out of it though. I still have to teach racist humans to Howling Fist everyday in order to drink,” replied Oggbi.

“We’re not racist, we just fear what we don’t understand,” said Omegavegeta. “Like the Galkan reproductive system. Seriously, where’s the fun in that?” Oggbi sighed dejectedly in response & took another shot.

Oggbi trained the Monks of Vana'diel in the ways of the martial arts. Not just Bastok’s, all of them. Every Tarutaru who dreamed of Dragon Kicking a Yagudo in the face (*Without the aid of knee joints. The diminutive Tarutaru don’t have them), every pompous Elvaan who longed to Shoulder Tackle an Orc (*Who’s own racial handicapped relegated every fighting stance Oggbi taught them, without fail, to look gay. And not just gay. We’re talking Nixnot gay.), every Mithra who wanted to level high enough to Asuran fists (*So that, without fail, they could seduce an unsuspecting Paladin out of some gil & gear), & every human who strived to use Spin Attack (*And aggro a bunny that wipes their entire party) went to Oggbi. As did his Galkan brothers, but as long as they wore their Republic Subligars he was ok with them. Oggbi’s sick like that.

“What about defeating the Shadowlord?” asked Oggbi. “Surely the money your were paid & your hero status were a reward enough?”

“Jesus, don’t bring that up,” Omegavegeta said in a hushed tone. “Me & Cornelia kinda had a thing going after. Her Dad found out & let’s just say if it wasn’t for that Emptiness thing happening when it did I’d be dead.”

“And you’d of had to pay for your drinks,” said Oggbi.

“That was certainly one of your better ideas, master,” Omegavegeta replied. They knocked their glasses together & took another shot. “Unlike those fracking Beat Cesti.”

Oggbi let out a laugh that reverberated throughout the room. “That poor Wandering Ghost! All he caries are those old Beat Cesti that no Monk in their right minds would want, yet he gets his *** beat constantly.”

“You’re a cruel master,” stated Omegavegeta.

“Come on man,” replied Oggbi, “I have to get my laughs where I can. Like your black belt!” At the mere mention of which, Omegavegeta vomits in his mouth a little. “How many Adamantoises has it been now?”

“29,” states Omegavegeta.

“At least it’s not 30,” Oggbi exclaimed.

“That doesn’t count my crappy lots with Aspidochelone,” Omegavegeta sighed.

“It is called The Valley of Sorrows for a reason,” said Oggbi.

Omegavegeta takes another shot. Just then, a stranger approaches them from behind. She is human, but dressed not in anything that resembles Vana'diel armor. Well, it resembles armor. It’s just a two piece. She has long, red hair, & carries a huge friggin’ broadsword.

“I’ve heard your stories, Omegavegeta, & I have a proposition for you.” she says.

“I think he may be a tad too drunk for propositions, dear.” replied Oggbi.

“Quiet, Galka.” Omegavegeta replied. “If you ***** this up for me I’m sending you back to the mines!” Omegavegeta then turned to the strange women & asked, “What can I do for you?”

“How would you like to never spend days punching crabs, ever again?” she asked.

“Sounds interesting, but I gave that up all ready,” said Omegavegeta. “I honestly haven’t been motivated to log in for ages for fear that if I did I might actually punch a crab. Once I start, I might do it for months on end again and I really don’t think my girlfriend could take it.”

“Log in? Girlfriend?” she asks while leaning over & giving me a direct view down her armor.

“Crap, I just broke the 4th wall didn’t I?” Omegavegeta stammered. “Never mind, your body is enough to get me slightly interested in whatever it is you have to say. Speak!”

“My name is Red Sonja, I am a Cimmerian from a land far away seeking a hero such as yourself who may be motivated to “log in” again & fight crabs for hours on end!” she stated.

“Now you’re doing it,” Oggbi corrected her.

“What,” she asked?

“The 4th wall thing,” said Omegavegeta.

“Does it really matter,” she asked? “The land of Hyboria has these,” she stated as she dropped her top.

“Who cares,” asked Oggbi? “We have Dynamis,” he exclaimed!

“I’m going with her,” said Omegavegeta. And with that, the two of them walked out of the bar.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#129 Apr 22 2009 at 7:25 AM Rating: Default
Crush, kill, defend... My avatar might not be smart enough to understand how to teleport, mix wicked potions, or even whether to drink or apply them, but allies can pick up the slack. Keep the adventures coming!
#130 Apr 22 2009 at 7:42 AM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
I jumped from my mount and darted into a nearby cave. Hiding behind a rock pile I watched as the rogue ran by the cave entrance. I had escaped. As I worked up the nerve to leave and continue on my journey, I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye. Something any dwarf loves to see: Treasure!

Quickly I jumped up and scurried over to the shining jewel protruding from the icy ground. Pick axe in hand i began to chip away at the ground until it relented it's grasp on my gem. I placed my new find my knapsack and as soon as I latched the clasp I heard, and felt, a rumble.

"Cave in!" I yelled. Why, I don't know. I was alone after all and if anyone heard me it would likely have been the nearby horde. I had to take action. I dashed towards the cave entrance, but not fast enough. The entrance had caved in. I was trapped. Not to be discouraged I ran back into the cave looking any other possible way out. It was different now, the cave in didn't only block off the entrance, but opened an entire cavern.

Residing in the cavern was, quite simply, a beautiful druid. Though seemingly isolated from the rest of the world she appeared healthy. She opened her mouth to speak and it was immediately clear I was not welcome. As if transformed, she yelled in an evil, wretched scream of a voice,

"How dare you disturb my rest! I will make you pay, young dwarf. The magic in this cave is MINE!"

She raised her hands and a swarm of insects gathered at her fingertips. She chanted in some language I was unfamiliar with and cast the insects upon me. Frightened I ran. As fast as I could. It was futile and the insects caught me. They picked me up by my cloak and carried me through a crack in the ceiling of the cave. Momentarily, I thought perhaps I was saved. The insects had a different plan. I was carried, far away from Azeroth. After hours of travel I could not help but fall asleep.

When I woke, I thought I had dreamt of the cave. It was soon realized, however, that it was not a dream. And I was in a new land entirely. A large man approached me where I lay. I was reluctant to communicate with this strange person, but I had to know where I was.

"Hyboria," is all he replied.

Well, at least I still had my gem.
#131 Apr 22 2009 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
Im a taru.

"He has seen too much" he replied.

Next thing I knew, it was snowing in the desert. Scorching sun silenced by his powerful dark magic. As I sat there, waiting to see what these horrible monkey people were going to do to me, I spotted my weapons a mere 10feet from me. I look at the apes, and at my weapons, then the apes, weapons, apes, weapons, apes, they look away and now's my chance! I roll up onto my feet and make a mad dash for my weapons, but they see me!

An ape cried out at me "HHEY! What do you think your doing????"

I didn't listen, all I could think about was getting away from them. I grab my staff, cast fire on my restraints and stand facing them.

"You think your going to get away??" an ape said chuckling at the thought. I replied in a deep voice "You do not know who you are dealing with....I AM THE GREAT FEISEI!!! I blow monkeys for breakfast!" "....." they stare at me confused. I stared back, red faced. "I ment to say blow up..." as they start cracking up and pointing their fingers at me i grow enraged. SO MAD THAT I TURNED INTO A EXSPERE USING HULK! I grabbed one by his throat, popping his head right off with my GREEN hulk arms. Grabbed another, ripping his nose off of his face! Another! Another! My anger grew.


Next thing I saw was giant eagles flying through the sky.

"This is Hyboria, can i help you up?" A maidens voice surely had to be coming from this beautiful woman's mouth.

(Hyboria....Where did I end up?...What did I get myself into?)
#132 Apr 22 2009 at 8:46 AM Rating: Excellent
178 posts
after several months drinking away my gil in the merry minstrel, i, a lonely drunken taru bard, got sick of the hustle and bustle of Jeuno and headed out for some real adventure. my travels took me first across the lands of of vana'diel, but not to my surprise i was quick to realize that i had seen all there was to see in known lands.
it was while making camp one night on the cliffs of gustaburg when i came across a group of thieves that said they knew of a truly adventurous land where a taru could really make a name for himself.
tho they couldn't tell me where to find this land they did give me the name Hyboria.
after a few months traveling and asking questions i had still learned nothing...that's when it all happened.
late one night while drinking the last of my ale and old mage stumbled out of the brush near my camp with wild tales of a land across the sea called...Hyboria. i told him i had been on a quest to find this land when he reached out, grabbed my arm and the world around me melted away.
when i awake the old man was not to be found, however i was surrounded by a band brigands. it didn't take long for me to lull them to sleep with a song when out of nowhere comes a barbarian the likes of which i have never seen. he quickly dispatched the entire band of brigands, then sitting next to me he offered his hand as said...
I am Conan.
#133 Apr 22 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Excellent
I walked down this one colored road as I came to think of how ugly I was. I looked around and noticed everything else was as bad looking as me. As of lately everything have seemed so dull and boring; troll and undead alike. So I sat down next to a squared tree (or bush, I'm not sure) thinking of what to do. My first thought was to change my way of life, maybe hang with more grown ups rather than children. So I did, and guess what suddenly my muscles were bulking like never before, and for once my face looked normal. And it wasn't just me that had changed; the whole world looked better now. But for some obscure reason it seemed as though not everything was going as smooth as before. No problem I thought, I just put on some different clothes, upgraded my hardware so to say. Everything went back to normal, except me, I felt refreshed in every way. I took another look around, and now everything looked fabolous. Every aspect of my life was improved, it looked like I've entered a different universe.

Where it used to be a sign with the name "Azeroth" printed on it, it had been replaced with "Hyboria". I understood little of this, but I couldn't care less, cause' with my new friends and clothes I was having a blast!
#134 Apr 22 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Dusk suppressed a shiver as she eyed the wreckage of the ship. The spine was broken and the hull breached by the surrounding fangs of ice. Waves of near-frozen water lapped about its seaward side, drifting in and out of planks so frozen that the boards would never rot. Yet the wane sunlight glittered and shone in the covering of ice and refracted from the crystals of salt. The wrecked ship in its cocoon of ice was both a horrible and beautiful sight.

Like most of Forochel, that frozen land of northern Middle-earth, it was beautiful, serene, and ice-cold deadly.

She picked her way carefully, hands staying close to her daggers, as she approached the ship. She didn't really want to explore the wreckage. But it drew her, a moth to its cold flame, simply by being so different from the rest of the wasteland. Dusky had never really thought of herself as an adventurer, and explorer, but more of an opportunist. Still, with that much ice, the ship had to have been there some time. The natives, both friendly and not, had had plenty of time to pick through the wreckage so she didn't expect much to be found. But one could always hope.

An hour later, she had cold feet, chilly fingers, a lack of hope, and a frozen bottle with not much inside.

The bottle hadn't even been found in the ship, but encased in the ice on its seaward side. The contents would have to wait until later when she had time to thaw it out... for now there were drakes and those pesky men-wolves to sneak past.

* * *

It was days later that she remembered the bottle and dug it from the depths of her pack. It hadn't been a large bottle, not much bigger than a vial, so was easy to forget about. It had gradually been covered by stacks of hides, trinkets, and faction items. But now back in civilization, or what passed for it in theEvendim , there was leisure time a-plenty. Not to mention enough warmth to dispel the memories of that beautiful and terrible land of ice.

Stoppered with cork, a few flakes of wax left from its seal, the bottle opened easily to her nimble fingers and 'flower found herself with a small collection of equally small gemstones and a letter. The letter was penned in a language she couldn't read, much less guess the origins, but the gemstones were easy enough to appraise. They were of a kind that she had seen only recently, traveling inEregion. A small fortune.

She eyed the letter suspiciously. Even if she couldn't read it, she had the feeling it was some sort of contract. The internal debate raged for what seemed like hours, though only seconds passed. Athief would just take the gems and ignore the letter... but she was an opportunist.

Unknown languages meant she'd have to find someone that specialized in such things... Fortunately, she knew just the right bookworm. If she could find her sister.

* * *

It had taken some doing, and a lot more time than she had thought, but Dusk was finally back in the frozen north. Kind of.

Her sister hadn't been able to help much with the letter's language. Nor had the sages of Rivendel. But as her travels had taken her back to Forochel, it had turned out that some of the dwarves were familiar with the runes. And, amazingly enough, an old man in one of the frozen settlements was able to actually read them. He had laughed with glee at the message, translating it with his rheumy eyes. It was from the land of his birth, but not a place he was willing to return. The island ofTartage. In his words: "A tiny wart on the **** of Hyboria."

At the moment, the little boat, was skimming waves that steamed and flowed with a definite warmth. The boat was barely big enough to hold a sail, a tribesman that swore he was not only an expert sailor but born of walruses and those huge white bears, and her cargo. The latter consisted of several bundles wrapped in seal-skins against the sea spray.

The boat's captain, and sole crewman, had been uncertain at first, but silver talked even in the land of the north. And it helped that she had the favor of several tribal leaders.

"We're gettin' close!" the Captain exclaimed. Or she thought he did... the Man's accent was atrocious. Even worse than most in Forochel, as if he took a deliberate pride in being difficult to understand. "Feel the air? It reeks with heat!"

Dusk just held on as the prow of the boat was pointed at the pale fog, the mists thickening so much that she could barely see her own hand, much less where they were going. The sound of the sea faded away, even the creaking of the boat muffled to silence. It was so quiet that Dusk was afraid to speak, worried that her voice would be stolen away by the oppressive fog.

The mists of the fog warmed, trading bone-deep cold for a welcome warmth.

A few seconds later the fog was gone. Burned away by a bright sun that poured its warmth through her furs, melting the bits of ice that had collected in the folds of her clothing. "I'm not here for long!" exclaimed the Captain. He always seemed to yell, Dusk thought. As if he thoughtthat would make him easier to understand. "Ah'll come back like Ah promised, but yer not gunna see me stay in this accursed land of fire!"

"Fire," Dusk muttered. "Right." Well, it was warmer than she was used to. But hardly fire... But still, best to start peeling off all the sealskin before she melted.

* * *

"Well," Dusk muttered, "that was hardly the welcome I expected." She was surrounded by bodies, leaking blood from the small but deadly wounds left by her daggers. She had understood a few of their words, and found herself doubly glad she had spent time learning some of the old man's language. The fight had started in seconds of meeting the group on the beach. And had ended even quicker.

"Idiots," she muttered in her own language. "I've been inside Moria. Don't come at me with rusty knives and swords when I've faced goblins and trolls."

The old man had said she would find herself fighting quite often, the place called Tortage was a haven of outlaws, pirates, and scum. Forochel, he'd said, may freeze him half to death every day, but it was a land of peace. Which was saying something considering the man-wolves and the Angmarim. Still, she hadn't expected the first person she had met to try and kill her.

There were two survivors though, a man and woman that were near to pissing themselves as she regarded them. They were dressed even worse than the others, not much more than loincloths with strange, thick metal bracelets at wrists and ankles.

Dusk pointed at them with a dagger still dripping their compatriots' blood. "You and you!" She pointed at the bodies. "Take their things. You can keep." She pointed at the bundles on the beach. "Carry my things." Again she pointed with the dagger at the strange-looking trees they had erupted from. "Take to Tortage!"

It was a strange place, the town of Tortage. Things that walked like Men but were twisted into horrific creatures uglier than the worst of goblins. Beautiful, alien things that sprouted wings. A town close to war... not between Man and demon-things but between Man and Man.

It didn't take her long to discover that she wouldn't be able to sell her cargo until the blockade was broken. There just wasn't enough money in Tortage to sell her cargo, even to the few nobles. Even worse, the gems she wanted were rather rare here, though common in the north. Though there had been a lot of interest, an almost uncanny amount.

"Great," she muttered. "I just wanted to sell these things... not go on an Epic Quest for freedom."

Dusk sighed and draped the blankets of her bedroll over the packages. Tina had offered her own bed until nightfall, but Dusk wasn't too eager to find out if the bed had other occupants. A dwarf in Moria had taught her to best be wary of strange sleeping places. "At least they make a comfortable bed."

"First this revolution. Then a store... maybe partner with that tailor. And then... I'll sell these pants!"

#135 Apr 22 2009 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent

“I knew I shouldn’t have trusted that shifty eyed gnome!”, I thought to myself.

“Trust me, Tanya, its gnomish technology, much safer than goblin technology”, the pipsqueak of a gnome told me. “It will be just a short trip. I just need you to test it out for me. Nothing safer than a gnomish transporter, much faster than an air ship!”, he promised. “Just sign here and I’ll get you on the next transporter out to Singing Ridge”.

As I stepped on the transporter pad and felt the energy of the portal built around me turning everything dark, the gnome added on more thing, “Good luck, Tanaya. Come back after your experiment. Or... if that's not possible due to sustained injuries, your next of kin can report to collect your pay.”. Then I fell into the unconscious oblivion of teleportation.

“If I ever get back to Toshley’s Station I’m going to kill that little bugger!”, I muttered as I took in my surroundings. “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Simon.” The beating of the drums and the crack of whips on muscled backs was the first thing I heard when I came to from the portal. The steady rhythms of oars on water lead me to believe I was no where in Azeroth I knew of. I studied the humans around me, little to no armor with eyes of innocents who had never gleefully shed the blood of enemies. I had to be dreaming.

The over cast skies cast an ominous glow on my fellow passengers. Lightening tore the air asunder around us, the constant rolling of the ship on choppy waters had me green around the gills. Wave after crashing wave pounded our boat like the rams of hell themselves were upon us. Lurching to and fro was taking it’s toll on this old boat, I could hear her groaning in agony from the seas torment. I noticed a steady stream of rats running up the mast, looking for a safe harbor in the crows nest. From the look of the wood benches we sat on “Ancient” would have been a kind description of this beast. Age had not been kind to what was once a very beautiful ship, no amount of wishful thinking was going to keep this ship together. I couldn’t have been more right.

We saw the mammoth wave coming; we had no control over it broad siding us. I worked vigorously at loosening the bindings that held us in our places. Their worn water logged leather was no match for my trusty skinning knife. The boat began splintering into pieces, the screams of those still tied firmly in place filling the howling air around me. I grabbed the nearest barrel and held on for dear life.

It seemed an eternity that I floated along in those raging waters. It was with hope of salvation that I spotted an island in the distance. I gave Simon the lead and he tugged us to shore. The tropical beach had me hoping my luck was changing. Surely there had to be an alliance town here with a flight path back to reality. The trees, they were different from anything I’d seen in my travels, sharper and clearer some how. The sand scratched against the mail on my boots. My trusty ravager sidekick, Simon, lapped at the crystal blue water, sniffing his surroundings, constantly on guard but obviously indifferent to our plight. I was grateful for his presence none the less.

I had seen what looked like a habitable cove while I was floating in but this island was larger than I had anticipated. The thick underbrush would be an epic battle just to traverse and I was none to happy to anticipate what kind of vile or venomous life it supported. The palm trees were weighted down with thick coiling vines and the emanating sounds of some yet unfound beast taunted me with their calls.

I could stay on the open beach and travel along it’s rocky shore but it wouldn’t harbor me from the elements. Who knows what might spot and pounce on me in the open. No, the only thing to do was to make my way into the forest and face the hand fate had dealt me. I was sure I’d been in stickier spots than this but I was unable to think of any. It was with a reluctant sigh that I called Simon too me and headed for the tree line.

The sun was nigh on the highest point in the sky when the first grumbles of hunger hit me. My flint and tender were still soaked; there was little chance that my mana strudels had survived the sea. My hunting skills were legendary but I never found much use for herbology. I didn’t trust my luck enough to try any of the native foliage. I knew the only other option was to gather my nerve and prey upon the scurrying bugs that seemed abundant in this lush land.

I first tried coaxing them into my hand, sensing their doom they shied away. I pounced on them with my nimble fletcher fingers but found them to be quick and nimble. In frustration I stabbed my skinning knife into the bark of the nearest tree. Retrieving it, part of the bark came away and I found the mother load! Bugs of various size and color scurried about, ripe for the plucking. Once you get past the crunch they weren’t so bad. Simon, on the other hand, turned his nose up to my lunch time offering.

Fed and rested, my companion and I trudged on. The heat and humidity were our biggest enemies, closely followed by an annoying biting fly. It was as I was shooing the pest way for what seemed the millionth time that I noticed the noise had changed. Simon was crouched in a bush a few feet in front of me spying the best sight I think I’d ever seen. Small outcrops of buildings were the sign of life I had been wishing for. My basic survival skills taught me to watch before barreling in to a unknown village, it was this that probably saved mine and Simon’s life.

Pirates! I’d know the signs anywhere. Their sea legged gait and rusty blades sashed around their waste, the rum induced swearing and fighting were just a few of the more polite traits a pirate had. I was about to slowly back away when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Just where do ye think ye be going, girlie?” a harsh guttural voice said behind me. I tried making a dash for it but the pirates rough hand had a grip of steel on my arm. “Me thinks you might be wanting a bit of fun.”, taunted the pirate. His rum tainted breath and half rotted teeth leered at me from the face only a blind mother could love. His dirty breeches were tattered and his feet were bare but for the mangled toes that might have once owned toenails.

“Let me go and I won’t kill you. “ I offered deadly soft to the pirate.

“Where be the fun in that?” he laughed as he jerked me towards him. My knee met his fleshy soft parts about the same time Simon clamped on to his neck. He didn’t even have time to scream before my faithful protector raked his claws across his throat. A low gargle was the last thing the pirate accomplished before Simon took his fill of him. Never cross a carnivorous pet of a very disenchanted huntress. You might find she has no pity when her pet is gorging himself on your decidedly tasty innards.

With Simon refreshed it was time to show my wrath to the other pirates of this tiny village. Simon racing in front we took out three napping guards before they could raise a warning cry. The rest of the drunken lot was almost a waste of my pricey saronite arrows. Flesh was cleaved by the bite of my axe, my beloved Hateful Gladiators Decapitator. Meat was shaved from bone, bone was torn from bone. The pleas of of mercy went unheard in my rage. At last I was alone again with Simon, blood ran in rivers across the rock to pool in all its red glory at my feet. I searched the dead men’s belongings picking up a few stale loaves of bread and a flask of rum. It was with a steeled determination that I turned my attention back to the jungle. There had to be a town around here that could offer me safe harbor for the night and hopefully a flight path back to salvation. I kept this hope near me as I set off again into the wild.

I continued traveling north for the better part of the day, it was near dusk when I spotted another village. Fresh linens were hanging from lines with near by cottages lit with the inviting glow of door step lamps. I could hear people bustling about finishing up the daily chores and down the way I was delighted to find a sign for the Pig and Snout Tavern. I led the way out of the brush and made for the Tavern’s rowdy sounds. The smell of fresh cooked supper wafted from it’s chimney and my mouth began to water. Yes, luck was on my side.

I found a horse tie out to tether Simon too, we were in a strange land and we wouldn’t want any small pets or children to disappear while we were here. I patted his rough scaly head and walked the door of the inn. The old time battered wood door swung open easily and the warmth of the blazing hearth began to fight the damp chill from my bones. A portly waitress with frizzy red hair lightly stepped through the drunken crowd and came over to me. “A new face, we’re glad to have you traveler. We have warm meat pie and a fresh keg of the inn’s finest ale, if its board you’re lookin for, I think we still have room in the attic. “, she chortled.

“I’ll take the meat pie and ale if you please.” My hungry stomach rumbled in agreement. “The room I will pass on if you will point me to the nearest flight path back to Azeroth.”.

“Azeroth? Never heard of it? Which direction would that be?” she replied.

“Azeroth. Home of the Alliance, foe to the scourge and their friends the horde. Stormwind, Iron Forge and Dalaran, great marvels of workmanship, grandest towns you could hope for. You must know it. “, I balked incredulously.
“I’m sorry friend but I think you must be lost. This is the land of Hyborian and these is Tortage Island, I don’t think we can help you. “, she offered apologetically and excused herself to bring me my meal.

I shook my head in disbelief. How was I ever going to get home. Where was Hyborian and why did I have a suspicion that dratted gnome had sent me farther off course than I realized. I pondered this situation as I sampled my meal. Its delectable aroma helped abate some of my worry but I could not help cursing myself for ever trusting that gnome. Mama told me there would be days like this, she just didn’t tell me to expect them to be this bad.

Too be continued.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2009 2:33pm by Katielynn
#136 Apr 22 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Once again, those silly trainers have removed my talent points. *sigh* Well, let me just spend them again, and I'll be good to go. *Three minutes later* Ok, all points have been spent - I'm ready.

Later that day...

Ok, this seems like a good group. Hope they don't blame me, the healer, for every little thing that goes wrong though.

Alright. Here we go. Prayer of mending... circle of healing... flash heal... Hey, what's this?? I don't rememb...


You are now in Hyboria

What the hell???
#137 Apr 22 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
An original limerick by JonasEinar:

Thou has forsaken me, Rallos Zek.

Cast me to a land where demons chop at my neck.

Yet your new Hyborian accords

Have wisked me to these message boards

So I can win myself a new gaming deck.
#138 Apr 22 2009 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
377 posts
Domfrancisco, the mighty Elvaan THF/NIN of Windurst was running through West Sarutabaruta on day on his way to the Cavernous Maw. Upon arriving at the maw, he held aloft his White Feather, and was drawn into the void.

Expecting to be taken to the past for some Campaign Battle action, Dom was quite surprised to find himself on unfamiliar terrain. He was surrounded by a lush jungle, and everything was in a much higher resolution than he was used to, complete with dynamic lighting and normal maps. Dom looked quite flat in this surrounding, without the benefit of advanced pixel shaders.

Mere seconds after his arrival, Dom was surrounded by what appeared to be primitive Humes, wearing animal skins and loincloths, who immediately began attacking like it was 4 AM and Argus just spawned. Unbeknownst to Dom, he had landed right smack in the middle of the noob zone in Age of Conan!

Fortunately for Domfrancisco, these noobs couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Given his merited evasion, he had little trouble avoiding the blows and keeping his Utsusemi shadows up.

Dom let loose a quick Cyclone, and the AoC noobs fell around him in waves. He glanced behind to see the portal he arrived through was already nearly closed. He popped Flee and tore stright to the portal, barely making it through before it closed behind him.
#139 Apr 22 2009 at 1:53 PM Rating: Excellent
19 posts
Once upon a time, in the (mostly) magical realm of Vana'diel, there lived a (somewhat) humble Beastmaster named Matrim. Hailing from the (indisputably) glorious kingdom of San'd Oria, the (possibly) young Elvaan spent his days happily charming sheep and tossing Tarutaru at monsters of all kinds (though, random objects, people and/or places would suffice in a pinch). Alas, those happy days were not to last.

One day, while tossing little pink hearts at random creatures, Matrim was
ambushed by a (very) viscous horde of Tarutaru black mages (individuals who
may or may not have been previously tossed to their deaths/and or peril). Chanting in union, the diminutive demons conjured forth the dreaded 'Warp-Reality' spell, with our (maybe?) dashing hero as their target. He would have been able to stop them, but alas, the mages had positioned themselves on a swath of ground a full 6 inches high! Unable to conquer so mighty an obstacle, Matrim was teleported to a strange new world...

Upon arriving in the mysterious land of Hyboria, our displaced protagonist takes upon himself a new, two-fold mission: To seek out and dominate the sheep of this
new realm, and, more importantly, to find short people to toss around.
#140 Apr 22 2009 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
58 posts
This was found in the armory of Brabatia Legul’e, shortly after her death.

Sergeant’s Log, entry 148

Time is seemingly stopped. With no sun or any type of life, I cannot measure how long I have spent in what seems to be suspension. I am reminded of Xarcabard; however, this place is too desolate – even for demons. I do not know what do to.

Odder than the time-stop, is the fact that I was trying to slice my way out earlier; I didn’t know if I was being held by invisible rope – so I sliced away. In the process I cut myself, but I didn’t bleed.
Sergeant’s Log, entry 149

Still no bleeding.

I have begun to meditate, hoping that I can channel energy so I can Chi-Blast my way out. It’s been awhile since I have practiced the arts of the Monk; however, I am strangely drawn to simply channeling energy. It seems that energy is in constant supply in this void…
Sergeant’s Log, entry 150
My linkshell! I forget, oh dear wonderous linkshell!
This is what I thought earlier. However, it seems to me that my linkshell does not function; thus, I must be out of Vana’Diel. I never was a Scholar, nor a Mage, so I have no idea what to make of this.

Sergeant’s Log, entries 150-156

I have much to brush you up on!
I meditated after I last wrote, and I kept meditating until…
Life finally appeared outside!
It was a young Hume woman with… all the beauties a lonely man could describe. I will pass on the details; I do not want my Commander chuckling at the lusty writings of a man gone mad.
She picked me up. Not literally me, however, the space around me moved. I’m now on a journey to Tortage. Somehow, with every gallop of the horse, I feel closer to the end of the chasm. I have shouted at the top of my lungs, and I have wept with laughter for – I can finally decipher time – days!

(A few pages are missing from the log)

Sergeant's Log, entry 169

I have gone mad. I'm a sword, a magical sword called the Legacy of Tu'kaare. They have the name wrong, but I'm sure it's about me. Did I defeat Pandemonium Warden before I blacked out and ended up here in Hybo(blood is shed too much on the rest of the logs for them to be legible)

#141 Apr 22 2009 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
One boring day rog was heading over to the warp taru, to warp over to jeuno, just like he had done thousands of times before. all of the sudden the taru yelled out "hah! i got you" and then used this:


Rog tried to force dc before he was warped, but it was too late, the trap card was already played. when he logged back in, he found himself in an unfamiliar land, known as Hyboria.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2009 6:35pm by ThePsychoticOne
#142 Apr 22 2009 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
Sitting under a lotus tree, I was at peace watching the locals farm their rice. The Isle of Mara was always breezey but a particularly strong gust swept through the valley with a strange scent that cut through the pleasant aroma of the lotus. Perhaps burning oak? It was almost as if it was calling to me, bubbling some long forgotten memories up to the surface.
I remember: Smoldering remains of a chapel, dead horses and men mounded in heaps, great trenches where the earth was literally torn asunder. This was the aftermath of an all too common event. A raid.
I had been contacted by a man in tattered clothes a week before. He looked as if he had crawled through Hell itself to reach me. He told me of a scourge in his lands. A trivial bandit gang that had violently come under new leadership and given a new goal: destruction.
The man desperately tried to persuade me to help his village. Being a registered Mercenary, I was unable to assist him without his request being accepted by the Guild. I pointed him in the direction of the Guild and went back to my book.
A ghostly image appeared before me several hours later. This was how the Guild contacted their Mercenaries. It was an Commission, something I was practically intimate with. Snapping my book closed I reached out and touched the Commission...
Instantly, I was transported to the Guild Hub nearest my destination, which happened to be the location of a dozen or so gaunt-looking men with a look of ill intent about them. The biggest one wore a stripe on his shoulder that I recognized from the Commission description of my target bandit gang.
The large man turned to face me and reached for his sword...
#143 Apr 22 2009 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good

I use to play WoW but I heard from ma pal

Theres a new game Age of Conan by name

WoW getting lame Classes overpowered

Time to venture to the land of Robert Howard

Needed a class rolled a barbarian became a Hyborian

Now Imma playa dragon slaya

Roam white sands with gankin clans

Pop into stealth one shot your health

You run in fear but going no where

Go ahead whine and complain blame the game call me lame

Cause the whole server had heard Imma AOC nerd!!!!

Edited, Apr 22nd 2009 8:16pm by Scyllinge
#144 Apr 22 2009 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
665 posts
The Ninja of San d'Oria Bauran had always went to Kaduru-Haiduru for his warp services from Whitegate to Jeuno. Kaduru was after all the most practiced and well known purveyor of such services. But he was so smug, learned as he may be it got tiring to see him brag on himself. On a whim Bauran decided to find a new way of getting around and had heard of a taru offering the exact same service...for FREE!

A quick zone to Al Zhabi netted more information about this mini transporter, and a name, Shihu-Danhu. Sure they said he had accuracy issues, but what was the worst thing that could happen? After finding the exact location that the Taru had set up shop Bauran found that he was indeed available for warping.

After a quick explanation what exactly a "free" warp gets you Bauran signed off on helping the Taru practice. After chanting a few lines of a spell Bauran was met with an unusually long zone screen.

••••Downloading data...••••

••••Downloading data...••••

••••Downloading data...••••

What's this then? Hi res, 2009 graphics? To be sure Shihu didn't miss the mark by this much? Where was it that Bauran had been transported? Looking for common landmarks by which to gauge the long walk to a familiar city netted no results. Happening upon a well worn path Bauran set out to find his next big adventure, toolbags in hand and katanas at his side.
#145 Apr 22 2009 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
I hated all other MMO games with white hot burning passion. I found a friend in Hyboria, so I stay.

-Thunderbunz 2009
#146 Apr 22 2009 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
810 posts
As a Bard Zanthia became accustomed to new taverns, new cities, and different lifestyles. The world seemed immense, infinite, and in constant flux.

"How the hell did this get so boring? I've been to this tavern before. I know these people. I haven't met someone new in ages," she found herself saying.

"This isn't right, how can I get used to travelling? I never thought that would happen. I'm not excited anymore."

She was walking along the water, in a daze that used to be filled with ideas for new songs when she stumbled.

"Ow. Where did this boat come from? I doesn't look like its made from any wood I've ever seen."

She climbed inside and sat down, assuming the boat had been abandoned.

"You learn something new every day," she mused.

Suddenly she was shook out of her gaze by the sight of a man who resembled more of a tree trunk than any non-Galka she'd seen before.

"This my boat. You in boat. You in my boat," barked the intruder.

Sensing that she was dealing with a volatile personality, she used her wit gained from her travels as a Bard.

"Finders keepers," she quipped.

"You pretty lady. You come with me," commanded the ogre-like man.

"Alright," she replied. "I've certainly learned one thing," she thought "never give up a free ride." She judged from her little interaction with the man that a quick lullaby would put this clown out for long enough for her to escape without a problem, should the need arise.

The boat ride was long, and even though the man was as dumb as he looked, he did not tire of paddling through the sea. Eventually they arrived, and disembarked.

"Oh ****..." Zanthia said to herself as a subtle sense of excitement ran up her spine. "I've definitely never been here before..."
#147 Apr 22 2009 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,972 posts
EDIT: Oops...see below.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2009 11:35pm by Bijou
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#148 Apr 22 2009 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
Sweetness, a GameRigs computer! Conan isn't very intimidating on my current computer. Even the Ogres see his attacks coming a minute away... Perhaps with a real gaming computer Conan will attack with the agility of a gazelle and the force of a hurricane rather than take the Muhammad Ali approach ( you know, "float like a butterly, sting like a bee" ). The developers of this, and other, awesome games deserve the respect of having me experience their art and creativity on a real gaming computer. So, may I win, please? >:}
#149 Apr 22 2009 at 9:34 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,972 posts
The young Iksar peered out beyond the ruins of his home. He was told by the Elders that if he traveled toward the Pit he would find a carven pillar, surmounted by a stone book. It would, they said, transport him to a place of learning, where all were considered as equals.

This appealed to young Ardak, for despite the teachings of the Elders to he and his broodmates, he did not share his races' hatred for other races. He wished to be a part of the larger world without being scorned...or worse, hunted.

Sure enough, as he passed the fallen collunms, he spied the Stone Book in a grove of trees.

As he touched the stone, he closed his eyes and felt a strange sensation and it seemed he heard a voice in his head telling him to wait.

When next he opened his eyes, he beheld a vast fortress, swarming with human figures. Arrows flew, spears arced across the sky and blood ran in the fields.

"I'll bet" thought young Ardak "I'll bet the damn book was broken."

Smiley: grin
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#150 Apr 22 2009 at 10:44 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
Brailyn washed up on the Isle of Refuge beaten and battered. Feeling lost and hopeless she decided to gather her belonging as best she could and figure out where she was. She rummaged through her pack and picked up an old tome and dusted off the cover....

"A gnomish adventure"
By Zimm Pfantomus

Her father's journal. Most of the pages were torn and tattered. Unsure of what she found, she began thumbing threw all of the legible pages as cafeful as possible. Her little gnome fingers trembling as to not rip or break the brittle binding. A couple of interesting points she read...

Page 268.
Entry V.
"Today marked another great victory for my comrades and I. It seems the key we received was to that of Sleeper's Tomb, home of the imprisoned prismatic dragon, Kerafyrm. The great dragon spirit Jaled'Dar told us to be careful or we might endager Norrath."

Page 321.
Entry II.
"As I write this page it is with a heavy heart that my final entry might be drawing near. In our greed and lust for power, my comrades and I broke the seal holding Kerafyrm prisoner. It seems we have done something chaotic and careless... If only we had more clerics...Maybe we could have..."

Brailyn decided that if she had been around to help her father many years ago she would have been a cleric to help in the battle. However, it seems she will explore the teachings of another. Maybe something more dark and sinister. Maybe she could gain more power than anything else.

Demonologist sounded like a great place to start. She looked into the Isle that she washed up on and then looked for a boat. She wasn't going to stay anywhere nearby she decided. Hyboria seemed like a more suitable place to research the dark magic of Demonology.
#151 Apr 23 2009 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
"No..." she said to me softly, as I started to turn the water-stained hot water knob slowly to the right.

The water rushed out of the overhead faucet, falling down upon us both in at first a cold, then gradually warming stream. She shivered beneath the onslaught, her hands flying up automatically to try to block it with her palms until it reached a more comfortable temperature.

I smiled into her beautiful cerulean eyes, her blonde hair quickly turning dark as it grew wet, hanging limply against her chest and back. She then quickly cupped her hands and splashed the water upon my face, the calciumified water draining into my eyes and temporarily making my vision muddled.

"I have to go, the Emptiness keeps spreading...if it has started to spread to other dimensions...then it must be stopped before it destroys all." I dipped my head into the water, the stream pounding the back of my head, with only small squirts getting past me.

"Hey, you're taking up all the water!"

I slipped my hand behind my back, tweaking the cold water nozzle some as well, to bring the warmth down a little.

"Too bad." I told her teasingly, leaning in for a dampened kiss. Our lips met, and I felt happiness spring up within me again. My fingers locked around her hips, and I drew her near me...




"Alright, let's do this."

I shuffled my mog satchel from one hand to the other again, feeling the small bag contain a nearly impossibly large amount of items. My words to myself did little to lessen the nervousness I felt flooding my insides.

I stepped into the shattered crag fragments...

And found myself in a whole new world. There was a small broken sign nearby, and I could barely make the symbols out upon it.


I had made it.

Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
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