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Warlords of Draenor: Now with 75% less abilities!Follow

#1 Apr 03 2014 at 6:54 PM Rating: Excellent
The Warlords of Draenor Patch Notes, draft 1 has just gone up, along with the Alpha test.

They've removed a LOT of abilities, as they said they would in that "Pruning the Garden of War" post. I think it's cool, we'll see.

I highly suggest getting a drink and reading through it all. A lot of it is repeat from the blog posts that have been hitting the past few weeks, but a lot of it isn't (like the specific removed spells). Pay special attention to the new talents, they've changed.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2014 8:58pm by IDrownFish
#2 Apr 03 2014 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
807 posts
Looks like in the next expansion after WoD we will just have one auto attack button at this rate.
#3 Apr 03 2014 at 8:32 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Xizervexius wrote:
Looks like in the next expansion after WoD we will just have one auto attack button at this rate.

Slippery Slope Fallacy at its finest, lol.

Just because they're removing some abilities that are there only for complexity's sake, doesn't mean they're going to turn everybody in Cata Arcane Mage.


OMG YES. They removed Inquisition.

Hell Yes. Happy day that we don't have to worry about that stupid short-term buff anymore.

Now if only we could convince them to get rid of Slice&Dice/Savage Roar, or allow us to glyph S&D like SR, then it'd be even more awesome.

EDIT: Weapon Damage base lowered by 20%, but Primary Stat contribution to damage increased by a large margin. This makes weapons less important than they were before. Right now, the weapon is the single biggest thing on your paperdoll, easily 2-3x (if not more) more important than everything else. It is about freaking time they stop ******** us over in the Weapon department as badly as they did in the past.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2014 11:14pm by Lyrailis
#4 Apr 03 2014 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Fewer buttons =/= bad thing.

That being said my Paladin will have less CD's to juggle. No Divine Plea to press. Also about 40 to 50 plus extra 1.5 second casts that don't currently exist in the average boss fight. I am not keen on that.

Priests and Druids have a lot to be concerned about. It will be interesting to see how things go once beta hits.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#5 Apr 03 2014 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Fewer buttons =/= bad thing.

That being said my Paladin will have less CD's to juggle. No Divine Plea to press. Also about 40 to 50 plus extra 1.5 second casts that don't currently exist in the average boss fight. I am not keen on that.

Priests and Druids have a lot to be concerned about. It will be interesting to see how things go once beta hits.

Yeah I'm not sure I'm liking the whole "omg, healers shouldn't be able to move while casting!" stuff myself.

They're swearing up and down they're not going to pull another Cataclysm on us with healing, but eh. A lot of us are Once Bitten Twice Shy over the matter. I tried healing a few Heroics as my Holy Priest, and it was OK, though I'm overgeared and a complete newbie at healing. Having next to no instant heals, though, I can't imagine that being a fun thing with the "GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO" mentality groups have these days. No casting on the move = people run off and die or somecrap.
#6 Apr 04 2014 at 3:03 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
You just have to love the people in the comments that cry "OMG you nerfed me!!111one" without noticing that everyone else gets nerfed equally (as well as every enemy encounter).

Does anybody remember how long it took for past expansions to move from the Alpha into the Beta? Before all these changes to the player classes and the environment have been playtested noone can say if it will work.
#7 Apr 04 2014 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
You just have to love the people in the comments that cry "OMG you nerfed me!!111one" without noticing that everyone else gets nerfed equally (as well as every enemy encounter).

Does anybody remember how long it took for past expansions to move from the Alpha into the Beta? Before all these changes to the player classes and the environment have been playtested noone can say if it will work.

What I love most is the "OMG YOU'RE DUMBING US DOWN!!!!!!!oneoneone" stuff.

Several threads on the first page of oboards is basically this. Or the people going "WoD = Death of WoW!" just because they don't like that X ability was removed. Spent half of last night trying to explain why the removal of Death Pact/Summon Ghoul from Frost/Blood isn't the end of DKs, and they were going "b-b-b-but I liked that ability".


People only wanna see the "bad" things they don't like. Let's ignore the fact Frost gets +20% healing, let's ignore the fact Blood will do way more damage consistently instead of only when taking a huge beating (which includes while solo, yaaaaay!), let's ignore all that stuff and focus on one ability.

Even saw a Paladin in a thread going "WTF am I supposed to use Holy Power on now that they removed Inquisition!? Might as well just give TV a cooldown". Uh, what, they never heard of Word of Glory? lol. Oh wait, that's probably one of those tunnel vision DPS that refuse to help the healers whatsoever. Right.
#8 Apr 04 2014 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Glyph of Savagery now grants a free 5 combo point Savage Roar when leaving Prowl, instead of allowing Savage Roar to be used with 0 combo points.

Great, so now Kitty is back to being retarded again (PvP change, by the way... slightly annoyed). Good fun, Blizzard! And I can't pick up the level 100 talent that makes it passive, because then I miss out on AOE Rake which is just too good to pass up on.


Inquisition has been removed.

Well, figures.


Swipe (Bear Form) has been removed. Swipe (Cat Form) remains unchanged.
Thrash (Bear Form?) now generates 2 Rage every time it deals direct or periodic damage, has no cooldown (down from a 6-second cooldown), but no longer has a chance to reset Mangle's cooldown.

Druid AOE tanking reduced to single button mashing again. Such progress.

The sad stuff out of the way, this had me laughing out loud:

Guardian Druids' Mastery (Nature’s Guardian) has been replaced with a new Mastery: Primal Tenacity.
Mastery: Primal Tenacity causes the Druid to gain a Physical absorb shield equal to 16% of the attack’s damage when they are hit by a Physical attack. Attacks which this effect fully or partially absorbs cannot trigger Primal Tenacity.

Hello, quasi Old Savage Defense, I've missed you. I actually think this is a good change, because our current mastery is useless beyond words, and we need something that evens out the spike damage. I'm not sure I like their juggling of mitigation and avoidance. They should stick to one or the other (preferably mitigation since RNGesus and I aren't on good terms).

Mangle (Cat Form) has been removed. Mangle (Bear Form) remains unchanged.
Shred no longer requires the Druid to be behind the target.

Oh, thank god. The Mangle animation has been driving me nuts for... well, seven years.

Edited, Apr 5th 2014 12:35am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Apr 04 2014 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Mazra wrote:
Such progress.
Was my feeling about Druids too reading some of the changes. Almost like one of those "let's go back to the way things worked 3 or 4 years ago" kind of things.

I'm all for less buttons though, ***** the 'dumbing down' argument. I can manage about 15ish different abilities with some reasonable reaction time during combat (as in I'll be able to memorize the keybind, and hit it fairly easily while doing whatever). Anything more than that is largely unused or at least is going to have me hunting and pecking for it at the very minimum, so it better not be too time-critical.

Fewer abilities that I have to use in some kind of rotation means more abilities that I can use in other ways. I'll be more likely to remember I can snare an elemental or toss a rarely used debuff, and more likely to do it in a timely manner if I can keep it bound to a convenient button. When they're pushed way off to the side of the screen, or bound to shift-7 or something I'm much more likely to be sitting there staring at my corpse going "oh ya, that would have been a good idea to use, I'll have to remember that for next time (never happens)." Smiley: rolleyes
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#10 Apr 04 2014 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
Death Knight
Army of the Dead now deals 75% less damage and is only available to Blood Death Knights.
Dual Wield is now only available to Frost Death Knights.
Horn of Winter no longer generates Runic Power, has no cooldown, and lasts 1 hour.
Necrotic Strike is now learned only by Frost and Unholy Death Knights.
Raise Dead is now only available to Unholy Death Knights, summons a ghoul as a permanent pet, and has a 1-minute cooldown.
Master of Ghouls has been removed.
Rune Strike now replaces Death Coil for Blood Death Knights.
Frost Strike now replaces Death Coil for Frost Death Knights.
Obliterate now replaces Blood Strike for Frost Death Knights.
Unholy Frenzy has been removed.

Hm. Some of these are lame. I love Frost DK, and it looks like 2 CDs are no longer going to be there :3 (Army and Raise Ghoul)
And Blood and Unholy DKs currently DW...?

Battle Shout now lasts 1 hour and no longer generates Rage.
Berserker Rage no longer generates Rage or increases Physical damage dealt
Berserker Stance has been removed
Cleave has been removed.
Commanding Shout now lasts 1 hour and no longer generates Rage.
Demoralizing Banner has been removed.
Hamstring is now a passive ability that causes Mortal Strike, Bloodthirst, Revenge, and Raging Blow to also reduce the target’s movement speed by 50% for 15 seconds.
Rallying Cry is no longer available to Protection Warriors.
Recklessness is now available only to Fury and Arms Warriors.
Skull Banner has been removed.
Throw has been removed.
Thunder Clap is no longer available to Fury Warriors.
Whirlwind is now available only to Fury Warriors.

Some of these are just silly lol. Why remove cleave? I always feel I need more AE moves as a Prot, and this was my go to after a Thunder Clap and Shockwave.

Facing Requirements

Finally. In Wildstar (current came I cam compare to :p) there is a bonus if from behind, rather then "Target is facing the wrong way."

Automatically Learned Glyphs

Not cool. I just spent the last few months trying to learn all the inscriptions... I already feel shafted and time/gold wasted. Not ******* cool.

Meh we shall have to wait and see. Some changes look ok, others..I dunno.

Edited, Apr 4th 2014 6:36pm by Sandinmygum
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#11 Apr 04 2014 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
I already feel shafted and time/gold wasted. Not @#%^ing cool.

That's better than this:

DPS: "WTF Tank, no Alabaster Shield?"
Protadin: "Hell no, those are 500g at the AH. I ain't paying that."
#12 Apr 04 2014 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Death Knight
Army of the Dead now deals 75% less damage and is only available to Blood Death Knights.
Dual Wield is now only available to Frost Death Knights.
Horn of Winter no longer generates Runic Power, has no cooldown, and lasts 1 hour.
Necrotic Strike is now learned only by Frost and Unholy Death Knights.
Raise Dead is now only available to Unholy Death Knights, summons a ghoul as a permanent pet, and has a 1-minute cooldown.
Master of Ghouls has been removed.
Rune Strike now replaces Death Coil for Blood Death Knights.
Frost Strike now replaces Death Coil for Frost Death Knights.
Obliterate now replaces Blood Strike for Frost Death Knights.
Unholy Frenzy has been removed.

Army of Dead being unique is lame. Horn of Winter change is lame (just make it passive, at this point. If it's going to be on my bar, I want to be using it). No more ghouls for non-Unholy is HELLA lame. Rune Strike replacing DC is lame (though that only really matters in PVP nowadays). I'm okay with UF being gone, because I didn't like the mechanic in the first place. Really made my DK unappealing for me.

Mage changes:

I REALLY like the Bomb changes. Which is noteworthy, because I freaking hated what they did to them in MoP. Much, much nicer. That said, it's not going to actually be a talent choice, because it'll be Unstable Magic for all boss fights, unless there's a SERIOUS AoE component. 25% chance your main nuke does 50% additional damage? The chances adding a bomb to your rotation will come close to equaling that sort of DPS is extremely low.

That said...

Mirror Image is now a talent - Hate it.
Rune of Power is just a straight dps CD (and you don't get MI) - HATE IT.
Inter's Flow - Ew wtf is this?

I shouldn't be surprised. I've abhored the direction they've taken Mage since Cataclysm. Don't know why I thought they'd stop.

Arcane Charges lasting longer is nice, but I still can't stand Arcane's Mastery. THAT'S something that should have been changed.

Underwhelmed (or outright disappointed) by the DK changes, largely displeased with the Mage changes (with some gems). Wondering where all the Balance Druid changes are...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#13 Apr 05 2014 at 4:04 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I like the Horn of Winter change. I ran with the glyph, anyway, because I can't be ***** hitting more buttons when I'm derprolling 5-mans.

Thrash spam is a bit too much derp, though.

Edited, Apr 5th 2014 12:04pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#14 Apr 05 2014 at 4:22 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Their approach to buffs is just odd to me at this point.

Choosing between Frost Armor and other armors (are those even still a thing?) I like. Having to toss out Arcane Intellect... meh. I actually really like buffing. I loved being a Druid and cycling thorns and HotW.

So, for me, the incredible lengths they've gone to to make buffing as "painless" as possible (cast once, unless deaths) really just made buffing less interesting. I never feel like I'm making people more powerful anymore, I feel like I'm activating a passive that could just, you know, be passive.

Is that weird? I mean, I'm not bashing their choice to streamline buffing. I just sort of feel like, if they were going to do it, just take the next step and make any buffs that are essentially passive... passive. Otherwise, I want the button on my bar to be something I'm actually using.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#15 Apr 05 2014 at 5:07 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The original reason for buffs having a duration was so they could get dispelled, right? Can't dispel a passive.

I agree that buffing feels odd now. Since every damn combination of classes can max out buffs these days, they really don't feel all that important. I get that buffs shouldn't make the class or the combination of classes in a raid, but at this point they might as well remove them and roll the stats into the damage modifiers. The Windwalker Monk brings the exact same two buffs to the table as the Feral Druid.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#16 Apr 05 2014 at 6:27 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
True, I didn't consider dispelling.

But yeah, despite being a support-lover at heart, I do think they should probably just remove the long term buffs. Short term party CDs, sure. But the ones that you're gonna cast and forget might as well go.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#17 Apr 05 2014 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
RE: Mage changes:

THANK GOD I am not FORCED to throw a stupid circle on the ground and stand in it. That was freaking annoying as crap. I couldn't even think about DPSing until I threw that little circle on the ground, and once on the ground I had to throw another one down every 60 seconds, or every time a boss forced me to move, or every time a trash pack died.

One of THE worst changes they ever made to Arcane Mages, ever.

Incanter's Flow doesn't sound THAT bad, it sounds like ideallly you'd want to burn off your stacks whenever you have 25% damage (5 stacks) and build Arcane Power when you've got 1-3% but I dunno. Not sure how good that'd actually be. Maybe it is for people who love gambling? Either way, you could also just take Mirror Image because it'll be way more powerful now if you don't like the gambling aspect of it.

I'm not sure I'm liking the removal of Frost Bomb. I liked Frost Bomb, dammit. Hopefully they make the Arcane equivalent actually worth using, or at least fun to use (rather than annoying but must-have like Rune of Power is today).

And yes....dear God, the Mastery. They must change the mastery. If we're not going to have a "Refill you to full constantly" mechanic like Rune of Power, then PLEASE don't lower our DPS as we use mana. Seriously, that's bad game design.
#18 Apr 05 2014 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
Camping right now, so on mobile. Not going to bother quoting everyone.

Frost DKs were the only ones consistently dual wielding. Unholy did occasionally, but it's been only for very specific occurrences.

Mage changes are great. Death to the Mana Tier is beautiful, death to the bomb tier even more so. The "single target nuke can explode" talent actually seems to be about mathematically equivalent to the flow talent, based on my quick head math. Which is great. It also seems really cool to me.

They are fixing single target shadow, so I'm going to be dancing in the streets for days.
#19 Apr 05 2014 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Mirror Image becoming a talent just makes me angry. MI was awesome, and every Mage should have it. Smiley: glare

I already don't like the new talent system. Making me choose between abilities that used to be standard in the new talent system is just not okay for me.

But yeah, I have a deep, deep loathing of the Mage masteries. Arcane's in particular, but I'm not a huge fan of the Ignite-Combustion mechanic, either.

I actually DO like the Frost Mastery. But I'm not liking the effect of Frost Bomb with the Frost Mastery (unless your icicles count as Ice Lances for it. Then maybe).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#20 Apr 05 2014 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
idiggory the Fussy wrote:
Mirror Image becoming a talent just makes me angry. MI was awesome, and every Mage should have it. Smiley: glare

What if they made it so that it was a talent that upgraded Mirror Image to actually do something, instead of now? It's useless now.

Also with the Arcane Mastery. It was sh*t in MoP, but I loved how it played in Cata. In Cata you decided to burn and dumped all of your mana, in MoP you just stand in the rune and follow a rotation. If they can bring back Cata's Arcane play, I have no issue with their mastery.

What about how Frost Bomb interacts with their mastery bugs you?

Edited, Apr 5th 2014 7:59pm by IDrownFish
#21 Apr 05 2014 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I absolutely loathed it it in both expansions. That is not an exaggeration. I absolutely HATED having my power linked to my mana levels. I didn't particularly like what they did with the Arcane rotation in either expansion, either. It wasn't the most interesting system in Wrath, but it was super fast paced and fun, and it rewarded being in the moment (where Fire was for people who liked to look forward and plan).

As for Frost Bomb, I don't like its damage being linked to how often you can Ice Lance, when Ice Lance is also a trigger for launching your Icicles (assuming you aren't just cycling).

What I think could have been interesting is if Frost Bomb DID have a CD, your Ice Lance procced your Icicles, and your Icicles are what prompted the explosions, so that proper utilization of the spell required prep.

But right now it's just a strict rotation sort of ability. That's boring. I don't particularly like Ice Lance as it is currently implemented anyway, hitting it whenever you have a FoF proc. I think the Icicles Mastery could have been legitimately interesting if it was the sort of thing a Mage was deciding to launch. That's what I mean when I say I like the mastery, not that I like it all that much in its current form.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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