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So thinking of coming back.... Follow

#1 Nov 15 2013 at 9:09 AM Rating: Excellent
It's been a while, at least it feels like it has.

I've been missing the game lately. When Cataclysm first came out, I had a blast. I hit 85 in just a couple of days, and while the heroics were really tough at first with PUGs, I had finally started to get the hang (at least a little) with my Shaman as a healer (though always did better as DPS with him).

What started to push me away from the game was the guild dynamics. I don't know exactly how it happened, but my guild which was a casual grouping guild somehow tried to turn into a serious raiding guild that allowed some casuals in it. Despite the things that I did for the guild, I was demoted down to the point I couldn't even take any of the items I placed in the guild bank back out. After watching people I as friends with leave the guild I eventually left as well.

Still enjoying the game overall, a couple of friends invited me to join them on their server (Thorium Brotherhood), so I packed up some stuff on my character and did a transfer. Shortly after they quit playing leaving me alone on a server that was role-play focused on alliance after I had played horde for such a long period of time.

So I quit as well. I wasn't around for Mists of Pandaria, but after seeing the WoD trailer I'm thinking of coming back (I just reinstalled WoW on my computer).

I'm thinking of giving Alliance a try for a bit, just to see how the other half lived (and since I really have no ties to the horde anymore since none of my friends play any longer).

This post isn't a rant or anything, just trying to get myself back into the community I guess a bit, I don't really recognize any of the people who've been posting on here, and couldn't even find my original account name or email. So, just Hi I guess for now.
#2 Nov 15 2013 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Welcome back!

I suggest giving Mists of Pandaria a try; it would give you time to 'get back into things' while you wait for WoD to come out.

A lot of people hate on Mists, but a good number of those people end up going "well.......ok this is kinda cool" once they actually see what Mists has to offer.

It'd also allow you to start WoD with two characters instead of just one; if you level one to Level 90 now.. you'll get another free Level 90 when WoD comes out allowing you to have 2 characters all ready to go. Or 3, or 4 whatever.
#3 Nov 15 2013 at 9:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Thank you!

I'm looking online to see if there is any early sales that I might be able to get it for a smidge cheaper, I think the local k-mart has the collectors edition for $59, and that could be nice.

Then I need to pick a server - I'm not going back to Cairne, and I'm not going back to Thorium. If pets become BoA then some of the more special ones I have will be available even on a new server. I just kinda want a fresh start, if that makes any sense. Make some new friends, try to get into a good casual guild for grouping, and maybe some day I'll do a raid.

#4 Nov 15 2013 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Yeah most of the mounts, almost every pet and many titles are accountwide now. With the next expansion heirlooms will be, too, as well as toys. And if we're really lucky tabards will become accountwide. So the only thing you may miss on a new server is the gold you may or may not have acquired on your old toons.

And compared to before MoP there is a ton of things you can do, even without counting progression raiding or competitive PvP.

- Pet Battles
- the farm (for Cooking mats)
- Proving Grounds, which are essentially solo challenges with scaled gear so you can not overpower them
- Brawlers Guild, solo challenges without gear-scaling, so you can overpower them as your itemlevel rises
- Scenarios and Heroic Scenarios; 3man 'dungeons' without the need for a tank or a healer, although sometimes they make it easier
- Transmogrification; you may know this already, depending when you left the game; it's a feature that lets you give the appearance of an item you do not have equiped to the item of the corresponding slot that you have equiped (with some restrictions)

I'm sure I forgot something and there are of course all of the activities that were there before you left.

Edit: Why do I always find my mistakes after I posted and not before?

Edited, Nov 15th 2013 11:37am by TherealLogros
#5 Nov 15 2013 at 11:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Wow...the only thing I knew about was pet battles... that is quite awesome.

I've already started up my account again, though to my chagrin I had apparently left my caster heirloom gear in the mail and it must have been deleted after the 60 days. I can try to open a ticket, see if they'll restore those items. If not it's ok, I still have my 85 who I can try to farm with if I absolutely had to...

But in a way, I'm kinda digging the fresh start, at least in terms of gear. I'm thinking I might pick Stormrage on alliance - it's a very heavy alliance server so I'm thinking I'll always have something to do, though perhaps PVP may be lacking considerablly.

I may even try a PvP server, just to do something different that I've never done before.
#6 Nov 15 2013 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
Just as a heads up, Game Stop has the CE for $40 right now. I just picked mine up an hour ago. Smiley: grin
#7 Nov 15 2013 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
Oh, that's awesome. Kmart didn't have it, but there are like 6 gamestops around my house, one probably has it.
#8 Nov 15 2013 at 4:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
Kursh wrote:
Make some new friends, try to get into a good casual guild for grouping, and maybe some day I'll do a raid.

It is worth noting that you don't have to be in a guild to raid unless you are after the higher challenge / bigger numbers. Blizzard has introduced Looking For Raid that will allow you to do current, albeit easier, expansion raids. You might have been around during the end of Cataclysm to see them, I apologize if you stated that you have (always struggled with reading comprehension :( ). The really nice thing is you are not fighting other people for the loot. It is all personal. You get a little window that will give you a shot at class specific (role specific as well; you can change what role the game will roll for though without changing for the fight I believe) plus the option to use specific items for bonus rolls as well.

Stormrage is a good server. It was the server I called home up to my step away from the game back in August. Want to get back but forcing myself to upgrade the toaster before I renew. Nothing is more enjoyable than getting 2 fps during fights like Elegon. Smiley: mad
#9 Nov 15 2013 at 4:49 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
In addition to Looking For Raid (=LFR) there is a fourth difficulty level that was introduced with the last major patch. It is called Flex Raiding. The reason for this name is that you can tackle the bosses of the current raid tier with any number of players between 10 and 25. The tuning is set to be more difficult than LFR but easier than Normal Mode Raiding. So, in theory, it is perfect for PUGing.
I say "in theory" because many people that open Flex Raids want all their members to have incredibly high itemlevels plus clear experience in Heroic Mode or HIGHER. Smiley: mad I understand the desire for smooth sailing but some take it way too far.
#10 Nov 15 2013 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
5,599 posts
tl;dr: A lot has changed (read: "been added"), so try not to feel overwhelmed and feel free to ask questions.
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
I have a racist ****.

Steam: TuxedoFish Fishy #1649
GW2: Fishy.4129
#11 Nov 16 2013 at 4:07 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
An otter wants a word with returning players ...

Anne Otter wrote:
Welcome back!

There you have it "Welcome Back, Otter"
#12 Nov 16 2013 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
I did get MoP (though was unable to get the Collectors edition). I hate to bother the GMs, but I saw some suggestions from folks on the Oboards to open a ticket for the lost Heirloom gear. It's totally my fault, but if they are willing it would save me some time.

I started up a Pandarian Monk, just to try a new race and class, on Stormrage and have worked my way up so far to 17. I did a dungeon finder group as soon as I hit 15, and it went as well as could be expected. The first run was rough for the group, but the second went much smoother.

At this point I am considering how I can get to my wealth on Thorium and Cairn - most likely with a couple of character moves once I have some cash
#13 Nov 16 2013 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
If they didn't change anything you still have a limit of 50.000 gold per transfered character. The only way to get more gold from one server to another in one go is if you transfer a guild. It has to has some minimum level but afair that level is rather low.
#14 Nov 16 2013 at 10:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
They still let you take your personal bank right?

Buy stacks of mats before the transfer, resell on the other side. Play it right and you may get richer in the process. Smiley: wink
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#15 Nov 16 2013 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Or buy a couple of those Fortune Cards.

Playing the AH game was always too much hassle for my taste.
#16 Nov 16 2013 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
If you're on a decent population server, pick Mining and Skinning.

You'll have more money than you know what to do with well before you get to Level 60. If you actually try to keep your skills current, you would likely have not only enough to buy flying + flight master's license, but also be well on your way to having enough for cold weather flying as well.

Then, assuming you can find some stuff in Outland, you should easily be able to afford the Lv70 flying and you shouldn't have much trouble with the Lv80 one by the time you reach Lv80.

Seriously, I was looking at prices of some of that ore and leather because I made a couple leatherworkers and a blacksmith recently and the prices were simply out of this world. 300g/stack of Fel Iron? 60g/stack for Heavy Leather? 120g for a stack of Knothide? Freaking BOREAN that you can get several stacks an hour going for 80+? That's not to even mention Savage, though I can kinda understand that; all the Cataclysm stuff is a royal PITA to get...

Certainly doesn't take long to make several thousand gold while leveling up.

Just don't be an idiot -- don't buy greens or crafting mats out of the AH and you'll be rich way before you get Lv90.

Edited, Nov 16th 2013 12:24pm by Lyrailis
#17 Nov 17 2013 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
So, been having a blast so far, I absolutely love, love, love the pet battles.. it's something fresh and new (even if it is just Pokemon)

Picked up Mining and Skinning for my Monk, it's been my tactic in the past as a way to make funds working my way up to to end game content. Did another Random Dungeon and finally starting to get used to the monk a bit more, looking forward to a full range of powers to use.

I still have the 1,300 gold on another server, enough to get me going but I don't really need it, I'm just taking my time. Mining will get me up there, and eventually skinning will do.
#18 Nov 17 2013 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

It starts out kind of slow, but the awesome XP Buff Daily and the items they give you out of the quests are nice perks to being a Monk.

Once you get to about Level 50 or so, you'll have a bunch of different ways you could kill something without even getting hurt. Once you have about Lv50, try using Expel Harm, throw a couple Spinning Fire Blossoms at the enemy and then zap it with Jade Lightning, and throw Blossoms when you're able to.

Nothing like killing something without taking a single point of damage. lol.

There's other similar little games you can do once you start getting the full repertoire. Sadly, a lot of that stuff really drops off in the mid-80s; Fire Blossom does a small amount of damage, but nowhere near enough to actually kill anything like early levels. Oh, and remember where I said to not buy anything from the AH earlier?

When you get to level 81, check for Shoulders and 1h axes that are Item Level 400+. I had the shoulders and two of those axes when I went into Blackrock Caverns (the first Cataclysm 5-man dungeon)... I was doing enough DPS to solo the thing myself. It was freaking awesome. They were like "holy crap, stuff is dying fast!" and then the other guy went "oh... the monk has MoP gear". Spinning Crane Kicks laying waste to whole trash packs before the tank can even do anything, etc. Bosses dying before they even get a chance to use their mechanics, etc etc. The first boss of BrC died before he could even use his Chains attack, Corla died before anybody got close to transforming, etc.

Serious fun!
#19 Nov 17 2013 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Yeah, but Monk starts out really slow. It's a super uninteresting play style in those first levels, and you don't even get heirloom gear.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#20 Nov 17 2013 at 8:10 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Yeah, but Monk starts out really slow. It's a super uninteresting play style in those first levels, and you don't even get heirloom gear.

That's the way it is in MANY games that feature powerful/awesome characters -- they usually start out slow seemingly to dissuade people from trying it.

But if you stick with it and grit your teeth... you quickly start becoming awesomesauce.

Compare to characters that start out strong, and end up "meh" at the end of the game.

Unless you're an Arms Warrior, then you start off OK, quickly get Awesome........and stay that way, clear up to Endgame.
#21 Nov 18 2013 at 1:46 AM Rating: Good
I will probably try out a monk at some point, but I don't anticipate enjoying it. I rarely like melee classes, my DK is an exception. But I'm definitely going to give it a try just in case. I wish Monk had a dps spellcaster spec.
#22 Nov 18 2013 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I was about to start talking about the Pandaren starting zone. But then I remembered that Monks didn't have to be Pandaren, and you could (in fact) have heirloom gear.

So, yeah, I'm betting a non-Pandaren Monk would be fine.

Pandaren anything is a miserable experience. I was itnerested in the story going through the Wandering Isle and ended up bored out of my mind with how:

1. Slow it was...
2. Boring it was...
3. Annoyingly difficult it was. Mobs were hitting way too hard relative to my peak dps...

But, seriously, it wouldn't kill them to toss Monks a lowbie skill like other classes get. Give me something that will become obsolete if you have to, just do SOMETHING to make me not want to kill myself.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#23 Nov 18 2013 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Dig, what are you talking about?

I leveled two monks to 90 (one for each faction) and I'm not sure we played the same game. Both were Pandaren, and both went through the starting schtick. I didn't feel that their tools were significantly worse than other toons of the same level.
#24 Nov 18 2013 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Seriously? Smiley: dubious

No heirloom gear, so unless you're brand new, we're talking about a much slower experience. Plus, you can't join a guild for the guild exp bonus, because you haven't chosen a side.

Jab, tiger palm, jab until your buff drops. NOTHING ELSE . Well, you get that roll... which you never have reason to use. And a long CD kick you rarely have reason to use.

But Shaman gets Lightning Bolt, Primal Strike, Earth Shock, Healing Surge. Plus Lightning Shield. That's 4 solid, different abilities that you'll use constantly, and which excel in different scenarios.

Mage? Frostfire Bolt, Frost Nova, Fire Blast. Even if you don't want to include Blink (which is noteworthy for kiting), that's 3 distinct abilities you use for different reasons, without long CDs.

But Monk? When I last played, Tiger Palm was worse DPS than Jab. So unless your buff was down, it was better to Jab. I never had any reason to use the roll in combat. So until you get Blackout Kick, you do almost nothing but Jab. That's terrible - it's 7 levels without heirloom gear, and the entire island is a linear questing experience that spoons out the exp at a slow pace, so it's going to take you a while just to hit level 7.

And, hell, when you get Blackout Kick it's not much more interesting.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#25 Nov 18 2013 at 5:07 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts

But Shaman gets Lightning Bolt, Primal Strike, Earth Shock, Healing Surge. Plus Lightning Shield. That's 4 solid, different abilities that you'll use constantly, and which excel in different scenarios.

I did a Pandaren Shaman.

It was freaking TERRIBLE. ALL of the Shaman's attacks require MP. Shaman do not get their Mana-generating abilities until much later, which means you're constantly auto-attacking and doing nothing else because you can't even drink to get Mana back if you're in combat (that stupid place where you have to go through the Hozen village, because your companion wants to kill everything in the zone so you can never break combat).

But Monk? When I last played, Tiger Palm was worse DPS than Jab. So unless your buff was down, it was better to Jab. I never had any reason to use the roll in combat. So until you get Blackout Kick, you do almost nothing but Jab. That's terrible - it's 7 levels without heirloom gear, and the entire island is a linear questing experience that spoons out the exp at a slow pace, so it's going to take you a while just to hit level 7.

And, hell, when you get Blackout Kick it's not much more interesting.

There's no reason to compare Jab to Tiger Palm; they take two different resources. Jab eats energy and gives you Chi. Tiger Palm takes 1 Chi. You're going to run out of Energy doing nothing but Jab and 1 Tiger Palm every 30 seconds. Tiger Palm isn't the best DPS around, but you might as well use that Chi on something.

I don't remember the Monk's starting DPS to be THAT bad.

Oh, and if you hate it that much? Pick up Mining and Herbalism. For some odd reason, a turtle's shell has a LOT of Copper Ore. In those low levels, those Herbs and Minerals are worth a lot of XP and your first few levels will zip by pretty quickly if you stop to pick all that stuff up, even if you vendor the stuff and dump the professions after you're done with the Isle. The XP alone would be worth the few copper it takes to learn the profession.

Edited, Nov 18th 2013 6:09pm by Lyrailis
#26 Nov 18 2013 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
At the end of the day, aren't we splitting hairs? The real offense is that the Pandaren starting zone freaking sucks.

I don't really care who it sucks the most for. I just care that it sucks.

When we aren't talking about the starting zone, I'm still giving Shaman the win. I never once had mana issues when leveling my Shaman with heirloom gear.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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