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Mag's Big Bad Mists of Pandaria Beta Thread Discussion PlaceFollow

#1 Jul 03 2012 at 5:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Firstly, I know I have nothing real to offer in ways of information that you, the readership of forum=21 (yes, all 7 of you) probably do not already know from countless other related website, forum and you tube videos. But I am also creating a topic of discussion on the forums, so be happy. If I accomplish nothing but to sit here and discuss with myself day after day about the MoP beta, then so be it. At least I am trying.

What I've been doing so far.

I jumped in to the beta going straight into monk testing. Started with a low level created Blood Elf Monk. I also created a Pandarian Monk, as well as a level 85 Monk. What I would enjoy doing is instances, but during my play hours, I see very few of them. With the 85 Mistweaver (healer) Monk, I've seen one trip into a dungeon. (I want to say it was the Jade Temple). I have also seen a few of the lower level dungeons as my Panda Mistweaver Monk.

My thoughts on the Mistweaver cannot be accurate as the spec is vastly over powered right now. But the mechanic seems to be a channeled heal (Soothing Mists) while using a few other heals that can be instant casts if you are channeling Soothing Mists, otherwise they will have a cast time. Also using spells such as Expel Harm, which heals you and damages a nearby enemy, and talent point ability Chi wave, which bounces back and forth 5 times between friend or foe alike for either heal or damage. I really WISH I could see more dungeon time right now, but even so, I can say that I am not using the class as it's meant to be used, given that certain healing spells are doing an insane amount of healing.

The Blood Elf Monk is my Brewmaster (tank). I've seen no instances. The stagger damage is intersting, as of right now, you take 70% of the damage up front, and the remaining % is staggered to you over time.

I have not spent a lot of time on the pre-made Monk, as I hate the thought of jumping on a class I know nothing about and trying to learn it backwards. I felt leveling up would be better for me.

On Monday, Blizzard be tested two encounters. Feng the Accursed (Mogu'shan Vaults) - 10 Player Normal & Wind Lord Mel'jarak (Heart of Fear) - 10 Player Normal. It makes me wish I had focused on leveling to 90 so I could have tested them. Unless they had pre-mades for the testing, which I didn't see. The new versions of SM were quite fun. Really well done.

No pet battles yet, looking forward to testing it out.

On a whole, its beta. Buggy and glitchy. I am disappoint that there is no in game feedback option. Perhaps they will add it in a later build. Or they have a method of collecting the data they need without needing direct player feedback.

Also whatever Blizzard said they were going to add that would get players out of the cities and into the world must not be working, because everyone still just stands around Stormwind/Orgrimmar. Dunno why you would want to beta test that.

PvP Battlegrounds are not operational.

Edited, Jul 3rd 2012 8:16am by Magilicotti
#2 Jul 03 2012 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Fair enough! I'm curious to hear how crafting is working so far, have you gotten to play around with any of the crafting professions (particularly Inscription) or are those not active yet?
#3 Jul 03 2012 at 6:40 AM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
Blue Post wrote:
On Tuesday, July 3, we'll be testing two encounters; on Thursday, July 5, we'll test two more.

Each encounter should be available at approximately the listed times below for all Beta Test Realms, regardless of suggested geographical region.

Tuesday, July 3
Elegon (Mogu'shan Vaults) - 10 Player Normal
10:30 PDT (13:30 EDT, 19:30 CEST)

Blade Lord Ta'yak (Heart of Fear) - 10 Player Normal
16:00 PDT (19:00 EDT, 01:00 CEST)

Thursday, July 5
Protectors of the Endless (Terrace of Endless Spring) - 10 Player Normal
10:30 PDT (13:30 EDT, 19:30 CEST)

Tsulong (Terrace of Endless Spring) - 10 Player Normal
16:00 PDT (19:00 EDT, 01:00 CEST)

As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of a beta environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session or cancel it entirely, due to bugs, builds, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.

Mistweaver is extremely overpowered at the moment. They are essentially healing twice as much as other healers from the streams I was watching. Beta is beta and all, so numbers will be tuned a touch better. Interesting though that I have been watching mmo champions stream and they use a brewmaster tank so they must be pretty solid tanks.

Speaking of raids, they seem rather interesting. Sure you have bosses like Stone Guard that are incredibly easy but the majority of bosses bring in something new and interesting to the fight.

Challenge modes seem to also be hard as nails. Since your iLevel is scaled down you can't cheese the runs by over gearing them. Although there currently is a problem with it at the moment. It also scales up your iLevel to the appropriate level. That includes legendaries. Which would make an uneven playing field for those that are new or just didn't get the legendaries compared to those groups that are rocking rogue daggers, healing mace, etc... If Blizzard doesn't manage to fix that problem then the concept of challenge runs will be broke in my eyes.
#4 Jul 03 2012 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
Ah! Yes, thank you for mentioning it, I forgot to say one word about it. And to be honest, there is not much to say.

Out of the major professions I have tried, (LW and LC) they are looking the same so far. But, I can see they plan to add a more broad depth to the crafts, as they are working on expanding the categories within the professions. However it is still a work in progress. So far the Leather Working categories are Ninja Gear & Stuff. The only thing listed under Ninja Gear is Handstitched Leather Boots, gloves and Light Armor kits. (I'm only 150 in the craft) But obviously, they have yet to really rework them properly.

Cooking is suppose to receive a major overhaul as well, but so far it's the same old thing. But I am receiving Ironpaw Tokens when completing the cooking dalies.
#5 Jul 03 2012 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
Criminy wrote:

Challenge modes seem to also be hard as nails. Since your iLevel is scaled down you can't cheese the runs by over gearing them. Although there currently is a problem with it at the moment. It also scales up your iLevel to the appropriate level. That includes legendaries. Which would make an uneven playing field for those that are new or just didn't get the legendaries compared to those groups that are rocking rogue daggers, healing mace, etc... If Blizzard doesn't manage to fix that problem then the concept of challenge runs will be broke in my eyes.

Well keep in mind the beta is still in an early build. Things are just not going to be what they should be at this point. I think I will take the 85 DK, Mage and Druid out for a spin in Pandaria.
#6 Jul 03 2012 at 6:59 AM Rating: Good
Okay, ported over my druid which is 525 in LW. As well as the DK (525 Engineer) and Mage (525 Chant and Cloth) So all professions are pretty much the same, but the categories are getting a make over. Inscription doesn't have Monk yet, so they have a reeeeeally tall Tauren selling them in the major cities.

Okay scratch that, he sells the glyphs of all classes, depending on which class you are on.

Edited, Jul 3rd 2012 9:00am by Magilicotti
#7 Jul 03 2012 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
I did not play in the Beta but reading about it, primarily on WoWInsider. As far as I know you are supposed to report bugs in the Beta Bug Forum. I can't really grasp why they did it this way since there would be more bug reports if there was an option for it ingame, I'm sure.

Although I was never really into tanking or healing I'm glad they did add new mechanics to the new tanking/healing specs. Hopefully we will see 5 viable tanking specs that all play differently (and the same for healers) come MoP.

Did you encounter any bored level 90 campers that hang out in the MoP starting zones and gank any 85/86 they can get their dirty hands on? Saw a lot of complaints lately about that stuff. Here's to Blizzard kicking this idiots straight out of the Beta.

Hows the Black Market Auction House coming along? Did you by any chance sneak by and check out what it contained and if there is a lot of player traffic? If you are inclined to, be warned. The BMAH lies squarely inside an open PvP zone me thinks.

Would also be interested what you think of the zones in Pandaria themselves. I heard they are really well designed and diverse.

Because I'm an avid achievement wh*re I would also like to know if you noticed any achievements that are turned into Feats of Strength or (worst scenario) missing altogether. Like they did with the Key Master achievement. Smiley: mad
#8 Jul 03 2012 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
Magilicotti wrote:
Criminy wrote:

Challenge modes seem to also be hard as nails. Since your iLevel is scaled down you can't cheese the runs by over gearing them. Although there currently is a problem with it at the moment. It also scales up your iLevel to the appropriate level. That includes legendaries. Which would make an uneven playing field for those that are new or just didn't get the legendaries compared to those groups that are rocking rogue daggers, healing mace, etc... If Blizzard doesn't manage to fix that problem then the concept of challenge runs will be broke in my eyes.

Well keep in mind the beta is still in an early build. Things are just not going to be what they should be at this point. I think I will take the 85 DK, Mage and Druid out for a spin in Pandaria.

Aye subject to change and all that. Also here is a video describing challenge modes.

#9 Jul 03 2012 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
TherealLogros wrote:
I did not play in the Beta but reading about it, primarily on WoWInsider. As far as I know you are supposed to report bugs in the Beta Bug Forum. I can't really grasp why they did it this way since there would be more bug reports if there was an option for it ingame, I'm sure.

Although I was never really into tanking or healing I'm glad they did add new mechanics to the new tanking/healing specs. Hopefully we will see 5 viable tanking specs that all play differently (and the same for healers) come MoP.

Did you encounter any bored level 90 campers that hang out in the MoP starting zones and gank any 85/86 they can get their dirty hands on? Saw a lot of complaints lately about that stuff. Here's to Blizzard kicking this idiots straight out of the Beta.

Hows the Black Market Auction House coming along? Did you by any chance sneak by and check out what it contained and if there is a lot of player traffic? If you are inclined to, be warned. The BMAH lies squarely inside an open PvP zone me thinks.

Would also be interested what you think of the zones in Pandaria themselves. I heard they are really well designed and diverse.

Because I'm an avid achievement wh*re I would also like to know if you noticed any achievements that are turned into Feats of Strength or (worst scenario) missing altogether. Like they did with the Key Master achievement. Smiley: mad

The AH's are just a mess, and nothing is listed within a reasonable price. Then again, you can Make pre-made toons that come stacked with materials that you can vendor off and make near 10k anyways. so..

Looking at Druid specilization I see 4 spec's, spliting Feral and tanking now called Guardian. Regardless of spec, you can still change into cat and bear, and they still hold their respective stance stats.

The Panda zones are really nice, and they've done a great job pushing the now aging look of the World of Warcraft to the limits. These areas are still really buggy, and trouble is always popping up from quest issues, mob, or even zoning into an area itself.

Achievements have been off the grid for some time now, but recently they have added them. I've not had a chance to really get into viewing them. I did notice that the Raven Lord mount was listed as a Feat. Either that is new, or just new to me.

Anything you want me to look at specifically?

I can tell you so far they have listed 1805 total achievements listed. 71 General, 170 quests, 107 exploration, 250 PvP, 694 Dungeon and Raid, 28 Scenario, 180 Profession, 68 Reputation, 163 World Event and 74 Pet Battle.

Edited, Jul 3rd 2012 11:06am by Magilicotti
#10 Jul 03 2012 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
Didn't mean the normal AH. That one is bound to be crazy in the Beta. :)
I was refering to the Black Market Auction House. That's a new feature coming with MoP in which only NPCs sell stuff. Mostly rare items like the old t3 setitems or mounts like the Ashes of Al'ar. The starting bid should be pretty high and since there are items listed that can't be obtained in the game elsewhere many speculate that at least some of the auctions will only end when someone bids the goldcap. This Black Market Auction House (BMAH) lies in a PvP area. So not only are the prices insane and the competition strong (potentially every one on your server), you are also bound to get ganked a lot there.

Raven Lord has been a FoS for a while now if I'm not mistaken.
Two achievements that would interest me specifically would be these. Since all resist stats are going away come MoP, I'm wondering if something about these achievements will change too.

1805? That's nice. Smiley: nod

Thanks for the information so far and have fun testing the game.
#11 Jul 03 2012 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
Oh geez, you did say black market.. sorry. But no, I have not made my way to it yet. Sounds like a dun journey though! I think I will make the trip, and let you know.

About those achievements, you would think it stands to reason they would make them feats simply because they would not be obtainable after the expac is released. Although they could just redo the achievement. I am missing a few of my feats,namely the logged in during Blizzards anniversary ones. But I imagine its all beta crap.

I'll keep looking though.
#12 Jul 03 2012 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
436 posts
I just recently started consistently playing the beta, but I'll see about answering things that come up as well. I'm trying to power level my DK (Frost Spec, Skinning/Alchemy) to participate in raid testing, and I also transferred my Druid and Shaman. Monks are a blast so far - my 85 is DPS/Heals, and I definitely agree that Monk healing is OP right now, dungeons have just been a joke.
#13 Jul 17 2012 at 6:26 PM Rating: Excellent
436 posts
So, pet battles....really fun so far. Haven't had time to play much, but I can see it easily becoming addicting. My biggest problem will be deciding what pets to level on my shaman, have over 100 to choose from >.>
#14 Jul 18 2012 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
I started playing the beta again last night and pet battles are definitely a fun little time-waster minigame. But yeah, deciding which ones to level will be a problem...I currently have 175 on live. When I trained on beta, Peanut ended up in my first slot automatically, so I started using him. But the sound an elephant makes when it dies is pretty sad, so I don't know if I'll keep him on my team.
#15 Jul 18 2012 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Any idea how our current pets will work with pet battles? Will it be better to wait, or should we try to grab pets now?
#16 Jul 18 2012 at 11:55 AM Rating: Excellent
1,080 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
Any idea how our current pets will work with pet battles? Will it be better to wait, or should we try to grab pets now?

I haven't messed around in the beta much yet, but a guildie said last nite that the achievement for collecting pets is up to 500 in mop. So...I'd have to say there'll be a lot to acquire down the road, and I'm debating also.
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