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Venture into Hyboria ContestFollow

#1 Apr 20 2009 at 1:51 AM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
According to our current poll on, more than 50 percent of our readers play two or more games at a time. Well, what if your character from one MMO decided to explore the world of another game? That's exactly what we're asking you to envision in our "Venture into Hyboria" Age of Conan contest, which kicks off today and runs throughout the week.

To enter, simply post a short back story explaining how your MMO avatar made it to Hyboria. It can be serious, funny, or silly. If you want to write a novel, go for it! If you want to make it short, that's ok too! For example, maybe your Tarutaru in Final Fantasy XI conjured a portal in Windurst that led to Conan's realm, whether on purpose or by accident. Or perhaps your warrior in World of Warcraft felt the urge to go on an epic journey to find others like him who are well-versed in the art of war. You can be as creative and in-depth as you'd like with your story, as long as it tells the tale of your character's arrival in Hyboria.

We'll be selecting entries from the thread throughout the week and awarding prizes to the chosen writers. Fourteen copies of Age of Conan and 41 free subscriptions, ranging from 30 days to one year, are up for grabs. In addition, one lucky grand prize winner will get a GameRigs custom desktop gaming PC system in an Age of Conan case!

So, no matter which MMOs you play, send your character on a Hyborian adventure and you may get the chance to go on one yourself by winning a copy of the Age of Conan game or free play time. Or maybe you'll be the one playing all your games on a new GameRigs computer! You can read the official rules for the contest here.

Day 1 Winners (randomly selected):

Game Winners (2): MYteddy, Turin
30-Day Game Card Winners (3): OrofinOdin, Paradox, mreford

Winners will get a Private Message & e-mail with what we need to get you your prizes. If you didn't win you still can! Check back tomorrow!

Day 2 Winners (randomly selected):

Game Winners (2): FenrirXIII, Lumokai

30-Day Game Card Winners (3): PrincipiaBasketball, Kpmk, SonOfDilbert

Winners will get a Private Message & e-mail with what we need to get you your prizes. If you didn't win you still can! Check back tomorrow!

Day 3 Winners (randomly selected):

Game Winners (2): Katielynn, Scyllinge

30-Day Game Card Winners (3): JonasEinar, KTurner, OddysseusOfRamuh

Winners will get a Private Message & e-mail with what we need to get you your prizes. If you didn't win you still can! Check back tomorrow!

Day 4 Winners (randomly selected):

Game Winners (2): chknnuggts, snarlinarlen, Guardian of the Glade

30-Day Game Card Winners (3): Timelordwho, Nightsintdreams, jeraiya

Winners will get a Private Message & e-mail with what we need to get you your prizes. If you didn't win you still can! Check back tomorrow!

Day 5 Winners (randomly selected):

Game Winners (2): Catpost, njeff

60-Day Game Card Winners (3): moxul, JasonDavid, Sonokim

Winners will get a Private Message & e-mail with what we need to get you your prizes. If you didn't win you still can! Check back tomorrow!

Day 6 Winners (randomly selected):

Game Winners (2): Nalyr, Pathwalker

60-Day Game Card Winners (3): CountessArcadia, Majivo

Winners will get a Private Message & e-mail with what we need to get you your prizes. If you didn't win you still can! Check back tomorrow!

Day 7 Winners (randomly selected):

GameRigs Computer, Game & 60 Day Game Card Winner (1): Alatariel

One Year Subscription Winner (1): salvationinpurgatory

Winners will get a Private Message & e-mail with what we need to get you your prizes. Special thanks goes out to Funcom and everyone who participated in the Venture into Hyboria contest!

Edited, Apr 26th 2009 4:47pm by Tamat
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
#2 Apr 20 2009 at 1:52 AM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
Example: Tamat Damat was born a wee Dwarf in the lands of Norrath in the great city of Kaladim. His father was a Priest so naturally he studied in the cities temple with Arch Bishop Drakwhore to become a Cleric. As the years passed, he grew into one of the finest High Templar around, whose very name was whispered about among the sick and the wicked. One day Tamat sound a great portal as he explored an unknown island. What he didn¹t know was that this was a portal to another dimension.

As a Priest and adventurer, he made haste to enter this unknown portal, which stretched the very essence of his being. His body was torn, twisted and remade -- yet his mind and soul stayed the same. Tamat was reborn an Aquilonian man, in a new, unfamiliar world. He began his adventure which hasn¹t yet come to fruition. All that remains -- is yet to be seen.

While my example was roleplaying your post can take any form you want - just put some thought into it and make it interesting or entertaining to read!

Edited, Apr 20th 2009 4:28am by Tamat
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
#3 Apr 20 2009 at 5:54 AM Rating: Good
2 posts
It was there flying home to Mulgore on my trusty drake, Roknar, that I realized there was not much else left in this world of Azeroth for me to do. I had already bested the Black Dragonflight, helped with the fall of Naxxaramas, brought the downfall of the Spellweaver and most recently conquered the titan complex of Ulduar. There it was below me, the great Maelstrom, where the great Night Elf city of Zin-Azshari and the Well of Eternity stood millennium ago, and where one become many, where my new destiny lay. The one place on the whole world left mostly unexplored, it would be an excellent place for a Druid such as myself to explore.

So I gently pointed Roknar towards the Maelstrom, and as we got closer he started to react to the energies and seemed to want to turn away. I reached out to the spirits to grant me their powers and I shifted to the form of the great raven that I learned long ago how to become and flew on my own into the swilling energies of the Maelstrom. Suddenly I was surrounded by blue, purple, and green. I was unable to see anything and all I could hear was what sounded like the crashing of the waves against the rocks like they do in Ratchet. It felt worse then shape shifting, it was as if my body was both in the Emerald Dream and Azeroth and the same time. It was almost like I was being torn apart. Then suddenly it was all over, I blacked out.

I woke up an unknown amount of time later, in a very strange land. To my right was a beautiful flowing river, like the kind back home. I took a drink from this and I felt very refreshed, as I was drinking I looked at my hands and I realized they had changed, they now looked more like the Humans of Azeroth then my own Tauren ones. I gasped and immediately stood up. Looking down I was amazed to discover I no longer had hoofs, but big feet! I was wearing some sort of coverings for my feet, I suppose they were to protect them from the ground. I continued looking at my body and realized I was defiantly no longer a shu'halo, but some form of human. I needed to know more about what I was and where I was. I turned away from the river and looked out towards the horizon it was there I saw it, a great city surrounded by rock wall and trees. I didn't know what it was but I was sure it was going to be a great adventure finding out...

From the journal of Muldreg, Conquerer of Ulduar, Champion of the Frozen Wastes, Tree of Life

Unfortually I found out I don't quailify for the contest being Canadian and all, but I was up all night thinking of this story and thought I should post it anyways. I hope you like it.
#4 Apr 20 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
It was a dark place, that much I remember. I stood there in the blackness for quite a bit of time before I caught my first glimpse of light. The shiny beacon shone bright to my eyes, nearly blinding me. However, I wasn’t sure if this was because I had been in the dark for so long (to my mind) or if it truly was that bright.

In either case, I didn’t give much more thought to this experiment of light -- all I knew was that I had run towards it.
And run I did, as fast as I could.

As the light grew faster, I realized something strange about my equipment. My armor seemed lighter, and I seemed to glide across the black ground. The comforting clanging of my boots and belt were silent, although I wasn’t sure if it was because they weren’t there or because of the ringing in my eyes.

The light grew brighter, and I ran faster.

Suddenly, the brightness transformed into a door of angelic beams, and I tore through it, as would tear into a thin cloth, and I felt myself in a different place.

I was back in what seemed to be Ironforge. At least, it looked like Ironforge. I admit that I hadn’t been back in quite some time, ever since I left on that quest to Northrend, but it looked familiar nonetheless. However, something seemed strange. I walked around, taking in the ancient architecture of my ancestors, when I finally realized what was wrong.

There was not a soul to be found in this giant city.

As soon as I realized that, I noticed the peculiar hue that Ironforge had. Gone was the deep earth hues of stone and rock. Instead, everything was clouded by a bluish-grey tinge. The bright hue of lava flowing through the forge rivers was darkened to a dark stone. As I walked through the water caves, the lakes had dried to dust.

As I ventured throughout the city, I had peculiar notion that I felt the spirit of people in this city. But I couldn’t really feel anything. It seemed very much like the visit I took to Darnassus, with the wisps and spirits inhabiting the very land. I never enjoyed those journeys, as the lifeforce had been too fluid and malleable, which I always equated to a weak force. This I always compared to the strength of raw earth, and the metals that derived from it. We never took the force of steel for granted. It held up our buildings, our city, our civilization, and we respected it for its strength. We never prayed like the elves did with their trees, but acknowledgement, desire, and fervent work that we undertook with our materials was almost spiritual like, and we would never truly doubt that in our inner being.

I walked about for what seemed like an eternity, and eventually gave up on discovering any other living creatures. I visited the gnomish workstations, where the machines had all stopped. I ventured to the tram stations, where a train never came, and the tunnel lights were nonexistent, leaving nothing but a foreboding dark tunnel to the nether. The great room of our king, once the center piece of strategy and merriment (only a person unknown to our life would find that strange dichotomy) lacked any sign of life.

The entire city was as if it was abandoned.

It wasn’t until this realization that I decided that escape may be a possible alternative. While, I would never abandon my city, especially in what seemed like a time in need, I felt there was nothing I could do. The gates, alas, would be closed to me as I arrived at the entrance of the city.

As I peered outside the portcullis, I quickly decided that it was perhaps a good thing that I was not allowed to leave.

The valley was blanketed with snow that took no mercy and covered everything. Trees, lakes, houses, all but disappeared with what little view I had. The further I looked, the more hazy it all appeared to me – almost as if individual pieces of the land flickered in and out of existence amidst the snow. In the sky I saw a dark maelstrom of clouds centered across the whole valley with lightning striking at a consistent speed. I left the gates with a newfound feeling of dread and a new thought in my mind.

Was I dead?

Was this how I was doomed to last until the end of my days, in an abandoned mimicry of my home doomed to silence loneliness? I refused to believe it, as this was not what my father and ancestors foretold once the gift of light left our bodies. And yet, there was nothing else to explain what this was, and why I was here.

Fueled by renewed fire and partially by fear of being trapped here, I wielded my hammer and struck at the gates with my might. Blow after blow slowly chipped away at the grating until one last blow finally struck down the gate. I wandered out into the snowy abyss quickly engulfed by the snow.

Still I trudged deeper and deeper into the snow, eyes blinded by the white, knowing that if I were to die at least it would be in journey and not stagnation. I continued further.

Until I somehow fell forward and began tumbling into the snow.

The snow moved quickly, but smooth, falling into the gulches below, it was a feeling almost akin to flying, as I steeled my body and let the snow take me away from this place. An eternity seemed to pass.


I fell onto hard land and I opened my eyes. Gone were the snowy mountains of my homeland, instead I sat at the tree line of a wilderness completely unknown to me. I would later discover I arrived on the border of Asgard, in the land of Hyboria.

Wiping off the snow from my armor and weapon, I caught a glimpse of smoke from a small town further down the mountain, a river of ice surrounded by wood blocking my path to civilization.

I gathered up my courage, and began a new journey. I would hope to find answers, but I smiled to myself knowing I had found adventure again.
#5 Apr 20 2009 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
"And you're absolutely sure this will work?" Seiron eyed the leaning tower of machinery somewhat dubiously. Certainly, it didn't seem out of place in the city of Gadgetzan; the goblins had made that city their own and it was no rare thing to see strange, haphazard structures of machinery and new inventions jammed into any open corner or alleyway. He didn't put much stock in any kind of newfangle invention. Not goblin, and certainly not gnomish.. the two seemed to be in a race toward the utter destruction of their own races through explosive means.

"Safe enough." Dusting his hands as he closed the compartment at the base of the structure, Haur adjusted the goggles perched upon his forehead. The two elves had been traveling companions for some time and though neither truly saw what was so spectacular about the one another's chosen interest, their friendship still bore them through oddities and explosions alike.

"I'm not sure." A warlock with little interest in anything aside from the tried ad true methods of magic that had served him through their combined adventures, Seiron eyed the tower again, nudged the baseplate with a toe and grimaced. "Don't these teleporters malfunction? Regularly?"

Laughing sharply, Haur took a step back to examine the teleporter and gave his friend a comforting thump on the back. The warlock staggered under the warrior's blow and shot him a sharp look over a shoulder. "Don't worry! It's perfectly safe!"

"Yeah.." Grunting, the warlock took a moment to straighten out his robes. "You weren't singing it's praises last week when you stepped out the other side sporting some wide hips and an even wider chest." Haur flushed at the mention of the mishap. Though it was fairly common all things considered, the malfunctions were rarely dangerous. He was quick to mention as much though Seiron felt he was more than ready to defend himself. Eventually, the two came to an agreement.

"I'll step through first." Hefting the strap of his sword's harness over a broad shoulder, Haur jerked his chin toward the dimly glowing baseplate. "And if it doesn't explode, then..?"

"Then.. I'll go through." Seiron finished with a sigh and gestured irritably toward the machine. "Go, go already... I guess I've led a full life."

"Oh stop being so melodramatic." Tipping a hand over his head in a mocking gesture, the warrior stepped up. The baseplate reacted with a low growling hum before spitting out a blinding shower of sparks. Shielding his eyes from the burst with a quick yelp of surprise, Seiron took a step back. Once the spots cleared from his eyes enough to let him see properly, he looked back. The baseplate was in one piece, no hissing or sparking left. Of course... Haur was gone.

"Well..." Settling his packs over his shoulders, the warlock took a hesitant step atop the plate. "It's been real. And it's been fun. But not real fun... goodbye cruel-" Growling into life once more as the warlock stepped to the center of the plate, the teleporter belched out a hissing column of smoke; cutting him off before he could finish his practiced goodbye. Covering his face with an arm as a second gout of sparks lit his field of vision, the warlock yelped.

Hardly a heroic way to go out.

"Would you quit your whimpering?" Haur's voice broke through the silence that followed the sparks, the smoke and the noise. Mollified, Seiron dropped his arms.

"I wasn't whimpering, I was just a little taken off guard by all-"

"Shush, would you?" Grabbing hold of his friend by the shoulder, Haur dragged the warlock into a nearby stand of trees. Trees? Wait... this didn't look anything like Netherstorm... "We've got bigger things to worry about." Gesturing through the trees, the two elves saw unfamiliar territory stretched out beyond the treeline - and humans. Though they hadn't yet discovered the elves were there, the fact remained that they were all fairly well armored and armed to the teeth..

"I don't think we're in Azeroth anymore, Toto."

Edited, Apr 21st 2009 2:16pm by lesatho
#6 Apr 20 2009 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
2,346 posts
It was a hot sunny day in the Valley of Trials. A young, up and coming troll was just setting foot on his adventure. Learning the skills of his trade was no easy task. It required long hard fought battles and the mastering of many weapons and skills to become the hunter he is today.

While venturing throughout all of Azeroth he always wondered what it would be like to visit vast far away lands. He knew the technology was there, he just didn't know if it was created yet.

"Maybe if there is a way to alter the space time continuum, I can travel to a far away land!" He said.

He started on this journey becoming a very skilled engineering. Learning new things and inventing many useless items along the way.

"If I can just move fast enough, maybe I can go faster than time! That would surely alter the continuum and I can take it to wherever it goes!" He shouted.

He decided to strap a couple of nether rockets onto the back of his Mechano-hog and ride off. He needed a long stretch of land to hopefully get going fast enough. He remembered when he was younger of a fast desolate land where many centaurs roamed which was very open.

He revved the hog's engine and ignited the rockets that sent him off into oblivion. When the rockets finally died out he could tell that he was no longer in a desolate place, but a lush world unbeknown to him!
#7 Apr 20 2009 at 1:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I liked to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Hyboria.

In Western Sarutabaruta born and raised
On the savannah was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' with my toon.
EXPing all the while and avoiding Valkurm Dunes.

When a couple of noobs
Who were up to no good
Startin making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mog went into Hysteria.
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Hyboria'

I whistled for a chocobo and when it came near
The license plate said "Conan" and it had feathers on its rear.
If anything I can say this cab is rare
But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Hyboria'

I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air Hyboria.

#8 Apr 20 2009 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
409 posts
One day, After a few hours hoping that the server was up, after the maintenance of emergency, after the monthly update. Where SE fixed a few things inside the game, even when those things, didn't need the fix, I log into Aht Urgan Whitegate & start shouthing for retrace (by the way, retrace was one of those thing that didn't need to be fixed).

After 1 or 2 min, received an invitation to a party where I would get retrace.

What was my surprise, when after the usual download screen, the place that appeared was not Southern San d'Oria (S)

My first thought was that it was a new area within the game, but wait a minute, this was not Vanadiel, this wars another world, maybe the maintenance create a portal to other world... Yes, it certainly is ... I thought.

As it could take several hours or even days to receive response from the SE, I decided to explore this new world.

First, check my level... great I am still DRG 75 / Blu 37.

Second: To be sure that I would not be easy prey to what I expected in this new adventure. I use some of my abilities.

Job Abilities >> Call Wyvern >> Wyvern summoned.
Wow!!! I think, this could be fun, after all.

Magic >> Blue Magic >> Cocoon >> Gainer the Protect effect.
Definitely this is going to be fun!!! Ensure.

Now, with a little more confidence, leads me to the top of a mountain, from where I hoped to see the horizon in search of some villages.

Once at the top of the mountain in the distance I could see a small town.

Walking into this place, an idea appeared in my mind ... What will be the reaction of these people to realize that I'm an Elvan? I just hope not to be too strange for the villagers, I though.

Near the outskirts of the village, I met a lot of fuss, People were running desperately to hide in their homes, Surely be scared when they saw my Elvan ears.

But no, that was not ... People were running in terror to see my Wyvern behind me, believing that even I will be the victim of their jaws.

Once I realized my mistake I asked to him to leave, Because it was scaring the people of this small town.

After a few seconds of total silence, I heard a loud bang ... The people approached to be able to touch me and thank the gods for my powers. Even some of them thought that I was a god.

Just when he was starting to enjoying my new status in this world.

I got a message from a GM saying, that my account is being investigated & will be suspended for an indefinite period. Since you apparently are using malicious software.
#9 Apr 20 2009 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
697 posts
I'll give it a shot:

Merylstryfe was born into the Post Crystal War Era, short on money, direction, and without a true home. She wandered aimlessly around the Capital of Windurst for what seemed like ages, just trying to find the gate to outside the city, to see "the world"...

Instead, she found a curious, brilliantly adorned gate with colorful crystals somewhere in the middle of Windurst Walls (which, ironically, is the one zone in the capital without an exit to the outside world, directly anyway). After pressing the crystals in a seemingly randomized order, she was pulled through the gate and into another world, but this is only the beginning...

Meryl landed directly in the middle of Ogrimmar. The horde capital, and home to the Orcs was sweltering, and a thick fog permeated every rocky crevasse of the barren capital. Confused (because Orcs were nightmarish creatures, and part of the beastmen horde in her homeworld), she ran to the first person who didn't look like a vicious murderer...a mostly nude Elvaan (or Blood Elf, if you prefer), dancing for the throngs of seedy characters. Meryl asked the elf quietly where she was and how could she get back to her own land, but the only response she got was "Buy WoW Gold! 500g for 20USD! Save Super Awesome time today!"
After wandering through Ogrimmar for a time, she came upon a small, whirling portal in the bottom of a dark chasm. Tempting fate, she through herself through the portal, and felt the same pulling sensation from the first portal.

Meryl hit the ground with a thud. Still dizzy, she struggled to her feet, and to her delight, she saw Taru-Taru's running all over the place! One even came right up to her, and offered her a pipe, he said something about old Sharkey and the best tobacco in the Shire, which she did not understand. As her head cleared, she realized that she was not home, but in ANOTHER world. She followed a Friendly Hobbit named Crouton into the woods, where she came upon a strange house. Crouton explained that Tom Bombadil was the key to figuring out what was happening. Tom was strolling about his home, singing some mad song about the trees and the woods, and, without looking, ran headlong into poor ol' Meryl. She was pushed clear off a ledge into a lake far below, and there it was, that pulling feeling thrusting her into another portal.

Meryl crashed, headfirst, into a raging battle. She looked up and saw a small stone carving on the nearby building: Stonetroll Keep. A tall Hume black mage, with bright red hair like fire, came forward with the fattest Taru-Taru she'd ever seen, with a big bushy beard and a large wrench in hand. They picked her up, dusted her off, and took her into the keep before the emerging Humes with scars and black armor could reach them. There, she held out in the upper floors of the keep, watching as enemies threw themselves at the doors, trying to break in. Meryl wondered why this keep was so Important; from the looks of things, it had been destroyed by constant warfare for years, and other than a few nobles and vendors, seems to offer little strategic importance. Her thoughts didn't carry her much farther, however as she was struck in the back of the head by a small, red lizard. The last thing she remembered was a tiny orc standing over her saying something about stunties and Squiggs...then she was sucked into the portal...

Meryl landed in a Wilderness. All around her, Humes with Tribal paint were fighting, more brutally than she had ever seen. One Hume, with a large sword made a clean strike on his opponent, severing his head. The Hume screamed triumphantly, "Fatality! All right, this n00b got pwnt!"...She had found herself in Hyboria, and was never heard from again...

I've played all the MMO's, plus more, except for Conan (PC can't run it >.<). I thought I'd take a fair stab at several of the top MMO's from a long time FFXI player's perspective. Not expecting to win or anything, but thought it would be fun and humorous to write this.

#10 Apr 20 2009 at 1:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Vulneratus could remember it like it was yesterday, E Pluribus Unum and Forces That Be had littered the floor of Thrall's throne room with horde guard bodies. Frostfire bolts and pyro blasts from our mages had set the whole place ablaze but we hadnt come this far to stop now. This was our final stop for the day. The horde forces were making a final push through the door lead by Bigcola with the rest of his Wrecked crew close behind. We knew this was it, it was now or never. Yorn and Leg had Thralls attention as they focused all they had left on his weakening body. Clauric and Auranor let out explosive shot after explosive shot on Thrall while Vulneratus and Billy filled the entrance to the throne room with criticals from their volley of arrows as Meph went on a killing spree, dropping horde after horde into a massive pile of bodies. As Thrall neared death Dane knew it was time for the final strike. He turned and yelled "ALL ON THRALL, THIS IS IT!!" They all turned to unleash their fury. A final killshot from the well geared yet under appreciated hunters brought Thrall to his knees. It was done. One final typhoon from Levana pushed the remaining horde back and they scattered, knowing it was over. The celebration began and Shortnsweet and Verine opened portals to Dalaran. Amidst the joys and laughter Vulneratus began to feel a sadness in his heart. Just before stepping through the portal he yelled out through Ogrimar "WE LOVE YOU DEPRIVED. YOU ARE MISSED!"

When the fog cleared from the port they noticed thenselves not in Dalaran but in a strange new world. They gathered together, weapons drawn, ready for anything. Ready to take on the new adventure that awaited them. They said nothing to each other, there was no need to. This would be just like any other day for EPU and FTB. They would ravage this land just as they had done Azeroth. Taking whatever they wanted and leaving nothing but death and destruction in their wake. Sig broke the silence with a battle cry and the slaughter began. Hyboria would never be the same all thanks to a Blizzard patch day bug.
#11 Apr 20 2009 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
She usually didnt travel through the world of Norrath without her companion and mate by her side. But today Tender decided to venture out on her own and just exsplore for a while without worry about what monster she would have to save her comrades from. She enjoyed her mates company on many a lonely night just running through different lands or fighting monsters with him next to her.

This night was different, he was busy with tasks he had to complete for a raid mission they were leading their guild on in the coming week so he was busy with preparations. Tender ventured alone into a land they had been to many times before. It was a quiet peaceful land and Tender always enjoyed going there but this night there was something different. She could feel there was something different but couldnt understand why she felt this way.

Tender is a Vah Shir kitty and every hair on her neck was now standing on edge as she slowly crept through the trees and with her swords grasped in both hands she was ready for whatever should strike. Her ears twitching from side to side to try and catch the slightest noise, even a russle of a leaf or the grass moving would give her a shiver. There was no sounds at all ... not even the sound of the wind could be heard. She could feel the breeze but could not hear its sound,what could this mean. Was she just imagining all this and making herself feel this way?. She didnt know, all she knew was her instincts told her there was something not right here.

She thought to herself maybe she should go back and get her mate and the two of them find out what had changed here. She was about to turn around when her eyes caught a glimpse of something off to her right in the distance. She slowly walked toward the object and found it was only a few steps ahead of her just at the edge of the forest along the mountains that shadowed the valley. The object seems to be just hanging there in mid air, and as she got closer Tender realised it was a Jewel of some sort but none like she had ever seen before. She looked closer and seen that the Jewel was embedded into the rock of the mountain.

She remembered the night before there had been a flash of light in the sky and then a bright glow that light up the night sky. Everyone had wondered where it came from but no one seemed to know where it began or where it ended. She wondered if this Jewel was the reason for that bright light and why it was here.

She slowly reached out her hand to touch it and small bolts of lightening reached out to her hand. Quickly she withdrew her hand in surprise. The small bolts of lightening didnt hurt her, they made a tingling feeling through her hand and fingers. Slowly she raised her hand again and when the bolts hit her hand she stopped and watched as the little sparks of lightening flickered across her hand and fingers. She slowly drew her hand closer to the Jewel and touched it. Just as her fingers connected with the Jewel the bolts became larger and more intence as they crawled up her arms and across her face. She tried to pull her hand away but she was frozen there unable to move.

As the lightening grew it turned into a pattern of light that swirled around her faster and faster until she could no longer see anything around her except the Jewel that was now just hanging there. Then a bright light appeared in the center of the Jewel that quickly exsploded into a flash of light and Tender could feel herself lift off the ground. She closed her eyes and all Tender could think of was her mate and how she wished she was by his side now and how she should have gone and brought him back with her.

Then the bright light was gone and Tender opened her eyes. She stood without moving for a long time. She looked around her and realised she was no longer in Norrath, she was amazed at what she saw and all she heard was her words "Where am I?"

Tendernjucy lvl 85 Warrior on Erollisi Marr server

Edited, Apr 20th 2009 6:15pm by Tendernjucy

Edited, Apr 20th 2009 6:17pm by Tendernjucy
#12 Apr 20 2009 at 2:34 PM Rating: Excellent
802 posts
Shadowwulf eyed the Ahriman suspiciously. It was, after-all, a type of monster he had killed numerous times before. This one however, was different. It talked, instead of fighting. "So, you tell me, there is a portal opened in the north-west reaches of Xarcabard? One thats never been there before?" Shadowwulf said. "Yes, indeed adventurer, a bright yellow/green portal, with two monstrous creatures guarding it, unlike any I have ever seen before. They kill all Xarcabard creatures who go near there! I myself nearly died, barely fleeing with my life." said the Ahriman.

"Hmmm, how interesting" thought Shadowwulf, "This could prove to be quite an interesting adventure. I love exploring new places, and killing new monsters. I wonder what challenges would await me on the other side of that portal. Well, only one way to find out".

"Take me to the portal" said Shadowwulf. "Are you crazy? I just told you I nearly survived my last trip there! There is no way I'm going back, NEVER NEVER NEVER! Aswani is not stupid! Aswani smart!" fumed the Ahriman. "Well, you have two choices. Lead me to the portal, and possibly live, assuming I can kill those two creatures you spoke of, or die right now, as I have killed many of your brethern. You know I will, I know the other Ahriman whisper my name in fear. You'll be just another notch on my brown belt." laughed Shadowwulf. "Curse you forever Monk, you and all of your descendants" screamed Aswani. "So, does that mean you'll take me there then?" said a grinning Shadowwulf. "If, so lead on!"

The Ahriman, Aswani to his friends and enemies, lead Shadowwulf through the Glacier and into Xarcabard, setting a quick pace that Shadowwulf was thankful for, since it kept him warm despite the frigid temperatures and calf-high snow. They climbed several hills, always making their way upwards.

Finally, after what felt like hours of walking, the Ahriman stopped and whispered "There, there are the two creatures who killed my friends and nearly myself. Behind them, in that copse of trees is the Portal. I've done what you asked, let me go now, please, I wish not to die". "Fine, go you coward. If they were really your friends, you would want to avenge them, but I guess you monsters don't place much value on the idea of loyalty, do you?" said Shadowwulf angrily. "Exactly right human. We monsters value our own lives first and foremost. It's why we'll be around LONG after your cities are nothing but distant memories." With that, the Ahriman took off back down the hill-side, intent on getting to saftey before the action started.

The creatures were like nothing Shadowwulf had ever seen before. Tall, at least 8 feet, heavily muscled, with dark brown fur running the length of their arms, chest, and legs. One held a sword as long as Shadowwulf was tall, the other gripped an axe that looked like it could fell a Treant in one blow. Still, Shadow had faced down larger and scarier monsters then this before. While they were big, they were probably slow. Just needed to separate them before the fighting started.

Shadowwulf thought for a few minutes on just HOW to separate the two. After 5 minutes and no ideas, he decided on the classic "Throw a rock off into the woods" bit. Looking around, however, Shadow realized he would have to use a snowball instead, since he couldn't even see the ground. After rolling one, he aimed for a tree about 50 feet to the right of the Axe-wielding creature and threw as hard as he could. The hit was perfect, and lo and behold, it actually worked. The creature looked to it's companion, spoke something un-intelligble, and stalked off to where the snowball hit. Shadow quickly rolled and threw another snowball another 50 feet to the right of the last one, luring the other Creature even further away. Then, when it was gone, Shadow stepped out from his hiding spot, summoned the mystical energies inside of him, and nailed the remaining creature with a Chi-blast.

The chi-blast struck the creature mid-chest, singing it's fur, and knocking it back a step, but other then it, it seemed to merely **** the creature off. It glared at Shadowwulf, snarled something, and, to Shadowwulfs surprise, covered the distance between them in one quick bound. "Crap" thought Shadowwulf "this things move much faster then I gave them credit for. I could be in trouble here". Still, Shadow never backed down from a fight, always willing to dive in head-first no matter what, and he wasn't about to start now. Drawing out his knuckles, he slammed his fists into the creatures mid-section, causing the creature to blow expel it's breath out in a rush. Shadow got into his fighting stance, forced himself to enter a heightened state of focus, allowing him to see openings in his opponents defense, and enabling himself to move faster to dodge the creatures attacks.

The creature was fast and strong, a rare combination, even among creatures Shadowwulf normally fought with friends. However, after his initial onslaught, Shadow realized the creature didn't have much staying power. All that was needed was to inflict as much damage as possible, and being a Monk, that was something Shadowwulf excelled at. Shadowwulf summoned all his martial arts expertise and entered his ultimate fighting stance, increasing his striking speed many times over. "If this is going to be a brawl, then so be it" said Shadowwulf to the creature "you're about to get a lesson in real strength."

Shadow started punching the creature as fast he could, hitting the creature a dozen times in just a few seconds. "Yeah, this is working! It'll be dead in no time" Shadowwulf thought. Just as he thought that though, something huge crashed into him, knocking him to the ground and holding him down. "Damnit, it's the other one, I completely forgot about it! Stupid Shadow, stupid" thought Shadowwulf dazedly, as he stared up into the other creatures slavering face, "I don't think I'm going to survive this encounter after-all. Well, at least I went down fighting at my very best".

Suddenly, the creature on top of Shadowwulf shrieked and jumped off him. Unable to believe his good fortune, Shadow lay on the ground staring, as the creatures fur burned under a fierce fire. Looking around, Shadowwulf quickly discerned the source of the fire. It was Aswani, the Ahriman! Realizing this was exactly the distraction he needed, Shadowwulf regained his footing, screamed out "Asuran Fists", and unleashed a devastating flurry of punches and kicks at his original opponent. It was all that was needed to finish the creature off. It's bloody and broken body lay at Shadows' feet, the snow around it turning a bright crismon red as it's life-blood soaked into it.

Looking around, Shadowwulf realized the other creature had rolled in the snow, putting the fires out, and was steadily advancing on Aswani, a disturbing look of malice and anger in its eyes. "No, I won't let him die now, not after that act of courage" said Shadowwulf to himself. "Hey, you stupid Flea-bitten Fur bag! Over here! Yeah, I'm talking to you mutt! Come pick on someone your own size!" he shouted. The creature stopped and turned towards Shadow, a sheer look of hatred in its face. It gave a mighty roar and sprang towards Shadowwulf.

Shadow waited until it was right on top of him, then let loose a mighty kick to it's face, snapping its head and neck to the side, and causing it to roll several feet to the side before it hopped back to it's feet and started to stalk back to Shadowwulf, respect and a bit of fear in it's eyes now. "THUNDER IV" shouted Aswani, a massive lightning bolt coming from the sky to strike the creature, setting it's limbs aflame and causing it's body to convulse. The creature fell to the ground, alive, but barely. Shadowwulf calmly walked over to it, bent down, and with one hand lifting it's head, slammed his other knuckled fist into its head, crushing it's skull, instantly killing it.

"So, maybe you were right human. Perhaps we monsters should place a higher value on friendship. If we did, perhaps there wouldn't need to be war among our peoples. How about you and I start that journey together. You and I have avenged my fallen comrades. Shall we go into the portal and find out what awaits on the other side?" said Aswani.

Shadowwulf was stunned at the Ahrimans' words, stunned, and yet, happy to hear them as well. It had been a while since he had had a good traveling companion, a friend to share stories and food with. "Yes, let us embark on this new journey together, in peace and in friendship. Whatever we find on the other side of this portal, we'll face it together". With that said, the two, walked towards and into the yellow/green portal, the light nearly blinding them. When they were through the portal, the snow was gone, and they were near a massive lake with huge trees surrounding it.

Thus begins the epic journey of Shadowwulf and Aswani, as they explore a brand new world, the world of Hyboria.

Edited, Apr 20th 2009 6:37pm by Spazdeathnight
#13 Apr 20 2009 at 2:58 PM Rating: Excellent
It was a hot day in Warhammer. I had been up all night fighting off Order. I wanted to sit down, but being a magus and bound to my disk I couldnt. I wanted to walk like others and sit like them too. Please dont ask how I use the bathroom. I was going thru my mail the usual spammers. Then one caught my eye , and it read. ARE YOU TIRED OF YOUR DISK? DO YOU WANT TO WALK? DO YOU WANT TO SIT IN A CHAIR WITH YOUR FRIENDS? Well if this is you. We can get rid of that pesky disk for CHEAPPPP!!!! and FAST SERVICE. We are located at WWW.Blah Blah Blah street LOC 111.11/1234.4321 Hyboria. So I packed my things and walked oh im sorry floated out of the keep. In the distance I can see a full Warband of Order coming, so I left the keys in the door and ran like...well you know. As I rode across the lands I hit many street signs and ran over a few feeding squigs. HAHA I even hit a little Dwarf setting up a turret. I road around for days and days. Finally I came across a line of all kinds of people from every where. So I stopped and asked what the line was for, and they told me its for the bathroom, and there was no way I was going in there. If they seen how I have to go I would never live it down in vent. Off I go again. I finally came upon a zone wall. Sigh!!! how do i get over???? Then there it was a NPC loaded up <finally> with a quest. I then went over and picked it up go figure it was titled Over The Wall humm. To finish it I had to protect him from the 8 waves of mobs coming. Which were 4 lvls higher than me, and do it solo. Four trys later I got it and he ported me over the wall into Hyboria. I located the place. There was a sign on the door saying Sorry but they were banned from Hyboria for the illigal farming of green peas. So I was not happy at all. Got my things and was heading back home. When a patch came out. It added some other things. Oh great I said. I continued to the quest giver to get out......and never guess what...............he was bugged from the patch. So I was stuck there till the next patch, which is due 3 months from now.

the end
#14 Apr 20 2009 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
Azkatron was born a wee little human, who was blessed by the dragons and became their kin. Osh'vir was his father and he was a Drakkin. Osh'vir being of the wind Azkatron enjoyed his druidic power to travel at a whim to the far corners of the world. He boasted oft that he could travel farther and faster than any man or beast. Till one day he was tested in a bet most sore.

He had been drinking that day, though twas not often his custom. When in strolled a bard and a wizard. He laughed in his cups as these two walked by.

Quoth the bard "What seems so funny sir?"

Azkatron paused with a smile. "I was only thinking that a slower pair I had never seen."

The wizard's face darkened, but a smile curved the bards lips.

"You must be that braggart, who believes that he is the fastest in all of Norrath."

"Aye, that is me, though I also travel the planes with merry ease."

"Well then, perhaps you will place a bet, 10,000 pieces of platinum that my friend and I can beat you to three places of your naming."

Without a moments pause Azkatron nodded, downing the last of his ale.

"Let it begin, first I say to the far reaches of Blightfire, in the camp there." The spell flowed from his lips and he felt the room twist, in a blink he was gone through a pale mist.

As he arrived on the other side, he merrilly strolled down to the camp, where to his great surprise he found the bard and his friend kicked back on a stump. Grumbling that this would not be as easy as thought he declared. "To Everfrost or bust."

His hands rose in the air as he summoned the gate, and mere moments of runing from the other side, came to Everfrost with a twinkle in his eye.

But there again awaiting on the other side was the bard and his friend chuckling quietly as his jaw dropped and then clenched.

"Very well, I see you are good, but now to a place to which only I could."

"Any where you can go, we can go faster, We can go faster anywhere than you."

His vein stood out in his head as his jaw tightened. "Then follow me to the doorstep of Oblivion and back!"

He summoned the power his father gaver him and sheer energy flooded his veins, his tatoos glowed with the mana around him, the very fabric of space seemed to twist around him.

The wizard spoke "Stop, you know not what your doing!"

Laughing at the wizards plea the power flooded the area and space warped, and in a blink he was gone forevermore, from Norrath at least.

For when the portal closed around him, his body was battered and damaged. The winds of Oblivion tore at him. Had it not been for his powerful cocoon, he would be no more. But instead he landed on a farshore. Awakening with strange dreams, of lands that werent real in the realm he is now in. For Hyboria has claimed him, many braggarts art there. Hyboria is his to explore.
#15 Apr 20 2009 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
142 posts
So there I was sitting in Whitegate as usual. Picking my teeth with my toothpick +1 was getting old.
that kid told me to go to Delkfutt's tower I thought to myself as I flicked my toothpick on the ground. Some Taru shot me a dirty look from the entrance to his mog house. I dusted off my Optical hat and pulled it down over my eyes.

"Well here I go again." I said to myself as I shoved my hands in my pockets and headed into my mog house.

Richard (my Moogle secretary) was floating right inside the door as he always was.

"Hey Rich I am gonna need to change jobs for this one" I told him.

"Ya boss, what to?"

"Ninja" I answered

"Comin' right up" He said as he spun around.

"Now where did I put all that Ninja gear" I asked, half to myself, but Rich was already on it.

"I don't know boss. Didn't we send that out awhile back?"

"Well Rich I cant go running around the tower completely naked now can I?"

"I suppose not boss" He answered.

"Here try this stuff, it's old and a tad bit worn but it'll work" Rich said.

"Well it will have to do. I am outta here. Watch my stuff, and don't eat my sushi." I warned.

"Ya, Ya..slavedriver." He mumbled under his breath. I let it go without a reply.

I threw on that old bone harness and slung a dagger on each side of my hip. Next stop the.... coin vendor.
"How Goes it Captain?" He asked.

"Not to bad. I need a silver piece" I told him.

"Comin' right up sir"

He handed me the Silver piece in exchange for my credits. I walked away and rounded the corner. I flipped the shiny silver coin to a taru who was blubbering something about me being a slave to his superlative craft. "Home nation Jeeves" I said. He seemed a little insulted, but I didn't care. I had bigger things to worry about, like this kid and that crystal he was talking about. I landed in my Home country and quickly paid for a teleport to Qufim island (the home of Delkfutt's tower). I never stay in my home town long. If my ex ever catches me on the streets of San D'oria It'll be the end of me.

I touched down just outside the tower. Gotta love op warps I thought to my self. I quickly zoned in. There he goes....that guy....what's his name again? Aldo...that's it I sprinted after him only to be stopped dead by some floating orb that was just begging to be poked. I touched it and I felt as if I had dropped twenty levels. The climb was going to be difficult...this much I could tell. I started out and quickly realized this was going to require some stealth.

"Good thing I brought some Ninja tools" I said out loud.

I threw up sneak and invisible and started the climb. I found bits of crystal on my climb. I would stop and rest every so often and check my map. Everything was looking great. I hit the eleventh floor with very few problems. I had just a little further to run. I pulled up my map then........... a feeling of free fall impact. (Auto-run while looking at my map what was I thinking?)

I woke up my head throbbing, but softness on my face. It was grass. Where was I? Vast expanses of green lay before me. I slowly pushed myself to my feet and stared slack jawed at my surroundings. Had I inadvertently activated a warp cudgel? I asked myself. No that cant be it.....if I had done that I would have ended up back in Whitegate.

Well time to search for some civilization. The land seemed strange and pixilated..yet so serene and beautiful. I happened upon what looked like a small village. From around a stone wall came some mad man wielding a giant hammer with both hands. He was heading right for me. My first thought was "there is no way I am geared for this." Then I remembered; I had subbed thief. I hit the trusty "Flee" button and left that red bearded nut in the dust. Unfortunately I was not expecting the effect to wear off so soon, nor was I expecting him to be so fast. I looked over my shoulder and saw he was gaining.

Things quickly went from bad to worse, when I tripped over a rock. Rich was going to get it for sending off my low level boots when I get back. Now the bald headed, red bearded, hammer wielding manic was standing over me dripping sweat on my bone harness. I reached for my Dagger as he brought the hammer over his head and said.....

"Welcome to Hyboria!"

I saw the face of hammer as it was about to slam into my skull then...... I pool of my blood on a porcelain white floor. I had a splitting head ache but I recognized the white floor and the smell of Gigas all around me. I once again picked myself up and finished my climb. Trying to forget about the red haired maniac and the land he called Hyboria. Once I had finished my quest I popped a warp cudgel and found myself back in Whitegate.

I stepped back into my mog house and Rich greeted me. "How was the quest boss? Anything exciting happen?" I grinned a little at his question.
"Nope, uneventful." I said.
Had it been a dream? I don't have an answer, but I think I would like to go back with My Great Axe and have a go with the red bearded maniac.

"Rich!!!! I am gonna kill you! You ate my sushi again!"

Edits: Spelling and grammar

Edited, Apr 20th 2009 7:41pm by Lostkaws

Edited, Apr 20th 2009 7:42pm by Lostkaws

Edited, Apr 20th 2009 7:43pm by Lostkaws

Edited, Apr 20th 2009 7:46pm by Lostkaws

Edited, Apr 20th 2009 7:47pm by Lostkaws
#16 Apr 20 2009 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
Astride a throne of putrid corruption she rests, her flesh tainted with the foul odor of a thousand-thousand cadavers. Among these, the bodies of the inferior, she makes her home and is one with it, for her ancient dwelling place is entirely constructed of shattered enemies… corpses of the fallen, and she is the Corpse Kicker.

Long ages she dwelt within the shattered lands of Norrath, longer even than many of the ‘old ones’ as they call themselves for she was born with it and is at once bound to and separate from it for the lands are teaming with life and life inevitably succumbs to death and she is death incarnate. Yet the endless cycle is not without its tedium. Though taking often more than her share of lives, her thirst for blood, hunger for flesh and compulsion to relish the wailing screams and ultimate death rattle of her victims seems to grow with each new dusk. She seeks new diversions to satiate her lust for carnage.

The vessel reeked sweetly of rotten sea life and the sweat and tears of laboring slaves. Few things brought a smile to her bloodstained lips as readily as the helpless moans of broken men unless it be the sound of those moans becoming screams and the screams ending suddenly as they die horrible deaths. And so it was that Corpse Kickers broadest grin in countless seasons gleamed brightly into waning moonlit just off the sandy shore of Hyboria. While her ill fated vessel crumbles against the rocks and will eventually fall into the blackness beneath her, she reflects upon the its ending as only the beginning of countless endings to come.

#18 Apr 20 2009 at 4:32 PM Rating: Excellent
an original screenplay concept
by Trion

Science Fiction: A renegade hunter teams up with the straightest priest on four continents to discover new portals. In the process they deflower four British men on welfare. By the end of the movie they run away from 42 double agents and end up winning the admiration of their kind hearted prostitute and traveling to a strange new land, living happily ever after.

Think Die Hard meets Obsessed.

A little fun with a movie pitch generator :D
#19 Apr 20 2009 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
204 posts
Laciant, an elvaan warrior of the highest rank awoke with the sun as usual. Donning his boots and hefting the axe he's carried for many years he stepped out of his room into what, at the moment, seemed an ordinary day. “The sun seems extra bright this morning.” he thought to himself as he shielded his eyes with his hand.

The people of San d O'ria crowded the streets, nobles, peasants and merchants of every type of ware peddling their goods. The smell of food caught Laciants scent as it a light breeze passed by, right then his stomach rumbled reminding him that it was past time for breakfast. A mithkabob or maybe some stew. As he weaved his way through the crowd toward the aroma of the food that had his stomach in a riot. He noticed a small man lingering in an alleyway. “Surely he's not staring at me” Laciant said to himself when he notice the man slink back into the alley as soon as their eyes met. He had made his fair share of enemies over the years but by Altana's Light he didn't recall this fellow. Oh well he's gone now time for breakfast, Laciant paid the woman and took his mithkabob and gobbled it down. Time to meet Cliran and Civila, honestly what fun is traveling the countryside alone with nobody to talk to. He pressed into the crowded common room of the Lion Springs tavern to find his friend sitting at the usual table in the corner laughing . “You ready?” he asked as they both looked up in unison. With a nod and a smile they were off, across the Ronfaure valleys nothing dangerous here save the occasional orc her and there but they were easily dealt with. “Where are we headed today?” Civila asked from under the hood of her mage attire. Laciant thought for a moment then with a smile said “I've heard some rumors of a odd crystal at the Crag in the Plateau”.

Suddenly Cliran shouted “Look, The outpost!! Which one of you brought lunch?” With a sigh Civila waved her hands and in an instant she was holding what looked to be a plate of meat and dried bread and pitcher of water. As many times as he had seen that Laciant was always amazed. With a nod to the watchmen at the outpost they settled in for a nice quiet lunch. After what couldn't have been more than a few minutes the shouts of a man caught their ears. They looked up and could see the watchman on the tower pointing toward the south. Laciant tiptoed trying to stretch his neck so he might be able to see what all the commotion was about. The man was on chocobo but it was slow and the he saw what the man was shouting about. Behind him a troop of orcs were closing fast. Pulling his axe from his back he turned to tell his friends but Cliran was already 10 strides ahead his martial arts training made him quick and Civila was already murmuring the lyrics to what he could only assume was a spell of some sort. He ran to catch up with Cliran and meet the invaders head on.

The armored skull of the first orc he encountered felt soft to his heavy blade. It wasn't an axe anymore it was an extension of himself he'd been using it so long. Cliran was dancing the dance of a hundred fists. It was so that a normal mans eyes could barely see the movment but one by one the monsters fell. “Behind you!” Cliran shouted. When Laciant turned an orc with is halbred high was about to strike and he could do was watch and wait no time to react with his axe already buried in another's torso. Suddenly the orc burst into flames and in an instant was nothing but ash. Civila it had to be her. Anyway it was done, the battle was over and save a few scrapes and scratches everyone seemed alright. “Now that's how you end a good picnic” Cliran laughed not nearly as out of breath as it seemed he should have been. When out of the corner of his eye Laciant saw a figure meld into to the shadows of the wood line. “We're not done here” he pointed to the woods and himself and his friends ran. “Cliran can you track it?” Civila asked. “I can he said, but it's no orc, it's a hume”.

When they got to the end of the river where the water fell Cliran told them “The only place he could go was in that cave behind the waterfall”. “Well, this wouldn't be the first time we've walked blindly into the unknown” Laciant laughed. Civila sighed and with a few words a small sphere of light appeard over her shoulder. “The unknown is one think, but by Altana I'll not go blindly.” she stated. The cave was damp and dimly lit with the glowing sphere, but dim was better than blind.

They couldn't have been more than 100 paces into the cave when the air turned sharp and cold, very cold. Civila moaned, and Laciant was barely quick enough to catch her as the sphere winked out. She was breathing, with a thud he realized Cliran must have fallen too. “Are you okay?” he called, but received no answer. Frantically he pulled his axe from it's nesting place on his back, not sure of what was going on. What had happened to his friends, why didn't he fall asleep?.. Then there was a voice “Be at ease my friend all is well” suddenly the cave lit up as if they were standing in the midday sun. “Who are you!” Laciant demanded and what have you done to my friends. “I am sorry Laciant.” the man said “But what i'm am here for concerns only you, and as for your friends they are sleeping and will wake up in their beds come morning”. “What do you mean concerns me?” he asked. The man began to tell his story of a world not of Vana diel, but of a land called Hyboria. After the man had finished Laciant asked “How exactly does that concern me?” The man sat for a minute, lost it thought maybe. “How I do not know, but my visions name you as a champion and that you must be there”..
“And how exactly do you propose that I get to a land that you cannot fly, walk, or ride to?” With the wave of the man's arm a line of light apeared and began to widen into a doorway. “Seek out Cornelia, she'll be able to help you on this journey” With on last look at his friends Laciant took a deep breath and stepped through the doorway that wasn't a doorway, from the cave to a hillside with flowers the type he'd never seen before. He turned to look back where he had came only to see a sliver of light wink out of existence. What had he gotten himslef into and what would Civila think about this, talk about walking blindly now in a land unknown to him with races and people that he'd never dreamed of he sighed and started down the hill toward a small town. The only way to end a journey was to begin and with that his adventures in Hyboria began.
#20 Apr 20 2009 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
I had set out east on yet another trip to kill colorful butterflies, their glowing wings flapping mockingly in the flower covered fields. The purple ones are my favorite, they seem to take longer to die than the others. As they disappeared into nothingness one after the other in an endless stream, I wondered if the rare rainbow colored butterfly would show itself. After spending hours searching I began to tire of the slaughter and decided to move on. But where to go next was a hard decision. I rested on an old moss covered stump to decide what was next. I could head back to the elemental canyons, it would be much safer than some of my other options. The Black Castle was close but still seemed a bit out of my league. The Pompeii ruins might be too far of a journey this day.

As I pondered my options the air began to crackle and pop, a portal was forming in the field to the north. The foul necromancers that used this means of travel were formidable foes so I readied myself for a hard fight. The dark portal shimmered and was still.

A voice began shouting from within, “Calcor, you are not going to believe what I have found.”

I recognized the voice and relaxed my guard as Mijar stepped out of the portal. Some necromancers have proven to be useful in my travels and this happened to be one of them. It seems he had been looking for me.

“I’ve been exploring the rifts again and I found one that leads right into the treasury of the King’s castle,” he said as he cautiously looked around us. My interest was piqued at these words.

He motioned toward the portal and said “Come inside and we can discuss a plan to reap the rewards that the rift has offered to us, there are certain aspects that I will need your help with.”

Mijar turned to enter the portal but an arrow burst through his head and he fell to the ground. I leapt through the portal before the assassin would have a chance at my life as well. The portal would remain open for a time but only those with the permission of the necromancer were allowed entry into their rift so I knew I would be safe for now. I looked around the small room for options. This rift would soon close without the magic of the necromancer to keep it in place. The assassin knew I would have very few options and would watch the portal for my exit until it closed.

I could risk certain death by returning outside, or I could risk uncertainty in one of the other three portals in the room. I knew one of them would surely lead to the Kings castle. This option would most likely also lead to death as I would become trapped in the Kings treasury. I decided to take my chances by choosing an unknown portal. No matter which doorway I took my future was uncertain, either in life or in death.
#21 Apr 20 2009 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
Izashammie slowly looked around, he was tired, for he had just finished a long battle with a few of his clan members to free Norath from some of the more evil monsters that had tried to attack them in the plains outside the great city of Qeynos. They were all tired and had chosen to seperate for a few days to return to their home cities and spend some time with loved ones.

He was glad for he had heatd that his little sister was going to join his fellow shamans and venture out to face the unknown challenges to better her skills and maybe take over for him. He was getting too old for this, he regeted that he was human and did not age like the elves and half elves of his clan, laughing to himself, even thos little gnomes did not age as fast as he did.

He was going to gather some of his old gear and a few scrolls that might come in handy for Miashaman, for he remembered well the troubles he had fighting some of those creatures to get the proper ingredients to get these scrolls right. Maybe he could retire and start helping some of the youths of Halas prepare for the adventures that they would begin once they left Everfrost.

As he laughed at all of the gnolls that ran away as soon as he neared them in Black burrow he noticed something odd. There was a gnome that he had never seen before working on something ahead of him. What the gnome did not know was that a few of the bolder gnolls were sneaking up behind him.

Izashammie shouted, "The Tribunal has said that you evil things shall not harm any that are within our sight and presence." Chanting a few words and swinging his mighting hammer Marrowfel he quickly sent all of them within sight to their god and a little quicker then most had wanted.

The gnome finally turned around and said, " SHHhh....I am trying to get my Megamagicgizmoteleporter to work. If you had startled me I would have had to start all over and I am almost done with it. Just a few mor parts and it will be done."

"Umm....which would you prefer, a complted gizmo, or being rotated on a spit with a dozen or so gnolls getting their carving knives sharpened?"

"OH! That puts it all in a different light. But this is too big for me to move, the haflings I had hired to help me move this ran off for some reason. They shouted out something about run for your life or something like that but I was working on this piece of art and was to busy to pay any attention."

"Well let me see if I can help you. Is there anything I should be careful with or be worried about?"

"No no no. This is fragile but it is also very rugged for I want it to work in all sorts of enviroments."

"Wow, that sounds great. So what does it do?"

"What! Can't you see! It is great, it can do anything and everything. With the proper working it will amaze and amuse one and all."

"So let me get this straight, you have NO IDEA on what it does."

"WWeellll you are kinda sorta right. BUT, I know that this will make me one of the greatest Tinker's every know, EVERYONE will know the name of Badderden."

"okay, lets get this thing moving." As Izashammie grabbed the machine to start moving the gizmo there was a bright flash of light and he disappered just as he heard a very loud OOPS from the gnome.

When Izashammie woke up, he found himself in a stange land and had none of his armor or weapons with him. He also found that his memory was not the same and he did not know any of his spells and very few of his former skills. But he did noticed that his body had changed, and he felt young and strong like he did when he had first started out with his adventuring.

Looking around he noticed parts of the gizmo that came with him, most of it was junk, but some of it looked like small pieces of gold and silver, just enough to get him started in this new land.

"Well, I guess The Tribunal has more work for me now that Norrath was getting so that not many of the evil ones were safe to venture out in the lands." So picking up his humble gear, he set forth to start all over and try to keep up the standards of his clan The Fighters of Faydark.
#22 Apr 20 2009 at 6:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Catwho's moogle had something terrible waiting for her when she returned from an excursion into Nyzul Isle.

The moogle (whose name was unpronounceable to the human or Tarutaru tongue, so asked just to be called Moogle like all his brethren), nervously handed her the message which had been delivered express from Windurst. A dreaded seal was on the back.

"Oh no," Catwho groaned when she saw the summons from her old professor, Shantotto. "This can't be good."

"I'm sorry master! I tried to open it up but she's hexed it."

Catwho sighed and took the letter. "Yeah, that's just like her." She slipped one tiny finger under the seal, and popped open the black wax with trepidation. Shantotto, the Wicked Witch of Windurst, was a terrible taskmaster, and she was especially hard on her most promising students. Even Catwho's illustrious career as one of the best black mages of the modern age wasn't good enough for Shantotto. There were still some secrets she withheld from her proteges.

"Dear Taprara," the letter began. Catwho scowled. She hated her real name.

I hope this letter finds you in good health,
And that your adventures have brought you wealth.

But I am dismayed to find that all your progression
Has been delayed by too much play and digression.

Your elemental ancient magic is weak
And your skill at soloing strong monsters reeks!

I've thought long and hard for a suitable punishment
From a lasting curse to a painful blandishment

But finally I had a fantastic idea
A special type of spell I learned in Dissidea!

When you read the final line you'll be transported
To a place where you will fight monsters assorted!

A single task awaits you in that land
Finish it, and your ticket home will be at hand.

"Oh noooo . . ." Catwho said, the last sound echoing into the air as the special "Shantotto Exclusive Warp 4" spell kicked into effect.


Several minutes later, the Tarutaru black mage came to in a strange world. Squinting at the sun, she felt an unusual strain on her vision. The world here was a lot crisper and brighter, but also seemed to require a little more effort to view. She was made of strong stuff, however, and adjusted to it in a few minutes.

"High rez," she muttered, admiring the clean lines of her relic uniform. The distant mountainous horizon was beautifully clear, but also starkly foreign. She was nowhere on Vana'diel.

She tried casting Warp on herself, but that didn't work. Warp II and Retrace also failed her. The teleports from her support job were also broken. Muttering to herself, she set about walking down in elevation. Where there was a downhill, there was water. And where there was water, there would eventually be a road, which would eventually lead to a village . . . if there were any people on this world.

Shantotto obviously thought she needed to have some extra practice at surviving in the wild. With a sigh, and thoughts of her comfortable mog house waiting for her once Shantotto's stupid quest was done, Catwho set off, trusty Aquilo's staff in hand.

Edited, Apr 20th 2009 10:37pm by catwho
#23 Apr 20 2009 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
Once a upon a time, a giant condor picked me up, flew through a cloud, and spit me out into Hyboria. When I awoke, I was being chased by a crazy barbarian into a strange land.
#24 Apr 20 2009 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
"Can you sit up?"

It'd been a while since I died. At least 2 days. That's a while for me. I felt a warm glow in the pit of my stomach fading away. The familiar sensation of having been resurrected. It's a strange thing, being resurrected.

"He's breathing again, but he's still not moving."

When people find out you're an adventurer, they always ask you what it feels like to be dead. Sure, you hear about some white light or pearly gates, but let me tell you, you can never quite remember the dead part. Sometimes you remember dying, and you always remember coming back, but being dead? All I can say is I remember not remembering.

"There, I think he's coming to.. can you wiggle your toes?"

You always remember coming back.. Slowing regaining sensation, deciding where your limbs are, remembering how to breath. This time was different though. This time I was having trouble deciding where my feet were suppose to be. My body was telling me one thing, but years of experience told me my body was clearly wrong this time. I wiggled my toes. They were so far away.

"Frosk, can you hear me? Do you know where you are?"

I sat up, I think. I'm pretty sure my head stayed behind, but I could now see a woman tending to me so it must have come with me. There were a few other people who didn't seem to care. Yes, this is adventuring. I tried to form a sentence.

"I'm not Frosk. Who are you?"

"I'm your party member, Tesra, remember? Maybe you took some hits to the head, why don't you lie back down."

My head was clearing up, but I still didn't know this Tesra. Lying down seemed like the wrong thing to do though, so I struggled to my feet. Balancing myself was difficult. My legs felt absurdly long. I looked down at Tesra. I'd never looked down at anyone.

"I'm not Frosk. I'm Vornn. Am I tall? Where am I?"

"Vornn.. oh great. I've seen this happen before."

"Seen what happen?"

"It's one of the dangers of resurrecting. When two resurrections occur at precisely the same moment, there's a danger that the souls will get mixed up. They end up in the wrong body. Sometimes even from different worlds."

"Different worlds?"

"Yes. It happens more than you'd think, with the millions of resurrections that happen every day. It happened to my cousin, we thought his brain was mush but turned out his soul got mixed up with a ogre from Norrath. I didn't figure it out till he ate my sister. I hope you aren't.. weren't an ogre."

"I'm a gnome. How do I get back?"

"You don't, you just have to wait it out.. it usually fixes itself eventually. It could be one month, two months, a year, it's fairly random. You might decide you like it here and force your soul to stay, or you might go back to being a gnome before you blink."

"It's strange being tall."

"Welcome to Hyboria."
#25 Apr 20 2009 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Hiswhitewings was out one stormy night investigating the Nyzul Isle ruins. Suddenly the sky darkened and a huge lightning bolt struck him rendering him unconscious. He awoke to a strange land named Hyboria. Is this just a dream? Or did that lightning bolt actually transport him to a new world?
#26 Apr 20 2009 at 8:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Once upon a time on another server, in another state, running a World of Warcraft server, my character Locked was happily doing her daily quests. Back then the level cap was only 70 so she had nothing to do between raids besides gather money for various talent respects and trade skill upgrades.

I don't know how many times I've lassoed those nether rays, but now it had become second nature, and my mind would drift off to other thoughts as I gathered them up once again for a few gold.

Suddenly and unexpectedly after capturing one of the nearby nether rays I started to move against my will. I banged my mouse on the desk, yeah, it still worked. Then I checked my keyboard. Both were working and yet my character was being pulled against my control by the nether ray. I had 2 rays following me at this point along with a growing number of hell boars. I decided that i didn't want to find out where this ray was taking me so I cast corruption on it. It didn't stick! I tried my other dots and none of them would land on the ray.

At this point I had three hell boars beating on me, so I dotted them up and cast piercing howl. Then I noticed it, this ray was heading strait for the cliff side! I thought about alt-f4, but it was already too late. I would be out of the game but my character wouldn't log out for 30 min. I decided to see if this damn ray would send me falling to me death or pull me along in the air.

I took a screen shot and sent my guild a message about this nether ray that was pulling me around on the daily quest, but they just laughed at me. I shouted to the zone and asked if anyone else was having weird lag issues. Nobody said they had any major lag. One helpful person said that my mom was lagged.

As I approached the edge of the cliff I jumped, as one always does in WoW before entering a zone, and it was then that my screen went black.

My mouse was still lit up so something was wrong with the game. Turned my monitor off and then on again. Just when I was about to hit alt-tab my screen flickered and the picture slowly came into focus. As the characters around me slowly materialized around me I could see a number of topless females dancing around me. Immediately I stripped off my robes and gazed in admiration at my two lovely chest lumps. I joined in the merriment because I knew then that I had been transported to a far better game and that everything was going to be awesomesauce.
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