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ZOMG Horde Favoritism?Follow

#1 Oct 26 2011 at 2:58 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
I'm seeing a bunch of reference to a bit of an "incident" at Blizz-con that I hadn't seen referenced here and I'm curious if anyone's heard of it, and more importantly, your thoughts. Mostly because I'm bored at work right now.

It seems as part of one of the performances of whatever L##ETC is calling themselves these days(I'm just gonna call em ETC for short), they brought out the lead singer from Cannibal Corpse and he said some things that are really upsetting some folks. Mostly because members of ETC are Blizz employees, which renders their endorsement of what he said as Blizzard Endorsement in their minds.

The Video NSFW!

Let me quote what the freak in the video said:

"I'm not playing man. World of warcraft is !@#$ing life for me. And I'm not playing no mother%^-*ing Alliance either. I don't play no !@#$ing Night Elves or %^-*ing gnomes. It's !@#$ing ORCS and Undead. %^-* the Alliance!! !@#$ing DIE, you %^-*ing emo *very long expletive*! Go back to your !@#$ing Alliance character and %^-*ing level him to 70. Stop going to the !@#$ing plateau ganking people! I'm trying to get MOTES OF AIR. I can't help it. When it comes to World of Warcraft, I'm a nerd. But I'm not ALLIANCE! I can tell you THAT MUCH!"

Which, tbh, sounds like something from years ago. Yet still it's blowing up the Oboards with cries of ZOMG HORDE FAVORITISM.

There have been many threads made on these forums and others about the treatment of Alliance players at Blizzcon (and to a lesser extent, in general). We've had individuals booed and jeered at publically, simply for being alliance. There have been reports of people getting insulted, taunted, spat at and even physically assaulted for wearing an Alliance shirt. When does it stop being a joke?
Anybody actually heard of this? Or are the oboards being silly as usual?

And that's ignoring the number of threads calling out the things said as being pretty homophobic. Which they could certainly be seen that way.

So anyone else following this? Or barring that, anyone wanna post something in one of the other threads? Because really, I'm bored. Post something. Smiley: tongue
#2 Oct 26 2011 at 3:20 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Okay, on a side tangent, I've learned something from one of these threads. There's apparently a website you can use now where you can find out other characters of someone posting on an alt. That's gonna get silly pretty quickly.
#3 Oct 26 2011 at 4:13 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
Maybe because I'll never attend one of these events or because I lack team spirit (I'm alliance because a) they have gnomes, b) my guild is alliance and c) even if my guild died I've put in too much effort on my toons and it would cost too much to faction change them all) but I don't see why people are getting upset about what someone said about the faction they play. Even if that guy truly believes that alliance players are worse than horde ones I take that as a reflection on his personality, not on mine as an alliance player.

Had a quick break to watch the video to see it in context. Yes it is old, I saw it a couple of years ago or more. I didn't see that as Blizz condoning that behaviour, I saw it just as an introduction for the person who was coming on stage and who they announced as the unofficial ambassador of the horde (so not surprising that he had a little rant about alliance). Also horde as the 'evil' faction sort of fits in better with that sort of music than the alliance races (in a stereotypical/persona way, not zomg horde is evil and so is metal/rock music, just the style of them fits a bit more smoothly together), maybe next year they could bring out a blood elf boyband to balance things out :P

In short, I don't have a problem with what was said or how it was presented. It didn't come across to me in anyway as Blizzard supporting one faction more than the other.

As for treatment of alliance players at conventions, if there actually are incidents of assault then these should be dealt by security and it should be made clear that aggressive behaviour is unacceptable and won't be tolerated (I'm assuming that's the case and there isn't some special conference ffa rule that lets you get away with abusing other people). I don't see that as being a "calm down alliance vs horde mentality" thing but instead a "don't be a moron" thing.
#4 Oct 26 2011 at 4:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Tynuv wrote:
Even if that guy truly believes that alliance players are worse than horde ones I take that as a reflection on his personality, not on mine as an alliance player.

This. I have had fellow WoW players (people who don't know me well) who, when they find out I play Alliance more often than Horde, say something like, "Pfft. Alliance pu$$y" or "***". It really just speaks volumes about their mental retardation, rather than me as a player (or me as a sexual being :P).

If there are incidents like that at conventions, though, with spitting or assaults, I agree with Tynuv. I hope that security stomp on that sh*t pretty quickly and kick those idiots out, regardless of what faction they play for.

Edited, Oct 26th 2011 10:25am by Smallsword
#5 Oct 26 2011 at 5:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Tynuv wrote:
I don't see why people are getting upset about what someone said about the faction they play.


Imagine your government holds a public concert to celebrate the nation. The band playing at said concert consists of government officials. They invite a person from another band up on stage and he immediately starts verbally assaulting homosexuals and people of foreign ethnicity.

You'd not understand why people would be upset by this?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#6 Oct 26 2011 at 5:03 AM Rating: Good
799 posts
Funny thing: I know of a LOT of LGBT guilds Horde-side.
Just saying.
Questioning (although, why SHOULD it be something questionable) someone's sexual orientation based upon their choice of factions in WoW is... to put it mildly, stupid.
#7 Oct 26 2011 at 5:23 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
There was an attitude - way back in Vanilla - that because in general Alliance had "prettier" characters than Horde the people who chose Horde were more into the gameplay. And with Alliance having the only Paladins which were a strong magnet for the immature it all contributed to an attitude.

But then Horde got Blood Elves and now we have Tauren Paladins (OMFG I can be a Holy Cow!!?!!) its all kind of balanced out. Smiley: smile

That old video looks like a rather pathetic attempt to stir up something that has passed its sell-by date.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#8 Oct 26 2011 at 5:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Mazra wrote:
Tynuv wrote:
I don't see why people are getting upset about what someone said about the faction they play.


Imagine your government holds a public concert to celebrate the nation. The band playing at said concert consists of government officials. They invite a person from another band up on stage and he immediately starts verbally assaulting homosexuals and people of foreign ethnicity.

You'd not understand why people would be upset by this?

Eeeeeeehhh. Dunno if that really works. Homosexuals are homosexual by born nature. It's who they are. I'm not Alliance or Horde by my born nature. I just choose to play as them in a game sometimes. It's possibly more like (as a strange analogy I'll go with anyway) if a delicatessen that sold multiple food types arranged a public convention for their products and a guest speaker they brought in booed at and criticised, say, sausages as pointless and idiotic, when compared to - whatever - ham, or something.

I can understand why people would be upset by this; both because sausages are delicious and because the Alliance is a-okay. It's not Blizzard officially saying it, though, and maybe this guy is just a blowhard. But, yeah, it could be taken badly that Blizzard didn't say to him, "dude, try not to be too much of an idiot when partially representing us."
#9 Oct 26 2011 at 5:36 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Mazra wrote:
Tynuv wrote:
I don't see why people are getting upset about what someone said about the faction they play.


Imagine your government holds a public concert to celebrate the nation. The band playing at said concert consists of government officials. They invite a person from another band up on stage and he immediately starts verbally assaulting homosexuals and people of foreign ethnicity.

You'd not understand why people would be upset by this?

Except, it's not really like that. A group of Blizzard employees that prefer Horde over Alliance made a WoW-themed band. To my knowledge, there is no Alliance equivalent. Blizzard gives them some time at BlizzCon to put on a show. If there was an Alliance-themed band, I'm sure they would get equal stage time. Hell, they might even have a mock "Battle of the Bands". I take what they guy said as mostly parody, and the whole stage show as part of an act.

That being said, in the last 20ish years, there's a whole group of people that I think actually enjoy being offended by something, and will blow even a mild "That's not really appropriate..." into "OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY DID THAT! SOMEONE SHOULD SUE!" Someone with Blizzard's PR department dropped the ball on that one.
#10 Oct 26 2011 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
The Smallsword of Doom wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Tynuv wrote:
I don't see why people are getting upset about what someone said about the faction they play.


Imagine your government holds a public concert to celebrate the nation. The band playing at said concert consists of government officials. They invite a person from another band up on stage and he immediately starts verbally assaulting homosexuals and people of foreign ethnicity.

You'd not understand why people would be upset by this?

Eeeeeeehhh. Dunno if that really works. Homosexuals are homosexual by born nature. It's who they are. I'm not Alliance or Horde by my born nature. I just choose to play as them in a game sometimes. It's possibly more like (as a strange analogy I'll go with anyway) if a delicatessen that sold multiple food types arranged a public convention for their products and a guest speaker they brought in booed at and criticised, say, sausages as pointless and idiotic, when compared to - whatever - ham, or something.

I don't think Maz brought up the homosexual thing as a comparison. I think he brought it up because the guy did say some borderline(depending on your interpretation) homophobic things in his anti-Alliance tirade.
#11 Oct 26 2011 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Also, Maz? How long have you been Sage?
#12 Oct 26 2011 at 6:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'd not care about the singer's outburst if it wasn't for the second quote in Poldaran's post which suggests that Alliance members have been abused at conventions over the years.

I didn't know about this until now, and maybe that guy on the stage didn't either, but ignorantia juris non excusat. If you're going to make a remark like that, on stage, at a convention, you may want to think twice, perhaps research the situation a little, before telling a group of people to go die. Even if you're referring to in-game death.

Edit: I think Xsarus is toying with me, Pold. I was apparently Sage earlier and got bumped down to Scholar or something.

Edited, Oct 26th 2011 2:18pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#13 Oct 26 2011 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Mazra wrote:
Edit: I think Xsarus is toying with me, Pold. I was apparently Sage earlier and got bumped down to Scholar or something.
Sounds like he's as bored as I am. Smiley: laugh
#14 Oct 26 2011 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
they brought out the lead singer from Cannibal Corpse and he said some things that are really upsetting some folks.
Coming from the singer of a band who have made a career out of offending and disgusting people, I'm not surprised.
#15 Oct 26 2011 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
1,450 posts
Eh there was a time when I believed that the Horde was favored. When I looked at quest rewards it seemed that the Horde got much better stuff.

Then I realized that I was playing a Draenei Shaman and the quests I was doing were never set up to give rewards for Shamans. So I stopped believing the preference.

If in today's crazy REAL WORLD you are actually worried about Horde vs Alliance you are mentally deficient and should probably be put in a home where someone can change your diapers for you.
#16 Oct 26 2011 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
... it's Cannibal Corpse. I'd be much more concerned if he was talking about how he enjoys being a tiny gnome girl with pink pigtails.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#17 Oct 26 2011 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
In all honestly, this makes me very very sad, enough to intimidate me into never attending a Blizzcon event if people are this passionate into assaulting one another over a video game that was intented to be a online community where we all could share common interests and play together.

I had to take a month hospital stay because of my dialysis and dying to come back to my online community because of the people I grew up playing with after 6 years and I come to this kind of stuff? I wont see L70ETC the same way now, just dissapointed. If people now see this game as a competition to become better than the other by all means and put others down this way to feel superior to others, then the spirit of WoW is spoiled for me. People forgetting theres other people in the other side of the characters and they act as if theres no consequencies for their actions. The anonymity of the internet has spoiled people to act any way they want without remorse or conscience because "nothing will happen to me, they are over there and Im over here and they dont know me".

TLDR version: Im very sad that people taking this horde vs alliance thing way too far.
#18 Oct 26 2011 at 10:06 AM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
God, I really feel like I'm outside looking in today. Even in my absolute worst D&D phase some years (OK, decades) back, I never lost sight of the fact that it was only a game and no matter how much I loved playing my thief character, it wasn't REAL. I don't think any of the people, not all kids, parading around GenCon in bladeless swords and pop-tab chainmail really Believed it (most of them, anyway).

I'd have thought that interacting by looking at a screen and communicating by a keyboard or headset would create a sufficient barrier interface to preserve reality for those who are at least marginally sane.

To steal a line from Alice, curious and curiouser.....
#19 Oct 26 2011 at 10:55 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Ollamnh wrote:
God, I really feel like I'm outside looking in today. Even in my absolute worst D&D phase some years (OK, decades) back, I never lost sight of the fact that it was only a game and no matter how much I loved playing my thief character, it wasn't REAL. I don't think any of the people, not all kids, parading around GenCon in bladeless swords and pop-tab chainmail really Believed it (most of them, anyway).

I'd have thought that interacting by looking at a screen and communicating by a keyboard or headset would create a sufficient barrier interface to preserve reality for those who are at least marginally sane.

To steal a line from Alice, curious and curiouser.....

I've seen family members get into heated arguments over sports teams, and strangers get into fights at bars. If what the OP described actually happened, I would attribute it to the same idea. That's not to say that it's in any way good behavior, but it's not something unique to Horde players or WoW.
#20 Oct 26 2011 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Passion rules reason.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#21 Oct 26 2011 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Mazra wrote:
Passion rules reason.

Wizard's second rule.

Wizard's first rule also applies here.

People believe Corpsegrinder is being serious because they are afraid he might actually be serious.

Edited, Oct 26th 2011 12:37pm by Bigdaddyjug
#22 Oct 26 2011 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Heh, and here I thought this was going to be QQing about Theramore being destroyed in MoP. =x

The whole Horde vs. Alliance thing really is stupid. I tease my friends for playing Alliance, but it's all in fun. The main reason I don't play Alliance is because the only race of the Alliance I really like are the Night Elves. The rest are just kinda meh. Although female dwarves are cool.
#23 Oct 26 2011 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I've started a female, pink-haired Gnome on Kazzak. The whole "kids play Alliance, grownups play Horde" thing kinda died when the Horde got Blood Elves, Paladins, Ret Bull gives you wings! etc.

Didn't realize I'd missed the Alliance so much until I set foot in Stormwind and the theme song played. The white stone, the blue banners, the PAVED ROADS... yeah, memories thought lost.

And my favorite part is that there are no Goblins asking me "What do YOU want!" whenever I try to access their shops/auctions/banks. God, the Goblin voice is annoying.

Only thing I miss Alliance side is a proper race for my Shaman. Dorf and Squidface is just not amazing choices when you're currently a tall, muscular, green-skinned Orc with a purple braid and blue eyes... I mean, sure, female Draenei are kinda hot, if you ignore the hooves and the broken spine, but their totems... ugh!
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#24 Oct 26 2011 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,450 posts
You know Maz, I totally agree with you about the totems. That being said, I think the Female Draenei look pretty good.
#25 Oct 26 2011 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Second the suggestion of Female Draenei. It's fun watching them run. =x Swaying hips, jiggly butt and swishing tail. I'm not a furry, but the tail is definitely amusing.
#26 Oct 26 2011 at 12:34 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Wonder Gem PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
Swaying hips, jiggly butt and swishing tail.
I know you used other words, but I can't for the life of me see them.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
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