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#302 Sep 20 2008 at 5:08 PM Rating: Good
2,793 posts
What i think people really need to get over is the stigma that talking about religion is something to get angry over, will always be a shouting match or an argument.
This is already flames. Most of us knew it would end up like this before there was a page 2. Can it be discussed civilly? Sure. Is that very likely on a video game internet forum? No. Thats not a stigma; its a high probability!

So what if no one changes their belief, its not harmful just to talk and see others points of view.
Its not beneficial to anyone either. These people are accomplishing nothing but archery practice at each other.

#303 Sep 20 2008 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
2,726 posts
thatdamnelf wrote:
Its not beneficial to anyone either. These people are accomplishing nothing but archery practice at each other.

"We are the people you disagree with. Without us, you will never change."

I have no desire to stay the same. I do not know all the answers. How am I to grow when I don't communicate with people who think differently to me?
#304 Sep 20 2008 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
On the flip side, archery practice is what we do here anyways. It's not like we flame any less when anna or reij pop on, and look at the whole sept 16 AV nerf thread. It's more of a principle though. I'm not too keen on it going OOT in here, especially with people just coming in to advertise a non- ff related site. But, if its six pages, hey.
#305 Sep 20 2008 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
2,793 posts
The Neispace of Doom wrote:
On the flip side, archery practice is what we do here anyways. It's not like we flame any less when anna or reij pop on

MithraDooom wrote:
"We are the people you disagree with. Without us, you will never change."

I have no desire to stay the same. I do not know all the answers. How am I to grow when I don't communicate with people who think differently to me?

You're over simplifying. I didn't say people can't have disagreements. The persons I was referring to seemed to have forgotten the OP even existed, they were just just feeding off each other. Nobody here is changing or growing (they already grew - angry). Communicating with people who think differently is not being called a negative here. I stated people were taking it far to seriously becoming so angry over it. Don't act like thats a positive thing please.

And Neispace already pointed out its just another flamefest so I don't need to.

#306 Sep 20 2008 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
Amazing how quick SOME are to hurl Acid Bolts at a genuinely kind offer. Despite anyone's feelings about Christianity or any other religion, if you can suffer all the other indignities of this world, then be careful not to lash a scornful tongue at an open offer to check out a weblink. The person who offered didn't come in here preaching. They just sent a party invite. If you're not interested, just make nice and say

<Thanks for the offer. But I'll have to pass.>
#307 Sep 20 2008 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
bsphil wrote:

How do you know what you felt or heard or whatever was god's presence and not any number of other explanations for whatever you experienced?

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 4:55pm by bsphil

Because I normally don't hear voices in my head. I can't explain it other to say divine intervention. That same night a RPG missed my vehicle by 10-15feet as both of us in our vehicle basically said "we're ************ and were ready to die. I'm a weapons expert and there is no way the RPG should have diverted that much of course to miss everyone in the area outside of divine intervention. Again this is my story and my beliefs. I'm not one of those people that says you must follow my beliefs. I'm not your typical christian either. I don't go to church because I don't believe it's God's will.

But again in regard to your question, I wasn't the only one that night to be touched by God. Many other of my fellow soldiers recalled a similar feeling which was a wonderful thing IMO. I remember having a bad feeling about leaving the base that night and those gut instincts proved to be right. I can't explain it other than to say I felt a presence watching over me. A voice of confidence and warmth is how I will remember it. It's a feeling I never experienced before in my entire life. So the only explanation that seems logical to me is God was there watching us. It comes down to faith and if you have that everything else doesn't matter.
#308 Sep 20 2008 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
4,864 posts
ShadowedgeFFXI wrote:
bsphil wrote:

How do you know what you felt or heard or whatever was god's presence and not any number of other explanations for whatever you experienced?

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 4:55pm by bsphil

Because I normally don't hear voices in my head. I can't explain it other to say divine intervention. That same night a RPG missed my vehicle by 10-15feet as both of us in our vehicle basically said "we're @#%^ed" and were ready to die. I'm a weapons expert and there is no way the RPG should have diverted that much of course to miss everyone in the area outside of divine intervention. Again this is my story and my beliefs. I'm not one of those people that says you must follow my beliefs. I'm not your typical christian either. I don't go to church because I don't believe it's God's will.

But again in regard to your question, I wasn't the only one that night to be touched by God. Many other of my fellow soldiers recalled a similar feeling which was a wonderful thing IMO. I remember having a bad feeling about leaving the base that night and those gut instincts proved to be right. I can't explain it other than to say I felt a presence watching over me. A voice of confidence and warmth is how I will remember it. It's a feeling I never experienced before in my entire life. So the only explanation that seems logical to me is God was there watching us. It comes down to faith and if you have that everything else doesn't matter.

Thanks for sharing that. I know exactly what you mean by feeling that presence. For me, this happened when I was a freshman in college. I was coming back from a weekend at my girlfriend's college, Johns Hopkins, in Baltimore, MD about an hour drive from where I went to undergrad in Washington, D.C. I was on the BW (Baltimore-Washington) Parkway going south nearing Greenbelt, MD when I started to get really tired (ironically I had had 10 hours of sleep the night before, so I'm not sure what happened.) I was driving my father's pickup truck, and I literally fell asleep at the wheel for about 5 seconds. It was 5 seconds too much. I opened my eyes to find myself in a 360 degree spin, in perfect autumn weather. I reversed the wheel to try and correct things but just put it in an opposite spin, which fortunately for others sent the pickup spinning off the road into a 50 yard wide median lined with trees. The pickup stopped when it went backward through the bed of the truck into a tree. The bumper was split in two, the tree trunk when through the bed and cracked the rear axle. I came out unscathed. Completely. Nothing other than some very minor whiplash from the belt tightening. I attribute that to evidence of God watching over me.

You, Bsphilar, can believe whatever you want.

#309 Sep 20 2008 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
thatdamnelf wrote:

James T. Kirk wrote:
What does god need with a starship?

I just had to.

Star Trek also has the main characters telling the small less developed civilizations they meet that there is no god/gods btw.

Heres one instance of it.

IMO, Star Trek is respectful to religions including the Native American beliefs that should be commended. It doesn't matter if they don't believe in a "God" or not. The Prime directive also is a good safety measure to help not cross that line. The false God in Star Trek V was an exiled alien with the power of telepothy. The bottom line is your religion shouldn't be seen as a sign of weakness. The way I see it we have 2 choices. Either we are nothing except a carbon based life form or a person made in God's image. So given the choice of death = endgame or death= eternal life I chose option #2. But that's just my opinion, feel free to do whatever suits you.
#310 Sep 20 2008 at 9:41 PM Rating: Default
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 1:37am by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#311 Sep 20 2008 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
TheBarrister wrote:
I came out unscathed. Completely. Nothing other than some very minor whiplash from the belt tightening. I attribute that to evidence of God watching over me.

I attribute that to evidence of seat belts saving lives. Also, does god not watch over or not care about the people who DO die in the exact same situation?
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#312 Sep 20 2008 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
829 posts
Wow, what an explosion of posts. May I recommend:
#313 Sep 20 2008 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
274 posts
TheBarrister wrote:
ShadowedgeFFXI wrote:
bsphil wrote:

How do you know what you felt or heard or whatever was god's presence and not any number of other explanations for whatever you experienced?

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 4:55pm by bsphil

Because I normally don't hear voices in my head. I can't explain it other to say divine intervention. That same night a RPG missed my vehicle by 10-15feet as both of us in our vehicle basically said "we're @#%^ed" and were ready to die. I'm a weapons expert and there is no way the RPG should have diverted that much of course to miss everyone in the area outside of divine intervention. Again this is my story and my beliefs. I'm not one of those people that says you must follow my beliefs. I'm not your typical christian either. I don't go to church because I don't believe it's God's will.

But again in regard to your question, I wasn't the only one that night to be touched by God. Many other of my fellow soldiers recalled a similar feeling which was a wonderful thing IMO. I remember having a bad feeling about leaving the base that night and those gut instincts proved to be right. I can't explain it other than to say I felt a presence watching over me. A voice of confidence and warmth is how I will remember it. It's a feeling I never experienced before in my entire life. So the only explanation that seems logical to me is God was there watching us. It comes down to faith and if you have that everything else doesn't matter.

Thanks for sharing that. I know exactly what you mean by feeling that presence. For me, this happened when I was a freshman in college. I was coming back from a weekend at my girlfriend's college, Johns Hopkins, in Baltimore, MD about an hour drive from where I went to undergrad in Washington, D.C. I was on the BW (Baltimore-Washington) Parkway going south nearing Greenbelt, MD when I started to get really tired (ironically I had had 10 hours of sleep the night before, so I'm not sure what happened.) I was driving my father's pickup truck, and I literally fell asleep at the wheel for about 5 seconds. It was 5 seconds too much. I opened my eyes to find myself in a 360 degree spin, in perfect autumn weather. I reversed the wheel to try and correct things but just put it in an opposite spin, which fortunately for others sent the pickup spinning off the road into a 50 yard wide median lined with trees. The pickup stopped when it went backward through the bed of the truck into a tree. The bumper was split in two, the tree trunk when through the bed and cracked the rear axle. I came out unscathed. Completely. Nothing other than some very minor whiplash from the belt tightening. I attribute that to evidence of God watching over me.

You, Bsphilar, can believe whatever you want.

Nothing whatsoever about these stories is an evidence or explanation of gods' presence. I have had same experiences before and after I became a freethinker.
"Let me read your cards that I may see your misfortunes."
#314 Sep 20 2008 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
bsphil wrote:
TheBarrister wrote:
I came out unscathed. Completely. Nothing other than some very minor whiplash from the belt tightening. I attribute that to evidence of God watching over me.

I attribute that to evidence of seat belts saving lives. Also, does god not watch over or not care about the people who DO die in the exact same situation?

To paraphrase Yahtzee:

"The problem with Christianity is that it's based on the idea of a kind and benevolent god. Which seems like an easy sell at first but when life turns completely to sh*t you have to come up with all sorts of whacked out reasons why kindly old Jehova saw fit to run over little timmy with a combine harvester and then leave him in limbless agony for 18 years"

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 2:52am by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#315 Sep 20 2008 at 11:36 PM Rating: Good
2,890 posts
"The problem with Christianity is that it's based on the idea of a kind and benevolent god. Which seems like an easy sell at first but when life turns completely to sh*t you have to come up with all sorts of whacked out reasons why kindly old Jehova saw fit to run over little timmy with a combine harvester and then leave him in limbless agony for 18 years"

It might have something to do with the fact that the bible has nothing to do with god thus all of the fancy man made writings in the christian bible know nothing of the true nature of god at all.

Just tossing that out there..
You know there is a real strong possibility we have no clue what goes on in gods head!

Like I said man
Butterfly wings.. Only reason that it doesn't make sense is because in order for a religion to survive its gotta sell! Everybody wants that super afterlife +1!

A religion where the gods an @#%^ and there is no afterlife doesn't sell as many units!

So you end up with this escalation ..
"If you follow my religion you can go to heavon and feel gods loving embrace."
"If you follow my religion you get 60 virgins!"
"Oh yeah if you follow my religion you can become immortal with all kinds of cool laser beams and spaceships and sh*t! Just like Star trek but with lots of MONEY"

Surprise surprise...
After awhile little jimmy the screaming torso starts to make less sense in the grand scheme of things. Some people you see, they don't matter as much as you do because little jimmy obviously was gay or poor or something. I don't know god works in mysterious ways even though the bible claims to detail how he works.. well generally speaking or something..

Idiots all of you @#%^ing morons. Wake up...

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 3:34am by thorazinekizzez

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 3:36am by thorazinekizzez
#316 Sep 21 2008 at 12:03 AM Rating: Default
4,447 posts
Everyone keeps going on and on about the innocence of the OP's post.

I'll grant you that the post itself wasn't so bad. It was a friendly invitation.

What people are finding so anathema is the idea that this group, should it successfully lodge itself into FFXI, might decide to take that "preach" tenet more seriously. We're not being preached to by the OP at all. We're pre-emptively annoyed by the future possibility of being preached to, and started ******** before the preaching-in-potentia even happened.

This is like some weird, @#%^ed up, FFXIvsReligion version of the Bush Doctrine isn't it?

"We're not gonna protest!"

It is disappointing but also not too surprising to see such close-mindedness from someone of your political views. After seeing how so many Republicans act (I'm sure you know how I mean, you criticism them so much!) and then seeing that the other side was EXACTLY LIKE THEM I mostly took a step away from politics, and probably society itself. The total hypocrisy of someone saying they should be open to ideas and everyone has a right to believe what they wish and to react in such a manner when they did nothing but even mention religion is EXACTLY why there's such a divide in this country today.

They did NOTHING to make you think they were trying to shove religion down your throat. They made a post on the 2nd page of this thread saying they did not do that, that they merely are there as a source of anyone wishes to know more. They made a completely reasonable and acceptable thread which would've had no criticisms (for the most part) on any number of other topics, made a backup post to reinforce that they are a harmless group of people and yet everyone still freaks out and goes crazy calling them religious nuts.

Just to note, I mostly quoted Catwho's post because I discuss politics with her...hell probably most of my political comments are with her (that's how far I've withdrawn from politics). My point is though that you all are showing that you're just as close-minded as the religious nuts you despise and call close-minded. If all you want to do is live in peace and harmony, why don't you jump at this effort to be a civil religious member of society and support them, hoping that more religious people could be civil when it comes to their religion and dealing with those not of their religion? If both sides of this coin are going to push their beliefs down the others throats, no one is going to get anywhere.

@Bsphil and whoever else is arguing about faith (I mostly skimmed the thread looking for OP posts)- It's mostly been my opinion that there's just as much faith no matter how you believe we all started. Religious people (generally) believe there was God and He made everything from His own existence. Non-religious people believe there was a mass of energy/matter that ended up becoming everything in existence. You ask how do you know God is there? I ask, how do you know that mass was there first? There is just as much of a chance that either one is true, if you give it a fair look. If you make that first jump of faith and believe there's a God, everything else makes perfect sense upon that belief. If you go with the mass, there's been so many random chances happen that ended up in my existence it makes me wonder if there's really any point to life aside from making babies.

Maybe I elaborated a bit too far, but the basic point is that it's just as much faith no matter which one you believe. There is no evidence of exactly how it all began so the concept of a greater being can be seen as taking the easy way out...but it should still be a valid concept.

I personally don't prescribe to all the major miracles in the Bible or any form of talking to God (I don't believe it's not possible, but I don't think it's all that common) and even though this might offend some believers I liken Jesus to being the first psychiatrist. He knew psychology 1900 years before the science ever really began and that's what I base a strong amount of my belief in. Almost everything stated in the Bible as things you should do are "safe" things for how a society can healthily live life.

Commence attacks on my arguments, I may or may not troll the forum awaiting responses...

Edit: Christianity being based on a kind and benevolent God is partially people not understanding context. Jesus and what He came to represent is kind and benevolent. God for thousands of years prior wasn't exactly kind and benevolent. As well, things turning to **** is (mostly) a byproduct of free will. It's unfortunate God gave us such things, right?

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 4:01am by SirEaglestrike
#317 Sep 21 2008 at 1:50 AM Rating: Good
372 posts
@Bsphil and whoever else is arguing about faith (I mostly skimmed the thread looking for OP posts)- It's mostly been my opinion that there's just as much faith no matter how you believe we all started. Religious people (generally) believe there was God and He made everything from His own existence. Non-religious people believe there was a mass of energy/matter that ended up becoming everything in existence. You ask how do you know God is there? I ask, how do you know that mass was there first?

You left out a possibility: Maybe we don't know how everything started, and we're OK with that. Seriously, it's not so bad to not understand everything. You're here; make the most of it or don't. That's all anybody needs to know.

There is just as much of a chance that either one is true, if you give it a fair look. If you make that first jump of faith and believe there's a God, everything else makes perfect sense upon that belief. If you go with the mass, there's been so many random chances happen that ended up in my existence it makes me wonder if there's really any point to life aside from making babies.

Everything makes perfect sense if you assume god created everything? But where did god come from, smartypants? Why does god do what it does? If you take an ineffable phenomenon and call it god you haven't explained a god damned thing, you've just stuck a pretty label on it.</freshmanphilosophy>

Your post is just more evidence that theology is just a way to avoid facing the fact that we don't know sh*t. Sack up and deal with it.

Almost everything stated in the Bible as things you should do are "safe" things for how a society can healthily live life.

If safety means women should be completely subservient to men and people can walk on water if their faith is strong enough, then I'll live dangerously, thank you.

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 4:50am by MrSenethSomed
#318 Sep 21 2008 at 1:50 AM Rating: Good
804 posts
I appreciate your post SirEagleStrike, but this quote bugs me.

SirEagleStrike wrote:
Religious people (generally) believe there was God and He made everything from His own existence. Non-religious people believe there was a mass of energy/matter that ended up becoming everything in existence. You ask how do you know God is there? I ask, how do you know that mass was there first? There is just as much of a chance that either one is true, if you give it a fair look. If you make that first jump of faith and believe there's a God, everything else makes perfect sense upon that belief.

If you make a "first jump of faith" you can jump into believing literally anything, but if you follow science there are a very few number of conclusions you can come to. Science can predict outcomes and uncover the past with certainty, which no amount of praying will do.

If someone has cancer you could take a leap of faith and cut them in the carotid artery in an attempt to rid them of the evil spirits possessing their throat. Or you could study stem cells and cancer in a lab using the same science that says we evolved from single-celled creatures and the Universe began as a single point in space-time containing all the matter that it still does today, and them come up with a cure. Your choice.

If you go with the mass, there's been so many random chances happen that ended up in my existence it makes me wonder if there's really any point to life aside from making babies.

Are you too vain to accept the possibility that your existence is utterly meaningless? What makes you feel so special about yourself that you have to believe someone designed your existence, not to mention that it would give you eternal bliss for behaving well? I'm sure it's not a stretch to believe he makes RPGs dodge your tanks either, if you've convinced yourself of all that already.
#319 Sep 21 2008 at 3:10 AM Rating: Excellent
You know, this thread is bringing me to mind of my mom. This is gonna get pretty damn personal but there's a point, I hope.

As I was growing up, my mom was the sort of mother that would lose her kids, today. She dealt out bruising physical punishments to both myself and my sister, went on hour-long screaming rampages that usually involved heavy airborne objects, and would do things like leave me in the grocery store by myself at six, and drive around the block a couple times to make me believe she had left me behind, as punishment for dallying too long at the video rack. There was other sh*t but this isn't Maury Povich.

So, yup, you know, my mom was a diabolical b*tch. To this day, I have this gut reaction when other people do or say certain things to me: when I meet unexpected hostility, or when I'm talked down to by a woman, or when I'm left alone unexpectedly, I will sometimes lose it. People around me don't really get why I freak out, and they've often become very upset with me for my angry outbursts, my rejection of them and my general avoidance. I can't really explain to them why I deal with these things so badly, they wouldn't get it anyway I wager, and even if they did they wouldn't care and rightly so. It's a personal thing and not their problem.

Religion, like mothers, is a pretty personal issue. Everyone has lived with it most of their lives and have made their decisions about it for their own reasons, which may or may not make sense to other people, and which may or may not be too personal to share. Also like mothers, religion has many faces. Some people grew up in loving, genuinely spiritual homes that followed Christ's (and Buddha's, and Mohammed's) teachings, and others grew up in oppressive hellholes with hyper-strict 'Bible-banging' parents, or homes indifferent to spirituality or outright hostile to it. It's as personal as a conviction gets.

I don't expect Livejournal tripe like this to end an argument like this, I know it will likely go until someone locks it. That's how it's been in real life, anyway, and not much will change that.
But, that said, we'd all probably be better off if we just agree to disagree on the matter, and accept that other people do make their decisions for the best reasons they can. A religion isn't something you pick up just to impress other people, and God probably has so many faces that any argument over what name is on his driver's license is pointless.

We will never agree, because we can't really get inside one another's heads. Some of us have damn good reasons for not wanting to get involved with religion, and others have equally good reasons for wanting to. What difference does it make, really, in the end? We're probably all wrong.

If I come across as being some kind of above-it-all toolbox, I can direct you back to pages 2 and 6 where I was throwing some **** too. I don't know, it just seems like at some point you have to say that the argument really has no clean solution to it anyway, and neither side will ever make sense if you don't already get it: as a decision it's just too frigging personal.
#320 Sep 21 2008 at 3:23 AM Rating: Good
2,726 posts
Sioux wrote:
We're probably all wrong.

Life gets much better when you realise and accept this.
#321 Sep 21 2008 at 4:34 AM Rating: Default
874 posts
Sorry, I vote this post gets removed. It has nothing to do with FFXI. There should be strict limitations to what goes in here, ya know, trimming the fat.
#322 Sep 21 2008 at 4:59 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
What should happen to the thread?
Lock it because science is correct and religion needs to be silenced for it's ignorance.:8 (32.0%)
Lock it because religion is correct and science needs to be silenced for it's ignorance.:1 (4.0%)
Let it go and allow responsible individuals voice their opinions.:16 (64.0%)
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#323 Sep 21 2008 at 5:28 AM Rating: Good
I vote "lock it because it ran out of lulz on page 2".
#324 Sep 21 2008 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
6,543 posts
MDenham wrote:
I vote "lock it because it ran out of lulz on page 2".


I'm really tired of seeing this thread on the front page.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#326 Sep 21 2008 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
You guys argue too much about weather or not god exists.
That is pointless because nobody knows. you cannot argue that. Its smokescreen.

What you should be doing is pulling apart each religion individually by first asking if you can make any actual connection to god that couldn't also be used as an argument for every other religion. Keeping in mind that all known religions conflict and could never co-exist.

Not only will you realize that all faith based religions not god based religions you will realize that faith is never placed on god its placed on the person who carried the message.
/end topic

Lock the thread please!

Does anyone know when Science is going to kill god? I heard the LHC got shut down last week.

I doubt it will ever do that..
Its just as likely science will discover the real god that we have yet to ever find. You never know. This is why fake faith based religions are so harmful. We can be figuring out how the universe actually works rather than thinking we already got it figured out.

Edited, Sep 21st 2008 10:31am by thorazinekizzez
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