It breaks my heart whenever I see a player in T11 struggle to break 7k DPS (happens more often than you'd think in PUGs). And it awakens the berserker rage in me whenever I see a PvP geared nub in my group.
Note that I added 'nub' after PvP, because I've had PvP geared players doing more DPS than PvE geared players, which is fine by me. What isn't fine is when a Warrior in 378 PvP epics can't beat the tank in DPS.
Not cool.
Edit: The worse case I've seen was a T11 geared Hunter unable to break 6k on the first boss in ZA, despite not being lifted by the eagle at any point. I checked Recount and the scrub had used three Explosive Shots during the entire engagement. Basically, the idiot was auto-attacking and hitting random buttons when he felt like it. It was a partial guild run, so I couldn't vote kick the Hunter, and instead of leaving as I should have, I stayed to get my bonus satchel (I was healing).
Recount for overall boss data had the Hunter at 4.5k DPS average.
Edit2: And I don't understand how people can be so clueless after 85 levels. Sure, eBay comes to mind, but still, it shouldn't take more than a couple of fights to figure the class out, surely? I mean, I'm not a great player (just ask Delinja how my tunnel vision is working for us in SC2), but I can still do 15k DPS on my
Unless you're mentally impaired (which is fair enough, they need to be here as well), I don't see how you can fail so badly at this game. I even spoke to some of these guys and while the average IQ seems to place them a couple of points above dead, they didn't seem directly challenged.
Maybe people are just lazy.
Edited, Oct 20th 2011 3:04pm by Mazra