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Soloing old contentFollow

#1 Jan 16 2013 at 8:40 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
While I'm not able to do impressive feats like the recent incident when a level 80 Paladin took out some bosses of Mogu'shan Vaults (despite the exploit involved still not easily doable) I like to tackle old bosses alone.
I don't collect buffs from other classes, I don't use bufffood, flasks, pots or the like. I do it rather casually, for fun when I'm bored. Today I discovered that I can take on the first two bosses from Wintergrasp in 25 player mode. The first one, Archavon, was not a huge surprise since he was easily soloable in 10 player mode at 85. The second one, fire guy, was not very hard either. I just had to watch my health and step out of the fire he occassionally slings at the floor. Just from the mechanics I think the other two might be a bit two much right now, given my gear- and skill-level. I plan on trying them this ID in 10 player mode to be able to gauge the strength they will have in 25 player mode.
Other than that I kill Attumen each week and now and then throw in a quick Stonecore double run (nHC + HC) till the second boss for the mount.

Oh and I do Molten Core each ID on my 86, soon 87, warrior.

Do others here solo old stuff on a regular base? Really hardcore, like some 10man bosses from Cata already or more laid back, like I do?
#2 Jan 16 2013 at 8:58 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
I used to solo old content more.

- I soloed Molten Core to get Hydraxian Waterlords up to Exalted. That's, what, like 18 weeks (with rep boosters) from Revered to Exalted?
- I soloed most of the Outlands stuff that could be soloed back at 85. Mag, Gruul, SSC/TK (except the last bosses, though Kael'Thas is now easier to solo, I hear). Was worth doing it back when each boss was dropping 250 gold.
- I soloed AQ20 at 85, and since the changes, all of AQ40. For my Brood reputation to Exalted.
- Soloed the first few bosses and the trash in BT for a few weeks until I got my Ashtongue Deathsworn rep to Exalted (starting to see a pattern?)
- I soloed all of Nax10 a month or two ago for fun. Instructor Razuvius and Gluth were the hardest fights.
- I still solo the Attumen when I remember to do so. Oh, and I used to run Karazhan up to Chess when I needed Violet Eye rep. That was back at 85 though.
- Prior to it being retuned, I ran ZG until I hit Exalted with Zandalar.
- Prior to it being retuned, I killed Old Onyxia a few times solo. That was pretty fun.
- I'm currently on hiatus with soloing The Battle for Mount Hyjal and ICC for their reps. Hyjal's first boss killed me a couple of times and discouraged me; ICC just takes a while, killing the trash in the first room and resetting. Slow process.

Once you've got the rep or the special loot or the achievements, soloing old content isn't quite as exciting unfortunately Smiley: frown I still have yet to try Ulduar or TOC. I should really try TOC, as I don't have the achievement for it yet. Cataclysm raids are probably out of the question for me right now, but I might try some heroics at some point. My ilevel is only 475 though, so it's not like I'm all that well equipped Smiley: bah
#3 Jan 16 2013 at 9:31 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
There are actually some old achievements I could still go for solo:
- Killing Sapphiron on 25 would be easy.
- Soloing Malygos 10 should be easy - achievement for having less than 9 people.
- Killing all 4 horsement within 15 seconds of each other should be somewhat easy on 10 man mode. A little tough, perhaps.
- Might be able to solo Onyxia on 25-man...
- If I can get past Flame Leviathan, I have some 10-man Ulduar achievements to earn... Dwarvageddon, the Antechamber, siege, etc...

Dang, now I want to go solo stuff Smiley: glare
#4 Jan 16 2013 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,700 posts
I usually enjoy doing the same...

Recently started doing Onyxia (10 man) for the flying mount
Did Utgarde Pinnacle for the flying mount (achieved!)
Did Vortex Pinnacle for the flying mount (a pattern develops as well) (achieved!)

Started doing achievements recently, have 4-5 BC heroics to finish and then 4 or 5 raids to do
Did Karazhan up to chess and got frustrated after my 4th fail and quit, its hard to keep your king healed and keep killing stuff all at once solo ...

My ilevel is only 440-450'ish, working on valor points and heroics to get that raised at the moment.

Once that is raised, I will start plowing through the WoTLK achievements and more for Cata as well.
#5 Jan 16 2013 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
The catch with chess is RNG is RNG. Also I find it best to only move your king when fire is under him and to hop in a healer to cast a heal on him after, possibly both. Otherwise, after I initially move pieces around I sit in the caster and pick off targets.

OP- When I was playing on my hunter I would clear all of vanilla + BC (minus Sunwell) + Naxx 10, OS 10, Maly 10, and Ony 10. I know I could do more but I am rather lazy about it. I would recommend killing Kael'thas in TK. You should easily be able to handle it plus he drops a mount.
#6 Jan 16 2013 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Yeah I thought about TK, too.
But at the moment there is just too much to do in WoW. When I have finished some of the other stuff I'm working on maybe. :)

I already maxed reputations with all old raid factions from Vanilla to Cata. Raid/dungeon achievements I only miss a few from Wrath and Cata. My primary motivator are mounts, the newly introduced pets and Legendaries. The latter being the main reason for leveling the Warrior. Thanks to the change to the legendary FoS I cannot obtain many of them (the FoS) on my Priest but have to rely on my Warrior (who at 90 will have crap gear and whom I can't play very well) and my Rogue (level 3 now, and I don't think I will play him better than the Warrior; I suck at Melee).
I think between the three of them I can obtain, theoretically, every FoS connected to the Legendaries still obtainable.

Now I just have to get them drop... :/

Edited, Jan 16th 2013 12:04pm by TherealLogros
#7 Jan 16 2013 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
There are actually some old achievements I could still go for solo:
- Killing Sapphiron on 25 would be easy.
- Soloing Malygos 10 should be easy - achievement for having less than 9 people.
- Killing all 4 horsement within 15 seconds of each other should be somewhat easy on 10 man mode. A little tough, perhaps.
- Might be able to solo Onyxia on 25-man...
- If I can get past Flame Leviathan, I have some 10-man Ulduar achievements to earn... Dwarvageddon, the Antechamber, siege, etc...

Dang, now I want to go solo stuff Smiley: glare

Flame LEviathan is actually quite easy to solo now. I use siege to get to him and then switch to Demolisher for him.
#8 Jan 16 2013 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I solo Kael'thas, Attumen & me and my brother duo Onyxia lvl 80 on the weekly.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#9 Jan 17 2013 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
1,700 posts
I solo Kael'thas

Mind helping with some tips?

First run through I plowed all the way to him and did not pay attention to the underling abilities so was getting dazed and feared non-stop, embarassingly enough I actually died ...

2nd attempt on him I paid attention to the abilities and killed the fear beast first and then went from melee to the archer, was extremely easy and only lost like 10% health. Then onto the actual boss ... kept getting mind controlled and after got him down 300k hps and the 3rd or so mind control he despawned.

Looked online and appears you can use some of the pillars as a line of site distraction, so I guess as a hunter you hide behind the pillar and dot/quick shoot him to death?

Do you have to keep that god awful Legendary weapon equipped or can you go back to your actual weapon?
#10 Jan 17 2013 at 10:42 AM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
Once you get to Kael you have your pet on one side of the two statues of him and you stand on the other. Hide behind it until he does he emote for his mind control, pop out and put some dots and a couple shots into him then hop back into cover. It is no where near as dangerous as it used to be since your pet can eat a lot of his attacks now with zero problem (I was using a turtle fyi). I started doing that with only a couple pieces of heroic gear at 90. With a full set of heroic gear he is super easy. I would hate to imagine how easy he is once you got some heroic raid gear.

#11 Jan 17 2013 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
1,700 posts

Will try that out when I get a chance.

I've also been reading about soloing BWL for the achievement, Vault of Archavon for a Mammoth mount, and crafting an Illusionary Bag.

I sometimes wonder if I missed things in the past or didnt think it was worth my effort at that moment in time.
#12 Jan 17 2013 at 12:03 PM Rating: Excellent
4,445 posts
Kronig wrote:

Will try that out when I get a chance.

I've also been reading about soloing BWL for the achievement, Vault of Archavon for a Mammoth mount, and crafting an Illusionary Bag.

I sometimes wonder if I missed things in the past or didnt think it was worth my effort at that moment in time.

With my druid the only boss I have trouble with solo in VOA (on 10 man at least, haven't tried 25)is the last one they put in there. I tried it both in DPS spec and Tank spec and the stacking debuff just becomes too much. Gear wise my druid at the time was about il479 i would say (blue weapon, helm, trinket.) I have actually gotten some upgrades since my last attempt i might try it again. I guess I should also mention even though I have a tank spec I am not gemmed/enchanted for it as I just use my dps gear. Only thing I do with my tank spec is solo/duo old content and random heroic.
#13 Jan 17 2013 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
Kronig wrote:

Will try that out when I get a chance.

I've also been reading about soloing BWL for the achievement, Vault of Archavon for a Mammoth mount, and crafting an Illusionary Bag.

I sometimes wonder if I missed things in the past or didnt think it was worth my effort at that moment in time.

BWL is super easy now. The only boss that might cause you trouble would be Chromaggus, never fought him after the nerf. Just cleared up to Broodlord for my bow (which never dropped Smiley: glare). Mind you hunters could solo the raid before the nerf to the first boss so there was that. Smiley: tongue
#14 Jan 17 2013 at 1:21 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Criminy wrote:
Kronig wrote:

Will try that out when I get a chance.

I've also been reading about soloing BWL for the achievement, Vault of Archavon for a Mammoth mount, and crafting an Illusionary Bag.

I sometimes wonder if I missed things in the past or didnt think it was worth my effort at that moment in time.

BWL is super easy now. The only boss that might cause you trouble would be Chromaggus, never fought him after the nerf. Just cleared up to Broodlord for my bow (which never dropped Smiley: glare). Mind you hunters could solo the raid before the nerf to the first boss so there was that. Smiley: tongue

The first boss can still be tough. I finally figured out that the closer the MC'ed boss is to the player, the more likely it is that the adds will attack the player instead of the boss. So you either want to run to the end of the room and try to blow up as many eggs as possible before the adds start spawning, or blow up eggs in the front and middle of the room until the max number of adds have spawned (60 or so, I think?) and just soak the blows.

Otherwise, yes, BWL is easy to solo Smiley: grin
#15 Jan 17 2013 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
1,700 posts
Dropped Kael on my lunch break ( i work 10 minutes from fome) just had to get the pathing right, was a piece of cake.

Tried VoA on 25 on accident and between continued lag/disconnects got killed by the first boss and had to log off, will try it again tonight on 10 man and see how I do.

I'm Ilvl456 at the moment, should have enough valor to get a new piece of gear tonight though so that should help a little, also need to do enchants and gems as fronglo mentioned.
#16 Jan 17 2013 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
Congrats on the kill Kronig. Smiley: grin

Locke wrote:

The first boss can still be tough. I finally figured out that the closer the MC'ed boss is to the player, the more likely it is that the adds will attack the player instead of the boss. So you either want to run to the end of the room and try to blow up as many eggs as possible before the adds start spawning, or blow up eggs in the front and middle of the room until the max number of adds have spawned (60 or so, I think?) and just soak the blows.

I wonder if hunters can still cheese the encounter. I am going to assume they can but I cannot verify. Sounds like cheesing it will be easier to deal with than worrying about the adds once you know how to cheese it.
#17 Jan 21 2013 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
1,700 posts
Did VoA over the weekend on 10-man, third boss was pretty easy without constant lag and disconnects. The final boss was pretty tough... had to use a few heal potions and used DPS pet rather than tank pet since they cannot taunt anyways, the phoenix ability came in handy.

Completed 90% of Naxx with my wife's level 80 priest, skipped 1 boss on accident and then died to the construct final boss. Did not read in advance how to handle the fight and it was 3am when we wiped, so it was bed time.

Also cleared Obsidian Sanctum, was easy once the portal glitch was worked out.
#18 Jan 21 2013 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
I killed the third and fourth boss in VoA 10man and found it rather easy (Shadow 494). But I don't think I can handle these two on 25man yet. They only seemed easy to me because I was able to burn them down relatively quick. With the 25man healthpools they would most likely wipe the floor with me. I think I'll give it a go when I crossed the ilevel 500 threshold.

Has anyone tried to solo Sarth10/25 with 3 drakes up?
#19 Jan 22 2013 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
fronglo wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
There are actually some old achievements I could still go for solo:
- Killing Sapphiron on 25 would be easy.
- Soloing Malygos 10 should be easy - achievement for having less than 9 people.
- Killing all 4 horsement within 15 seconds of each other should be somewhat easy on 10 man mode. A little tough, perhaps.
- Might be able to solo Onyxia on 25-man...
- If I can get past Flame Leviathan, I have some 10-man Ulduar achievements to earn... Dwarvageddon, the Antechamber, siege, etc...

Dang, now I want to go solo stuff Smiley: glare

Flame LEviathan is actually quite easy to solo now. I use siege to get to him and then switch to Demolisher for him.

I failed something awful at this over the weekend; I think I started too close. Is there a specific strategy? After I ate two battering rams and was taking ~79k hits, I went down in no time at all. Got the boss to maybe 50% health.
#20 Jan 22 2013 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
I killed the third and fourth boss in VoA 10man and found it rather easy (Shadow 494). But I don't think I can handle these two on 25man yet. They only seemed easy to me because I was able to burn them down relatively quick. With the 25man healthpools they would most likely wipe the floor with me. I think I'll give it a go when I crossed the ilevel 500 threshold.

Has anyone tried to solo Sarth10/25 with 3 drakes up?

I actually tried sarth 3D on 10 with my druid and wasn't able to do it. That was when I still had some blues though I haven't tried it recently. I got him down to about 15% health and all the adds just overwhelmed me. I would say it is very possible though with the right skills/gear. I think my Ilvl was around 472ish at the time.
#21 Jan 22 2013 at 3:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:

I failed something awful at this over the weekend; I think I started too close. Is there a specific strategy? After I ate two battering rams and was taking ~79k hits, I went down in no time at all. Got the boss to maybe 50% health.

I managed to drop him in a Demolisher with full pyrite. Just constantly pelt him with pyrite and he should die real quick.

Fronglo wrote:

I actually tried sarth 3D on 10 with my druid and wasn't able to do it. That was when I still had some blues though I haven't tried it recently. I got him down to about 15% health and all the adds just overwhelmed me. I would say it is very possible though with the right skills/gear. I think my Ilvl was around 472ish at the time.

You need about 42k dps min to drop him before he goes immune. Ignore adds and just focus the boss (and avoid waves). Save your survival cooldowns when he gets around 10% (might be 15% or 5%). You want it up so when the drake that is poking you in the butt enrages and starts hitting rather hard. Nothing "OMG" hard but hard enough that it can easily wipe you if you are sloppy.
#22 Jan 22 2013 at 3:55 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Criminy wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:

I failed something awful at this over the weekend; I think I started too close. Is there a specific strategy? After I ate two battering rams and was taking ~79k hits, I went down in no time at all. Got the boss to maybe 50% health.

I managed to drop him in a Demolisher with full pyrite. Just constantly pelt him with pyrite and he should die real quick.

Yeah, I read up on it a bit more after. Seems like you can do it just like you said on 10-Man, or if you switch between 3 different ones (as the Pyrite empties out) on 25-man. The 3-vehicle switch also seems to work for 10-man hardmode. Might try that this week Smiley: grin
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