Apart from the 90 boost there are two topics that have spurred some heated discussions on the different forums I frequent.
1) WoD being most likely released towards the end of the year, with no content patches in between apart from the pre-expansion event and 6.0 changes to classes/stats/spells.
I must say, this is no problem for me. Since I am a completionist I actually like having more time on my hands to reach my goals before WoD. If I somehow run out of content to do (or the will to do it) I'll just unsubscribe for a few months and play something other. Reaper of Souls is just around the corner and I wanted to play Baldurs Gate 1 & 2 for some time now.
2) No flying in Draenor until at least 6.1 maybe even for the entire expansion. Since they said something along the lines of "no flying at launch and then we'll see" it is possible they are thinking about not adding it at all to the new continent.
This pisses me of, quite frankly. Riding ground mounts till level cap is fine by me. When I level alts it starts to get on my nerve but is still bearable. But on my level 100 main I want to fly! I see zero value in this change and view it as a clumsy effort to extend content (because everything takes longer, see the unskippable cutscenes in ToT).
So what do you think about all this?