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#277 Sep 20 2008 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
thorazinekizzez wrote:
Lady Jella wrote:
thorazinekizzez wrote:
No true religion can be based on faith.
I think faith is the whole point of a religion. Without faith, there is no religion.

That is a HUGE problem with religion. Massive problem with religion.

All faith based religions have the serious flaw that they have no true connection with god. If god ever showed up all religions would collapse. Wouldn't you rather not take a stance on something until you knew the facts rather than jump in head first and look like a fool in the end?

Common sense says faith is the absolute flaw with religion.

I'm intrigued by what you're trying to say in this thread, but I'm not sure I am quite getting it.

I'm not entirely sure why it should matter that no religion can prove without a doubt the existence of a god. The essence of faith as I understand it is belief without the need for verification through scientific or other means. I don't think you acquire faith through proof. You either have it or you don't. Once proof is presented one way or another (on the question of the existence of God, for example,) there is no more need for faith if the proof is accepted as fact/truth. The blindness is essential to faith.

Let me put it this way. I'm not religious, but I am spiritual. I try to live my life following certain Taoist teachings and values. It is not easy by any means and I am only beginning that path. I do not know if there is a god. There may be. There may not be. I have never seen any evidence to either way. And, it does not matter. The question of the existence of god is irrelevant to me. For me, there is no need for a divine being. All living things are connected. If I want to pray, which I rarely do, it would be to that natural order/chaos of life. All things are of me, and I am of all things. And yet, in a sense, in a larger sense, there is no me.

That may be flawed to you. You may disintegrate it into something you want to call "religion" or "faith" because there is no scientific evidence behind it. But I do not see it as being either. I do not go to any church. There are no priests or reverends for me. And as far as faith goes, well... I don't need evidence to support the existence of God, because that is irrelevant to me. I don't believe any certain set of conditions, as much as I simply agree with them. I agree with the lack of supposition.

The only thing I have noticed you say that I disagree with, or at least find a dubious thing to say, is that all religions are fundamentally flawed because they do not have a real connection with God.

I find this sentence difficult to understand, because as far as I know, no one has proven without a doubt the existence of God, and that to my knowledge every religion is based on the concept of taking the existence of God as face value, as a core component of the religion.

If there would not be a religion without blind faith, then how can you say that blind faith is precisely the one flaw with any such religion?

I'm not arguing you, because so far I am having a hard time deciphering what you are trying to say, unless it's just about semantics.
#278 Sep 20 2008 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
Kerberoz wrote:

Ironically, the muslims, jews, and christians all worship the same god. They just can't stop killing each other over which group he likes more.

That's is how it looks because of shady politics. You have extremist beliefs in every religion while your typical average joe so to speak is harmless. The war on terror is a very misguided way of thinking. The Jews and Muslims only have problems because they both accuse the other of stealing land or killing their people. Again it all comes to land and their promised rights of said land. The religion is just the basis they use to justify their beliefs. The USA was brought into to it because we support their enemy, the Jews. That's the real answer the President doesn't want you to hear. The reason why I know this as a fact is because I spent time there amoung the people. You get a much deeper understanding of the other side when you aren't brainwashed by media.

The USA is involved for 2 reasons. Our country's Christian belief to protect Israel and the oil. The latter will keep us there in the region until oil runs out. There wasn't a single terrorist in all of Iraq in 2003 unless you count those that Saddam supported against Iran's leader. Fast forward to 2008 and you can't imagine that way of thinking now. Your average Muslim doesn't give any more crap about your religion as most other people who have a faith. All they care about is the land and the evil that supports killing them.

Some people in life become so deluded like those people who blow up abortion clinics. How is killing anyone justified to save a life unless you're calling that some sort of self defense? The ends don't always justify the means.

As for my own faith, I believe in God 100% now more than ever. I was touched by him in Iraq though and he saved my life on more than one occasion. I heard him speak to me just a mere few minutes before an ambush. So I guess in a way, I have a unique perspective because I had contact. Others usually that swear off God to blind "faith" usually only pray to him on their deathbeds. I agree that FFXI serves no purpose for Christians to practice though. It's silly to think that most people would be interested when this game is supposed to be lored in a different reality.
#279 Sep 20 2008 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
ShadowedgeFFXI wrote:
As for my own faith, I believe in God 100% now more than ever. I was touched by him in Iraq though and he saved my life on more than one occasion. I heard him speak to me just a mere few minutes before an ambush. So I guess in a way, I have a unique perspective because I had contact. Others usually that swear off God to blind "faith" usually only pray to him on their deathbeds. I agree that FFXI serves no purpose for Christians to practice though. It's silly to think that most people would be interested when this game is supposed to be lored in a different reality.

Confirmation bias.

(In b4 how dare you, you're not a soldier, no YOU have confirmation bias, etc.)
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#280 Sep 20 2008 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
2,793 posts
I am completely ignoring the topic and all replies to it cept this, because I feel like it.

bsphil wrote:
Which doesn't really explain away the fact that there could have been another universe before ours which collapsed into a singularity. Or that our universe is one of millions that was created spontaneously in a lab from another dimension (I'm not joking). Suffice to say, we don't know what happened before the big bang. We may never, but a lack of explanation doesn't prove it WAS a god.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 3:11pm by bsphil

I think reality is at least in part shaped by belief. If I become unable to communicate with or be perceived by any being on any level at all, do I exist? If I can still perceive myself, maybe. (I think that I think so therefore I am, I think?)

I could really rile people up by openly supposing enough belief by enough sapient (scifi films/books F it up and say "sentient") beings could cause an all powerful god to spontaneously exist retroactively in time/exist in all times at once and cause us to exist.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 5:00pm by thatdamnelf

#281 Sep 20 2008 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
thatdamnelf wrote:
I am completely ignoring the topic and all replies to it cept this, because I feel like it.

bsphil wrote:
Which doesn't really explain away the fact that there could have been another universe before ours which collapsed into a singularity. Or that our universe is one of millions that was created spontaneously in a lab from another dimension (I'm not joking). Suffice to say, we don't know what happened before the big bang. We may never, but a lack of explanation doesn't prove it WAS a god.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 3:11pm by bsphil

I think reality is at least in part shaped by belief. If I become unable to communicate with or be perceived by any being on any level at all, do I exist? If I can still perceive myself, maybe. (I think that I think so therefore I am, I think?)

Science is not subject to personal bias. You may lose all your senses, but that doesn't alter reality, that alters your perception of reality. Perceptions can (and we know this from studying the brain) be wrong.
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#282 Sep 20 2008 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,793 posts
bsphil wrote:
thatdamnelf wrote:
I think reality is at least in part shaped by belief. If I become unable to communicate with or be perceived by any being on any level at all, do I exist? If I can still perceive myself, maybe. (I think that I think so therefore I am, I think?)

Science is not subject to personal bias. You may lose all your senses, but that doesn't alter reality, that alters your perception of reality. Perceptions can (and we know this from studying the brain) be wrong.

Ah but science is create dby my bias. The persons studying perceived it for it to be so. The bias of many outweighing the bias of 1. Thought, matter, energy.. May not be so separate as we suppose.

I think and you am. You think and I is. We is not drunk right then!
If I am nuts and off in my "own little world" ..What if I REALLY AM o.O
Bet at least 1 person clicks thinking its a scientific article. Suckers.

#283 Sep 20 2008 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
bsphil wrote:

Confirmation bias.

(In b4 how dare you, you're not a soldier, no YOU have confirmation bias, etc.)

I do believe you missed my point. In a nutshell, I'm speaking of my belief can't be altered by what others think because I have felt God's presence. You see, I'm not one of those people that force religion on people because it's a waste of time. I believe God does his own work and gives everyone a chance to prove themselves. If you are in denial of this, that's fine. Go on Oprah and jump on a few couches. You see, it doesn't matter. All that does matter is what you personally believe, not what's forced on you. My late grandma pushed me away from God because of all the talk about going to hell for everything. I was like damn I'm screwed anyway so might as well enjoy myself. It wasn't til years later where I realized I was wrong. But the moral of the story is that God is forgiving. I don't care what your beliefs are nor do I believe in changing anyone. Time will change people over the years and you'd be surprised how your beliefs differ as you grow older and wiser. I'm a huge Star Trek buff and I love the way Trek does it without discounting religion. If you had to compare God to a character on Star Trek, I'd say he would be close to the Q. The ability of being able to exist outside time and space. The part that always gives me a chuckle is that in the eyes of God, the world is already over. It's like fast-forwarding a DVD to the last chapter. That must come in handing sorting out all the non-believers lol.
#284 Sep 20 2008 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
thatdamnelf wrote:
bsphil wrote:
thatdamnelf wrote:
I think reality is at least in part shaped by belief. If I become unable to communicate with or be perceived by any being on any level at all, do I exist? If I can still perceive myself, maybe. (I think that I think so therefore I am, I think?)

Science is not subject to personal bias. You may lose all your senses, but that doesn't alter reality, that alters your perception of reality. Perceptions can (and we know this from studying the brain) be wrong.

Ah but science is created by my bias.

That's not science, then.

Since you asked me to go on:

thatdamnelf wrote:
The persons studying perceived it for it to be so. The bias of many outweighing the bias of 1.

That's not bias, that's research. Keep in mind the importance of the peer review process in the scientific community. If you want to propose a theory that you've thoroughly researched, it needs to first be reviewed by hundreds of others for accuracy, many of whom make it a personal vendetta to destroy your theory. When all of your peers are unable to disprove your theory and instead produce similar results through experimentation, you can have your idea published in a scientific journal and your theory will hold some status and validity.

ShadowedgeFFXI wrote:
I have felt God's presence

How do you know what you felt or heard or whatever was god's presence and not any number of other explanations for whatever you experienced?

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 4:55pm by bsphil
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#285 Sep 20 2008 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 4:55pm by bsphil
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#286 Sep 20 2008 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good

Which doesn't really explain away the fact that there could have been another universe before ours which collapsed into a singularity. Or that our universe is one of millions that was created spontaneously in a lab from another dimension (I'm not joking). Suffice to say, we don't know what happened before the big bang. We may never, but a lack of explanation doesn't prove it WAS a god.

Problem though is that the nature of the singularity defies both. It's so alien as to be a mathematical construct: there's no real thing that has infinite anything. The only real atheistic explanations is that there either is something at that zero point implicit in singularities that causes them to change, or that there is a cause before.

The implicit one is easier to crack because causes are not self-generating in our experience unless by a volitional creature, and even that some people argue is based on prior things. Nothing just happens, in other words. You being born was not because something in the nature of bsphil caused you, instead you being born was due to the chain of events starting long ago.

Your first example leads into this, but the problem is I don't think any cause in our experience leads to an infinite effect. You can say a cause before happened, but then you have to keep adding causes till there is an infinite number of them, which would make us existing impossible. If you have to fulfill an infinite amount of steps to get where we are, its impossible to get there.

It's mostly philosophical argument, but I think the lack of causes being self-generating, and the problem of infinite anything hurt the atheist side more than the theist one. A god though tends to jibe more with the observed experience of volitional creatures causing things, and the need of a terminus for a causal chain.

I was trying more to show thorazine that it was possible for a religious person to fulfill his argument than making a claim pro or con. I don't really think arguments like this can say more than base generalities.
#287 Sep 20 2008 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
2,890 posts
Lady Jella wrote:

I'm intrigued by what you're trying to say in this thread, but I'm not sure I am quite getting it.

I'm not entirely sure why it should matter that no religion can prove without a doubt the existence of a god. The essence of faith as I understand it is belief without the need for verification through scientific or other means. I don't think you acquire faith through proof. You either have it or you don't. Once proof is presented one way or another (on the question of the existence of God, for example,) there is no more need for faith if the proof is accepted as fact/truth. The blindness is essential to faith.

Let me put it this way. I'm not religious, but I am spiritual. I try to live my life following certain Taoist teachings and values. It is not easy by any means and I am only beginning that path. I do not know if there is a god. There may be. There may not be. I have never seen any evidence to either way. And, it does not matter. The question of the existence of god is irrelevant to me. For me, there is no need for a divine being. All living things are connected. If I want to pray, which I rarely do, it would be to that natural order/chaos of life. All things are of me, and I am of all things. And yet, in a sense, in a larger sense, there is no me.

That may be flawed to you. You may disintegrate it into something you want to call "religion" or "faith" because there is no scientific evidence behind it. But I do not see it as being either. I do not go to any church. There are no priests or reverends for me. And as far as faith goes, well... I don't need evidence to support the existence of God, because that is irrelevant to me. I don't believe any certain set of conditions, as much as I simply agree with them. I agree with the lack of supposition.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with what you are saying. You do not in my opinion follow a faith based religion. So you are following something far more simple. You are not following the type of religion I am targeting.

I am tired of the "Sinners shave beards and eat pork" kind of stuff. You have to take these kinds of things seriously if you are religious by doing so you are taking it into faith that if a woman shows her face it is ok to stone her to death. If you drink or buy alcoholic beverages on Sunday or eat non cosher foods YOUR GOING TO HELL.

IF YOU PLAY WOW OR FFXI YOU SHOULD PLAY WITH YOUR FELLOW CHRISTIANS.. O.O' WTF... Lets preach gospel in FFXI its absolutely retarded.. Pretending to not be gay because it is a choice kind of mental retardation and lies that harm people everyday and all of it is being done on faith based religions.

I don't think that you are following a blind faith in your description. In fact I see you as being sensible from your description. You are not following a faith based religion in my eyes.

Lady Jella wrote:

The only thing I have noticed you say that I disagree with, or at least find a dubious thing to say, is that all religions are fundamentally flawed because they do not have a real connection with God.

I find this sentence difficult to understand, because as far as I know, no one has proven without a doubt the existence of God, and that to my knowledge every religion is based on the concept of taking the existence of God as face value, as a core component of the religion.

You know I am wrong I am in grouping simple spirituality as a religion like Christianity. There is a fundamental difference.

Really its when your religion has a "Marketing department" of some sort is when I think my words ring most true.

Lady Jella wrote:

If there would not be a religion without blind faith, then how can you say that blind faith is precisely the one flaw with any such religion?

I'm not arguing you, because so far I am having a hard time deciphering what you are trying to say, unless it's just about semantics.

I see it like this. Its easy to make a potent argument that we are here for some reason. One could also add on to that one of the many possibilities is that we were created by a god of some sort. Well its hard to argue against that because nobody really knows for sure. Ok that all makes sense right. You do not require faith for this.

Its like butterfly wings.. Once touched by human hands its ruined.
At this point the SECOND you take it one step further. The very moment some IDIOT adds on his extra little clauses that he found some magical plates in new jersey with the words of god on it that explain how people flew in from outer space and black people are descendants of Lucifer. THAT IS WHEN IT BECOMES A FAITH BASED RELIGION. THAT'S WHEN IT GOES TOO FAR.. FAITH IS BEING PLACED ON THE ONE WHO FOUND THE RELIGION NOT ON A GOD. It has always been that way. Faith and god ARE NOT RELATED because your faith is in another HUMAN BEING who carries the message not on god.

Blind faith in some fool who made stuff up and fooling people into believing it true. Causing all kinds of terrible events just so they can have 5 minutes of fame.


None of these faith based religions have any true connections to the real god who has yet to emerge.

So for now keep your religion simple.. Shave your @#%^ing beards, eat some @#%^ing pork chops and stop bringing this sh*t into a FFXI forum. ( not aimed at Lady Jella )

edit: Oh and lock the ******* thread XD so I can stop posting..

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 6:25pm by thorazinekizzez
#288 Sep 20 2008 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
The Neispace of Doom wrote:

Which doesn't really explain away the fact that there could have been another universe before ours which collapsed into a singularity. Or that our universe is one of millions that was created spontaneously in a lab from another dimension (I'm not joking). Suffice to say, we don't know what happened before the big bang. We may never, but a lack of explanation doesn't prove it WAS a god.

Problem though is that the nature of the singularity defies both. It's so alien as to be a mathematical construct: there's no real thing that has infinite anything. The only real atheistic explanations is that there either is something at that zero point implicit in singularities that causes them to change, or that there is a cause before.

The implicit one is easier to crack because causes are not self-generating in our experience unless by a volitional creature, and even that some people argue is based on prior things. Nothing just happens, in other words. You being born was not because something in the nature of bsphil caused you, instead you being born was due to the chain of events starting long ago.

Your first example leads into this, but the problem is I don't think any cause in our experience leads to an infinite effect. You can say a cause before happened, but then you have to keep adding causes till there is an infinite number of them, which would make us existing impossible. If you have to fulfill an infinite amount of steps to get where we are, its impossible to get there.

It's mostly philosophical argument, but I think the lack of causes being self-generating, and the problem of infinite anything hurt the atheist side more than the theist one. A god though tends to jibe more with the observed experience of volitional creatures causing things, and the need of a terminus for a causal chain.

I was trying more to show thorazine that it was possible for a religious person to fulfill his argument than making a claim pro or con. I don't really think arguments like this can say more than base generalities.

Couldn't there just be an infinite (oh right, infinite is taboo) a very large number number of gods by now, because we've assumed it's possible? Why just the one? Why can't matter gain this ability, since you're allowing the fact that whatever a god is to do this?

I think the question of where did we come from is a problem for both theists AND atheists, theists just like to explain away the unknown with a labeled unknown like god.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 5:30pm by bsphil
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#289 Sep 20 2008 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
2,793 posts
Took me a few to get back here I just had a 200gb drive on my main PC die for no apparent reason.. >:( And somehow I still have a 2gb seagate from the days of win95 still perfectly healthy zero bad sectors..

bsphil wrote:
Keep in mind the importance of the peer review process in the scientific community. If you want to propose a theory that you've thoroughly researched, it needs to first be reviewed by hundreds of others for accuracy, many of whom make it a personal vendetta to destroy your theory. When all of your peers are unable to disprove your theory and instead produce similar results through experimentation, you can have your idea published in a scientific journal and your theory will hold some status and validity.

I'm not talking 1 person makes a claim and poof it exists. More a general thing. You know the sky is blue and the sun rises* in the east and it would take something BIG to convince you otherwise. And people generally do not like their beliefs challenged (as we can see right here in this thread).

Familiar with Old D&D planescape setting by chance? In that work of fiction they use a much exaggerated version of the concept. Get handful of people believing in trees and poof you have a growing tree. I'm not intending to say we could accomplish that with any number of people no matter how large. But I'm pretty sure we all know what a tree is and so did people who lived before us. We have a massive framework of existence in place before we are born and no amount of questioning it could tear it down.

Take quantum mechanics and wave–particle duality...

I forgot where I was going with that. The classic misuse of Schrödinger's cat comes to mind but I forgot what I was typing out the 1st time when that HDD died..Might be a bit before I remember. >.<

[edit]I think I remember now. Particle state not fixed until its been observed...I think.[/edit]

*its been accepted possible that our sun will eventually kick the bucket, and that door may or may not have been opened the second we considered it might be a ball of burning gas - gas burning suggests eventually using up said gas.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 6:49pm by thatdamnelf

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 10:21pm by thatdamnelf

#290 Sep 20 2008 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
It's mostly philosophical argument, but I think the lack of causes being self-generating, and the problem of infinite anything hurt the atheist side more than the theist one. A god though tends to jibe more with the observed experience of volitional creatures causing things, and the need of a terminus for a causal chain.

I was trying more to show thorazine that it was possible for a religious person to fulfill his argument than making a claim pro or con. I don't really think arguments like this can say more than base generalities.

Yeah I hear all of this..

You see you missed my point.
Problem isn't that I am questioning the existence of god. Religion and the possible existence god are different arguments. In fact each individual religion is a similar but separate argument. Its easy to make an argument that the possibility of a GOD is real however.

I am pointing out that the people who think they can become immortal by finding ancient memories using pills that cost tons of money are @#%^ing nuts.

God and faith based religion are not closely related they are not related at all.

Proving that their might be a god by examining the universe is all fine and dandy. Extrapolating that the devil is on mars IS @#%^ING RETARDED.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 6:45pm by thorazinekizzez

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 6:57pm by thorazinekizzez

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 8:01pm by thorazinekizzez
#291 Sep 20 2008 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
Shouldn't like these last five pages be cut and moved to the Asylum or something?
#292 Sep 20 2008 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
thatdamnelf wrote:
bsphil wrote:
Keep in mind the importance of the peer review process in the scientific community. If you want to propose a theory that you've thoroughly researched, it needs to first be reviewed by hundreds of others for accuracy, many of whom make it a personal vendetta to destroy your theory. When all of your peers are unable to disprove your theory and instead produce similar results through experimentation, you can have your idea published in a scientific journal and your theory will hold some status and validity.

I'm not talking 1 person makes a claim and poof it exists. More a general thing. You know the sky is blue and the sun rises* in the east and it would take something BIG to convince you otherwise. And people generally do not like their beliefs challenged (as we can see right here in this thread).

So what if people don't like having their beliefs challenged? They rightly should be, no matter what you believe.

Also, thorazinekizzez has a good point. Religions such as say christianity, start with the assumption that a god exists and that you already believe that to be true. If you don't believe me, read the first line of the bible.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 6:07pm by bsphil
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#293 Sep 20 2008 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
2,726 posts
bsphil wrote:
So what if people don't like having their beliefs challenged? They rightly should be, no matter what you believe.

Someone uncomfortable with their beliefs being questioned is someone uncomfortable with their beliefs.
#294 Sep 20 2008 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,793 posts
I'm a huge Star Trek buff and I love the way Trek does it without discounting religion. If you had to compare God to a character on Star Trek, I'd say he would be close to the Q. The ability of being able to exist outside time and space. The part that always gives me a chuckle is that in the eyes of God, the world is already over. It's like fast-forwarding a DVD to the last chapter. That must come in handing sorting out all the non-believers lol.

James T. Kirk wrote:
What does god need with a starship?

I just had to.

Star Trek also has the main characters telling the small less developed civilizations they meet that there is no god/gods btw.

Heres one instance of it.


#295 Sep 20 2008 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,726 posts
I don't know my Star Trek, but reading that, it didn't sound like they said "there is no god"; just that "Picard is not god".
#296 Sep 20 2008 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts

George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#297 Sep 20 2008 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
2,793 posts
MithraDooom wrote:
I don't know my Star Trek, but reading that, it didn't sound like they said "there is no god"; just that "Picard is not god".

During the episode Picard tells the guy his people used to believe in such things to. Multiple instances of that sorta thing in the various spin offs. Deep space nine had an episode where some people were angry that the federation schools were telling their children that "the prophets" (basically their deities, but thats what they were called) were "worm hole aliens". Voyager has an episode where SevenOfNine asks Janeway why her holodeck program has Christian symbolism in it and the conversation implies few if any are part of any religion in their time period.

I suppose I've been coming off anti religion or atheist in my posts here. I'm actually not I just refuse to take the thread seriously - the last thing anyone wants to hear about in a video game is "worship". Religion and politics = bad LS chat topics, let alone forum threads. And thats true no matter what your personal beliefs are.

The chance to pop a Kirk quote was to much though. And I'm surprised nobody else noticed how atheist star trek humans got by the generations series.

People are taking this thread way to seriously, arguing over what they think people should believe. Nobody is changing anybodies mind here. Its not going to happen. So why do people persist in continuing to argue with each other?

I have beliefs and I feel zero need to share them here in this thread.

#298 Sep 20 2008 at 4:20 PM Rating: Default
2,726 posts
Thanks for clearing that up. Like I said, I don't know Star Trek, so I was a bit confused.

As for debates like this? Some people feel superior as a result of them, some seek a form of self-validation for their own beliefs, others are just evangelical. Personally, when people have set beliefs, I find them boring.
#299 Sep 20 2008 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good

Couldn't there just be an infinite (oh right, infinite is taboo) a very large number number of gods by now, because we've assumed it's possible? Why just the one? Why can't matter gain this ability, since you're allowing the fact that whatever a god is to do this?

I think the question of where did we come from is a problem for both theists AND atheists, theists just like to explain away the unknown with a labeled unknown like god.

you'd have to boil down to one god anyways, to create the whole shebang, or you'd be incoherent because of the problem that you can't have independent beings without a medium greater for them to all exist in. Like we as separate humans can be such cause we exist in the universe, which we didn't create and predates us. If you bump it up to god level it gets worse, because having equal omnipotent gods would need a medium for them to exist that predate them and wasn't made by them.

It's not one sided, it affects religion as much as not. That's why polytheistic religions now are rare.

Yeah I hear all of this..

You see you missed my point.
Problem isn't that I am questioning the existence of god. Religion and the possible existence god are different arguments. In fact each individual religion is a similar but separate argument. Its easy to make an argument that the possibility of a GOD is real however.

I am pointing out that the people who think they can become immortal by finding ancient memories using pills that cost tons of money are @#%^ing nuts.

God and faith based religion are not closely related they are not related at all.

Proving that their might be a god by examining the universe is all fine and dandy. Extrapolating that the devil is on mars IS @#%^ING RETARDED.

Oh no, i didnt mean to imply you were doing so, just that people don't need smokescreens or anything. The specific practices of any religion can trend to the nuts as well as the sublime, even in something as established as christianity.

So what if people don't like having their beliefs challenged? They rightly should be, no matter what you believe.

Also, thorazinekizzez has a good point. Religions such as say christianity, start with the assumption that a god exists and that you already believe that to be true. If you don't believe me, read the first line of the bible.

well part of the reaction in this thread is that no one likes having them challenged when they aren't looking for it. That's why ministries like this will always fail, things like this are really best suited for friendly bull sessions. The net can be hideous in the extreme otherwise.

The chance to pop a Kirk quote was to much though. And I'm surprised nobody else noticed how atheist star trek humans got by the generations series.

People are taking this thread way to seriously, arguing over what they think people should believe. Nobody is changing anybodies mind here. Its not going to happen. So why do people persist in continuing to argue with each other?

I have beliefs and I feel zero need to share them here in this thread.

What i think people really need to get over is the stigma that talking about religion is something to get angry over, will always be a shouting match or an argument. So what if no one changes their belief, its not harmful just to talk and see others points of view.

Not talking really leads to demonization and the perpetuation of stereotypes.
#300 Sep 20 2008 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
2,726 posts
The Neispace of Doom wrote:
What i think people really need to get over is the stigma that talking about religion is something to get angry over, will always be a shouting match or an argument. So what if no one changes their belief, its not harmful just to talk and see others points of view.

Not talking really leads to demonization and the perpetuation of stereotypes.

Absolutely. I don't think most people will set out to change other people's views; more that they want to gain further understanding. And it's important to compare your own beliefs to others, so you can understand your own beliefs better - after all, we label and understand things largely through processes of comparison.
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