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The Hump Day Challenge! Follow

#1 Mar 20 2013 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Wednesday night here and we've had unseasonal, heavy snow. Bored, facing the possibility that I don't have enough beer and certain that you gallant adventurers must be doing something more exciting than I am, I bring you a midweek opportunity to gloat over your successes or indulge in moderate weeping and gnashing of teeth for the one that got away!

My Alliance Shadow Priest finally made it through the first part of LFR. I found it interesting, but it is new here and the bridges in the middle were a horrible lagfest. She made it through to the end and even managed to get the cloth chest to drop off of the last boss.
#2 Mar 20 2013 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Yesterday evening was the last night before the start of the next ID. We had cleared the Throne of Thunder up to Tortos and really wanted to get him down. Our line-up looked pretty good. We don't have that many people to begin with but out of these the best 10 had registered.
Then one of our healers got sick. Since she is our only Shaman and we don't have any Mages/Hunters that meant we lost a healer and Heroism in one stroke. We tried to find a replacement and were succesful in finding another Shaman healer. With better gear than our own even. An hour before the raid started he announced he couldn't make it either. That's when things started to suck.

We ended up getting a Mage we had PUGed in the past and who is a rather competent player and have one of our Warlocks play the toon of our sick Shaman. They know each other in RL so it wasn't that big of a deal. The Warlock has a (badly geared) level 90 healing Shaman of his own so we hoped he could keep us alive.
Then our other Warlock who normally plays Destro had to respec Affli to slow the turtle-adds which is a really important part of the fight.
So we had one player playing with an UI not of his own making and not as experienced with the toon as the original owner and another player playing a spec he is highly uncomfortable with. It did not go well.
After ~1 hour of constant wiping we had both Warlocks play their own toons with their own specs and tried to two-heal the fight. It should be possible but if one thing goes wrong it is incredibly hard for the healers to compensate. Another hour of wiping went by.
Then the Destro Warlock logged on his monk alt. While he is experienced with this character he is undergeared by about 25-30 itemlevels. If we had tried this from the beginning we might have downed the boss but concentration was dwindling and we did not have that much time left. In the second to last try we got Tortos to 15% so we were pretty close.

We all ended up being immensely disappointed because while the boss is no pushover we could have downed him if the universe would not hate us.
#3 Mar 20 2013 at 6:37 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Well, this thread was..... not what I was expecting.

#4 Mar 21 2013 at 1:21 PM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
Hey - I remembered my login here. LoL

Been a long while since I last posted here - just got busy with other things - some good and some bad.

I'm still happily playing WoW. I got to down the first boss of ToT on Monday. The guild downed him again last night but I had steak with the boyfriend so I got on too late to be in on that. The guild is trying to expand to 25 mans so that means training and gearing a lot of people who aren't very experienced with raiding. That group is doing MV and we got the first three bosses down on Tuesday. Yes, my guild is woefully behind but short of transferring to another server, there is little to choose from these days. They are fun to play with but a bit frustrating to the few of us who are a bit more hardcore in ability and temperment.

Our server's Horde side finally got to stage three of the Thunder Island stuff on Tuesday. I think the Alliance side has been on that stage for over a week at least. I kind of enjoy the dailies and the new mechanic with the rare spawns. The group quests are a bit of a problem though as there just isn't a big Horde population on my server anymore. My friend and I had been trying to farm dino bones and eggs but it's hard for just the two of us to handle them so we haven't done that for a while now. We have a couple of other friends who seem willing to join us but we have to find a time when all four of us are on and not busy with other commitments like raids.

Last night I did the second half of HoF LFR and finally got my chest token. That gets me to the 4 piece bonus though it also means a 3 point drop in my equipped ilevel. I would be better off if I could get the shoulder token but I haven't had much luck with that either. Tonight we are supposed to go back to MV as a 25 man group but if not enough people show, they will probably grab 10 and go back to ToT. *shrugs* I like progression and am not afraid of wiping a bunch but sometimes it gets a bit tedious when the same people are dying to avoidable stuff and causing us to wipe. I like to see "progression" during progression runs. :P
#5 Mar 26 2013 at 4:44 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
This thread fails to deliver.

Hi Morghast!

Also I have no LFR/Raiding stories. Because I no longer heal anything, grind rep, work my farm, or do battlegrounds. All I do, every day, is pet battles. To the point where I fail my RL responsibilities and refuse to leave my house. I hope they serve cupcakes at the intervention.

(Edit: I meant it failed to deliver on the title, not that I didn't enjoy reading the stories while eating my breakfast, which I did. Smiley: nod )

Edited, Mar 26th 2013 6:45am by teacake
#6 Mar 26 2013 at 5:33 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Good thing they will implement some kind of hit-system for Pet Battles with 5.3. After my headset went across the room against the wall several times due to immense frustration brought to me by unpleasant miss/dodge chains I quit this activity about two weeks back. I still collect pets but the Spirit Tamer dailies and the way you lose fairly often to RNG drove me away.

Here's to hoping the improved system will get me back.
#7 Mar 27 2013 at 12:58 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Good news everyone! We finally managed to down Tortos. What a painful process that was. It took us more than 80 tries for something that at first glance did not seem that hard.

TherealLogros wrote:
We all ended up being immensely disappointed because while the boss is no pushover we could have downed him if the universe would not hate us.

Maybe that was a bit optimistic back then.
#8 Mar 27 2013 at 5:38 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Good news everyone! We finally managed to down Tortos.

Yay! Congrats!

My midweek accomplishment has been downing Oondasta for the first time. OK, post nerf, but I helped take him down. Oddly, just after that I got my first Sha of Fear credit and loot (Oondasta loot was just gold) on my Druid, who is still 87. I'd helped others take him down (Sha) but was always an extra outside the raid.
#9 Mar 27 2013 at 7:54 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Thanks :)

I killed Oondasta only once, pre-nerf, for the achievement. I will start visiting him weekly once 5.3 is live. Due to some changes to his spells he won't be oneshotting people left and right then. As it is now the repair bill is just too annoying and the chance for something I want dropping too low.
#10 Mar 28 2013 at 4:37 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Another double post... y u no posting?

Just got the Grand Black War Mammoth and that makes me a happy Panda. Another item to cross of the list. Maybe I should level my Rogue faster and start farming Illidan.
#11 Mar 28 2013 at 4:48 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
My favorite y u no.

Lucky me, I finally got the elusive P/P Flayer Youngling, then a stone to upgrade him off a Kun-Lai Runt later that same evening. Yes, this counts as good WoW news. Not that I even do PVP battles (I just tried the other day for the first time and got mostly stomped). I'm just OCD like that and I WANTED IT OKAY?
#12 Mar 28 2013 at 7:01 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
HA! I actually played for a bit last night, so I can post here Smiley: grin

I managed to hit 84 on my mage, finish Vashj'ir, and move to Deepholm. After some farming on my main, and about 1000 gold spent at the AH, I powerleveled my tailoring from 460ish to 500... and since I could then use all the Windwool I'd be accumulating for months on my main, I hit around 560. Made myself a full Windwool set (though I can't use it until 85), and got the upgraded cloak proc bonus. w00t!
#13 Apr 02 2013 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Killed Ji-Kun! Wohoo for 6/12 just before the ID reset and my new t15 trousers.

Also had my first solo kill of Onyxia with my really poorly equiped Warrior. The airphase took forever because me so smart and didn't investigate which skills I'd need so I only had Heroic Throw, the normal Throw-ability (hits for 200-400) and Shattering Throw (5 minute CD). Not fun at all.
No mount for my efforts though. Next time I skill Storm Bolt. Smiley: mad

Anyone here solo'd Malygos on a Warrior yet?
#14 Apr 04 2013 at 8:06 AM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
I don't get much of a chance to do a lot mid-week because of work. My guild is taking a new approach to getting people geared up to do progression raids. They are hosting a guild LFR to focus on learning the fight mechanics and getting gear upgrades. It was fun doing ToT LFR in a guild group (full 25 on Tues) but I didn't really get any upgrades even though there is a lot in there I could use. I only got two drops from the two segments we did and neither of them were really useful to me. I thought the cloak was an upgrade but after checking around, I went and spent some VP on a 522 cloak that had much more useful stats on it. The other drop was a 502 helm which is technically an upgrade but I'm not giving up my 4 piece T14 bonus until I can at least get two pieces of T15 so I'm holding on to a few odd pieces so I can mix/match once I get another T15 token of some sort.

I did find time to do a second round of Tiller dailies on my newly 90 Hunter and hit revered on him. Buying the bonus rep item really speeds things up on alts a lot. It feels kind of weird at times. I'm a bit stuck in the frustrating 'need gear to do stuff but have to do stuff to get gear' loop. I did make him two crafted 476 pieces last night so we'll see how much that helps.
#15 Apr 04 2013 at 7:35 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
Killed Ji-Kun! Wohoo for 6/12 just before the ID reset and my new t15 trousers.

Also had my first solo kill of Onyxia with my really poorly equiped Warrior. The airphase took forever because me so smart and didn't investigate which skills I'd need so I only had Heroic Throw, the normal Throw-ability (hits for 200-400) and Shattering Throw (5 minute CD). Not fun at all.
No mount for my efforts though. Next time I skill Storm Bolt. Smiley: mad

Anyone here solo'd Malygos on a Warrior yet?

Storm Bolt freaking kicks butt after 5.2!

With my somewhat weak-geared warrior, I've seen crits of up to 250k on bosses immediately after using Colossus Smash. With no CS and no crit, it is like 75k on something that is stun-immune (which Ony should be).

Edit: My warrior is wearing ~474 or some-such, with Elegon's sword.

Edited, Apr 4th 2013 9:36pm by Lyrailis
#17 Apr 10 2013 at 4:31 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Yay! Got Onyxias mount just now on my Priest. Nice to cross this one of the list. Both because it's a beautiful mount and because as Alliance getting there was always a little annoying.
#18 Apr 10 2013 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
I may have to stop doing LFD/LFR with my Monk. Surely, I can't be the only one madly DPSing while whistling the theme to Ranma 1/2?
#19 Apr 10 2013 at 9:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
Yay! Got Onyxias mount just now on my Priest. Nice to cross this one of the list. Both because it's a beautiful mount and because as Alliance getting there was always a little annoying.


How long and how many tries did it take? I'm on kill 10 or so and no drops, read somewhere that it could take up to 50 kills ....
#20 Apr 10 2013 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
According to the Armory I have 26 Onyxia kills on my Priest and 2 on my Warrior. And of those 28 combined kills only 15 or so were done solo. The droprate given on Wowhead is 1%. That may not be completely accurate but I would guess it is not too far off.

I'm rather lucky. Even if any of these numbers (kills/dropchance) is slightly off it makes no big difference in the end.
#21 Apr 16 2013 at 5:20 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
My guild managed to kill Durumu tonight. Took us more than 50 tries, I'd guess. Then we one-shotted Primordius. Then we got owned HARD by the last trash before Dark Animus and called it a night. Weird thing, the difficulty curve of the Throne of Thunder. Smiley: lol
#22 Apr 16 2013 at 5:59 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
I may have to stop doing LFD/LFR with my Monk. Surely, I can't be the only one madly DPSing while whistling the theme to Ranma 1/2?

OMG there's someone on the Internet who actually knows what Ranma 1/2 is...

Which theme, btw?

And.... I don't remember very many of the monks' moves being in Ranma? Or maybe my memory just blows...
#23 Apr 16 2013 at 6:01 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Chi Ball ranged attack Moko Takabishi, Punch a lot Kachu Tenchi Amaguriken, Flying Kick is what Ranma opens pretty much every fight with ...

And it's the first theme or gtfo.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#24 Apr 16 2013 at 6:09 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
OH! Right, that hundred fist thing... how did I forget about that?

And yeah, I suppose the flying kick... kinda-sorta.

Chi Ball, though? Odd I don't remember anybody using that unless you're talking 5th Season+ (haven't seen it that far).

And I suppose you could compare that circle-dance whirlwind thing to Spinning Crane Kick though it isn't... quite what that is. Almost, but not quite.

And the themes?

I forget which season that is... #3? or #4? I liked the best. Blah now I'm gonna have to go find out, I have it saved on my computer somewhere.

EDIT: #2 the opening is kinda cool and #4 I think was my favorite of 1-4. #1 is OK, but I tend to like the other two more.

Edited, Apr 16th 2013 8:17pm by Lyrailis
#25 Apr 16 2013 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Smiley: laugh The first theme. It has been a couple of years since I've watched the series through, I may be due for another binge.
#26 Apr 17 2013 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Chi Ball, though? Odd I don't remember anybody using that unless you're talking 5th Season+ (haven't seen it that far).
Ignore the over zealous narrator. #4. Well, not quite, as Ranma's is a little different, but I think it overall fits.

Now I have to watch Ranma.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
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