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The Blizzcon Thread: Let there be PandasFollow

#102 Oct 22 2011 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
WoW Open Q&A

As a 10 man raider there is a lot of difference between 10 and 25 man. When heroic magmaw came out 25 man raiders couldnt do it in 10 man heroic, when are we seeing the difficulty for 10 man being higher?
That's pretty fun because in Korea the 10-man guilds are usually the ones considered hardcore while the 25-man are considered easier. They are definitely hard to balance, 10 players might not always have the buffs they need like with 25 man.

Is there a chance that youll go to a 10 vs 20 man to make balancing easier?
I honestly think that wouldnt make stuff easier, we would still have a lot of problems.

Do you have any plans to implement some sort of spectator mode for raids or battlegrounds?
That's something we've wanted for a long time, spectator mode and replays, but it's just a question of getting around to doing it so ... some day, hopefully.

Do you have any plans on adding more options to the guild leaders UI? So as I can give more options to a banker or to my different officers since Im the only one that can turn guild repairs on and off
Yeah, thats definitely a good reason why we would want to do that. We need to make sure how much control we can give to people that are not the guild leader. It sounds like something that can be useful.

Wouldnt that be the GLs decision?
It is but if something goes wrong it comes back to us to fix it

With the upcoming expansion coming, are all the purple you get from Firelands going to get replaced with greens on first day?
Green is the new purple, so yeah. The problem is if we don't upgrade equipement too much we are cheating those players from the leveling experience, so usually by the 2nd or 3rd zone your gear should be replaced to make sure the content is still a challenge for you. Hopefully in the future we will have a way to "track" your progress in the past and make sure there's a way to record your accomplishements in each expansion to make sure that all your progress isn't "lost" at the beginning of each expansion.

How are you guys going to fit Draenei and the BEs getting monks?
We will probably throw it in like its always been there.... We'll make it work!

Hunters and Crowd Control: Currently with Wyvern Sting having a DOT it makes it a little difficult to quickly Wyvern Sting and then trap something after. Before Cataclysm we had the option of removing the dot with Scorpid Sting but it was removed, is there going to be a way to remove that DoT in the future?
It's probably something we're not going to do in 4.3, and 5.0 is such a big reset for all the talents that I can't really answer that now. It's definitely a problem but we also don't want everyone dotting up their characters before they crowd control, we don't want crowd control to always break on things like that and we'll see in 5.0.

Wind Shear change shouldn't hurt enhancement shamans, but most don't take Reverb. It also hurts Resto Shaman, any plans to fix this?
Raids usually have enough people, so it won't hurt the raid. PvP might force you to make the choice, but it is still an interrupt with a longer cooldown.

Do you hate enhancement shamans? DPS sucks, in PvP they suck, any plans to fix them? / Any plans for Illidan to come back?
Lets answer the Illidan question. Do you want to see Illidan come back? We will think about that.

This is a problem, just like frost mages dont do well in PvE but the difference is you can't tell an enhancement shaman "hey just go elemental". In PvP it will be much easier in 5.0 but for PvE we will try to adress some of the issues in 4.3

Do you want combat rogues to use cooldowns more often or hold off until 30% and use all the cooldowns at once?
You should follow the guidance from Restless Blades.

Is the guild name change service going to be in 4.3 or 5.0? Will it fall to the wayside like Dance Studios did?
One of these days we are going to unleash Dance Studios to the world and it will be awesome. But not today. We are releasing the new guild services within two weeks.

Your design in MoP are you bringing more healers into 25 man raids because there is a new healing class as a monk healer and 25 man guilds will usually have two people per class. Are you going to design your raids to bring more healers into raids?
I dont think we will change the number of healers needed for a raid.

Will challenge modes put us under the hit cap or affect core stats when the gear is tuned down?
There are some details to work out, people should be able to do roughly the same DPS and Healing as everyone else.

Are we going to see account bound mounts?
Hopefully some day, i dont think that will happen in 50 but somewhere down the line its likely.

Can we have an option to require auth on login every time

What are your plans for the moonkin form, are you going to do the same thing you did for warlocks?
We are going to update the art on the moonkin form as we see fit. Its too early to tell what we will exactly be doing.

Race changing breaks quest progress for some quests, any plans to address this?
We might try whitelisting some quests, like the important legendary quest. We need to be careful to not bog down CS with this kind of thing though.

In the future are you going to make BoA items actually transferable account-wide?
Maybe some day! Probably not in the immediate future. The databases dont do the best job of talking to eachother right now.

The past few patches brought Arcane Mages and Feral Druids that are two button classes, any plans to make sure the Monk isn't easy like those classes/specs?
AoE rotations weren't a big focus at first, we want to make it a little more interesting. Arcane mages do have some mana management gameplay, we are adding back Arcane Missles to their rotation.

Do you ever plan on altering spells or maybe adding a new spell to Arcane mages and maybe nerfing arcane blast a little bit?
In 5.0 Living Bomb is a spell all mages will have.

Will enchanters be able to make epic wands in the future?

What are your changes going to be for gathering professions in the new expansion? Crafting gives you the best stuff but gathering isnt very useful
No sweeping change has been planned for the perks of these professions but we'll look at it. We dont want people to feel like they need 2 crafting professions.

Will you be able to craft different quivers?
Little visuals like that is something we want to add to all classes, it isn't really clear on how we can add that just yet.

I have a priest with a benediction staff but the quest for that was removed. I am very excited to transmog that. But I am worried that you might open up the models for other players, which would be unfair to the players that worked for it at level 60
One way we have solved that problem in the past is to offer the model with a different texture or something. We did something similar with the ZA bear mount

Ret has one clear choice for the Level 90 Tier in the new talent trees, any chance to balance it better?
We feel like they will be balanced once we tweak the numbers.

You are nerfing wind shear for resto PvP, do you intent to make a trade off or to not let them have it completely?
Ideally we would not want them to have it

In that case why dont you hardwire it into the spec masteries so enhancement and elemental dont have any effect?
That would have been another way to go, but this is a fairly big change and we dont want players to feel like everything is being changed. In 5.0 it might be a good oppurtunity to take away Wind Shear completely but we have not made a decision on that yet.

Will MoP bring us mounted combat?

Will MoP bring more craftable mounts?
Maybe a JCing mount.

Any plans to fix Heroic Leap?
Heroic Leap has a lot of technical problems, people keep trying to exploit it. Works fine when it is flat, not so much when there is a height increase

Where are the LGBT characters in WoW Lore?
Everything is gravy as long as its just a great character. There is the possiblity of adding them, as long as the story is compelling, might see it in the future.

It seems that in a 10 man model there are huge negatives with class representation and wasted loot. Is there a possibility to change the 10-man model to a 15-man model? If not, maybe make some kind of smart loot system that checks if the loot is useful for your raid?
It might be a good idea to make the loot system slightly more intelligent, but moving up to a 15-man model would be very hard for us seeing existing 10-man guilds would have to recruit 5 more members.

Are you going to add more visuals for druid forms? Will effects such as Fandral's Flamescythe be transferable by transmogrification?
Maybe, we are connecting them with items so that it isn't something everyone has forever. We don't want you to have to go back and get different forms.

As a hunter who has played that class for 5 years I want to thank you for the pet challenges that came out in 4.3, that being said and how much we are so proud of all the pets we have obtained. Its a shame when you cant use these pets in a dungeon without being spec'd beast master, i was kind of hoping this might be a change in the future
We'd like to let hunters chose any pet with Tenacity/Ferocity/Cunning in 5.0. It doesn't solve the problem of MM losing Beast mastery pets but BM DPS is pretty good.

Gallywix is in charge but he's the bad guy, what happens to him? Also, blinding shield for paladins, what happened to that?
We haven't had a discussion about Gallywix in a while, he's interesting but I don't know if we have a core decision about him. Most of our discussions lately have been about pandaren characters and how to make them interesting.

This is not set in stone but Blinding Shield is currently the paladin level 87 ability.

The new shaman talent points seem to be geared for resto and not to a damage point, I know you said you want hybridization is coming more into play
There are DPS options there, some of the tiers are based around movement, totems, etc ...

In End of Time, we kill Murozond, is this the last we see of the Infinite Dragonflight? / Any plans to add player housing?
No player housing anytime soon, too expensive in terms of time to make if you still want dungeons, raids, models, and other stuff. Infinite Dragonflight is done, at least for now, concept is cool and useful for the world.

Jewelcrafting endgame is boring, can we have trinkets, rings, or necklaces?
We want to add some items, not every tier though. We need to keep it balanced compared to the other professions.

I'm pretty sure I understand how you pick Alliance and Horde as a Pandaren, do you guys have any idea how pandaren's factions will be distinguished at higher levels?
We have seen in arenas that the only thing that really matter is the Red Text and stuff, the UI is primarly the biggest indicator to see what faction they belong to.

Will we see raid leaderboards, including wipe and kill counts?
There is a lot we could do to track player accomplishments, we could see it being extended to raids in the future.

Theres lots of people wanting the reskinning for old races, I was over at the art panel and the pandaren just looked so amazing. They were talking about being 10-20 in the fact alone, is that also something they are looking into for reskinning the new races?
Its the one thing we really want to see brought up to the pandaren level. There are about 10 times more bones in the pandaren models compared to the current character models. We dont know when this exactly will happen, because we are still not unsure how to roll this out because some people might not like the new models as much as they do the old models.

What will the theme for raid art and gear going to be?
Brewing, bamboo, everything crafted, respecting the Asian feel we have in the starting zone and expanding on that

This, like all Q&As ever, could be so much better if people would stop asking stupid questions.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2011 6:33pm by IDrownFish
#103 Oct 22 2011 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
The central villan is "war itself". There are creatures the Pandaren have kept imprisoned who feed off conflict and grow stronger. Then the Alliance and Horde wind up on their shores and start fighting. Stir well, bake at 320 for 2 hours, and you have a Big Bad of the raids.
#104 Oct 22 2011 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
selebrin wrote:
The central villan is "war itself". There are creatures the Pandaren have kept imprisoned who feed off conflict and grow stronger. Then the Alliance and Horde wind up on their shores and start fighting. Stir well, bake at 320 for 2 hours, and you have a Big Bad of the raids.

Which, if that's what they're going for, why not just tell us? Do they have a big story about this in the works, or is this something they honestly haven't planned out that far yet?
#105 Oct 22 2011 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Can feral druids have two fist weapons?
Nope, working the talents to support it would make a mess. Monk tanks will use staff or polearm.

What's this, I don't even...

How can it be that hard to balance? What's the issue? Can't they just add an attack power modifier for whenever a Monk/Druid is dual-wielding?

Was kinda hoping dual-wield tanking would make a return. Tired of either using a shield or a two-handed weapon. And was hoping my Druid could get those damn fist weapons. Makes no sense that they can't. Druids of the Claw were wielding fist weapons in WC3.

Edit: But considering the time it's taken them to resize the male Worgen weapons and shields so they scale with the Worgen model (they still haven't), I'm sure having to calculate a modifier for a dual-wield setup would take the better part of the next expansion after MoP.

The past few patches brought Arcane Mages and Feral Druids that are two button classes, any plans to make sure the Monk isn't easy like those classes/specs?

This guy... he's funny. Feral two-button class. Good stuff.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2011 12:33am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#106 Oct 22 2011 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
IDrownFish wrote:
selebrin wrote:
The central villan is "war itself". There are creatures the Pandaren have kept imprisoned who feed off conflict and grow stronger. Then the Alliance and Horde wind up on their shores and start fighting. Stir well, bake at 320 for 2 hours, and you have a Big Bad of the raids.

Which, if that's what they're going for, why not just tell us? Do they have a big story about this in the works, or is this something they honestly haven't planned out that far yet?

From the creatures preview:
--Sha: Manifestation of the evil energies that flow through the earth. If there is any sort of battle these guys pop up.

From dungeon info:
...starting with Temple of the Jade Serpent, the first dungeon you’ll encounter while leveling from 85 to 90. In this dungeon you’ll be tasked with defeating the Sha of Doubt, one of the elemental enemies threatening the shrouded continent and sacred pandaren ways.
...the Shado-pan Monastery. Located in Kun-Lai Summit, this mountain retreat serves as the home and training grounds of the mysterious Shado-pan Clan, a ninja-like pandaren faction dedicated to protecting Pandaria. Again, the Sha have been set free and threaten the Shado-pan’s base of operations, and you’re tasked with dispatching them.

Though it looks like the raids will involve the Mantids (break through a barrier wall and have gone crazy apparently) and the Mogu (original race on the island), so my prediction of the Big Bad may be premature or the Mogu may be using the Sha to do damage. I don't think there's been a raid preview yet, just a small biut of info from the overview.
#107 Oct 22 2011 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Man, this is bad. All those Asian names, I'm cringing like hell already. It's worse than when they brought in the old Scandinavian culture in WotLK.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#108 Oct 22 2011 at 4:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Mazra wrote:
This guy... he's funny. Feral two-button class. Good stuff.

What are you talking about? Of course they're a two-button class.
#109 Oct 22 2011 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
Man, this is bad. All those Asian names, I'm cringing like hell already. It's worse than when they brought in the old Scandinavian culture in WotLK.

There are also Koi-Murlocs, Jinyu. Look kinda funny.

On another note,
The past few patches brought Arcane Mages and Feral Druids that are two button classes, any plans to make sure the Monk isn't easy like those classes/specs?
AoE rotations weren't a big focus at first, we want to make it a little more interesting. Arcane mages do have some mana management gameplay, we are adding back Arcane Missles to their rotation.

What feral druid is he playing?

EDIT: aaand I was beaten to it.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2011 3:47pm by selebrin
#110 Oct 22 2011 at 4:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The "Mangle, Mangle, Mangle, Rake, whatsthiscombopointthing?, Mangle, Mangle..." kind.

I've run with some of these. They perform inadequately in dungeons. I call them TBC retards. For those who don't get the reference, Mangle was introduced in The Burning Crusade and turned Ferals from loltastic to HOLY SHEET FLAVOR OF THE MONTH, BATMAN! epic in one day. Mangle would almost one-shot anything not wearing plate armor and a shield.

Good times. Until Ghostcrawler got tired of the "QQ Druids used to be free HK, now they fight back, wtf Blizz?" spam and decided to just @#%^ing break the class. Back when we had the JOHN ******* MADDEN rotation and a ramp-up time that surpassed the duration of most boss fights.

I'm exaggerating, of course.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2011 12:59am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#111 Oct 22 2011 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Tanking as a druid, I can go cat and do decent DPS when I am not getting hit. Is the new druid 4-specs model going to let me do that?
Other tanks can't do that and you won't be able to do that anymore, talents are set up this way to keep both seperate for PvP and PvE.

Wait... didn't they just apologize for ruining hybrids and how they planned on bringing it back? How there would be some overlap between feral and guardian specializations? And now he's saying they are removing guardian druids from being able to switch into cat and do half way decent dps while they are not being hit?

Leave it to Ghostcrawler's Q/A to make me totally requestion whether this expansion is going to be "fun".
#112 Oct 22 2011 at 5:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
They better not take away my Thick Hide. They better not even think about touching it!

It's saved me from so many wipes over the years, being able to pop Bear Form, pop cooldowns and survive after a tank died.

This, coupled with their wish to make tanks more active in their own survival, will effectively mean that I have to rely on the tank to not kill himself, or we'll wipe.

Yeah, this will not end well.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#113 Oct 22 2011 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#114 Oct 22 2011 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Yeah, I'm reading the lore Q&A at MMO-Champ and this bit made me sad:

When the Pandaren meet eachother on the field they are more of WHATS UP instead of being pissed at eachother. They would probably be drinking beer right after. All the sort of anger, hatred and other negative energies become the Sha. It literally can come and bite you in the butt. They dont want to bring all that bad bagage into a fight. When a Pandaren fights he fights to reach a conclusion. When things are settled you take a beer.

I can get behind the beer thing, but the whole internal peace stuff... I want a race that's both angry and drunk! It's the only race I could possibly identify with.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#115 Oct 22 2011 at 6:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
This panel has said that Pandarians have no sense of hatred. How does it make sense for a Pandaren to be a Warlock, but not a druid?
If that is true, I do not like it. I usually get overruled when it comes to game design. These classes, Warlock, Deathknight are not choosing this life. If they can indeed roll Warlock, it is not impossible for them to not hate.

Why cant they roll Druid then? The bear as a bear argument is crap.
Monday morning we will yell at the design dudes. Pandaria was not there during the Sundering so I guess Cenarion was not there teaching them. I still think druids are out, that might change though.

Lolwut is going on?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#116REDACTED, Posted: Oct 22 2011 at 6:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ask me gently and i may pull string for you.
#117 Oct 22 2011 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
RAWDEAL wrote:
Ask me gently and i may pull string for you.

Sounds like a date I've been on.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#118 Oct 22 2011 at 7:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
A whole expansion built off that? With no central villain?

The Burning Crusade has its fans now. Remember when it was all "OMG, space goats on pink elephants; BELF paladins who look like they should dance on mailboxes and who ride chocobos, and graphics that look like the weapons were designed by someone whose last job was designing novelty vibrators?"

The "Villain of the Month" club for expansions has been a pattern for too long. Remember when Warcraft was "Orcs vs. Humans"? There is supposed to be a simmering conflict between the two that keeps getting shoved into the background. Now, it looks like we're getting a chance to give that some attention. The villains of the expansion may be something that has been growing unseen in forgotten lands instead of (yawn) another leftover from the Titans, a corrupted hero or returning villian recycled and yelling that "X was merely a setback" or another Aspect gone mad. On the other hand, it might be that guy on the throne in Stormwind/Orgrimmar.

I'm not seeing a problem. Also, although I doubt that it was a major factor in design, Asian players are a very large part of WOW's player base and this gives Blizz a chance to throw some things out for them to enjoy (beyond a holiday, some hanbok and the occasional nod from food vendors selling kimchee). With any luck, the five million or so of us that play on Chinese servers that are invisible to the NA/EU players will even get this expansion more or less on time. If WOW is hemorrhaging players (as some so often claim), one reason is not so much that Cataclysm was terrible, but rather that Chinese games have become more competitive in the local market while WOW keeps arriving pre-digested and late.

As for monks? I'm not wild about monks as a class, but I'll just look at the tank spec and be happy that we got brewmaster in some form.

All told, we really won't know what MoP is until it has been released and suffered through the first round or two of adjustments. I know that there have been complaints that Cataclysm was released too early, but I harbor a vague wish that we could get this expansion before everything has been mapped out by the beta testers. With Cata in particular, it seemed like we got so much information in advance it was like buying a used car -- possibly a good value, but already broken in.

you all know how I love to beat a dead horse

Yep. You haven't been happy since TBC. While I respect your skill and sometimes even enjoy your analysis of game mechanics, isn't two expansions of unhappy enough?

#120 Oct 22 2011 at 8:12 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
Seriously, while tragic that has nothing to do with this thread. Keep you prejudices to Asylum please
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#121 Oct 22 2011 at 8:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
No RAW, you love China. India, Japan and Korea (to name but a few) have their own cultures and quirks. This is the Blizzcon thread, if you want to drunk troll, we can play in your thread or you can go back to trying to troll Joph in the Asylum (or admit he handed you your ***).
#123 Oct 22 2011 at 9:00 PM Rating: Good
220 posts
I'm kinda neutral until more details come up. The whole re-re-working of the talent system worries the hell out of me though. They seem to be taking a shotgun approach to "solving" the main gripes on the oboards.

Some new lore may be good for the game though, if they do it well. Devs will have more freedom to play with the story, without being tied to established Warcraft lore. Renewed Alliance/Horde conflict has potential too. A naval battle between the two lead to Panderia's discovery, so I hope it's a thread throughout the expansion.
#124 Oct 22 2011 at 11:38 PM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
This panel has said that Pandarians have no sense of hatred. How does it make sense for a Pandaren to be a Warlock, but not a druid?
If that is true, I do not like it. I usually get overruled when it comes to game design. These classes, Warlock, Deathknight are not choosing this life. If they can indeed roll Warlock, it is not impossible for them to not hate.

Why cant they roll Druid then? The bear as a bear argument is crap.
Monday morning we will yell at the design dudes. Pandaria was not there during the Sundering so I guess Cenarion was not there teaching them. I still think druids are out, that might change though.

Lolwut is going on?

A guildie of mine was playing the live streaming of the Q&A's over vent today, and whoever summed up those questions blows at it. The one about warlocks anyways.

What the devs said, was that DK's don't choose that life. They never said locks don't, because that would be idiotic. Of COURSE warlocks choose that life. The original ones who were shaman turned warlocks did, why wouldn't anyone else? But yeah, they looked it up, and Pandas can't be warlocks, so the question is moot anyways. Although a Panda druid would be amazing and I hope they do get put in the game.
#125 Oct 22 2011 at 11:42 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Regarding certain nuked posts by Rawdeal in this thread: The Asylum is the place to go for combatative trolling and arguments. The game forums, not so much. Please tone down the rhetoric and hostile commentary significantly and immidiatly, or I'll increase mine...

Administrator Kaolian
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#126 Oct 23 2011 at 12:52 AM Rating: Excellent
1,882 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Regarding certain nuked posts by Rawdeal in this thread: The Asylum is the place to go for combatative trolling and arguments. The game forums, not so much. Please tone down the rhetoric and hostile commentary significantly and immidiatly, or I'll increase mine...

Administrator Kaolian

Excellent pwnage, good Lord Kaolian. That last sentence was epic.

*popcorn* We haven't had a good public beating in awhile.
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