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Venture into Hyboria ContestFollow

#77 Apr 21 2009 at 8:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Imrahil rolled lazily out of his bed in his beautifully appointed San d'Orian style Mog House. He picked up his feather duster and cleaned off his prized Drawing Desk and his Woodworker's Signpost. He looked at the Moogle floating lazily in the center of his home and sighed, "It's no use, Kupee, I'm bored!"

Kupee shook her head, having heard this complaint too many times to count. At least this time she had something to give her master, something new, and shiny. "Master, why don't you take this Satchel! You can use it to help you in your travels! It's magic, kupo!"

Imrahil looked with interest at the tiny satchel Kupee held out. Such a small little satchel... but upon opening it, why, he found it was as big as his Gobbie Bag!

"Just one word of caution, Master," Kupee began. "As you can see, the satchel is very magical, just like your Gobbie-bag."

Imrahil nodded and urged Kupee to continue.

"Both contain an enchantment vastly increasing their size, kupo! It's an extra-dimensional space! But never, ever, ever place your Mog Satchel in your Gobbie-Bag or vice-versa!"

"Why not?" asked Imrahil, with his most innocent look on his face.

Recognizing the dire situation about to occur, Kupee spoke quickly, "Master, no one knows, and that should scare you enough! Kupo-po! The warlocks of Windurst don't even know!!!"

Grinning, and unable to stop himself, Imrahil slowly slipped his new Mog Satchel into his Gobbie-bag.

Kupee covered her eyes and shook her head, her pom-pom wilting. "What have I done!" she thought to herself.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! KABOOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the dust cleared, Imrahil looked around, stunned. No longer were Imrahil and Kupee in the warm confines of Imrahil's Mog House...

Kupee, tears in her eyes, looked around and moaned, "Imrahil, I've a feeling we're not in San d'Oria any more..."

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 12:43pm by Sarlos
#78 Apr 21 2009 at 8:51 AM Rating: Excellent
"When other people are bored they may do cliff jumping or arrange races across Norrath, but, nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo, that wasn't good enough for you, was it!"

Wren stretched out his arms and legs, checking for obvious deformities among the obvious bruising.

"'let's try opening this genie's bottle,'you said! 'It'll be fun', you said!"

His body was apparently in working order and he managed to make it to a sitting position. His sword lay on the ground, twisted and broken.

"Yeah, I admit your first wish was pretty good and that those milkshakes were very tasty. But did you have to wish for more gore and realistic looking women?"

Wren and Corin both made it to a standing position and looking around the desert appearing area they had suddenly appeared in. Off in the distance they could just make out the figure of an apparent scantily cladded female.

"well, maybe this isn't *all* bad", Corin noted as they headed off in that direction.

#79 Apr 21 2009 at 8:53 AM Rating: Excellent
4,042 posts
Guenivere awoke, alone in her moghouse as usual that morning. She stretched, and patted her little moogle on the top of the head, smiling sadly. "Today is the day," she muttered softly, not looking her moogle in his eyes, which were welling up with his own tears. "I must leave Vana'diel. There is nothing here for me anymore."

She dressed herself that day in her plain level 1 hume RSE, which she had been holding on to since her first day in Vanadiel. She grabbed a simple ash staff, and her trusty chocobo whistle to get her part of her way. She had 500gil in her pocket; she had given the rest away to a level 6 white mage she had seen the other day. Millions of gil, years of moneymaking, handed away. She wasn't coming back.

As she walked out of the city gates of Jeuno, she mounted her chocobo. She had one last stop to make first. She traveled into Rolanberry Fields, to a small graveyard that was tucked away. There were less than 2 dozen headstones, all handcarved and praising. She walked to the second row of tombs and stopped at a large headstone with the carving of a tonberry knife. "Here lies Gustrin, great Sandorian knight, savior of Vanadiel, hero to all." She reached her fingers out to touch the smooth stone. She sighed, and turned to the graves on each side. The first one said, "Here lies Kitrin, whose blessed soul departed us at only the age of 7." The tombstone on the right said the same thing, except her name was Kathrin, and she was 8.

Guenivere removed her Justice Badge that she wore proudly from her neck since level 7, and placed it on Gustrin's grave. She had an astral ring on each finger, that she placed respectively on her fallen daughters' graves. Guenivere stood up, set her shoulders back, took a deep breath, and blew into her chocobo whistle. She watched as her large green bird came running excitedly from the direction of Jeuno, gazing wistfully at large cathedral towering over the city walls. She had heard rumors of a portal, deep in the tundras of Xarcabard, that led to a land called Hyboria. Many pilgrims had made this journey and not returned, and now it was her turn. She set of northward, ready to weather anything this new page of life might offer her.
#80 Apr 21 2009 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Tuesday started off like any other day for Doomfist. He was chilling in Sea Serpent Grotto, catching some grimmonite. As is often the case, his mind was wandering that morning. Staring to the right, he watched the Mindgazer up on the ledge, trying to decide whether to take a break to liquify the punk for the hundredth time. He decided to give the gazer a free pass today.

As his mind drifted, he began to wonder why he was even fishing down here. Frankly, he hated fishing. Yet for some weird reason he was often compelled, seemingly almost out of his control, to grab up his Lu Shang's Rod and Shrimp Lure and run down to the lake. Come to think of it, it kind of sucked that he was always feeling almost forced to run out and solo monsters that would surely send him to his death. Was there a larger power out there that made him do the insane things he did?

A terrible boom cracked from the ceilings of SSG! A mighty voice reigned down, deafening Doomfist's ears. "Doomfist! I've been watching you!"

"God? Is that you?" Doomfist quivered.

"You can call me Jeff. First of all, I must commend you for your recent work. You're now at 85.5 fishing skill, which is quite a feat."

Doomfist was puzzled. "What the hell is 85.5 fishing skill?"

"Nevermind that. I was rather disappointed in your failure with Zipacna the other night. Those noobs had no business getting him after you fell flat on your face. That ninja nerf on binds in no excuse. I'll expect better in the future." Doomfist had no idea what a ninja nerf was, but figured it better not to question Jeff again. The voice continued...

"Listen, Doomfist. I think it's time you went on a little vacation. I know you're getting bored with all of this fishing. And frankly, until SE straightens out this enfeebling nerf, you're just as well to get out of here for a while. There's this great little spot I've heard a lot about lately. Thought I'd buy you a free ticket over there for a while. You know, just check it out and see if you like it. You can always come back here. Just something different to try."

Doomfist hesitated. The voice went on, "Frankly, you have no say in the matter. I've already created your character. Off to Hyboria you go!"

With that, Doomfist felt that incredible headache he always had when the red dot appeared above his head, which always caused him to pass out after 30 seconds. Blackness... Then all of the sudden he was in a new world. Things seemed a little different. The voice returned...

"See, not so bad, huh Doomy?" Doomfist surveyed the area. "Yeah, I think I'll be fine here for a little while. When can I go back home." Jeff replied, "Soon, very soon."

"Well Doomfist, I'll be talking to you again. Take care on your travels."

"Thanks, Jeff. What should I do first?" Doomfist replied.

"I don't care. Just go over to that town. Surely they do crafting or something here. Just move along."

As Doomfist ran toward the nearby village, he couldn't help but wonder what all this was about. Was this voice his creator? His destructor? From far in the distance, he thought he heard the voice trailing away say ever so quietly.....

"Daddy needs a GameRigs."
#81 Apr 21 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Excellent
Kpmk was never like other tauren.While they were all off training to become adventurers heroes or even legends, Kpmk was always goofing off, and letting his curiosity get him into trouble. As a druid Kpmk had only learnt his first form, bear, where as all his fellow students had already learnt three. He loved being a druid and learning the druid ways, but he always let the many distractions of Azeroth get the best of him, until one day when he went too far.

Today was the day Thrall was visiting Thunder Bluff.When people hear thrall is coming it causes a huge up roar, but today was even more exciting than usual, today Thrall was coming to talk to Cairne Bloodhoof about the new wing being added onto thunderbluff. As you know Azeroths population has growth immensely in the past 5 years, and it was about time the taurens got some more room, it was there capital city afterall. Once Kpmk heard about the meeting he could help being snoopy and finding out the exact details of the meeting.

After a little digging Kpmk found out Cairne had baked a pie in honor of thrall, now the other thing Kpmk could not resist was a good pie. Kpmk figured he had had about one hour to find a way to distract Cairne Bloodhoof, sneak into his hut, and steal the pie. Once Kpmk made it to his hut he decided to wait it out, he had to leave eventually, right? After about 40 minutes Cairne finally leaves and Kpmk suspiciously sneaks into the hut. There was the pie, just sitting there on the table, no elites guarding it or anything.Kpmk could not wait any longer to find a safe place to eat the pie so he decided to eat it before he got back, then run and hide. As he finishes the last piece he can hear Cairnes hoofs beating against the path, "To thank you for all you have done for my people, thrall, i have a very special ...MY PIE!!!!"

"Kpmk, by order of the horde, for the crime of grand theft pie, you have been sentenced to be banished to Hyboria! The most horrible place in all the universe!" As thralls warlocks begin the dark ritual to send kpmk flying through the twisting nether, kpmk can do nothing but pray, pray hyboria hasnt yet discovered the incredible powers of the pie.

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 1:21pm by Kpmk

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 1:23pm by Kpmk

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 2:10pm by Kpmk
#82 Apr 21 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Excellent
861 posts
Buteo had spent a long night level synced to 30 something in East Ron [S].
The party finally broke and he warped back to Jeuno after the customary thanks and {Impossible to gauge}{Experience points}^^^^^^^^^ chat in the party.

For some reason Port Jeuno looked a bit darker than usual, almost stormy. Doesn't really matter, the cooking guild item of the day waits for no man! (or taru).

As Buteo boards the airship and runs into the map room area, he notices that he is the only one on the ship, and there is an odd hume standing in a corner. He is dressed like a BST almost but has a RNG bow.
No matter, gotta get to the cooking guild to hand in the daily item.
As the boat pulls out of the dock and takes off, it is almost as if it hits turbulence. Buteo still takes a seat and gets comfy for a quick nap on the boat ride. He can't help the feeling that the BST type guy keeps glancing at him and smiling.
Through the stairwell, Buteo can see lightning flashing and can hear the wind whipping outside the ship.
As Buteo begins to get comfortable with his eyes closed, he hears the BST type guy starting to cast a spell, and before Buteo can even see it, he is asleep.

Buteo can feel water drops landing on his head, and feels the wind on his face. He slowly opens his eyes to see treetops overhead......that is not what should be in Port Windy! He rolls over quickly and pulls his staff out as a precaution.
He sees before him a lush forest, with rocky crags sticking up just beyonf the treeline. The sky is dark, but peeks of sunshine break through the glades, throwing shadows ontot he forest floor in front of him.
Under a tree just out of staff range, the BST type guy from the airship is sitting, laughing.
"Where am I? What happened?"
"You are in Hyboria, and you are here because I brought you here?"
"What are you talking about, I was headed to windy!"
"You WERE until I stepped in. I have followed you for a long time Buteo. I followed your progress through your first linkshell, through your levelling, and all the way up through endgame. You have done much to better the experience of many on your server, and have done much to help people, well now I come to you for help."
"Well what do you need help with?"
"Well this world - Hyboria is in peril. Bands of beastman, thieves, rogues, robbers, and other unsavory characters have began to takeover this once pleasant land. Your world of Vanadiel is linked to this world by the cavernous maws.....once the undesirable characters are done with this world, where do you feel they will go?"
"Well with Vanadiel already under struggle from roving hordes of beastman, any more pressure and the cities will be overrun - what must I do?"

There ya go! Not great, but that is how I got there!
Buteo - Making a comback to FFXI?
#83 Apr 21 2009 at 9:32 AM Rating: Excellent
13,251 posts
Seamus steps away from the Outpost in Valkurm and looks about bewilderingly. The warp from San d'Oria was always nauseating, and no matter how many times he'd taken it, he could never get used to that feeling of his insides being turned out.

"How the hell do I get to Lufaise again? It's been a while," he spat into his linkshell, knowing he'd as likely be jerked around as given accurate information.

Lyn's voice came through clearly, "it's right off the beach."

"There are a few of those, you know," Seamus grumbled.

"Well isn't someone in a mood today?"

"Just tell me where I'm going already, before I come back and throttle you myself!"

"Promises, promises," she replied. "Try Siren Sands. I think the cave is on the eastern edge."

"Thanks," he responded, and removed his pearl. Seamus didn't need any distractions. Those had been the bane of his existence since going off on his own, adventuring.

As he neared the familiar cave, he was pleased that he hadn't been directed to the den of some beast as penance for being short with Lyn. She was generally helpful, but was well known to be spiteful at times. The noise from the vortex in the cave was bad enough that he felt ill, but with nothing left in his stomach after the warp from San d'Oria, he just dry-heaved a couple times and stepped in.

"Something is terribly wrong," he thought to himself in a moment of clarity. He tried to leave the swirling void, but it was too late. He was damned to complete the trip. Blackness consumed him, and waves of terror permeated his mind.

The sounds of waves gently crashing against stone eased Seamus back into the realm of consciousness. As he opened his eyes, any thoughts of being back in the Dunes was quickly erased. The air smelled different here. Almost coppery, the taste of blood. Looking at his surroundings, Seamus found his once unbreakable shield scattered in pieces on the sand. His armor was cracked and dented, and he was no longer the picture of a proud Paladin. He removed his tattered surcoat and gauntlets, and shakily got to his feet. Looking around some more, he couldn't see his almost bottomless Gobbiebag anywhere.

"Promathia's toes," Seamus breathed. He would have killed for his linkpearl and a change of clothes.

Seamus caught a glimmer of motion out of the corner of his eye, but was too slow to react. The pommel of a sword came crashing down on his temple. He cried out in pain, and fell to his knees.

"I am Matvei of Hyrkania, and you are my prisoner" a thickly-accented voice said, in Seamus's native tongue. A foot connected with his jaw and before he lost consciousness, Seamus felt his hands being bound behind him. He would later wake up in a cell, and thus begin the greatest and most dangerous adventure of his life.

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 1:34pm by boywithoutaspoon
#84 Apr 21 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
38 posts
That Sinister Keg: A hobbit in Hyboria

There I stood, peering up at the keg so high

wanting to fullfill an urge I simply could not deny.

Even as sinster as it may look

and knowing the history of the Inn League,

I shrugged my shoulders and sat my hat on the hook.

I thought "Why, whatever could happen to me?"

I took a swig of that daunting grog

And felt a bit like that dragon Smaug.

My body had become slack

as the walls started to slant!

then my vision became black

and when I awoke, I found I had no pants!

My stomach was a rumbling

but I dare not stand in the fear of tumbling;

But something was off

and not quite right.

I peered up, choked and coughed

and I quickly tried to take flight.

But I swear on my gaffer

a giant tree of a man let out great laughter.

"By Crom!" He shouted up to the mountian.

I wonderered if he'd send me to the here after

But he simply picked me up out of the fountian

Which by the way, I had not been aware,

I looked around from a top a great chair.

I wonderd where I was

But I had not a hunch,

and my head started to buzz

For I had missed lunch.

It had been breakfast since I last chowed,

But I straighted up fierce and proud

and asked, "who are you?"

"I am King Conan," was his reply

He looked at me, with fierce eyes of blue

And a king he was I could not deny.

"And this is Hyboria! A fierce place if you've never been,"

And suddenly I realized I may never see home agian.

and again my stomach rumbled and groaned

So I did the only thing a Hobbit could do...I asked for a PIE!

And I'll swear on the greatest treasure I've ever owned

This tale is anything but another silly LIE!

#85 Apr 21 2009 at 9:52 AM Rating: Excellent
341 posts
The hum that is ever present in Full Moon Fountain fills the air as Salvation studies the lost scripts of Karaha-Baruha. Though time had taken it's toll on the manuscripts, most of the information was still there. Notes feverishly scribbled along the side seem to indicate that the original text was originally written in a language never before seen in Vana'Diel. The language of the Terrestrial Avatars. According to Karaha-Baruha's notes there exists countless worlds of which Vana'Diel is only one. And that through a complex series of rituals and attunements it was possible to travel between these worlds. Karaha-Baruha decided that the possible outcomes of such an endeavor could yield monstrosities that would make the Shadow Lord look tame in comparison. So he sealed the manuscripts away in the Sixth Ministry, awaiting a time when it's secrets could be better understood.

Unfortunately as history would have it, that chance never arrived. For many years it remained hidden, until one day a summoner from Windurst under orders of the Star Sybil began to search and catalog the contents of Karaha-Baruha's secret laboratory in the depths of the Toraimarai Canal. It was there he stumbled upon the lost script. It took years of research and traveling from Xarcabard all the way to the Elshimo Lowlands to attain the necessary knowledge needed to perform the rituals. But that wasn't enough, as Salvation soon discovered. An immense amount of power was also required. A power contained within the resident of the Full Moon Fountain. The fierce avatar, Fenrir.

It was only after 10 years of unquestioning loyalty and service to the great beast that he finally agreed to lend his power to Salvation. This is where we find our summoner today. The ritual in place and Fenrir's power harnessed, a brilliant flash of light fills the room as a portal of light appears in the center of the room. Salvation takes a deep breath "It is done and now I bid you my farewell." "Good fortune on your travels little one, til we meet again." Fenrir replied with a slight grin. Salvation stepped into the light and immediately felt as though he was being pulled in a directions simultaneously. Then as quickly as it began, it was over. He opened his eyes to find himself in a new world. Though he did not know where exactly he was, he knew one thing for sure. He wasn't in Vana'Diel anymore.

75 Whm / 75 Blm / 75 Brd / 75 Smn

#86 Apr 21 2009 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Sounds fun. Here is a back story for my WoW toon, Sandinmygum, Troll Hunter (and then how I get to Hyboria. Sorry for any bad terms. I've never played AoC so I will pretty much be winging it and what info I get form . . . . . . .

Inka Inta Winkta Voov the IV was a Troll Gum Plant farmer on one of the smaller Island that were Echo Isles.
He had a peaceful live and enjoyed harvesting this rare Gum plant that only grew on his small Island.
The plant was used to make Chewing Gum, an "underground" treat of the Trolls.

IIWV IV(as he was called by his family of Gum Harvesters, his friends just called him Gum) thought he had the life, but then a dark sinister shadow crept along the shore banks of the Echo Isles. The evil troll known as Zalazane had other plans.

IIWV and his family escaped the Echo Isles and resettled on the banks of Durotar. His way of life was crushed, the soil here was too dry to grow his precious gum plant.
He decided he would search for an even better place to live in the world of Azeroth, packed up a few things, and said, "good bye" to his family.

IIMV didn't travel very far before he came into some trouble. Walking across the plains of the land called The Barrens, he was being tracked by a group of Quilboar.
Captured and beaten, IIMV IV thought he was a goner. Going to die by the hands of stinky little "pig" people.

IIMV was tossed into an arena and was given a bow and 1 arrow, not sure what was to come as the crowd around him began to cheer and clap as a large door made of veins opened. Out sprang a demon, or saw IIMV though. It was black as the night, eyes growing green.
It paced back and forth in the shadows staring IIMV down.

Fear ran through IIMV, he knew not what to do. Nervously he reached into his pocket and pulled out some of his tasty gum. If he was going to die, he wanted to die with the sweet taste of the gum he loved so much.

The boar men began to scream and yell louder, and the beast or demon in the shadows began to jolt around. The loud sounds seemed to anger it more, and these pigs knew what would come when it reached the breaking point. Blood.
Blood of IIMV, he now understood.

The Pigs started banging and clashing any and everything they could, they were safe for the monster that lurked. All were safe.
IIMV darted his eyes around the room looking for that one spot, that once place he might be able to get out of this pickle.
And then, there, he saw it. The gate was opened by 1 quilboar. This one has the best seat in the house. He was right there, the gate cracked opened, the pig man was drooling in delight as he peered through the small gap.

IIMV had 1 chance. One chance at freedom. So he slowing began to circle towards the gate, the beast moved in the other direction.
Slowly, step by step. The shadow the monster was hidden began to shrink as IIMV was standing in sun light at the other end.
Slowly IIMV could see that this monster was a lion, black as night.
A prized hunt he thought to himself.

Louder and Louder the quilboar got. They wanted the blood of the troll on the ground now. No more waiting.
IIMV took that one arrow, placed it on the bow he was tossed. Pulled back. The crowed screaming and shreeking.
With a quick turn, IIMV released the arrow.
All IIMV heard was a "thud!"

Every muscle in his body said "MOVE!"
IIMV took off in a dash towards the gate, and with a glance back, he saw the lion dashing towards him. Pigs in the stands didn't know what was happening, they just kept scream "Humar! Humar!", was the the name of this beast? IIMV cared not.
He only had to run a few yards, and he was behind the gate in no time. Closing it, he was safe from the claws and fangs of the black demon.

He was now in a dark room with a dead quilboar. He searched around and found that this pig had a quiver full of arrows. Snatching it and running for his life, IIMV managed to escaped the quilboars.

He had a new look on life. He would search out for a new place to live with his family, he would get to grow more of the tasty gum that he was chewing.

But he needed help. IIMV thought it was sad that the lion, Humar, was caged up.
He wondered a few days until he came upon the town of Ratchet. Here he meet a few other travelers. It seemed the quilboars that had captured him, also had a mass amount of booty in their vein invested world. IIMV agreed to go with the group to raid all they could find.
The group though IIMV's name was too hard to pronounce, so they began to call him Gum (just like his old friends back at the Islands did), due to him always chewing the gum. Gum had decided he would not spit it out. It could be a very long time before he could grow more. And the gum he grew stayed chewy and tasty for a very long time.

The group traveled to what Gum found out to be called Razorfen Kraul.
Once inside the group began to ravish the quilboar. The stood no chance. When all was dead and the booty was found, Gum asked for nothing but the help of the others to find where the lion Humar was being held.
An Orc in the group gasped and said "Humar? Humar the Pride Lord? He is the 'king' of the lions in the Barrens. He went missing many moons ago. Are you sure he his here!?"
Gum told the group what had happened to him before he meet them in Ratchet. Shocked the group agreed to search for Humar so he too could be free.

Gum took the group back down the path he managed to escape from, and sure enough the Pride Lord was there. No one dare go near him, but knew someone had to get close enough to unshackle Humar. Gum just stared at Humar, and Humar stared back. It was like a bond was growing between them at this very moment.

Gum stepped forward, and with no problem freed the beast.
The group left Razorfen Kraul, loaded down with booty. When they reached the bright sun lit grounds of the Barrens, everyone had different directions to go. Gum waved farewell to his new friends.
Gum headed back to Ratchet, as he was told the ship could take him to the lush lands of Stranglethorn Vale.
On the trip back, Humar kept close. It seemed Gum would not have to travel alone in his search of a new home.

Once in Ratchet the goblins informed Gum that Booty Bay was the town the ship would dock at. And that he should be careful. Many pirates and tricksters were there. Gum as what kind of tricks would he find, and a goblin hauled off and gave him a push. Stumbling backwards, Gum tripped over something, spun around and landed face down into the sand. Looking back up he saw he had fell over another goblin who was crouched down below him. Laughing the goblins replied "tricks like that!" and began to laugh.
Not laughing, Gum stood up and turned away.
Then let out a "awww mon, dir be Sand in my gum nowz."
The goblins bursted out in even more laughter.

Gum (aka Sandinmygum) got on the ship headed to Stranglethorn Vale. The crew informed him that they would be selling a great ways. The trip would take two days. The crew told him to relax and enjoy the trip

. , . ,

It was night time and Gum was awoken to a loud BANG! He could hear the goblin crew running around barking orders. The Ship was in a strong storm. The rocking began to turn Gum's stomach and he decided to head up top to spew over board. When he reached the top, he looked up and saw the sky was not right. Big purple and black clouds spun around. Blue and Green Lighting crashed about.
Where ever they were, Gum knew they should not be.
Then in the crisp air a goblin shreek "HUGE wave approaches!!"
And not more then 100 yards a towering wave raced towards the ship.

It smashed into the ship. It tossed the ship with ease. Into the cold water Gum went. Down, down he drifted. Even with all his might he could not swim up. It was as if something was pulling him down.
Looking down, Gum could see the waters below matched the sky above. A swirling vortex pulled Gum in. And then everything went black.

. , . ,

"Is he alive?" - unknown voice 1, female.
"Yea. Barley" -unknown voice 2, male.
"Look at him . . . where do you think he or it came from?" - unknown voice 1.
"I don't know, but I think you should leave. I will call for you if he awakens." -unknown voice 2.

Body in full pain, Gum could not get his eyes to open, or ask who was talking. He could only lay, or he was pretty sure he was laying, where he was. The pain was unreal to him, he would drift in and out of sleep with the smells and sounds.

"HUGE wave approaches!!"

Gum sat up, it was a dream. Breathing hard he looked around. He was in a room with snake idols and incense burning. He knew that trolls lived in Stranglethorn Vale. Had he been rescued?
But why? Not all the trolls agreed with the pack with Thrall.
But he was alive. Right? Yea, Gum was pretty sure he was alive.

In walked a man cloaked, could barley make out his face. Gum reached for his sword to find it not attached.
"It is ok, you are ok, we found you on the shore 2 weeks ago"

"2 weeks ago, mon!? Where I be? Why you speak'en troll, mon? We not teach it to Human!"

"I do not know what you are talking about, but I understand you.
You are safe, you are in the capitol of Stygia, Khemi. In the lands of Hyboria"

"Hyboria? What is dis? I am from Azeroth, there iz no Hyoria"

"Aye, we can agree on that. We are not sure of of what land, or world you are farm. We have never seen anything like you before."

"What'chu mean 'anytang like joo before?' I am a Troll in search of a new homeland for my famuly. My name iz Gum."

"Well Gum, we don't know what a 'Troll' is. You are the first I have ever seen. We kept you alive because we say the serpentine tattoo on your skin. We thought you were here for Set. Are you?"

"Set? what'joo talken about,mon? We trolls look at the serpentine as a strong animal. It be part of our tribal ways, mon."

"Well Gum. We will see if you get to live or not. We can not have an invasion of a race if it is bad for our kind. But if we agree on things, then maybe an alliance can be formed?"

"I no not know of any ting like that,mon. Yo, I just want to get back to me world"

At this time a female of great beauty walked in.
"He has awakened at last!"
Gum recognized it as the unknown women he heard before.

The man turned and spoke the the female, "That he has, we will let him rest some more. Then we will have to decide what to do with him. His name is Gum. Why don't you stay and talk to him. See if you can get any info. He says he is from 'Azeroth', I do not know this land."

"Sure father, I will stay and watch over him, and see if he does any more talking."

Gum had laid back down. His head was ponding. Then a soft voice, "Welcome Gum, to the our land."
And he fell back to sleep.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#87 Apr 21 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Said an old gamer-gurl
I shall give this role-playing business a whirl
For a chance at a brand-new gaming unit

First to spawn from my computer
Thru the glades of Surefall a Ranger
Soulful, searching, afraid not of danger

Her name was Elinda
This one is special, you see
For Elinda is what you all know me to be.

Next up, A FROG
Kyanite, a Paladin to boot.
She flipped and hopped, playing with her a real hoot.

Still more from the world of EQ
Obsideon a Wizard of Erudite hue
An unsettled demeanor a threat to ALL who side against her

Alas, EQ was not sated
my soulmate found, truly elated
when he joined me in my endevour

to create a pair of toons
And raise them to cap
Peerii the contented Druid and her Beastlord were next on tap

But other lands beckoned
And soon it was found
That Telon offered up a sorceress with which to fool around

Vanguard gave me a world in which to play
My character I made 'Purly' a dependent Gnome
For this lusciously graphic land I now called home

Middle-Earth too, was soon made to explore
Tacet the carefree, barefooted Minstrel
My choice, though hardly Tolkeins lore

But the Rings offered More!
PvMP, Monsters and me
Slay the free people. Can that really be?

Toxeen my dear spider
Shadeen my loyal warg
Evil animals I found I adored

So, who shall visit Hyboria?
Which are up for the dare?
You, the reader will have to guess for which avatar most I care

If you dare not
Highlight the next row
Toxeen, the venonous spider is the one who will go:)
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#88 Apr 21 2009 at 10:40 AM Rating: Excellent
One day while riding the boat from Booty Bay to Ratchet Pent decided to go below deck just to see what the crew was up to and as he made his way below he noticed that there were actual slaves rowing the boat.

He thought to himself, "Um... where did these guys come from?" Pent had been below deck many of times to watch how the candle flames floated while the boat moved and yet he never have seen slaves below deck before.

Just then he heard what sounded like cannon fire. "Bloodsail Pirates?" he thought... "No way... there are no pirates that are dumb enough to attack the major shipping lane between Ratchet and Booty Bay!"

Then all of the sudden he heard a large boom and the boat started to roll over. His first reaction was to run for to the upper deck where he saw that a cannonball had struck the boat and it was going down.

Seeing no life boats (and not wearing a life vest, of course) he decided that he was doomed, since he had no idea how far out from land the boat was... Right about that time a slave ran passed him knocking Pent towards the side of the ship where he struck his head and fell overboard.

In the ocean's depth a lifeless Pent sank like a rock until he came to some underwater ruins where he came to and thought he heard a voice saying, "It is not your time, Pent."

Hearing the voice call out to him Pent awoke and was able to get to the surface of the water where he noticed no ships. All he saw was floating wood and dead slaves foating in the water around him. Pent was able to find a large piece of wood where he passed out for the time being....

When Pent awoke sometime later he was lying washed up on a beach. He got up and started looking around and that is when he noticed that he had new body textures and a new marking on his newly formed Tauren manboobs. To him it looked a lot like what trolls called a tattoo, but him being a good Tauren Druid he would never allow such a thing on his body...

After hours of trying to wash off the marking he finally gave up and started to explore the beach a little. He thought to himself, "Where are all of the money-making goblins at?" He just figured that no good goblin would ever not have a shop on every island corner he kept walking looking for a goblin shop or something else that would get him off the land he was on and back to Azeroth so he could goto Mulgore to see his mum.

After several hours walking he came across an old geezer that told him he was on an island and then pointed Pent the way to the nearest town. After arriving at the new town he noticed that the buildings were completely different looking than they were in Azeroth. At this point he started to get scared and wanted to find a way off of the island he was on so he did the only thing he knew how to do...

Pent started yeling, "How do I get off this island?!"

Then other people started yelling and replying back, "Level to 20 by doing the quest chains and at the end of the chain you'll be able to leave the island."

This came off strange to Pent for a couple of reasons... People actually replied back to him telling him how to do get off the island without calling him a noob or a tard, and the other reason was that Pent used to be level 70, but now he was only level 1.

Not knowing what else to do he went out and started fighting to gain experience where he noticed he could do combos. "This is great!" he thought. Too bad the several monsters he was fighting was too tough for him and after several hits Pent passed out.

When he woke up he noticed he was on the dock at Ratchet with only one eyeborw and no wallet.

After getting up and brushing himself off he thought to himself, "Maybe I shouldn't have had that Ale with that cute Dwarf lady..."

With that he started walking into Ratchet where he started feeling his chest itch, so he took off his shirt and guess what he saw...

He screamed like a little girl, "EEEKK!! I haz Tauren manboobs still!!!"

The End.

...or is it...

Smiley: wink
#89 Apr 21 2009 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
"Hail Raxthar"

"Hail Razzgon"

"What do u say we sneak away from this stupid war for a bit" said Razzgon
"You know if we leave it has to be a permanent leave. If Emperor Ganak were to find out he would skin us and hang us from the top of Kurns." said Raxthar
"I have heard tell of a portal of some sort that appeared not to long ago. it's said it leads to the future. Arcemion said he saw some creatures appear around it and then disappear back into it. Maybe we should give that a try? This war with those accursed dragons is taking a turn for the worse in my opinion and I think we should get out while we still have a chance." Said Razzgon
Raxthar ponders the information thinking about riches and maybe his own kingdom in a new world. Possibly a world without these large, dumb, irritating dragons fills his mind. Gold, jewels, and maybe even finding some ancient artifact that will make him more powerful.
"My good friend Razz i think we should seek out this portal and get out of here as soon as we can. I don't think anyone will notice our absence right away so we'll have to be quick and keep moving til we're far away. Head back to Cabilis get us some supplys for a long trip its hard to say how long it will be til we find a place to get more. I'll head over to Kaesora and tell Commander Koth that we're going to patrol the north fields near Kurn's Tower and give him a false message that more of those flying freaks were seen to the north. We'll meet back here in 6 hours be sure to get everything we will need cuz we're only gonna have one chance at this"
As the travellers near the strangely purple glowing portal their anxiety grows. Should they turn back or go forward?
"Well Razz lets get this over with" said Raxthar
As they step into the portal they find themselves in the void. Looking around at their surroundings Razzgon lets out a yell of fear.
"AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH ITS VEESHAAAAANNNNNNN. Cazic curse us. I am going back Rax this is to much. I would rather die then continue on"
As Razzgon goes back to the Feild of Scale Raxthar continues to look around. Veeshan appears to be suspended in space. Looking around he notices more portals and curiosity wins over.
He heds to the nearest one and steps through and finds himself face to face with a creature that keeps saying jibberish. Moving around him he sees another of the portals and steps through another portal and sees yet another portal. As he steps through he finds himself in a dark forest. quietly and with great stealth he moves east and by passes a few houses with guards at them.
As he comes around a ridge he comes face to face with 7 of these guards that move quickly to surround him. binding his hands they bring him to a tent and into the presence of a man and a woman.
"M'lady we found this creature prowling through the woods not far from here"
"Well done u may return to yer post. This prisoner is a good specimen to try out this strange artifact we have found.
Lanys T'Vyl looks at Raxthar and the look is almost one of pity if such a feeling could be felt by one so evil.
"Give him his weapons back he may need them" she laughs.
Lanys pulls out a blueish glowing object and begins to chant in a strange voice. As she continues the object glows brighter and brighter and begins to envelop the petrified Iksar.
With a sudden loud crack Raxthar feels as though a giants hand grabs him and beings to pull him through the world itself and with another loud bang he blacks out.
Waking up Raxtharfinds himself in a strange land. Upon standing up he finds himself yet again surrounded by armed guards.
"what manner of creature is this"
"should we kill it?"
Raxthar thinks about drawing his weapons but knows that will only lead to his death.
"Please kind sirs don't kill me" Raxthar begs. "I know not what sort of sorcery brought me o this place i was captured by a Woman of complete hatred. Please Please tell me Lords where am I???
"You 2 Bind him" says what appears to be the leader.
As the 2 guards bind him one bends close to Raxthar and whispers to him quietly.
"You are in Hyboria"

#90 Apr 21 2009 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
My group had been tasked to retrieve some pearls from the bottom of the ocean. Estebo and I were the only ones still working on the quest, the others were waiting topside. As we pried open an oyster hoping to find our last pearl, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Something big. Shark-like. I yelled the first two words that came to my mind.

"JAGUAR SHARK!" I don't know how I talk underwater, but I can even send tells from here.

It was too late, it was already on top of us. It was red to me. Estebo looked right at it, just in time to see it chomp down on him. The giant shark was already surrounded by a cloud of blood and no sign of Estebo. I cast Frost Bolt to snare it hoping it would stick, luckily it did. With the shark momentarily snared I made a break for the surface, as much of a break as one can make while underwater.

I surfaced. My group was on the docks nearby, already shouting at me. They'd seen his health bar drop.

"Steez.. Steez! Where's Estebo!"

"Encounter with high con shark-like fish! Ten levels higher! Elite markings! I shot it with a Frost Bolt! ESTEBO WAS EATEN! Check your minimap, track beasts before it dives too deep!"

"Estebo was bitten?"


"Is he dead?"

"Estebo was eaten!"

"He was swallowed whole?"

"No, chewed! Check your tracking!"

Krass looked at the group, "He's got hydromancer psychosis.. crazy eye."

"Steez we think you got crazy eye! Get him out of the water!"

"Estebo! Estebo! Estebo! Estebo! Estebo!" I screamed. My group didn't care, they weren't going after the shark! We could take it if we were all there. Krass jumped in after me. I gathered my wits.

"I'm going to go hunt down that shark, or whatever it is, and hopefully kill it," I told my group. Krass nodded in agreement at me.

One of the pugs in my group argued, "It has crap loot at most, what would be the purpose of killing it?"

"Revenge. Now cast water breathing on us."

Krass and I swam down, using his track beasts to follow the shark. It didn't take long to find it, he patrolled the same path. We got the jump on it casting frost bolts and shooting arrows nonstop, but it resisted everything. I needed dynamite. It was time to run, Krass and I swam up trying to tether it but it grabbed my leg and pulled me down. Was I about to be eaten like Estebo? Krass was no longer in sight, I was being dragged into the murky depths. At least he got away. I felt its jaws crushing my chest as I cast blink in a desperate attempt to survive. Frost Nova. I don't know if it worked. Everything is fading away, I'm floating up.

I awoke on the beach. I tried to send a tell to Krass to let him know I lived. Player not found. Where was I? I reached for my hearthstone, but my 4 22 slot bags were gone as well as my backpack. Strange. I could never destroy my backpack before. I tried to port, but found my spellbook to be empty.

It was then that I noticed the terrain. It looked far nicer than I was used to. I must be in another world. How would I get Krass here to check this place out?

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 3:27pm by kliknik

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 3:37pm by kliknik
#91 Apr 21 2009 at 11:33 AM Rating: Excellent
2,824 posts
Strange things happen in the Chaos Wastes.

Odd are the dwarf explorers. Odder are the dwarf explorers that are willing to venture into the Chaos Wastes. Oddest are the ones that after losing 17 of their 20 expedition party continue on. Bound by an Oath to his father this oddity continued on towards the last known location of Karag Dum.

It was the greatest of Dwarfen cities long lost to the advance of Chaos and it's fall is widely considered the beginning of the Great Curse that dooms the race. Lost to time this venture was all but hopeless but regaining his ancestors Rune had become an all encompassing fire.

Now after several weeks, with supplies dwindling, on the edge of madness the expedition was on the brink of collapse. Hungry and thirsty they dared not eat or drink anything fearing they too would be corrupted by Chaos. Their bearings had been lost weeks ago as they traveled the scene changed from desert to forest to alien world and back, seemingly at a will beyond their comprehension. With all hope lost they entered a ravine and a short time later found themselves at a swirling portal. With no hope behind them they entered the portal.


After what seemed like an eternal 4 seconds the loading screen passed and they were thrown into a dire battle in a snowscape that couldn't have been in the Chaos Wastes. Disoriented they were forced into the swirling melee, a dire battle that would leave all but two dead. With bodies strewn about two champions stood at the end of their ability to stand, too tired to fight each other a hasty truce was called. The two that remained were our Odd Dwarf and a young Cimmerian named Conan.

'Ho, there little man,' called the Cimmerian. 'You are not from here nor are you dressed for this winter. Give me your coin before you die so that I don't have to bend over to find your purse in the snow later.'

'A man is ne'er so foolish as to make an enemy of a Dwarf on their first encounter,' replied our Odd adventurer.

Both champions rose to their feet, weapons dragging behind them, both of them seemed more likely to fall on their own weapon than to slay the other. By will alone they meet chest to chest and the Cimmerian discovers something he didn't expect. All along the Cimmerians plan was to bowl over our Odd adventurer but he never expected the dwarf to weigh as much as a bull. Startled Conan fell back and the exhausted Dwarf fell onto his new throne.

'I've never fought a man made of lead before,' strained Conan.

'It's not lead, boy. We were craved from iron and stone,' replied the Odd dwarf. 'You seem stout yourself for a human perhaps we can ...'

It was at that moment that both adventurers realized they were no longer alone. Before them stood the most beautiful visage they had ever seen. Fair skinned with red hair wearing only a silken veil upon her bodice. She was either proof they were dying or their salvation. Convinced that death could not be so beautiful they both clamored to their feet.

The Cimmerian seemed to drool lustily at her, almost certain he could overpower this near naked woman in the frozen wastes. The dwarf saw Conan's gaze and knew the girl would need protection and perhaps she would reward him with clean food and water. The Odd dwarf stepped forward to put himself between the Cimmerian and the girl but girl fled into the frozen wastes. With inhuman speed the Cimmerian lept after her shouting obscenities and cat-calls. The chase continued for miles while the girl was always able to just out of their reach. The dwarf was beginning to realize a trap was upon them.

After the last hill was crossed the girl stood in a small valley. At the crest of the hill they stopped where she greeted them.

'A great chase my little men but you have come to your doom. For I am the daughter of the Frost Giant and you have come to your death by my brothers hands.'

Behind her two hulking men, perhaps more accurately described as large ogres, coalesced out of the snow storm. Our two adventurers were surely outmatched.

'Guard my back, manling. We'll have to fight together to survive this battle!' roard the Odd adventurer as he charged forward.

Blades flashed as the dwarf pushed forward into the brothers reach. While Conan initially followed close behind the Dwarf he quickly realized this battle was foolish. The dwarf dispatched one of the brothers handily but in the process took a gash across his back.

'Coward! Where are you manling?' Howled our Odd dwarf.

Unable to take his attention off of the remaining brother the Dwarf pressed his attack. He was at the end of his willpower and knew he must end this battle quickly if he was to survive. Opening his attack and swinging wildly he was taking risks. In his haste he knew his fate was sealed here. As he struck his death blow, splitting the ogre's shoulder, he was met by the axe of the ogre severely cutting open his chest.

There lie our adventurer, mortally bleeding. The Frost Giant's Daughter aghast by what she had witnessed and Conan stunned by the battle unable to comprehend how any one being could be so proficient in combat. Studying the scene Conan advanced onto the dwarf to inspect his wounds. They were grievous wounds beyond anything Conan could deal with.

With a calculated thought Conan reached down to the purse of the dwarf and took his gold, 'You will not need these in the next life little hero.' A glint appeared in our Odd adventurers eyes knowing full well that Conan meant to kill him. And with that the Cimmerian dispatched the dwarf. The first and last of his kind to visit Hyboria.

You may have heard this story before and in a different way. But I am here to attest that the victors relay the stories of Age. Many an adventurer I have led into the wastes to have my brothers kill but never have I seen the likes of that Odd dwarf. If for nothing other than to assuage my guilt I tell this story in hopes that someone might understand that Conan the Thief is neither a King, nor a Hero by my word.

Atali, the Frost Giant's Daughter.
#92 Apr 21 2009 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
Well, it all started when I was merely playing my mage in World of Warcraft. I had finished up a quest in the middle of no where, so I decided to portal myself to the city of Stormwind. Casting, casting, casting... Poof! I'm gone. When I arrive in "Stormwind" I find that the most recent 3.1 patch has brought quite a few changes to it. Wait a minute...This isn't Stormwind... ITS HYBORIA! Eeek!
#94 Apr 21 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Excellent
I continued up the ramp, to the second orbital defense system of Ulduar: the tower of flame. I was in a tank, driving (Because I can’t handle much more than that!), when my gunner activated speed boost. There had been rumors of people falling through the world when speed boost was activated, but he did it anyways. We, of no surprise, fell through the world. But what happened next was something I will never forget.

A bright blue light flashed all around me. Floating images of people, places, things I had seen dominated throughout the sky. A red flash suddenly blinded me, and then I was no longer falling, no longer in a tank- but lying on a patch of grass.

I awoke only once I felt a spear point pressed to my face. It startled me, and as I flinched the spear punctured my skin and blood began to trickle down my neck. “What is this thing?” a human with a gruff voice asked.

“Certainly not Cimmerian. Or at least not from these parts. Where are you from?” the second stranger asked.

“Darnassus, originally- though now my home is Northrend,” I managed to choke the words out despite my fear.

“Is that an Aquilonian village? Or is it Stygian?” the first man asked.

“What? I- I’ve heard of neither of those. Where am I?”

The two men walked away and talked in hushed whispers. I managed to pull myself up right before their return.

“You seem to be honest about your ignorance. We have decided to teach you the ways of a Ranger,” the second one, who seemed to be the nicer of the two, said.

“Ranger… like a hunter?” I asked, confused.

“You are stupid, aren’t you?” the first one half asked, half said to himself.

“What is your name, Ranger?” the second one asked me, ignoring the first.


“Welcome to Hyboria, Elstor.”

As I look back on that day, I think of painful memories. Friends I had known and places that I had explored and learned to love. But I also think of newer, more recent memories- memories of the land known of Hyboria, the land that has become my new home.
#95 Apr 21 2009 at 12:08 PM Rating: Excellent
166 posts
It was a dreary day in the land of Norath. The sun had been swallowed by the forces of nature, the god Karana was deffinatly disturb about something across this great land. The rain poured down upon the rangers head like gravel from up on high. The wind whipped at his face and hands trying to dislodge his grip and expose him to the elements. Finding shelter under an old grove oak, the ranger takes pause to attune him to his surrounding in an attempt to comprehend why the God is so angry. While the ranger is preparing for his meditation ritual to commune with the nature that surrounded him he could not help but remember a different time. A time when the land was cursed by great plagues, minions of Discord and petty fighting among the Gods and of childhood.

Thinking back to the beginning the ranger remembers how he found his calling among the tree tops of Kelethin, home of his Wood Elf kin. Those where better days he lamented and smiled, full of hope, joy and happiness. Like everything else in the land this ranger knew all to well that times like those are fleeting and never last in this turbulent world. He remembered how he and his sister use to go down to the forest floor to gather sylvan berries in order to help their mother create the most wonderful and delicious desserts for them. How his father, a master Druid, had taught him about all the ways of nature and how to be one with his surroundings no matter what the situation. The days of wood Elvin games in the forest canopy and the races along the forest floor where only a sad reminder of why he became the ranger he is today.

The Orcs had moved into the mountains near to his home city when he was still considered a child, to young to concern himself with the burden of choosing his future life. For elves this can be many happy years of Elvin games and joyous times or it can be a tragic few. All the wood Elvin children had been told to stay below the city and to not wander to the north. The ranger could still hear his father speaking to him in his gentle and compassionate voice, “Acoma, do not venture past the Elvin canopy while on the forest floor for the Orcs are among the mountains now. Pay attention to your surroundings and always remember to keep your sister close at all times.” A slight chill crept up the rangers’ neck as a flood of emotions well up inside of him and he fights to keep himself calm. “One time, it was only one time”, the phrase just kept coming back again and again in his mind. The same phrase he repeated to his mother and father, after.

It was a beautiful day among the flora and fauna on a fresh spring morning in the wood. The air was full of life and fresh scents of lavender and sylvan permeating all of the senses. Acoma and his sister had been sent to the forest floor in order to gather items for a celebration to honor the coming of spring and it was considered a great honor to be chosen by the priests and priestess of Tunare for this task. With his quiver and bow Acoma and his sister traversed the land of Greater Faydark colleting the numerous items that had been tasked to them. Spider silk and flowers from the south, elder bark and morning dew from the west, and then wolf fur and pixie dust from the east. The last task was the collection of the mountain sap from the north, now Orc country. But it was still early in the spring and cold so the Orcs should have been hold up in their mountain hole in their filth and scat. Keeping his sister close they took the safest route along the eastern boarder of the wood to get to the base of the mountain.

A great burden was lifted from his shoulders as his sister stepped back off the mountain to his side smiling with a childish satisfaction. Reaching out to place his hand upon her shoulder to confirm that she was indeed next to him and not an apparition of the goddess Tunare. He was gleeful at the touch of his kin and the bond they shared in finishing this most honorable task. While turning to the path behind them to return to their home among the trees he felt his sister become ridged and felt a great sadness and pain that he had never know before assault his being, wholly. Instinctively he had bow and arrow in hand faster then the eyes could comprehend only to drop them almost as fast as he had acquired them as he turned to face his sister. His eyes met hers and instantly he knew that life was draining from her, grasping desperately he tried to catch her as she fell to earth like the rain falls from the sky. Heaped on the forest floor Acoma tries desperately to understand why his sister is indeed dying in his arms, what could have done this, why her? Searching her being he finds the culprit lodged in the base of her neck, an orcen dart, covered with a black tar that is no doubt some form of foul poison by the odor that emanates from it. Desperately pulling the dart out he calls upon his surrounding and uses the limited druidic magic his father had taught him, pulling the life out of all surrounding flora, dumping the new life force into his sister. Again he tried to pull the life. Reaching up from the ground she gently touches his face, a sense of calm in her eyes and on her face. Taking her hand he tries to understand what is happening, trying to comprehend why. The poison worked so very fast, her body jerked and tightened, then nothing. Like a blade of grass she lays in his arms, bent and broken while a rage and fear well up with in, REVENGE!

Just as the rage culminates into movement Acoma springs to his feet in order to scan for the Orc that will incur his great and powerful wrath. Just as he begins to turn a great pain begins to radiate from his hip, causing him to pause. Looking down he sees the point of an orcen spear protruding from his hip. While the rage is fresh and his strength has not yet ebbed from his body Acoma makes a concentrated spin snapping the spear while placing him face to face with the foul beast of an Orc. With a power he had never felt Acoma reaches out and places his hands on the shocked Orcs chest creating an explosion of fire and ice that seemed to be fueled by the hate and anger he had with in him, literally tearing the Orc in half from the waist up. Calling upon the earth, reaching out with his mind, trying desperately to send a message to his kin, Acoma collapses into a heap of blood and gore, blackness surrounds him "death has come to take me".

Blinding light, green haze, no pain. Snapping to attention Acoma puts his past out of his mind, letting his emotions retreat back behind the wall he built for them years ago during his ranger training. With the ground now prepared for his commune with nature Acoma takes his place in the ring he drew on the ground, removing his tunic and letting the elements ravage his flesh, he begins the ritual. Focusing his mind he begins his chant to his goddess, paying homage to her legacy and her creations. Slowly, the wind begins to fell less cold, the rain stops stinging his flesh, and life radiates from everywhere. The Goddess Tunare appears before him smiling and taking his hand in hers and caressing it, “Welcome ranger Acoma, champion of my name and my creations, I have been awaiting your arrival”. Confused by the strange greeting Acoma begins to feel a force enter his mind, slowly, blinding, power, knowledge all flood over him creating a vortex within his mind. Visions of strange happening begin to form, strange sights of battles that look familiar yet different becoming clearer and clearer. Recognizing what is going on he realizes that Tunare is recounting for him his triumphs in her name. Showing him what she has seen him do on the lands she helped create. The battles for the plane of time and the release of Zebuxoruk from his prison, the wrath of Vishimtar and his hordes of dragons, the battles with discord and the muramites that tried to ravage the lands he called home, faster the images flood past, feeling the killing blows as they cleave his enemies, imbuing him in some fashion with a strange power.

Calm, serenity, mist, a figure approaching, two figures. Tunare now stands in front of Acoma with his sister holding her hand, astonishment, bewilderment, joy, sadness all come around at once enveloping the ranger. A smile comes over the face of his sister and Tunare and instantly the ranger understands, knows that she is proud of him for what he has done and that this is a reward of some kind. Bowing down to kiss the hand of Tunare Acoma is overwhelmed when his sister grabs him in an embrace that seemed longer then time itself while expiring at exactly the same time. Gone, nothing, no one, jus the mist again, but feeling a warmth from within that he never had felt. Tunare appears next to the ranger and takes his hand, the mist around them disappears and they are standing on the lands of Norath again, on a great plain of grass and rolling hills. She points to the west where a very old, very large man is screaming at the side of the mountain that is next to this great and peaceful plain. It is Karana, and he is angry. Now Acoma sees why the land has become unstable the god of the weather is beside himself with anger, not anger, something else, fear? A voice pierces the air around them a great rift appears in the mountain side, a spiral of matter turning and spinning, pulling the mountain and the land into it. Karana begins to move again and grow in stature, reaching out to his full width and height he begins to cover the hole with his body, Tunare suddenly appears beside the rain God. The land begins to well up between Karana and the mountain and Acoma realizes that she is aiding him, trying to close this ever gapping hole that is forming using the land as a barrier.

It has worked; all three are now standing side by side, staring at the now covered hole, listening to the ever grinding sound emanating from the other side, like a dog trying to scratch itself out of a mithril box. Karana places his hand upon the rangers shoulder and speaks to his mind,
“Champion of Tunare, ranger of the glade, I have called upon my sister’s aid in order to stop a new rift that has appeared on Norath. I have called upon you, her champion, because all others have failed; you are Norath's last chance at salvation. None of the gods can go forth from this plane and close the disturbance that has opened this rift. Only you can go forth and complete the closing from the other side. Where this rift will take you I cannot say, only that once closed you may never find your way back to Norath. My sister and I have prepared all that you will need in order to create an incantation that should seal the rift from the other side. Only one with a heart of nature can complete this since you will drawl from your surrounding the power you need, just like before.”
The ranger once again feels the life force drain from his surroundings as he remembers pulling it out to give to his sister all those years before, this is why he was chosen, and this is why he has trained all these years. This is why the priests of Tunare chose him and his sister all those years ago, preparation for his ultimate quest and sacrifice to his goddess. Bowing low and taking a knee the ranger pledges his loyalty once again to his goddess and with a conviction that made the Gods smile he vows to complete this most noble of quests for his goddess.

At his feet materializes a mound of dirt, no, changing, forming, becoming something else. A great flash of light surrounds the ranger and he is now standing on the plains alone. Looking around he realizes that he is no longer meditating, nor is he still in the wood. He is standing in front of the blocked rift, surrounding him are a ring of flowers and gifts, the mound? At his feet lay a great sword, sparkling like a thousand diamonds held up to the sun. Picking the sword up he hears the sword speak to him, “I am Aurora, the Heartwood Blade. I am a gift from the gods and I will never duel nor will I ever break, your will is my command.” Placing the sword in its sheath the voice of the sword leaves as he places it upon his belt. A tiny pack lies on the ground, picking it up it seems almost weightless. Opening the pack reveals that this is no ordinary pack but magic, for inside are all the ranger will need to survive for many a years without seeing another living creature, again he attaches it to his belt. Next he finds a shield, but made of nothing he had ever seen before. Picking it up he believed it must be made of some king of paper, light, fluid, forming to his grasp, becoming an extension of his arm, like it was always there and it was right. Fearing he would never get it off desperately he grabbed at the shield trying to free it from his arm, “Silly ranger, just ask to be let go.” The voice echoing in his mind, deafening. “I am Vishimtar the Fallen Scale, no material, no magic; no creature other then you may bend my will or break my spirit. I am imbued with all the knowledge of dragon kind and I shall serve you until there is no magic left within me.” Strapping the shield to his back the ranger cannot believe that a dragon will be his companion, he always wanted a familiar. Lastly on the ground lays what appears to be a scroll? Reaching down to retrieve it the ranger realizes that he is different, stronger, and more magical. Stranding back up Acoma thinks about the scroll being in his hand and the magic begins to flow from his new weapons and the scroll appears in his hand, the power from the scroll burns, it pulses, it travels up his arm and courses through his body, hardening it, strengthening it, preparing him for his journey he knows.

Stepping from the ring of flowers his goddess’s voice becomes apparent in his mind once again, “Fair champion, be safe on thy journey and be comforted that by your sacrifice the world of your kind will be able to survive. We will spread your name across the land so that you shall be immortal in song and story. Your new weapons hold the key to shutting the rift once you arrive on the other side, fear not for they are prepared so that all you have to do is touch the source of the rift and you will channel the spell that will close the rift and save Norath.” As the last word disappears from his mind the rift tears open, pulling everything close to it inside, spinning, ever spinning, Acoma leaps forward visions of his sister smiling in his minds eye as the blackness once again consumes him, sucking him down into the rift, total blackness again.

Solid, sensations, feeling, substantial, real, still black. Not so black, gray giving way to something else, something bright. Suddenly Acoma realizes that he is no longer spinning, he is no longer floating in nothingness, how long had he been consumed. Where was he, where is he, how did he get here. “Get up you silly ranger, we don’t have all day.” The Voice of his shield booms in his head causing him to snap to attention as the flood of memories come back to him as to what has happened. Surveying his surroundings he makes an account of all his body parts and positions and realizes that he has made it through in one piece and alive, but to where he did not know. He could breathe the air fine, it smelled and tasted fresh, like a fresh spring shower had just passed by. Searching for some king of sign of life or the rift source or anything the ranger starts to spin around. Stopping him in the middle of his spin he sees a sun peaking up over the horizon, like the hand of God unveiling the land before him in a wash of color and light.
Instantly he equips his sword and shield but is not sure why, the land looks lush and healthy with trees and plants similar to those on his world, did I even leave Norath?

Sounds start to become apparent, his senses begin to return, the sound of metal on metal, of men dying, of howls of pain and anguish become apparent. Spinning around to put the sun to his back the ranger is able to survey the valley before him. A great battle is taking place; men of some kind are battling a horde of strange creatures. They appear to be barbarians like those of the frozen lands of Everfrost in Norath, but somehow different. It appears that the line of men is faltering, the line is breaking, they will be destroyed. Not even thinking the ranger sheaths his sword and wishes his shield would have been a bow, “silly ranger, all you had to do was ask” and with that the shield morphed into a bow of the blackest wood and steel the ranger had ever seen, mystical runes began to form on the shaft of the bow forming a word, DRUZZIL. With the transformation complete the ranger draws on the bow to test its strength to find a magical arrow appear ready to fire. Taking aim at the monster at the front of the Horde Acoma lets loose his magical arrow hoping it will hit its mark from such a great distance. Drawing again and again the ranger proceeded to release a barrage of arrows that would put a good sized archery squad to shame, fast as light itself the ranger continues to fire into the horde.

Raising his hammer above his head the Great barbarian warrior Marcelo lets loose a mighty war cry as he comes down for the final killing stroke upon the monster before him. Utterly destroying the creature he steps back to parry the incoming blow that must be coming from the next beast in line to die to his great and powerful hammer. Confused the barbarian warrior watches as the creature stops moving forward, a strange glow behind its eyes, getting brighter, then red. The arrow proceeds to pierce the front of the monsters skull, covering the barbarian with gore, and then falling to the ground as the arrow disappears. Yelling to his captains Marcelo orders the line to form up as the monsters around them begin to fall, one after another, by some strange and magical effect that has utterly confused the warriors. Wave after wave of beast falls to the magical barrage of arrows, the barbarians using the distraction to flank the horde and begin their onslaught once again. A young barbarian points to the summit and begins to shout that the gods have come down to ensure their victory this day. As all the Barbarians begin to all look to the summit the ranger realizes that he is now unveiled, “You might as well wave silly ranger” the bow speaks up in his head. Without thinking the ranger raises his bow to the sky and moves it back and forth in a show of good faith. The warriors taking this as a sign from their gods charge forth and lay waste to the remaining horde.

Acoma suddenly realizes, the rift, must stop the rift, where is the rift? Turning around and around he begins to look for the rift. On the ground a few feet from him down on the hill side there seems to be a person or thing chanting or talking or praying? Jumping over the side Acoma pulls forth his sword and thinks of his shield again, the bow now changes back, and he plows right into the figure on the hillside. Trying to speak to the man kneeling on the ground rocking is futile. There is blood pouring from his ears and his eyes and yet the strange chanting continues. Finally with out knowing what else to do the ranger reaches down and grabs the man to try and shake him into awareness, burning pain surges throughout the ranger’s body. A piercing scream comes into the rangers mind and he recognizes it as the sword and the shield simultaneously screaming, but not in pain. The burning begins to subside and Acoma starts to focus on the man before him, a strange incantation begins to pour forth from the ranger mouth, the man begins to shake and twist in the rangers grip. A final scream ends the mans chanting, the rift is closed, as the ranger picks him up gently in his arms and begins to head down the mountain to the now ended battle.

Upon reaching the bottom of the mountain the wood elf ranger begins to realize just how large these men are. They are much larger then the barbarians of his world and they are all coming toward him. Acoma lays the dead priest down on the ground and takes a step back and takes a defensive non threatening posture. From the handful of giant men before him a loan warrior begins to come forward with a hammer bigger than the wood elf in his hands. The ranger senses that the warrior is sad and confused as he is not looking at him but the dead priest on the ground. Without looking at the ranger the warrior speaks:

“I am Marcelo Chief of the barbarian tribe, before you lays a great and powerful friend. He had said that he had found a way to aid us in our last stand against the horde that now lay dead before us. We where outnumbered hundreds to one and yet here I am alive and victorious. Fair warrior I am not sure of where you come or of even what you are but I thank you for your help in the battle that was supposed to be our last. We men of the land of Hyboria are grateful to you for the aid that you showed us in our time of greatest need, does this great warrior have a name that we may pay homage to you?”
I am Acoma Soulskinner, Ranger of the Earthen Guardians, Servant of Tunare and champion of the lands of Norath.

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 4:13pm by Acoma

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 4:23pm by Acoma
#96 Apr 21 2009 at 12:17 PM Rating: Excellent
It was the first day of the Blitz Buffalo event and my LS was a buzz talking about the unimaginable lengths the Buffalos were able to send their enemies with a single hit. Some people were reporting they went all the way from Rolandberry Fields to Port Bastok. I couldn't believe it and decided to if they were just trying to scare me into not getting the precious Enmity+2 Sash.

I went out to the heart of the rumor, Rolandberry Fields, on my 10WAR to test it. When I got there, I talked to the Moogle and ignored all his warnings and just told him to give me the damn Level Cap Already. The minute I had the Level Cap, I was off to find a Buffalo to annoy into shooting me back to Bastok. Luckly, there were Buffalo all around the zone to pick from. I engaged the first one I could find and began poking it with my Onion Sword. After about a minute of swining at it I finally see "The Miura Readies Warp Attack" and I was off.

It took longer than usual for the "Downloading Data..." Screen to finish (at the time I just figured it took longer because it was a longer flight back), and when it finally finished I was amazed. I was no longer a Taru? Could the Miura hit me so hard that I got longer? But wait, this isn't Bastok. Was I also sent to the wrong city? After looking around I realized hadn't seen this city at all. I asked the first person I could find "Where am I?"

"Hyboria" the elvaan looking man said.
#97 Apr 21 2009 at 12:22 PM Rating: Excellent
1,416 posts
Now, this is a story all about how,
My life got flipped-turned upside down,
And I would like to take a minute,
To reflect on the euphoria,
While I tell my story of how I became the prince of a town called Hyboria.

In west ronfaure born and raised,
Face down was how I spent most of my days,
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' and cool,
while shootin some orcs outside of the school,
When a couple of MNKs,
Who were up to no good,
Startin making trouble in my neighborhood,
I got in one little fight right outside of San D'Oria,
My mom said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Hyboria'

I begged and pleaded with her day after day,
But she packed my mog satchel and sent me on my way,
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.
I put my Linkpearl on and said, 'I might as well kick it'!

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 2:28pm by sixgauge
#98 Apr 21 2009 at 12:22 PM Rating: Excellent
112 posts
I was feeling particularly cheap one day after Besieged was finished and noticed that the free warp-Tarutaru had not been kidnapped this time, so I decided that I would just give him another chance... what's the worst that could happen? I thought something might have been wrong when I heard him say "Oh $#&%!" instead of his usual "Oops!" as I disappeared. The next thing I know, it's loincloth city. I have a new respect for subligars... at least they stay in place when the wind blows (as if it matters from my tarutaru perspective). /shudder They tell me this place is called Hyboria. Well, I might as well check it out while I'm here. Hopefully I can just Warp or Retrace back to Vana'diel when I'm in no more mood for shenanigans... then I'll have a talk with that Tarutaru... /grin
#99 Apr 21 2009 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
548 posts
==Black Screen==

Jaked: I'm not from around here. I have no idea how to get back home. Unfortunately for these people, I'm no novice waiting to be stabbed in the back.

*Sound effect: Knives being drawn.

Jaked: I guess this is where my new adventure will start.

Fade from Black. Classy sequence involving flashback lights in the corner of the screen.

==Windurst Woods==

-Scene: in town square, near the water fountain. A band of young Tarutaru and Mithra seem to be pretending to fight crime in the background. A few people are fishing near the fountain.

*Jaked is standing around, not paying attention to anything in particular.

Jaked: I wonder what I should do? I'd rather not slaughter any monsters today.. I don't understand why my adventuring compatriots will brutally attack anything running around in the wild.

Perhaps I will go attempt to craft again. The Clothcrafting guildmaster has hopefully forgotten about me using a Fire Crystal with that Cotton cloth by now...

*Shantotto enters stage right.

Shantotto: Although you seem meek, an adventure you seek? O-Hohohoho!

The savage fight shall become your plight!

*Shantotto begins to chant rapidly.

Jaked: What are you doing Shantotto! You've flipped your lid again haven't you?!

*Jaked walks away from this crazy Tarutaru to the Mog House.

==Mog House==
-Scene: Just like the thousands of mog houses in the world of Vana'Diel, this homely little device contains a Moogle, unseen amounts of storage space, a couple of flower pots, and a bed.

Moogle: Greetings, master! You have new mail in your delivery box, kupo!~

*The Moogle begins to spin around quickly. Hypnotically.

Jaked: Thank you, Moggersnaggle. Please stop spinning around, you are making me dizzy!

Moggersnaggle: Sorry, kupo! Force of habit!

*Jaked opens his delivery box to see a surprising object. A STRANGE COIN with an image of Shantotto engraved on one side, and on the other side the word "HYBORIA" with two swords crossed underneath.

Jaked: What a strange coin... I think I will try to desynth it!

Moggersnaggle: Don't you remember the last time you tried desynthing something, kupo! I thought you learned your lesson trying to apply the electric from your lightning crystal to your METALLIC dagger!

Jaked: Yeah, but this is a much smaller piece of metal, it definitely won't hurt so bad.

Moggersnaggle: Suit yourself, kupo...

*Just as Jaked begins to concentrate on desynthing the STRANGE COIN a faint laughter begins in the background. It soon becomes louder and more apparent whom the laughter belongs to.

*Sound Effect: ho....ho....ho...ho..ho..ho..hohohoHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO

Voice of Shantotto: Run away from me again, and you'll be sent to the pen!

*Sound Effect: Warp II, compounded three times.

*Jaked and Moggersnaggle are whisked away through the portal, and perhaps time and space, to arrive completely unharmed in a strange new land, HYBORIA

-Scene: Jaked and Moggersnaggle are surrounded by a verdant forest, though they have no idea where. Rustling occurs around the two, as they quickly prepare for the worst.

Moggersnaggle: Here we go again, kupo.......

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 4:28pm by JakedGaruda
#100 Apr 21 2009 at 12:43 PM Rating: Excellent
376 posts
Aozora wakes up in a cold sweat screaming.
Her moogle floats over "Another nightmare"
Aozora nods..
"You really should take a break from fishing" says a concerned Moogle.
"yeah i know.. but its been a year since Zaldon found that saber shoot, now all i need is the silk and i have my Ebisu" says Aozora.

*the moogle scratches his head* "But.. you only auction small fish, i dont really think its worth the effort"

Aozora glares: "thats not the point!" and gears up and heads for Lufaise.

*Sigh* "another long day ahead, this looks like a good spot.. figures its storming, but ...its kind of peaceful"

--Aozora fishes for a while, and gets into an intense struggle with a Lik, eventually ending with a broken Lu Shang, and a Lik skimming the top of the water in circles taunting her. Depressed, Aozora tosses the broken rod on the ground and sits down pouting with her back to the water, her tail slips into the water--

This is hopeless. Zaldon has cut open 326 of these dumb eels and nothing, he'll eventually run out of money to pay me.

--The fur on the back of her neck stands on end, and a sudden tug on her tail snatches her into the water and pulls into the depths. She momentarily looses consciousness, awaking a few minutes later still being dragged down.--

Aozora thinks "what to do..what to do!? i hate water!!" and notices she forgot to take off her opo-opo necklace.


-- The gust of wind creates a vortex allowing her to breathe momentarily before frantically swimming towards the direction she believes is up. Aozora makes it to the surface and on a shoreline and turns around cursing at the water when an armored man gallops by on a horse--

..."i dont think im in lufaise anymore" and an opal silk washes up on shore next to the remains of a Lik
#101 Apr 21 2009 at 12:58 PM Rating: Excellent
The age of dragons was nearing its end and the days of lords were fast approaching. Wandering about the minstrel sang about the future and deeds of man with the age past and dragons but a myth. Darrkin wandered about telling the tales of her adventure to all that were in earshot. The crowds enjoyed the stories believing that they were just that; stories. So onward, she traveled everywhere until she grew weary and tired from ridicule and laughter. Finding refuge in a small alcove, she set her head down upon her pack to sleep for the night. Awakened by a mysterious sound she awoke to a shower of lights and sounds that seemed to come from everywhere and yet nowhere. Quickly she gathered her belongings and drew her sword fearing the worst. Emerging from the alcove, she saw that the lights were in fact coming from the skies above her as she continued to watch she felt light-headed.
When Darrkin awoke she felt strange, her vision was blurry at first and then grew sharper as she looked about she did not recognise her surroundings. It would seem that during the night she somehow had traveled across a great distance or even time and found herself elsewhere.
As the Sun broke the horizon, she could see she was no longer somewhere familiar the tiny hairs on her neck stood up and chills went down her spine. I am not in Norrath she thought, as she wandered about new sights and sounds were in the air. New stories to be sang of, Stories of old brought back to be new again. However, where was she? What of her friends, what new dangers lurked around the corner?
Traveling along a seemingly endless road Darrkin approached a village, scared at first of what the citizens would look like or react to her appearance she made her way stealthily towards the dwellings under the cover of darkness. Noises were coming from a nearby building some laughter some speech it sounded like a tavern of sorts. With keen eye, she peered through the darkness to see the inhabitants of this new land to find that they looked human. Pushing fear a side, she approached the tavern hoping to find some food and drink after such a long time without any. As she walked through the door of the tavern she felt the occupants eyes all upon her biting down on her urge to flee she continued past to the bar. The barkeep a hefty looking man, responded to Darrkin’s request for food and drink with the shine of a gold piece on the bar top. Once finished her meal Darrkin asked the barkeep what this place was called, and of what age. We are in Zamora of course in the Age of Conan.
So began Darrkin’s adventure throughout Hyboria

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