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Mass Effect, I'm not even sure I can enjoy it.Follow

#27 Dec 17 2008 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
My feelings aside, every gamer magazine, countless reviews on gaming websites and video reviews from G4TV, and all applaud Mass Effect for being a great game, so they must all be fanboi's too.

My point was that if you're going to bash a game for not being able to deliver the experience you wanted because you couldn't follow a guide to make it go your way is asinine.

I'm not trying to be overly rude, just trying to tell it like I see it here, and I see someone who can't experience a great game because they can't follow a step by step guide to get them where they want.

Give up the "I need to play the game THIS way" mentality and play it YOUR way and I will guarantee that you'll love it. I understand that what I'm saying is almost impossible but I think that's the only way that YOU will experience this game because apparently everyone else who's played it has loved it, as evidenced by my first paragraph.
#28 Dec 17 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
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21,027 posts
Katchii wrote:
My feelings aside, every gamer magazine, countless reviews on gaming websites and video reviews from G4TV, and all applaud Mass Effect for being a great game, so they must all be fanboi's too.

This is why I said you skimmed instead of read. There is zero contradiction between my post and the statement "Mass Effect is a great game."

My issue with Mass Effect is not that it was a bad game, I never said it was. My issue is that it could have easily been a much better game. All of you have been defending it by taking my complaints and saying "Yeah, but the rest of the game is good." I never said the rest of the game wasn't good, but the issues I'm complaining about make the game worse, not better, and are easily fixed.

It hurt my enjoyment of the game a lot because what I expected from Mass Effect was an RPG done right, but what I got was an RPG done well. The developers failed to notice some of the core problems of the genre, but simply improved on areas where other RPGs were merely mediocre.

As a side note you probably listed 3 of the worst reviewers in the industry. Gamespot and IGn give high ratings to whoever pays them the most and G4TV preaches to a crowd of casual college gamers to garner ratings.
#29 Dec 17 2008 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
7,861 posts
Allegory wrote:
I never said the rest of the game wasn't good, but the issues I'm complaining about make the game worse, not better, and are easily fixed.

Like I said earlier, these issues are *your* issues. Everyone else in this thread you started, have zero problems with these things. While the tone of his message is a bit harsh, Katchii is dead on here.
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#30 Dec 18 2008 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
All of you have been defending it by taking my complaints and saying "Yeah, but the rest of the game is good."

Not really.

I also had complaints about Mass Effect (hai2u mako, repetitive exploration, lack of often shopping, lack of towns and npcs on non core planets and more) but it's just difficult to fathom the things that you find wrong with it as negatively affecting my enjoyment, and in some cases, they add to it. It's not that the rest of the game makes up for these bad things; it's that I don't see them as bad things.
#31 Dec 18 2008 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
Well, what it all comes down to is that everyone is entitled to their opinion. I can't honestly berate you for not liking the game, that's your prerogative, I don't agree with your reasoning, but that's not going to change the fact that you don't like it.

My apologies for acting like a douche, but your guide following is what I felt blinded you of the game and didn't let you enjoy it.

Opinions are like buttholes... everyone has one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks...

Forgive my crudeness but I've been saying it a while and this thread really just reminded me of it.
#32 Dec 19 2008 at 4:49 AM Rating: Default
Is this a joke? Honestly?

RPGs seem to have this annoying obsession with forcing you to make irreversible decision that significantly effect the 40+ hours of your entire game experience without telling you the consequences of your actions.

Mass Effect doesn't do this.

Wow was it annoying to find out I couldn't get the ultimate weapon in FFXII because I didn't magically know which four chests throughout the entire game I wasn't supposed to open, especially considering that the game never even hinted that I shouldn't open chests

Yeah, because having hidden items throughout the games ******* SUCK. In fact, when I beat a game, I want it to just HAND me everything I didn't find, so I can save my game with 100% completion and never play it again.

One of my friends had lost Wrex, who was him main support character, because he was just playing for fun without planning, and that screwed him over the rest of the game. So I knew which class I wanted to play because I found information about what they actually did instead of the game's explanation of the cosmetic flavor of each class. I knew that I would be forced to choose between Ashley and Kaidan so I made sure not to ***** up my party and plan it with both of them.

Major problem with this:
It doesn't really matter.
All of your characters gain exp at the same time, whether you're using them or not, and when any of those 3 major characters die, all the equipment they had is returned to you. Would you prefer to play games in which major characters CAN'T die?

I knew I needed either high charm or high intimidate.

You don't NEED it unless you want to keep Wrex, which you don't NEED to do. If your characters personality (defined by YOU, I might add) is simply completely antisocial, you can't expect Wrex to survive. You're not going to have the Charisma or personality to talk him out of his decision, and you're not going to be able to intimidate him if, again, it doesn't suit your characters personality.

Immediately I was hit by the first issue that made me groan--character design. Western RPGs have an strange obsession with designing your own characters' appearance. I have nothing against purely aesthetic game features, but the problem is that they are largely inconsequential. Shifting your jaw line, slightly changing the angle of your ears, and moving your eyebrows a maximum of .1 cm up or down is just ridiculous. Why not give me an option to adjust toenail length? Only 4 options really matter: hair style, hair color, and skin color, and eye color. Holding those constant characters looks mostly identical no matter what else you change. The majority of the time you will be looking at the back of your characters' head. Designing a character is like having to discuss with one's spouse whether "Sea Blue" or "Deep Sea Blue" would be best for the baby's room.

If it annoys you, use one of the preset faces and skip it. Since the player takes on the role of the main character, they add immersion to it. There's nothing wrong with it, at all, and it adds a deeper level of customization and characterization.

Fine, I finish that and move on to problem number 2: back ground. Here begins the greatest flaw of any RPG. Irreversible decisions that significantly effect game play without telling you the consequences of your decision. I get to choose a childhood and exploit to define my background. Luckily I had read a guide ahead of time and made sure to pick the correct choices for the affect I wanted to achieve--paragon in this case.

Your background doesn't affect the outcome of the game THAT much. It's a very, very basic decision: Do you want to be an *******, or a good guy? And you know what? It doesn't take any research to pick the right one. The developers assume you're not a total ******* ****** and that your character is going to (gasp) STAY IN CHARACTER! It only matters if you pick a more paragon-oriented choice and then proceed on the Renegade track. And guess what? Even can still get the Achievement for max Paragon or Renegade!

Finally I get to the opening cut scene that exposes the setting of the game. The story looks promising. Then problem number 3 occurs. I get into my first conversation and have to make a conversational decision. Joker is unhappy with the spectre. I hadn't looked up this part ahead of time, but I wasn't too early. Cliched binary decisions of good versus evil are generally easy to guess in Western RPGs. Joker seemed little insubordinate so I thought that as a paragon of good I should tell him to get in line. After all a paragon would want to follow rules and regulations right, and a renegade would condone his insubordination? Apparently not. Apparently the designers interpreted paragon in this particular instance to mean someone who gets along with others (condoning Joker) and renegade to be someone who rocks the boat (telling him to get his act together). Less than a minute into actually playing the game and I'm already hit with a mistakes.

Again, it doesn't matter if you got 1 ******* renegade point in the very beginning of the gain. Oh, and for the record:
A paragon would likely be more compassionate and lenient (especially with Joker, but you'd know that if you'd play more then 15 minutes in), whereas a Renegade is more likely simply to be a douche.

So I reset, go through the lengthy character creation process again--ignoring minor details--and try again. This time I had looked up the correct answers in a guide to make sure. I finish with Joker getting the paragon bonus and explore the ship. I find a conversation opportunity with Jenkins and engage him. I had made sure to look this conversation up as well, but the guide was a little vague and simply said "be supportive of Jenkins" for the paragon path. So the doctor is chiding him and I tell her to lay off. He is concerned about an upcoming mission and I tell him not to worry. Bam, renegade again. I don't understand how.

Oh. You seem to be picking a lot of Renegade options. Maybe you should just pick the ******* Renegade track and stop QQing about how excellent games have flaws, when in reality you're just retarded.

You are correct, and I'd rather not do this, but almost every RPG forces the player to do this if he/she doesn't want to miss out on the good ending, lose a character, build their characters wrong, or miss a special item.

A game shouldn't ask you "Pick a colored orb: red or blue. Oops you picked blue, that means you can't get the good ending."

What good games do this where the choice is not either completely and totally obvious (for the ending), or part of the plot development (character's dying)? Almost every game I've played that has multiple endings has them based off of 2 things: either game completion (as in completion percentage), or the difficulty (beat Kingdom Hearts II on Proud mode for example, and you unlock an extended ending).

If I don't look ahead I chance ruining my entire gaming experience.

No, you don't.

Exactly, which is why I am so disappointed in a genre that consistently forces the player to do so in order to fully enjoy a game.

It doesn't force you to do it at all. I got the game last Christmas, and on my first playthrough I kept Wrex and maxed Paragon (I even got some Renegade points in there...OH NOES RESTART THE GAME).

the issues I'm complaining about make the game worse, not better, and are easily fixed.

No. They. Don't.
#33 Dec 19 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
7,861 posts
Allegory wrote:
RPGs seem to have this annoying obsession with forcing you to make irreversible decision that significantly effect the 40+ hours of your entire game experience without telling you the consequences of your actions.

Didn't see this earlier, and wanted to address it. It took me slightly over 30 hours on my first playthrough. Wanna bet it will take me less on my following ones?
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#35 Dec 20 2008 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
2,638 posts
The new Darkdoomstfu?
#36 Dec 20 2008 at 8:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Failtroll bye bye.
#37 Dec 25 2008 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
This thread made me start playing through the game again. I'm on number 4 now, 35/45 achievements, going for 39.

I.. I don't know if I can stop myself.

Didn't see this earlier, and wanted to address it. It took me slightly over 30 hours on my first playthrough. Wanna bet it will take me less on my following ones?

Most recent game with about 95% completed took me 15 hours. First game 35, second 25. A bare bones run would probably only take 7 or so now, but I'm trying to get the "use x character for most of the game achievements" so I have to do all of the quests.

If I ever do the hardcore and insane levels I'll probably eschew the sidequests.

Edited, Dec 25th 2008 3:57am by Pensive
#38 Dec 25 2008 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Kastigir wrote:
Allegory, Pensive is right. The problems in the game are *your* problems. There is nothing wrong with Mass Effect. Seriously, go return the game and get your money back.

Kastigir, Allegory is right. The problems of logic in this arguement are *your* problems. There is nothing wrong with Allegory's point of you. Seriously, go kill yourself.

That was mostly a joke, but still - simply announcing someone is wrong does NOT make them wrong. There are plenty of things Right/Wrong about Mass Effect and your inability to deal with a difference of view points or opinions are, as you have put it: "*your* problems".

Also in the intrest of saving time, please fast forward this video to the 3 minute mark and play that a few times.

Edited, Dec 26th 2008 1:57am by Justdistaint
#39 Dec 25 2008 at 9:23 PM Rating: Good
7,861 posts
****** wrote:
Kastigir, Allegory is right. The problems of logic in this arguement are *your* problems. There is nothing wrong with Allegory's point of you. Seriously, go kill yourself.

Read again. Nowhere did I call Allegory wrong. I called Pensive right, which isn't the same thing. Drink bleach tool.
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#40 Dec 25 2008 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Kastigir wrote:
****** wrote:
Kastigir, Allegory is right. The problems of logic in this arguement are *your* problems. There is nothing wrong with Allegory's point of you. Seriously, go kill yourself.

Read again. Nowhere did I call Allegory wrong. I called Pensive right, which isn't the same thing. Drink bleach tool.

I like how you read the first line and a half of a post and then stop. It's cute <3
#41 Dec 25 2008 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Also: My earlier post must have been eaten but here it is -

I agree with Allegory. Up to the point where I just stopped playing when Wrex died because I didn't magically come into knowing what was going to happen and prepare by putting points into charisma. I thought, and silly me, that my points were best utilized in the art of combat, and really Wrex should have respected me for that rather then calling him a sweetie pie or yelling at him.

I also refuse to play through some of the god awful missions I finished for the story which dissappointed me by killing of my favorite character and then having the gall to tell me "Well you should of planned ahead for Ashley being such a dumb broad."
#42 Dec 25 2008 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
Also in the intrest of saving time, please fast forward this video to the 3 minute mark and play that a few times.

Yahtzee is often funny.

Unfortunately his taste in games is kind of ******.

I also refuse to play through some of the god awful missions I finished for the story which dissappointed me by killing of my favorite character and then having the gall to tell me "Well you should of planned ahead for Ashley being such a dumb broad."

They tell you that they are going to die and hint at it at like 4 points before the decision comes. It doesn't matter who goes to the radio tower and who arms the nuke, you can always pick one or the other. Honestly if you didn't believe the game when it straight out told you to pick who is going to live, then that's not the fault of the game.

That was mostly a joke, but still - simply announcing someone is wrong does NOT make them wrong. There are plenty of things Right/Wrong about Mass Effect and your inability to deal with a difference of view points or opinions are, as you have put it: "*your* problems".

This sentence is nearly devoid of meaning and reeks the stench of platitude.
#43 Dec 26 2008 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Pensive wrote:
Also in the intrest of saving time, please fast forward this video to the 3 minute mark and play that a few times.

Yahtzee is often funny.

Unfortunately his taste in games is kind of sh*tty.

I also refuse to play through some of the god awful missions I finished for the story which dissappointed me by killing of my favorite character and then having the gall to tell me "Well you should of planned ahead for Ashley being such a dumb broad."

They tell you that they are going to die and hint at it at like 4 points before the decision comes. It doesn't matter who goes to the radio tower and who arms the nuke, you can always pick one or the other. Honestly if you didn't believe the game when it straight out told you to pick who is going to live, then that's not the fault of the game.

That was mostly a joke, but still - simply announcing someone is wrong does NOT make them wrong. There are plenty of things Right/Wrong about Mass Effect and your inability to deal with a difference of view points or opinions are, as you have put it: "*your* problems".

This sentence is nearly devoid of meaning and reeks the stench of platitude.

Wikipedia defines this word as:
Platitude: A claim that is trivially true, to the point of being uninteresting.
So you are admitting I'm right? I'm glad we agree.

I am not commenting on his choice of games. rather the three minute mark about the word subjective.

I don't remember much of the game now but from what I remember, you land on the planet, pick your allies, get to the next checkpoint, cutscene, your ship is there. You talk to people, Wrex dies. You can not leave this place once you have entered. God help you if you didn't save before hand. I don't remember the game telling me "Oh hey, Ashley is going to shoot Wrex. Go complete some more missions and put points into charisma to avoid this".

I have never understood one thing in any game that chooses your interaction (through dialogue) as plot development. Mostly because what I'll refer to as Mass Effect Syndrome. You have, let's say 4 choices. They span the range from yes to no. I don't blame them for not adding in more, I mean seriously that's alot of space. None of these four options DO ANYTHING. That's right, unless I put my points in a seperate ability I can't move the plot along any differently than how it plays out by default. YOU PUT POINTS INTO A SKILL SO THE PLOT MOVES HOW YOU WANT IT. That shouldn't take points, that should be there from the start. I shouldn't have to put points into a skill to have a chance at a different plot. I have no idea what this could come in handy for.

I am sorry if this was kind of a messy post, it's 4 AM.
#44 Dec 26 2008 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
So you are admitting I'm right? I'm glad we agree.


A platitude is a trite and often extremely general claim that is occasionally true insofar as it is too general to really stand for anything provocative or fresh.
#45 Dec 27 2008 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Pensive wrote:
So you are admitting I'm right? I'm glad we agree.


A platitude is a trite and often extremely general claim that is occasionally true insofar as it is too general to really stand for anything provocative or fresh.

Call me ignorant, but you are either using the word wrong or you're simply being pompous. What I said, to Kastigir, was that announcing Allegory wrong (implied) does not make him wrong. It'd be a platitude if he showed that he understood this concept in his posts. But he doesn't, so live with it.
#46 Dec 27 2008 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
Call me ignorant, but you are either using the word wrong or you're simply being pompous.

Okay, you're ignorant. What you said was an extremely trivial and irrelevant little fit, cliche ridden and trite, concerning the game that no one can argue against because it is so trivial and irrelevant. It contributed nothing and contained almost no information. That is why it is a platitude.

Oh, you don't need charm or intimidate to save wrex either, making you stupid as well.


I take the last part back. You just aren't a thorough player. Doing the character quests in the game will let you stop wrex without having to charm him, but for some reason I can't help thinking if you cared about him that much that you quit playing, you would have already done the quest on tunlau and gotten his armor back. Oh well.

Edited, Dec 27th 2008 8:20pm by Pensive
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