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The 500.000 gold projectFollow

#1 Aug 17 2012 at 3:18 AM Rating: Good
678 posts
Silly title, I know. So, over the past month-ish I've been gaming again and after buying the Vial of the Sands on my main, I have mostly been doing dailies for the Tol Barad mounts and doing the Firelands dailies for the pet. Unfortunately I've also been bitten by the bug and I've ended up blowing a couple of thousand gold on gemming gear as contrary to my earlier goal, I decided to get back into raiding, which means gearing up and the associated costs.

Anyhow, after a month of all of the above I've made a good 10k gold net. Still short of my goal to get 30k which I would've spent on a Travelers Tundra, but I'm good anyhow I guess. Still, over the past few days I've been wondering how you end up with the obscene amounts of gold people seem to have these days. I realize I've been away from the game for almost an entire expansion, but even if I hadn't I still would have been upgrading my gear on a regular basis, which means gems and the such.

Which brings me to the Travelers Tundra Yak (whatever the name is). 120k gold. Do you people plan to buy that thing? I know I'd consider it, but even the Vial of the Sands seemed obscenely expensive to me, and that was around the 30k mark ... Do quests in MoP grant a far increased deal of money or is that mount expected to be somewhat rare?
#2 Aug 17 2012 at 3:36 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
I'm sitting at just over 43k right now. Have bought my 137th pet for 7400 gold from the AH a few days ago and about 10 days ago got two HC set pieces from DS which cost me around 3,5k to properly gem/enchant.
So I'm not exactly reluctant to spend gold. Since I despise sitting on the AH to make money, gold must be earned the hard way. I do some dailies each day. But not even close to the 25 allowed. Most days I only do (some of) the Tournament dailies. They are really easy and fast and every now and then I get to sell a few pets for about 2,5k-3k each. Some days I do the TB dailies too.
I also run old raids. Raids I do every week are Ony, Maly and the first three Wrath-era PvP bosses (these 5 I do together with a friend since apart from Archavon I can not solo them as a Priest). MC I actually solo and more often then not I duo AQ40 and BWL.

I PvP and spend all honor/valor I get on mats that I sell on the AH. Same goes with mats I buy for justice/conquest and cloth drops etc that I get when doing dailies. I don't consider this gaming the AH since compared to the people that actually make 50k-100k a week (or more) from the AH I use it only very casually.

Oh and another good source of income is when you max out your valor with HC dungeons before you start raiding each ID. The 83g for a short 20-30 minute pew-pew fest rack up over the time.

On a side note: Since you collect pets you might want to start doing TB dailies again. The elusive fox pet will get added to the vendor for 200 tokens come 5.04. Or maybe come MoP but I think with the pre-expansion patch.

Edit: My initial goal were 30k for the day when MoP drops too. Now I'm aiming for 50k and hope to maybe get one or two rare pets from the AH on top of that.

Edit²: With faction and guild discounts the Yak will cost less than 100k. Still a mighty sum but a discount for more than 20k makes it a bit less of a PITA.

I really REALLY hope Blizzard reconsiders their planned nerf for gold drops in old raids. While a certain adjustment is needed, no doubt, the way they are planning to do it goes too far, I think. It will render soloing old content completely useless as far as earning gold is concerned. There are complaint threads on the o-boards so if any of you are concerned about this too, it might help to voice reasonable feedback there. I'm still hoping they go back to their old model and just adjust the drops for each raid individually and without taking away any incentive to run these raids for gold.
Just added this last bit since it is directly tied to my goldmaking.

Edited, Aug 17th 2012 5:50am by TherealLogros
#3 Aug 17 2012 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
I think 120k is simply too much for the yak. For me, it just makes my Tundra Mammoth more of a bargain. I would have bought it at 60k if it was account wide, but don't plan to buy at 120k.

Even with the AH slowdown, I am always amazed at the gold that can be had by simply devoting some time to farming. I have two max herbalist / miners, but my problem is that I don't particularly enjoy spending a lot of time doing it. Embersilk has been a decent seller on my realm. I could get a pretty good quantity by drinking a potion of treasure finding and farming the ghosts in Uldum at the Ruins of Ammon. All of that is a fun diversion for a week or two, but I don't seem to be able to stick to it.

Consistency is the key to making some gold, and to that end, I can manage 45 minutes each morning to buy disenchantables and trade mats at 35% of value, and repost them at market value on both Horde and Alliance. That's really about all I do actively to make gold. Every so often I move the gold taken from the enemy faction, across the neutral AH.

This expansion I plan to resist the urge to spend an obscene amount gearing up fast at the AH. Currently I am sitting at around 160k, and would like to hit 200k by the expansion.
#4 Aug 17 2012 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
120k for a mount? Smiley: jawdrop

Smiley: oyvey
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Aug 17 2012 at 6:03 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
The cheapest you could get it should be either 96k or 97,2k. Don't know if you can subtract just 20% of the 120k or first 10% and then 10% from the result of first subtraction. Still incredibly expensive but at least slightly more manageable.

Add to that the jewelcrafter mounts, the numerous other faction goldsinks (like for example more mounts) and the BMAH and I really don't see why they want to hit the old raids with such a heavy handed nerf.
#6 Aug 17 2012 at 6:27 AM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
Here is a link to some pictures and a video of the mount.

Personally I am going to get the gold for it. Currently at 80k so I got plenty of time to get 30k-ish more. I really hope if they do nerf the gold from raids they wait till after MoP is out, I love going into BWL and getting 1200g just from gold drops.
#7 Aug 17 2012 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Considering thats only one of like 50 mew mounts coming out in MOP 120k is a smidgen high. I also have not seen prices on the new JC mounts now the new engineering mounts and im sure they wont be cheep ether since Blizz tends to ramp up prices so im guess they will be like 40-50k(if someone knows the actual prices let me know) each just to craft and not the markup it will have on the AH..

And i have to say in the 6-7 years i have been playing this game i have never bought gold, but this type of thing is going to bring gold sellers back in force since the average person does not want to be doing farming and dailys 24/7 especially with multiple characters. im a mount and pet collector but i dunno how im gonna come up with enough gold to buy mounts and keep my gear gemed and enchanted just seems a little ridiculous.
#8 Aug 17 2012 at 6:24 PM Rating: Excellent
The thing is, the entire point of mega-expenses like the GEY (EDIT: Alma lol) and others is to be expensive. They have things like this and the Black Market AH to specifically remove gold from the economy. When you have a large amount of gold sources (dailies, dungeons, quests, professions, etc) but not enough gold removers (repair costs), as was the case in vanilla and BC, you get inflation. WotLK was better with mega-expensive mounts, but still didn't go far enough.

When people buy high-priced things like these mounts, the gold doesn't go to another player - it's removed from the economy completely. It's deleted. Having a lot of these removers means less gold in the economy, which means less inflation overall.

The entire point of these is to be expensive, not for it to be a good value for what you're getting.

Edited, Aug 17th 2012 8:56pm by IDrownFish
#9 Aug 17 2012 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,877 posts
If he comes into this forum and starts to go on rants about the ghey's wanting to have butt secs with him I will hold you accountable. Smiley: mad
#10 Aug 17 2012 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I had a friend with over 1 million gold. Which is fricking ridiculous.

Between all my alts I hovered around 100k for most of Cata and I did not farm, do dailies or prostitute myself in the deep run tram. Just gold earned from playing since TBC.

Edited, Aug 17th 2012 9:15pm by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#11 Aug 18 2012 at 1:17 AM Rating: Good
Criminy wrote:
If he comes into this forum and starts to go on rants about the ghey's wanting to have butt secs with him I will hold you accountable. Smiley: mad

Duly noted.
#12 Aug 20 2012 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
I feel like I do pretty well for myself, sitting at around 20k, but I also wonder how people get upwards on 100k. There used to be a lot of gold DKP runs on my server last expansion, but this doesn't seem to be a viable option any longer.
#13 Aug 21 2012 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
678 posts
One thing I find bewildering are HC runs. Sooooo, you don't have time to raid but you have time to come by 200.000 gold? Without getting into any specifics I find it hard to believe these are not bought with gold-seller gold tbh. I was chatting to an old WoW friend not too long ago and his guild is sitting on 3 million gold, most of which they made from selling runs. He told me they want to buy BiS stuff come MoP. I think they want to buy Stormwind ...
#14 Aug 22 2012 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
the average casual player (which is like 90-95% of player base) normally come on do some dailys run a few instances and maybe sit around in a city for a bit chatting with friends. With that the dailys pay 16-20g and currently only being able to do 25 dailys in a day thats 450g a day give or take. So thats 3150g a week again give or take and a month is around 12600g.
So the average player if they wanted to buy the 120k mount thats almost 10 months of saving. if you add in the weekly dungeon runs you might get up around 15k a month which might shave off a couple of months of saving.

Now i know that the daily cap is going to be removed(or so i heard) so making gold will become at least slightly easier but still saving up for one expensive mount is going to take a while and you still have gear upgrades to think about gemming and enchanting which can set a person back alot and repair costs when you die (which arnt huge but add up).

like i said in my other post i expect to see gold sellers come back in force because of this because the avrage player does not play the AH and dailys can only go so far if you want something asap.
#15 Aug 23 2012 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Jallil wrote:
the average casual player (which is like 90-95% of player base) normally come on do some dailys run a few instances and maybe sit around in a city for a bit chatting with friends. With that the dailys pay 16-20g and currently only being able to do 25 dailys in a day thats 450g a day give or take. So thats 3150g a week again give or take and a month is around 12600g.
So the average player if they wanted to buy the 120k mount thats almost 10 months of saving. if you add in the weekly dungeon runs you might get up around 15k a month which might shave off a couple of months of saving.
You're underestimating, by a relatively strong margin, I might add, the amount of gold one can make if they're spending enough time each day to do dailies. Mobs drop things worth selling when you kill them. If you're doing 25 dailies each day, odds are fairly good you're going to get plenty of things worth putting on the AH and numerous things worth vendoring for decent profit. Add in a gathering skill and you'll make an even larger monthly profit, even if you only gather things you see while doing dailies. It gets even sillier if you factor in the use of certain quest rewards to make profit(JC tokens were always a steady source of non-negligible profit for me).

I sincerely believe it's a little too doom and gloom to think that someone who spends time each day doing all their dailies will even have to worry that it'll take 10 months to get a 120k mount.
#16 Aug 23 2012 at 6:53 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
Jallil wrote:
the average casual player (which is like 90-95% of player base) normally come on do some dailys run a few instances and maybe sit around in a city for a bit chatting with friends. With that the dailys pay 16-20g and currently only being able to do 25 dailys in a day thats 450g a day give or take. So thats 3150g a week again give or take and a month is around 12600g.
So the average player if they wanted to buy the 120k mount thats almost 10 months of saving. if you add in the weekly dungeon runs you might get up around 15k a month which might shave off a couple of months of saving.

Now i know that the daily cap is going to be removed(or so i heard) so making gold will become at least slightly easier but still saving up for one expensive mount is going to take a while and you still have gear upgrades to think about gemming and enchanting which can set a person back alot and repair costs when you die (which arnt huge but add up).

like i said in my other post i expect to see gold sellers come back in force because of this because the avrage player does not play the AH and dailys can only go so far if you want something asap.

I don't really have the statistics by I sincerely doubt casual players log in every day and do every daily though.
#17 Aug 24 2012 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Jallil wrote:
the average casual player (which is like 90-95% of player base) normally come on do some dailys run a few instances and maybe sit around in a city for a bit chatting with friends. With that the dailys pay 16-20g and currently only being able to do 25 dailys in a day thats 450g a day give or take. So thats 3150g a week again give or take and a month is around 12600g.
So the average player if they wanted to buy the 120k mount thats almost 10 months of saving. if you add in the weekly dungeon runs you might get up around 15k a month which might shave off a couple of months of saving.
You're underestimating, by a relatively strong margin, I might add, the amount of gold one can make if they're spending enough time each day to do dailies. Mobs drop things worth selling when you kill them. If you're doing 25 dailies each day, odds are fairly good you're going to get plenty of things worth putting on the AH and numerous things worth vendoring for decent profit. Add in a gathering skill and you'll make an even larger monthly profit, even if you only gather things you see while doing dailies. It gets even sillier if you factor in the use of certain quest rewards to make profit(JC tokens were always a steady source of non-negligible profit for me).

I sincerely believe it's a little too doom and gloom to think that someone who spends time each day doing all their dailies will even have to worry that it'll take 10 months to get a 120k mount.

In my 7 years of playing i have found a total of 2 epics while doing current content. but then again my luck in that department is bad. S.ure you grab a few silver off mob kills and if you lucky youll find a pattern or blue equipment you can sell for a few thousand near the beginning of an expac. but that deals in luck which not everyone is lucky. and the common and scrap items you might sell add up but not that quickly.
Also yes you have your gathering professions but not everyone wants to spend hours a day gathering and doing nothing else and a stack here or there in the AH does not add up to quick gold.
Just as an example i didnt buy the tundra mammoth until partway though cata because i never had the gold to buy it during wrath since i was more focused on raiding and keeping my gear up to date . and yes i know that was my choice even though im a mount collector im also a raider and you can only split gold so many ways. As i have already mentioned this is not going to be the only "expensive" mounts the new crafting mounts for JC and eng are sure to be pricy especially since they are going to be BOE. and there's another what 30 mounts that cost 3-5k eack from rep vendors plus the black market AH which only the 1% will ever be able to afford. Yes it great having gold sinks but when the majority of the population will probably never have that type of gold they will have nothing to sink their gold into.

Yes id like to be wrong about gold sellers coming back in force some of the casual players will see these prices for mounts and the like and feel they have no other way to stay with the curve but to buy gold again especially with the BMAH and the lvls of bidding that will go on for some of the more coveted items will probably get ridiculous.
#18 Aug 24 2012 at 2:37 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Jallil wrote:
Yes id like to be wrong about gold sellers coming back in force some of the casual players will see these prices for mounts and the like and feel they have no other way to stay with the curve but to buy gold again especially with the BMAH and the lvls of bidding that will go on for some of the more coveted items will probably get ridiculous.

While I do agree with you insofar that it will be difficult to obtain all the new gold sinks (let alone the shinies from the BMAH) there is one part about your argument that irks me. I bolded it. Somehow this always comes up when there is something pricy introduced into WoW. And it's just total rubbish. There is always a choice. If I cannot/will not commit enough time to get the gold there is noone pointing a gun to my head forcing me to buy gold in order to get some mounts. That is in every instance the players decision.

So in aswer to the bolded part: Yes they have the way of buying the mounts late in the expansion/in the expansion after MoP/never. This is no excuse for goldbuying!

Edit: I might add that I will most likely never buy anything from the BMAH. And it will take most/all of MoP for me to obtain the normal goldsink-mounts. I will have between 50k and 60k when MoP hits. And I'm not even remotely tempted to support a group of people who make their living by ******** others over.

Edited, Aug 24th 2012 4:40am by TherealLogros
#19 Aug 24 2012 at 4:46 AM Rating: Excellent
You don't need a 120k mount. Leveling, getting your first mount, then your flyer is easy now. Now more grinding monkeys in STV (pushing yourself to 40), just so you won't have to walk. You can even buy a nice mount in the Blizzard Store that will be good for all your characters. The Traveler's Tundra Mammoth is still the value deal, repairing your stuff and buying your junk. I'm not buying the vendor yak, not because I couldn't, but because its not worth that much gold.

I don't think there will be a rush to send hard earned cash to gold sellers, for a mount you don't need. Hopefully people are sick enough of getting hacked, that they would never support them.
#20 Aug 27 2012 at 8:50 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
JaysQ wrote:
I feel like I do pretty well for myself, sitting at around 20k, but I also wonder how people get upwards on 100k. There used to be a lot of gold DKP runs on my server last expansion, but this doesn't seem to be a viable option any longer.

GDKP runs still happen in my server. I wouldn't know about whether they do happen more or less than before as it's something I'm pretty new to (my original server was low on horde-population even as far as Wotlk) my current server.

On topic, I've failed miserably to save gold in the month I've been gaming since I came back. I had 36k on my bank-alt and now I have 7k. OTOH I've bought both the Traveler's Tundra and the Vial of the Sands, but even then I would've made only 15k or so in a month of pretty intense gaming. Which still leaves me scratching my head as to how someone can have 200k to pay for a HC raid-boost but yet no time to do said raids on their own.
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