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Fallout 3 (Now, With Spoilers!)Follow

#1 Oct 03 2008 at 10:48 AM Rating: Excellent
I put the full price of the game on a preorder. The 28th can't come soon enough. /madsmileyhere

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 4:27pm by NixNot
#2 Oct 05 2008 at 5:52 AM Rating: Good
I put down the full pice last week. Fable 2, then Fallout 3. These will last be a great while. Can't wait.
#3 Oct 06 2008 at 9:31 AM Rating: Excellent
I wonder if Fable 2 will ever be ported to PC like the first one. I'd get it.
#4 Oct 06 2008 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
So much stuff to buy.
I just recently bought spore (as well as forking over $340 to sign me and my fiance up to a good gym).

With Sacred 2 out, Fallout 3 on the way, and WotLK on it way as well, I have a lot of things I gotta buy (Also trying to organise buying a CycloDS for my DS Lite)
#5 Oct 06 2008 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
1,025 posts
I put Eternal Sonata, Fallout 3, and LittleBigPlanet all on preorder last month. Gonna be a pricy month for me.

But it all follows a few days after my Birthday, so I dont have to feel guilty about treating myself to about $160 worth of games Smiley: lol.
#6 Oct 06 2008 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
5,644 posts
Wint wrote:
I wonder if Fable 2 will ever be ported to PC like the first one. I'd get it.

it will, eventually, first one did, as do alot of the xbox "exclusives".
#7 Oct 07 2008 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Not that I wouldn't mind having an Xbox 360 eventually, it will be hard to talk my wife into that with me having the PS3, Wii, and this $2500 gaming rig Smiley: laugh
#8 Oct 14 2008 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
Not that I wouldn't mind having an Xbox 360 eventually, it will be hard to talk my wife into that with me having the PS3, Wii, and this $2500 gaming rig

I've got 4 pretty good rpgs so far, and there are still more that I want

You like those right?
#9 Oct 15 2008 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
I bought Sacred 2 last night, got the collector's edition, and now I just need to Pre-order WotLK and Fallout 3.

Will be installing Sacred 2 tonight, as last night I spent most of the night on WoW fixing up my characters and getting booted off my net after trying to log into SW (stupid wireless connection)
#10 Oct 15 2008 at 8:27 PM Rating: Excellent
#11 Oct 16 2008 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
At least you get to use morphine in your version, Australia see's drug use as a reference for an R 18+ rating, and currently we aren't allowed to have r 18+ games released in Australia, so we are now back to using Stimpacks.

So many games get changed because of our stupid politicians, although, to be fair, it's oonly really 1 politician stopping us from having R 18+ games.

Edited, Oct 16th 2008 10:06pm by RuinatorVek
#12 Oct 28 2008 at 7:24 PM Rating: Excellent
It's stimpacks in this version too. Morphine was in Fallout 1 and 2, I don't even remember what all it did. But they also had Stimpacks.

I ******* love this game. It boils down to Oblivion with guns, but it's just so polished (except 3rd person mode, feels kinda floaty, like you're hovering over the terrain.) I just love the atmosphere, and the post-apocalyptic theme. There are so many small details that really help tighten up the whole presentation.

Character creation feels less like simply doling out numeric bonuses thanks to the way they presented it. You skip through your life through adulthood, you're birthed, and you pick your gender and what your face is projected to look like when you grow up. You become a toddler, and read a book about stats, then you finally dole them out. Getting your pip-boy, picking skills, and finally getting out of the vault, the whole tutorial area is an absolute joy to play.

The little things that really get me are small touches, like sometimes, when you bring up the pip-boy menu, the screen rolls like an old television (nothing obtrusive, which is also awesome.) There's an icon for ****************** and they're pertinent, and often humorous. Seeing pip-boy's sad mug when you attempt something you can't accomplish is just icing on a perfectly baked cake.

If you're on the fence about this game, just get off already and buy the damn thing. I smell game of the year.
#13 Oct 28 2008 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
Queen NixNot wrote:
It boils down to Oblivion with guns

I'm sold on it.
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#14 Oct 29 2008 at 3:15 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Got the xbox 360 version last night and played a good two hours or so. The game is incredible. The graphics are insane and the targeting sytem never gets old. I am working on the good karma route and really just explored the town of Megaton and ran a few quick quests.

Now if I can just convince the wife that we need a better TV to really get into the game. I am playing it on an 8 year-old 27" flat screen at 480dpi. Doesn't do the game much justice at all.
#15 Oct 29 2008 at 5:19 AM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
I'm getting the PC version on Friday. My rig's good enough that I should be able to play on max graphics settings at 1680x1050 (22" monitor) so that should be at least equal to x360 set-up.

WotLK is on pre-order, as is GTA IV, so the run-up to Christmas is going to be gaming heaven for me.
#16 Oct 29 2008 at 8:03 PM Rating: Excellent
bubspeed wrote:
Got the xbox 360 version last night and played a good two hours or so. The game is incredible. The graphics are insane and the targeting sytem never gets old. I am working on the good karma route and really just explored the town of Megaton and ran a few quick quests.
I've been playing it pretty much non stop since I got it. Trying to get to Galaxy Radio, but I'm having trouble with downtown muties. I'm also being as good as possible. So far it's netted me a bizarre mutation, and a vampire taste. They give me instant cripple regen when irradiated, and +20hp from bloodpacks instead of just +1. There are so many tiny boosts in stats and abilities like that that make the game good, there are reliable and fun ways to become stronger or sturdier without simply grinding through levels.

V.A.T.S. is amazing. I hate console FPSs, but in Fallout, I can slow time just a bit, or pause to think about my equipment and weapons, then decide to start the actual firefight when I want to, then I can target a killshot when the enemy is nearly dead so I can move on to my next problem, or conserve ammo. The main reason I hate console FPSs is because I have no mobility and lose targets easily. With this system, I can just spam R2 and pick up on enemies long before they could see me.

This game will ruin my life. I just know it.
#17 Oct 29 2008 at 8:10 PM Rating: Excellent
1,422 posts
Just got it tonight, haven't installed it yet cause of RL stuff followed by needing to make it to a Dienamis run, and now I gotta crash for the next several hours. Definitely going to give it a try next time I can spend more than 10 seconds in front of the computer at a time though
#18 Oct 30 2008 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
I had a hard time deciding between Fallout 3 and Farcry 2 and eventually I went with Farcry 2.

The game looks absolutely gorgeous.

Graphics are awesome, the gameplay is great.

Enemy AI is pretty good (If there's a car with lots of enemies in it coming towards you, and you abandon your car to run away on foot, some of the enemies will get out of their ccar, enter your car and try to run you down with it while the others shoot from their vehicle.)

Setting fire to the country side is pretty fun too (The wind changes and can blow the fire onto more grass or trees, at one point I shot one burst of fire from the flamethrower, and the fire spread for about 2 minutes.)

I strongly recommend the game to everyone.
#19 Oct 30 2008 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
I need to get Fable 2 and I need to pre-order Fallout 3. It looks great.
#20 Oct 31 2008 at 12:50 AM Rating: Excellent
6,964 posts
Queen NixNot wrote:
This game will ruin my life. I just know it.

Been playing till 4 in the morning the past few nights....Ugh at morning...I want to keep playing. Smiley: frown

I didn't know about the +20 from bloodpacks though. I sorta stayed neutral with that, keeping them from attacking arefu...but not really joining/killing them. Need to go talk to Vance again.
#21 Oct 31 2008 at 1:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, I got Vance and the Family to protect Arefu, and Arefu in turn provides them with any bloodpacks they come across. Then when I went back to Vance, he showed me how to get more energy from blood packs. It was pretty cool, there was obviously a good evil and neutral decision.

I'm still debating on the choice I have to make for Harold in The Oasis. Do I kill him, stunt him, or flourish him? The good-evil spectrum is really blurred there, I'm trying to decide which choice is the "Good" one.

I met a Super Mutant Goliath in downtown. He keeps kicking my ***, I've been stockpiling missiles for the chance to go back after him.

I'm interested in finding lamplight, but if I have to waste a perk to be able to get directions from a child I'll be really bummed.
#22 Oct 31 2008 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
5,644 posts
Fallout 3 is amazing, its actually fun and useful to explore areas that arnt for quests, unlike oblivion, i think i actually managed to play ot for around 10 hours teh other night.

Edited, Oct 31st 2008 1:19pm by MasterOfWar
#23 Oct 31 2008 at 9:27 AM Rating: Excellent
6,964 posts
****Might contain Spoilers for those that haven't played much.****

I chose the bottom choice with Vance...Something about "If you continue attacking Arefu, tere will be no one left to feed on" I wonder if I can get him to teach me that still.

I haven't been to The Oasis yet, nor have I even heard about it. Been busy with Moira's quest line for the Survival Guide and exploring random areas. There's been a troupe of mercenaries that's been randomly attacking me in areas, something about a bounty on my head for being a goody-goody. I found their HQ last night (I think) and ended up clearing the entire place. I doubt it will have any effect on people coming after me though.

The Goliath you faced...Was it outside the GNR building? Or was it something different? There should be a Fat Boy Mini-nuke launcher nearby. Couple shots from that should take him down...Just don't be too close. (Obviously)

As much as I try not to be, I'm still like a ******* Saint or something. I can't get myself to be a **** in this game in fear of closing off rewards/quest paths the first go round. I still steal some things from people's houses...books (The ones that raise your stats or w/e after reading them), the occasional rare gun, and some stimpacks....But it's still not enough bad karama to lower me from all the other good stuff I've done.

I really can't wait for work to be over today. Gonna play this **** alllllll weekend.
#24 Oct 31 2008 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
One of the things I really like about this game is that you can be good or bad or neutral, and have entirely different quests, and entirely different rewards. Just imagine how different the game would be without Megaton. One of the first evil quests is to blow it up.

I think, to get to Oasis, I went Big Town -> Temple of the Union -> The Oasis. But don't quote me on that.

I still haven't been to Galaxy News Radio. Haven't gone back to face that Goliath. I made it to Rivet City, and found a different lead for my Father, and might go check out that quest line soon instead. I'm on the last quest of the last chapter for Moira's research, I get to go to a robot factory, lulz. I hate robots.

Have you guys been building things? I'm a pack rat, my Megaton home has a locker chock full of about 200 random junk items. I love making Bottlecap Mines, I have a Shishkebab as my standby melee weapon, so I don't waste ammo on Radroaches, or other little pests. I made that junk gun, Rok-It Launcher, I think, but haven't really found a use for it. Wonder if I can cram it full of darts and railroad spikes to make it useful.
#25 Oct 31 2008 at 7:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,422 posts
Now that I've had more of a chance to play with Fallout 3, probably more so than is healthy, let me just say that I'm loving it so far.

I've just finished up with the Wasteland Survival Guide (needed to bump up my Science skill quite a bit to get the "special" rewards for each task, but it was worth it, and I suspect it'll pay off more as I go) and the Galaxy News Radio quests (BEFORE I read this thread again and found out I could have circumvented it while I was in Rivet City Smiley: banghead), and of course, I disarmed the bomb, but otherwise I've mostly been ignoring the side quests.

So far, I've mostly built up my guy as a sort of sneaky gunman with a major heroic streak, a nice hat, and a LOT of guns! At closer ranges I've mostly been using the Assault Rifle since I can easily find lots of ammo for it, but I've been having great fun popping heads from the shadows with my Hunting Rifle of DOOM!

Which brings me to one little piece of advice: if you use VATS with any degree of frequency, GET EITHER THE GUNSLINGER OR COMMANDO PERKS ASA-#*@&ING-P, cause they aren't kidding when they say that they significantly increase your accuracy in VATS mode. For long-range sniping, you'll still need to be good at aiming the old fashioned way, but for fast and frantic firefights, getting those headshots in a hurry can mean the difference between an easy win and burning a whole lot of ammo and stims.

Anyway, that's my spiel for now, apologies for the rambling!
#26 Nov 01 2008 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
1,945 posts
This is one of those games that makes me wish I had a better pc or a console to play it on. I watched the Fallout 3 special on X-Play several times. Read many reviews and the game looks fun to play and look good as well.
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