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Weekend SummaryFollow

#1 Jan 28 2013 at 3:15 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
It's already Monday evening here, so here's the Summary thread before I get sucked back into things!

WOW: I started the weekend with 7 hours of XP buff on a level 22 Monk. Pandakration hit 23 doing the daily for his 8th hour and after a somewhat relaxed weekend he's 54 and going strong. Along the way I managed to get a scattered few levels over other Horde alts and got a Belf Warlock to level 11 because it made disenchanting more convenient. What can I say, Strange Dust was selling well.

RL: Pink was wiped out after having her older sister visit for a month, so I stayed in and stayed quiet. Sunday, I let myself get baited into going out and had a bad reaction to something that I ate -- nothing serious, just mild unpleasantness that went away by that night.

Off the wall commentary: Am I the only one finding the current iteration of the holiday disappointing? Is there something that I'm missing? We're in an Asian themed expansion, but the pseudo-Spring Festival holiday doesn't seem to have gotten any kind of update. I feel like its age is showing. Smiley: oyvey

While watching a Monk shoot through the levels was personally amusing, somebody had better have better stories! Let's hear how your weekend went, both the glorious and the ignominious.
#2 Jan 28 2013 at 7:18 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
RL: Gasparilla would have been more fun if I went with people who really wanted to get into it. It reminded me a lot of the Florida-Georgia game I attended a year and a half back: basically, an all-day thematic drinking party with you and thousands of your new bestest friends.

Unfortunately, I'm the only one of the group of four who wanted to get into the spirit of things, and I couldn't do so with all those sourpusses Smiley: glare Combine lack of drinking with dealing with drunks, getting stuck on the wrong side of the parade, forgetting to use sunscreen, and walking/standing for several hours, and the entire day kinda fell short.

... I am TOTALLY going with people who like to party next year.

WoW: I did manage to play a bit on Sunday. My mage went from 65 to 69; my rogue from 83 to 84 (and not fully decked out in Pandaria greens, which make questing SO much easier), and got a few hundred VP on my druid through dailies and scenarios.
#3 Jan 28 2013 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
RL - Got to be named horator of house telvanni and two ashlander camps to go and I will be ready to visit Vivec. Probably going to power level some before I move onto red mountain. Probably top off my agil and wisdom before heading into that area. Also going to work on various factions. Want to move onto Tribunal expansion shortly after Dagoth Ur dies.
-Cold front finally made it to Augusta so it actually dropped below 30 since I moved here. Smiley: laugh Good weather to stay inside and kick some gaming butt. Smiley: grin

-I got a bit excited when power leveling and maxed out all my primary stats (minus luck) plus a good portion of my skills. By the time I went to kick Dagoth Ur's butt I was 20 levels higher than when I got the quest to go kick said butt. He was an utter pushover. Smiley: laugh Tribunal expansion is kinda borked on me for some reason. Guards are hostle towards me even though I have zero price on my head. Plus my stash of legendary weapons and armor is gone (literally disappeared) so unless I can kill the museum curator for the shield I need I am SoL.

-Cold it did get but on the bright side it is suppose to warm up to upper 60's in the next couple days.
#4 Jan 28 2013 at 9:04 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
Past Kronig wrote:
RL - not a whole lot planned, play some WoW and entertain the wife. Will throw about a 9 pound pork roast on the smoker sunday and have good eats.

WoW - Level my paladin from 72 to closer to 75, level my wife's shaman from 78 to ????, continue doing dailies and raising that rep ... i'm about 8k from exalted with golden lotus and sit at honored with shadow pan and friendly with celestials, so got a ways to go.

Will do a heroics to max out valor for the week and need to clear out some raids for mounts, primarily Vaults of Archavon and Obsidian Sanctum

RL - pork roast was smoked on saturday and turned into enchiladas on sunday, was good eats indeed. Saw Frankenweenie at the local dollar theatre, was pleasantly surprised by it. Finally got around to building our temporary turtle sanctuary in our garage, 133 gallon plastic pond with UV light, heater, and pump/filter for them to swim and play in, they seem really happy!

WOW - Paladin = still level 72, wife's shaman got to 82.5 give or take, hit exalted wtih Golden Lotus and completed the quest for the epic neck after I had already bought the valor neck off klaaxi :(, only did a couple dailies for shadow pan since I was valor maxed for the week. Cleared countless dungeons for gear/gold for my wife, surprised what kind of dps a 90 hunter with mediocre gear is able to put out :P. Cleared a few BOA bosses and OS but no mounts :(. Started on my tiger deck, got 5 cards and should have enough gold from AH sales at lunch to buy another card, so getting closer.
#5 Jan 28 2013 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
Hang out with a friend Saturday night. Play some pool, darts, and video games.
Hockey Sunday night. Hope I can breathe, since I haven't played for a couple weeks and I was sick as well. I'll probably be gassed by the middle of the first period.

Pally - LFR, LFR, LFR. Hit all the LFR segments for valor and possible upgrades. Work on miscellaneous rep (meh).

Druid - Pets galore. I just finished the spirit tamers this morning, so that's off the list, yay! My primary goal this weekend is to work on replacing low quality pets with rares. In particular, I blew through a lot of Pandaria areas just collecting and not worrying about quality. So, time to go back and get rares. At the same time, I should be able to work on leveling pets. I'm close to the 30 level 10 and and 30 level 25 achievements. Also, hit the tamers for possible battle stones. And, I need to start gettting Anglers rep up. I need the pet, for one, and two, if I'm going to take pride in my "Salty" title, I better live up to it.

DK - level a bit in Outlands, probably mostly with dungeons. DK tanking in BC dungeons seems like cake so far, even with people doing the moar, go, go, go pulls. Hunt for some rare spawn pets (like the Minfernal). Work the AH a little to try to build up some gold.

Had a great time on Saturday night. Very chill, just hanging out with friends and chatting, but good times. Oh, and Call of Duty: Black Ops...very fun game. I suck at it, but fun nevertheless.
Hockey - loss 6-1. We just couldn't put the puck in the net. As predicted, I was winded by the middle of the first period. But, I felt a lot better than I thought I would. I just played smart, took short shifts, and ended up playing a pretty decent game.

Didn't get as much WoW time as I probably would have preferred. But, oh well, RL was fun.

Pally - hardly played at all. Didn't feel like doing LFR, so I didn't. Rep...not so much.

Druid - Worked on leveling and improving quality of pets. Got the achievement for 30 level 10 pets, I'm at 28/30 for the level 25 achievement. I captured 20 new rares to replace lower quality pets. I ran AQ and BWL with a guildie to try for the raid pets. I did battle the tamers, but had no luck with stones dropping. Bah. Got honored with Anglers and got the fish pet.

DK - Leveled up to 63, primarily through dungeons. DKs are damn near OP in OL dungeons. Of course the dungeons are a joke. Just go go go with no one paying attention to aggro, people pulling randomly, etc. I had to laugh when one jackass told me I needed to hold threat better. Oh, well I'm sorry we pulled a group of 8 mobs, you AoE'd before I had a chance to get them all, and you got aggro. No one died, so who cares? Just shut up and go about your business. Cause normal Ramparts is serious bizness, you know? Anyway, the dungeons are relatively fast, painless, and enjoyable. Nothing like the challenge they were back in the day when you had to use CC and pull smart, and watch for pats.

No luck with the Minfernal. Took a look a couple times, but none were around. Even though TVC is still pretty good, with no CRZ, I think there may be some more traffic from people, like me, rolling to look for the rare spawns. But, oh well, it's still better than my main server where everything is camped and gone.

AH is going well on the DK. Not a huge fortune, or anything. But, just casually selling herbs, ores from leveling, I'm over 3k gold and have paid for flying and Old World flight, so not doing too bad there.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
#6 Jan 28 2013 at 3:22 PM Rating: Excellent
1,080 posts
RL... doors are installed, but we didnt get the painting finished. That'll be next weekend I think. We emptied a closet in the hallway that was half linen closet and half other storage and we found some old old cleaning products that my GF's grandmother bought in 1989 I think. If they'd leaked, we probably would've been dead from the fumes.
WoW... our guild was sort of empty of 90's, so we gathered everybody who was 80+ and ran Naxx and Ulduar. The raid leader was more than a bit drunk, shouting things like "Watch where you run here! If you fall, it's a looong walk!" as he hit the bottom. Was fun for all.
Worked on my monk a little, he's almost 20. Did end up working on dailies and went out mining on my jc. Was running out of gems for research.
#7 Jan 28 2013 at 4:47 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Not sure what I'll do this weekend. It'd be nice if I got my Warlock to 90, but kinda doubt I'll get him that far.

Nope. He's 89 though!

I'd like to start my Alliance main's Klaxxi, or at least continue it. She really does need her 463 weapon, hopefully by the end of the weekend, I'd have found the time to at least get all the non-daily quests done so she can start working on the dailies. She shouldn't need much after that; she's a human with the double rep unlocked.

Well, she's one day of dailies from Exalted and still needs to do the quest-line having to do with the Sap Brewers. Meh. Otherwise, she's pretty much done with that.

Need to continue doing Golden Lotus with my priest, I think she might hit Revered either tomorrow or the day after then I can start her Celestials, trying to get up to where she can do Royal Satchels. At least her farm will be done today and she can make some serious Spirits.

She's Revered with the Lotus, and tomorrow she gets Honored with the Celestials, so probably not more than a week, week and a half until she's done and ready to make those satchels.


Mom got a nice pair of pants out of LFR, and I did a bunch of reforging on her character so that's awesome. Did a random Heroic I think it was Friday Night and a 463 dropped for my Alliance main, even had the JP to upgrade it right there and then, lol.

Didn't get much else done, sadly. Still, it was a decently productive weekend.
#8 Jan 28 2013 at 6:16 PM Rating: Excellent
i did everything on my list >.>
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#9 Jan 28 2013 at 6:31 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
I did not post in the Weekend Goals thread because I knew I wouldn't have much time to play and thus not accomplish anything postworthy. And I was mostly right. Except...

I managed to get scammed and lose 100.000 gold in the process. It was completely my fault since I knew there was the risk the other person was a scumbag but I thought after a few conversations via TeamSpeak that he sounded genuine enough to take the leap. And I landed face first on something rather hard.
The moral of the story, no matter how much you think the other person is honest, never take any chances. Even if that means passing up a pretty good deal.

Man I feel stupid. Going from 102k to 2k sure is a blow to the face. Took me around 4 months to gather this much.
In case any of you wonder the dangling carrot in front of my face was the Big Blizzard Bear from Blizzcon 2008.

But at least I got something to post here, so not everything is dark and gloomy. Smiley: bah
#10 Jan 28 2013 at 8:04 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
I did not post in the Weekend Goals thread because I knew I wouldn't have much time to play and thus not accomplish anything postworthy. And I was mostly right. Except...

I managed to get scammed and lose 100.000 gold in the process. It was completely my fault since I knew there was the risk the other person was a scumbag but I thought after a few conversations via TeamSpeak that he sounded genuine enough to take the leap. And I landed face first on something rather hard.
The moral of the story, no matter how much you think the other person is honest, never take any chances. Even if that means passing up a pretty good deal.

Man I feel stupid. Going from 102k to 2k sure is a blow to the face. Took me around 4 months to gather this much.
In case any of you wonder the dangling carrot in front of my face was the Big Blizzard Bear from Blizzcon 2008.

But at least I got something to post here, so not everything is dark and gloomy. Smiley: bah


And here I thought the 8k gold I got scammed by some *bleeeeeep* putting a Level 85 Christmas dagger up on the AH this past Christmas was bad....
#11 Jan 28 2013 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
In case any of you wonder the dangling carrot in front of my face was the Big Blizzard Bear from Blizzcon 2008.

That sounds like something you should turn in a report on. You won't be the only victim, put in a report so that he gets whacked.
#12 Jan 29 2013 at 2:01 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
That sounds like something you should turn in a report on. You won't be the only victim, put in a report so that he gets whacked.

Yes that was the first thing I did. But I fear I could not provide any meaningful evidence since most of our conversations were in TeamSpeak. I hope they at least flag his account or something.
#13 Jan 29 2013 at 11:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
RL watched Argo with a buddy. Went over to another friends place and had dinner. Cleaned my apt top to bottom.

Game, farmed 80+ lesser charms in 2 days /wrist. We are now 5/6 HM MV, 1/6 HM HoF. If we can score another range who can perform I think we can position ourselves well for 5.2. Almost revered with Anglers & August Celestials. Working on Klaaxi. Also about to break 100k gold again.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
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