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disappointed about wowFollow

#1 Dec 27 2008 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
i know i'm not supposed to do it here but i don't understand wow forum. i just bought it the other day it took yesterday and most of today to download it to my computer. i'm a little disappointed about that. but it wasn't worth it. the game play is ok. everythings is playing great. but it's slow. i don't know how to use the mouse to look. so i have to use the keyboard to move around witch sucks. they don't give you enough room for stuff in my backpack. they really don't give you a waypoint to things that you have to find. no one will give you help. i'm sorry but my opinion it's not worth the time or the money. i'll keep play since it's paid till march. but i don't think it will change my opinion. if swg ever goes under i'm screwed. thanks for letting me vent. also thank you all for helping me in the past with swg. hope you all have a safe and wonderful new years!
#2 Dec 27 2008 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
hold right mouse button should allow you to use the mouse to move the camera, and as for bag space, you can get bags that give you more space, and there not to hard to come by.

i mean, i really dislike WoW, but id say you should give it more of a chance.
#3 Dec 27 2008 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
yea your right been playing swg for so long. it's just not the same. but it might grow on me. thanks. i was just mad that it took two days to down load.
#4 Dec 28 2008 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
The greatest disappointment with WoW is that it is devoid of a mental challenge, the quest system is great and PvP is reasonably immersive but on the whole it is a stock standard hack and slash with no real end game.
#5 Dec 29 2008 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
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MontyB wrote:
The greatest disappointment with WoW is that it is devoid of a mental challenge, the quest system is great and PvP is reasonably immersive but on the whole it is a stock standard hack and slash with no real end game.

As opposed to this game?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#6 Dec 29 2008 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
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Mazra wrote:
MontyB wrote:
The greatest disappointment with WoW is that it is devoid of a mental challenge, the quest system is great and PvP is reasonably immersive but on the whole it is a stock standard hack and slash with no real end game.

As opposed to this game?

as opposed to 95% of mmos more like it.
#7 Dec 29 2008 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
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MasterOfWar wrote:
Mazra wrote:
MontyB wrote:
The greatest disappointment with WoW is that it is devoid of a mental challenge, the quest system is great and PvP is reasonably immersive but on the whole it is a stock standard hack and slash with no real end game.

As opposed to this game?

as opposed to 95% of mmos more like it.

95%? Does that include LOTRO, WAR and AoC?

Or are we talking 95% of all MMO games with a player base of less than 100,000?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#8 Dec 29 2008 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
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Mazra wrote:
MasterOfWar wrote:
Mazra wrote:
MontyB wrote:
The greatest disappointment with WoW is that it is devoid of a mental challenge, the quest system is great and PvP is reasonably immersive but on the whole it is a stock standard hack and slash with no real end game.

As opposed to this game?

as opposed to 95% of mmos more like it.

95%? Does that include LOTRO, WAR and AoC?

Or are we talking 95% of all MMO games with a player base of less than 100,000?

from what ive played of LotRO it didnt feel much different from wow, same with WAR, just grab quest, kill x mobs/check x area, repeat.

though WARs pvp is better, and it does have a bunch of quest that differ from the standard kill quests, but ultimately theres no real thinki9ng involved in any of them.
#9 Dec 29 2008 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
I don't know what it is about WOW but it just seems to be one of those love/hate games and I just cant get interested in it no matter how much I try.

I joined it when it was released and played to level 60 before quitting due to complete disinterest, I then came back for the first expansion and made it to 70 before quitting again and I have no interest in returning for the second expansion.

I can't fault the game in terms stability or design but I just can not maintain any interest in it for anything more than a few minutes at a time.
#10 Dec 29 2008 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
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MasterOfWar wrote:
Mazra wrote:
MasterOfWar wrote:
Mazra wrote:
MontyB wrote:
The greatest disappointment with WoW is that it is devoid of a mental challenge, the quest system is great and PvP is reasonably immersive but on the whole it is a stock standard hack and slash with no real end game.

As opposed to this game?

as opposed to 95% of mmos more like it.

95%? Does that include LOTRO, WAR and AoC?

Or are we talking 95% of all MMO games with a player base of less than 100,000?

from what ive played of LotRO it didnt feel much different from wow, same with WAR, just grab quest, kill x mobs/check x area, repeat.

though WARs pvp is better, and it does have a bunch of quest that differ from the standard kill quests, but ultimately theres no real thinki9ng involved in any of them.

So if WoW, WAR, LotRO and AoC are all just standard hack and slash MMO games, where exactly are those 95% of all MMO's that are mentally challenging? What games are we talking about here? EVE Online? Yeah, I'll give you that. It's probably the greatest MMO out there, due to it containing so many aspects. Fighting, trading, diplomacy, crafting, etc. Only weakness is that it gets repetitive and it takes forever (literally) to "level up" since learning doesn't increase with your activity in the game (there's no exp gain from kills, etc.)

Star Wars: Galaxies has become a WoW clone. Don't get me wrong here. I loved SWG for what it was. Loved. Past tense. SOE turned it into ***** and now I'm not feeling the love so much.

I can't understand how anyone can bash WoW for being a "standard hack and slash" game when SWG has turned into the exact same thing. What's there to do in this game once you reach level 90 or whatever the cap is? Raid? PvP? Craft? Trade? Build a town?

Yeah, I'll admit the whole player-built towns thing is neat. At least when people take it seriously ("Town of Bob" on Dantooine is not awesome), but really, is that it? Is that what makes SWG so full of mental challenge? That you get to build your own houses? I mean, really?

Or is it because you get to roll a dancer and spend 89 levels tripping over yourself until you reach end-game where you get to play buff-bot for all your guildies?

I'm not sure here, guys...
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 Dec 29 2008 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
Oh great a disgruntled pre-nge vet.

Let me be blunt, some things appeal to some people and not others.

Personally I think for the most part SWG is better now than when I signed on in 2003 and WOW just does not hold my interest because it has no depth but I can understand why others like it.

In the end it boils down to different strokes for different folks.

Still if you want the positives of SWG I would look further than housing, in any of these other games can you:
- Make Pets
- Go into space
- Change professions and skill sets at will.
- Create a city and run it.
- Actually play a crafter (not just make items)

Lets all be realistic here, for all the hype about next generation MMO's the greatest disappointment of all is that not one of these MMO's is any better than Ultima Online from 12 years ago in fact almost all of them lack the functionality of UO.

Edited, Dec 29th 2008 8:14pm by MontyB
#12 Dec 29 2008 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
It is one of those marmite kind of things, you either love it, or you hate it, Warcraft is a game i really like, when WOTL came out i tried a deathknight like just about 98 percent of the rest of the players, then started a hunter from scratch, today reached level 61 which is pretty good considering, before go on about some aspects being better than others, i am not big on pvp, i prefer cooperative play, so the big quest/raid thing, is great, and its something that works well in Warcraft, mostly because there is no lack of player numbers, thats not a dig at the NGE and the fact that numbers are fairly scarce, its just that for an MMO to work, you need people, lots of them, without other players the whole thing becomes empty and colourless, the biggest reason for me, to play Warcraft, isnt because its intellectually challenging, its because its fun, and yes, you do have to read things quite a bit ;D
unfortunately, because all things are finite, mostly the amount of money i have available to use for online games, so i had to choose, WOW, or SWG, sadly it wasnt a difficult choice, SWG is a game i only played for the odd hour, if that, its a game that i'll probably never forget, but, how many players, continue because of memories of yesterday. On the other hand, i found friends on WOW that i hadnt seen since Everquest, or Evercrack as it used to be called, which gets me back to the most important point, community, SWG used to have the best community of any game i've ever played, when it lost that, the heart really did go out of the game. SWG will probably always be the best game i ever played :/
#13 Dec 30 2008 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
631 posts
I stay away from WoW for this's a carbon copy of any fantasy MMO. You have your Dragons, Elves, Orcs, Your fighters, wizards, and clerics, Quest after the *insert peronage here*, or the world...take your pick. Find the holy grail, blah blah blah....This is Star Wars.....Let me say this again.....This is Star Wars, and that the only reason I even play a MMO, Because it Star Wars. You can say anything you want about population this, and hack and slash that, but lets face it. That alone is what make this different from WoW, Evercrack 1&2, LOTROL, WAR and AoC. How many Star Wars MMO's are there....1. Maybe 2 if they get SWOTR off the ground. Pre and Post Whatevers have to conceed this point. Hate it for what they made it, or Love it for what it is. You can play a Wookie, a Trandoshan, Twi'lik, you can be a Reb pilot and fly x-wings or an Imperial and fly Ties. You can be a Shipbuilder, or a house maker, you can be a Boba Fett styled bounty hunter, or a Darth Maul styled Jedi. I can pick any one of the fantasy MMO's and be a fighter, wizard, cleric, orc, elf and get pwned by someone that has been raping the farmer sites and buying all the good gear. You wanna see my passion....log into Tempest about 10pm est and I will personally show you....exacatly why I love this game and stay away from fantasy MMO's. That my take and rant on there ;P
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Order Exists Only To Create Chaos...In Chaos Is Where I Dwell
(Quote Of The Black Rose)
#14 Dec 30 2008 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
MontyB wrote:
Oh great a disgruntled pre-nge vet.

Let me be blunt, some things appeal to some people and not others.

Personally I think for the most part SWG is better now than when I signed on in 2003 and WOW just does not hold my interest because it has no depth but I can understand why others like it.

In the end it boils down to different strokes for different folks.

Still if you want the positives of SWG I would look further than housing, in any of these other games can you:
- Make Pets
- Go into space
- Change professions and skill sets at will.
- Create a city and run it.
- Actually play a crafter (not just make items)

Lets all be realistic here, for all the hype about next generation MMO's the greatest disappointment of all is that not one of these MMO's is any better than Ultima Online from 12 years ago in fact almost all of them lack the functionality of UO.

Let me just reply to the bolded part for a moment here: ARE YOU NUTS?!

How the hell can the game be better now that you're locked into your "class" (or career or profession - whatever it's called in SWG) instead of back when you could change it as you pleased? They killed Teräs Käsi and I'll never forgive them for that.

I'll give them credit for expanding the game to space, but personally I wish they would've rolled things back to pre-NGE and spent the money on a new engine instead. The jump animation is downright pathetic.

If you want some positives on SWG, I'd say it was variation. Past tense again. I could be a mean fighting machine one month and then decide to do the whole medic thing instead. Man, I had such a great time buffing people on Dantooine before they nerfed buffs into the ground.

I've already mentioned the engine, but it deserves another slap. It's horrible. The lag even moreso. I can run up to a bad guy and engage in combat. He just stands there and looks at me. I cut him into fine slices with my lightsaber and 10 seconds after he died, he'll hit me 30 times with his blaster.

And it's not my connection, because I'm running every other MMO without latency at all. And it can't be my computer's specs, because I can run Crysis on 'High' settings.

Some things still make me feel all strange in my tummy, though. I'm a huge fan of Star Wars and always have been. I remember the first time I logged on and walked into the cantina in Mos Eisley. I still get goosebumps when I think back. The familiar theme playing in the background with people chatting and shuttles taking off in the distance.

I'd love to get back into the game, but not until they bring it up to modern standards graphics wise. I'm not okay with lagging out in Eisley on lowest graphics settings when I can run Warcraft on extra high settings (I even have to increase the details via the console) and still do 60 FPS in Shattrath.

And I don't care much about the new MMO they're developing. I don't want to play Star Wars 3,000 years before the events in the movies. It's the movies I fell in love with. It's that story I want to be a part of. Make the game a follow-up on Episode VI and I'll buy it.

Or at least enable target lock-on and auto-attack. Having to spam your hotkeys while keeping your mouse pointer on your target.. yeah, not cool.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Dec 30 2008 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
631 posts
Or at least enable target lock-on and auto-attack. Having to spam your hotkeys while keeping your mouse pointer on your target.. yeah, not cool.

Ummm....I don't do this....not to sure on how many do. Have you tried pressing the "Y" button, then the red crosshairs change to a blue circle and locks on to whatever target I choose. I know you are an old vet so I will try not to insult your game knowledge...but you should try the game again....I think you missed something along the way with the chapter updates they have done.
Be Well...Shoot First...Die Last

Order Exists Only To Create Chaos...In Chaos Is Where I Dwell
(Quote Of The Black Rose)
#16 Dec 30 2008 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
Azrielis wrote:
Or at least enable target lock-on and auto-attack. Having to spam your hotkeys while keeping your mouse pointer on your target.. yeah, not cool.

Ummm....I don't do this....not to sure on how many do. Have you tried pressing the "Y" button, then the red crosshairs change to a blue circle and locks on to whatever target I choose. I know you are an old vet so I will try not to insult your game knowledge...but you should try the game again....I think you missed something along the way with the chapter updates they have done.

the ability to autoaim autoattack was a concession that definitely improved things, at least when you had to fight things you werent forced to try and keep the mouseover a target that wasnt sure if it was teleporting or rubberbanding... shooting something that was at extreme range, and having it suddenly appear in front of you 1 second later.. kind of makes the whole point of using a ranged weapon redundant. introducing the talent trees wasnt a bad idea, i even like what they did to commando's, the trouble is, is that being locked into a single profession - with progressively more expensive respec's being the only option for variation, and no uniquely different combinations possible, the games biggest selling point always was the freedom to choose your own path, when people knock WOW because its a quest driven game, arent they forgetting that SWG became just that, the only difference being that in WOW you have a multitude of quest paths to choose from, whereas in SWG you have the legacy quest and a couple of themeparks, and almost no latitude in which way you do it. i've experienced the legacy quest a few times now, and tbh, i hate it, absolutely and utterly, i have absolutely no doubt that the single option legacy quest, is hurting the game significantly, and im willing to bet that whatever new players there are, some of them are leaving because of how bad it is. how about the fact that it takes 16 - 20 hours to level up a entertainer from 1 - 80, or that traders are left out in a limbo, because the legacy quest doesnt even include them anyway. how about smugglers being able to actually smuggle rather than just doing transport missions where theres a random combat encounter partway through, the loss of the splicing definitely hurt smugglers in a big way, no magic in starwars... how does a medic heal then, they even have aoe healing! medics and doctors used to need packs for healing, and even then you could only use them in a medical center, now that was more sci fi than the current 'magic' system, that belongs more in WOW than it does in SWG, in fact, isnt the medics healing system comparable to the WOW paladins abilities? the only thing missing from SWG these days, is orcs and elves.. or are they? ;D
#17 Dec 31 2008 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Azrielis wrote:
Or at least enable target lock-on and auto-attack. Having to spam your hotkeys while keeping your mouse pointer on your target.. yeah, not cool.

Ummm....I don't do this....not to sure on how many do. Have you tried pressing the "Y" button, then the red crosshairs change to a blue circle and locks on to whatever target I choose. I know you are an old vet so I will try not to insult your game knowledge...but you should try the game again....I think you missed something along the way with the chapter updates they have done.

They enabled target lock-on? Holy crap. I'll admit, it's been a good couple of months (more like four) since I last played the game. Perhaps I'll give it a go again.

Thanks for letting me know.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#18 Dec 31 2008 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
Mazra wrote:
Azrielis wrote:
Or at least enable target lock-on and auto-attack. Having to spam your hotkeys while keeping your mouse pointer on your target.. yeah, not cool.

Ummm....I don't do this....not to sure on how many do. Have you tried pressing the "Y" button, then the red crosshairs change to a blue circle and locks on to whatever target I choose. I know you are an old vet so I will try not to insult your game knowledge...but you should try the game again....I think you missed something along the way with the chapter updates they have done.

They enabled target lock-on? Holy crap. I'll admit, it's been a good couple of months (more like four) since I last played the game. Perhaps I'll give it a go again.

Thanks for letting me know.

its been like that for.. probably a year or so, one of the biggest complaints early in the nge - appart from the obvious ones that is ;D was the necessity of having to aim, you do get better combat bonuses apparently if you don't use the autoaim/fire but i have no idea how much difference they make.. :/
#19 Jan 01 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
cloudancer wrote:
you do get better combat bonuses apparently if you don't use the autoaim/fire but i have no idea how much difference they make.. :/

the manual aim bonus is accumalitive up to %25 crit chance bounus (% begins and then ends with every shot consecutive landed the crit bonus goes up to a cap of %25), and manual aimed shot has a 0% base chance to miss, auto aimed shot has -5% base chance to miss.

manual aims not really that great, it sounds good on paper but with dodge animations going off periodicly it actually throws your manual aim off whenever you dodge, or whenever your opponent does. its really no longer worth it to use manual especially with this dodge animation causeing your aim to faulter, i'm all for animations tho, some PvPers hav a hotkey to go from manual to auto, i have one for opening spy attack i try to remember to go manual, but most ppl in general use full auto aim these days. this aim toggle unfortunately cannot be macroed.
#20 Jan 02 2009 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
hey guys. i didn't think my venting would cause such a ruckous.well i've been playing for a couple of days.still learning but i'm getting around.still don't like somthings about it. you have to pay to learn new abiltys and be the right lvl to learn them. you have to be i think a lvl 30 just to get a ride. i hate running from one side to the other witch takes forever. don't know where to get a pet at,and i think you have to be a lvl 10 just to get one of those too.well i guess you win some you lose some.
#21 Jan 05 2009 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
it could all become an irrelevant subject anyway, Sony is in dire financial trouble at the moment, and is restructuring, should find out in the next few weeks how much of SOE will remain, and in what form, im fairly certainty that titles such as matrix and vanguard will be cut, and perhaps planetside and swg too. At the moment, the degree of cutbacks to be implemented is uncertain, now is the time to start crossing those fingers! pity Sony gambled so heavily on the PS3 which has lost the company a great deal of money. Then again, its not unlike Sony to take gambles, the NGE is the result of one after all... the next few weeks should be interesting :(
#22 Jan 05 2009 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! please tell me it's not true!
#23 Jan 06 2009 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
i didnt like KOTOR, and i have no interest at all in biowares upcomming mmo, but it sounds like it might be the only starwars game to survive 2009.. keeps the jedi wannabee's happy i guess :(
#24 Jan 06 2009 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
631 posts
Oh great....the Jedi lovefest the only thing to survive. If this is the case....I hope SOE sinks. Nasty mugger fuggers....angry I would be. Oh and Southernstyle....thats the main reason most stay on the station until 10th level, or they do the pre-missions to get to 10th level. It is very difficult for a toon under 10th level to survive. It's not that it can't be done, it's just that about every mob will be able to kick you azz.
Be Well...Shoot First...Die Last

Order Exists Only To Create Chaos...In Chaos Is Where I Dwell
(Quote Of The Black Rose)
#25 Jan 06 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
384 posts
cloudancer wrote:
it could all become an irrelevant subject anyway, Sony is in dire financial trouble at the moment, and is restructuring, should find out in the next few weeks how much of SOE will remain, and in what form, im fairly certainty that titles such as matrix and vanguard will be cut, and perhaps planetside and swg too. At the moment, the degree of cutbacks to be implemented is uncertain, now is the time to start crossing those fingers! pity Sony gambled so heavily on the PS3 which has lost the company a great deal of money. Then again, its not unlike Sony to take gambles, the NGE is the result of one after all... the next few weeks should be interesting :(

I was under the impression that the Sony gaming section were the ones still doing well, all the other branches were in trouble.
#26 Jan 07 2009 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
MontyB wrote:
cloudancer wrote:
it could all become an irrelevant subject anyway, Sony is in dire financial trouble at the moment, and is restructuring, should find out in the next few weeks how much of SOE will remain, and in what form, im fairly certainty that titles such as matrix and vanguard will be cut, and perhaps planetside and swg too. At the moment, the degree of cutbacks to be implemented is uncertain, now is the time to start crossing those fingers! pity Sony gambled so heavily on the PS3 which has lost the company a great deal of money. Then again, its not unlike Sony to take gambles, the NGE is the result of one after all... the next few weeks should be interesting :(

I was under the impression that the Sony gaming section were the ones still doing well, all the other branches were in trouble.

the impression i had was that the gaming section was the one losing the most money, whether this was because the console gaming was lumped together with it or not i really have no idea (given that the ps3 is costing sony so much that is) i think we're in a wait and see situation.... :/
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