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#127 Sep 19 2008 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
163 posts
The same can be said about atheists, just look at the proof within the last few pages.

Not a single christian in here has berated anyone's belief, yet quite a bit of non Christian posters felt the urge to do exactly the thing that they hate Christians so much for..

This is why I said a lot of people here are a bunch of hypocrites

Christian doctrine, by default, berates people's beliefs. That's why you see a knee-jerk reaction when people come around with smiles and prayer books.
#128 Sep 19 2008 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
2,499 posts
I never claimed that it didn't, I'm simply stating that you can't get pissed off at a group of people for doing one thing, then turn around and do the exact same thing without even realizing it...

Well, at least not without being a hypocrite.

Also, earlier when I said it was ironic was because Christians are suppose to be so well known for being so preachy, yet in this situation the preachy ones have been the non religious folk, while the Christians have been rather silent when it comes to berating others beliefs.

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 3:01pm by DarkKnightZero
#129 Sep 19 2008 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
166 posts
Personally, I'd prefer never to see this sort of thing on the FFXI forums. Or anywhere, for that matter. Along this line of thought is why I feel the flaming is justified.

People have different beliefs. I think everyone gets that, and the vast, vast majority of us are tolerant to it. You rarely hear about people killing each other over a religious disagreement; that would be my definition of intolerance. Getting in shouting matches, however, is much more common. I don't define that as intolerance, and I think it's a little bit of a stretch to define most of these posts as 'intolerant'.

Consider: most of these posts are not directing their anger directly at the OP. Key word most, I know there are some exceptions. Most of these posts are not attacking Christianity itself, though a few are. They are voicing their own opinions on where and when this type of subject should be discussed. Nobody is saying "BAN THEM! GET THE PITCHFORKS!"

Simply disagreeing and pointing out a different view does not automatically make you intolerant =P

It has been pointed out that this intense reaction happens uniquely to religious discussions; well, yes, that's true. There's a reason for it. Religion is the only subject I can think of that suggests consequences if you disagree. That is why people react to it so badly. Look at politics -- if people disagree with you on a president, they might call you an idiot, or say you're the root problem of this country, but they don't threaten you with eternal damnation (unless they're violating basic separation of church and state =P). Atheism, while a belief system, also does not generate the same level of animosity in discussions. If you disagree with an atheist, what does the atheist care beyond thinking you're wrong? They don't believe you'll go to hell, nor them for letting you walk about unconverted. This is where religion crosses a line that causes people to react badly. This flaming, in that context, is completely justified.

An "offer" from Christianity, or Islam, or any of a number of other organized religions, is basically like an "offer" from someone who says they'll burn your children if you disagree. From their point of view, if you do not agree with them, you will burn for eternity (or <Insertyourversionofhell>). If you do not agree, this bad thing will happen. As long as there is that invisible string tied to their offer (that most people are well aware of by adulthood), I am completely behind the flaming of religion being preached or offered in these forums. And without changing the core beliefs of many religions that currently exist, I cannot think that this situation will change anytime soon.

P.S. -- feel free to flame! =P

Edit: When I said you rarely hear about people killing each other over a religious disagreement, I was referring to everyday life in a relatively safe country (The US, Japan, Europe, etc.). On a global scale, I think this occurs to a huge degree, as well as in other parts of the world that are less safe than western societies.

2nd Edit: Sub-defaulted already, and not even a reply yet. I see we have a large and intellectual group of forum-goers today >.> this may be a record time.

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 1:07pm by VhailorEmp

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 1:11pm by VhailorEmp
#130 Sep 19 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
Man, I guess you got us there. If only there were some simple solution. Hmmm, if we think hard enough I'm sure we can figure it out. Let's see, it's really hard! Oh wait, I got it! DON'T JOIN THE F'IN LINKSHELL. And you know what I do when people say things I don't want to hear in FFXI? I /blacklist them. Takes 5 seconds and you never hear from them again. People just love to overreact that's all.

Well, I am under the impression that the group, that he was advertising, doesn't actually play in FFXI. They listed WoW, LoTRO and WAR, but not FFXI. If that's the case, why bother in FFXI forum? Also if you are recruiting for XI then you should said so, but then I think server forum should be more appropriate.
#131 Sep 19 2008 at 11:18 AM Rating: Excellent
I have zero problem with this up until the 'preaching' part.

I don't think there's anyone playing an MMO (read: uses the Internet) who doesn't know at this point who Jesus Christ is. We know who he is. It's good that you and those who are also Christians have found your way to meaning in life, but we don't need reintroduction to Jesus Christ.

blastfurnace wrote:
Are people really this petrified of religion? I mean, yea...I get it, most of you spazzing aren't religious. But the mere mention of the word christian really riles you up this much? I'm sure there's a pill somewhere you can take, maybe a precription or what not.

No, people are petrified of being put into an awkward situation by a pushy guy who talks constantly about noncontextual things like the good word of the Lord, and asks us if we've accepted God and all the other things that pushy Christians say and do to harass other people.
It's uncomfortable to be waylaid and have a lot of religious questions thrown at you. How is this mysterious? What is it about 'people don't like to be preached at' that's so hard to understand?

Not everyone who isn't Christian WANTS to be. Most of us who aren't Christians feel that way because reality, as we see it, is not conducive to a giant man in the sky who sees everything that 2 billion people do on a daily basis and gives a damn morally. We don't believe the orthodoxy at this point in our lives. You cannot change our minds unless our opinions on the topic barely existed to begin with.

You know what the Tao is? The Tao makes more sense to me personally, on a reality/perception/consciousness basis, than Christianity does. So am I allowed to make assumptions about your beliefs being incorrect, and come up to you uninvited to explain Taoism to you?

Religion is FINE. It's a necessary part of life, spiritual love is important to the development of a centered human being. But yes, people tend to hate it when others are so presumptuous as to have 'all the answers' when reality and observation make all those answers not quite so simple.

edit: I cannot write legibly this morning

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 2:21pm by Sioux
#132 Sep 19 2008 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
163 posts
I never claimed that it didn't, I'm simply stating that you can't get pissed off at a group of people for doing one thing, then turn around and do the exact same thing without even realizing it...

Well, at least not without being a hypocrite.

Also, earlier when I said it was ironic was because Christians are suppose to be so well known for being so preachy, yet in this situation the preachy ones have been the non religious folk, while the Christians have been rather silent when it comes to berating others beliefs.

In a sense, you're right: on the Christian side, you have assertions of divine truth, backed up by religious teachings. On the non-Christian side, you have a response that says "I don't believe you, and here's why."

However, there's no question that the intention of the thread was to preach gospel. It was done in a tasteful way, and there's no denying that, but it was still a throw from the Christian side of the field. Had this been a thread started by an Atheist trying to get people pissed off over the Lions of Judah website, I'd agree with you on the hypocrisy point.

I guess what I'm saying is what I said before: if they open up their beliefs to public discourse, they have to accept criticism. That's just the nature of the beast. If people take exception to their missionary work in MMO's, that's just something they'll have to weather, since they're the ones who started the discussion by posting the thread. Responding to a discourse about world view by explaining your own world view isn't hypocrisy.

I'll admit though, the reaction was maybe a little overdone (probably in my own case as well), but this is a song and dance that many of us have been through before, and it gets tiring rather quickly.

Issues of religion are better left out of mainstream MMO's, that's where I stand personally. Going to WoW or WAR to recruit new converts is about as sleazy as a lawyer chasing ambulances.
#133 Sep 19 2008 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
CookiesandMilk wrote:

Greetings all,

I was not sure where to post this, so I figured general topics was best. This is an invite to check out the MMO Christian Ministry Lions of Judah. Our web page is at We have groups in Lord of the Rings Online,World of Warcraft and War Hammer Online. We are a clean, family friendly group of Christians, who are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the online community. So stop in and say hello, we don't bite. God speed!

Guys, the OP hasn't come back and argued with anyone. His original post was just a basic invite letting people know he is there. He didn't demand you go to the website, he didn't argue with any of the flamers, he actually posted in here again in a very apologetic tone (at least that's how it read to me) further explaining that he has no intention of doing all of the things that you are afraid he might do.

I mean there are some long and really thought out posts against all the things that are bad about organized religion and preaching, and I commend you all for being so steadfastly against religious violence.

But don't you think that it's a bit much, considering how mild the OP was?
#134 Sep 19 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
yet quite a bit of non Christian posters felt the urge to do exactly the thing that they hate Christians so much for..

Also, earlier when I said it was ironic was because Christians are suppose to be so well known for being so preachy, yet in this situation the preachy ones have been the non religious folk, while the Christians have been rather silent when it comes to berating others beliefs.

non-christians =/= non-religious

In fact im pretty sure most people in this thread have some sort of religion. There might be one or 2 more atheists besides myself, but im putting money on most of you all believe in something.

#135 Sep 19 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Actually I wasn't actually indignant about this, just wondering what his group has to do with FFXI. Just imaging if some random guy just come in and advertise a group that plays LoTRO, WoW and WAR on a FFXI forum.
#136 Sep 19 2008 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,499 posts
I'm sorry, but I just fail to see how the OP was being preachy at all. To me, what he is doing is the equivalent of him sitting outside with a booth and pamphlets and saying "Hey, are you a Christian or interested in Christianity? If so feel free to take a pamphlet and contact us if you would like to join our church."

I just don't see that as preaching. Sure, there would be preaching INSIDE the church, but if you went inside, that would of been your own damn fault.
#137 Sep 19 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
453 posts
Gaile wrote:
Have you ever stopped to think, that just maybe, they would only preach among themselves and among people who were interested in joining their group? Such a thought really isn't so far fetched, especially if you take your very own advice and actually READ the posts...

Lions of Judah website wrote:
The secondary reason the Lions of Judah to exist is to reach the Lost within the LOTRO & WoW world. When possible, we will speak with people about God, the Bible and the demands it makes on every human being. We desire to be a Kinship that is a Light in a dark world as the Bible declares of all Christians -- and LOTRO & WoW are no exceptions to this.

Sorry, I'm not "lost". I know exactly where I am.
#138 Sep 19 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
TerrainFFXI wrote:

Guys, the OP hasn't come back and argued with anyone. His original post was just a basic invite letting people know he is there. He didn't demand you go to the website, he didn't argue with any of the flamers, he actually posted in here again in a very apologetic tone (at least that's how it read to me) further explaining that he has no intention of doing all of the things that you are afraid he might do.

I mean there are some long and really thought out posts against all the things that are bad about organized religion and preaching, and I commend you all for being so steadfastly against religious violence.

But don't you think that it's a bit much, considering how mild the OP was?

Politics, religion, and abortion. If you bring any one of these topics up in 'polite conversation', you're asking for an argument unless you're with people who feel just as you do generally.

Everyone has an opinion on these things, and they tend to be strong opinions that aren't easy to change and that are going to be made known. Yeah, people are going to jump on the idea of an in-game 'ministry', because it brings up mental images of little Tarus following you around while you farm and 'witnessing' at you.
This is the line that likely started the storm:
who are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the online community.

Since we're the ones who are going to be preached to, we want to have our say in how we feel about that idea.
#139 Sep 19 2008 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
well what im curious to know is why he posted on a board for an MMO which isnt even on the list of games he mentioned? If he said he was gonna start one on FFXI or something then it would be a different story, but if that isnt the case then isnt this post kinda pointless?
#140 Sep 19 2008 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
FlyingShadow, Eater of Souls wrote:
Gaile wrote:
Have you ever stopped to think, that just maybe, they would only preach among themselves and among people who were interested in joining their group? Such a thought really isn't so far fetched, especially if you take your very own advice and actually READ the posts...

Lions of Judah website wrote:
The secondary reason the Lions of Judah to exist is to reach the Lost within the LOTRO & WoW world. When possible, we will speak with people about God, the Bible and the demands it makes on every human being. We desire to be a Kinship that is a Light in a dark world as the Bible declares of all Christians -- and LOTRO & WoW are no exceptions to this.

Sorry, I'm not "lost". I know exactly where I am.

Preaching =/= reaching out to

Just because they may ask you about something doesnt mean he is preaching. Hes not standing on some high place with a bible and screaming out we are all damned or for you to drink snake venom. He is simply asking if you wanna hear more.

#141 Sep 19 2008 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
2,499 posts
Feitian wrote:
Actually I wasn't actually indignant about this, just wondering what his group has to do with FFXI. Just imaging if some random guy just come in and advertise a group that plays LoTRO, WoW and WAR on a FFXI forum.

CookiesandMilk wrote:
Greetings all,

I was not sure where to post this, so I figured general topics was best. This is an invite to check out the MMO Christian Ministry Lions of Judah. Our web page is at We have groups in Lord of the Rings Online,World of Warcraft and War Hammer Online. We are a clean, family friendly group of Christians, who are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the online community. So stop in and say hello, we don't bite. God speed!

He's just stating where they currently have groups formed, and posted here on the XI boards hoping to recruit a few people from this MMO as well.

FlyingShadow wrote:
Sorry, I'm not "lost". I know exactly where I am.

You're really not helping, or even appear to be trying to do so.

Alobont wrote:
non-christians =/= non-religious

In fact im pretty sure most people in this thread have some sort of religion. There might be one or 2 more atheists besides myself, but im putting money on most of you all believe in something.

Yeah, that was my mistake. I realize that there are a lot of different backgrounds of people that post here, just kinda slipped.
#142 Sep 19 2008 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
Yea but Sioux, I'm part of that "we". I agree that you should have your say, but here is where you went a little overboard:

Sioux wrote:

No, people are petrified of being put into an awkward situation by a pushy guy who talks constantly about noncontextual things like the good word of the Lord, and asks us if we've accepted God and all the other things that pushy Christians say and do to harass other people.
It's uncomfortable to be waylaid and have a lot of religious questions thrown at you. How is this mysterious? What is it about 'people don't like to be preached at' that's so hard to understand?

You see, the OP didn't preach. He gave you a link to where you can go should you be interested in joining a group. He used "dedicated to preaching" in a context that let you know what their main focus is, but nowhere in this ENTIRE thread, did he actually perform any preaching. You kind of just latched onto that portion of the OP and ran with it without really having any justification.

Like I said, I am part of that "we". I am not a fan of Christianity, as I know how much violence that belief system has been responsible for in ages past. BUT, the OP really didn't do anything other than extend an invitation.
#143 Sep 19 2008 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
163 posts
Preaching =/= reaching out to

Just because they may ask you about something doesnt mean he is preaching. Hes not standing on some high place with a bible and screaming out we are all damned or for you to drink snake venom. He is simply asking if you wanna hear more.

That's true, however

Lions of Zion wrote:
When possible, we will speak with people about God, the Bible and the demands it makes on every human being.

That's preaching.

You see, the OP didn't preach. He gave you a link to where you can go should you be interested in joining a group. He used "dedicated to preaching" in a context that let you know what their main focus is, but nowhere in this ENTIRE thread, did he actually perform any preaching. You kind of just latched onto that portion of the OP and ran with it without really having any justification.

At this point you're splitting hairs. There's not much of a difference between preaching and handing someone a pamphlet that preaches for you.
#144 Sep 19 2008 at 11:45 AM Rating: Default
129 posts
posted here on the XI boards hoping to recruit a few people from this MMO as well.

Perhaps some of the post has gone sub-default. Although I can't find it that he explicitly stating so in the two post that I was able to read. Or do you count "if you want to know more about God" type of statement as such?
#145 Sep 19 2008 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
633 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
well what im curious to know is why he posted on a board for an MMO which isnt even on the list of games he mentioned? If he said he was gonna start one on FFXI or something then it would be a different story, but if that isnt the case then isnt this post kinda pointless?

Religion somehow manifests itself as this "Untouchable" entity in social environments, no matter how unrelated or inappropriate, no one dares remove it.

If I posted a thread entitled "MMO Country Western Group" here in GD. Offering an advertisement-esque link offsite to gather and discuss Country Music, it would surely be (re)moved.

The OP does not even mention FFXI or any other thing that can be considered FFXI General Discussion, but alas, the thread is still here because Christianity is involved of course.

Here's the catch right, if I say what I think of Christianity and offer this Thread as evidence, I will be massively downrated. Thats the double edged sword that a thread like this brings.

"Hey, I'm going to be disruptive and invade your community. Excuse me while I hold up this huge obnoxious sign directing you towards an another community that talks about religion, but don't you dare discuss my religion here because I am doing so."


Edited, Sep 19th 2008 2:44pm by patient
#146 Sep 19 2008 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
I don't think it's untouchable, per se, and sooner or later it will probably be locked and fall off the face of Alla, so don't worry about that.

As for why he posted it here - I think that Final Fantasy has the largest amount of individual forums on the entire Alla site. I would imagine that after looking through all the job forums, then all the server forums, then all the other misc forums, he figured that the best one to get the word out on would be:



Does it directly relate to the game? Nope, not at all. Is it something that some people may be interested in? Yep, probably.

However, I bet those people are afraid to post in here any sort of support, because of the extreme backlash pointed at a rather dull recruiting attempt. I have seen more aggressive Linkshell recruitment campaigns, than what we see here to be honest.
#147 Sep 19 2008 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
2,499 posts
Perhaps some of the post has gone sub-default. Although I can't find it that he explicitly stating so in the two post that I was able to read. Or do you count "if you want to know more about God" type of statement as such?

I'm just simply reading it as such. He claimed to have groups in the other MMO's and is now posting here on the XI boards hoping to get people from here.

It's kind of like saying he has people from Ohio, Michigan and Florida, but that doesn't some how mean that he isn't trying to recruit people from other places, hes just letting you know that he has formed a group on these other MMO's and is now trying to gain one here; possibly as a way to know that hes serious and isn't just being full of hot air.

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 3:55pm by DarkKnightZero
#148 Sep 19 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Excellent
234 posts
I just want to say sorry to all the people who think every christian thinks that EVERYONE ELSE is going to hell.

I hate that I've gone to a church that teaches to LOVE LOVE LOVE and respect people for their decisions, not condemn (haha sp?) and tell them how bad they are, and people have a decision about christians before they ever talk to me.

I would never judge anyone, or tell them they are going to hell EVER. I don't know where people get off telling people where they think they're going to spend eternity. Last time I checked, only God made that decision. Im not scared to let it be known that I am a christian, and if anyone wants to talk about it, we can talk, but I know that LS's (especially haha) are not the place to hold a conversation, and I never EVER EVER try to press my opinions on others. Where do these people come from?

So again, I am sorry to all the people who have been told they are going to go to hell by some christian radical.
#149 Sep 19 2008 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
I'm in the camp of OP invited people join an MMO support group and is therefore innocent of any crime on allakhazam.
#150 Sep 19 2008 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
163 posts
I agree with DarkKnightZero here: they're most definitely fishing for recruits. It's an open invitation to join, and again, not much of a problem with that, since all I and others who would rather not deal with a group of digital missionaries have to do is not go to the website.

However, as I said, if they want to post something like this on a public forum, they have to accept that their preaching (and that's what it is, ultimately, no matter how many hairs you split on this one, they're trying to convert people to Christ) is not going to be appreciated by everyone. Some people will find it downright repugnant. Those are the risks you take when you try to spread your faith: some people may have a faith already, and take offense to being called "Lost" (and anything on the website is fair game, mind you, we were invited to go there and see what LoJ is all about), and others may have been down this road before and resent it on the grounds of it's intrusiveness into places where religion has no place.

Anyway, defend it or decry it as you all will, the fact is there's a definite missionary agenda here, which leaves it open to both scrutiny and criticism. If it were simply a website for those of a particular faith who also game, that would be different. It isn't the religion itself that people are lashing back at here, it's the imposition that many people see in religious recruitment.

I hate that I've gone to a church that teaches to LOVE LOVE LOVE and respect people for their decisions, not condemn (haha sp?) and tell them how bad they are, and people have a decision about christians before they ever talk to me.

That's your cross to bear, so to speak. My advice is to show people by example that there's a great deal of good will and compassion in Christianity. Follow Christ's teachings, and you'll show people what your belief is really about. I have friends who are devoutly religious, and I respect honest faith. Honest faith is, however, not the kind of faith that needs to be justified in the eyes of other people.

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 3:11pm by Gaile
#151 Sep 19 2008 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
341 posts
I think the real question on everyone's mind is....

Does Jesus have a strategy for defeating Absolute Virtue?
Other than 12 KC Apostles.

All jokes aside, I feel that religion in itself can be a wonderful thing. It gives people hope, inspiration and a feeling of empowerment over their lives. The problem lies in the tendency to believe that our (human beings as a whole) way is the only way. Once you get around that, you'll find that every religion in the world is the same at it's core. Whether you worship God, The Goddess, Allah or "Jeff" the produce stocker. To each their own.

I'd guess the reason why some people reacted the way they did is because Christianity has been known to be a bit more on the aggressive side when it comes to sharing their collective beliefs. And that it's only human nature for individuals to remember the bad or more extreme cases over those that are/were more pleasant. Seems that for every 1 bad thing that is done, you need to do at least 100 hundred good things to get people to look beyond it.

We could all do with learning to be a bit more tolerant with each other when it comes to beliefs (both personal and religious), lifestyle and choices.
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