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Mist of Pandaria Cinematic TrailerFollow

#1 Aug 16 2012 at 12:23 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts

So what do you all think about it?

I rather enjoyed it myself. It had the right mix of seriousness and comedy that I expect from Blizzard.
#2 Aug 16 2012 at 12:36 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
I chuckled at the part around 2:35.

Also, reminds me of the olde Highlander TV series. Duncan MacLeod gets shipwrecked in Japan and learns the way of the samurai.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#3 Aug 16 2012 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts

It was okay. I felt it set the scene really well for what they're trying to sell MoP as, and largely fell in line with those expectations. The less serious nature of it, the fight, the whole Human versus Orc meeting panda thing, made me laugh a bit, all of that. So it certainly delivered on that note.

Lacking though, was any really 'wow factor" (I really gotta get my wife to turn off the Storage Wars marathons... Smiley: rolleyes). I mean the BC trailer gave me chills when I saw it. The WotLK one, well I felt like I was reaching the climax for an epic battle, the contrast of the words against the background made for great storytelling. The catacylsm one, well you watch the world you knew get destroyed, and couldn't help but want to go after the dragon at that point.

So yeah, nicely done, okay, good trailer, but nothing epic for lack of a better word.

Edited, Aug 16th 2012 11:51am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#4 Aug 16 2012 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
So-so trailer.

In terms of content, it was pretty boring. Orc and human shipwrecked, fighting on an island when panda bear arrives and teaches them to work together to overcome a greater foe. Referencing the Warcraft 3 cinematic (replace the panda with an Infernal) or running out of ideas? Mists recede and what was previously a mossy ruin turns out to be a thriving panda bear village. Oh, yeah, and panda bear was actually just delivering some beer or whatever. I'm guessing there's a story behind the mist.

I liked the bit where the panda bear grabs the hammer and returns it to where it came from, smacking it a bit to make it even. Made me giggle. This is the first trailer that is humorous, though. All the other trailers are serious, culminating with Deathwing burning down half of Azeroth in the Cataclysm trailer. This one... slightly different. I mean, the entire thing had the humorous, carefree atmosphere to it. Not bad, but I'll just go ahead and assume the Kung-Fu Panda rage has flared up again.

In terms of animation, it's not bad, but I've seen better. In the original cinematic, for instance. Kind of sad, considering almost eight years have passed since then. They obviously went with the animated (as in: animated cartoons) look in this one. Not sure I like it.

Compared to the previous trailers, this one was definitely the weakest, and I'm not saying that because I'm negative towards the entire expansion thing. I'm not. This trailer was weak. It lacks the "omfgwtfmindblowngatoradeinmyveins!" touch the previous trailers had. It failed to move me. The "You are not prepared!" line from the TBC trailer still gives me goosebumps today.

Edited, Aug 18th 2012 2:27pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Aug 16 2012 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
First I was disappointed because of the far lighter note it has compared to the old trailers. Have watched it two more times and it somehow grew on me. I still think the cinematics from Wrath and Cata are better but this new one is not bad at all (imo). For me it does more than the Classic/BC trailers.

When I ventured to the o-boards expecting quite the sh'tstorm I was pleasantly surprised. At least a few hours ago a good deal of the feedback was positive. A few enraged flameposts here and there but these pop up whenever Blizzard does anything.
#6 Aug 16 2012 at 4:29 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
I was thinking about it and I believe I figured out why it doesn't have that "Oh snap son!" kinda feel to it. All the expansions we have had so far have had the main bad guy play the predominate role. Now that there is a lack of a main bad guy this expansion it doesn't have that kind of feel of it. There is no "I am going to kick that guy's ********** sensation while watching it. I don't think that is a bad thing either, honestly I was getting tired of the badguy of the expansion being the focus instead of the relationship between the races (even though there are technically only three in this cinematic).
#7 Aug 16 2012 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Mediocre, not terrible.

I am still on the fence for MoP. Watching the Weekly Marmot, and seeing how Lore is excited gets me hopeful. Cataclysm they spent so much focus on revamping the entire leveling experience, in this it is all end game 85-90 plus features outside of raiding, which is always a good thing as it expands the scope of the game. Lots of raid bosses makes me happy.

Then there is the simple fact that I am really not at all interested in the direction that they are going in terms of difficulty. It would be alright if LFR became the default win button, and everyone gets to experience raid content through it. But Diablo III was so terribly easy that it broke my heart and possibly even my fanboi blizz love Smiley: frown
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#8 Aug 16 2012 at 9:13 PM Rating: Good
bodhisattva wrote:
But Diablo III was so terribly easy that it broke my heart and possibly even my fanboi blizz love Smiley: frown

Only issue I have with Diablo III difficulty was that a lot of it was fake difficulty. I'm fine with high numbers and challenging mechanics. That's a good endgame. What isn't good is when you get a group of Jailer/Fire Chains/Molten/Plagued or whatever as melee and you can't see anything because of all the sh*t you yourself put on the ground. What I mean is that in Diablo III, a lot of deaths are going to be outside of your control. You'll die because your follower will go after a treasure goblin and pull half the dungeon, or because you couldn't get out of the Freezing because you were already jailed, or because the Invulnerable Minions blocked all of your shots, or something like that. It's one thing when you die because you could have done something better - it's another when you die because the game says "F*ck you," which was my experience with a lot of Inferno.

I'm curious to know why you called it easy. It's not the hardest game I've ever played, certainly, and most of the game all the way before Inferno was pretty easy (though I know people who had trouble starting at Nightmare, so that's subjective), but I don't think I would go as far as calling it terribly easy.

Edit: Oh wait, this topic was about the trailer. Lolderp.


It definitely went for a more lighthearted feel this time around. A more cartoonish style, no epic villain, nothing to make you want to take up arms and adventure into a strange new continent/world and kill some demons/undead/dragons/whatever. It just had a very different tone than the others. There were moments of action, but even then the comedy moments outweighed them.

This is about what I would expect, honestly. With the new direction they are going with this expansion pack (and I'm not saying it's a bad direction, only different), this trailer fits that pretty well. I just don't really know what they could have done differently to make it seem more in line with the past ones. Focus more on the Alliance/Horde conflict? Well, that would kind of ignore the whole Pandaria/Pandaren selling point. Emphasize the conflicts going on in Padaria? There's too much to focus on for one trailer - there's the Sha, the Mantids, the Alliance/Horde imperialism and the war they brought, and others stuff I'm sure I'm forgetting.

Honestly, there's just so much going on in this expansion pack that isn't a new Big Bad. And the Big Bads are what lend themselves to trailers really well. This trailer is done about as well as I would expect. It's not that the material they're working with (this expansion) is bad, it's just that I don't think it translates to a trailer very well. They did about as well as could be expected.

Edited, Aug 16th 2012 11:22pm by IDrownFish
#9 Aug 16 2012 at 10:24 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
I was disappointed. I don't think this cinematic has the epic appeal of most of the previous cinematics. Big Bear Butt blog posted all the previous cinematics on his site. Check it out. It's a cool retrospective. Veiwing them also highlights how different the MoP cinematic is compared to earlier cinematics. Other than introducing the Pandaren monk, what is the theme? I just don't see the epic draw that most of the previous cinematics portray.

p.s. I'm not a hater---far from it--just trying to convey my gut reaction to the cinematic.
#10 Aug 16 2012 at 10:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
I've been thinking about it, and I think this is what bugs me about it: For an expansion that's supposed to be about the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde, the orc and human sure teamed up rather damn quick.

Also, the mage from the vanilla and TBC trailers needed to show up and wipe the smug look off that panda's face.
#11 Aug 16 2012 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
471 posts
Someone on a long WoW forum thread mentioned the panda in the trailer was none other than Chen. If so it makes it a whole lot cooler for me and it makes his Cheshire cat grin at the end epic.

So I'm thinking that may be his barrel ( with keg in it) hes picking up with his staff. Its food for thought.

If its not Chen..Its just a well made trailer of king fu panda kicking 2 guys rears that also do fight scenes as Hulk vs Thing.

So for me I'll take Chen.

Edited, Aug 17th 2012 12:44am by ChiefsClassik
90 Orc shaman
90 Orc Hunter
90 Troll Hunter
90 Dwarf Hunter
90 Undead Warrior

Scrappy 92 Ratonga Bruiser
Mazum 91 Kerra Ranger
Daktari 65 Iksar Beastlord
DragonFists 71 Iksar Monk

#12 Aug 16 2012 at 11:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
ChiefsClassik wrote:
Someone on a long WoW forum thread mentioned the panda in the trailer was none other than Chen.

Bashiok confirmed this somewhere. Can't find a link though.
I think that's one of the reasons I liked this better when I watched it the second and third time. The first time I wasn't aware that this was one of the heroes with which I founded and protected Durotar in the glorious days of WC3.

Edited, Aug 17th 2012 1:46am by TherealLogros
#13 Aug 16 2012 at 11:47 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
I watched the MoP cinematic and then went back to watch the Vanilla one. I'd say that they did a decent job. I'm ready for a break from the string of resurrected villains from previous games and tie-ins to the lore of various books and comics. I'm sure we'll get those too, but I'll enjoy the brief return to Vanilla's structure -- wandering about and discovering the world while trying not to fall prey to whatever dangers lurk in the next zone.

Hopefully Cata let the curtain fall on dragons for a bit; with luck MoP will close out the Garrosh/Thrall/Varian schtick. Lore offers a certain level of depth to stories, but it also consigns us to be perpetual spear carriers in the story -- pawns for dragons and heroes who have, by this point repeatedly downed various world shaking evils while the main figures wallow and thrash in bathos.

Other than introducing the Pandaren monk, what is the theme?

There is an element of WTF as they look down into the valley. Hostilities between the two sides are suspended in the face of a threat, but we know they'll be back at it soon enough. For now though ...

The tag line of TBC was "you are a schmuck and the gear you just farmed your *** off for barely lets you kill pigs here" ... erm, I mean "You are not prepared!" The lead in to "and we know this whole Garrosh thing has been dragging on for three expansions" was "what is worth fighting for?" King and country? Honor and glory? Vengeance? I'll settle for that as a theme in place of "I'm big, I'm bad, I can kill you at any moment but just can't be bothered to, oops I'm gonna die at the end, right?" We'll get there, but for now we're back at the beginning and I hope they pull it off.
#14 Aug 17 2012 at 2:35 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
ChiefsClassik wrote:
Someone on a long WoW forum thread mentioned the panda in the trailer was none other than Chen.

Who the hell is Chen? Smiley: confused
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Aug 17 2012 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I've ranted in other threads on D3, the 1st play through was not enjoyable at all for me. To play it 2 more times just to get to the experience that you discussed held zero appeal for me. Despite D2 being one of my fav games ever, d3 was quickly uninstalled and forgotten.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#16 Aug 17 2012 at 3:24 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
Mazra wrote:
Who the hell is Chen? Smiley: confused

A character you could play in a bonus campaign in WC3. Might be this campaign was only included in TFT. His full name is Chen Stormstout and he was mentioned at least once in WoW when you had to find his belongings in a quest in the (pre-Cata) Barrens.

I hope I didn't fall for a troll post. Smiley: grin
#17 Aug 17 2012 at 3:26 AM Rating: Good
678 posts
Enjoyable trailer if you ask me. I wasn't around when TBC released, but out of Wotlk, Cata and MoP, I'd rank it second behind Wotlk's which I did at the time find really cool (might have something to do with the fact that it was at the time when I was gaming the most).
#18 Aug 17 2012 at 4:10 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
A character you could play in a bonus campaign in WC3. Might be this campaign was only included in TFT. His full name is Chen Stormstout and he was mentioned at least once in WoW when you had to find his belongings in a quest in the (pre-Cata) Barrens.

I hope I didn't fall for a troll post. Smiley: grin

So, he's the Pandaren dude from WC3. Okay, makes sense. I played the bonus campaign, but never paid much attention to the panda's name.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Aug 17 2012 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
It was Proudmoore, Chen, and Nazgrim.
Edited, Aug 17th 2012 8:06am by Criminy

Edited, Aug 17th 2012 8:17am by Criminy

Edited, Aug 17th 2012 9:01am by Criminy
#20 Aug 17 2012 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
499 posts
I enjoyed it. Honestly, at this point there has been so much coverage of what's in the game that the trailer doesn't really need to include it. I think the need was necessary for vanilla given the infancy of both the game and social media, but has steadily declined as the game received more exposure and WoW's player base has grew older and more prone to research.

IMO, this set the tone for the expansion perfectly. Horde vs. Alliance, fighting for...what? The will of an emo king holding a grudge? The blood craze of a warchief who's always going to be second-best (third if you recognize the threat of a specific pissed-off troll)? They go at it, only to get thoroughly whipped by someone who cares for neither of those and is just defending his home. I'm curious to see how the Pandaren will affect the HvA conflict and vice versa. The fall of a peaceful civilization into war and carnage could be even more tragic than the fall of Arthas if done right.
#21 Aug 17 2012 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
FuriousJorge wrote:
The blood craze of a warchief who's always going to be second-best (third if you recognize the threat of a specific pissed-off troll)?

Fourth, there's also the fan-elevation of Saurfang, Durotar Ranger.
#22 Aug 19 2012 at 12:41 AM Rating: Excellent
387 posts
Really liked the trailer. It was lightheartened when Chen showed up, but still sufficiently badass. Also, it's the FIRST cinematic that didn't show a big bad since vanilla.
I mean, big bads are all nice, but people tend to focus on them and go "yay, new raid... what, not the big bad again? meh <.< stupid filler content" (this is also how I felt with all that crusader stuff in WotLK).

Also, with the big bad has the problem of prominence. Where Illiwho was barely there apart from a questline or two in shadowmoon valley and people forgot about him after the opening cinematic, Tsundere!Arthas was breathing down your neck every other quest with his
"I-i-it's not like I WANT you to come and visit me at home... I....I just don't FEEL like killing you right now, okay? ...idiot... *blush*" monologue.

Deathy fared a bit better in this department, but you cannot have a giant motherfarking dragon appear everywhere. And his Deathchin!human appearance is just too ridiculous for me to take seriously, so I'm happy HE didn't breathe down my neck.

This expansion is more like "let's explore and see who the big bad might be, and who the other possible threats are". Also, being more lighthearted, it puts a stopper to the biggerbetterfasterstronger slippery slope. Because if it went on, you'd face even more old gods, and the next expansion would have more tentacles in one raid than all japanese school basements combined! Also, we would see that undead riding on a raptor riding on a rocket-propelled shard with freakin`laz0r beams again.... as TRASH MOB.
#23 Aug 19 2012 at 12:55 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Wortschmied wrote:
Also, we would see that undead riding on a raptor riding on a rocket-propelled shard with freakin`laz0r beams again.... as TRASH MOB.
You say that like it's a bad thing. Smiley: tongue
#24 Aug 19 2012 at 2:27 AM Rating: Good
Wortschmied wrote:

This expansion is more like "let's explore and see who the big bad might be, and who the other possible threats are". Also, being more lighthearted, it puts a stopper to the biggerbetterfasterstronger slippery slope. Because if it went on, you'd face even more old gods, and the next expansion would have more tentacles in one raid than all japanese school basements combined! Also, we would see that undead riding on a raptor riding on a rocket-propelled shard with freakin`laz0r beams again.... as TRASH MOB.

Hate to tell you this, but we're seeing... well, they haven't CALLED it an Old God, but they're gesturing an outline that LOOKS like an Old God. This one's going to be a giant ear.

Edited, Aug 19th 2012 1:28am by selebrin
#25 Aug 19 2012 at 4:30 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
selebrin wrote:

Hate to tell you this, but we're seeing... well, they haven't CALLED it an Old God, but they're gesturing an outline that LOOKS like an Old God. This one's going to be a giant ear.

Edited, Aug 19th 2012 1:28am by selebrin

Are you serious?


Can't I have that shark instead?
#26 Aug 19 2012 at 6:06 AM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
Apparently the sha originated from the one old god the titans managed to kill, Y'Shaarj. He cursed Pandaria with his dying breath to be infested with "shadows of his former self". Interesting side note, Y'Shaarj is the seven headed old god. Currently there are only six aspects of sha known. Anger, Despair, Hatred, Doubt, Fear and Violence. If the various aspects of sha are to be a representation of each of Y'Shaarj's heads then it begs the question, where is the 7th and what could it be? Would the seventh be what gets to Garrosh somehow and pushes him into madness? Now that I think about it madness would make sense. -shrug- While that is not 100% guaranteed to be accurate, according to stuff that has been discovered in the beta it strongly points that way.

Edited, Aug 19th 2012 8:16am by Criminy
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