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Venture into Hyboria ContestFollow

#52 Apr 21 2009 at 1:21 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Pusbag slowly pushed aside the palm fronds and peered into the clearing. His path had taken him a circuitous route, bypassing enemies minor and great, all intent on stopping him from meeting his Hyborian contact. The troll, reknowned back in his native land of "Da Swamp" in Norrath, was persona non grata elsewhere for his boorish yet cunning ways.

The clearing was empty but for the slowly waving grass moving to and fro from the light breeze. The wind brought many scents, none of them particularly inviting to the omnivoristic troll, yet there was a hint of tasty treats to come. The smell of unwashed humans floated by in the air, olfactory molecules borne on the breeze from a distant locale, sent to tease Pusbag's nostrils of future meals. His great and lengthy beak of nose twitched. And then his stomach growled. The King of the Trolls was in turn ruled by his belly.

Slowly, slowly, slowly, Pus crept forward, alert to dangers, aware of his exposure to predators unmet and unknown in this foreign place. There! His keen purple eyes picked up movement on the far side of the clearing. He backed up, melding into the shadows of the treeline, and worked his way around until he was staring at the unprotected back of the hulking human watching the open grassland. Pusbag lifted his waraxe above his head and brought it down swiftly upon the head of his prey. In that instant the human turned and looked at his demise racing for his skull and an expression of shocked surprise crossed his face as the blade split his brow...

#53 Apr 21 2009 at 1:34 AM Rating: Excellent
39 posts
Yeah i just wanted to tell a short story about my adventure to Hyboria with my shadowknight vonsneer descoundrel, I get off on a goody every now and then and figured I'd share it with everyone.

So I was farming my usual assortment of shissar scales and shissar blood in the greatest temple ever, when I hit the fabled emperor. Now i decided to solo him because everyone know's I have 549,521hp with 63kac, and that's unbuffed. So I took out my shissar bane weapon, the great greenmist, and I said listen here Emperor, i'm gonna take this weapon here, and hit you upside your copper-head and rattle it!

So I hit him with my Disease cloud spell, took him down to 87% just with that alone. I started doing the usual, you know, fighting with my 2 hand slash with 1 hand, covering my yawns with the other hand. Did a little footwork and a hucklebuck dance or two when he got down to 20%, wanted to make him chuckle a little bit before he died.

So he's finally down to 1% and i'm going in for my signature strike, you know, the Old One Two across his lobanza, and i dont know if it was the misty thicket picnics i had or what, but the next thing i know i get slapped across the back of my big greasy head by my long time known rival, the arch lich and i'm down for the count. I'm layin down there in a pool of shissar blood and my own urine looking up at the arch lich right as he is about to finish me off and I pass out.

I woke up and i'm in this world of better graphics and real looking scenery. I think it was called hydroxicut, hydromatic, No i think it was Hyboria. Anyway I dont know what hit me, but I met this conan guy and we pillaged this village just like the old days. Then he took me out to the bar and we drank some shissar blood he harvested from the old arch lich there back in the world of norrath. Hell of a guy that conan was, got into a little bit of a fight with him though, hit me over the head with a tooth encrusted stein, i think they were my teeth. Knocked me out, when I came too I was back in qeynos with **** in my greaves and a rude drawing on my forehead, So i made some totino's pizza rolls and called it a night. Great place that Hyboria was.
#54 Apr 21 2009 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
My tarutaru slapped my moogle one day, and he warped me into Hyboria.
True Story.
#55 Apr 21 2009 at 2:51 AM Rating: Excellent
6,119 posts
Ebola was simple fellow, not in a special sit in the back of the School-chocobo with the galka kind of way. But in a happy chewing on piece of Gausebit Grass while watching some mandy's duke it out for a small piece of fertilizer. He didn't ask for much, well maybe some more experience at the highest levels of his craft dancing for things to die by. But one thing he always wondered was "Are we alone?" he always felt like someone was watching his every move. Almost as if he was a puppet on a string. A silly thing to think, yes, he knew this, but he couldn't quite shake the feeling. Ebola hoped up from where he was resting and decided to take a stroll. But he couldn't shake the feeling something was off.

Out of the corner of his eye Ebola started seeing flashes of... something. He couldn't quite figure out what it was. It was almost as if he was watching himself from a distance, but through someone else's eyes, and on what looked like a bright box! Suddenly everything became clear, he could see himself watching himself. "Who are you?" he asked to whoever was watching him. Ebola felt a wave of panic wash over him. No, not him, the person watching him. He was feeling the person watching him begin to panic. Ebola suddenly saw something come up in front of him. "Is this an enemy?" he thought to himself but nothing was there in Sarutabaruta. This thing was on on the box that the other was watching him on.

He tried to read the writing on this odd box. "McAfee detects a Virus, shutting down program". Jibberish, no meaning to these words but he felt like it was important. Ebola felt a relief coming from the person who was watching him but just as quickly felt fear himself. His world was ending, if wasn't like he was being attacked but as if the world was just.. gone. He could no longer see himself on the box. He took a deep breath knowing something is wrong, but since he was still seeing what the other person was seeing then he would somehow be ok.

Ebola watched as the small red and white box in the "mirror" for lack of a better word made some movements. "Virus has been removed, please restart Windows". A window, that's what this is he thought to himself. He watched as the "window" went black then started to get bright again. He saw the hands of the person who was watching him move, they picked up a silver circle and placed it into a box next to the window. Some more pictures came up on the window. Familiar in a way but very different. It didn't look like the world he was in before though it had a familiar feel to how things looked. And it didn't look like the world he was seeing through the others eyes which somehow was sharp and soft at the same time.

After what seemed like an eternity Ebola began to see this new world on the window within his own eyes. He was able to see this city he could see in the window right in front of him almost as if he could touch it. No he COULD touch it. He looked down, he was different somehow, but not. He was himself but in the body of another, almost the same as when watching through the others eyes. Ebola then realized he was no longer looking at himself, all he could see is the places in front of him nothing more. Ebola started walking around looking at things, talking to people for the first time. He began to forget about his old life. He was an adventurer of Hyboria, his home.

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 6:55am by Tyrrant
#56 Apr 21 2009 at 3:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Hello, I too do not think I’m eligible to enter hailing from the UK but I’d thought I’d subscribe and have a go, I find the forums a valuable source of information and play FFXI on my xbox360 with my lap top at close hand, lol.

Thruppence was on yet another important mission for the Mithran Gate Guards, this time she was to travel to Bastok and speak with the council there. She felt very proud taking her ethers and potions off the shelves in her mog house and packing them into her bag, when ready she bowed and smiled warmly at her Moogle and set off.
The journey was hazardous for the tiny Tarutaru Black Mage her little legs couldn’t outrun the many mobs that sought her out and she found herself back at the outposts in Meriphataud Mountains and Jugner Forest quite often, but she persevered.
Having set out at level 21 she arrived in the South Gustaberg level 20, disappointed at having delevelled yet still determined to do a good job.
Thruppence marched proudly through the Bastok gates fully expecting to be met by the burly Galkas but the town was gone where the Market should have been there was only a Swirling Vortex.

Thruppence was shattered her horse had refused to cross the River Saren and unceremoniously dumped her in the water close the Delf City of Neriak, more annoyed than afraid as being in her 60th season the guards were of little concern to the Eastern Human Magician it was the long walk to Freeport she wasn’t looking forward to, her pet Efreeti Lord was behaving erratically wandering off to kill most of the wildlife they passed, Thruppence called him back again and again but he failed to respond to her commands. He had been behaving strangely since leaving Klick Anon, oh well she would soon be home in Freeport and hopefully her Guild Master would sort the annoying pet out.

The harsh landscape of Nektulos gave way the lushness of The Green Rift soon Thruppence would be in Bobble where she would be able to rent another horse, walking through the small forest Thruppence expected to be able to spot the start of the small village Bobble by Water but couldn’t, puzzled she moved faster and came upon a horror, the village its Bank, Shops, Stable and thriving community were gone in its place was huge Swirling Vortex.

What both Thruppences had in common was curiosity, most often it killed them outright but sometimes rewarded them with loot and rare treasures, walking round the Vortex each in their own world the Black Mage and Magician had one thought ‘I’m going in’

Stepping into the vortex was a thrill it smelt fresh and clean and had a slightly musical sound to it but both Mages were soon feeling nauseous as they were sucked into the depths and spinning violently dragged into a terrifying blackness.

Thruppence stared in surprise at the tiny brown nosed creature she had stumbled on in the middle of the road, dismounting from her horse the Barbarian walked over to examine the figure, she was in for another surprise as close by lay two more larger figures a woman in red robes and a large burning creature, ‘WHAT THE’ she said in surprise and out loud, her voice woke the trio and all three stumbled to their feet, Thruppence alert and agile leapt some distance away and immediately drew her weapon.
The Tarutaru and Eastern Human Mages stared round at their surroundings and at each other, the Tarutarus eyes almost popped out her head at the sight of the burning pet, but although they had no clue where they were they were strangely unafraid.
Thruppence still with weapon drawn moved closer and in a harsh voice she confronted the trio ‘who the hell are you and what are you doing on my land‘,
The Tarutaru and Human immediately responded ‘I am Thruppence 20 Black Mage hailing from
Windurst in Sarubartu’ stuttered the tiny Black Mage.
I am Thruppence 60 Magician from Freeport hissed the Magician annoyed at being spoken to so harshly and even more annoyed at having responded at all.
‘Really’ replied the Barbarian, grinning widely ‘Well I’m Thruppence Rogue Assassin of Hyborian’ moving closer she thrust her sword into the grassy earth and casually leaning on it said
‘and Welcome to my world‘.

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 7:27am by earlygrey
#57 Apr 21 2009 at 3:45 AM Rating: Excellent
1,504 posts
How did I get here?

I don't understand, I remember city's.....Freeport rambles through my mind looking for some memory to connect with. Stormwind shortly follows.

I remember epic battles. Going out with 72 of my brethren to fight evil and then a blur of color and then fighting alone, then nothing.

I have a vague feeling of lost time. Years spent working to achieve my goals cut short in a flash of color then, blackness.

I feel reborn.

I feel weak.

I look over the rusty dagger and loin cloth, the only possessions I have. Before me I see fields and beyond them mountains.

I see others in the area. They are dressed as I am. Some go forth and kill the rats and snakes that surround us. Others seem intent on challenging the other being reborn here to fight them.

My memory blurs and I see flashes of picking up shards of Pearl from vanquished foes. Epic fights on a island. A morning star that could bring the departed back to life. A Dragons head on the gates of a city.

I remember others........A Bard running Thur the valleys to join the battle.....A Barbarian with a wolf in the heat of battle.....A Ranger in blue always there......a Dwarf Paladin and Priest.....

My vision clears and see a new road before me. Prepared for adventure I take the first step on my journey.

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 12:33pm by rosleck
"If you ask me, we could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans"

George Carlin.

#58 Apr 21 2009 at 4:01 AM Rating: Excellent
1,153 posts
Trobli had warp XIV cast on him and it took him to Hyboria.

It did not end well...
Funny Facebook statuses

dad jokes

#59 Apr 21 2009 at 4:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
Anna was confused. She spent much of her time in Selbina, where she wrestled in the space between maternal longing and maternal hatred as she contemplated her half- moogle child. My sweet will be an avatar and I will name it 'Bahamut.' They will think that he is a mystical creature and not a mutated child of an unnatural union. The nomad moogle nearby smiled and counted out the Rophynol that he had bought the week before. I shuddered. Ever since the moogles had taken possession of our material objects, they have grown almost frighteningly bold.

I was walking in a daze. Some guy was asking me about getting some boyanda moss. This town has become a den of inequity. I remember getting some rare copy of Kate Chopin's "The Awakening." Rare mainly because she was from the mid-west of the US and imports only came through these strange portals. I smiled, SMILED at the end of that book because she did what I am doing now, wading out to the center of the lake, waiting for death, the only way I can escape the moogles.

I stared into the murky blue and things became floaty and indistinct. Underneath me was a strange portal.

Hmmm...perhaps I should go through there to talk to Kate Chopin?

I went into the purplish light and fell through the sky.


My head pounded. I looked up. A tall man smiled, "Hello! I am Tarn! I wonder if you can help me."

Tarn, wait, where am I?

"Can you seek out Pefini in Nakaset village for me? I have a job for you?"

As long as there are no moogles! Ha!

And that is how I became a low resolution warrior in a high resolution world.

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 8:11am by Annabella

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 12:44pm by Annabella
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#60 Apr 21 2009 at 4:17 AM Rating: Excellent
In the land of Azeroth, a rather irritated rogue glances again at the portal. "I'm telling you, there is something wrong with this. I don't recognize that city!"
His companion shrugs, "Look Jahrik, you have two options really. You can stay here and let them kill you or you can go through the portal. Why do you humans always have to make an easy decision look tougher than it already is?"
Jahrik laughed, "There's always option three. Look cancel this one and open a new one, I can guard your back! Come now Eandyil, you and I both know that something is wrong here!"
Whatever may or not have been wrong didn't matter for much longer. An explosive landed within feet of the pair of irritated adventurers. Glancing at each other, Eandyil and Jahrik both jumped through the portal into the unknown lands of Hyboria.

"I told you that there was something wrong with that portal. But would you listen to me? Noooooo! 'Why do humans always have to make life complicated, why oh why!'" Jahrik mocked his friend.
"Alright already! For the fiftieth and last time, you were right! Can you drop this? I'm trying to get us home!"
"Looks like it's going to rain, oh enlightened savior of the doomed. Maybe we should find shelter before you try yet again to open a portal to somewhere familiar. The gods know, however, I would almost welcome even the sight of an orc right now."
With a sigh, Eandyil agreed with his friend. Together they set out to find shelter, and perhaps a little information about this new land. There wasn't much other choice available to either of them.
#61 Apr 21 2009 at 4:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Dunek was a dwarf, he did not much like to be a dwarf but thats what he was. Luckily being a Rogue he was a master of Disguise and could make himself look like most of the races of Norrath if needed - even the large ones which was some feat for some one only 4 foot in hieght. It also allowed him to play tricks which was another game Dwarves and Rogues loved to play.

On one such occassion his good friend Brawn of Halas had come of Age and the evening was spent in McDaniels drinking as only Babarians and Dwarves know how (Dunek could drink like a fish, an alcoholic fish). After the session was truely in the swing he snuck out of the bar and applied his disguise. He whipped off his rags and from his backpack produced a dark blue cloak, a green casters robe and a necromancers staff adorned with skulls and wierd symbols. Dunek cared less what meaning they held. He then applied the finishing touch by touching his mask.

He then invised and snuck back into the middle of the room where he used one of his other abilities to create a smoke bomb and the skeletal form appeared in the middle of a bar crammed full of drunk Barbarians. After the event Dunek realised that this may not have been the brightest of his ideas but he had no way of going back now.

As if instantanious 10 or more spectral wolves surrounded him and multiple hammers, swords and knives could be heard whistleing into position. Dunek really needed to think fast as time was running out.

"I am here to fight Brawn, I have heard he is the greatest warrior of all Halas and I come here to test my powers agains't him!" screeched Dunek in his best Necromancer impression. With that McDaniel twigged that not all was what it seemed and stepped into the middle of the room.

"A puny Necromancer against a great Halas son, Ha you are no match for him. To the Arena to settle this!!"

The sound was incredible, the beating of hands on tables, weapons on shields and the Chanting of Brawn's name as he was carried out of the bar to the Arena. This was one of the more fortunate things for Brawn as walking to the Arena might have proved a little too much. For a split second Brawn felt like a hero and then the mist cleared and he was now toe to toe with a Skeleton holding what looked to him like a his own head on a stick. A sword was forced into his hand and a helmet on his head with a bang. The force of this and the noise was almost enough to take the young man to his knee's.

Through his travels Dunek had picked up some toys which would make it look like he was casting spells but the effects would not damage his friend, well not too much. He touched his ring and aimed and suddenly roots sprouted around Brawns feet. This actually aided Brawn as movement probably was a bad thing and now he had a reason not too. Dunek rubbed his earring and a swarm of bees errupted and attacked Brawn. Even though they were annoying the bees did little to Brawn and with the cold night air clearing his head he began to realise that everything was not as it seemed. Then he spotted the daggers and it was time for revenge. Dunek pointed his staff and a large skull appeared above Brawn and sludge poured on him, toxic looking but not that harmful but suddenly Brawn collapsed on the floor and started to scream a terrifying scream of pain beyond pain. The arena was now silent and 100 hate filled eyes were trained on Dunek.

He was now in more trouble, why had the little disease spell hurt Brawn so badly? He had cast it on himself by accident and all he had had was a light rash and some itching?? Even if he whipped off his disguise would the crowd believe he was just playing around. Even Mc'Daniels was looking confused and worried. So he made a run for it..............

As he turned the first corner he could here the crowd after him and instantly hit the shadows and dissapeared. He hurriedly put his disguise away and re-dressed as people passed with in inches of him with hatred written across there faces. Then Brawn was being carried to the city square, he looked cold, clammy and white as a sheet. Dunek gulped and decided he should make his leave. As he crossed the square for some odd reason his invisibility dropped without him noticing and he walked on regardless through the passing barbarians who obviously ignored him as they were not looking for a dwarf.

Brawn spotted Dunek and like the wind in the grass moved behind Dunek without him noticing. He lifted the butt of his sword and soundly bashed Dunek on the head. Dunek was blinded by his helmet falling over his eyes and the slight concussion he now had and stumlbed and fell down the Well in the Halas main square.

The last thing the Barbarians heard was a dwarfs screams and a small splash....then nothing. They sent down some Children as it was a tight squeeze for a fully grown barbarian and nothing was found apart from a pouch and a heavily dented helmet. Dunek was gone. the barbarians assumed he had gone invisible and left with his tail between his legs. Many a joke was told about him as they drunk to the early hours.

The sound of the Sea was the First thing Dunek could sense, then the light started to return, a bright light like none he had experienced on Norrath. As his vision returned he sat up to see the crystal waters of a huge sea in front of him. He blinked a couple of times, punched himself clean in the jaw and after picking himself back up started to scratch his head. He was wet from head to foot and from the taste of it it was sea water??

"But I fell down a well!" he half shouted to himself.

"We have all fallen down on our luck to end up hear my short friend. Now please help me!?!" said the panicy female voice from behind him. As he turned he saw a beautiful women chained up and beaten well. "Welcome to Tortage, hell hole of Hyboria!"
#62 Apr 21 2009 at 4:28 AM Rating: Excellent
61 posts
After a recent visit to Howling Fjord, She decided to call it a day.

She took the usual Death Gate back to Ebon Hold, for some well-deserved sleep.
She just sat down, too tired to seek an Inn, as usual, she felt it like a waste of money.
Just as vital as when she was whiskered back to life, at an age of 55...
Actually even More Vital. She never felt old, just barely turned 71, an hour earlier.
But being a Hero, and all, had taken it's toll. So she needed her daily rest.

She didn't have any unusual to drink, just the regular Winterfall Firewater.
It didn't taste all that bad, and it helped her sleep. Besides, she had a lot of it.
It seemed such a waste to dispose of it, so she used it to gain an advantage,
in her constant fight against the long hours before she finally fell asleep.
She didn't even conjure up her pet Bear this time.

This particular night, was going to be something special...
Little did she know, her life was about to change...
She was going to wake up, in the land of her dreams. The land called Hyboria!
Her 'world' was 'due' for a change, it seemed...

Her mind drifted away, out of weariness.
Hours upon hours, running errands to improve her reputation to various authorities...
Doing this and that whitout even questioning why. She KNEW why.
She enjoyed the killing. It was as simple as that.
The sweet taste of victory against the vile creatures, roaming the world.
She enjoyed especially, taking down a worthy opponent trying to kill her,
though she didn't even have her weapons drawn, when approaching.
The sweet taste of life coming back to her, from the disesases upon her
opponent, surging through her weapons, trough her arms, through her heart.
Filling her mind up to the brim with the will to Struggle, Fight and emerge Victorious.
She could almost feel the surge of Battle now, filling her body with life.

She felt, more alive than ever... but also the need for alternation.
She longed for new opponents, new challenges.
Howling Fjord wasn't like she expected, to cold for flying...
Borean Tundra was a bit better, but still, no use for her Ebon Gryphon, too Cold...

She prefered lush green landscapes, dangers lurking in the dense undergrowth,
trees reaching for the sky, birds singing for all that could hear,
occasionally warning for close-by danger by being silent.
Wide-open spaces, her trusty Ebon Gryphon. And a mission to complete.
That was what made her feel most alive.

She enjoyed exploring new places, habitable or not, as long as her Battle-worn,
but in-good-shape Mace, had something to subdue.
Her mind drifted away, and soon enough, she fell asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, she couldn't believe she was awake.
For the first time in her life, she didn't wake upp where she went to sleep.
Or was she still dreaming?

She pinched her arm, slapped her legs, even struck her head gently with her mace.
Her not feeling as she stood on the side, told her 'No out-of-body-experience either.'
That, and the small swelling on her head, from her mace, told her she was awake.
The world wasn't all-together turned upside-down, she could feel firm ground underneath her
but nearly everything she wished for, was right there, in front of her eyes, beckoning...

She closed her eyes to be able think properly...

She had to admit she was awake, but the world had changed...
But how?
or Where was she?
And Why?
Why Her?
Most importantly though, Why Now?

Her first reaction was to throw up a gate, to Ebon Hold. But the Gate kept collapsing.
The Heartstone, was gone altogether. Her Mounts and Pets, too.

She looked trough her belongings, and all she had with her, was what she, thankfully, was wearing.
Her trustworthy Mace, her well-used armor, her backpack, and most of her dignity.
She needed a new safe spot to sleep, if she couldn't get the Death gate to work.
And to help her sleep, she'd like some of that handy Firewater, but her backpack was so light!

- Empty! a voice inside of her yelled.
She looked through the backpack again, it actually was empty!

So, here she was, with armor, weapon, a backpack, and her abilities. Nothing more.
Time to get something done about it, the world previously seen in her dreams, was waiting to be explored.
It never scared her in her dreams, so why let it do that now?

The first step, was the hardest.
But with each of the steps she took, her determination, grew bigger.
This wasn't going to be easy, but as sure as she missed her pet bear,
she was going to make it as interesting as possible.

She drew her Mace, without knowing when it would come to use, nor against What or Whom.
Her walk turned into running as she approached the nearby woods.
She felt alive again, and looked forward to what lay ahead.

- 'For Ebon hold! and for Stormwind!', she yelled
It didn't have the same ring to it here, so she yelled even higher:
- 'Onward and beyond!'
That felt better! In fact, she felt better than ever before...
#63 Apr 21 2009 at 4:40 AM Rating: Excellent
76 posts
I found myself one on one with one of the Lich King's finest soldiers. I, a skilled paladin, a champion of the light, versus a ruthless and cunning death knight. While I didn't underestimate my opponent by any means, I had the utmost confidence that the light would guide me to a swift and just victory. I was mistaken. The battle lasted for what seemed like an hour. Both of us fighting to what appeared to be a stalemate. Neither one of us giving up an inch to the other. Eventually my mortal body wore down as his eternal undeath remained as strong as ever. Just as he was about to deal me the killing blow, my trusty companion Wind Rider flew in and guided me to saftey.

Defeated and nearly decapitated, I made my way to Dalaran to find sanctuary. I informed Rhonin of what transpired. He told me that I still lacked the necessary training and skills to defeat the elite forces of the Lich King. I then asked what I must do to obtain the necessary skills. Rhonin told me that I must travel to another planet to further my training for there was nothing here on Azeroth that could help me now.

I asked him what planet I must travel to and he said,"Hyboria."

I then asked, "what could the people there know about defeating the scourge that we don't."

Rhonin replied "they have endured their own fierce struggles that have transformed them into hardened warriors that can defeat any foe."

Still unconvinced I said "How do you know so much about this planet and its people?"

Rhonin replied, "While the Alliance, Horde, Argent Crusade and the Knights of the Ebon Blade have been fighting the scourge, the Kirin Tor have been searching the universe for potential allies that could help us and in our search we came across Hyboria."

I then pointed out that if the Lich King were to ever find out about Hyboria or if the Burning Legion were to ever resurface and find out about it, then we would be exposing this evil to people that have nothing to do with our plight.

He then reminded me that if we were to be defeated here on Azeroth then the rest of the universe would be victims of the scourge and the legion any ways.

Reluctantly I agreed to Rhonin's orders. All he told me was that once I was on Hyboria, I was to seek out King Conan. The King would give me all of the help that I sought.

I made sure to get plenty of rest and a good meal before my journey. When I was ready, Rhonin and a few other mages of the Kirin Tor opened a portal to Hyboria.

I hesitantly stepped into the portal and once on the other side, I found myself on a street not too far from what appeared to be a large city inside of high, thick walls, although I didn't know for sure. I was all alone. Rhonin couldn't even bother to spare a mage or even an apprentice to aid me on my journey. I suppose that's part of my training though.

Not knowing where I was, I started to make my way to the stone walls, as they appeared to be a good place to start my search for King Conan. As I got closer I encountered a few commoners but they spoke in a dialect that I was unfamiliar with.

For the first time, I thought to myself, "How am I going to communicate with these people? How will they know if I'm friend or foe?"

Fearful of my safety in these foreign lands, I decided not to proceed any further until I had thought out how I was going to overcome this barrier. I sat down and looked through my traveler's pack that I had brought with me to see if there was anything that might help me in the slightest. Anything that I could use to let these people know that I come in peace.

As I was looking I found a note that must have been from Rhonin. It was written in a language that I was not familiar with. I could only assume that this note was meant for King Conan since Rhonin told me nothing about it.

I thought to myself, "Gee thanks Rhonin. For all I know you could be leading me to my execution."

Seeing as how I didn't have much choice, I stood up and started to make my way to the stone walls again. As I got closer I saw what appeared to be guards. Not wanting to pose any threat to them I simply handed them the letter and kept quiet.

As they were reading through my letter a look of shock came across both of their faces and then that look of shock turned into laughter as if they couldn't believe what they were reading. I assumed by their reactions that the letter explained why I was here.

Thinking that I wasn't going to get any help and unable to say anything due to the language barrier I simply sighed and began to walk away. As soon as I did the two soldiers grabbed me and began to escort me into the city that they were so dutifully protecting.

I didn't know where they were taking me but it wasn't for a tour of the city. I could only hope that it wasn't to prison, or even worse, to my death.

It wasn't long though before my fears were put to rest as I found myself inside a great throne room of the palace standing before what was obviously the ruler of this incredible place. Was it King Conan or did I find myself in front of another ruler in another part of Hyboria?

As I stood there, one of the soldiers handed the king the letter from Rhonin. He read it and unlike the reactions from the soldiers when they read it, there was no look of shock nor laughter. This man appeared to understand exactly what my situation was. It was then that I knew that I was in the right place.

He didn't bother to speak to me as he knew that I couldn't understand him. Instead he gave what appeared to be instructions to his soldiers. I was then escorted to a private room where I could wash up and change into clean clothes. Clothes that would allow me to fit in more with the crowd and not make me look like the outsider that I am.

Not long after, I was taken to the main dining hall where I was treated to an extravagant meal. It was just the king and I. It was perhaps the most awkward moment of my life. Sitting there with a king of not just a foreign land but a whole nother planet, not knowing what he's thinking, not being able to communicate at all. I didn't feel awkward for long though as the meal was clearly causing me to fall asleep.

When I awoke, I found myself in the wilderness with nothing but a shirt and pants. My weapons and armor gone as I had left them in my room in the palace. It didn't take me long to realize that this must be part of my test.

As soon as I began to move I heard a noise. At first I didn't know what it was but it soon became clear that it was a growl. I quickly became still but it was too late. A wolf had found me. Not wanting to become wolf food, I tried to use my my holy spells to subdue it but apparently they don't work on this planet. If I was going to get the best of this wolf then I would have to use my bare hands. I felt less and less like a paladin and more and more like a barbarian.

The wolf was clearly starving and pretty weak and thus didn't come at me with the ferocity of a healthy beast. I managed to avoid its leap, barely, and as it came to the ground, I grabbed it and broke its neck, killing it instantly. All in all, it was a little too easy and thus I knew that I wasn't sent here to kill wolves.

Before I could even begin walking, I was greeted by a man dressed similarly to myself only he had a whip. Without saying a word he took the whip to my back once, twice, and then before he could do so a third time, I turned around and grabbed the end of the whip and as I was about to lay the smackdown on him he showed me the letter that Rhonin had sent with me for King Conan. That told me that I was at his mercy now. I knew that I was to do whatever he wanted for it was supposed to help with my training.

He led me to his small camp not too far from where I had awoken. The camp just happened to be at the base of a mountain. I sat down to get some rest but as soon as I did, I got the whip to the back again. I stood up and my new master put a huge ball and chain on each of my legs and then pointed to the steep trail at the base of the mountain. It was obvious where my next destination was. I started to walk but then again, *crack* another whip to the back. It was apparent that I wasn't moving fast enough for his liking. I picked up the pace until the whipping finally stopped but it wasn't long until I could no longer keep up the pace that my master wanted. Once the whipping started again, it didn't stop until I was at the top of the trail. It probably took 3/4 of a day to reach the top. Once at the top, I was allowed to rest for about 5 minutes and then it was time to head back down. Even though the trip back down was much easier than the trip up, I still got a constant whipping to the back. By the time we made our way down the trail and back to camp, it was dark and fortunately my master allowed me to get some sleep.

When I woke up in the morning I had found that master had already been awake and eaten breakfast. It didn't take me long to figure out that if I wanted to eat then I would have to get my own food. Unfortunately, master had left the balls and chains on my legs so I was hindered by them as I searched for food. I walked around for what seemed like 20 minutes before I finally stumbled across an apple tree. I prefer meat but you eat what you can get. I took a couple apples off of the tree and made my way back to the camp.

Master didn't give me long to eat before he cracked the whip and pointed to the base of the mountain. Looks like today is going to be the same as yesterday. It sure was, as were the next two weeks. Climb to the top, climb back down, sleep, wake up, find some food, lather, rinse and repeat.

I couldn't figure out why Rhonin sent me here for this. What could I possibly gain from this I thought. Then it dawned on me. Rhonin is testing my spirit. He wants to see if this man can break me, break my will. The reason that I lost to my nemesis was because my spirit wasn't strong enough. "But why did Rhonin have to send me here for this test," I wondered. "Why couldn't he have just tested me back on Azeroth?" That's a question that would have to wait until I returned home. If I returned home. For now though, I wasn't going to let this man break my spirit. I wasn't going to fail the people of Azeroth. I started hiking the trail faster and faster each day until finally one day I woke up and my new master never pointed to the trail.

But alas that wasn't the end of my training, only the beginning. My master had new tasks for me to do. But at least now he took off the balls and chains from my legs. The days kept going by faster and faster and the tasks, while meaningless to me, apparently served some sort of purpose.

One day master decided to lead me to a cave full of primitive looking human type creatures, similar to the trogs on Azeroth. He pointed to them and then cracked the whip which I can only assume meant that he wanted me to approach them. I did, not knowing why, and was greeted with an unfriendly welcome. Two, guards I could only assume, drew swords on me, and without my weapons or armor I was afraid to engage. Paladins aren't used to fighting with their bare hands in just their shirts and pants but it looks like I might have to.

On cue they begin to attack. Fortunately the two creatures aren't that smart, nor well trained in the art of fighting. They are very basic and predictable and I was able to overpower one of them, grab his sword, and deal a killing blow just in time to parry an attack from the other. With a weapon it was easy to dispatch the other creature.

Oh how good it feels to have a sword in my hand again. Unfortunately that feeling would be short lived as I feel another crack of the whip. I look at my master as he looks at the sword in my hand which is his way of telling me that I won't be needing it. It's now obvious, or so I thought, that this is a combat exercise in which I am only to use my bare hands. No weapons allowed even if I get those weapons off of my enemies.

Just as I drop my sword, the rest of the trog like creatures start to come towards me. I don't have long to think but it does occur to me that if I can't use swords then perhaps I can at least use the bodies of my dead enemies. I pick up one of the dead creatures and throw it at my enemies. It knocks a few of them down but the rest are unfazed. Unsure of what to do next I run. I don't care if master whips me or not, I can't possible defeat all of them, as primative as they may be. Not without weapons and not without my holy spells.

Master follows suit and runs and we manage to lose them on our way back to camp. Surprisingly master doesn't take the whip to me. Instead he gives me a smile, an acknowledgment that I made the right decision. Apparently wisdom and judgment were parts of my trials as well. Deciding to run instead of fight showed good wisdom and judgment in this case.

In the morning Master cracks the whip and has me follow him. After about a half a day's walk we find ourselves back at the entrance to the big city that I found myself at when I first arrived on this planet. This time the guards recognize me and take me back to my room so I can wash up and get some clean clothes.

I am the recipient of another great feast only this time it doesn't put me to sleep. Just when I thought my time in hell was about to end though, there is one trial that I still must pass. That trial would be against King Conan himself. I don't think that I'm ready to fight him in hand to hand combat but I have no choice. I must defeat him. I must prove myself so I can finally get back where I belong. Back to Azeroth. Back to fighting the scourge.

After dinner I am thrown into what can best be described as a simple gladiator's pit. After a few minutes, King Conan makes his way into the pit. Without warning, Conan comes at me and the match has started. I try to go toe to toe with him but I am quickly overpowered. He picks me up and throws me to the ground. He's just too big and strong for me. I'm really not sure what to do. After a few more failed offensive maneuvers, I finally decide that perhaps I should just play defense and try to wear Conan out. I run around the pit trying to duck and dodge every move that Conan makes.

This goes on for what seemed like a few hours until eventually Conan stops. A portal opens up and from the other side comes a mage from the Kirin Tor. Finally, a familiar face. He tells me that Rhonin is satisfied with my progress and that I must return home. Apparently Rhonin had been keeping track of me this entire time. He them speaks to Conan in Conan's native tongue. Conan bows to me and I bow to him. I follow the mage into the portal and back to Dalaran.

The first thing that I do is ask Rhonin what the purpose of all of those trials was. Rhonin tells me that it is vital that none of us fall in battle. The more of us that fall, the more soldiers that join the Lich King's ranks. He reminds me that I was almost one of those soldiers. He said that I was too offensive minded and that I needed to learn better survival techniques. He said that I needed to learn how to survive through spiritual training, hence the trail climbing with the balls and chains while being whipped. I couldn't allow my master to break my spirit nor can I allow the scourge to break my spirit. He said that I also needed to learn how to use mental acuity to survive, hence the trial at the trog cave to test my decision making. He tells me that sometimes it's wise to run and live to fight another day. That was something that I didn't realize until today. And finally he said that I needed to go through a test of physical survival, hence the final test against King Conan. I wore down far too fast in my last battle against the scourge because I used too much energy on offense. Going against a superior foe in Conan showed me how easily over matched I can get if I just think about offense all the time. Even though I never actually beat Conan, that match got me to focus on defense.

With my spirit, mind and body strengthened, I rejoin the battle against the scourge. It's not long before I face off against my old nemesis and this time it is I who get the best of him.

But I do not anticipate that this will be the last that I see of Hyboria. I owe a great deal to King Conan and his people, a favor that someday I will repay. And who knows. Maybe next time it will be I that gets to take the whip to my former master.
#64 Apr 21 2009 at 5:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Apr. 20, 2009 05:00 [PDT] From: FINAL FANTASY XI
All Worlds Emergency Maintenance (Apr. 20)

At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI maintenance on all worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

This maintenance will resolve the following issues:
- An issue where checking the "Warding Door" near (E-7) in Fort Karugo-Narugo [S] after purchasing a Remedy in Aht Urhgan Whitegate and creating a maze using the"MMM Materialization Team" Maze Voucher while under the effect of Afflatus Solace will display the message "lolenfeeblingmagic", and cause the player to be logged out of FINAL FANTASY XI. The player will then be unable to log back in without first purchasing and registering a new Square-Enix Security Token.
- An issue where entering the One-Time Password "CONAN" will cause players to be transported to the area "Hyboria" upon login.

Maintenance operations will delete any reservations for Pankration matches. Players who are scheduled to participate in Pankration matches, those who will enter Assault, Salvage or Einherjar areas, or those who will participate in Dynamis or Limbus at the time of the maintenance, we ask that you please wait until maintenance is complete before engaging in these activities. Please note that we cannot replace items that are lost during the maintenance process.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

* The World Transfer Service will be unavailable starting 30 minutes before the maintenance. Please wait until after the maintenance is completed before attempting to use this service.

[Date & Time]
Apr. 20, 2009 from 10:00 to 12:00 (PDT)
* Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]
#65 Apr 21 2009 at 5:37 AM Rating: Excellent
It was all so new... so sudden. Just two days prior I was walking through Dragonblight gathering metal, stones, and gems. My brethren ready to assault the floating tower of Naxxramas. My swords were ready to taste the blood of the Scourge, my expectations were merely war. Then again, that was days ago. I can't help but wonder just how I ended up here. I had heard of my colleagues adventuring out into far off unknown locations, meeting giants, dragonkin, and all sorts of beast but this... place... These woods... They are unlike any of the stories. All I remember, I will recount in this journal.

4.19: My day was simple enough. I emerged warily from Angmar's Hammer, the fires still crackling in the middle of town, guards patrolling the perimeter. My mounts, Vej'ra the Howler, Garul`Sha; my steed, and Karak'le the Windrider were still huddled in the snow together sleeping. As I took my seat on the parapets I ran my fingers over my daggers. They had begun to dull. Searching through my various other containers I removed my two swords and a pair of poison vials. Even though my aims were mercantile today I had to be prepared. Mining is not without risk out here in Northrend... As more of the morning began to emerge from the calm of night my mounts stirred awake. As Karak'le began to arise I whistled for him. I promptly took my seat and we were off, hovering over the landscape. Snow covered the ground as bears, elk, spiders, and alliance scum all walked around heavy with the stench of the living.

This fate that had befallen me only hardened me to the pleasures and plights of the living. As I find my first deposit and sink my pick into it I hear some stirring around me. A beast howls, an elven cry then rings out. My blood begins to rush. I camouflage myself and begin the hunt. In the distance I spot a Night Elf clad in cloth. My only thoughts are of the rush of the kill. As I slowly weave my way between the trees, careful not to make a sound I manage to avoid the detection of beasts. As the mage sits to drink I sense my opportunity. I unsheathe my blades and promptly deliver a stunning shot to my unknowing victim. As I plant blade after blade deep into his tender flesh he screams for mercy but he will not find it at the hands of this rogue. As he begins to come to I decide that the fun is not over yet. With another fell swing the flash in his eyes of hope are deadened. I plant my blade firmly into his flesh and watch the blood pour out. With that one shot I step back and let nature run its course. I turn with all my speed and dash away. I know that it won't be long until he brings friends with my name on their mind...

4.20: This fate that had befallen me, this blood lust, this need to satisfy the cycle of life with my weapons, it has brought me troubles in the past. This mage was no mere traveller of the alliance. He was the leader of Litany of Fury. I now know I will have to be on constant vigil. My travels will have to be that much more secretive, my host territories that much more exotic. Though I am forever leery of my travels I know a rogue is not foreign to silent travel. My hope is awoken by the declaration sent out by my guild, that Naxxramas must fall. The prospect of a hearty group of my fellow Horde members, nay, my brethren will be in the area will provide ample cover. This could come at no better time as well. I hear footsteps abound around me on a constant basis. Twigs snap yet as I jerk my head around I see nothing. Just my luck. Another rogue hunting me. Their bloodlust is nowhere near mine. Those paltry gnomes, humans, and night elves know not of the furor with which the Forsaken attack. The rage with which an orc rogue will plunge a dagger into your back. The fury contained within a troll's blade. I will not make an excuse for the Blood Elves, false comrades if you ask me. If it looks like an ally, talks like an ally, and doesn't look as though it fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on its way to the ground, it's probably an ally.

As I begin my trek over to the floating temple under veil of shadows I feel a tightening of my perimeters. As though I'm being stalked. Suddenly I catch a quick glimpse of a leather clad person hunched over. If I still had a heart I know it would be churning violently at this moment. I stop, dead in my tracks, I have been passed but for how long will I go unnoticed? As I slowly look around I notice 3 other allies. Two armed in plate, one in mail with a feral cat at its side. My number, it seems, is coming up. Desperate, I decide, here is where I fight, where I give what life I have to protect my honor, to assert my claim over what is mine, and to feast on the bodies of allies. I crept up behind the plate wearer and club him briefly to sap what energy he has. I have let it be known where I am, I instantly remove myself from the area and pray I am not uncovered, unfortunately for me, I am hit with the same sapping to which I had let the warrior feel. As the blow connects my vision fades out to my brethren over the hill, I hope they saw me...

4.21: I came to in a field, far from Northrend I believe as it's not covered in snow. I see no alliance yet I feel as though I'm in the land of the living. Where the monstrosities are not called the Horde but all are united against that which is foreign. I notice the poison on my blades has run dry and crusted, I must have been out for quite some time. I knew that my guild was summoning for Naxxramas, however, I was unconscious. Where in the seven levels of Lordaeron am I? Men resembling Tauren in build and size are charging across these fields clubbing the animals to death. My instincts take over as I cloak myself yet again. I can't help but wonder how long I must remain hidden here. Nor can I fathom just how it is I wound up here.

Was it the summoning portal going haywire? Was it alliance treachery? Either way this land is not necessarily one most welcome to a Forsaken one. My scent, my exposed bones, all that sets me apart from that of the humans is all the more highlighted in this strange place. It beasts are monstrous, its people gigantic. I hear them whisper of a land known as Hyboria. I do not know if I have discovered a new continent. I have known of exploration companies of the Horde exploring places like Northrend and outposts in Outlands. Never have I heard of a Hyboria.
#66 Apr 21 2009 at 6:30 AM Rating: Excellent
2,196 posts
Tiger stood from his kneeling position, inhaling deeply. He was tired, and breathless, but his action didn't help much. The air in Un Goro was stagnating. Getting what little breath he could, he turned to his side and dug around in his pack for a canteen. He hastily unscrewed it, wiping tar all over it and took several greedy gulps. The entire time, the same voice rang in his head, Back to work, Tiger. Back to work.

Not long ago, Tiger had decided to take a commission, although a peculiar one, the pay was good. The requested was "fresh" tar from the swamps of Un Goro. One-Eye, the mischievous ******* of a wizard that he is had decided to cast a spell on Tiger. Whenever he wasn't collecting tar, that tired old voice would ring his head, telling him to do just so. He once again submerged himself in the black depths, an herbal concoction allowing him breath even in the deepest of oceans, or in this case, tar pits. After what seemed to be an hour, and at least thirty pounds of tar later, he started cleaning himself off, and getting ready for the long trek back.

"Tiger, of The Black Company?" a voice called from behind him. He quickly spun and unsheathed his blade. Not enough time to pull out his shield. He had then noticed the Death's Head insignia woven into the messenger's tabard. A skull, missing it's jaw. His tabard was missing the usual rubies that were portrayed as eyes in the skull. this implied that the man was only a recruit, but he was a Brother of the Black Company nonetheless, and he must of came to this hell with reason.

Tiger sheathed his sword, and replied, "Yes, what do you need of me?" Back to work. Back to work, Tiger. Damn that One-Eye. The recruit spoke again, "We got new orders. Shipping out of this world, more money to be made in another. Meet at the gates to the Glittering Plain in three days." Without a second thought, Tiger dropped the sac of ooze, muttering a curse on his once was employer. He got back to gathering his bearings, turning his back to the messenger. "Oh, and one more thing," the recruit said, "Your final orders in this world are to kill and pillage everyone you come across. Just don't die doin' it." Tiger's eyes lit up. He knew the next three days would be the most exciting yet in this world.

The messenger rode off, most likely to visit another brother on a commission in the middle of nowhere. Tiger finished packing up, and started to head out of this damned crater, back to his guild's headquarter, located in Stormwind. Before even five minutes of walking, he ran into a man, clad in heavy armor picking through the corpse of what once was a Raptor. Tiger decided to start his final orders in this world with him. Unsheathing his shield and sword, he charged towards the warrior. The surprised man stumbled and fell to the oozing mud, reaching around haggardly for his sword. Tiger raised his own, and made a quick decisive strike at the neck. Just as his own sword came down, the sword of the warrior's came up in defiance, slashing at Tiger's breast. And it connected, slicing through his leather jerkin like butter, creating a new bloody gash in his chest. Furious, Tiger stabbed the man in throat and raised his shield, only to bring it back down smashing the man's face with it into a gorey pulp. Back to work. He decided he would be mad at One-Eye later.

The wound was long and deep. Tiger knew he was in no condition to fight anymore, for at least a week. He drank a potion, aiding the clotting of the wound. It burned his throat, and the wound of his just bubbled and seared red hot. Tiger grit his teeth from the pain, but as soon as the sensation came, it had gone. After looting the corpse of all it's gold, trinkets, herbs and potions, he began his trek to the nearest town in Tanaris so that he may rest and then rent a hippogryph. No complications arose from the trek, and he made it back to Stormwind within only a day.

After much drinking, sleeping, and chasing One-Eye around with terrible intents, it had been time to cross The Glittering Plain, in search of a better world. The Company had bid farewell to those brothers who could not cut ties with this world of Azeroth. After an hour of various incantations, runes and general sorcery, the wizards of the company had conjured a portal to the plain. We stepped through, about forty men strong and began the long arduous journey through the plain.

The plain was an artificial world, that connected sixteen others. It was a long flat land, with floor of stone, and predefined paths to traverse the Plain safely, and avoid the immortal guardians stationed to prevent warfare and general violence on the Plains. An hour of travel later, the Company found it's first waypoint, it's camp on the Plain, stationed with the brothers ho did not venture into Azeroth, and waited for better worlds. Hearing of new land, some brothers stayed in the Garrison, and others joined the troop. Several days and nights later, the Company found themselves at the gate to the newest world that had opened. The immortal stone guardian spoke slowly, "This is the world of Hyboria." The Captain signaled to keep moving, and we did just so. The Company stepped through the gate, and emerged in a flash of light and magic.

It was hot. Desert could be seen all around, aside from the standing gate through which they emerged. We set up camp right outside the gate, and sent teams of two in three directions. One came back earlier than the others, almost a day ahead of the rest, and brought word of a village. They reported, this was the land of Stygia, a land of deserts, twisted creatures, and foul magic. Tiger sighed, and almost missed the days of gathering tar, at least there he didn't have to worry about dying from heat.

The company once again gathered their bearings, and set out for the village. The march, which only should have taken several hours, took us a day instead. The sand, the mantis, the hyenas, and the sweltering heat. We took lodgings in the village, they accepted us out of fear. When a group of forty men brandishing armor, spears, swords and magic wanders into your little village, you usually comply. We had rested there a while, learning about this new world, its customs, its traditions, its dangers.

As we had learned about the evil wizard, Thoth'Amon, and his hellish rule over the lands of Stygia, we had also learned of the armies of Acheron. Husks of human beings, given souls of demons to carry out the biddings of the evil wizard. No sooner that we had learned about that, our scout, Kingsmen had come back in a mad dash. "Men, lots of them. At least two hundred. They're coming this way, and they don't look like they're taking prisoners." The barkeep muttered under his breath, "Thoth'Amon..." The Captain of our band turned to him, and asled him in the most threatening tone he could muster up, "What?" The barkeep repeated, "Thoth'Amon, Thoth'Amon!" He ran out of his tavern and into the streets, shouting those words to the villagers so that they may flee. The Company would stay, and we would fight.

We chose the largest of the buildings, and started building a garrison. The soldiers were about an hour from here, and that gave us precious time. We stationed our archers on the highest floor, our mages there with them. The soldiers would fight outside, allowing our men on top to pick off what they could. They were now visible on the horizon, marching strong towards ourselves. Our three strongest mages already started to muster up an incantation, and ghoulish apparitions appeared from a portal between them. The horrors made way towards the band of Thoth'Amon. Some were seen fleeing in their midst. Most of the men continued to march strong. A curse came from one of the mages. As they neared, only forty feet from the soldiers, a volley of fire and arrows came from above. It rained into their ranks, killing several, wounding more. Men ran screaming, engulfed in ungodly flames from the march, others, stumbled around with an arrow in their throats, gasping for air that wouldn't come.

They approached us, another volley scattered them even further. We charged. A flurry of shields butting against one another, of swords and spears happened. Metal sparked against metal. Tiger parried a blow, blocked another with his shield. He slashed through the neck of the assailant, and turned to see an enemy about to swing his axe down at him. Tiger raised his shield above his head, blocking the first blow, barely. He shook from the force. As another was about to end him, an arrow flew and stuck itself through the soldier's skull. He fell with a thud. More of this went on, blood flew and cries rang out, cries of rage and bloodlust, cries of death. Tiger had to have killed at least ten men, throwing down his shield and helmet for the agility that he would gain. He fought long and hard, his feral instincts taking over. Finally, he could fight no more. A sword came from the tornado of flesh and steel, and pierced him in the neck. He grabbed for it, and felt warm as blackness surrounded him.

He awoke, on something hard, and rocking. It was a ship. He was dull, his senses not feeling, his mind not thinking. He heard conversation from somewhere on this thing. "So, the raid failed?" "Not completely, we had to retreat but took at least ten strong men from the fight. These are good men, and worth the lives of at least twenty each." Tiger looked down, and spied a mark on his chest. He would later learn that this was the mark of Acheron, branding him as an immortal soldier of the armies. His memories were now fragments, he could only remember his death, and beyond that. Nothing more. Sitting on this ship, waiting for what was to be his fate, this is where his journey began, in the world of Hyboria.

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 11:43am by Rurode
#67 Apr 21 2009 at 7:30 AM Rating: Excellent
Kyansaroo was sitting in her Mog House watching her Jeweled Egg change colors - putting her into a daze that reminded her of her college years experimenting with a special type of Black Magic with her room mate Maru-Auru when suddenly her Moogle busted in. "Master, Master! Quickly there is something you must see outside!" Kyansaroo got up and shook off the haze that was brought on from staring at the egg for several hours, while she was waiting for an adventuring group, and went outside the Mog House into the Port of Windurst. There before her she saw a large spacial displacement and beyond that she could see siege weapons battling for a castle, barbarians and wizards dueling for power and glory and a vast sea of topless women dancing on top of mailboxes. It was a world unlike her own Vana'Diel, one which was much more savage and monstrous and where magic was controlled only by those whom were practiced in the arcane arts for many years. Magic was common place in Vana'Diel and even more-so for Tarutaru.

The little blue haired Tarutaru decided it was best to keep away from such an abomination of a world, she knew nothing of what lay beyond the displacement and she sure wasn't going to find out. At lest, she didn't intend to...

As she turned her back from the displacement to walk back into her Mog House a powerful force blew her backwards from her door directly into the spacial displacement. All she could hear is her Moogle laughing and taunting her. "Ha ha! Master, Master, now you will know what it is like to be trapped in a world that is not your own, now you will serve those in Hyboria like I have served you and your ilk in Vana'diel!"

And with that the spacial displacement closed and the Moogle was finally free.
#68 Apr 21 2009 at 7:45 AM Rating: Excellent
26 posts
Badoww was a curious warrior. He wondered about everything,like how he could swim in his armor, and how he and most others never got dirty, even though there is blood flying everywhere. He wondered why he would black out and wind up dead, he wondered why it used to take so long to get from east commonlands to east freeport( he assumed it was only a few feet) a long time ago when people talked about this dialup thing. Now it only takes a second or two, and no one talks of dialup anymore, they talk of Boadband.
This Broadband must be very powerful to cut down my travel time like that, he would think, and wondered why no one worshipped this godlike power, maybe, i am the only one who knows of this power!
Through the years and many battles badoww excelled, moved much faster, and black outs were much less frequent for him. He also noticed others having the same effects also. But knowing about it is one thing, harnessing all that power for himself was a another thing entirely. Where could he find this power, and how could he use it to his own ends?
Then a fight in the depths of Chardok gave him a limpse of his new life's quest. He was running for his life, which was normal, but he somehow must have stepped in some crack, because he found himself under the castle in a void, it was scary, how will i get back???
A black out, im back in freeport, hmmmm.... the Broadband.... thats where it is!!!!
The next years were full of discoveries and disappointments, He would follow these magical barriers the Broadband must have constructed at the edges of all the forests and cities, and squeeze in every corner he could, searching for more of these cracks. He found many, and would wander the empty voids for hours finding even more mystical barriers there.
These areas were not scary anymore they filled badoww with peace and he could rest here, but he was alone, and there has to be more, no matter where or how he searched he didnt get any further, until...
Again Bad was running for his life, which is normal, and he fell into a crack again, but the monster was still able to hit him, badoww was running frantically lookin for something in a place full of nothing, all his efears were coming true, he was going to die alone in a place called nowhere, arrrrgggghhh......then , another crack.... another world????
This has got to be the home of Broadband, and I'm gonna find it.
#69 Apr 21 2009 at 7:54 AM Rating: Excellent
2,448 posts
Finally. It was firesday. I waited all week for this moment to finally roll around. Into the pub I stepped, pausing for a moment to here the cheers of my comrades. BIFF. I stumble backwards from the blow. I grasp the door for support and look in to see what's going on. Oggbi was at it again. I step over the body that had consequently flown out of the open door, and crack my knuckles with a wide grin on my face. My new gloves have synthesis crystals in them, and a bar fight is the best place for a monk to test out experimental weaponry.

I focus and dodge my way through the crowd of melee jobs which is somewhat difficult considering the mage bodies that are strewn amongst the floor. BAM. A dragoon goes flying, against his will through the window, chocobo style. I look to see the source of the mighty blow and sure enough, it was Oggbi. Our eyes lock in a timeless moment. Flames of drunken rage enflare Oggbi's fists, and I know this isn't going to be pretty. I take my counter-stance, and move in for the clash.

We spin as punches and kicks fly. Just when I thought I had the upper hand, Oggbi uses his surroundings like a true focused monk and kicks a tarutaru into my stomach. I reel backwards into the wall. SMASH Oggbi punches me through the wall and out into the street
(never mind that the wall is 1 yalm thick cermet).I stand up and hold the tarutaru by the scruff. Looks like he's passed out. A gleam from his hand catches my eyes, and I realize its a half-filled shot glass of the legendary drink, Apple Juice.
I chug it down and my world spins like a kaleidoscope of colors, buildings, street lamps, and 6 giant galka charging at me...

I snap out of it in an instant. I hold the tarutaru up like a giant cesti of which to reinforce my blow, and charge full speed at Oggbi. Wind rushing through my elvaan ears tells me to adjust for wind as I make a leaping blow. Oggbi also launches himself into the air, like the legendary cow jumping over the moon story my mother once told me. As we are about to meet, fist to taru, our mighty drunken monk auras clash before us, and the taru wakes up. In an instant he begins to cast Warp II, but it is too late. He finishes just as our fists meet and he is crushed between the immovable object and the unstoppable force of our fists. Blood, cloth, and pieces of cookies and pies spew everywhere, but suddenly...we start to spin into a black hole created where the taru was previously. Our fists being together, Oggbi and I are hurled away into nothingness against our will.

Oh well, I think to myself. I must be passed out. There's that damned unicorn again. I wonder if I'll ever be able to get my donuts back from him...I wake up. Oggbi is a few steps away, sitting on his bum with a very hung over look about his face. He asks where the pub went, and I reply to him "The unicorn took it", as I rub my forehead in agony. He nods, which oddly enough makes me feel like he must trip balls after a round of bar fighting, too. We suddenly connect in that moment. We look around us, and a lone sign by the dirt road reads "Welcome to Hyboria". We glance at each other. He asks, "Round 2?" as he glances towards the failing sunset in the distance. We see the town just over the hill, where I barely make out the wooden sign swaying in the wind, the shape of a mug carved into its surface. We headbutt in agreement, and walk into the sunset towards the town.

What this place holds in store for us, I do not know. But I do know, that they have yet to see the might of a drunken Galkan monk, let alone TWO drunken monks. Hyboria may just have a new tale to tell for years to come after this night is over...
#70 Apr 21 2009 at 8:02 AM Rating: Excellent
67 posts
I don't remember much and the past is certainly hazy. I asked my teammates what happened but they are fuzzy in the head too. The consensus between us four is that we were in a convoy, racing to a rally point after HQ had been overrun by the terrorists. We had all answered the Call of Duty and our squad members were pinned down on the other side of the city. John, our heavy weapons specialist, thinks he saw a rocket launched from a rooftop in our general direction, but he was not sure. Sean doesn't remember getting hit, nor do Jack or Ryan. I can only remember yelling out "Watch out!" and feeling a sense of flying. I don't remember there being a lake in the middle of the desert town we were speeding through, but when I awoke from my concussed stupor, that's where we were. All four of us were lying on a beach in the middle of a green paradise with palm trees, coconuts, and sand crabs skittering about.
I woke up my teammates up from their slumbers. After decerning that we weren't in Kansas anymore we did a weapons check. I had plenty of ammo for my M-16, as did Jack, Ryan, and Sean. John, after knocking out the sand from his M249 SAW said he was good to go. We walked for awhile, not knowing where to go, when we came upon a disturbing surprise. We stumbled upon a pathway guarded by what we could only describe as giants out of a movie made in the 1980's and they were not too happy for us to be there. The one's closest to us charged at us. I yelled out "Lock and Load!" and we fired upon them. They dropped quickly after only a few steps in our direction. Wondering what we just killed, a small man, or what we perceived to be a man, came running up to us. He was wearing full body armor unlike we had ever seen and a bright, shiny sword strapped to his back. I looked over his shoulder and noticed a bunch of men, dressed just like him, milling about and looking to him like he was their leader. He coughed and asked us if we could help them clear out some guy named Lord Atum Keket. We shrugged, nodded, and with our advanced weapons, followed the funny dressed men.
I asked him if his name was Arthur and he said no. Then I asked where we were and with a questioning eye he said, "Hyboria".
#71 Apr 21 2009 at 8:15 AM Rating: Excellent
1,326 posts
The Moogle spun about in joyful excitement as I walked through the door.

"Welcome home, Mistress!" she chirped. "How did adventuring go today?"

With a weary sigh, I dragged my dusty self into my moghouse and began removing some of my armor.

"Not too bad, Chipsi," I replied. "We explored Nyzul Isle again, and bumped into our old buddy Cerberus."

"Ooooh," exclaimed the Moogle, her little bat-wings a-flutter, "How many of you bit the dust this time?"

"None of us, actually. We're getting pretty good at this."

I washed my face and hands in a basin of clear water, helped myself to some melon juice, and collapsed with a sigh into a plush chair.

"You seem distressed, Mistress. Is anything wrong?"

"No..." I replied, then considered for a moment. "Well... yes, I guess."

"What is it? What's wrong?" Chipsi fluttered around anxiously.

"Well... it's just that recently, I seem to be in a rut. I didn't decide to become an adventurer just to do the same things over and over again. Even seeing something like Cerberus or the Hydra in Nyzul is starting to lose its excitement."

I mull this over for a moment, sipping my juice, and then continue.

"In the old days... well, ok, last year even... we'd see Khimaira or Cerberus and go 'Aaah! Oh no! Big bad boss monster!' and run around in a panic. It was exciting, it was fun, and it was usually deadly. But fun!" I sighed again, shaking my head. "The newness is wearing off."

"Aww, Mistress..." Chipsi fluttered behind me and patted my shoulder in consolation. "Did you want to go harass the goblins in Gustav? I know you like to give grief to Boblix."


"How about chocobo races? Pankration?"

"Hmm... Nah..."

"Ooh! I know! I have just the thing, passed down from Moogle to Moogle for generations!"

"What's that?"

"Oh, Mistress, you'll love this! A whole new world, filled with new challenges, new adventures, and new people! I promise you'll love it!"

I was interested in spite of myself.

"That sounds... fun," I said. "What do I need to do?"

"Oh Mistress, just you wait there!"

And with that Chipsi started flying around in a figure eight pattern.

"Chaaaaaange.... worlds!" she cried.

"Hahaha..." I said, laughing at her sudden antics. Then it hit me.

"Wait, what? We're doing this now?!" I scrambled to my feet as Chipsi's flying became more erratic and frantic. "Chipsi... wait, Chipsi!"


The room around me started to dim and tremble. I had just enough presence of mind to grab up my axe from where I left it, and then the room went totally black. An intense feeling of vertigo came over me as I sensed, rather then saw, the world spin out from underneath me. Around me was absolute quiet, total darkness and a feeling of extreme velocity while also standing perfectly still. I gripped the worn handle of my axe, feeling at least some comfort in that familiar sensation.

Sound returned first. The sounds of wind, then voices, carts and animals. City sounds. Then the darkness began to lighten. Slowly at first, and then with increasing suddenness, figures began to appear all around me. The scene before me gave a final tremble, and then the world snapped into place.

The world? Well, a world, at least.

I took a deep breath of the alien air and looked around. I was surrounded by odd looking Humes, on a narrow street. There were some sort of strange animals hooked to carts and being ridden by the Humes. They looked like a small, short-necked Dhalmel with a long flowing tail. I shook my head at the strangeness of it all.

One of the Humes approached me curiously. He looked quite different than any other Hume I had seen, and dressed in a fashion I didn't recognize.

"Hello, young lass," he said. "Are you new to town?"

"You could say that," I replied, my tail lashing in agitation. I noticed the man was staring at it quite rudely, as if he'd never seen a tail before. "Hey, stop staring!"

"Ah! Ah, sorry about that," he replied. "I've never seen a woman with a tail before."

"Oh..." I felt oddly out of place, and alone. I was glad I had my helm on still. My ears would probably be cause for even more staring. "Well, I guess I'm definitely not in Vana'diel anymore."

"Vana... what would that be?"

"Oh, sorry. I come from an entirely different world. I'm an adventurer, by trade."

"Well, then, you are in luck! This would be Hyboria! Land of adventure and excitement!"

"Really? Well, that sounds wonderful! I could use some adventuring and excitement!"

"Then, would you be up to helping me with a small errand?"

Ah! My first quest! I could barely restrain my eagerness.

"Of course! Name it!"

The man beamed at me. "Please go outside of town and kill five rabbits!" he said, absurdly proud.

"Five... rabbits? Seriously?"

The man nodded earnestly, apparently not noticing the excitement draining out of me.

I battled legions of demons, and hoards of beastmen. I'd fought dragons, and I'd conquered foul beasts of all shapes and sizes. I'd even helped to take down the terrestrial form of a god, for Altana's sake! And now, here I was, starting a new life of "excitement". By killing rabbits. Again.

With a sigh, I left town, and began looking around for a bunny to slaughter.

"I'll get you for this, Chipsi," I said, as I spotted my first cotton-tailed adversary. Hefting my axe, I charged... into a new world of adventure!

Edited, Apr 22nd 2009 10:52am by Zerila
#72 Apr 21 2009 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Luag Drank another tankard of jumjum.

He hated the crap, but it was there, and there was not a soul left in the Laughing trout to Kill.

That's the worst time, when he was bored, and it was ALL so Boring.

Stroking his bright red muttonchops, he strained to hear a faint hum and some murmured words. A stroll up to the stout round door revealed a glimmer of light come from the edges. "anywhere, open to anywhere away from this monster" were the whispered words.

With a laugh he jumped up to full size and ripped the door off, "Monster am I? I'll be crushed if I find out you reject me" he said leering at the Halfling Druid.

"Get away from me you brute" she shrieked.
Predictable. Causally pressing the round door to the side wall, and silencing the tree-hugger beneath it, he considered the portal.

"what do we have here now?" he mused to himself. He could see men and women, girded for battle, piquing his interest, and bloodlust, and quite a few topless, well endowed wenches walking about, which piqued something else.

"this should keep me occupied"

Grabbing his weapons he dove in

#73 Apr 21 2009 at 8:26 AM Rating: Excellent
920 posts
After a long day of questing for gold, Feyras was heading back to the big city in the sky known as Dalaran.

Just like any other day as he approached the city he started lagging. As he landed, he flew into a wall and suddenly he was unable to move.

As most people do he called upon the mighty "GM" to help him get unstuck. The question was asked, "Are you sure you want to fix your problem?" He quickly stated "yes" and began to load a new screen.

Unknowlingly, he was dropped into a mysterious wilderness. He takes a look around wondering where he is. Upon further expoloration he winds up being chased by a man in his underwear with a huge axe.

He sprints away, and then vanishes. He slowly makes his way toward a town, and then reads a sign that says, "Welcome to Tortage."

He is still confused about where he is, so he asks a local how he can get back to orgrimmar. The local replies, "You're not in Azeroth anymore my friend. This is Hyboria, land of Conan."
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#74 Apr 21 2009 at 8:32 AM Rating: Excellent
Kijacko Barkingturtle had spent his entire adult life in a cavernous labyrinth full of frogs. The sun was but a childhood memory after so much time spent in the ruins of Guk. What had brought the ranger here was greed, and a lust for power; a desire to obtain the flowing black sash rumored to make rapid the every movement of brave adventurers. Years ago he had acquired the belt, but what had kept him here in Guk was a poorly developed sense of direction coupled with even poorer night vision.

His skin pale, his clothes permeated with the scent of frog excrement, Kijacko searched for any glimmer of light which may have been the harbinger of an exit. It was long after his beard had grown twelve inches that he finally spotted it.

A sparkling, twinkling thing, just up around the corner. He rushed ahead to meet freedom, and was instead confronted by a lone frog, adorned in a radiant, purple loincloth. Consumed in rage, Kijacko ran the frog through and stripped him of the loincloth.

Well, it had been a long time since Kijacko had changed his pants, so he daintily slid the purple, glowing garment on. Immediately his groin tingled and it was not altogether unpleasant. He was pulled forward, tugged on, if you will, by the loincloth. His feet shambled forward, pelvis-led, and within moments the sunlight lit the far end of the tunnel. He emerged, into the warmth and life, a pale shadow on a new frontier.

"Thank you! By Karana, thank you! You glorious loin-protector and guide!" He shouted full-throat at his crotch.

Kijacko had escaped the ruins of Guk, and had been led by the Loincloth of Alternative Lifestyles to a new land: the land of Hyboria.

#75 Apr 21 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Eralox's traves to Hyboria (I'm not that great at this kind of thing, but here goes.)

Eralox, a mighty dranaei paladin of the noble Legion of Kaos clan had reached the maximum the world of Azeroth could teach him, decided to venture forth to a new land, in search of greater adventures. There were many lands he could have travelled to, from the Forgotten Realms of Icewind Dale to the north, to the fabled land of Norrath to the east and the land of Telon to the west and legendary world of Phoonzang which is still a mystery to your humble scribe. He consulted the noble sage Werdna who said, Trebor Sux, and also your destiny lies in the lands of Hyboria. Travel to the Burnt Woods and search for the relic of Fansy which will teleport you to Hyboria where you can begin your new adventures.

So Eralox, taking Werdna's wise council, decided to do just that. He travelled to Burnt Woods, and proceeded to slay all the beasts there. The minions of Trakanon fell one by one until the mighty dragon came to their aid. An epic battle ensued where Eralox fought the dragon with honor, until the mighty beast was slain. The relic of Fansy was recovered at last. In the distance, Eralox saw the bard Fansy chasing towards him, with a legion of hill giants in tow. Eralox quickly placed the relic around his neck and was instantly teleported to the land of Hyboria.

What happend in Hyboria though, is a tale for another time. . . . .

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 12:34pm by amastropolo
#76 Apr 21 2009 at 8:37 AM Rating: Excellent
1,566 posts
Sephrick sighed as a young Tarutaru, Mengu-Tengu, gasped for air trying to keep up with his long strides.

“Another boring mission,” Sephrick said, thinking out loud. “There was a time when I was so eager to do the Iron Musketeer's bidding.”

“I think ... this is ... quite exciting,” Mengu said between breaths.

“The sooner we get out to Konstacht and get this over with, the better. All they ever send us to do is run errands.”

“Somey-oney needs to do it.”

Sephrick stopped on the center of a bridge and gazed over at a waterfall that divided the North Gustaberg region.

“I've fought gods, ventured into the very heart of Vana'diel. I stared the emptiness in the face, and even ventured into the past. And still, through all my fighting, I'm looked down upon as a lowly adventurer. I was to become a great and powerful hero. I wanted all of Vana'diel to know my name. Instead, those that I've fought along side countless times seem as though they barely recognize my face. It's as if I'm just a tool to them. What I wouldn't give to be able to start somewhere knew.”

“Sir, I requestadaru to be your partner-wartner on this mission,” Mengu said, hoping to cheer up Sephrick. “You are well knowny-woney.”

Sephrick looked over his shoulder at his tiny companion, then shifted his look back at the waterfall.

“You know, Mengu. You have a terrible knack for making me smile.”

A darkness loomed over Konstacht Highlands as the duo made their way through the shifting mountain pass that led to the plateau.

“I don'taru likey-wikey the looks of this,” Mengu said, falling behind as Sephrick pressed forward.

“Those clouds, they seem to be centered over the Crag of Dem.”

“Perhaps we should return and reportaru what we have seen here.”

“Don't be silly, Mengu. We haven't seen anything yet.”

“You seem to have perked up, sir.”

Sephrick gave Mengu a smile. “This is shaping up to be more than an errand mission.”

Sephrick's pace quickened as the path opened and the crag came into view.

“Sir! Don'taru rush off too quicky-wicky, I can'taru keep up!”

Swirling shads of black, green and purple light surrounded the crag. Reflected in Sephrick's eyes, he saw nothing but the potential to make a name for himself.

As he rushed passed awestruck beastmen, he saw the source of the sinister light. A telepoint, once shattered, had reformed.

“Whataru do you think it is,” Mengu asked, looking up at Sephrick.
“I'm not sure. That tele-point used to be the path way to Al'Taieu.”

Sephrick took a few steps toward the crag, but was stopped when Mengu grasped his pant leg and pulled back with all his might.

“I can'taru let you get any closer,” Mengu shouted over a growing buzz emanating from the telepoint.

“My whole life, Mengu. My whole life I've reported back and waited for orders. By the time I did everything the way I was supposed to, someone else had claimed victory.”

Sephrick looked down at Mengu with a stern expression.

“I'm not going to be last anymore.”

Mengu let the cloth slip from his grasp as Sephrick stepped away. He watched as Sephrick climbed the cermet staircase as the eerie light surrounded the bold hume. Sephrick paused for a moment, examining the newly-formed crystal, then reached out his hand.

A shiver raced up Mengu's spine as the light violently wrapped around Sephrick the second he touched the crystal. Then, in an instant, he was gone.

In a panic, Mengu rushed up the stairs and stood before the crystal searching for signs of his hero.

“Sephrick,” Mengu shouted. “Where have you goney-woney?”

Mengu knew what he needed to do. He called upon his powers of white magic, and enchanted himself with a spell to help him regain consciousness should the worst occur.

Mengu slowly reached out his trembling hand and placed it on the crystal. Then, darkness.

Mengu came to high atop a castle keep. After taking a moment to regain his senses, Mengu began his frantic search for Sephrick, who he found slumped over the ledge, dangling on the verge of certain doom.

“Oh-no,” Mengu exclaimed as he grabbed hold of Sephrick and pulled with all his might. Gravity favored the Taru as Sephrick rolled off the ledge and onto the floor of the keep's roof. Mengu used his magic to bring Sephrick back around.

“Ugh, where are we,” Sephrick asked through a pounding headache. “Is this San d'Oria?”

Sephrick looked out over the keep's ledge to see humes the size of galkas milling about.

“Where are all the Elvaan,” Sephrick asked. Neither got a chance to postulate as the sound of heavy footsteps approached from beneath them.
As several humes dressed in heavy armor rushed onto the tiny keep roof, Mengu and Sephrick both felt a wave of panic.

“They don'taru look to friendly.”

“It seems we have an intruder,” one of the knights said as he drew his sword. “And his ... dog?”

The other knights aimed crossbows at the pair. Mengu looked at Sephrick, waiting for a sign that they would fight their way out of the situation.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, Sephrick shook his head and raised his hands.

“Taru, I have a feeling we're not in Konstacht anymore.”

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 12:40pm by Sephrick
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