I bought like 4 of them bundles last year... I really should maybe sell them. I was going to multibox but just never did (started tor raid and pvp, there went my "free time").
I'll be coming back soon. FFXIV is fun, but yea i tis starting to get boring.
I'm trying to talk myself into getting to 50 (cap, I'm 45) and finishing the current story. 14's dungeon pairing is not well atm. Getting stuck with a bad group makes me think I'm a bad player, and then I don't play for days/weeks... maybe I am just a bad healer :3
RL friend keeps asking when I'm coming back, so there is always that, being able to play with people you know. I don't really play with anyone in 14 and that can be a drag when I need help.
Edited, Nov 29th 2013 10:13am by Sandinmygum
Sand, it gets in to stuff.