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Subscription numbers released..Follow

#77 May 19 2013 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Thing is, it never had one before they took it down. Which is probably part of their problems. A lot of people seemed to be really enjoying the game, but general press wasn't good. Who in their right mind would pay $30 or $40 or whatever just to find out if the game sucked or not.

Make the most generous free trial you possible can, show off all the goodies, and use it to get people involved. Nowadays, if your MMO isn't free to a certain level (WoW, RIFT until F2P), or free with nearly complete access for at least two weeks (at least EVE, I'm sure more), I just can't see you possibly succeeding.

Particularly not when there are some great F2P games out there. TOR might be over-aggressive with the monetization, but you don't see that in your first few weeks. They could probably stand to add more than just Humans to the free category (maybe add the lesser known races, so people pay for Star Wars favorites like Twi'lek, Sith, and Zabrak), and doing everything they can to make that first planet shine is important. Plenty of room for improvement, but it's not the worst starting experience.

LOTRO is cinematic and it takes you a long while to realize how the content structure is monetized.

I don't have enough experience to comment with EQ2, but I imagine it's decent.

Guild Wars 2 is the only major MMO I can think of that doesn't have a free trial, and it's a one-time payment. You can get it on sale for cheap if you're patient, or just wait for one of their free trial weekends.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#78 May 19 2013 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
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Well, considering that this is FFXIV: ARR and not just FFXIV, hopefully a Free Trial is one of the many things they realized they made a mistake with the first time around.

FFXIV was plagued with problems and they blew it out the airlock long before it was ship-shape and they had to tow it back into the dock and repair it, fix it, and hopefully this time around, it will actually be ready to fly before they push it out this time.

Hopefully, Free Trial is one of the many bullet points of things they fixed or have intentions on fixing.

Even if not, these days I find Youtube to be a pretty good resource for seeing what a game is REALLY like, even for non-MMOs that don't have demos.
#79 May 19 2013 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,080 posts
OK, whatever.
At this time, access to Beta Phase 3 or Open Beta = Free Trial?
As far as F2P goes, let me put it this way. If a game goes that route, I wouldn't play.
FFXI was known for it's tight community. I'm hoping FFXIV has that too, which IMO would not happen with F2P.

#80 May 19 2013 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Vorkosigan wrote:
OK, whatever.
At this time, access to Beta Phase 3 or Open Beta = Free Trial?
As far as F2P goes, let me put it this way. If a game goes that route, I wouldn't play.
FFXI was known for it's tight community. I'm hoping FFXIV has that too, which IMO would not happen with F2P.


F2P usually means P2W and I freaking HATE that.

Warframe is a F2P/P2W game.

Warframe is a fun game in itself. However... when you spend nearly three weeks trying to acquire something in-game, it is quite lame when you see someone sporting that and they go "Oh, it ain't so bad. Just pay the $25 and you won't have to farm for it!"

*rolls eyes*

Now, everything in the game that is relevant is obtainable without Real Money Transactions, but yet.... it just sucks when you see people plunking down lots of money and they step into the game being "Uber Newbies" -- they have awesome gear, awesome tech.... but little to no skills, and no levelups thinking they're hot stuff and boy do they tend to treat you poorly. They like to show off (and get themselves killed in the process), they like to brag about the awesome stuff they have... blah blah.

I hate it.

I would not want to see that in a game like FFXIV or WoW.

How would you like it in WoW when someone goes "Oh, all you need to do is pay the $10 if you want a Sha-Touched Weapon/ToT Weapon/whatever"?
#81 May 19 2013 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I think you need to take a good look around the F2P market as it stands now, not back in 2009, and rethink that position. I can't name a single P2W game.

And Warframe can offer something like that because it's not competitive. At all. In any way. It's like buying weapon packs in ME3. If you want the gun that badly, go ahead. I think you're wasting your money, but it literally makes no difference to me.

In competitive games, that can be a worry. But, like I said, I can't name a single P2W game. Maybe things are still like that in the Asian market, I wouldn't know. But all the western F2P games I've seen are firmly anti-P2W. The closest I can come up with is SWTOR's pay-to-unlock feature for Artifact equipment. And that's a one-time purchase that is more about accessing endgame than anything else, because they didn't put gates on warzones or flashpoints (and all raiders subscribe).


For clarification, have you actually... played a modern F2P game? SWTOR, EQ2, LOTRO, soon-to-be-Rift, GW2 (technically a different model, but close enough in practice it might as well count).

If it's a game that I love, sure - I'll happily pay a sub to have full access to everything. But for months when I don't have a lot of time to play, or for when I might be getting bored with a game, F2P is just awesome. And, in general, they manage to be fun enough without spending a dime that it's more than enough to justify my time. My biggest obstacle in getting back into SWTOR is how disappointed I am with the company right now, and has little to do with their F2P system. That's not to say you won't rub up against F2P barriers. You will, a lot (particularly when you die and have to choose between using a RMT consumable to rez there, or fight your way back). But the core experience isn't all that different from what I was paying $15 a month to access. Except it's free.

Edited, May 19th 2013 11:51pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#82 May 19 2013 at 11:20 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
You can tell you're both new to the F2P model. Very very very few games are pay 2 win that I know about. Warframe? You're paying for a speed up process, the ONLY thing that takes time to build in the game is Frames (1 day for each part 1 day to put em all together) and if you buy it its still lvl 1 just like any other equip in the game. You cant buy power at all. You can speed up and get certain weapons faster then farming the mats but when I was playing a good 6 hours I could farm up the mats for 2-3 weapons in a night.

So you explaining them buying weapons then being noobs, well if they are stupid enough to walk into a high level stage, with lvl 1 equipment then yes they are stupid, but to even have access to that stage they would have needed to do ALL the stages up to that or had a High lvl friend beat a stage with them in party. Also welcome to any game with a community I meet stupid in wow all the time, Block them and move on. (Example I start the game day 1 spend 100 dollars on plat in Warframe, but 3 Frames + weapons, but no matter what I do Ill still have to do all the first stages just like everyone that didnt pay Ill just have more weapon options and nothing else.) I have a lvl 30 frame and 2 lvl 10 frames, I have paid a total of like 10 dollars. I have like 10-15 different weapons I farmed up myself. The only things I bought were Xp boosts/Affinity boosts, and my total playtime for Warframe on Raptr is 34 hours (add about 16 more due to beta)

The only reason FF11 had a community was because the dev team didnt interact with the community at all. So we had to band together to figure stuff out, and were forced to play together to level. If they force parties again in FF14 i know ALOT more people who wont play. I sure as hell dont have time to LFG for 6 hours a day anymore. Also FF11 was back in the days of Yore, WoW wasnt around the MMO market was still early in development, a lot of people were new to the idea of a MMO and terrible, they banded together to get better.

Also P2W is mainly in competitive games, Warframe isnt a PVP game its a PvE game. It's not like they sell a weapon that can only damage a mob and you pay cash for it and only that weapon works against the creature, thats Pay2Win. Paying 50 cents in Plat to speed up the completion of a weapon (takes 24 hours normally) is not pay2 win, its paying for the added convience of having what you want now instead of waiting.

(Sorry typed this up a few hours ago and had to leave due to an emergency just posting it now :s)

Edited, May 20th 2013 12:23am by BeanX
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#83 May 20 2013 at 5:22 AM Rating: Good
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BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
You can tell you're both new to the F2P model. Very very very few games are pay 2 win that I know about. Warframe? You're paying for a speed up process, the ONLY thing that takes time to build in the game is Frames (1 day for each part 1 day to put em all together) and if you buy it its still lvl 1 just like any other equip in the game. You cant buy power at all. You can speed up and get certain weapons faster then farming the mats but when I was playing a good 6 hours I could farm up the mats for 2-3 weapons in a night.

So you explaining them buying weapons then being noobs, well if they are stupid enough to walk into a high level stage, with lvl 1 equipment then yes they are stupid, but to even have access to that stage they would have needed to do ALL the stages up to that or had a High lvl friend beat a stage with them in party. Also welcome to any game with a community I meet stupid in wow all the time, Block them and move on. (Example I start the game day 1 spend 100 dollars on plat in Warframe, but 3 Frames + weapons, but no matter what I do Ill still have to do all the first stages just like everyone that didnt pay Ill just have more weapon options and nothing else.) I have a lvl 30 frame and 2 lvl 10 frames, I have paid a total of like 10 dollars. I have like 10-15 different weapons I farmed up myself. The only things I bought were Xp boosts/Affinity boosts, and my total playtime for Warframe on Raptr is 34 hours (add about 16 more due to beta)

Uh, you put 34 hours into Warframe and you managed to somehow forget that Warframes take THREE days to build and not just one? That's not counting how each part takes 12h itself, each weapon takes 12h to build, and that's once you have obtained the Blueprints. Obtaining Three Blueprints (they all drop off the same boss, have fun with the RNG; took me 30+ kills to get Rhino) and then also the materials, takes quite awhile. Meanwhile some other dude can just drop $20 and have it + a potato right away...

Oh, and $100 will get you maybe 2 frames and 3 weapons. Or 3 frames and 1-2 weapons.

The only reason FF11 had a community was because the dev team didnt interact with the community at all. So we had to band together to figure stuff out, and were forced to play together to level. If they force parties again in FF14 i know ALOT more people who wont play. I sure as hell dont have time to LFG for 6 hours a day anymore. Also FF11 was back in the days of Yore, WoW wasnt around the MMO market was still early in development, a lot of people were new to the idea of a MMO and terrible, they banded together to get better.

Istaria has a tight-knit community. It is an older game, but it came out during EQ days, but yet there were very few secrets about that game -- everybody knew how the mechanics worked. But yet, people came together and the community was strong for years, and years, and years. But then, Istaria had no PvP whatsoever, just like FFXI. Are we seeing a trend here? Maybe.

Also P2W is mainly in competitive games, Warframe isnt a PVP game its a PvE game. It's not like they sell a weapon that can only damage a mob and you pay cash for it and only that weapon works against the creature, thats Pay2Win. Paying 50 cents in Plat to speed up the completion of a weapon (takes 24 hours normally) is not pay2 win, its paying for the added convience of having what you want now instead of waiting.

Uh, Pay 2 Win is basically being able to dump money and get powerful items without having to actually work to get said items. For example, in WoW, if Blizzard allowed you to pay Real Money to obtain Epic Items that normally come out of the current content raid. That'd be Pay 2 Win. Basically, you pay money to "win" items (and other similar things) that other players normally have to work their butts off for. Whether or not said items are obtainable without paying is irrelevant. The point here is that you can dump money to circumvent actual in-game efforts made by players who didn't pay and that's what tends to turn a lot of players away from games that have these sorts of transactions.

Non-Pay2Win is things like Blizzard Pet Store, where you can buy mounts and pets that have very little impact on the game whatsoever. There's nearly two hundred mounts in the game right now, buying one or two out of the Pet Store won't suddenly enable you to clear current content raids or something without having to do any work.

Edited, May 20th 2013 7:25am by Lyrailis
#84 May 20 2013 at 5:59 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Uh, Pay 2 Win is basically being able to dump money and get powerful items without having to actually work to get said items. For example, in WoW, if Blizzard allowed you to pay Real Money to obtain Epic Items that normally come out of the current content raid. That'd be Pay 2 Win. Basically, you pay money to "win" items (and other similar things) that other players normally have to work their butts off for. Whether or not said items are obtainable without paying is irrelevant. The point here is that you can dump money to circumvent actual in-game efforts made by players who didn't pay and that's what tends to turn a lot of players away from games that have these sorts of transactions.

Non-Pay2Win is things like Blizzard Pet Store, where you can buy mounts and pets that have very little impact on the game whatsoever. There's nearly two hundred mounts in the game right now, buying one or two out of the Pet Store won't suddenly enable you to clear current content raids or something without having to do any work.

But Warframe isn't an MMO. I honestly can't name a single F2P MMO where they sell you competitive weapons. I say competitive, because SWTOR will sell you new item skins that come with mods, and you can only get the orange-yellow lightsaber crystal through them (and I don't know who cares, because who the hell wants an orange-yellow lightsaber blade?). It's a level 35 crystal, and the cap is now... 55 I think. It doesn't even approach competitive.

And I don't think the special armor sets you can buy through them even come with mods, meaning they're stat-less.

This is one of the most aggressively monetized F2P game I can think of, besides LOTRO, and it's not selling anything that gives you a competitive edge.

Well, that's not true - they limit your access to loot on F2P, in that you can only gain full loot rewards from your first three flashpoint runs a week, and buy a week-long that removes that reward if you want. But that's because their philosophy is that F2P is for casual players, who are primarily there for the story and the setting, where hardcore gamers will sub (because you can't run operations - raids - while f2p).

Is it my favorite system? Hell no. I'd MUCH rather some kind of expensive, permanent unlock for dungeons. But it's frickin' Star Wars. There's SO MUCH cosmetic stuff they can put in that shop to make money, it's absurd. New races, new armor skins (for the love of god, give consulars some love), exclusive blaster/lightsaber models, items for your ship (and add the infrastructure to make it customizable), etc.


Huh, seems f2p can purchase an Operation pass now in SWTOR.

Edited, May 20th 2013 8:15am by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#85 May 20 2013 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,269 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

Uh, you put 34 hours into Warframe and you managed to somehow forget that Warframes take THREE days to build and not just one? That's not counting how each part takes 12h itself, each weapon takes 12h to build, and that's once you have obtained the Blueprints. Obtaining Three Blueprints (they all drop off the same boss, have fun with the RNG; took me 30+ kills to get Rhino) and then also the materials, takes quite awhile. Meanwhile some other dude can just drop $20 and have it + a potato right away...

Oh, and $100 will get you maybe 2 frames and 3 weapons. Or 3 frames and 1-2 weapons.

Boss runs, while RNG can suck, take stupid little time. You usually can skip most of the trash run straight to the boss, and depending on level solo it no drop? exit mission try again. Some bosses are more of a pain true. Also Maybe I was mistaken i thought it was 24 hours each part 24 hours for everything I havent played since like 3 months ago? Maybe more.

And so what so take a break from the game for a few days until it completes. The price of things is set stupid high becuase they would rather you be PLAYING to get the items than buying them. Also you completely skipped the whole "buying power" no matter what its still the same lvl 1 suit either way. Its not like buying it makes it automatically lvl 30, it just allows you access to that content faster buy spending extra.

Take a moment and Youtube Mike B's channel(AkaMikeB) he has TONs of videos with over 200 hours into Warframe, hes farmed everything, has one of every suit. The only things hes used his plat for I believe are speeding up making stuff and Xp boosters. He has farming runs that take under 1 min to get to boss kill and restart. Oh yeah and he is one of the higher tiers of the founder package and those were not that cheap.


Istaria has a tight-knit community. It is an older game, but it came out during EQ days, but yet there were very few secrets about that game -- everybody knew how the mechanics worked. But yet, people came together and the community was strong for years, and years, and years. But then, Istaria had no PvP whatsoever, just like FFXI. Are we seeing a trend here? Maybe.

I've heard of a lot of MMOs and I can honestly say never heard of the game. My first game was Aeshrons Call, I knew of EQ and Ultima, but I mudded most of the time. Your also being extremely subjective as to "Community" when I first played FFXI i dropped the game like a bad habit after a month. I was bored and everyone were ********* it wasnt til I met a IRL friend that played made a character on his server and then the game got fun, and there was community. WoW has a great community if you play in the right guilds. Eve has a great community if your in the right guilds. Every game can have a great community to one person but to another be community-less. Also Like a stated FF11 forced people to work together in every aspect of the game, if you were a slow learner/stupid player guess who never got invites. Ask them if the community is so "great"


Uh, Pay 2 Win is basically being able to dump money and get powerful items without having to actually work to get said items. For example, in WoW, if Blizzard allowed you to pay Real Money to obtain Epic Items that normally come out of the current content raid. That'd be Pay 2 Win. Basically, you pay money to "win" items (and other similar things) that other players normally have to work their butts off for. Whether or not said items are obtainable without paying is irrelevant. The point here is that you can dump money to circumvent actual in-game efforts made by players who didn't pay and that's what tends to turn a lot of players away from games that have these sorts of transactions.

Non-Pay2Win is things like Blizzard Pet Store, where you can buy mounts and pets that have very little impact on the game whatsoever. There's nearly two hundred mounts in the game right now, buying one or two out of the Pet Store won't suddenly enable you to clear current content raids or something without having to do any work.

Wait so FF11 and WoW are both pay to win, if you buy gold, you can just buy gear off the AH (FF11 was really bad) Pay 2 convience =/= Pay2Win. There is NOTHING stopping you from getting those weapons. Also they START AT LVL 1, So your not paying for power. your paying for the time you feel would better be spent leveling than farming. The system is there so players with lot of time and those with busy lifes can play together, and having one weapon over another in Warframe especially gives you NO advantage above other weapons.

Your argument is about entitlement, Well I worked harder for this so therefor its wrong that someone else doesnt have to and can buy it. Welcome to life, You could bust your *** to get accepted into a good college and your roommates father may have donated to the school to get his son in. In the end the school and most people would agree he deserves to be there just as much as you. He paid his way, you worked your way. Its a fact of life.

How many players do you think on average used RMT services to get better gear than you in MMO? Hint if it wasnt profitable companies wouldnt be spamming, and while you may think that its "Illegal" thats BS. Blizzard and SE only ban RMT that impact a majority of players in a meaningful way and hurt the over all game.

The point being, You feel your time is worth more than Joe-60-hours-a-week-to-feed-his-family, and its not right for him to skip a trivial bit of farming because "I had to do it" when it offers him no more power then you who have more time to farm.

Its the same argument as "Welfare epics are ruining the game" This game is to casual because epics are easy to get, you just want something to say to feel superior to someone else and make your epeen bigger. In the end though the Pay for weapons or craft your own only opens up the game to a wider audience instead of being "OMFG Hardcore onry, LAWL casuals" and to offer the players a choice that benefits those with and without time the chance to play together on an equal footing. In a PVP game where you can buy a more powerful less shots to kill weapon and the free weapons are sh*t is one thing. Because a player can Pay to Beat or win against other players. There is no "PVP" in Warframe its PVE, so that player spending 100 dollars on the game isnt "beating" you or Winning agianst you, they only person hes "winning against is the computer, which btw your also winning against the computer and you didnt pay anything, you just invested a bit more time.

Also Last i checked (Was a while ago) weapons were like 6-7 bucks I spent more than that yesterday to eat at McDonalds, oh yeah and I spend that everyday for a pack of smokes and im just burning that. So 7 dollars in a game for a weapon that may give me 10 + hours of enjoyment why not?

Edited, May 20th 2013 7:52am by BeanX
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#86 May 20 2013 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
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Wait so FF11 and WoW are both pay to win, if you buy gold, you can just buy gear off the AH (FF11 was really bad) Pay 2 convience =/= Pay2Win.

Are we not talking about F2P games here, and NOT games that are Paid Subscription?

You can't compare Illegal RMT in a Paid Subscription game to F2P/P2W. You just can't do it.

and while you may think that its "Illegal" thats BS. Blizzard and SE only ban RMT that impact a majority of players in a meaningful way and hurt the over all game.

I've known a few small-time RMT players who have gotten banned for buying money in both games. SE/Blizz bans anybody they can confirm has engaged in it.

If you only make 1 purchase than it is a lot less likely you'll get caught doing it. If you get caught though, you'll get banned (temporary, probably, unless you did other stuff too), end of story. More/Larger Purchases = More chances of getting caught.

Edited, May 20th 2013 1:17pm by Lyrailis
#87 May 20 2013 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Yeah, I wouldn't make the leap from endorsed RMT to illegal RMT. It's just not the same.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#88 May 20 2013 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
2,269 posts
Your missing the point "Illegal RMT" are a service, a multi-billion dollar a year service. Millions of gamers every year use this service because not everyone has time to farm. most F2P games offer this service without the "illegal botting". I mean I may have never used RMT, you may have never used RMT, but a lot more have then you would think.

I only brought up the point becuase you said
For example, in WoW, if Blizzard allowed you to pay Real Money to obtain Epic Items that normally come out of the current content raid. That'd be Pay 2 Win.

Blizzard and FF11 are already "allowing" it if these services were so "illegal" The RMT would be banned way faster then they can turn a profit. Companies like SE and Bliz realize there is a part of their playerbase that want these services and turn a blind eye for a short time to allow players to access these services. They may ban them sooner or later but they've already allowed the services to keep certain players happy with the game and the RMT to make enough money were they will rebuy the game (Which is another sale for them) and start the process over again.

If you really need to have a better look at what pay2win looks at. Play Blacklight Retribution, the guns you can buy are better then the guns you start off with. So someone that pays 100 is more powerful than someone who is a free player only. creating an imbalance.

Warframe you can buy weapons, but they arent more powerful, you still need to level them and grind out the mods to make them powerful, and since your not using them against other players there is no power imbalance caused by it. You are simply paying the convenience of not having to farm up the mats/blueprints.

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#89 May 20 2013 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
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I honestly can't name a single F2P MMO where they sell you competitive weapons.

Perfect World was/is a F2P MMO that definitely sold competitive advantage. I think the asian MMOs may have a different take on it.

EQ now has a freemium model where there are definite competitive PvE advantages. Principally in the quality of the mercenaries you could hire (This was at the time they went Freemium- it may have changed since)

EVE has a legal means of converting cash into game currency which might seem like a way of gaining advantage but is probably only a good way to get blown up in more expensive ships.

And I thought we'd made it clear that the "RMT is ok because everyone does it" argument was completely bankrupt Smiley: deadhorse.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#90 May 20 2013 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
And I thought we'd made it clear that the "RMT is ok because everyone does it" argument was completely bankrupt Smiley: deadhorse.

Re-read my post I never endorse nor say its ok. I just point out while I dont agree with it and you dont, it's still a thing and a service. To fix a problem you need to admit it first. RMT wouldnt be around without the need for said service.

Some people have more money than time therefore a service that offers Gold for cash is better for them, than say someone like me who has more time than money. Is it right? No because the RMT use practices that negatively impact everyone.

Its akin to admitting you have a homeless problem, if you have one. Instead of just going about your business and ignoring it, never admitting its there.

Edit:My point being, If Blizzard wanted all the RMT activity to be gone, they could put in a "No tolerance" policy just like those Kid friendly MMOs that auto ban you for swearing. RMTing in games is allowed to go on because it keeps certain parts of the playerbase happy and sells more keys for Bliz.

Edited, May 20th 2013 2:20pm by BeanX
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#91 May 20 2013 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
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Cobra101 wrote:
I honestly can't name a single F2P MMO where they sell you competitive weapons.

Perfect World was/is a F2P MMO that definitely sold competitive advantage. I think the asian MMOs may have a different take on it.

EQ now has a freemium model where there are definite competitive PvE advantages. Principally in the quality of the mercenaries you could hire (This was at the time they went Freemium- it may have changed since)

EVE has a legal means of converting cash into game currency which might seem like a way of gaining advantage but is probably only a good way to get blown up in more expensive ships.

And I thought we'd made it clear that the "RMT is ok because everyone does it" argument was completely bankrupt Smiley: deadhorse.

I'm just going to be blunt here: when the discussion is about modern f2p models, using ANCIENT games really is not going to be relevant to the discussion at all. It's not even remotely a valid point. That's why I'm asking if you've actually played any modern F2P games, because P2W is definitely NOT the industry standard anymore.

If your point is that you don't like P2W games, I am 100% there with you on that one. I HATE them. But the modern F2P model is decidedly NOT F2P. Sure, that probably is less true in the Asian market, but it's 100% true of the Western one. And I can't imagine Sony introducing a P2W game with any confidence of it having any kind of market reach outside of Japan, and a P2W FF MMO would probably be a something that massively backfired on them. No market testing would suggest that was a good plan.

As for EVE, if you're going to argue that PLEX is anything like P2W, I can only guess you haven't played the game much? EVE is, fundamentally, a game where your stuff gets destroyed, nonstop. It's also a fundamentally market-driven game.

I don't hand CCP $20 and they give me a Carrier to go fly around. They'll give me an item that, when consumed, adds 30 days of game time. That item can be destroyed. If I enter space with it in my cargohold and someone destroys my ship, they can steal it. I have to negotiate the price with other players who want it (rate right now is about 550m ISK).

That sounds like a lot. And it's certainly not nothing. But you're imagining a scenario where someone buys PLEX and uses it to fly the biggest, strongest ship they can find. That's SO not the case.

For one thing, flying a ship you don't have the skills for is a surefire way to lose it all. Because EVE isn't a game where the "big" ship automatically wins. It's a game where you fly your big ships less frequently, because their expensive and have plenty of weaknesses. You don't just wander around in a big, expensive ship, because big, expensive ships have guns too big to hit small, fast ships. So small, fast ships can destroy you while you sit there, helpless to escape, as they needle you to death.

Sure, if you're flying around high sec space, a battleship is nice because only a huge swarm of suicide gankers can take you down. It's also ludicrously overkill. There's little reason for you to be flying a battleship. All the rats (npc enemies) you are going to encounter are probably in frigates, so you can't take them down (because your ship is designed to bring down bigger ships than frigates), you'll have a small cargohold so it won't be useful for transport, and you'll probably be too big for the ship limitations on most missions.

The only reason you'd want a big ship is for PVP. And in PVP, you WILL lose that ship. And you are not going to take it out solo, where a swarm of enemy frigates and destroyers will just hand your *** to you. You're going to take it out as part of a big fleet.

You know who buys PLEX? PVPers. They buy them so they don't have to spend time maintaining enough cash flow for their ship loss rates. That means that all that money is going to be destroyed, quickly. Literally the only reason they are even buying them is so that they don't have to farm.

There's no "endgame" content for them to be bypassing. They aren't paying to win, they're just taking an alternate route to the stuff they'll be getting blown up in. I'd wager that the vast majority of PLEX-based ISK is spent on Frigates through Cruisers, which you fly most frequently.

It's not P2W by any means. You're realistically no better off than any other player. You just have more free cash lying about, so you don't have to count your losses as much. The reality is that what you're flying is going to be the same as what other people are flying, because that's what's best for the situation. You can't just buy a PLEX and jump into a battleship on your first day, because you'll have literally none of the skills for a battleship. And until you have those skills, smaller ships will perform better for you.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#92 May 20 2013 at 8:24 PM Rating: Default
3,441 posts
Okay, fine, to end this discussion about F2P vs P2W, I'll say this:

Maybe not all F2P games are P2W, maybe that has changed.

However, let's look at simple economics:

1). A game needs IRL MONEY to survive.
2). Players have to pay this IRL Money to the game company.
3). A F2P Game does not make this money through monthly subscriptions.
4). Something in-game needs to make players want to spend money.

Older games went the P2W way -- you paid money, you got special little perks and things that highly tempted you to open your wallet and plunk $$$ on the table.

Newer games might not be P2W, but instead they seem to be (at least in Warframe and from what I read in this thread, EVE), "Pay 2 Fun".

Basically if you don't want to spend ridiculous amounts of time grinding, you're going to have to pay. Sure, you can't buy a Battleship with $$$ and go out and have fun with it. But yet, who says you have to buy a Battleship with the Real Money? You could buy a Frigate instead, according to what was posted above.

The core idea remains the same: The developers want you to pay, and they advertise the game is "Free to Play" ... however... they add in long atrocious grinds to make you want to shell out the bucks because face it... farming the same world 15, 30 times just isn't fun. It doesn't matter if you can do it in 5 minutes or 30 minutes, you still have to do the same thing over and over again.

And not everybody is that dude on Youtube who can clear areas in Warframe in <5min. I'm willing to bet that very few who actually need crafting resources/blueprints can actually do that. Most can't.

That's why I don't like the idea of FFXIV being F2P -- if it were, it'd mean they'd most likely either be P2W (unlikely), or "P2F" as I called it above -- they'd likely add grinds that make you want to open your wallet just to get around it.

No thanks. Gimme a monthly sub that's reasonable, and make the grinds reasonable to match.
#93 May 20 2013 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Most F2P games arent even grindy anymore. TERA i know was the same before and after its free to play switch. I believe most of the others are the same way, Not many MMO of the F2P are extremely grindy either most are just converted from a Sub based to a F2p model. Rift will probably seem the same way.

Edited, May 20th 2013 10:46pm by BeanX
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#94 May 20 2013 at 10:44 PM Rating: Excellent
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BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
Most F2P games arent even grindy anymore. TERA i know was the same before and after its free to play switch. I believe most of the others are the same way, Not many MMO of the F2P are extremely grindy either most are just converted from a Sub based to a F2p model. Rift will probably seem the same way.

Edited, May 20th 2013 10:46pm by BeanX

So, you tell me then....

If you don't Pay to Win...

And if you don't Pay to Avoid Grind.....

Then what the heck ARE you paying for, then?

Games don't survive without money... it takes money to develop, and money to run the servers. Though a game like Warframe is Peer-to-Peer (which is annoying in of itself in some ways, though lag-free solo even while torrenting is freaking awesome).

There's got to be SOMETHING that in those games that gamers are willing to shell out money for.

EDIT: There's aesthetics... costumes, colors, etc... but surely not enough gamers actually care enough about this to throw money at the game? *blinks* Surely that alone can't keep an MMO afloat?

Edited, May 21st 2013 12:45am by Lyrailis
#95 May 21 2013 at 12:45 AM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
No No no, your Missing the point its not AS much as a Grind as say Lineage 2, or OLD F2P models. Its your normal MMO grind. They just offer Xp boosts, Mounts, Costumes, Skins, Rep boosts. But they dont internally inflate the grind factorm to force you to buy xp.

The thing is in todays market place of games releasing fast, tons for AAA F2P games, its hard for any one person to just focus on one game for more than a week. So they get money by selling you Xp boosts to get you to max quicker knowing full well that you may never play again after a week. Go into the general games forums here on Zam for like a week or 2 TERA was hot sh*t, now out of the 15 of us playing maybe 1-2 people play it. But I bet overall Tera made 100 bucks off all of us.

Now it doesnt sound like a lot but when you seem huge influxes do to everyone and there mother playing the game because there is no barrier to entry and knowing you may only have a 15% retainment rate, and no one worrying about dropping 5-10 dollars on a game for a week, these games see huge income spikes, after a few months it will level out. Then its back to Patch cycles again just like WoW.

Big patch ? Expect a big influx of people (if the patch is good and well publicized) Since they already have an investment into the game.

We live in a world where FF11 and WoW are the exceptions, today's gamers have short attention spans that is hard to sate. Getting a million F2P players for the first few weeks then retaining a small portion doesnt hurt so bad people are more willing to spend 10 bucks a week for something they have fun with, then to spend 15 dollars a month because they have to, and lets say hard times for your player and they cant afford to pay, in a sub model you lost a player for that month, in a f2p model they can still have fun and play. Its building value in the game itself, letting the game have to be judged on its own merits. FF14 wants me to buy a 40 dollar box, if i hate the game after a week im out 40 dollars or about 3 months worth of subs.

New MMOs rarely rarely have timed trails at first because they are afraid it will scare off more sales than it will secure. But after the games been out for a few months, and the playerbase has settled in and got ahold of the mechanic it allows more people to try with there friends or try it out then, because they already know your going to sit on that fence and not buy it. Their risk is much lower, and have a much better chance of selling to you.

Honestly the F2P more closely resembles the Asian market, pay what you play, you but time not monthly sub. But on a more "voluntary" basis. Trust me when you give customers something for free, and they find it enjoyable, they have no problem dropping a 5 for that snazzy new skin you made, or leveling another alt, so you buy a character spot for an extra 10 (One time) and maybe picking up a xp potion to speed up to max level.

This is how almost every F2P MMO works now days, they offer you a faster experience for a few dollars, or extra convinces if you like the game. You dont technically "need" them.

Example: Tera gives a F2P account 2 character limit per server. But there is 5 races + 8 classes. So lets say you have fun with X class and fun with Y class but you want to try out the other classes, but dont want to delete your other characters. Pop done 8 bucks for another character slot (Permanent) because why not your having fun already, and normally a8 is about half of a normal sub so your essentially paying for only what you want and need.

When I played TERA I have a 36 ish Warrior and something else, I had fun so I spent a few dollars on XP potions that lasted 7 days for double Xp. But only spent maybe 40 hours playing maybe? This is how F2P games make money. They arent nickel and diming or selling power, they are charging for the ala cart instead of tossing it in for free because you bought the game. I mean I didnt want more character slots I was having fun with the 2 i had but You may have wanted a few more. So you pay a few more dollars, but those classes/characters arent more powerful its just you had a need for more characters and I didnt. but maybe you had more time and didnt want to buy Xp potions to speed up leveling, where is as I did.

Edited, May 21st 2013 1:56am by BeanX
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#96 May 21 2013 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
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PS Warframe also charges for more Weapon slots, so if you want to have lots of choice you need to get more slots. Maybe a shotty + fists works good for Rhino frame you just built but a Rifle + Sword works better for your Excalibur, they give you a decent amount of slots free (And even give you like 100 plat for free, which is enough to buy your first potatoes, or a like a 7 day xp boost) but if your already having fun playing the game why would spending like 4 dollars(i think its cheaper than this) to unlock more content for you to play bother you, and if you really dont want to spend money to pay the new stuff you dont have room for, you have the option of selling your old weapons/armors to make room.

They are selling convenience, not power
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#97 May 21 2013 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
As for EVE, if you're going to argue that PLEX is anything like P2W, I can only guess you haven't played the game much? EVE is, fundamentally, a game where your stuff gets destroyed, nonstop.

Calm down Smiley: smile

What I said was
EVE has a legal means of converting cash into game currency which might seem like a way of gaining advantage but is probably only a good way to get blown up in more expensive ships.

In other words I agree with you that while it might seem like an advantage the game just doesn't work that way.

And size isn't everything. I know people who've bought currency to buy officer modules for PvE especially for incursions. Also if you are a low sec character then the time you spend working to keep your sec rating high enough to transit empire space is all wasted. The better your ratting ship the faster you get it done.

I played EVE long enough to get freighter and Orca skills and mined the ore to build the ships. Also inty, assault ships, battleships etc. It is a very pretty game but not really my kind of thing.

As far as quoting "ancient games" while EQ is indeed ancient in MMO terms they only went Freemium last year. Hence their decisions in how to build that model are modern.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#98 May 21 2013 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Okay, fine, to end this discussion about F2P vs P2W, I'll say this:

Maybe not all F2P games are P2W, maybe that has changed.

However, let's look at simple economics:

1). A game needs IRL MONEY to survive.
2). Players have to pay this IRL Money to the game company.
3). A F2P Game does not make this money through monthly subscriptions.
4). Something in-game needs to make players want to spend money.

Older games went the P2W way -- you paid money, you got special little perks and things that highly tempted you to open your wallet and plunk $$$ on the table.

Newer games might not be P2W, but instead they seem to be (at least in Warframe and from what I read in this thread, EVE), "Pay 2 Fun".

And a whole lot of anecdotal stuff.

It's really not about creating grinds, it's about making things faster for people who want it to be faster.

You need remember the absolute base premise for a successful F2P game: people need to want to play it. You don't just get a free population of players because you went F2P, you need to be offering a FUN free to play experience. No game revolving around grinding is going to do well. If the base experience, without paying anything, isn't fun, they aren't going to have an audience, period. Because F2P's greatest strength is getting people in love with the game so that they use the microtransactions or, even better, subscribe. Every single F2P game I know of still has a subscription model on top, which essentially acts as a master unlock for as long as it is active.

Let's use TOR as an example. You are a new F2P player. You go to create your new character. As F2P, your only race option is human - everything else is a purchased unlock. But that's fine - humans are really the best racial option to be your first 50 (getting a human to level 50 gives +100 presence, a stat that buffs your companions, to all other characters on that server, making leveling much easier). You're on the first world and... your experience is pretty much identical to what it was as a subscriber's at launch.

Subscribers making a new character, on the other hand, can elect to choose ANY race, can get their sprint (movement bonus out of combat, and I think F2P get it later instead of at level 1).

But the actual content - the questing and such - is pretty much the same. F2P players do earn less experience for everything, but that just means they actually have to do the bonus parts of a quest, instead of skipping 25% of those. To be clear here, most quests in TOR have your main objective, and then 1 or more bonus objectives (which are often a series of objectives). Completing those bonus objectives nets you more credits, more experience, etc. But they're additional tasks, and more typical MMO fair.

Even if you aren't F2P, it's a good idea to complete those objectives, because they're one of the best ways to make money while leveling. All subscribing realistically does is give you the option to skip more of them, if you're actually just interested in racing through content.

Because the way the game is structured now, F2P is built around maximizing the leveling experience, where subscribing is meant more for people trying to access endgame content.

They didn't put in additional grinds, because additional grinds aren't fun. They need people to play the game to make money off them.

The way they're making money?

1. Account unlocks. Things like buying more storage space, buying new race options, buying the ability to use a speeder or access the sprint skill sooner (things they added to the sub model WHEN THEY WENT F2P, cosmetic options, etc.

2. Booster. Typical F2P fair--items that increase your experience or honor gains per hour. Targeted at both subscribers or F2P, though subscribers have a higher base threshold to begin with. Basically, if you know you're going to do an intensive 3 hours of leveling, you might as well use a booster to make it 25% more effective.

3. Cosmetic items. Things like new armor skins, lightsaber colors, vanity pets, speeder models, etc. They just added a new dye system, and new cosmetic option packs.

4. Content "unlocks." Right now, if you're F2P, you can only get full rewards from 3 flashpoints (dungeons) a week, and can't enter operations. Full rewards means you cam get the loot from the final boss, btw, nothing else is restricted. Buying a weekly pass removes that limit for 1 week. It'll let you raid for one week. Etc.

If you plan to do this every week, Subscribing is cheaper. If you only intend to do it occasionally, F2P is cheaper. And since you're only paying for the loot from the final boss, it doesn't make sense to even bother unless you're going for a specific item.

That is basically the core essence of every F2P game on the market.

The idea that they create additional grinds to keep players busy is absurd. It makes literally no sense. This isn't some kind of guaranteed market. F2P is them SELLING THE GAME TO NON-SUBSCRIBERS, in the hopes that they'll subscribe (best case scenario) or toss them some money for other things (worst case scenario).

And @Cobra, as for EQ, it went F2P because there just wasn't a good reason to keep it on a sub model anymore. It probably wasn't bringing in new players at all, and most of the subbers would likely keep their subs, rather than pay to unlock things they're used to having. It's win-win. They possibly get new players, who might give them more money. More likely, they gain back old players who wouldn't have paid for a sub anymore, anyway, who then unlock some options. Maybe they stay for a while, maybe they don't.

Either way, it's a net profit.


Oh, and also, I somehow spazzed and rated Lyr down. If someone could toss him a green arrow, it would be appreciated.

Edited, May 21st 2013 8:29am by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#99 May 21 2013 at 7:03 AM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:

Oh, and also, I somehow spazzed and rated Lyr down. If someone could toss him a green arrow, it would be appreciated.


Also You really want people to not mind TORs F2P model when its pretty much unanimously been voted the worst version of a Premium to F2P model. I mean Locking actions bars behind a pay wall is just evil, period.

Edit: Well hes excellent now oh well. Must of had a few people green arrow.

Double Edit: Heres what I feel is a F2P done right (Founder status is having bought a retail copy of the game while it wasnt F2P. I actually bought a few copies from my local Wally world for Zam members the week it went F2P to get them founder status.

Edited, May 21st 2013 8:09am by BeanX
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#100 May 21 2013 at 9:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
SWTOR's F2P got better when they softened it up a bit. They kind of botched it at launch in a bunch of ways. The ease at which you can make money in that game took a lot of the sting out. Completely free to play is still a bit too much, but $5 (preferred status) plus a bit of MMO auction house knowledge and the restrictions aren't something that are going to be too annoying.

But yeah, TERA puts SWTOR to shame though with its F2P system. To the point I really saw no reason to subscribe; even at end-game (though they seem to be working on trying to give you a reason with the spellbind now). If TERA sticks with it and stays successful over the next few years it'll be a good example of how to do F2P right. Giving you an largely unlocked game for free is quite generous, and a cash shop full of cosmetic and convenience items is refreshing. Rather they make their money through selling swimsuits anyway, because you know there's not enough skin in that game already or anything. Smiley: rolleyes

Smiley: lol
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#101 May 21 2013 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
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It's especially great for anyone who has developed a game where you're apt to care about cosmetics.

I mean, let's face it, Tera put a lot into selling its character models and their physics-defying lack of clothing.

And if you're someone who wants to have a Jedi, you're probably someone who is going to care what your Jedi looks like.

That creates a LOT of potential for RMT customization options. Particularly in the context of TOR, where you'll see your character up close all the time in cutscenes.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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