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Should Blizzard sell level 80? Follow

#1 Jun 13 2012 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
Would you pay for a toon level 80 available to anyone who has an 85? If we can pay for transfer server to avoid leveling a new toon, we should be able to do this. Yolo!
#2 Jun 13 2012 at 6:19 PM Rating: Excellent
161 posts
I personally wouldn't pay.

It sounds like a TERRIBLE idea in that even more of the players running around would have no clue about how to use their toons.

And, unfortunately, yes I think people would pay and Blizzard would make (even more) money.

It's called "Jumping the shark".

#3 Jun 13 2012 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
As a general idea, I don't see it as a bad thing. Scrolls of Resurrection already offer a quick boost to 80, so I don't see a great deal of difference.

It might put a small dent in the business of those offering power leveling, but I don't see myself having any use for it. Then again, I'm an altoholic and don't really mind leveling a new toon. I haven't bothered with paid character transfer, race or faction change either. It isn't that I'm against the paid services, I just haven't felt a strong need to use them.

#4 Jun 13 2012 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
I'm on the fence myself.

We already have SoR's "instant Level 80" (you can roll an entirely new character and have it at Level 80 with Level 80 272 gear within 5 minutes), so this wouldn't be that far away from that.

But then only people who were inactive during a certain period get to enjoy such benefits.

As for a "buy a Level 80"... maybe once per account? Maybe? That's as far as I'd go with that, if I even went that far.

As for "great more people who don't know how to play their toons" (I honestly hate the word 'toon' btw), you'd still have to level it from 80 to 85 -- most of the game-changing things happen between 80 and 85 anyways. Mastery, and the 81/83/85 skills for some classes change the whole way you do your rotation (Ret Paladins, for example, get Inquisition at 81, Hunters get Cobra Shot, Shaman get Unleash Elements, etc etc).

They'd still have plenty of time to learn from 80 to 85.

Also, you can already get a Level 80 character without doing much of any battle -- just do Cooking/Fishing Dailies with Archaeology thrown in and occasionally buy some gear out of the AH (I've actually done this with a Warlock since I hate the Warlock class Post-Cataclysm). This wouldn't really be much different, only a heck of a lot faster.

Edited, Jun 13th 2012 9:30pm by Lyrailis
#5 Jun 14 2012 at 12:14 AM Rating: Excellent
RAWDEAL wrote:
If we can pay for transfer server to avoid leveling a new toon, we should be able to do this.

They're not the same thing though. One is a character that the player has played and leveled up, which they're paying to be moved somewhere. The other is paying for a leveled up character that the player hasn't played.

The SoR is also an interesting example, since it's a single character that is made level 80. One character can be elected to that level. It's not a matter of "I've played one class to level 85, therefore, I should now be able to pay real life money to have every subsequent character skip right to level 80." I'm not saying it's an immoral horror of a situation but I think it would be Blizzard effectively saying, "you know what? The rest of the world doesn't matter. 80 and up is it. Just pay for all your characters to skip all other content we've made from now on. ***** it." If that was their position, why even sell it? Why not just be level 80?

I understand the reason for the question though. Like the upcoming monk class, for example. Lots of people looking forward to playing it and the new Pandaria content ... And then remember that they need to begin their new Pandaren monk (if they play that combination) right at level 1 and push through every other expansion before seeing Pandaria on that toon. I just don't know if I agree that selling level 80 would be the solution.

Edited, Jun 15th 2012 1:39am by Smallsword
#6 Jun 14 2012 at 6:24 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
I understand the reason for the question though. Like the upcoming onk class, for example. Lots of people looking forward to playing it and the new Pandaria content ... And then remember that they need to begin their new Pandaren monk (if they play that combination) right at level 1 and push through every other expansion before seeing Pandaria on that toon. I just don't know if I agree that selling level 80 would be the solution.

Yeah, but on the other hand it doesn't take that long to level a character 1-85. 1-60 blows by in a few days, 60-68 slows down considerably, 68-80 is kinda meh... then 80-85, you can get that in less than a week.

I'd think only those who leveled a lot of characters recently might have trouble, like me. I'm still trying to finish up the last of my <85s but I keep burning out on stuff I've done 15+ times already.
#7 Jun 14 2012 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
Lyrailis wrote:
I'm still trying to finish up the last of my <85s but I keep burning out on stuff I've done 15+ times already.
This is why i would pay for that service, the old content is very old for me.
#8 Jun 14 2012 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
It would be the only way I'd ever get a Rogue to level cap.

Then again, I'd just have a level 85 Rogue I'd never play.
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#9 Jun 14 2012 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
I would not pay for that service. Leveling is already so easy and fast that there isn't any real need to skip it. Besides, I like to play the entire game and not just the little bit that is designed for people at the level cap.

What I would pay extra for is to have more character slots on my accounts. I like having all of my characters on the same server but I'm running out of space to start new ones so I can play around with lowbies more. I'm close to the point of trying to clear out some bag space on my bank alts to start leveling them because I can't start any more characters on my three accounts and the lowest of my played lower level characters is already 47 and most are above 60. Sure, I enjoy having level capped characters but I get tired of dailies and grinds and going back to playing a really low level character is fun for me, especially when I can craft them nice gear and drag them through a few dungeons as well.
#10 Jun 14 2012 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
I'd pay for it. I was part of the insta-80 group due to the SoR. I used it on a Rogue, and then realized that was a dumb move and should have used it on a different class (because I have done nothing with the Rogue, and honestly not sure why I even picked it to be used on. I'm not much a Roguish person).
When I came back I worked on my Warrior (at the time 80) and had to relearn how to tank to run dungeons.
The next 80, if I were to ever play him, is my Hunter. I have no idea how to play him, so again I'd have to learn how. If I could pay to get another class to 80 w/ spells and maybe a decent gear set, why not?

I will say the account should already have a 85(or capped toon) before one could pay to skip all the lower levels. There should be no limit as to how many, that would be a silly move imo (money. It comes down to it. Why have a Once per Account deal, when instead you could charge for each one. The more done, the more money made.)
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#11 Jun 14 2012 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I wouldn't use it. I only really play around with a couple of capped characters anyway, and I couldn't imagine having the time for more. Leveling is a nice break from end game action, and I like having the extra time to get accustomed to my characters, learning all the buttons etc.

If they want to go for it though, more power to them I guess. As of next expansion the 1-60 remake will be old again, and skipping it may well be something they'd consider. It'd be weird though, would take some getting used to for me I think. But the game is slowly going the direction of convenience, and letting you pay for some of that, so I wouldn't be surprised I suppose.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#12 Jun 14 2012 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
I'd totally be willing to pay to skip Outlands and Northrend. 1-58 though, nah.
#13 Jun 14 2012 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
I'd totally be willing to pay to skip Outlands and Northrend. 1-58 though, nah.

This could actually be part of the deal. Instead of 1-80, it could be broken down into 10 level gaps. Maybe you are a fan of leveling 1-60, but not the rest so paying for 20levels would be your thing. But 20 levels should not cost the same as 1-80. 10lv gaps could allow people to skip parts they find dull.
1-2$ a level would be a good money amount.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#14 Jun 14 2012 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
I think that'd be too much. Then you're looking at $80-160 to get from 1-80. I'd say $5 per 10 level bracket would be better. That'd still make it the most expensive transaction for you to pay to go from 1-80, but not make it ridiculous.
#15 Jun 14 2012 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I would never pay to get lvled. lvling is so easy now a days its not worth it, with BOAs and guild perks you lvl so fast that you barely notice. the last toon i lvled i did it in 4 days played time which is like a couple weeks of actual play time for me.
though i do agree if they do introduce lvl jumps people should be at a min lvl of 85 so we dont get a bunch of noobs hopping to lvl 80 and not knowing what they are doing.
#16 Jun 14 2012 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
If it weren't for MoP coming out, I wouldn't mind leveling the characters, but I want to get them all on 85 before MoP comes out, that's why I've been making a big push.

Otherwise, I'd have no second thoughts against letting them sit in town and do Cooking/Fishing Dailies all the way to 81+ (at 81, you get more crafted gear, and a crafted weapon unless you're a Prot tank).
#17 Jun 14 2012 at 5:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Jallil wrote:
lvling is so easy now a days its not worth it, with BOAs and guild perks you lvl so fast that you barely notice. the last toon i lvled i did it in 4 days played time which is like a couple weeks of actual play time for me.

4 days /played broken down over two weeks equals almost seven hours of playing every day. That's some pretty intense leveling.

I don't know how many characters you've taken to the cap, but I've taken my share and even with the heirlooms and guild perks, it's a lot of freakin' experience points needed. 1-58 is easy enough. When you hit Outland, though, it's like running face-first into a brick wall. And then you run into another when you get to Northrend. Except this time the brick wall is coming at you as well. Cataclysm leveling is almost worse, because it's so damn linear, once you've leveled through it all, it's the same goddamn crap you have to go through again.

Yeah, leveling has gotten a lot easier, but the content doesn't change each time. Doesn't matter how fast or easy leveling is, if I can toss $30 at Blizzard and not have to go through the pain of spam-clicking my way through quest texts and collecting about a million trillion boar livers, I'd do it. Hell, I'd vote for making it a 1-85 deal. Yeah, we'd have a bunch of nubcakes running around at level 85 with a character wearing crap gear and no knowledge of how the class works, but that describes someone from every single PUG heroic run I've ever run.

Nubcakes are going to be nubcakes, regardless of how much time they spend leveling or playing their character. Right now I'm playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and last night I ran into a level 28 Sentinel (Fury Warrior equivalent) who thought he was the tank. He also proceeded to roll on every single drop, regardless of the stats on it (even took my chest armor that he couldn't wear) and when asked to buff the group, he used the equivalent to a health potion...

It's very likely that he will hit level 50 (cap in SWTOR) without ever learning how the need/greed system works. He hadn't learned it by the time I'd told him for the fifth time. He's not going to learn it. He's a nubcake. Do I have to go through the pain of leveling a character six hours a day for two weeks just because someone still believes that the nubcake can be saved?

Where's Blizzard? I want to throw my money at them.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#18 Jun 14 2012 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Northrend hit hard these days, my rogue is crawling to 80. He is stuck at 72 and have 2 bars of rest and i have a another Warrior coming up soon to Northrend "joy".
#19 Jun 14 2012 at 8:52 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Nubcakes are going to be nubcakes

Smiley: nod All too true. Allowing the fear of idiots to become a controlling design feature tends to inconvenience those who are not idiots, while doing little to rein in the idiots themselves.

#20 Jun 14 2012 at 11:07 PM Rating: Excellent
161 posts
It sort of seems weird to pay extra to not play part of a game that you're paying to play in the first place...

Maybe I'm just old and grumpy?

#21 Jun 15 2012 at 12:48 AM Rating: Good
Probably. Smiley: nod
#22 Jun 15 2012 at 1:41 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Labiarinth wrote:
It sort of seems weird to pay extra to not play part of a game that you're paying to play in the first place...

Maybe I'm just old and grumpy?

Leveling up is a vital part of the game, but MMO developers don't seem to take into account the fact that players might level more than one or two characters. Leveling up the first time is fun, sort of, but the fifth, sixth, seventh time, not so much. It becomes repetitive. It becomes a chore. It becomes something you have to do in order to get to where the fun is (end-game, supposedly).

Hell yes I'd pay to skip those two weeks of doing stuff I've already done a dozen times over. I don't see it as paying to not play a part of the game that I'm paying for, I see it as paying to save a couple of weeks of my life that can then be spent on doing what I really want to do in the game. Smiley: smile

Edit: An added benefit is that powerleveling services would be a lot less attractive. You won't have to send your account information to some shady company that can do whatever they want with it. You avoid having to wait for them to level up for you, a process that could take weeks. And you avoid the risk of losing it all because the Warden flagged your account. Blizzard would powerlevel your character in an instant and it would be completely legal. Yeah, I'd support that.

Edited, Jun 15th 2012 9:48am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#23 Jun 15 2012 at 2:19 AM Rating: Excellent
631 posts
I leveled a hunter recently and Outland and Northrend weren't anywhere near as bad as I remembered, 1-2 hours per level (with full heirlooms and guild perk). That said, it's a service I'd probably go for if I didn't already have every class at 80+. I despise questing and leveling, however quick it is, after 10+ times going through it all.

I also agree with the sentiment that nubcakes are nubcakes. Any class is relatively easy to get to grips with after a short time experimenting - you might not be an expert tank/healer/AB-spammer straight off, but it isn't difficult to figure it out well enough to get the job done.
#24 Jun 15 2012 at 4:54 AM Rating: Excellent
161 posts
"Hell yes I'd pay to skip those two weeks of doing stuff I've already done a dozen times over."

In order to get to end game and do stuff you've already done a dozen times over.

(No disrespect intended.)
#25 Jun 15 2012 at 6:33 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
It depends on what you look for in the game, of course. I find the leveling process interesting, no doubt, but it's also very static. Same quests, you do most of it on your own, little to no social interactions. I find end-game grinding much more interesting, mainly because it's not static. Yes, it's the same dungeons you run over and over again, but there are people to talk to and drama to laugh at.

That said, end-game does get old after a bit as well, but that's why they launch content expansions. I haven't seen a content expansion yet that actually focused on developing the leveling content. Cataclysm revamped it, but it was way too late. New people don't get to experience the old content and the old people don't get to experience the new content (unless you seek it out, of course).

If you're into leveling, by all means, go nuts. This service would be optional (hence the fee), so it's not like it would force you to skip the leveling. Just giving those of us who don't feel like leveling a panda through the first 85 levels a chance to experience what we consider fun, without turning it into a chore before you're halfway there.

Oh, and no offense taken Smiley: smile
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#26 Jun 15 2012 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
399 posts
Labiarinth wrote:
"Hell yes I'd pay to skip those two weeks of doing stuff I've already done a dozen times over."

In order to get to end game and do stuff you've already done a dozen times over.

(No disrespect intended.)

I'd never pay, but this response makes sense to me. I've only run three alts all the way to 85, some others part o the way, and the early quests are already something done n cruise control with the TV on. Still, though, I'm hitting parts of the game I've never seen, and the exploring is more fun for me than the outright fighting.

I'd hope that before such a purchase was possible, it would be restricted to players who've already run more than one alt to level 85 on their own. The last thing in the world that we need is even more players tottering around Cata dungeons with no fighting skills and not even sense enough to get out of the way.
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