Wonder Gem PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
Oh definitely. I don't really do heroics much anymore since the two 85's I actually care about have all their VP gear, but my priest could definitely use some more JP for Wrath rep. I'll be around Friday night and probably most of Saturday until around 9pm or so if you want to run a few when I'm not raiding.
If you're interested, our Friday night alt raid could use a committed tank. We have a few that come fairly regularly, but it's always up in the air. We do have a few pallies already, but only one of them is a tank and he's kinda hit and miss as to whether he shows up or not. Neither of the tanks have committed to tomorrow, so there's a good chance I could get you in if you want to tank Firelands. :-) If your pally has decent enough gear that is. As long as your ilvl is in the low 360's it probably wouldn't be a problem.
I'm not nearly geared enough to tank FL. I need to do heroics and whatnot to gear up still, lol.
When I get home I'll do the transfer and send you a whisper in game.