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#252 Sep 20 2008 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
thorazinekizzez wrote:
No true religion can be based on faith.
I think faith is the whole point of a religion. Without faith, there is no religion.
#253 Sep 20 2008 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
568 posts
thorazinekizzez wrote:
Because its observable
If you work with animals if you study how organisms work you SEE IT FOR YOUR SELF. Zero Faith required. ANYONE who has done any kind of work with animals for any amount of time. Breading new types of dogs.

You cannot see what happened eons ago, witnessing exactly how a one-celled organism eventually evolves into a man.

And not to go beyond the scope of a single thread in a video-game forum, while there is evidence to support variety within a certain category of animals, there is no evidence to support that one kingdom of organisms can produce another.

thorazinekizzez wrote:
Do you have a pet dog?
You have witnessed Evolution for yourself.

Do you have a pet cat? Congratulations, you have witnessed creation.

thorazinekizzez wrote:
However the connection between ALL, not some, ALL known religions is that they have absolutely ZERO to do with the real god if it exists.

And you personally have studied and verified that each and every religion on the face of the earth has it wrong?
#254 Sep 20 2008 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
Lady Jella wrote:
thorazinekizzez wrote:
No true religion can be based on faith.
I think faith is the whole point of a religion. Without faith, there is no religion.

That is a HUGE problem with religion. Massive problem with religion.

All faith based religions have the serious flaw that they have no true connection with god. If god ever showed up all religions would collapse. Wouldn't you rather not take a stance on something until you knew the facts rather than jump in head first and look like a fool in the end?

Common sense says faith is the absolute flaw with religion.
#255 Sep 20 2008 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
enigmaticcam wrote:

You cannot see what happened eons ago, witnessing exactly how a one-celled organism eventually evolves into a man.

Nothing can help you my friend if the wolf becoming a poodle took an eon.

enigmaticcam wrote:

And not to go beyond the scope of a single thread in a video-game forum, while there is evidence to support variety within a certain category of animals, there is no evidence to support that one kingdom of organisms can produce another.

Do you have a pet cat? Congratulations, you have witnessed creation.

This is also false. You should do some research to discover what it is that evolution discusses. All of this stuff is covered explained and observed. Sadly if you are christian, however you might want to look passed the idea that the world is only 6 thousand years old or so.

enigmaticcam wrote:

And you personally have studied and verified that each and every religion on the face of the earth has it wrong?

Well there might be a few I have yet to learn about.
Quite a few of them are rather new as well and involve space ships, aliens, and becoming immortal! its fun stuff. One of them has a giant floating spagheti monster.

I suppose your argument then would be to interject that "But all of those religions are stupid, but Christianity is just peachy what with all of its fundamental problems that we have grown to see passed like how the bible was re-translated dozens of times and changed too.."

Also what the hell are you questioning me?
Your the one who thinks that evolution is baseless.

You think cats simply blinked into existence and you question ME?

edit: Also I would like to mention. ALL the while we sit here talking about this... The bottom line is that nobody knows if god exists. What I can tell you is that nothing we say brings us closer to finding a god or proving anything. It is essentially a waste of time because because right now as it stands my opinion is just as valid as the popes.

Something is wrong with this if I can tell the pope what I believe lol..
/holds head in shame... Humans are so much like animals yet still...

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 1:15pm by thorazinekizzez
#256 Sep 20 2008 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
636 posts
So, you're basically saying you have faith because the alternative really seems very unattractive to you? This, people, is what is called an inconvenient truth.

So you believe in fairy tales because you can't stand the idea that you're just a normal creature like any other, and not a special divine soul who is very, very important?

Let's separate "Faith" from "Religious Faith".

I think I made the point that people have Faith outside of Religion.
If not, and you really don't "Love" anyone outside of acknowledging that cultural norms and your hormones are telling you to mate, then I apologize.

My comments aren't dependent on an end result, or Al Gore. Afterlife, no afterlife, it means the same thing. Either you believe that we're more than the sum of our individual molecular structures, or you don't.

Do our brains tell us the Truth? Or do they filter the truth?
Check out Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor's speech about having a stroke Here.

Humans are predisposed in every way perceptually, including the desire for Spirituality. If you're going to knock Religion as "Fairy Tales", then you have to acknowledge that everything else - Love, Politics, Success, Family - are "Fairy Tales" too.

I won't live like that, and I won't close off the possibility of things beyond my ken, as intangible and elusive as they may be.

There is absolutely no evidence of an afterlife.

Well, you have the advantage, because Grandma has never sent me a postcard from the other side.
The closest thing would be NDE's, and none to date have passed muster.
One or two recent cases, supposedly occurring while the person's brain was inactive, caused a lot of stir (Because one cannot hallucinate if one is "Brain Dead"). However, as one scientist put it, they could not have happened as stated because the whole of science would have to be rewritten.

By the way, have you ever really thought about how ridiculous eternity sounds? So you enjoy the first 100 years, what about the next 1,000 years? What about the next million years? What about the next trillion years? Then after the first trillion years, you realize you've only spent an infinitesimally small fraction of time of eternity, and you have trillions upon trillions of further years to go.

I used to hate contemplating this, especially when I was little. I honestly don't know which is more frightening - THE END, or NO END.

But, at least to hear people who've experienced an NDE in some form, the perception of time changes. Rather than a linear view of time, which is how we see it, there is only Eternity. Like being stuck in the moment.
In other words, the concept of "millions of years" won't exist.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 12:16pm by Turnerbrown
#257 Sep 20 2008 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
568 posts
thorazinekizzez wrote:
Nothing can help you my friend if the wolf becoming a poodle took an eon.

Exactly my point

thorazinekizzez wrote:
This is also false. You should do some research to discover what it is that evolution discusses. All of this stuff is covered explained and observed. Sadly if you are christian, however you might want to look passed the idea that the world is only 6 thousand years old or so.

Oh, I've done my research. But like I said, I don't want to go into a lengthy discussion on the specifics of why I disagree with this.

Oh, btw. I'm a christian who actually reads his bible, so no, I do not believe the universe was created some 6,000 years ago.

thorazinekizzez wrote:
Well there might be a few I have yet to learn about.
Quite a few of them are rather new as well and involve space ships, aliens, and becoming immortal! its fun stuff. One of them has a giant floating spagheti monster.

You must've missed something in that process of study then. Like perhaps, biblical prophecy?

thorazinekizzez wrote:
I suppose your argument then would be to interject that "But all of those religions are stupid, but Christianity is just peachy what with all of its fundamental problems that we have grown to see passed like how the bible was re-translated dozens of times and changed too.."

Um, no not really. But if you want to put words into my mouth, I certainly can't stop you.

thorazinekizzez wrote:
Also what the hell are you questioning me?
Your the one who thinks that evolution is baseless.

I've done my research. Have you?

thorazinekizzez wrote:
You think cats simply blinked into existence and you question ME?

lol, the irony behind this statement is staggering.
#258 Sep 20 2008 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
Let's separate "Faith" from "Religious Faith".

Why do this?
Its exactly the same thing.

fairy tales yeah.
This is how magic works as well believe it or not.

If you believe that someone has cast a spell that makes you more sociable hard enough the end result is that you actually make yourself out to be more sociable.

Human mind is a tricky thing.

However nothing can remove the fact that all known bibles were written by a person. How do you argue against that?
#259 Sep 20 2008 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
4,511 posts

Can we continue with our game now?

This is a gaming forum after all, and people come here for their fun. It's enough that we want to escape the anoyances in life by playing games every now and then. Why do you have to lecture us on stuff we are trying not to deal with even in our fantasy worlds?
#260 Sep 20 2008 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
Exactly my point

Your point is not very compeling.
Where as I just completely debased religion based on the idea that while there might be a god there is no connection between all existing religions.

Ok so lets play your game.
If the cat did in fact blink into existance.

How does that help you as a christian?

The muslam god could have blinked the cat into existance.

However your religion conflicts with all other known religions.

The concept of there being a god is fine.
It all falls apart like butterfly wings the second a human touches it.

"We think the cat blinked into existence."
That doesn't make your christian religion right. In fact it causes tons of problems to help your argument. Now you have to come up with a reason why YOUR GOD did it and just like that. Your argument becomes hilarious. lol..

You see the problem with religious debates.
People don't take each religions apart individually where it would be like shooting ducks in a barrel. Rather what you see most people do is they say things like "there is no god." Or there is nothing to support the idea of an after life.

Problem with that is the answer is much more simple.
You have clowns who talk and talk blindly however they base the idea that proving that the idea of a god is possible does something to say that means there is a 1% chance that their own religion is somehow related. virtually nothing to say that each individual religion has any true connection.

SO you believe the cat has been blinked into existence.
Under what god?

You can come up with a compelling argument that there is a god. You cannot connect ANY of it with your religion in a way that couldn't also be used to prove any other religion.

edit: So now that we took the debate a step further I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE! JUST LOVE! To see how god is connected with your own religion and not any other. And none of this "All paths lead to god crap" you know that's a coup out. Anyone with a brain knows either every religion is false or only one of them is true.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 1:38pm by thorazinekizzez
#261 Sep 20 2008 at 9:38 AM Rating: Excellent
There is no room to talk about RL religion in a game where you can summon your very own mini-Lucifer and make it attack a goblin.

The whole idea is a giant contradiction.
#262 Sep 20 2008 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good

See how easy that was? Now shut up, crawl back into your hole, and stop infecting my government and public school system with your drivel.
#263 Sep 20 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
568 posts
thorazinekizzez wrote:
SO you believe the cat has been blinked into existence.

The cat DID blink into existence, whether by means of a god who created it, or by random chance from organic materials that can be traced down to a cosmic explosion from which they were blinked into existence. That's why I thought your comment was ironic.

And the rest of your post is ridiculous. I don't even know what you're trying to say. Each religion should be put to the test against itself; I don't see how the existence of religious conflict proves anything.
#264 Sep 20 2008 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
enigmaticcam wrote:
thorazinekizzez wrote:
SO you believe the cat has been blinked into existence.

The cat DID blink into existence, whether by means of a god who created it, or by random chance from organic materials that can be traced down to a cosmic explosion from which they were blinked into existence. That's why I thought your comment was ironic.

And the rest of your post is ridiculous. I don't even know what you're trying to say. Each religion should be put to the test against itself; I don't see how the existence of religious conflict proves anything.


So yeah the big bang is now how the cat happened right?

Well I am not arguing against that lol.

I just love how you ran out of puff though.
Oh so the cat thing doesn't help your christian religion? Oh so sorry.
Cmon now say it I want you to say it.

The muslum god is just as likely to have created the cat and you have been following the wrong god! Ooohhhh so sorry you are going to hell!

You don't get your 60 virgins.

Basically what I am saying is that the argument if there is a god is not the same argument as If X religion is related to god.

Its easy to make a compeling argument that we are all here. Any fool can do that.

The meat and potatoes is proving the connection between each individual religion. Otherwise its all just a bunch of faith based garbage.. WHAT GOOD IS A RELIGION THAT HAS NO TRUE CONNECTION WITH GOD!!??

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 1:49pm by thorazinekizzez
#265 Sep 20 2008 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
The muslum god is just as likely to have created the cat and you have been following the wrong god! Ooohhhh so sorry you are going to hell!

Ironically, the muslims, jews, and christians all worship the same god. They just can't stop killing each other over which group he likes more.
#266 Sep 20 2008 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
568 posts
Kerberoz wrote:

Archaeopteryx is no longer viewed by many as a link between reptile and bird. Its fossilized remains reveal perfectly formed feathers on aerodynamically designed wings capable of flight. Its wing and leg bones were thin and hollow. Its supposed reptilian features are found in birds today. And it does not predate birds, because fossils of other birds have been found in rocks of the same period.
#267 Sep 20 2008 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
2,890 posts
Kerberoz wrote:
The muslum god is just as likely to have created the cat and you have been following the wrong god! Ooohhhh so sorry you are going to hell!

Ironically, the muslims, jews, and christians all worship the same god. They just can't stop killing each other over which group he likes more.

And what is up with that too?

And then people question why you would see so many atheists.
"You mean I don't have to kill people AND I can only follow observable evidence?"

Ah I am done with this debate. I think I said my piece.

Needed to get that off my chest though... been awhile since I did this.

Archaeopteryx is no longer viewed by many as a link between reptile and bird. Its fossilized remains reveal perfectly formed feathers on aerodynamically designed wings capable of flight. Its wing and leg bones were thin and hollow. Its supposed reptilian features are found in birds today. And it does not predate birds, because fossils of other birds have been found in rocks of the same period.

Are you using this as a means to show how Christianity has a chance to be true?
So whats your point your religion has nothing to do with this.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 1:57pm by thorazinekizzez
#268 Sep 20 2008 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
1,745 posts
It is wrong to have high Faith? Just by being "Preach"ed to we all gained +4 faith. Sure if you have too much faith you may have your character leave you and join a religious cause, but it lets you deal more damage with magic!

Sarcasm aside, (inserting soapbox, read the continuing argument at your own risk) if I see preaching in my MMO and it isn't for humor, they are blacklisted immediately. There is a time and a place for such activities, and if they invade a place they do not belong, it hurts their cause by inducing anger towards their purpose. This is a social norm; in other societies it may be accepted, but in internet culture, it's a taboo. If you bring up politics or religion in a website not dealing with it, you can expect a barrage of sarcastic insults from both sides of the issue. There are a few people who will listen to your message, but they are probably already members of your choir.

My thoughts are very simple: religion is an opinion. They can be neither right nor wrong. Actions of religious groups can be punished by act of law or shamed by the norms of society, but the faith of the religion can not be judged.

My only problem with religions is when they try to state that my religious opinion is wrong and they are right. I understand that any religion lives for as long as they are people who have it. Since a human lives for a limited time, they try to convince others that the religion is right to perpetuate the religion beyond their lifetime. The ball will keep rolling as long as they are people who push it. I get that idea, but I also believe if there is a good religion, it will live even if people do not actively attempt to push it. People will naturally push it along as they live their lives. Some people will join and some will fall off, but it will move naturally. There is no need to speed up the ball and trample people.
#269 Sep 20 2008 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
My thoughts are very simple: religion is an opinion. They can be neither right nor wrong. Actions of religious groups can be punished by act of law or shamed by the norms of society, but the faith of the religion can not be judged.

My thoughts are very simple: flat-earth theory is an opinion. It can be neither right nor wrong. Actions of flat-earth theory groups can be punished by act of law or shamed by the norms of society, but the faith of the flat-earth theory can not be judged.

My thoughts are very simple: the benefits of human sacrifice are an opinion. They can be neither right nor wrong. Actions of human-sacrificing groups can be punished by act of law or shamed by the norms of society, but the faith of the human sacrificers can not be judged.

My thoughts are very simple: pedophilia is an opinion. They can be neither right nor wrong. Actions of pedophile groups can be punished by act of law or shamed by the norms of society, but the lust of the pedophiles can not be judged.

My thoughts are very simple: furry-ness is an opinion. They can be neither right nor wrong. Actions of furry groups can be punished by act of law or shamed by the norms of society, but the beliefs of the furries can not be judged.

alla censors pedo? wtf? lol

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 2:14pm by Kerberoz
#270 Sep 20 2008 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
My goodness, I haven't checked back in a while. This thread is still going on and on about one little post made my the OP? It is one little post about Christianity, get over it and get back to discussing AV or whatever the current FFXI related hot button is. If you really want to talk(argue) about religion and the like, go to the OOT or Asylum.
#271 Sep 20 2008 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
very last post

The problem is that too many people use too many forms of smokescreens when discussing X religion.

If one person mentions Christianity then he is hit with something stupid like "There is no god"..

No no no

Ok look people anyone with half a brain read what I am saying. This is how you deal with religious people.

Except that nobody knows if there is or isn't a god. This is just going to be something you have to deal with.

Nobody knows if there is a god however there is plenty of religious people who hide behind this. They almost ALWAYS never mention WHAT religion they are a part of. That is because that is their weakness. Its not important to bring up what religion you are trying to say is true. They bring up a huge smoke screen argument that evolution is false and that there is so much evidence that there is a god ect ect.

As long as they can keep things vague, even though they are not afraid to mention specifics about Atheism or science to bolster their arguments. Using this tactic the argument can continue on forever because they never have to actually do anything but disagree with you and speak blindly.

You HAVE to force them out of this argumentative smokescreen. If you are arguing that your religion is not false then you have to say what religion you are speaking for. ( This causes them to have to stop using the tired old smokescreen. )

"Yeah we all know that there is reason why we are here but what does that have to do with you or your religion?"

And there you go..
Not one religious person here is going to be able to come up with an answer for that. Some might try..

Even if evolution, since it is used as an argumentative smokescreen of sorts, IS false the entire point of the argument as a whole, AT ITS VERY CORE, is silly because it is being used as leverage to explain how moses parted the sea or that means a god would obviously be too stupid to do a combination of evolution and creationism because gods are simple minded people with very little standing to get anything done.

Otherwise they wouldn't be talking at all.

These debates go on and on for a long time.
The trick is to avoid the smokescreens. Remember at the heart of every religious debate is a bunch of varying and specific religions with agenda's just like any other organization.

If people were forced to say
"Christianity is true and Mormans are wrong because..."
"Mormans are right and Athiests are wrong because..."

While normally all that happens is they say that all you have to do is prove that there is evidence to support the idea A god exists so automatically that means their own religion has something to base itself on. It the basic principle of why they say what they say at all.

Using smokescreens to make an argument go on and on forever is pretty much evil in my mind. Force people to stop hiding behind them and these debates end rather fast.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 2:39pm by thorazinekizzez

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 2:50pm by thorazinekizzez

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 2:51pm by thorazinekizzez
#272 Sep 20 2008 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
My goodness, I haven't checked back in a while. This thread is still going on and on about one little post made my the OP? It is one little post about Christianity, get over it and get back to discussing AV or whatever the current FFXI related hot button is.

Yes, yes, we're all very ashamed of ourselves for our audacity, but I'm afraid the barn door is open and the horse is, I'll get him for you.
Smiley: deadhorse

There is absolutely no mystery to this thread. It's religion, if you bring it up in mixed company this is what you get.
As for why it's still going: some of us, like me, are exhausted by American God-bombardment in a country that's supposedly following a doctrine of religious freedom and tolerance, and an opportunity to offer rebuttals to it is pretty welcome. This is no small thing, as 'fundamentalism' has a very real ideological agenda in America and a few of us are damn tired of it. It's a frigging personal matter. In this context, yes, that's fine: but then I haven't seen many posts attacking the OP.

They've put this brand together, not the rest of us, who'd be happy enough to ignore it peacefully: it is very true that there are a great many Christians who only want to get together and share beliefs, and this is almost certainly the case with the OP. We're not debating the OP. We're tired of being talked down to by people who brought the topic up themselves, and then attempt to claim moral superiority and intellectual untouchability on the basis of an unprovable belief.
Preaching to me in FFXI is not FFXI related either. Therefore, I'd prefer that it doesn't happen. I'm entitled to that opinion just as the OP is entitled to do whatever he likes as well.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 2:02pm by Sioux
#273 Sep 20 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good

If people were forced to say
"Christianity is true and Mormans are wrong because..."
"Mormans are right and Athiests are wrong because..."

They do say that, actually. It's called apologetics, which is a subset of religious behavior about defending ones faith. A religious person could easily make statements against both, like mormons are wrong and christianity is right because geological evidence contradicts the former's claim of a pre-americas civilization as told in the book or mormon, but tends to bolster or at least not overturn the claims of christianity.

Mormons could say atheists are wrong because experience tends to show that all events are part of a causal chain that doesn't stretch back into infinity, and these chains tend to have a root, unique cause. They could say that the universe more or less spontaneously coming into existence ex nihlio is as about as improbable as a God existing. I'm not sure what specific arguments mormons would use, but most religions have some form of apologetic arm to deal with this.

Its probably more that most believers aren't trained either in formal argument or apologetics, which is why you are bothered with smokescreens. To be fair just about any complex topic has to deal with that, because most lay people are often overwhelmed by the complexity of expert thought. It's a lot of effort to make a coherent model of any of our beliefs and defend it against unexpected questions.

To kerb: trying to counter that line of moral relativism is going to be the challenge of the future, now since we don't have religion or natural law. The gut reaction is that it's absurd, but good luck with the theory behind it.

#274 Sep 20 2008 at 11:34 AM Rating: Default
568 posts
thorazinekizzez wrote:
Are you using this as a means to show how Christianity has a chance to be true?

Nope, but since that seems to be the thing you want to construe all my posts as saying, I'm not bothering to respond to you anymore.
#275 Sep 20 2008 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
enigmaticcam wrote:
thorazinekizzez wrote:
Are you using this as a means to show how Christianity has a chance to be true?

Nope, but since that seems to be the thing you want to construe all my posts as saying, I'm not bothering to respond to you anymore.

Then what were you saying.
Keep it simple and free of smokescreen

thanks in advance.

Oh crap I just realized that this was another smokescreen attempt. Yeah he never said exactly what I said above. I never necessarily said it was HIM who said that anyway.

I was using an example but he extrapolated off some random thing on my post to make me respond to him. Like he Zinged me.

You have nothing to say admit it or "Stop responding"

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 3:59pm by thorazinekizzez
#276 Sep 20 2008 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
The Neispace of Doom wrote:
Mormons could say atheists are wrong because experience tends to show that all events are part of a causal chain that doesn't stretch back into infinity, and these chains tend to have a root, unique cause. They could say that the universe more or less spontaneously coming into existence ex nihlio is as about as improbable as a God existing. I'm not sure what specific arguments mormons would use, but most religions have some form of apologetic arm to deal with this.

Which doesn't really explain away the fact that there could have been another universe before ours which collapsed into a singularity. Or that our universe is one of millions that was created spontaneously in a lab from another dimension (I'm not joking). Suffice to say, we don't know what happened before the big bang. We may never, but a lack of explanation doesn't prove it WAS a god.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 3:11pm by bsphil
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
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