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Oldies, is the nostalgia well founded?Follow

#1 Aug 25 2008 at 7:38 AM Rating: Good
What do you have installed on your PC right now?

Personally, I've had this little "oldies" kick recently. I have installed, removed and reinstalled all kinds of games these last two weeks. So, what do I have installed and did time fare well with these games that previously enthralled me so?


Definitely an underrated game when it came out. Excellent storyline, great characters and some seriously awesome laughworthy humor in it. Also, one of the most interesting main protagonists I've ever played.

Rating? 9/10
How has it dealt with time passed? Surprisingly well. 8/10

Beyond Good & Evil

Another underrated classic. Fortunately, it's excellence has been acknowledged by gamers in spite of poor reception at release. Good gameplay, decent story, good humor. I probably ought to update my gfx drivers though, since I've noticed quite a few graphics bugs running this on Vista.

Rating? 8/10
How has it dealt with time passed? Quite well. 8/10

Bloodrayne 2

Just some mindless hack n slash for those of us who enjoy needlessly violent and horrible deaths amongst our enemies. Sexy redhead half-vampires flinging bodyparts around and sucking enemies dry are always good for a laugh. Too bad the developers didn't spend as much time on the combat system as they did on the protagonist's breast movements and enemy personalities. The main enemies are kind of worth it though.

Rating? 6/10
How has it dealt with time passed? Not too good. 5/10

Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat

Well, this isn't too old so I'm not going to comment on the toll of time on this one. As for the game itself, it's certainly worth your cash. The singleplayer was well done indeed, having some very well written scripted events. A bit too easy and short though. I finished it in one evening on the hardest difficulty. Still, for the length of time spent in the main campaign, they've crammed quite a bit of content into that time. Not too much replay value though. Multiplayer was... generic.

Rating? 9/10

Civilization 4

Ah. Another one of Sid Meyer's goldpots. There's not really much in this game that wasn't in the older Civ games. It's basically it's predecessors in a new wrapping, new graphics and with more "simplification" tools. Easier to play, no real innovations. Still, the game can hold me locked at the computer for hours on end with the endless "just one more turn, then I'll save and quit" playing on repeat through my brain. Worth it if you like Civ. Never tried Civilization? Start with this one, the older ones may be too... finicky to start out with.

Rating? 8/10
Toll of Time? 10/10.

C&C First Decade (All C&C games except C&C 3)

Ah, lovely little package of games. All the C&C games on one single DVD, all launched from the same little compact menu. Definitely a pack any RTS fan ought to own. All the C&C games had great quality when they first appeared, and still do. If you fancy a trip down nostalgia lane, this is where you ought to go. Even the oldest C&C games run on Vista, but be prepared to look at the graphics and go "Did I really play this pixel soup those years ago?". Still, worth it for the Generals games alone if you are after graphics over content or just some multiplayer RTS. Also, C&C Renegade is still fun if for no other reason than Havoc being the single most cheesy hero ever made. I still giggle at his comments and manners.

Oh, as RTS games go, don't think this is the bastion of strategy and tactics. Mostly you can just steamroll any enemy by pouring out tons of the same unit. It's been that way since the first C&C game made... Still worth it for the storylines in all the games.

Rating? 10/10
Toll of time? Varies a bit. Ranging from 5/10 to 9/10 depending on Nostalgia levels.

C&C 3: Tiberium Wars

The one game that isn't in the First Decade pack. Seriously, where do the devs get the money for actors? If they had added some actors from Babylon 5 and Firefly, I'd have ruined a perfectly good pair of pants with a geekgasm of epic proportions. Play this game for no other reason than the cutscenes and you'll still think it's worth the money. Don't be expecting high-class acting though. It's cheesy acting, but it's supposed to be. Keep that in mind and you'll enjoy it thoroughly.

As for the game itself? Excellent indeed. Fine graphics, great fun, hueg liek Usagi explosions and units. Still as easy singleplayer as all the other C&C games, but still entertaining. I wish there was more difference between the human and alien races when it comes to units though.

Rating? 8/10. Loses a bit since it doesn't really provide the RTS challenge I like.


The initial self-hype has waned and my feelings about this game has... descended. I have little desire to replay this game and I think it's not really worth my time anymore.

Still, worth your time for one run-through, but not for repeated playing. Torrent it and try it out before spending money on it.

Rating? 7/10

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

FPS view of a fantasy world. Kind of like Oblivion, but far less... easy. Melee combat is actually a little challenging. Or so it would appear until you realize the entire game centers around finding the one point in the room you can instagib the enemy by kicking him towards a hook/fire/spike/ledge. Still a little fun storyline though. You've got a nice little succubus in your head giving you demonic advice and the human lass counterpart in the world outside your head being the prissy little goody two-shoes.

Well executed in some respects, poorly executed in others. Still, I don't have any regrets paying for the game. Available on Steam as well as I recall.

Rating? 8/10

Dreamfall (The Longest Journey 2)

Definitely one of the games I enjoy the most. But I might be biased. It's one of the few quality Norwegian games out there and surprisingly enough the Norwegian voice actors are pleasant to the ear indeed. Only the Longest Journey games have managed that here in Norway, and that may be one of the reasons I'm so in love with these games.

Still, this game has it's issues. I don't like the combat system (or more to the point, that they added combat to the game at all...) or the sneaking system. The first game was an adventure point and click game which relied on puzzles and a great storyline for it's pull. This one tried too hard and thus fell a little downwards. Also, it's using that hated copy-block thingamabob Starforce driver crap. That alone makes me want to hurl.

Still, I play the game and enjoy it.

Rating? 8/10
Toll of Time? 9/10

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Well, what's to say? One of the best mindless ARPGs out there. Blizzard did wonderful things with the lore outside of the game while keeping the actual gameplay on a troglodyte level. And it works! Still to this day it's great. And come on, who can look at the Mephisto, Baal and Diablo cutscene and avoid getting shivers from Meph's monologue?

Definitely worth the replay time if you head online instead of offline.

Rating? 10/10
Toll of Time? 8/10

Doom II

Trip down nostalgia lane? Check. So far outdated controls and graphics that it's nigh unplayable by those of us used to far more intuitive and useful controls and surroundings? Check. Excellent game for it's day, just can't keep up with the time.

Rating? 10/10
Toll of time? 2/10

Final Fantasy VII

Well, my personal favourite in the FF games. Although, I've never really played the previous games so I can't say how good they were. FF definitely took a dive after this game though. Fun game if you like these kinds of games. Still, you might want to secure your monitor because at times you feel like strangling the main protagonist severely. You play it for the supporting characters and story, not for the hero. Seriously... But since when has a FF game had a decent hero?

The graphics need some serious spit and polish though. You are going to have to deal with some seriously muddled textures...

Rating? 9/10
Toll of Time? 7/10

Freedom: First Resistance

The game from Anne McAffrey's Freedom bookseries. Where the bookseries follow life and resistance in space, the game deals with what happened back on earth. Not a game for you unless you've read the books. The graphics will grind it's nails on the blackboard of your brain's visual center, the voice acting is so and so... But the gameplay is decent and the storyline is also good. Well made characters as well if you can look past the poor acting.

Rating? 8/10 if you like the books. 4/10 if you don't.
Toll of Time? 5/10

Hellgate: London

Tried to be the modern day Diablo II. Failed. Still, a decent enough game to whittle away an hour or two at times. Not something you play for story or content though. It's just something you play to watch your character get decked out in better gear and have better skills.

It did kind of pluck the "Evil Overlord" string in my heart of hearts though, since I play a Summoner. There's a definite feeling of glee when you unleash your demonic army onto the opposing same. Still, not enough to make the game worth money though...

Rating? 6/10

Neverwinter Nights 2

Ooooh yes... Am I allowed to say I love a game? Is it too geeky to have daydreams of romancing a gamebox with fine red wine, candlelight and Barry White? And then violating it horribly on fine silken sheets?

Excellent storyline. Excellent characters. Excellent character creation. Excellent in pretty much any way. And did you know you can make your entirely own game with the completely free tools that come with the game?

I love this game as much as I did Neverwinter Nights + addons.

Played through it with a Ranger, Paladin, Fighter and Bard so far. Other characters have mostly just been running one of the thousands of custom modules that's downloadable from the official website. If you like RPGs, this is the game for you. Kind of hard on your gfx card though, compared to what appears on-screen. So make sure you've got a decent computer for this.

Rating? 10/10
Toll of Time? 9/10


Meh. It get's old. The only way to still get enjoyment out of this is to download all the custom modules that add to the game, and even then it's a matter of hours until it's all old again.

It was decent when it first appeared though.

Rating? 8/10
Toll of time? 4/10

Quake III Arena

Still holds the throne as the most fast-paced and actionpacked Multiplayer FPS. The speed and skill needed to achieve mastery of this game is what still grips me. Excellent game, worth your time if Multiplayer FPS appeals to you.

Rating? 10/10
Toll of Time? 8/10

The Longest Journey

The original. Again, it might be my Norwegian bias, but I love this game. Just the right amount of humor, fantasy, puzzles and story. Some puzzles just doesn't make sense, though. Make sure you've got a walkthrough bookmarked so you can do a little bit of cheating when you get stuck. Still, excellent story and gameplay. Graphics? Weeeell... it's getting old. Or Ye Olde, really.

Still, it's the kind of game where gameplay really trumps graphics.

Rating? 10/10
Toll of Time? 8/10

There's quite a few more games installed on my PC, but I am probably stretching the limits of how huge a post can get already. So, in closing, what do you have installed on your PC (except MMOs) and how well do your games keep as the ravages of time keep whittling at their gameplay?
#2 Aug 26 2008 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
I think that you're rating games way too high on average. What does it take for a game to get a 10/10 with you? You really think that that many games are perfect?
#3 Aug 26 2008 at 5:19 AM Rating: Good
Rating "requirements":

Interface/UI: Is it intuitive? Practical? Good looking?
Graphics: Efficiency, looks and feel (does it fit the game's "mood"?)
Storyline/lore: Well written? Catchy? Interesting? Good twists? Expansive?
Sound: Quite simply, does the sounds work properly?
Issues: Are there any major problems playing this game or just luxury problems?

These things are what I look for in these games, and they are judged for the time they came out in, not in comparison to today's games. As you've seen, it's also a nostalgia thing. Do they retain the nostalgia points.
#4 Aug 26 2008 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
7,861 posts
Some of those games I wouldn't exactly call nostalgic. Crysis, CoD 4, Civ 4, Hellgate:London. I'm not even sure any of those are over a year old.
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#5 Aug 27 2008 at 1:35 AM Rating: Good
True, I just went through the games list on my PC and chose those I reinstalled. I play quite a few games, so nostalgia sets in after a number of games, not by age.
#6 Aug 27 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Neverwinter Nights 2


Dark Messiah of Might and Magic



To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#7 Aug 27 2008 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
How well reasoned and formulated arguments. I can't help but accede to your argumentative power.
#8 Aug 27 2008 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
Speaking of oldies,I'm playing Final Fantasy IV on my nintendo ds, it's really fun. :)
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#9 Aug 27 2008 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
The crater is still hard as ****, even at 65. When you're entire party gets hit by red dragon heat ray for 4k damage, and only cecil has over 4k HP, bad things happen.
#10 Aug 28 2008 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,945 posts
Also playing FFIV on my DS. Got Kain back for the final time and getting ready to go to the lunar core. Lots of fun. Hopefully they continue on with V and VI.

Many of those games still have nice replay value. Sometimes you can do something different that you didn't do before.

Only game I have installed beyond FFXI and WoW is:

Dawn of War: Probably one of my favorite RTS games and I still play lots of skirmish battles when I get the urge to blow stuff up. I've always loved the RTS genre and this one tops my list.
#11 Aug 28 2008 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
X-Com:UFO Defense
#12 Aug 29 2008 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Well, I've been playing Black and White quite a bit lately. Human sacrifice never gets old.
#13 Aug 29 2008 at 5:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I still enjoy a game of Civ2.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#14 Aug 29 2008 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
I tend to go back and enjoy me some Warcraft III: Frozen Throne and Age of Empires as well.
#15 Aug 30 2008 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
Episode I: racer was amazing. I played it on PC initially and pwned it. So when I got the chance to play it on the N64 I jumped at it, and got my *** handed to me through the control system. Managed to get 1st in everything except the Abyss...

Recently went through Abe's Exoddus again. Such a shame they stopped the Oddworld set.
#16 Aug 30 2008 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
To the ffiv people, I beat my copy today.

You have to steal dark matter after zeromous transforms though, unlike in the first. It also doesn't seem to affect big bang at all. I ended up having to solo the last 10k hitpoints because Cecil was the only one alive and I basically did elixir > attack > elixir
#17 Aug 30 2008 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
Morrowind. Also, I turn on my GC and play PSO/Sonic Adventure II: Battle. I miss the Dreamcast.
#18 Sep 01 2008 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,945 posts
That item is used to pop the 2 extra bosses Geryon and Proto-Babil in the new game +. They are tough >.>
#19 Sep 01 2008 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
461 posts
Ok, I'll go, simply because I have like 0 modern games.

Fallout 1 + 2: Pretty much the the defining the open-ended RPG, Taking place in a post apocalyptic world of what the people in 1950's america picture the 21'st century to be like, Fallout combines the sheer gameplay freedom with a great storyline, and a humourus 1950's sci-fi technology. Great RPG series.

You can go from wide ranges from killing everyone you meet, to talking your way out of every situation.

Sacrifice: A Great Under-rated RTS is a Hybrid Between an RTS and a FPS, as a powerful mage/warlock you combine magic and souls to make your army of minions to rule. Following one of the five gods (Life, Earth, Air, Fire, Death) on your quest for power.

Medieval 2 Total war: My most "Modern" game, Combines Large-Scale Tactical combat in real time, with turn based empire management.

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: The last game Brian Reynolds designed before leaving Sid Meier to make Rise of Nations, This Turn Based strategy was years ahead of its time. Taking place from the "Space" victory from Civ II, It covers the colonization of Alpha Centarui. My favourite TBS of all time.

Age of Empires II: Classic RTS taking place during the middle ages.

Pharaoh: Egyptian city building game by Impressions If you've played Ceaser 1-4 or Master of Olympus - Zeus or Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom and it's pretty much that only egyptian. If you haven't, think of Sim City.

X3: Reunion Great free-style space game, Think single player eve online. It's a great game, when it's not crashing. Steep learning curve.

Dungeon Keeper 2: By Bullfrog, created by Peter Molyneux before his obsession with giant monkies, Dungeon Keeper 2 focuses on you creating your own devious dungeon. With traps, Monsters and Evil Magic to defeat the forces of good. Manage your minions, design your dungeon, and Kill the Knights. Think Sim City meets the Evil version od Black & White. Great RTS.

Warcraft 3 + Expansion: Tolkien Meets Starcraft.

Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun: Only C&C with James Earl Jones, 'nuff said.

Europa 1400: The Guild - Gold Edition. Wierd Hybrid of Empire Management meets the Sims. In Depth review of The Underdogs -> Good game, but a steep learning curve.

Majesty Gold Edition. Good Rts-RPG hybrid where instead of recruiting military units, you hire "Heroes" who act like heroes out of an RPG (Levels, Inventory, Spells, Ect) that you don't have direct control over. Influence your heroes with rewards and through casting spells. It's like being the DM of a RTS, oddly enough. Good game.

Homeworld: the first 3d RTS, build a fleet of space ships to return to your exciled homeworld. Great RTS.

Siege of Avalon: Think Diablo clone, I play it for the story line and the nostalga.

Starsiege: Mechwarrior Knockoff, takes place in the "Earthsiege/Tribes" universe, good for it's time. One of the 50 bajillion games with Mark Hamil as a voice actor.

Tribes 2: Fps in the "Earthsiege/Tribes" universe. Picture a FPS where everyone gets an Exploding Frisbee Launcher and Jetpacks!

Cyberstorm: Tactical Turn Based Combat game, in the "Earthsiege/ Tribes" universe, play as a mech commander, and build up your fleet while working for a heartless mega-congolmerate! Lots of customizability.

Lords of the Realm II: Old TBS/RTS hybrid (TBS for empire management, RTS for combat, ala Total War) takes place in Medieval Europe over a bunch of aristocrats vying for power.

Lords of Magic: Think Lords of the Real II in a D&D setting, play as humans, barbarians, elves, drow, dwarves and Kill each other with military units and RPG style heroes.

Tropico: Think Sim City with 1950's caribbean politics (especially cuba.) City management game similar to Impressions (See; Pharaoh) with a customizable ruler and cold war politics.
Featuring Award Winning caribbean music courtesy of Danial Indart, has some of the best music I've ever heard from in a game. Good Game.

These are all the games I can think of from the top of my head, so I'll quit know before this post becomes too Gbaji-like.

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