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#227 Sep 19 2008 at 9:12 PM Rating: Excellent
TheBarrister wrote:
bsphil wrote:
And yes, that's important because again, there is absolutely no evidence of an afterlife.

I guess that entirely depends upon your willingness to accept evidence.
"Data" is not the plural of "anecdote".
#228 Sep 19 2008 at 9:28 PM Rating: Good
catwho wrote:
Nobody likes being told they're going to hell. At UGA, we have the Tate Center Preachers who come and tell us just that.

You go to UGA, Catwho?!?

side note: we got those guys @GT too, I find it more humorous than offensive, the ones you have to worry about are the church headhunters that come up to you while you're trying to take a nap or get some last minute reading in and try to start a nonchalant conversation with you, _then_ like 5-10 minutes in start laying the rap on you and you're like "omg why won't he/she shut up", but you're too polite to tell him/her to **** off and you can't make an excuse to leave b/c they already found out how much time you have to spare at the start of the conversation. >_<

(this happened to me like 3-5 times a term, I eventually had to switch to more secluded places to nap)
#229 Sep 19 2008 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Universal Truth is a lot like Friendly Fire.

It isn't.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#230 Sep 19 2008 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
But I was accepted to GA Tech. And I've been to Momocon a few times :3 (I opted for UGA because my dad was a Bulldawgs fan, and, well. Yeah.)

Edit: Should clarify, I'm an alumnus and have been for six years.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 1:29am by catwho
#231 Sep 19 2008 at 9:42 PM Rating: Good
lolgaxe wrote:
Universal Truth is a lot like Friendly Fire.

It isn't.

It's amusing that nearly everyone refers to their own belief set, whatever it may be, as "Truth". You never really hear anyone going around going "Well personally, and this is a load of baseless crap, but what I think is..."

The Atheist, the Scientologist, the Christian, the Muslim, the Wiccan, the Jainist, the Jew, and the Hinduist all believe in the "Truth". They just believe in different Truths, each of which insist that all other "Truths" are *********

This was on the front page of Wikipedia and seems especially relevant:
#232 Sep 19 2008 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
Mikhalia wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
Universal Truth is a lot like Friendly Fire.

It isn't.

It's amusing that nearly everyone refers to their own belief set, whatever it may be, as "Truth". You never really hear anyone going around going "Well personally, and this is a load of baseless crap, but what I think is..."

The Atheist, the Scientologist, the Christian, the Muslim, the Wiccan, the Jainist, the Jew, and the Hinduist all believe in the "Truth". They just believe in different Truths, each of which insist that all other "Truths" are bullsh*t.

This was on the front page of Wikipedia and seems especially relevant:

Religious truth has pretty much nothing to do with truth, and scientific truth has little to do with absolute truth.

By the way, yes, I know it's pretty much impossible to find any real or scientific or whatever truth. I'm trying to avoid words like "theories" because people love to jump all over that term and go "SEE? Science is just theories and really no more valid than my religion" which is a crock of *********

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 12:56am by bsphil
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#233 Sep 19 2008 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
blastfurnace wrote:

So um, why do you care what my beliefs are? If mine are right...when we die, I'll go to heaven and live all happy like forever in eternal bliss. If you're right...death is the you want me to look forward to the end of all things? Thanks for nothing.

See: Pascal's Wager

Catwho wrote:
And I've been to Momocon a few times :3

I never actually went to momocon before I graduated, despite being roommates one year with one of the man planners of it (technically the BF of one of the main planners but w/e). I never understood why they always held it spring break week when nobody was there. :/
#234 Sep 19 2008 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
505 posts
MrSenethSomed wrote:

Got any opinion on the Bible verses I dug up for you?

You didn't dig them up for me but I do have some opinions on them.
1: Song of Solomon is a much better passage than any of those IMHO. It's all about a King that has "relations" with a large breasted, black slave. The slave girl goes on and on about how great it is to "be" with the king, but she is kind of sad because the King, nor any other male wants her sister. Seems her sister has itty-bitty ******** Only problem with quoting this story to basically make fun of Christians is that it's in the Old Testament. It has nothing to do with Jesus.

2: And this is the point. Four of the six passages you quoted are from the Old Testament. Jesus doesn't appear until the New Testament. You could use those passages against Judaism, but not Christianity. Bible is a contraction of Bibliography. It is a book of books. Not all of those books are about Jesus.

I'm not arguing for or against Christianity, but if you're going to use quoting the Bible as a weapon, at least quote relevant passages.
Never regret.To regret is to assume.
#235 Sep 19 2008 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Can't believe I read through 5 pages without stumbling across a single philosophical argument for either side that would be found in a remedial freshman philosophy text until the very last post. . . and its probably the weakest that either side could possibly site. Edit: speaking of the post two posts up now. Spent too long typing this I reckon.

A bunch of silly analogies, a ton of claims to truth, and quite a few improbable scenerios. . . but its all just your opinion (both sides) because nobody has even called upon the most rudimentory points that philosophers and theologians use when defending their positions.

Instead of repeating what is just your opinion for the 14th different time (with a fresh analogy of course), why not pick up a book that enhances your way of thinking? Then maybe pick one up that challenges it? Some of the assertions made in this thread aren't just opinions. They are totally baseless. The value of life currently being reduced by belief in life later? I haven't run across a professor in my 11 years of graduate study that would champion that cause. Likewise, motivation for good deeds most certainly plays a role in how benevolent that act is (assuming that we are free moral agents and have such a thing as choice to begin with).

You want a universal truth? Here it is: Nobody has ever, is currently, or will ever change their mind about something as foundational to one's self as the idea of God as a result of something they read on a messageboard dedicated to a video game. So instead of beating our heads against the wall to try and 'prove the other guy wrong', why not pick up a book or search out a group that will enrich and challenge us?

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 2:51am by BarberofSeville

Edit 2: Not fixing spelling because its too late.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 3:16am by BarberofSeville
#236 Sep 19 2008 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
BarberofSeville wrote:
You want a universal truth? Here it is: Nobody has ever, is currently, or will ever change their mind about something as foundational to one's self as the idea of God as a result of something they read on a messageboard dedicated to a video game


I think you missed the boredom part.
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#237 Sep 19 2008 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
372 posts
I understand where you're coming from, CoalHeart. (I like the Psalms and the Song of Solomon, though obviously I don't agree with the underlying theology.) However, it's not quite as simple as the OT being obsolete. Christ did say in one of the gospels that he was "bringing a new law," but the OT is kept as part of the bible for a reason.

Part of it was to maintain the prophecies that supposedly foretold Christ's coming. A larger part was that Christianity has always considered itself the true follow-up to Judaism, so to speak. The books of Genesis and Exodus in particular are still considered very important to Christianity. Can you honestly say that the story of Adam and Eve or the story of Moses aren't integral parts of the Christian belief?

Then we come to Leviticus, and the reason I'm not really satisfied with "what people believe doesn't matter" style arguments. Modern Christian leaders still use the injunctions in Leviticus as justification for their prejudice against homosexuals. They also use lines from the OT to justify ordering people not to **********, a perfectly healthy and natural thing to do. The story of Noah's children has been used to justify any number of atrocities committed against black people. Many OT verses are used as justification for misogyny, though a lot of Paul's NT stuff is worse in that regard. And so on...

Sorry, but religion is not simply a matter of people's personal beliefs they keep to themselves. If that was the case I'd have no problem with Christianity, other than the fact that it's all pretty ridiculous. Christianity is used as a justification for all sorts of bigotry. It's been used to justify brutal wars of aggression. It's worst tenets are still influential in the running of several world governments, including the US. Hateful bastards like Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell have the President's ear whenever they wish. In short, it affects me and the people I care about.

While the loudest Christian preachers spend more time yelling about verses from Leviticus than about the Beatitudes, the OT is very much a part of Christian theology.

If you're a Christian who actually follows the words of Christ, loves your neighbor, and tries to do good in the world, good for you. Frankly though, you're not doing a hell of a lot the quiet the bigots and haters in your ranks. If you won't shout them down, I will, because those bastards certainly aren't going to stop working against me.

A couple more notes: Yes, lots of religions are just as bad, if not worse. Islam is the prime culprit here, and it's worse than Christianity in nearly every way I've noted here. Luckily for me, they have no power in my government, so there's no concern about lessening their influence over my life. Hinduism promotes horrifying caste-based bigotry, though to its credit the Indian government has done a lot to try to squash that out.

Also, this post only covers the immediate effects Christianity has over the way our society is run. I also happen to think that encouraging people to believe patently untrue nonsense from the cradle to the grave leads to a less rational society in general. People aren't being taught to think critically, they're being taught to just believe whatever an authority figure tells you to believe, and it seems to me the last several years of American history show just how dangerous it is when the population is encouraged to swallow any bullsh*t that's crapped out from on high.

If the US was 80% Jain that would be much less of a problem.

EDIT: Just for the record, yes, I'm bored. My prayers for G-d to send me bar money went unanswered yet again.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 2:28am by MrSenethSomed
#238 Sep 19 2008 at 11:41 PM Rating: Good
372 posts
I told you. I'm bored.

Pascal's wager is a bunch of crap. It assumes that the only two options are 1) Christian god exists and he enjoys tossing people into hell, or 2) no gods exist and we're just worm food after we die.

But! What if God exists, and he really hates it when people believe in him? What if he only tosses devout Christians into hell? What if God is a she and the only criteria for heaven or hell is the way you treat women? What if the Greek gods are real, and they're pissed that we haven't been keeping up with the goat sacrifices?

Pascal's wager has been indirectly true at certain times and places, in that your best bet for avoiding getting your head on a pike or being burned alive was to claim belief in whatever the King bloody well told you to believe, but it's not a theological argument at that point.
#239 Sep 19 2008 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
50,767 posts
MrSenethSomed wrote:
People aren't being taught to think critically, they're being taught to just believe whatever an authority figure tells you to believe, and it seems to me the last several years of American history show just how dangerous it is when the population is encouraged to swallow any bullsh*t that's crapped out from on high.
If by last several you mean about 600 years, then yeah. But that's only American history. You can go back millions of years and pick any country/society if you want and you'll come to the same conclusion. People follow unquestioningly: Bad shit happens.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#240 Sep 20 2008 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
MrSenethSomed wrote:
I told you. I'm bored.

Pascal's wager is a bunch of crap. It assumes that the only two options are 1) Christian god exists and he enjoys tossing people into hell, or 2) no gods exist and we're just worm food after we die.

But! What if God exists, and he really hates it when people believe in him? What if he only tosses devout Christians into hell? What if God is a she and the only criteria for heaven or hell is the way you treat women? What if the Greek gods are real, and they're pissed that we haven't been keeping up with the goat sacrifices?

Pascal's wager has been indirectly true at certain times and places, in that your best bet for avoiding getting your head on a pike or being burned alive was to claim belief in whatever the King bloody well told you to believe, but it's not a theological argument at that point.

Or it might be like Berserk where god is just evil, which is why life is such a pile of sh*t.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 4:19am by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#241 Sep 20 2008 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
565 posts
Honestly, posturing and ad hominem arguments aside, didn't one of the Admins make a post a few weeks ago pointing out that we're all human, there are things beyond the game that we sometimes want to discuss...and that there are two perfectly appropriate forums here on Alla for doing so?

This thread could easily be moved into OoT by an Admin, and can just as easily have a pointer post left in its stead to allow people to easily track it down.

Though half the posts seem better suited to The Asylum. But that's another discussion entirely.

*Minor edit for Catwho: "Swiiiiirliiiieeees..."*

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 1:49am by Greenray
#242 Sep 20 2008 at 2:19 AM Rating: Good
179 posts
i ran into these guys during LotRo beta. while im sure some are okeedoke hunky dorey ppl, some of them are the hellfire brimstone go to church or go to hell kinda cowans which we all must dread and avoid.

proselytizing is a horrible activity, especially in a game where there are young easily influenced people
#243 Sep 20 2008 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
2,499 posts
bsphil wrote:
But you wouldn't live any differently at all if it was suddenly known by whatever means that there is absolutely no afterlife? Would you feel any different? Just a hypothetical situation.

The most common response I get from people is "well I'd just kill myself", which indicates to me that this life is only a waiting room so to speak for the real life which is the afterlife.

This just contradicts everything that you've been saying. For a while now you've been saying that people who believe in an afterlife probably have some deep seeded fear of death and refuse to acknowledge their mortality, but then go on to say the most common response you receive is "well I'd just kill myself"? Why the hell would someone kill themselves if they are as afraid of death as you claim them to be?

I'm a Christian and I don't dwell on the afterlife at all. While I do feel like it exists, I don't let my beliefs control my actions. If I decide to help someone it's because my gut instinct tells me its the right thing to do, not because "oh man, this might get me a better chance to get into heaven!!". Any real Christian knows that you do the right thing because, it's just that....the right thing. You don't do things just because you hope to find eternal bliss in the afterlife.
#244 Sep 20 2008 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
568 posts
bsphil wrote:
By the way, yes, I know it's pretty much impossible to find any real or scientific or whatever truth. I'm trying to avoid words like "theories" because people love to jump all over that term and go "SEE? Science is just theories and really no more valid than my religion" which is a crock of bullsh*t.

What's funny about this is the fact that the theories of evolution and big bang take great leaps of faith (yes, faith) to explain away giant gaping holes in their theories of how life and the universe got here. They aren't any more of a "theory" than religion.
#245 Sep 20 2008 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
damn I was hoping my rate down would sub default the thread.

tired of all these people high and mighty think their own religion has anything to do with the real god. Plenty of evidence to support the idea that their might be a god however so many people actually think that they follow a religion that has anything to do with god.

Nobody even knows for sure if their is a god ok. No true religion would be based on faith. Because if a religion that did not require faith emerged, one where you can freely speak with god and he answers your questions and other people can witness this, one where the scientific community shows observable proof that it is in fact a god and that he does in fact exist, it would replace all faith based religions in a heart beat. Sure some people would ***** but after some frogs from the sky or something most people would pretty much shut up.

Thus all faith based religions are not ultimate in nature because they cannot be. A true religion has yet to show itself.

No existing religion has anything to do with the real god if he exists. All the bibles are written by people. People.. that's right I said it.

This whole thread is garbage LOL..
#246 Sep 20 2008 at 8:23 AM Rating: Default
2,890 posts
What's funny about this is the fact that the theories of evolution and big bang take great leaps of faith (yes, faith) to explain away giant gaping holes in their theories of how life and the universe got here. They aren't any more of a "theory" than religion.

A theory takes absolutely zero faith because your job once a theory emerges is to disprove it and criticize it in every possible way you can.

Faith is some guy who says you owe him money and it will be repaid in some other way and if you question him you lack faith.

Faith is weak it is immoral to demand that people believe in something especially when all evidence says that it was completely made up in the first place. All faith based religions are baseless waiting to simply be replaced by something true.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 12:22pm by thorazinekizzez
#247 Sep 20 2008 at 8:24 AM Rating: Default
In before the horribly late lock and/or move.

5 pages? of a thread that is not only flamebait in nature, but wholly and entirely off topic for the forum it was posted in? The admins must be asleep at the wheel this week...
#248 Sep 20 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
Unfortunately posting on a message board isn't the best way to "witness," especially when you misspell a title and DON'T EVEN PLAY THE GAME THE FORUM IS ABOUT.

Also, this post only covers the immediate effects Christianity has over the way our society is run. I also happen to think that encouraging people to believe patently untrue nonsense from the cradle to the grave leads to a less rational society in general. People aren't being taught to think critically, they're being taught to just believe whatever an authority figure tells you to believe, and it seems to me the last several years of American history show just how dangerous it is when the population is encouraged to swallow any bullsh*t that's crapped out from on high.

This is human nature though, and has nothing to do with religion at all. If anything, religion has encouraged critical thinking by lifting up another set of values to contradict the official bull the powers that be preach. All you have to do is read a good history of communism and the west's reaction to it to realize that the religion or the lack, has really not much to do with these tendencies.

If anything, atheists are the new "religious" people now. If you ever want to see intolerance, bigotry, and condscension in action, go to some place like yahoo answers "religion" section. For all the ******** about prosyletization I have yet to see one real christian themed sig on alla, but i see plenty of atheistic ones.
#249 Sep 20 2008 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
568 posts
thorazinekizzez wrote:
A theory takes absolutely zero faith because your job once a theory emerges is to disprove it and criticize it in every possible way you can.

Faith is some guy who says you owe him money and it will be repaid in some other way and if you question him you lack faith.

Faith is weak it is immoral to demand that people believe in something especially when all evidence says that it was completely made up in the first place. All faith based religions are baseless waiting to simply be replaced by something true.

Faith, by definition of the bible, is the "assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld." (Heb. 11:1) Explain to me how this is any different than the theory of evolution?

You have the entire universe and everything in it as evidence of something, the question is what? Big bang? Intelligent design? Evolution? I believe that an intelligent creator created us and the universe, and the remarkable order of which things have been designed despite the ubiquitous entropy of the elements that surround us is my evidence to support it. Scientific theories of evolution and big bang haven't exactly done any better than that.
#250 Sep 20 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default
2,890 posts
double post sorry ><

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 12:45pm by thorazinekizzez
#251 Sep 20 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Default
2,890 posts
enigmaticcam wrote:

Faith, by definition of the bible, is the "assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld." (Heb. 11:1) Explain to me how this is any different than the theory of evolution?

Because its observable
If you work with animals if you study how organisms work you SEE IT FOR YOUR SELF. Zero Faith required. ANYONE who has done any kind of work with animals for any amount of time. Breading new types of dogs.

Do you have a pet dog?
You have witnessed Evolution for yourself.

enigmaticcam wrote:

You have the entire universe and everything in it as evidence of something, the question is what? Big bang? Intelligent design? Evolution? I believe that an intelligent creator created us and the universe, and the remarkable order of which things have been designed despite the ubiquitous entropy of the elements that surround us is my evidence to support it. Scientific theories of evolution and big bang haven't exactly done any better than that.

Well you see thats not the part I am saying is wrong.
If you read what I said I said all faith based religions are the problem.

There IS evidence to support the idea that there is a god. Even the scientific community might refer to it as "the god particle".

We are here for SOME reason but nobody, I repeat, NOBODY KNOWS FOR SURE WHY.

However the connection between ALL, not some, ALL known religions is that they have absolutely ZERO to do with the real god if it exists. They are all extrapolated from random things that may or may not have happened. Nothing with any existing religion is even remotely true.

No true religion can be based on faith. Faith is weak because if a true religion that did not require faith emerged all of the faith based religions would suffer an incredible blow. Thus all known faith based religions are weak in that they could not stand up if god ever did emerge.

Edited, Sep 20th 2008 12:48pm by thorazinekizzez
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