Ha! It is the small hours of Friday morning over here and that's close enough. Air quality has reached such a level of bad that my usual weather application just left it blank, PM 2.5 is listed as 434 (Hazardous) by the embassy. Yep, I'm having a bad air day. Let's get those goals rolling!
WoW: The Celestial Tournament is annoying me. I have several leveling projects on hold, displaced by the itch to get the right herd of pets leveled up enough to start winning it from time to time. It would help if battle-stones were more cooperative, but RNG doesn't love my pets -- rares elude me and greens are doomed to remain green.
RL: The new semester kicks off on Monday. I'm looking forward to it, I'll have some good students and I'll get to let them challenge themselves a bit. Tyger should have found her way back to Beijing today, but she's probably wiped out from the train trip and getting smacked in the face with a load of smog. Hopefully, we'll work something in over the weekend.
Now, let's hear from the other side of the planet!