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#502 Apr 21 2014 at 6:46 AM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
I think the flipside to that is that, when every class can unlock any of the universal or class skills, you need something to make those skills feeling like they're valuable. It's the problem I have with Diablo's skill system; the fact that I have everything makes me not care about anything. The decision of what to put on my toolbar is less interesting to me than the decision of what I can have access to, period.

Having respec costs high enough that you have to consider the value of respeccing is one way to keep those decisions more interesting and meaningful. Maybe it needs to come down some, but I don't think it should be something cheap; it should be something you budget for, even if it wouldn't break the bank as an impulse buy.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#503 Apr 21 2014 at 7:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Yeah I think it's a gold sink. I totally know how you feel about regretting one morph, been there on that one. I've been trying to keep a couple of floater points lately just in case I unlock something or earn a morph.

I was tempted to try resto staff with bow as well but just really wanted to stab stuff. I had these green orichalum daggers that looked so cool. Then this stupid boss I camped for a while decided to drop me 2 of his blue maces that leach magica. They look terrible I don't like maces on a rogue type. But man I looked at that sweet top end damage and magic regen and you know I had to strap those puppies on.

Oh and NB tip: Pick up Silver bolts from the fighters guild line. Morph to shards. Shoots like a mini crossbow and is SUPER useful on daedra and undead. Heck I even just use it on everything as a stamina dump. Does pretty respectable damage on anything but the knockdown and chance to burn certain enemies in a burst of blue flame is the best thing ever.
#504 Apr 21 2014 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
2,188 posts
I have no idea of what you speak. What is this Respec when you can have 8 characters!

Yeah, I have my DW Nightblade up to 15 finally, and now he has a second weapon set available to swap so that'll be a bow.

I also realized over the weekend that I didn't have a lizard, so now I have a resto sorc Argonian to join my Imperial Dork Knight and, having finally realized the game's naming convention for Argonians, she has a proper and acceptable ESO name: Runs From Bugs. (This one thinks you find that name funny, no?)

I think I'm finished with this zone, Stonefalls(?) and I have to say that I'm liking the quests. A lot. A whole lot. They are really, really well scripted and voiced. I like them even more than SWtoR, and I have not come across one that had a glitch in the voice acting or that was not actually voiced (there were a couple, maybe even a few, in SWtoR that were not voiced for some reason).

There was one in particular, two actually, that made me kind of chuckle to myself Early in the zone there was a quest line that had me helping to re-bind an ancient spirit that was loosed because some dope thought it was the only way to even the odds and save his people from being overrun in a war. Of course, the ancient spirit, being quite boorish, overstayed his welcome. During that quest line I met the spirit of a rather sardonic mage who reluctantly helped me. Then in the last quest line I did in the zone I had to help re-bind another ancient spirit. Yeah, they didn't learn and someone thought it would be a great idea to loose the older brother of the first ancient spirit. /facepalm. You probably already figured this out, but I get too immersed apparently and when I stumbled across my friend, the sardonic dead one, I actually laughed to myself and thought "hey am I glad to see you!". That isn't really a spoiler but just in case, I'll spoiler it.

The thing about this game is the quests. I know some people have a hard time getting comfortable with the combat mechanics, and there are times when I hit a key and the skill does not fire off, but those are few and far enough between for it to not break the immersion for me. I'm not a big lore person, despite putting nearly a thousand hours into Elder Scrolls single player, but I'm actually getting it now. The quests are so well scripted and voiced that the message is actually getting through. And although the mini-bosses are not overpowering, they are not easy either. I had one that I died five or six times on, but refused to give up. I did try looking him up though, to see what the trick was to killing him. Fortunately, there are no write-ups out there yet, at least not that I found. And then during one attempt I realized that he during the fight he was spawning three orbs that slowly moved toward him. I didn't *see* them because they were not glowing, pulsating, vibrating orbs of neon purple/pink, but were almost blended into the background. I noticed them only because during the fight I realized I had killed something other than the boss, and then saw them, and then saw that they healed him when they reached him. (/point /laugh). I know, I know, this is not a new concept. What is different though, is that they didn't make them stand out. At least, not for me. Which meant I had to keep at it and figure it out on my own. I like that.. That one is a spoiler.

I've definitely gotten my money's worth, and there's still plenty of time left in my first month. No question in my mind that I'll be paying for more time.

Oh, and I think it was Fish that asked about the Three. Yeah, I found out what happened with them in a short quest line in the very beginning of this zone.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#505 Apr 21 2014 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
cynyck wrote:
Runs From Bugs.

Smiley: nod Love it.

And yes even for a slightly impatient with quest text guy like myself, some of the quests are just really well done. Moving even in the feels. I plan to play one of each alliance just to see the other quests.

Here is an example in AD on how things get tied together Spoiler for sure if you have not played Grahtwood yet.

So I got this quest to eliminate a spirit who was harassing the local populace at a dig site. When I meet him instead of killing it I get a talk option. It turns out he is a little boy spirit who is afraid and bound to the site by his father who is a necromancer. So I decide to help him and in the end you have to choose between setting him free (Father says that would be dangerous) or letting the father bind him to the site again. I liked him so I freed him.

Along the way in the dungeon you read some scrolls from his mothers diary. She was in love with the dad etc.

Well later in an another part of the zone you get to meet her on an entirely different quest line. At the end you get optional dialogue to tell her about her son. She got mad at me for freeing him and said he was no longer her son and just an evil spirit. I told her it was not true and it was really him. At which point she breaks down crying and thanks me for freeing him. She had banished him on a false premise and was really grateful that I did the right thing. /feelz Smiley: cry

I'll have no problem justifying another month of sub at least at this point.
#506 Apr 21 2014 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Agree about the quests. The stories are so much more engaging than they have been for me in other games, and it's not because they've got particularly creative plots. Plenty of game (or general fantasy) cliches everywhere. But they're just so well executed - the voice acting is a big part. I was so so happy to get Cadwell out of that hellhole, and that's down to John Cleese right there. Smiley: nod

Yeah I know, 8 characters. I have this problem with every new game I start: MUST FIND MY MAIN. MUST FIGURE OUT WHO MY MAIN IS. PICK ONE AND RUN WITH IT, THAT'S PRIORITY NUMBER ONE! I don't know why I wouldn't just play a bunch of stuff at once, and just see what naturally emerges as a favorite. That would be too sensible I guess. Instead I hem and haw and delete and start over and try to predict how fun a certain class/spec/weapon set would be at max level, with whatever activities I may be doing then (we all know leveling is different) and spend all kinds of time thinking about it.

Plus, no reordering characters on the login screen.Smiley: bah MAIN MUST BE LISTED FIRST.

plan to play one of each alliance just to see the other quests.

You'll see them anyway. The veteran-rank content is doing the other alliances' quests.

I'll have no problem justifying another month of sub at least at this point.

I bought three. Smiley: blush I have no other games competing for my attention right now, and doubt I will until the next WoW expansion. Plus at my rate it's going to take me way longer than one more month to hit max level.Smiley: grin

Edited, Apr 21st 2014 1:44pm by teacake
#507 Apr 21 2014 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
It's funny because I just read read that about Vet content earlier today after watching a NB video where he was doing vet stuff. I was thinking to myself, how does this Vet thing work?

Ok , I will level them to try different classes then! Also it's likely I will burn out and not grind all the way through Vet since I want to avoid getting sucked into whatever end game entails. I just like to level in MMO's now. I'm never going back to scheduled raid nights content again. (I've said that before too and did it anyway) Smiley: glare
#508 Apr 24 2014 at 6:31 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
My nightblade is super fun. That is all.
#509 Apr 24 2014 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
My NB is 30 now. So I promptly rolled another alt last night instead of playing her. That usually makes me appreciate how much I like NB.Smiley: smile
#510 Apr 24 2014 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
I see forum posts around that complain about the NB being buggy. I do get some cases where my skill doesn't fire off, like (don't remember the name of it) the opener that teleports you to the MoB. But that is not game breaking, in fact it has no effect at all really because I just do it again and it does fire off.

The thing is, NB puts out so much damage. So, so much damage. I found out last night what my limit is, and I honestly think I can even overcome that with a bit of concentration - my L16 NB engaged two and I somehow triggered another two only moments into the fight. I killed two and nearly had the third down, and the fourth had also taken some AoE damage, when I died. They were all L18. Prior to that I had taken on and killed up to three L18s.

I just wonder if they're going to mess with it and tune it down, because that never ends well. It always goes too far in the other direction. Also, I am far from being a great player, but I see other NBs out there that I watch struggle taking down one at a time. I think it is because there is such diversity in builds available. Also, if you look for the shards you can wind up with four or five more skill points at my level than if you just humpty-dumpty along.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#511 Apr 24 2014 at 6:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Teleport Strike Opener(Lotus Fan Aoe morph) to Steal Cyclone Is pretty crazy aoe damage. So is stealth to concealed weapon for single target/control. Plus any mob that can be knocked back is game overed by adding the snare morph to the knockback shot on bow. Some like the self knockback but I think that's nuts. You get knockback and snare on one ability the other way! Ability slots are precious. You can sit there and wear down a world boss all day with siphon/leach attacks turned on. Near endless Stam/Mag.

Then if you want to really get nutz you can get vampire line and double stealth boost stealth at sprint speed. I have not tried it, but I want to sometime. Only problem with adding vampire to my NB at this point is I have no room for the skills. My Bow and my DW set ups are so dialed and I enjoy them a ton as is.

I might make my other NB a vampire to experiment with one of those siphony/bloodsucky bat swarm builds more later on.

Some of the things not working have actually been fixed, most are passives. Some are minor discrepancies in the math between the tooptip and parsing. None of them are game breaking. It's my favorite class so far. But I am enoying my Destro staff DK and other alts as well. I just go back to my NB and she is my highest by far.

I think DK's and Sorcs are far more popular though. Sorcs especially are pretty forgiving in the early stages while you are getting your feet under you.

I still have not tried a templar but every time I see someone Aedric spear I think SUN BRO! Which could be fun.
#512 Apr 24 2014 at 9:43 PM Rating: Excellent
2,196 posts
Decided to take the plunge (need something to keep me entertained until EQNext comes out - I can play games without Dwarves for only so long!) and I needed a break from Diablo III. The local Gamestop had one Imperial Edition in stock so I figured, what the heck. The box is huuuge! Kind of bummed they didn't include the soundtrack so instead I picked that up on iTunes tonight - 47 songs - love me some fantasy game and movie soundtracks. Smiley: cool

Enjoying the game and quests so far. Voice acting is top notch and the combat is decent so far and I imagine it will get more interesting as I level up and increase my skills.

Made a Nord Templar (Snorre Tankard) that is now up to level 7 - finished the island adventures and I joined the Fighter's Guild. I'm sure I'll make some alts at some point but I'm happily focusing on this character for now. If anyone wants to group up with a healer/tank, let me know. Smiley: smile

*edit - correction - 47 songs, not 44.

Edited, Apr 24th 2014 11:47pm by Snorre
'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#513 Apr 25 2014 at 7:35 PM Rating: Excellent
I've come to the conclusion that the game gets easier in mid levels compared to early levels.

As a NB at 30+ I can now take on a group of 3-5 and aoe wtf blam splat them down with alacrity. No way I could do that sub 20. But it was around level 15 that I started turning the corner towards real ultimate power.

Will be interesting to see how things progress 35-50.
#514 Apr 28 2014 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
2,196 posts
I. am. hooked! I pulled an almost all day and all-niter Saturday night (called it a night at 4am) with a few breaks in-between. I fed my alt-itis a little bit over the weekend creating an Imperial (DC) Nightblade, Seamus Knightfall (level 8), a Breton Dragonknight, Haemish Darkstout (level 6), and a High Elf Sorcerer, Dashiell Nova (level 6). Love my Nightblade. I wasn't able to take down Doshia (Fighters Guild quest) yet so I think I'll have to revisit her in another level or so. Clearly, I'm a better tank/healer but I'll work on the NB when I can. Smiley: blush

I really enjoyed checking out the other areas and quests. The Khajiit and Argonians are hilarious - I'm definitely going to have to make one of each at some point. I agree, Runs From Bugs is an outstanding Argonian name. Smiley: cool

I went back to focus on my Nord Templar - last night I put down Gutsripper (Mages Guild quest) after a few tries at level 8. Hope to join a guild soon and group up with others to get my healing chops down.
'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#515 Apr 28 2014 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
Snorre wrote:
I. am. hooked! I pulled an almost all day and all-niter Saturday night (called it a night at 4am) with a few breaks in-between. I fed my alt-itis a little bit over the weekend creating an Imperial (DC) Nightblade, Seamus Knightfall (level 8), a Breton Dragonknight, Haemish Darkstout (level 6), and a High Elf Sorcerer, Dashiell Nova (level 6). Love my Nightblade. I wasn't able to take down Doshia (Fighters Guild quest) yet so I think I'll have to revisit her in another level or so. Clearly, I'm a better tank/healer but I'll work on the NB when I can. Smiley: blush

I really enjoyed checking out the other areas and quests. The Khajiit and Argonians are hilarious - I'm definitely going to have to make one of each at some point. I agree, Runs From Bugs is an outstanding Argonian name. Smiley: cool

I went back to focus on my Nord Templar - last night I put down Gutsripper (Mages Guild quest) after a few tries at level 8. Hope to join a guild soon and group up with others to get my healing chops down.

Nice. I really have enjoyed the Argonian and Kajiit NPCs thus far. I also didn't realize that finding lore books was a thing if you were in the Mage's Guild, so I didn't join up right away with my NB. Joined up straight away with my Sorc and noticed that finding lore books now means something . . . I'm trying to figure out what (I mean, it's not like I can just look it up on my computer or something).

Welcome to the game that seems to get 6's from all the critics. Have fun.


Snorre wrote:
I wasn't able to take down Doshia (Fighters Guild quest) yet so I think I'll have to revisit her in another level or so.

Do you have gear in every slot? The greens don't start to drop until later, at L6 I think I had gear missing from half my slots. Let me know, maybe I can mail you some.

Edited, Apr 28th 2014 10:13pm by cynyck
"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#516 Apr 28 2014 at 9:24 PM Rating: Excellent
I did not get to play as much as I wanted to over the weekend due to RL social stuff. But I am 35 now on my NB.


On a whim I went on walkabout when I was still level 33 and went to the final zone for AD (Reapers March) to camp vampire spawns. Was fun dodging level 40 mobs and I even killed a level 41 scorpion. No vamps spawned at the campsite I chose but I had fun chatting with other campers and now have waypoints there in case I get the urge to play around with it again.

I got my Leaching strikes morphed to also leach health now for eternal bow kiting. And I chose the stamina regen option on Whirling blades for DW line. Plus I plunked 3 points I had floating around into Wood Elf Stam Regen and now it's overcharged at 55+. Feels real nice on both counts.

Other than that I'm cruising around doing my thing still enjoying the ride.
#517 Apr 29 2014 at 2:25 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I had family intruders visitors last week and didn't get to play much. But! I'm messing around with a templar now. Not my favorite class thematically (do-gooders are so boring) but I don't like the resto staff and want to be able to heal without it if/when I feel like it. And I have to say, what with this being my third class with the bow, that templars make nice archers. That first skill with the snare goes well with it.

I reckon if I dressed her like a thief and attacked from stealth a lot, I could pretend she's not a templar. She even throws fire a little! It's, like, happy-sunny fire, as opposed to my dk's dragon fire, but still.

Edit for short, shameful confession: I also installed the addon that shows me where the skyshards are. I feel so dirty.

Edited, Apr 29th 2014 4:25pm by teacake
#518 Apr 29 2014 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
I just looked them up on one of the teso sites. I should really try add-ons at some point. I usually find most of them just exploring around or in pub dungeons but if I have a few left over at the end of the zone I look them up.

I have heard good things about bow templar early on.

I had this evil urge to drop my bow for Destro staff on my NB just to try it. Some claim destro staff impulse/siphon is the best way to roll in VR. But it just does not suit my vision for the character and plenty of others have said they do fine bow/DW in VR.

I'm way outside of the level where I even have to worry about it, but I'm going to play my destro staff DK until the urge passes to stupid up my almost perfect current NB. Smiley: lol
#519 Apr 29 2014 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
2,196 posts
cynyck wrote:
Welcome to the game that seems to get 6's from all the critics. Have fun.


Snorre wrote:
I wasn't able to take down Doshia (Fighters Guild quest) yet so I think I'll have to revisit her in another level or so.

Do you have gear in every slot? The greens don't start to drop until later, at L6 I think I had gear missing from half my slots. Let me know, maybe I can mail you some.

Edited, Apr 28th 2014 10:13pm by cynyck

Thanks! I know ESO has had a rough start and I've seen some of the negative reviews but I've not been disappointed with anything so far...well, it would be cool if they discovered a lost colony of dwarves at some point but otherwise, it's all good. Smiley: grin I've learned to be patient with MMORPGs and let them work out their issues.

Much appreciated! I do not have gear in every slot yet due to my low level, lack of crafting skills, and bad luck on gear drops. Smiley: blush I've basically been gearing up via quest rewards and what ever drops off things I slay. I bank items my alts can use, too. I'm on as Snorre Tankard (now level 9) for the most part.

'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#520 Apr 29 2014 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
I finally settled on playing a dual-wielding Khajiit nightblade, and I've been enjoying the hell out of it. Still hesitant to put any significant skill points into Shadow since I rarely have to worry about sneaking up on stuff: just teleport in, whirlwind, and raceroll your way through any group of normal mobs. Once I get weapon swapping (two more levels), I'll probably add a bow and some points in Siphoning.

My Breton sorceress is collecting dust, and my other alts will probably be re-rolled at some point. I made an Argonian templar with healing staff and light armor for kicks, but quickly got bored. Mostly because the name "Runs-with-Scissors" was already taken. Smiley: frown

Edit: My toon's name is Zol-Djinn. Hit me up with the friend requests.

Edited, Apr 29th 2014 10:24pm by Demea
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#521 Apr 29 2014 at 9:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Also, I got my new computer. Graphics settings went from Low to High (and I could probably swing Ultra High if needed).

Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#522 Apr 29 2014 at 11:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Demea wrote:
Also, I got my new computer. Graphics settings went from Low to High (and I could probably swing Ultra High if needed).


Oh yeah huge difference in pics. Grat's on your new rig!

I had a mostly mellow night on my DK. Except that I forgot that the mage quest line puts you into one Sheogorath's realms at level 8. I was on level but man 2 imps suck when all you have is fire damage. I had just sold/deconed my other stuff before the quest. Note to self, bring a back up staff.

Also forgot how much that clanfear boss is a ****** at the end. It took some mighty kiting (and platform jumping cheesing) to get that bad dog down. I swear the pacing and difficulty is so much more uneven early on. I think they got better at it because it's much smoother after 15 ish.

Also F Sheogorath anyway. He is an annoying twunt. I think he spawned from the hobo molester plane of Oblivion. Smiley: dubious
#523 Apr 30 2014 at 4:58 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I did that first Sheogorath quest at level 5 or 6 once, my first time through before I knew better. I died something like five times total before I got it done. Smiley: lol Anywhere where there are multiple imps is a pain in the rear. I'm not good enough at blocking to handle that much fire coming at me, and at low levels you don't always have much in the way of AOE. I don't generally have trouble with the dinosaur thing at the end, but listening to that looooonnng speech between Sheogorath and the thane of Whiterun is enough to kill anyone. (I've leveled so many characters to 10-15 at this point, I'm becoming way too familiar with these quests.)

Grats on the new computer Demea!
#524 Apr 30 2014 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
I am almost interested. Too bad no time and no native controller support.
#525 May 01 2014 at 10:41 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Well geez, I might as well just sub for a year now... HORSE RACING! For reals!
#526 May 01 2014 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
smart of them to give the extra 5 days game time.
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