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#327 Sep 21 2008 at 6:36 AM Rating: Excellent
2,793 posts
rdmdontdie wrote:
I heard the LHC got shut down last week.

in a very chipmunk sounding voice:
Well there was this coolant leak you see Which I had NOTHING to do with!!!~ *Takes deep breath* and I was out of chewing gum so we had to turn it off for a bit.

Lock it because science is correct and religion needs to be silenced for it's ignorance.: 1 (20.0%)
Lock it because religion is correct and science needs to be silenced for it's ignorance.: 1 (20.0%)
Let it go and allow responsible individuals voice their opinions.: 3 (60.0%)

Wheres my options for each side complaining that said poll unjustly oppresses me?

#328 Sep 21 2008 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
4,864 posts
kuwoobie of the Seven Seas wrote:
MDenham wrote:
I vote "lock it because it ran out of lulz on page 2".


I'm really tired of seeing this thread on the front page.

Logic says don't post in it then.

But you did and thereby contributed to it being on the first page.

I was really tired of seeing "Make CoP easier", "/Ninja is the devil", "OMG MY SAM/DRK/DRG IS SO L33T now" threads.

#329 Sep 21 2008 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
lol .. I hate this thread but I am thinking about this whole thing in a bit of a different light lately.

I figured out something that is important to me.
I also figured out that Atheists are going about things wrong and allow religion to have too much room to argue back.

The very term Atheist saying that you believe no god exists. No! That gives all kinds of angles for religious people to argue with stupid smokescreens and such. "Evolution is false!" Stupid irrelevant things like that.

All you have to do is admit that you already know that god may or may not exist. That we do not know for certain if god exists. We have not found god yet thus nobody knows and all known religions have no connection to god because they are based on faith.

Then from that point on all you have left to debate is if each individual religion has any kind of true connection with god. You would have to come up with a potent argument why your own religion has a connection that no other religion has.

I think it would destroy any possibility of getting people to teach creationism in schools and such. Why teach something that has nothing to do with god anyway?

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 10:56am by thorazinekizzez
#330 Sep 21 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Default

i know you can do better.

also, age
#331 Sep 21 2008 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
The very term Atheist saying that you believe no god exists. No! That gives all kinds of angles for religious people to argue with stupid smokescreens and such. "Evolution is false!" Stupid irrelevant things like that.

All you have to do is admit that you already know that god may or may not exist. That we do not know for certain if god exists. We have not found god yet thus nobody knows and all known religions have no connection to god because they are based on faith.

You just described an agnostic.

Atheist means you do not believe in god, divinity, the afterlife, anything. Agnosticism is what many people who don't belong to an organized religion profess -- hey, we don't know what's out there, but there may just be something. Either way it doesn't hurt me.

A startling number of non-practicing Christians are actually someplace along the agnostic spectrum. It's more of a passive belief than it is an active one. They don't feel the need to preach the news to anyone, and they're mostly tolerent of other religions as long as nobody is getting hurt. (These days, I consider myself a non-Paulian Christian agnostic. I reject most of the teachings of the Christian church from the Nicean council on as heresy. And Paul was a mysoginistic jerk.)

Hardcore atheists spend most of their time fighting established religion doctrine, which means it is sort of its own anti-belief.
#332 Sep 21 2008 at 8:41 AM Rating: Default
2,890 posts
PigKiller wrote:

i know you can do better.

also, age

hmm? Explain. Are you telling me to get older or read a verse from the bible or something? LOL...
Why dont you go and grab it from the wiki and paste it here

You just described an agnostic.

Atheist means you do not believe in god, divinity, the afterlife, anything. Agnosticism is what many people who don't belong to an organized religion profess -- hey, we don't know what's out there, but there may just be something. Either way it doesn't hurt me.

Maybe I just made up a new thing because what I am describing is not necessarily either of those.

I suppose it is very close to agnostic but with the stance that faith based religion IS harmful. The belief that any religion that requires faith can only worship a lesser god, a mortal.

That if you feel that you felt the presence of god at any point in time you could be right! However, the second you take that experience and turn to a faith based religion you dash your closeness with god and drag it through the mud. You place you soul in the hands of a mortal not a god. You ignore god and listen to a preacher instead.

I mean this makes a hell of a lot of sense to me. It doesn't seem as though I am extrapolating a huge concept here and trying to sell it to people.

I don't believe I have heard this explained by anyone else before. If someone has then I am glad to have reinvented the wheel lol..

oh well I have said my piece. I am just kind of waiting for the thread to get locked or for someone to "show me the light" ... Either of which seems to be likely at the moment lol...

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 12:37pm by thorazinekizzez

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 1:09pm by thorazinekizzez
#333 Sep 21 2008 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
181 posts
This has been done before, with similar results:

TBC- Ragnarok

The only difference is the OP in this thread isn't fighting with everyone that says anything negative about religion. Which, I have to give it to him/her, is a mature thing to do.

I believe everyone has their own right to an opinion, and as long as it's not forced on others it's okay. People in this thread are getting defensive and argumentative over nothing, really. That's why I try to stay away from religion and politics online/at work/around other people etc.

Best of luck to you.
#334 Sep 21 2008 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
/facepalm +1

edit: I just read the OP on that thread... Omg..

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 1:13pm by thorazinekizzez
#335 Sep 21 2008 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
2,499 posts
I always thought the whole Big Bang creating the Earth was a moot point in trying to say God didn't create it, because for all we know God could of been the one to make the Big Bang happen in the first place. After all, all those particles had to come from SOMEWHERE.
#336 Sep 21 2008 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
DarkKnightZero wrote:
I always thought the whole Big Bang creating the Earth was a moot point in trying to say God didn't create it, because for all we know God could of been the one to make the Big Bang happen in the first place. After all, all those particles had to come from SOMEWHERE.

Yeah I mean seriously..

And whats more likely

1. A god who created everything and started the universe including the concepts of evolution and the big bang?

2. A god who is only capable of the rantings found in a bible written by people?
#337 Sep 21 2008 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
lolgaxe wrote:
What should happen to the thread?
Lock it because science is correct and religion needs to be silenced for it's ignorance.:8 (32.0%)
Lock it because religion is correct and science needs to be silenced for it's ignorance.:1 (4.0%)
Let it go and allow responsible individuals voice their opinions.:16 (64.0%)

I choose option #4.

Send it to OOT because this thread will have no resolution and will go on forever if allowed to. Also, like I said pages ago, we can't all be correct all the time, everytime. In fact, it's more probable everybody is wrong, like Sioux said above.
#338 Sep 21 2008 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
My God is not limited by mere human words.

Smiley: schooled
#340 Sep 21 2008 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
Jesus Christ!

#341 Sep 21 2008 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
You left out a possibility: Maybe we don't know how everything started, and we're OK with that. Seriously, it's not so bad to not understand everything. You're here; make the most of it or don't. That's all anybody needs to know.

That's sort of my point. So many people who engage in this topic of debate are SO SURE the other side is wrong. The only side which should "allow" that belief is the religious side. The scientific side should be open to the concept of it being possible there is a God. Which many in this thread have shown they're not.

Everything makes perfect sense if you assume god created everything? But where did god come from, smartypants? Why does god do what it does? If you take an ineffable phenomenon and call it god you haven't explained a god damned thing, you've just stuck a pretty label on it.</freshmanphilosophy>

Your post is just more evidence that theology is just a way to avoid facing the fact that we don't know sh*t. Sack up and deal with it.

Again, sorta my base the Big Bang happening based on a mass of energy and matter, but where did that come from? You must assume those things are there and thus make the same leap of "faith" that a religious person does when assuming God is there.

If safety means women should be completely subservient to men and people can walk on water if their faith is strong enough, then I'll live dangerously, thank you.

Read context please. When in context it is much less harsh than you put it. Women, serve your husband, HUSBANDS RESPECT YOUR WIFE. I think it's even the same sentence. They work at the same time. If both of these things happen, I bet you'd have a decent marriage. However, times have changed and I bet God isn't against (all) change and thus the womens rights movements wouldn't be a bad thing. However the original line I'm referencing was mostly to calm down a people and help get them on a good track towards peace and civility. It was a letter written to a Church, not a commandment from God. It should be taken and treated as such, not as the Divine Law from God's mouth.

Are you too vain to accept the possibility that your existence is utterly meaningless? What makes you feel so special about yourself that you have to believe someone designed your existence, not to mention that it would give you eternal bliss for behaving well? I'm sure it's not a stretch to believe he makes RPGs dodge your tanks either, if you've convinced yourself of all that already.

No, I'm not. I often do act as if my existence is meaningless. Hence why I live in my mothers basement and do nothing. I mean, there's really no point to doing more in life if I enjoy what I'm doing right now, right?

If you make a "first jump of faith" you can jump into believing literally anything, but if you follow science there are a very few number of conclusions you can come to. Science can predict outcomes and uncover the past with certainty, which no amount of praying will do.

At no point did I ever say science is entirely wrong. In fact I said nothing to counter science at all, except that you still have to have basic assumptions to begin it at all. My personal belief is that God set up this system and for the most part has left scientific laws to keep things running semi-smoothly. I have nothing against science and I very much enjoy scientific breakthroughs. My only problem are the scientific people who become overly critical of religion when they do not know much about it and base their opinions on a few (ok, a bunch of) bad apples. I'd much prefer open-mindedness, but neither "side" seems to be ok with this.
#342 Sep 21 2008 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
372 posts
thorazinekizzez wrote:
You just described an agnostic.

Atheist means you do not believe in god, divinity, the afterlife, anything. Agnosticism is what many people who don't belong to an organized religion profess -- hey, we don't know what's out there, but there may just be something. Either way it doesn't hurt me.

Maybe I just made up a new thing because what I am describing is not necessarily either of those.

I suppose it is very close to agnostic but with the stance that faith based religion IS harmful. The belief that any religion that requires faith can only worship a lesser god, a mortal.

That if you feel that you felt the presence of god at any point in time you could be right! However, the second you take that experience and turn to a faith based religion you dash your closeness with god and drag it through the mud. You place you soul in the hands of a mortal not a god. You ignore god and listen to a preacher instead.

Maybe you should look into a church of Thelema or the IoT or something along those lines. You could possibly also try Discordianism, Unitarianism or Jainism. These are all agnostic religions to some extent, though they're all open to the existence of a higher power than humanity. Well, not the IoT, that one's pretty complicated. In any case, you didn't create a new branch of theology after considering religion for two days on a video game site, sorry.

My advice is to start reading some books. People have been thinking about this stuff for awhile now.
#343 Sep 21 2008 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
372 posts
SirEaglestrike wrote:
You left out a possibility: Maybe we don't know how everything started, and we're OK with that. Seriously, it's not so bad to not understand everything. You're here; make the most of it or don't. That's all anybody needs to know.

That's sort of my point. So many people who engage in this topic of debate are SO SURE the other side is wrong. The only side which should "allow" that belief is the religious side. The scientific side should be open to the concept of it being possible there is a God. Which many in this thread have shown they're not.

There are religious scientists. However, science is nothing without evidence, and there is none for god. No, an isolated subjective experience is not evidence, because one of the first things scientists discovered was that human perception does not always match objective reality. Throw in quantum physics and things start getting weird, but we're still talking about empirical evidence gathered from experimentation, not a feeling some lab-rat got while puffing on the bong one night.

Everything makes perfect sense if you assume god created everything? But where did god come from, smartypants? Why does god do what it does? If you take an ineffable phenomenon and call it god you haven't explained a god damned thing, you've just stuck a pretty label on it.</freshmanphilosophy>

Your post is just more evidence that theology is just a way to avoid facing the fact that we don't know sh*t. Sack up and deal with it.

Again, sorta my base the Big Bang happening based on a mass of energy and matter, but where did that come from? You must assume those things are there and thus make the same leap of "faith" that a religious person does when assuming God is there.

The big bang is extrapolated by observing that the universe is expanding, then using mathematics to run that expansion backwards to the point that it's a singularity. There is a bit more behind it, but I'm not a physicist so I can't explain it much better than that. My point is that the big bang theory is simply the best model to explain the evidence available today. That's all it's meant to do.

Also, like I said before, saying "god did it" doesn't ultimately explain anything, because the next question is, "Where did god come from?" See this for a more entertaining way of saying so.

If safety means women should be completely subservient to men and people can walk on water if their faith is strong enough, then I'll live dangerously, thank you.

Read context please. When in context it is much less harsh than you put it. Women, serve your husband, HUSBANDS RESPECT YOUR WIFE. I think it's even the same sentence. They work at the same time. If both of these things happen, I bet you'd have a decent marriage. However, times have changed and I bet God isn't against (all) change and thus the womens rights movements wouldn't be a bad thing. However the original line I'm referencing was mostly to calm down a people and help get them on a good track towards peace and civility. It was a letter written to a Church, not a commandment from God. It should be taken and treated as such, not as the Divine Law from God's mouth.

What's wrong with "husbands respect your wives, and vice versa"? According to nearly every Christian doctrine, the bible is the perfect word of god, so you can't just dismiss anything in it as "just a letter." I don't think we're in disagreement that this is pretty dumb, but there're plenty of people out there trying to make this the law of the land, and that's ultimately my problem with Christianity.

No, I'm not. I often do act as if my existence is meaningless. Hence why I live in my mothers basement and do nothing. I mean, there's really no point to doing more in life if I enjoy what I'm doing right now, right?

Life is what you make of it. Many atheists believe they should work to make the world a better place for those who come after them, but there's no reason for that beyond simple compassion.

My personal belief is that God set up this system and for the most part has left scientific laws to keep things running semi-smoothly.

That's called Deism. There's nothing new under sun. That puts you in the same company as many of the US's founding fathers, and that's not so bad. Thom Jefferson was kind of a hypocritical ***, but he did some good stuff too.

EDIT: Can people stop going arrow crazy here? This is a civil conversation, there's no need to default people arguing in good faith.

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 5:27pm by MrSenethSomed
#344 Sep 21 2008 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
That's called Deism. There's nothing new under sun. That puts you in the same company as many of the US's founding fathers, and that's not so bad. Thom Jefferson was kind of a hypocritical ***, but he did some good stuff too.

I consider myself a Christian though. I don't believe the Bible is the exact word of God and honestly...I'm not sure why anyone would. It's a collection of text written by humans. The only parts you could claim to be the true words of God are the first 5 books spoken to Moses from God. But most of the new testament are letters from prophets (mostly Paul) while attempting to setup Churches throughout the world. There's really no logical reason to consider all of that words directly from God. The general principles in this text should be taken into consideration and most likely are what God wants us to live life with, but I think a literal translation is foolish.

For instance there's a line in one of Paul's letters that says women should step down and be quiet in Church and not lead. Some Churches take this to mean women are not capable of being pastors, but that's taking things out of context. At the time there were women overreacting to emotions from these beliefs and expressing themselves loudly in front of everyone. For the Church it was better to quiet them down and have a calm leader speak and educate the members than have these particular women speaking and disrupting services. The line should not be taken as God's words, because it really makes no sense to do that in context. (I'd have explained this better but it's been a really long time since I learned the true context of the statement myself, heh)

What's wrong with "husbands respect your wives, and vice versa"? According to nearly every Christian doctrine, the bible is the perfect word of god, so you can't just dismiss anything in it as "just a letter." I don't think we're in disagreement that this is pretty dumb, but there're plenty of people out there trying to make this the law of the land, and that's ultimately my problem with Christianity.

I don't see much point in evangelicals. When the Bible says to "spread the good news" it was at a time when there wasn't a printing press, internet or even education for everyone. Information wasn't freely shared around a nation, much less the entire world. So to make sure everyone had access to the teachings of Christ you should go and spread the good news. In this day and age, anyone who is interested can find information on Christianity. I don't really see it as anything that should be pushed. And I'd much rather show that you can be a "normal" person and have a fun life while having Christian beliefs.
#345 Sep 21 2008 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
Maybe you should look into a church

Have you been reading anything I said?
You seem smart but you come off rather... um.. oh never mind lets take a look at Thelema..

this better be good..

Thelema is a philosophy of life based on the rule or law, "Do what thou wilt." The ideal of "Do what thou wilt" and its association with the word Thelema goes back to François Rabelais, but was more fully developed[1] and proselytized[2] by Aleister Crowley, who founded a religion[3] named Thelema based on this ideal. The word itself is the English transliteration of the Koine Greek noun θÎλημα: "will", from the verb θÎλω: to will, wish, purpose. Early Christian writings use the word to refer to the will of God,[4] the human will,[5] and even the will of God's opponent, the Devil.[6]

Ah I just realized something.
Nice try but I am not following a religion I am following a handful of very simple facts that in no way resemble opinions.

So why do I need to seek a church?
Are you telling me that I am incorrectly interpenetrating facts?

Please explain.

Edited, Sep 22nd 2008 12:53am by thorazinekizzez
#346 Sep 21 2008 at 7:29 PM Rating: Default

#347 Sep 21 2008 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
Alright, give me a shorthand version of this thread please.
#348 Sep 21 2008 at 7:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
Before I get hate mail, it wasn't me.
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#349 Sep 21 2008 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
372 posts
"Religion is good!"

"No it's not!"

"Blah blah blah blah blah"

The end.
#350 Sep 21 2008 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
NaughtyWord wrote:
Alright, give me a shorthand version of this thread please.

Murloc-lover? ************** Hey guys, rather than spend time around the Satanists and Paganists in your guild, spend time with some cool CCM listening, LOTR watching, sword fighting soldiers of God.

But religions is bad and stupid.

No, U

No, U!!!!

Let's move it to forum 10
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#351 Sep 21 2008 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
Oh Lord.
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