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What would you like to see in a EQOA 2Follow

#1 Aug 18 2008 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
As the topic implies were SOE to ever pull their heads out of sh*tty EQ2 and revisit one of their better games for a sequel on the PS3 or whatever what would you like to see in it?

I'll start with my list:

*A timeline before EQ PC and after EQOA, so they can't destroy the world and turn it into a bunch of closed off islands like they did to EQ2
*With historical accuracies to EQOA and
*A open world like EQOA
*PS3 worthy graphics
*Coaching Travel system, keep it as is but let us coach from any town to any other given that we have all coaches linking them, save time so we don't have to load each town on the way to our final destination.
*No In Game Maps on UI, part of the experience of EQOA was being out in an uncharted world where you had to learn your way from land marks
*Given that there should be a coordinate system similar to EQ2, but not as accurate. Could be used to point out general locations but not exact locations.
*There should be maps of the world in game but they should be hanging on walls or laying out on a table in buildings in outposts and towns and be only of that region, similar in style to the official "map" of eqoa, but of course more accurate.

*A CM system with as much if not more depth then this one, in EQII it is so dumbed down it's sad, should be much more detailed descriptions for each CM.
*Expanded Starting stories, EQOA is pretty unique in how it starts different races and classes off but I would like to see even more depth, and this path should effect you throughout your travels and quests in the way NPCs address you, beyond the simply good or bad faction system there is. For example if you are a erudite or human necromancer/shadow knight even though they are friendly you should have to keep your training secret while traveling through good towns. On the other hand there should be tensions when interacting with NPCs of certain races unfriendly to you when in neutral areas.
*Full character customization, facial features, height, hair, etc.

*spell descriptions that show the damage/stats and modifiers so we don't have to go look on the internet
*Optional full keyboard/mouse support, keep the simple interface for when using a sixaxis/dualshock but also have an option to use an interface like PC MMORPGs for "hardcore" playing.
*Enemy Identification, when targeting an enemy let us see the exact level and class like we can when targeting players.
*Quest Logs, have a detailed record of all the info you gathered for the quest, which parts you completed. Have the quest labeled by level, start NPC/location, and whether it is an path quest, ability quest, HnG, etc.
*Party Size: Should be increased to 5, but with a XP point bonus for any groups under full size.
*Raid grouping, like EQ2s system where several normal groups are put into the overall raid group.

Were Forms
*Limitation on lycan forms, if in game they should only be be temporary forms that boost your stats for a short time, should not be able to keep them up indefinitely.

*PVP: I'm not a fan of PvP in MMOs but let there be a dedicated server or two for those who like open "good vs bad" PvP, leave it to only dueling on the normal servers.
*Guild PvP, events where guilds fight each other in a specialized locked off zone.

"Henchmen" and Mercenaries
*NPC soldiers that you can hire to follow you around and fight/defend you.
*The level you can hire scales with your level, the class/strength depends on how much you pay.
*Can have a maximum of 3 following you at one time.
*Remain with you until killed or dismissed, they charge a reoccurring fee daily(time spent logged in, not offline)
*Can be set to automatically pay from your bank account.
*Can order them to wait in a town for you or to follow you everywhere.
*Do disappear if their owning character logs off but re appear once back online.
*Basic level consists of a melee DD class, rogues or rangers primarily depending on where you are hiring them from. Level 2 are tanks, level 3 healers, level 4 high damage casters.
*Can be hired in all major towns.
*The type of "mercenary" differs from each town, eastern humans or other "free" cities/nations are literal mercenaries, while those in western human cities are members of the guard/army, same for other civilizations.
*Can only hire those of the army if you have a high faction.
*In towns there are also independent mercenary groups which are more expensive but require no faction.
*In XP groups if they assisted in killing the mob or in healing the group then XP is reduced by 1/4 for each mercenary who did so.
*Can be set of defend mode so they do not engage any targets you do if you are a DD or healer, or can be told to only engage when ordered to.

*Customizable guild insignias, banners, flags, etc.
*Significantly increased guild roster limit.
*Guilds can purchase an area to act as their base.
*This ranges from a simple building in a city, to a more advanced compound(like the shining shield in FP), to a keep outside of a city, to the highest level of an island fortress.
*These bases are actually on the map for all to visit, in each town there are only so many buildings and compounds for rent, for keeps there are pre set plots of land for purchase, same with islands.
*For keeps outside of towns coaches can be used to travel there from a nearby normal coach.
*For islands you travel by the dockmasters.
*Officers/Leaders can set up a access system to their base, either restricted to everyone but members, open to those of good/bad/whatever factions, or open to all to visit, only members can access guild services.
*Should be customization in style and decorations.
*Here you can hire NPC soldiers to act as guards for your base and as "henchmen" to do your bidding, guards are also customizable in appearance/style.
*The basic type of henchmen are free to all member, advanced types cost much less then normal mercenaries.
*Guild Storage account accessible to all members of the guild, leaders and officers can set up restrictions on items placed in the storage.
*Ability to hire merchants to set up a trade route through your base.

Armor and Weapons
*One nice thing about EQOA is that most of the weapons look realistic and serious and all of the armor is so. The only cheesy glowy weaponry are the epic stuff, can keep that for the "enchanted weapons" but to a lesser extent so they still look serious.
*Armor: Add more variety in the different plate and chain male styles, there is some but it's scaled by level, I personally hate the high level chain mail style and wish there were some of the lower level chain styles present.
*Should be different styles for different races, elven armor looks different then human armor, and eastern and western human armor looks different, this is armor sold by armorer merchants in town and the mold types sold by the trade skill merchants.
*Different races armors should have one area that they specialize in, wood elves might make leather/hide armor with better defense then other races, while the city elves have better plate armor, erudites would have the best cloth armor, barbarians chain male, etc.

Edited, Mar 26th 2010 4:17pm by SefanaPPO

Edited, Mar 26th 2010 4:23pm by SefanaPPO
#2 Aug 28 2008 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
In game maps for sure!
Upgraded Graphics would be nice too!
*N better interactive npc's
*And voices for ur char and/or the npc's

*More facial, clothing, skin color, hair, body type choices would be kool
*Better looking armor
*and having two words for a name like for example: instead of Metalbear it could be Metal Bear
That could be kool!
#3 Sep 03 2008 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
bump...cmon someone else help me liven this forum up a bit.
#4 Sep 11 2008 at 8:45 AM Rating: Default
A item only for those who have a eqoa account lol.

PVP system for good versus evil,
Graphics of course,

I say keep the same areas (Tunaria, odus, pos, IoD, maybe add things, change faction around, and add in higher level cap and another massive area (size of tunaria) would be cool.

Let me use the xmb lol.
#5 Sep 11 2008 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
A item only for those who have a eqoa account lol.

Wold be likely, in eq 2 I got a title and some stupid xp boost potion cause I played eqoa.
#6 Oct 03 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Default
I would just like to see an EQOA 2, not greedy on new stuff.
I don't want crazy amazing graphics.
Umm PvP would be a fun touch I think. It may even draw a crowd.
I have heard rumors of EQ making a new game for the PS3, I hope it is more so the MMO base rather than the horrible Champions of Norrath type they had going on for awhile.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2008 4:38pm by Zickgraf
#7 Oct 17 2008 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
I'd just love to see an EQOA 2.
Detail in graphics would be cool. Having classes that you need to put constant effort into while playing, like the alchemist. More segregated strengths in tank classes. More mixed combo of classes like a high damage healer. A class that could solo leveling through all the levels mostly. If they did put were beasts on there maybe more difficult for infection and such. I like how it takes more effort and time to level in EQ, would really like to see this continued.

Also just having a EQOA 2 on ps3 or something would be amazing. Hope SOE would do it but it's doubtful.
#8 Dec 19 2008 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
I would want it too stick the to the root's of eqoa 1 and keep it so you need to group in order too level.. maybe not a full group but at least keep it so you are always hangin with peeps.
#9 Dec 20 2008 at 9:20 AM Rating: Default
Do not want to see:
  • CM system - I want to see something better

  • Want to see:
  • Players
  • #10 Dec 20 2008 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
    PC Version PLEASE....
    #11 Apr 19 2009 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
    I would love to see some serious world PvP thrown in there.
    The whole Good Vs. Evil would be pretty fun, just gank someone as you see fit, it'd make camping something a hell of a lot easier without having some junk trash noob running in and stealing your mob, only to let you watch it die and have to wait again, just kill him. :D

    Don't even need to say better graphics, that's a guarentee.
    A little more spell animation variety, they seem to be very redundant in ALL of their games to rename spells, add damage, but keep the same effect. It's kind of boring in a sense.
    Keep the CM's, only go a little bit more in depth with them... Hard to explain, I'm sure they'd figure something out.
    Get rid of AFKing, kind of like WoW where if your pet does all the damage, or buff (Like some kind of damage returning shield) did all the damage, you don't get exp. It'd add some more fun to the game rather than sitting there overnight and coming back 1-3 levels higher.
    Revamp Professions.
    Item Upgrading, take a regular trash item, and turn it into a modified trash weapon! Not like with gems or anything. Special boss drops, Epic quest rewards, random finds, PvP rewards, those kinds of things. Just to make your Epic Weapons that much more Epic.

    Uhh.. That's all I got. x.x I haven't played in a few years, so if any of this has actually already happened, or always was. Don't flame me. D: I never hit level 60 my first time around, so the end came content was never open for me.
    These are just my thoughts.

    EDIT: Holy crap, I'm sorry for Necroposting this. x.x I didn't see the original date.

    Edited, Apr 19th 2009 5:26pm by VaultZero
    #12 May 16 2009 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
    you mean eqoa 3

    everquest online adventures frontiers is eqoa 2

    but i would like to see things the same with a few small stuff added like headsets/mics
    #13 May 22 2009 at 12:43 AM Rating: Default
    if you take an in-depth analysis of what caused EQOA's demise, you would find that CMs was a big part of it. i would not like to see cm's in eqoa 2. i would however like to see something that allows each player to customize his char any way he wants.

    i dont want super amazing graphics, i loved eqoa's crappy ones. say 1/1 = "used potential of the PS3's graphics capabilities" over "total potential of the PS3's graphics capabilities". so if a game uses the ps3 to its fullest extent, it would be 100% efficient. .5/1 (which is 1/2) would mean half of the ps3s abilities are being put to use. i would like to see an equivalent ratio of eqoa's utilization on the ps2 with the ps3.
    does that make sense?
    #14 May 24 2009 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
    why isnt this thread dead yet.
    #15 May 25 2009 at 3:11 PM Rating: Default
    i felt like posting on it after it was dead.
    'sides, this place is so dead anyways that id say it's dead either way.
    #16 Jun 27 2009 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
    EQOA 2 is definatley needed common alrdy soe!!!!!!!
    #17 Jun 27 2009 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
    btw eqoafanforlife, fronts was not eqoa 2. prefronts and fronts are the same game. fronts is something called an expanion, that expands upon the normal game (fronts expands upon prefronts).
    #18 Jul 11 2009 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
    What I'd Like to See
    -- Better graphics, really flesh out the capabilities of the PS3 (or even the PS2 for that matter).
    -- Better sounds. Music especially.
    -- An in game map.
    -- Mounts or some kind of coaching system that doesn't involve staring at a loading screen.
    -- Faster load times in general.
    -- More were-races, like an Aviak type deal perhaps that would benefit spell casters more.
    -- More quests. There are a decent amount of quests in the game, but there are times when it feels empty. I don't think there should be TOO MANY though, but just enough so that if you want to go do some, you have that option.
    -- Better PVP. I'm not a big fan of this, but I know many others are.
    -- Racial PVP. Also not a big fan of this, yet at the same time, I don't understand why a dark elf and an elf would not attack one another out in the wilderness.
    -- Better Class Mastery system. I like it, though I think there should be way more spell options then stat options.
    -- Better directions from NPCs.
    -- Character transfer system? Maybe a way to upload a character from EQOA to EQOA 2?

    What I Don't Want to See
    -- New classes. I'm not opposed to new classes persay, but I think we have enough as it is. Flesh those out more if need be.
    -- Underconned mobs. I think a mob should be correctly conned based on it's power. It doesn't make much sense to go into combat expecting an easy fight and then being owned by something lower level then you.
    -- New level cap. Level 60 is fine, I don't think we need a higher level cap.
    -- New Death Penalty -- I'd rather just have experience debt.

    Edited, Jul 11th 2009 8:08pm by Solarene
    #19 Jul 11 2009 at 4:12 PM Rating: Default
    Solarene wrote:
    What I'd Like to See
    -- Better graphics, really flesh out the capabilities of the PS3 (or even the PS2 for that matter).
    -- Better sounds. Music especially.
    -- An in game map.
    -- Mounts or some kind of coaching system that doesn't involve staring at a loading screen.
    -- Faster load times in general.
    -- More were-races, like an Aviak type deal perhaps that would benefit spell casters more.[/Aquamarine[Burlywood]]-- More quests. There are a decent amount of quests in the game, but there are times when it feels empty. I don't think there should be TOO MANY though, but just enough so that if you want to go do some, you have that option.-- Better PVP. I'm not a big fan of this, but I know many others are.
    -- Racial PVP. Also not a big fan of this, yet at the same time, I don't understand why a dark elf and an elf would not attack one another out in the wilderness.
    -- Better Class Mastery system. I like it, though I think there should be way more spell options then stat options.
    -- Better directions from NPCs.
    -- Character transfer system? Maybe a way to upload a character from EQOA to EQOA 2?

    What I Don't Want to See
    -- New classes. I'm not opposed to new classes persay, but I think we have enough as it is. Flesh those out more if need be.
    -- Underconned mobs. I think a mob should be correctly conned based on it's power. It doesn't make much sense to go into combat expecting an easy fight and then being owned by something lower level then you.
    -- New level cap. Level 60 is fine, I don't think we need a higher level cap.
    -- New Death Penalty -- I'd rather just have experience debt.

    Edited, Jul 11th 2009 8:08pm by Solarene

    I would be fine without weres in eqoa2 because in eqoa they just like... made the game quite unrealistic?/stupid looking/rediculous. I should never be playing the game and feel like I'm at a Zoo with all the lions rats wolfs lizards/gators bears dolphins and other forms people can take from items. one of my friends was playing and someone came over to his house and said "What the hell is that? .. Some sort of zoo battle animal escape-tycoon game?"

    There are like a trillian quests to do. I believe they had quite enough (enough to not complain about, but I would never be opposed to more).
    #20 Jul 17 2009 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
    Well certainly they would look different or at least better in an expansion. I don't think they should have the animal forms, the humanoid were forms are good enough. They do look a little strange at the moment though, and I still think a Blackburrow Gnoll would be a good replacement for the first werewolf form.

    As for the quests, when I really think about it, yeah I suppose there is enough.

    Edited, Jul 18th 2009 7:31am by Solarene
    #21 Jul 30 2009 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
    Yeah, now that I think of it I wouldn't want weres in the same form they are now, at the most you should only be able to change into animal form for a short period of time, not the hour or whatever it is now.
    #22 Mar 17 2010 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
    Bumping to revive thread and I also added a few things to my list in the OP.
    #23 Mar 19 2010 at 12:31 AM Rating: Default
    haha, "*A timeline before EQ PC and after EQOA, so they can't destroy the world and turn it into a bunch of closed off islands like they did to EQ2"

    i fully agree. I didn't fully understand that until after i did the trial

    you should highlight whatever you changed from before.
    #24 Mar 19 2010 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
    I've re organized and added a few points, I'm looking for feed back and suggestions to keep this thread continuously updated with new ideas.

    Edited, Mar 19th 2010 4:04am by SefanaPPO
    #25 Mar 22 2010 at 3:15 PM Rating: Default
    ouch. you have a lot of stuff I like, and a lot I don't. No maps in game keeps us in the dark about the game. no coord systems, no full spell descriptions telling me stuff. That all takes away from the mystery and excitement of the game. I believe that no game should in any way get rid of any of the mystery of the game. It's a game. You gotta figure stuff out in games. I think stuff like that goes against what helps make games so fun. Not knowing any exactness makes the game more immersive. If I can get waypoints to any place, it pulls me back to the fact that I'm playing a game. People are willing to believe/accept/ignore certain levels of unrealism needed to become immersed in video games, but once you get to the point of throwing stuff in that in no way was needed to immerse players further you start killing the illusion. I love EQOA so much because I don't have a map, I don't have waypoints, I don't know exactly what my abilities do or how they work, I don't know who will or won't give me a quest, I don't know so much about the game and that stimulates me to learn more of it. The more I know about the game, the more immersed I will be.
    #26 Mar 22 2010 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
    I think you misunderstand me, I said no in game maps(tho I had originally months ago), and what I mean by a loose coordinate grid is something like the north, south, etc quadrants of each zone, but more easily distinguishable, it shouldn't be anything as exact as EQ2s.

    I didn't mean anything like showing icons over the head of quest givers like in so many games now, just having a more detailed log once you do get the quest, after coming back from breaks I look at my quest list and ask myself what the hell half of them are?
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