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The Dragon Soul Nerfs are nighFollow

#1 Jan 26 2012 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,148 posts
What are your thoughts?

Personally I wouldn't mind if they had just waited a bit longer. Like 4-6 weeks. It is a huge improvement over how FL was handled. But so soon? :/
Just yesterday my guild downed Yor'Sahj HC and started working on Ultraxion HC. With only 2-3 more IDs we should be able to down him too, I think. But we won't get this chance now. Next week the first round of nerfs is coming and then the feeling of success will be greatly diminished because it was only the nerfed version.

And please refrain from "oh but you can turn the nerf off klolz". I can also unequip my mainhand to make a raid harder. But I won't. Because it would be stupid.
#2 Jan 26 2012 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,450 posts
I can see what you are saying about the mainhand blah blah blah... but, you can now down that boss, get the fight down, then turn the volume back up. I don't see what the problem is.
#3 Jan 26 2012 at 9:03 AM Rating: Good
I see it like a little help for some guilds who are stonewall in normal and it’s still optional. But leave Heroic mode alone, no need for buff if you want to call it Heroic.
#4 Jan 26 2012 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
187 posts
RAWDEAL wrote:
I see it like a little help for some guilds who are stonewall in normal and it’s still optional. But leave Heroic mode alone, no need for buff if you want to call it Heroic.

I actually agree that heroic should not have the buff.

I'll never do heroic, Hell, it'll be 2 months before we even enter regular DS as it's a new raiding guild and we are getting used to each other trying to clear FL (very casual new guild), but by not giving heroic the buffs, it will stay more heroic for those players, and they won't have to cry on the o-boards about how casuals are ruining their game.
#5 Jan 26 2012 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
TBH I'm kind of surprised they went back to the buff idea after implementing LFR. Was thinking they may have moved away from that.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#6 Jan 26 2012 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
@Moonkissed: Artificially making an encounter harder than it could be, in my eyes is always taking away from the experience. That's what my argument in this respect boils down to.
I have no problem with the Raidfinder giving easy access to 384 loot for everyone. I have a slight problem with how easy some of the DS bosses were in normal mode, but I can live with that because there are always the HC versions to knock our heads against. But nerfing them althought there are 2 easier modes already in the game? I just don't get it.

@RAWDEAL: Yes a little help for some roadblock encounters on normal mode would have been absolutely okay. I have no idea which bosses function as those but I would guess Ultraxion is among them. Fine, tune him a bit easier in normal mode. Tune the one or two other bosses that are giving many raiders headaches a bit down in normal mode, too.
But an across-the-board nerf to each and every encounter? That's overkill. And it's damned lazy design too!
"Oh people have problems with 3 out of our 16 encounter. Let's nerf all 16 LOL." wth...

@Proteinguy: As I understand it, LFR is mainly there to give people access to raiding who due to limited play time or an irregular schedule couldn't raid the "old" way. The fact that it is easier is mainly to compensate that LFR works (mostly) without voice communication, has 25 people who don't know each others playstyle and so on.

That's why nerfs for normal mode were to be expected, as were nerfs to certain HC mode mechanics if those proved to be too hard in the long run. But so early? And every fight? Even Morchok normal mode which is laughably easy?

I'm not angry but it could have been handled better.
Okay it could have been worse too (-> FL) but that's not the point. Smiley: smile
#7 Jan 26 2012 at 12:30 PM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
@Moonkissed: Artificially making an encounter harder than it could be, in my eyes is always taking away from the experience. That's what my argument in this respect boils down to.
I have no problem with the Raidfinder giving easy access to 384 loot for everyone. I have a slight problem with how easy some of the DS bosses were in normal mode, but I can live with that because there are always the HC versions to knock our heads against. But nerfing them althought there are 2 easier modes already in the game? I just don't get it.

Technically you aren't "Artificially making an encounter harder than it could be" because by disabling the buff you are returning to its original difficulty which you claim that your raid will be able to beat. I'm not sure why you'd complain about the buff, but then refuse to disable it. The option of turning it off is designed for people who don't believe it's necessary.
#8 Jan 26 2012 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Tellaria wrote:
I'm not sure why you'd complain about the buff, but then refuse to disable it. The option of turning it off is designed for people who don't believe it's necessary.
It is very hard to convince players too not have the buff when it’s available, especially after couples of wipes. Drama is coming your way for sure.
#9 Jan 26 2012 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
1,450 posts
Yeah that makes sense TherealLogros. I guess I figured that you would be able to kick Heroic's butt once you got the encounter down, and it would be fun to leave the buff out at that point. If your group does not want to do that, I would find a group that does.
#10 Jan 26 2012 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Applying it to heroic was questionable, but overall I think its a good idea. LFR is a joke. It really shouldn't even be called raiding. Its like a battleground except you fight a mindless computer. A plethora of my guildies who are about as casual as you can get all think that LFR is way too easy. For those of us who would actually like to do a real raid, this is a welcome change. Mechanics will remain unnerfed, but it'll give a boost to those who might not be the best... encounters won't be trivialized like they are in LFR, but they will be easier.

As for "casuals ruining" the game. That's just a load of crap. If you are a hardcore raider and want full difficulty you can turn it off. Your precious challenge remains intact. Firelands on the other hand kept getting systematically nerfed and there was NO option to turn off those nerfs.

I like the "option nerf". I'm all for making things more accessible and easier to a wider audience, as long as those of us who like it to be harder aren't forced into it. Its a video game. Its suppose to be played and its suppose to be enjoyed. As long as everyone has options then I really don't care how someone else decides to play the game.
#11 Jan 26 2012 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
RAWDEAL pretty much nailed it. Yes I think we can beat the encounter with lots of patience, practice and a few more gear upgrades. But wipe on it over and over again with the buff turned off? People in the guild won't have the patience for that forever. And I'm not excluding myself. I would have loved to go 3/8 HC without any nerfs but I don't think I would be able to resist the temptation once it's there.

Another problem is that while my guild is by no means bleeding edge we are trying to compete with the other guilds on the server. So even if we all would agree to turn the buff off we would only fall further behind other guilds who leave the buff on.

My main point is though: If I didn't miscount we are in the 8th ID since 4.3. How can they claim that ANY guild is running into a brickwall on any boss? How fast do they want us to clear the content?

Edit: I think the casual-argument was never really made in this thread. It was just mentioned. Honestly, I think Blizzard is going a bit too far in trying to make their games accessible. But that's not the fault of casual players. It's not even the fault of bad players.

Edited, Jan 26th 2012 4:53pm by TherealLogros
#12 Jan 27 2012 at 9:26 PM Rating: Good
LFR mode gives a 3rd "easy" difficulty level now right? That's a reasonable minimum level of difficulty for DS, and really, everyone can see the content there. The "everyone not seeing the content" argument goes out the window.

Oh, a large number of people get c*ckblocked on a particular fight? Oh em gee, retune it then, durr.

Buff is completely unnecessary.
#13 Jan 28 2012 at 12:53 AM Rating: Excellent
I think someone here made the complaint a little while back that LFR is actually easier than the new heroics. I'd have to agree. It's extremely frustrating to me, as someone who cannot raid now due to moving back in with my parents, and having to wait until they go to bed before I can play any games. All of the raid groups in my guild start at 6pm or earlier. My parents go to bed early, but not THAT early.

I don't know if they just undertuned too much, or if it's because of the large number of people, but you can seriously go in there, not know a damn thing about any of the fights, and not have an issue. Hell, on most of the fights you won't even die if you don't know what to expect. I'm not a hardcore raider, but I do think of myself as above average at least. The group that I used to raid with is now 5/8 regular, and they only raid 4 hours a week. Not too shabby I think. We managed to get Shannox down on heroic a few times before DS came out, and came close to getting Domo down on heroic. I like a challenge. There is absolutely no challenge to LFR whatsoever. It's a face roll, pure and simple.
#14 Jan 28 2012 at 6:32 AM Rating: Good
988 posts
They're doing it perfectly right this time. Nerfing 5% per month means that it'll take half a year until the usual 30% would in effect. If they even go that far remains to be seen. Each month brings us a little closer to the MoP release, and Dragon Soul as it is now becomes completely off balance anyway a good while before that, with the realease of the 5.x patch that'll twist and bend each and every talent tree.

Since you can turn the whole nerf off and continue as before, I don't see any problem with it at all. It is simply a matter of discipline, and it has been like this pretty much since computer gaming became popular decades ago. There have always been cheat codes, be that for extra lives, currency, godmode, and whatever else. It has been completely up to the player whether or not to use those.

The only difference is now that the cheat will be enabled as default setting and would have to be turned off. Other than that it's the same damn thing as it has always been.

It's an ego issue, really. If you haven't completed 8/8 heroic before January 31, you're a scrub. That's what the seemingly early nerf to both modes implies to some people, and I guess you'll just have to get over it.

I think it's plain awesome, really. It adds an extra difficulty level, because you can actually choose whether to do a boss on normal mode, heroic mode, with nerf, or without.

If you and your guild are at like 5/8 or 6/8 for example, you'll get to your progression fight 5% faster, which in turn gives you more time on the boss(es) that is (are) still important rather than wasting it on farm content.

So yeah... cry me a river while I'm looking forward to being able to use my precious time more efficiently.
#15 Jan 28 2012 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
527 posts
I would be less upset with the buff if you could turn it off at at least get some sort of achievment or reward that would show it. This would at least give a reason to turn it off. Turning it off just for the sake of a more difficult fight pointless in my opinion.
#16 Jan 29 2012 at 12:55 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Turning it off just for the sake of a more difficult fight pointless in my opinion.

Sigh. I'm old. I really don't get the whole "achievement" thing, but then I didn't really get into collecting merit badges either. Isn't the point to accomplish something rather than to get another +10 achievement points?
#17 Jan 29 2012 at 4:33 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
Turning it off just for the sake of a more difficult fight pointless in my opinion.

Sigh. I'm old. I really don't get the whole "achievement" thing, but then I didn't really get into collecting merit badges either. Isn't the point to accomplish something rather than to get another +10 achievement points?

There's no way to continue an un-nerfed competition if you can't tell if the other guilds you're completing against ran the whole race or skipped a few laps. I'm not sure if World of Logs would track the 5% buff being up or not, so that would leave sharing youtube videos of at least the last 10 seconds of the fight to show if the buff is up or not.
#18 Jan 29 2012 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
It's extremely frustrating to me, as someone who cannot raid now due to moving back in with my parents, and having to wait until they go to bed before I can play any games. All of the raid groups in my guild start at 6pm or earlier. My parents go to bed early, but not THAT early.

Why do you have to wait until your parents are asleep to play? Do you do it in secret or something? Just curious.
#19 Jan 29 2012 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
I recently had to move back in with my parents due to financial difficulties, and while they know I play video games they don't particularly like it. They also like me to spend time with them, and eat dinner as a family most nights, so I usually have to wait to play WoW or TOR until around 8 or 9 at night.
#20 Jan 29 2012 at 3:29 PM Rating: Default
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
I recently had to move back in with my parents due to financial difficulties, and while they know I play video games they don't particularly like it. They also like me to spend time with them, and eat dinner as a family most nights, so I usually have to wait to play WoW or TOR until around 8 or 9 at night.
They are probably expecting you to find a job instead of wasting life on video games and forums, grats on your 7k post BTW.
#21 Jan 29 2012 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, I'm working on it *******. I actually had an interview on Thursday. Waiting to hear back.
#22 Jan 29 2012 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I'd of preferred they didn't buff/nerf the content at this time.

The main reason for them doing that is to increase access to the content. With the advent of LFR that reason is no longer an issue.

I don't see an issue if people are stuck on bosses now, it simply means they need to farm the regular/heroic/LFR bosses more. Heck, just being able to farm LFR to get full ~384 gear and massive amounts of VP should be more than enough to get the gear to get over the hump.

tl,dr : Horse no like nerfs

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#23 Feb 01 2012 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
It'll help on some fights much more than others, but let's be honest; 5% isn't gonna boost you over 3 or 4 more bosses all of a sudden. I'm on a very low pop. realm and we're the only guild to have killed yor'sahj HC. 5% is not gonna help you clear that fight because it's very tactics heavy (and to some extent luck based on the random ooze combos).

On the other hand we had several >5% wipes on Ultraxion HC last week, purely due to dps not quite being enough to kill him before the damage becomes unhealable around the 5 1/2 minute mark. It's not fun to wipe because of numbers. I welcome the buff since it means we can add some more heroic gear and more quickly gear up for the harder (and more interesting) bosses.
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