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How Blizzard pwnd me with an Annual PassFollow

#1 Apr 29 2012 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
11,852 posts

What am I supposed to do in WoW these days?

I've had my full Cataclysmic Gladiator set for weeks, and there is very little hope I'm going to hit 2200 - so nothing to spend Conquest on.

I haven't had any use for Honor for the better part of a year.

I am full on alts on my server, and I have no intention of starting anew elsewhere.

I finished the "Raid Finder" content and all of the 5-mans, and I have no desire to join a raiding guild or start taking PvE seriously to go after serious achievements.

I have a ton of gold and nothing to do with it.

Now is where it really gets bad - Diablo 3 is coming out in 16 days. I will certainly play that (I did get it for "free" with my annual pass, after all) but it also means there is very little hope of MoP coming out any time in the next 2 months AT LEAST. I have also been able to check out the MoP beta and it is NOWHERE near ready for release, based on the current push.

So, that leaves me logging onto WoW about once a week to play arena with my friends "just for fun" - but without reward, and given the imbalance of certain classes (I'm looking at you, Frost Mages) - there isn't much "fun" in that.

This would be the time that I would put my sub on hold for a couple of months and go do other things, but alas, I was quick to jump on the "Annual pass" which seemed like excellent value at the time.

#2 Apr 29 2012 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Well, look at it this way.

You paid ~$150 (assuming you used 6-month batch subs, more like $180 if not) for one year of WoW + Diablo 3 ($50 value).

If you were to pay for them separately, they would cost you over $200.

Since you sound like you're prone to sub for a few months, then unsub, then sub for a few months, you're actually saving yourself money and hassle in the end run by signing up for AP (assuming you chose to use two 6-month subs for your AP time, why wouldn't you?).

You get Diablo 3 -and- one full year of WoW.

Might as well, right? What ELSE would you spend that $100-130 on?

Edited, Apr 29th 2012 4:05pm by Lyrailis
#3 Apr 29 2012 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
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#4 Apr 29 2012 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:

^ This.

Lol, fail quote.

Edited, Apr 29th 2012 11:52pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Apr 29 2012 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
This is why I didn't sign up for the Annual Pass. I don't plan on getting Diablo, and since we just downed Heroic Deathwing, my guild doesn't have much left to do PvE wise. So I'm probably going ot let my subscription lapse this summer. Which means I save a bunch of money.

Honestly, the problem Jord is describing is pretty much what I was afraid of, and why I didn't end up signing up. On this forum we've talked about Blizzard's slow pace of content in many threads, so I'm not really going to bring that up. But the fact remains, this is what the Annual Pass was for. Blizzard knew there was going to be a period of time like this with nothing new for months. This is why the Annual Pass exists: to keep people playing through that downtime.
#6 Apr 29 2012 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
MoP really didn't appeal to me. I turned off my sub not long after I cleared Deathwing on LFR.

I figured I would play SWTOR until DIII and wait and see how MoP progressed. I probably won't pick up DIII, & I am waiting until MoP is a lil further along in its development cycle before I give it a hard no.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#7 Apr 29 2012 at 5:34 PM Rating: Excellent
7,861 posts
I did the WoWpass because I was going to pay for it anyway, might as well get some free Diablo 3 with it. That being said I haven't been playing since I discovered Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, but now even that's kind of waning. Mostly been playing Dragon Age.

Edited, Apr 29th 2012 7:35pm by Kastigir
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#8 Apr 29 2012 at 5:56 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Two thoughts: either set new goals, or take a break. I know that I've had weeks and months where I kept up a subscription for a game and didn't play it, only to get it into my head to jump back in again at some point on a whim. Eventually you'll want to play again, so it's not a huge waste.

For me, I was facing the same thing a few weeks ago. I've gotten all of the JP gear I've wanted and probably 2/3 of the VP pieces I could buy. I did LFR and killed Deathwing. What next? Nothing new from heroics, the LFR gear was just a slight boost (378 to 384), or even a step back from VP gear.

So I decided to try hitting 9000 achievement points. Why not, right? In the past month I've probably gained about 600 achievement points (I think I'm sitting at 8720 right now). I got into PvP, which I'm finding incredibly fun... and the promise of a shiny 397 weapon in a few weeks is nice motivation. I finally went back and finished (almost) all the Cataclysm Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor zone achievements, so I was able to see the new stories. I capped my Enchanting, finally. I did all the Firelands quest achievements, I've run the Argent Crusade dailies until I'm now only missing two mounts, I got myself a nice transmog set. I've been working on old raid reps that I can solo: Ashtongue Deathsworn, Brood of Nozdormu, Hydraxian Waterlords.

Anyway, all about setting goals for yourself. If you can't, or find that it's too much work just logging in, you might as well just take a two week vacation until DIII comes out!
#9 Apr 29 2012 at 6:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Jordster wrote:

What am I supposed to do in WoW these days?
What were your expectations? They announced that DS was the last content of this expansion long time ago; they got you too signed up for the mount, D3 and MOP beta. You got exactly what you paid for, nobody got Pwnd!
#10 Apr 29 2012 at 7:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
I have no intention of starting anew elsewhere.

And yet, perhaps that's exactly what you should try. Interact with some different people, have to prove you know what you're doing to people who see you as a new toon with no achievements, start all over on a different factions (see some quests that you may not have seen) and do without a deep war chest loaded with heirlooms and gold. If you don't want to, that's your choice, but you might give it a shot.
#11 Apr 29 2012 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
I don't really care about online rewards; if I didn't find arena fun, I wouldn't (and am not, haven't even played this game in three years why am I even in this forum jesus) be playing it. An even gear playing field is pretty much ideal for me in terms of PvP. A sense of progression is good in PvE I guess, but in PvP you don't really run out of content. The content is murdering people.

Anyway, looks like they got you good.
#12 Apr 29 2012 at 10:51 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
I'm kind of regretting it myself. Now I'm strapped for cash and I'm stuck with WoW. I wanted to switch over to SWTOR. But at the same time, I only blame myself. I've been around at the end of two expansions now. I know how it goes. Oh well.
#13 Apr 30 2012 at 1:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
RAWDEAL wrote:
Jordster wrote:
What am I supposed to do in WoW these days?
What were your expectations? They announced that DS was the last content of this expansion long time ago; they got you too signed up for the mount, D3 and MOP beta. You got exactly what you paid for, nobody got Pwnd!
It's like when I eat a couple packages of ramen. I know what I'm getting myself into before I eat it, but if I took the time to think it through every time I wanted some, I'd know that this might not be the best idea. Yet I don't think it through and end up spending hours regretting my decision from the comfort of the restroom. Now, while it would be unfair to say that the ramen manufacturer pwned me in that situation, it's certainly not unfair to say I was pwned.

Same goes for Jord. He got pwned by his failure to see that this would be a poor decision for him.
#14 Apr 30 2012 at 9:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Jordster wrote:
This would be the time that I would put my sub on hold for a couple of months and go do other things, but alas, I was quick to jump on the "Annual pass" which seemed like excellent value at the time.

Look at it this way. You could value that horsey at about $20 (or whatever store-bought stuff goes for these days) and D3 at $60. That's $80 worth of WoW time you get to skip out on and still break even on the deal.

Edited, Apr 30th 2012 8:02am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#15 Apr 30 2012 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
RAWDEAL wrote:
Jordster wrote:
What am I supposed to do in WoW these days?
What were your expectations? They announced that DS was the last content of this expansion long time ago; they got you too signed up for the mount, D3 and MOP beta. You got exactly what you paid for, nobody got Pwnd!
It's like when I eat a couple packages of ramen. I know what I'm getting myself into before I eat it, but if I took the time to think it through every time I wanted some, I'd know that this might not be the best idea. Yet I don't think it through and end up spending hours regretting my decision from the comfort of the restroom. Now, while it would be unfair to say that the ramen manufacturer pwned me in that situation, it's certainly not unfair to say I was pwned.

Same goes for Jord. He got pwned by his failure to see that this would be a poor decision for him.

I don't think I'll ever look at ramen noodles the same way again.
#16 Apr 30 2012 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
First I thought RAWDEAL had hit it spot on. But then Poldaran made an incredibly good argument. Smiley: lol
#17 Apr 30 2012 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
Lyrailis wrote:

Might as well, right? What ELSE would you spend that $100-130 on?

hookers & blow?
#18 Apr 30 2012 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
11,852 posts
Oh don't get me wrong - I kinda knew I was getting pwned.

I smelled the ambush but I walked in anyway. They came out with Annual Pass at a time when WoW was fun and fresh with content, and all of my friends were around and I thought to myself - how can this possibly go wrong?

LOL. Like I said - I got pwnd.
#19 Apr 30 2012 at 8:10 PM Rating: Default
554 posts
Jordster wrote:
Oh don't get me wrong - I kinda knew I was getting pwned.

I smelled the ambush but I walked in anyway. They came out with Annual Pass at a time when WoW was fun and fresh with content, and all of my friends were around and I thought to myself - how can this possibly go wrong?

LOL. Like I said - I got pwnd.

From what I understand it isn't a non binding contract so if you cancle you just lose all the benefits. Theres nothing wrong with just quitting bro. You wont lose nothing (besides the mount,D3 and uh beta acess ) But none if the will kill yah. I'm subbed to the anaual pass and for me at least its a great deal. Gone are the days where I could play Hard core, I has a wife and a job that wont allow it. So casual altaholic game it is! so that mount has been a Godsend for that. Both of us LOVED Diablo 2 so it is a no brainer at getting that.Heck we will sometime still play it nowadays in 4 day sprint lol. We've done the whole not log on for 2+ mos bit out of bordem and came back excited again.

TLTR: If your bored with it atm then quit, if the bug comes back then resub :)

#20 Apr 30 2012 at 10:10 PM Rating: Good
Devildawgs wrote:
From what I understand it isn't a non binding contract so if you cancle you just lose all the benefits. Theres nothing wrong with just quitting bro. You wont lose nothing (besides the mount,D3 and uh beta acess )

Sorry, but that's flat out not true. It is a legally binding contract.

From the Annual Pass FAQ:

By taking advantage of this special promotion, you are committing to a 12 month World of Warcraft subscription. You cannot cancel your subscription until the 12 month term of the agreement has ended.
For additional questions, please review the legal document.

Here's the relevant part of the "legal document" link:

In order to take advantage of this offer, you must: ... (v) agree to maintain a fully paid up, World of Warcraft license that is in good standing with Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., or its authorized licensees for a twelve (12) month period beginning on the day that you sign up for the offer (the “Twelve Month Commitment”).


If your World of Warcraft subscription lapses during the Twelve Month Commitment, or if you fail to make any required payments or timely payments, Blizzard reserves the right to terminate your participation in this offer in addition to any and all other remedies that may be available to Blizzard at law.

Are they going to come after you in whatever legal system your country of residence has? Probably not. I doubt you'd get sued over breaking this contract. But you can be sure they're going to revoke all of the Annual Contract benefits they gave your account, if not taking away your account itself. If you want to keep playing Blizzard products and be in good standing with them, then this is a contract you certainly do not want to break.

Here's a blue post confirming that the Annual Pass is, in fact, a contract.

Edit: And even using Pold's example, he made a conscious decision to eat the ramen, knowing full well the consequences. I have absolutely no pity for the person in that situation.

Edited, May 1st 2012 12:13am by IDrownFish
#21 May 01 2012 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
554 posts
IDrownFish of the Seven Seas wrote:
Devildawgs wrote:
From what I understand it isn't a non binding contract so if you cancle you just lose all the benefits. Theres nothing wrong with just quitting bro. You wont lose nothing (besides the mount,D3 and uh beta acess )

Sorry, but that's flat out not true. It is a legally binding contract.

From the Annual Pass FAQ:

By taking advantage of this special promotion, you are committing to a 12 month World of Warcraft subscription. You cannot cancel your subscription until the 12 month term of the agreement has ended.
For additional questions, please review the legal document.

Here's the relevant part of the "legal document" link:

In order to take advantage of this offer, you must: ... (v) agree to maintain a fully paid up, World of Warcraft license that is in good standing with Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., or its authorized licensees for a twelve (12) month period beginning on the day that you sign up for the offer (the “Twelve Month Commitment”).


If your World of Warcraft subscription lapses during the Twelve Month Commitment, or if you fail to make any required payments or timely payments, Blizzard reserves the right to terminate your participation in this offer in addition to any and all other remedies that may be available to Blizzard at law.

Are they going to come after you in whatever legal system your country of residence has? Probably not. I doubt you'd get sued over breaking this contract. But you can be sure they're going to revoke all of the Annual Contract benefits they gave your account, if not taking away your account itself. If you want to keep playing Blizzard products and be in good standing with them, then this is a contract you certainly do not want to break.

Here's a blue post confirming that the Annual Pass is, in fact, a contract.

Edit: And even using Pold's example, he made a conscious decision to eat the ramen, knowing full well the consequences. I have absolutely no pity for the person in that situation.

Edited, May 1st 2012 12:13am by IDrownFish

They wont go after you, calm down, do a google and you will see peeps have cancled, they just loose the perks.
#22 May 01 2012 at 3:05 PM Rating: Excellent
Devildawgs wrote:
They wont go after you, calm down, do a google and you will see peeps have cancled, they just loose the perks.

I never said they would "go after you," nor was I being all "HOLYCRAP DON'T DO EET!!!!!11!!1"

I was just saying that yeah, it is a legal contract and violating it is a breach of contract, with all the legal details that comes with. Blizzard really isn't likely to do anything besides take your stuff away, because hey, they know stuff happens. It's hard to plan a year in the future. And if you're willing to work with them, they're usually willing to work you you.

I was just pointing out some details.
#23 May 01 2012 at 9:13 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
I was just saying that yeah, it is a legal contract and violating it is a breach of contract, with all the legal details that comes with.

Ah, you have fallen into his trap! What he actually said was:

it isn't a non binding contract

Quickly deploying the Venn diagrams, we discover that he has said it isn't non-binding, ergo it must be something else. I'm in favor of salmon, I hear they're making a comeback. We can now read it as "it isn't a non binding contract, it is a salmon".

Why would he be talking about salmon? Well, bears eat salmon and there is a Baby Blizzard Bear Cub. Bringing up the Baby Blizzard Bear Cub was obviously a reminder of Jord's years as a loyal Blizzard customer; he'd feel bad about abandoning that poor pet with pet battles about to start. Further, think about which well know Blizzard employee has a connection to edible aquatics. That's right, Ghostcrawler. We can deduce that Devildawgs wasn't just using an unclear double negative, he is actually Ghostcrawler, but since he isn't posting in an official capacity, he had to find another way to convince Jord not to give up (the rest of the post was just reverse psychology, to play up the guilt over abandoning the Baby Blizzard Cub).

Think of the poor cub Jord! Grind pets so that you aren't outgunned when pet battles start!
After reading all of this I've decided:
Devildawgs did not go to a Catholic school where a nun would have beaten him across the knuckles with a ruler for using a double negative.:6 (35.3%)
Devildawgs is Ghostcrawler.:5 (29.4%)
Rhode shouldn't post when he is low on coffee.:2 (11.8%)
Rhode has lived too long in a country where they think carp are good eating and seafood withdrawal has left him delusional.:4 (23.5%)

#24 May 01 2012 at 9:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Batman logic at its best.
#25 May 01 2012 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#26 May 01 2012 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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