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MMO Christian Ministy (was forum=10) (was forum=28)Follow

#102 Sep 19 2008 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
220 posts
kappachan, Eater of Souls wrote:
Tamat Damat wrote:
Hm.. disappointing that there are people so intolerant over this post. I am not all that fond of it but I did not want to attack it. If reflects badly upon these forums when people cannot just be somewhat friendly. Just inform the poster this is not the place for it and be done with it, don't go out of your way to try and offend.

I agree. It's sad to see such intolerance. This isn't much different than any other post that communities post, niche or otherwise. Don't like it? Ignore it! Just like any other community you don't care to be apart of!

Just my 2cp!


Well, if you look at it another direction, how tolerant would they be if you went into their forum and started to preach about Buddhism or the Koran? They won't start up a lively discussion about the differences of each religion. What they would do is tell you that you're going to burn in hell unless you become a Christian.

You know what they say when you assume right?

Anyway, like plenty pointed out...this wasn't preaching.

Are people really this petrified of religion? I mean, yea...I get it, most of you spazzing aren't religious. But the mere mention of the word christian really riles you up this much? I'm sure there's a pill somewhere you can take, maybe a precription or what not.

I dunno, I guess can be summed up just as easily by: Overeact much?
#103 Sep 19 2008 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
I have no problem of religious people in game.

But as soon as they start throwing their religion on me, there will be A LOT of abuse going their way.

They leave me alone, I leave them alone, and let's stay that way.
#104 Sep 19 2008 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
453 posts
CookiesandMilk wrote:
Greetings all,

I was not sure where to post this, so I figured general topics was best. This is an invite to check out the MMO Christian Ministry Lions of Judah. Our web page is at We have groups in Lord of the Rings Online,World of Warcraft and War Hammer Online. We are a clean, family friendly group of Christians, who are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the online community. So stop in and say hello, we don't bite. God speed!

Edited, Sep 18th 2008 10:51pm by CookiesandMilk

Edited, Sep 18th 2008 10:51pm by CookiesandMilk

Um... And this pertains to us, on the FINAL FANTASY XI FORUMS, how?

#105 Sep 19 2008 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
512 posts
FlyingShadow wrote:
Um... And this pertains to us, on the FINAL FANTASY XI FORUMS, how?


You knew what this thread was about before you clicked on it. No, sir, I believe YOU are the one who needs to "GTFO."
#106 Sep 19 2008 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
453 posts
DarkKnightZero wrote:
Wow, all the guy did was extend an inventation to anyone here who might be interested. He never even began to preach or lecture people about anything. Quit being such jackasses to the guy.

People on the internet are always talking about how they hate religious folks to come in and start preaching about things, but leave it to those very same people to start shouting about how they don't believe in this or that and begin mocking others.

Edited, Sep 18th 2008 11:25pm by DarkKnightZero

Um, did you read the original post?

"We are a clean, family friendly group of Christians, who are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the online community."

Sure, its absolutely fine if they are looking for interested people to join their ranks. However, not only, as stated in my above posting, are they completely missing their targeted demographic - the players of WOW, WAR, and LotRO - but I pay money for this game that I highly enjoy playing and I do not feel the need to be lectured to while I am enjoying my freetime.

We're flaming them for a valid reason. I, along with a ton of others, don't want to discuss whether Jesus Christ will be resurrected again while we're fighting off a link in our camp.
#107 Sep 19 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
453 posts
shanecf wrote:
FlyingShadow wrote:
Um... And this pertains to us, on the FINAL FANTASY XI FORUMS, how?


You knew what this thread was about before you clicked on it. No, sir, I believe YOU are the one who needs to "GTFO."

No, I did not KNOW what this thread was about before reading it. I knew WHAT IT POSSIBLY COULD HAVE BEEN, but you can never know what a thread is truely about until you read it. Your 'valid point'... is invalidated.
#108 Sep 19 2008 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
163 posts
Anyway, like plenty pointed out...this wasn't preaching.

And those who jumped to point that out would be wrong, considering:

Online. We are a clean, family friendly group of Christians, who are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the online community.

So no, the initial post did not contain any preaching. It did put forth the fact that the reason the ministry exists is to preach the gospel in online gamers. It further invited people to check out the website. That may not be directly preaching to the FFXI community, but it's along the same lines as a Jehovah's Witness showing up at your doorstep and pushing literature on you, and trying to get you to come down to the church seminars.

In other words, preaching they're gospel. That is what missionaries do. They go to places where people may not have heard the good news and try to, you know, convert people to their faith.

You can get all technical about it, but when it comes right down to it, that's the spirit of the OP. "Hey guys, we've got a website set up to preach the Word, come on down and check it out."

So far all I see are a bunch of people ganging up on him and spewing the same old "ARRRGH DON'T FORCE YOUR BELIEFS ON ME!!" crap, yet at the same time will type a @#%^ing essay about why they don't practice any sort of religion and why the whole thing is "stupid" to begin with and be absolutely oblivious to the hypocrisy and irony of it all.

I think you need to check your definitions of "hypocrisy" and "irony."
#109 Sep 19 2008 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
3,059 posts
Why is everyone acting like a virtual Bible is being rammed down your throat? Aside from the fact that it's perfectly acceptable for a person to express their beliefs anywhere, how many of you actually had to blist someone because they were yelling that you were going to hell?

Any reasonable person will take a "Please don't talk about that." If they don't, blist, kick from party, whatever, because they're not properly representing their community.

I mean really, you guys act like a huge chunk of the game population took a Crossbow +1 and loaded it with Bible Bolts.
#110 Sep 19 2008 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
FlyingShadow, Eater of Souls wrote:
DarkKnightZero wrote:
Wow, all the guy did was extend an inventation to anyone here who might be interested. He never even began to preach or lecture people about anything. Quit being such jackasses to the guy.

People on the internet are always talking about how they hate religious folks to come in and start preaching about things, but leave it to those very same people to start shouting about how they don't believe in this or that and begin mocking others.

Edited, Sep 18th 2008 11:25pm by DarkKnightZero

Um, did you read the original post?

"We are a clean, family friendly group of Christians, who are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the online community."

Sure, its absolutely fine if they are looking for interested people to join their ranks. However, not only, as stated in my above posting, are they completely missing their targeted demographic - the players of WOW, WAR, and LotRO - but I pay money for this game that I highly enjoy playing and I do not feel the need to be lectured to while I am enjoying my freetime.

We're flaming them for a valid reason.

No your not.

I, along with a ton of others, don't want to discuss whether Jesus Christ will be resurrected again while we're fighting off a link in our camp.

Man, I guess you got us there. If only there were some simple solution. Hmmm, if we think hard enough I'm sure we can figure it out. Let's see, it's really hard! Oh wait, I got it! DON'T JOIN THE F'IN LINKSHELL. And you know what I do when people say things I don't want to hear in FFXI? I /blacklist them. Takes 5 seconds and you never hear from them again. People just love to overreact that's all.
#111 Sep 19 2008 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
565 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
From there Prishe went up to San d'Oria. As she was walking along the road, some new adventurers came out of the town and jeered at her. "Go on up, you detestable child!" they said. "Go on up, you detestable child!" She turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the ALTANA. Then two rarabs came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the new adventurers.

Yeesh, I actually rated lolgaxe up. Mostly for the obscure reference.

But none of this matters. Because...

Cthulhu Saves!

( case he gets hungry later.)
#112 Sep 19 2008 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
DarkKnightZero wrote:
Sure, they may vary, but not significantly. Most of the posts have a certain undertone about them.

Not trying to sway this thread one way or another, but if you're going to say the replies have undertones, then the same can be said for the OP's original post.
#113 Sep 19 2008 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
VawnLakshmi wrote:
You know if the exact same post was made but instead of it being about Christians that play MMOs having a place to talk, it was about people who like Anime or football fans or almost anything else, there would not have been this backlash.

I don't know what makes your average MMO player so against the idea of Christianity. No one is "invading" you with this post. It was a simple invite to those who may be interesed. Believe it or not there are religious people who play FFXI and other MMOs, myself included.

On the rare occassion God, Jesus or Christianity is brought up on these forums the forum goes into some weird panic. Does anyone else notice this? No other topic gets this response - you could mention anything else in the world and it would slide right on by, but the mention of religion appears to throw people into a panic, even though I know no one will admit it.

Exactly! Very well said.
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
#114 Sep 19 2008 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
1,298 posts
The only legit complaint here would have been "Wrong forum, bud."

Otherwise, most everyone else here pretty much went ballistic with a "ZOMG SHOVING RILIGION DOWN MAH THROATS!!@@" with a couple of flames here and there. Yes, the site's goal is to preach The Word, but I did not see any "shovan down throats" type of speech there. Then you go about how Christians ruin MMOs and everything. For crying out loud, no one is in a pedestal in Whitegate screamin' about the second coming. Take this for example:

But as soon as they start throwing their religion on me, there will be A LOT of abuse going their way.

Really, the abuse necessary? Where a "No thanks" and a blacklist is fine?

Sounds to me you haters had a bad run in with particularly annoying Jehovah's witnesses on your doorstep and percieved all Christians are like that.

Just like you wouldn't mess with an all-(nation) post, or all-GLBT post, why don't you kids play nice and stop being hostile to posts about their beliefs, mk?
#115 Sep 19 2008 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
blastfurnace wrote:
Are people really this petrified of religion? I mean, yea...I get it, most of you spazzing aren't religious. But the mere mention of the word christian really riles you up this much? I'm sure there's a pill somewhere you can take, maybe a precription or what not.

I dunno, I guess can be summed up just as easily by: Overeact much?

Maybe not petrified, just abhorrent. The fact that a majority of the citizens in a first-world country still believe in a god without an iota of sound, verifiable evidence (no, the bible doesn't count as evidence) is alone pathetic enough.

Smiley: twocents

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 1:26pm by bsphil
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#116 Sep 19 2008 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
163 posts
Why is everyone acting like a virtual Bible is being rammed down your throat? Aside from the fact that it's perfectly acceptable for a person to express their beliefs anywhere, how many of you actually had to blist someone because they were yelling that you were going to hell?

A person's religious beliefs are a personal affair. One of Christianity's main doctrines is that those who do not believe as Christians believe are damned to hell for all eternity. Furthermore, many sects take it as a personal duty to change the beliefs of others as a means of "saving their souls."

A lot of people don't exactly like being patronized like that, you know?

In any case, if they want to make their beliefs a public affair, they'll have to live with criticism. Them's the breaks.

Personally, I've got no issue with the way they went about this. Rather than actively preach on this forum, they invited those who would be interested to come over to their neck of the woods and discuss things.

But on the other hand, I don't play MMO's to have religion peddled to me like a knock-off Rolex down in china town. I don't like that anymore than I like some twit in a tie knocking on my door and pushing that crappy Watchtower literature on me (although that ****'s hilarious sometimes).
#117 Sep 19 2008 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
FlyingShadow, Eater of Souls wrote:
DarkKnightZero wrote:
Wow, all the guy did was extend an inventation to anyone here who might be interested. He never even began to preach or lecture people about anything. Quit being such jackasses to the guy.

People on the internet are always talking about how they hate religious folks to come in and start preaching about things, but leave it to those very same people to start shouting about how they don't believe in this or that and begin mocking others.

Edited, Sep 18th 2008 11:25pm by DarkKnightZero

Um, did you read the original post?

"We are a clean, family friendly group of Christians, who are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the online community."

Sure, its absolutely fine if they are looking for interested people to join their ranks. However, not only, as stated in my above posting, are they completely missing their targeted demographic - the players of WOW, WAR, and LotRO - but I pay money for this game that I highly enjoy playing and I do not feel the need to be lectured to while I am enjoying my freetime.

We're flaming them for a valid reason. I, along with a ton of others, don't want to discuss whether Jesus Christ will be resurrected again while we're fighting off a link in our camp.

Actually, I've read the post now a few times. I think many of you are jumping to conclusions about what he is trying to say or perhaps it was poorly worded. I can see it both ways. First off. Yes, he does say they are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the online community; however, I think he is merely inviting those who wish to hear it to their group. He is not stating that he preaches out to people in shouts or actively starts preaching to random people in /tells or /says and he is certainly not preaching in this post. I think many of you are overreacting to a simple invitation nothing else. Second. Those who are commenting about the "targeted demographic" are missing the invitation part again. He's stating that they have people who have joined them in WOW, WAR, and LotRO. Their target demographic is people who play mmo's... not the mmo's themselves. This is the whole reason he's posting in one of the most used sites for FFXI. They want to let people in FFXI who may be interested know that their group is out there.

I shouldn't be surprised at all of the flaming but I am. I think this has been blown way out of proportion. I think it's fine that he put one simple invite out there so people who are interested can find them. If a Pagan group got together and wanted to post an invite I think that would be fine too. I agree with not pushing your religion on others; however, one simple invite is not preaching down your throat. If he started spamming posts about the invite constantly (like the jehovah's witnesses that ring my bell every freakin Saturday morning!!!!! >.<) then I could see the purpose behind the all the rage going on in this thread. Just my opinion.
#118 Sep 19 2008 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
1,298 posts
If he started spamming posts about the invite constantly (like the jehovah's witnesses that ring my bell every freakin Saturday morning!!!!! >.<) then I could see the purpose behind the all the rage going on in this thread. Just my opinion.

Agreed, I thought the OP was a best way to go about his goal (believe it or not, not every freakin player in the game hates the Christian belief, or is apparently repulsed by the very mention of "Jesus" (the real Jesus, not the expression)
#119 Sep 19 2008 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
#120 Sep 19 2008 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,499 posts
FlyingShadow, Eater of Souls wrote:
Um... And this pertains to us, on the FINAL FANTASY XI FORUMS, how?


Yeah, if you weren't so ready to flame him and read his later posts you would see he has some FFXI knowledge and would realize he could of just simply forgot to list XI in his OP. Also, he was simply listing off the MMO's that had become a part of their group and is posting here in hoping that maybe he can get a few XI'ers to join.

FlyingShadow wrote:

DarkKnightZero wrote:
Wow, all the guy did was extend an inventation to anyone here who might be interested. He never even began to preach or lecture people about anything. Quit being such jackasses to the guy.

People on the internet are always talking about how they hate religious folks to come in and start preaching about things, but leave it to those very same people to start shouting about how they don't believe in this or that and begin mocking others.

Edited, Sep 18th 2008 11:25pm by DarkKnightZero

Um, did you read the original post?

"We are a clean, family friendly group of Christians, who are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the online community."

Sure, its absolutely fine if they are looking for interested people to join their ranks. However, not only, as stated in my above posting, are they completely missing their targeted demographic - the players of WOW, WAR, and LotRO - but I pay money for this game that I highly enjoy playing and I do not feel the need to be lectured to while I am enjoying my freetime.

We're flaming them for a valid reason. I, along with a ton of others, don't want to discuss whether Jesus Christ will be resurrected again while we're fighting off a link in our camp.

Have you ever stopped to think, that just maybe, they would only preach among themselves and among people who were interested in joining their group? Such a thought really isn't so far fetched, especially if you take your very own advice and actually READ the posts...

CookiesandMilk wrote:
Thank you all for your comments. If you see me in game and need a heal or a tele-(somewhere) ^^, and I am available let me know. I won't start force feeding you the bible, I promsie ^^. The dedicated comment did seem rather in your face, no, I won't be /shouting, /telling "turn or burn" or anything like that. Having the gospel of Jesus Christ readily available for anyone who wishes to read it on our web page is dedication as well, and more what I was meaning. Thus the invite to the page, sort of like an invite to a church service. However if anyone has any sincere questions about Christianity, myself or someone in LoJ will make ourselves available, and help to the best of our ability. I am looking forward to fun times and pwnage, God Speed in your adventures!

Yeah, hes obviously trying to suck you all into Christianity, run for the hills before Jesus gets you!!

Edited, Sep 19th 2008 2:45pm by DarkKnightZero
#121 Sep 19 2008 at 10:44 AM Rating: Excellent
One other thing. I do want to state that I am Christian. In fact I am Methodist. However, I am all for not cramming religion down people's throats as is most of my church. I'm not going to go into detail about things because I know that would be considered "preaching"; however, for those of you who keep trying to quote the christian doctrine, the bible, my beliefs and then turning around a flaming this person of preaching I'd like you to stop and think about the hypocrisy behind that.
#122 Sep 19 2008 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
2,499 posts
CookiesandMilk wrote:
Greetings all,

I was not sure where to post this, so I figured general topics was best. This is an invite to check out the MMO Hungry Hungry Hot Dog Eaters. Our web page is at We have groups in Lord of the Rings Online,World of Warcraft and War Hammer Online. We are a clean, family friendly group of hot dog lovers, who are dedicated to preaching the hot dog of oscar meyer to the online community. So stop in and say hello, we don't bite, except when eating hot dogs. God speed!

Reworded the OP to see if people would still be offended.
#123 Sep 19 2008 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
163 posts
Have you ever stopped to think, that just maybe, they would only preach among themselves and among people who were interested in joining their group? Such a thought really isn't so far fetched, especially if you take your very own advice and actually READ the posts...

Lions of Judah website wrote:
The secondary reason the Lions of Judah to exist is to reach the Lost within the LOTRO & WoW world. When possible, we will speak with people about God, the Bible and the demands it makes on every human being. We desire to be a Kinship that is a Light in a dark world as the Bible declares of all Christians -- and LOTRO & WoW are no exceptions to this.
#124 Sep 19 2008 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
I find it funny that most religions say they practice some sort of tolerance for others, but likely never do. I also find it funny that I generally practice more tolerance to those who have a religion, and Im atheist, and I live in the bible belt, so its not exactly all warm and fuzzies over here for me.
#125 Sep 19 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
2,499 posts
Lions Of Judah wrote:

The secondary reason the Lions of Judah to exist is to reach the Lost within the LOTRO & WoW world. When possible, we will speak with people about God, the Bible and the demands it makes on every human being. We desire to be a Kinship that is a Light in a dark world as the Bible declares of all Christians -- and LOTRO & WoW are no exceptions to this.

CookiesandMilk wrote:
Thank you all for your comments. If you see me in game and need a heal or a tele-(somewhere) ^^, and I am available let me know. I won't start force feeding you the bible, I promsie ^^. The dedicated comment did seem rather in your face, no, I won't be /shouting, /telling "turn or burn" or anything like that. Having the gospel of Jesus Christ readily available for anyone who wishes to read it on our web page is dedication as well, and more what I was meaning. Thus the invite to the page, sort of like an invite to a church service. However if anyone has any sincere questions about Christianity, myself or someone in LoJ will make ourselves available, and help to the best of our ability. I am looking forward to fun times and pwnage, God Speed in your adventures!
#126 Sep 19 2008 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,499 posts
Alobont wrote:
I find it funny that most religions say they practice some sort of tolerance for others, but likely never do. I also find it funny that I generally practice more tolerance to those who have a religion, and Im atheist, and I live in the bible belt, so its not exactly all warm and fuzzies over here for me.

The same can be said about atheists, just look at the proof within the last few pages.

Not a single christian in here has berated anyone's belief, yet quite a bit of non Christian posters felt the urge to do exactly the thing that they hate Christians so much for..

This is why I said a lot of people here are a bunch of hypocrites
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