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The Blizzcon Thread: Let there be PandasFollow

#77 Oct 21 2011 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
The most important questions is whether Rawdeal will come into this thread and admit his "inside source" was at best half right.
You bet! Anyway I was at Blizzcon and they called me up on-stage and someone punch me in the face!!!!
#78 Oct 21 2011 at 7:22 PM Rating: Excellent
So anyway, get to reserving your terrible panda pun names. I've already got Panderp and Dumprings on my server.

Pandamonium is taken. On every server.

Go on, check. You won't get it.
#79 Oct 21 2011 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
I'm excited too. I'm kinda feeling like Homer Simpson in regards to the talent changes, but I do like that they're doing something completely different. We'll see how it goes in actual implementation though.
#80 Oct 21 2011 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
187 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
I just got home from work, stayed an hour late and paid no attention to anything wow related all day so I am just absorbing it all right now.

The expac trailer was lame. There were a couple shots where the scale looked amazing, like the mountains around Ulduar big which was nice but the asian theme didn't feel "Warcraft". Everytime they have tried to make things less complicated and more "fun" they have raped the game of the depth it used to have that made it so amazing back in the day, and frankly I wouldn't play through another "Cataclysm" level rebalance.

I rather shell out the simoleans for DIII and put WoW to rest. Who wants my gold?

I agree 100%!

I did get a really good laugh on the trailer when it went from Deathwing to the Panda music/lands/weirdness. Hollywood would be proud!

Edited, Oct 21st 2011 8:53pm by Seculartwo
#81 Oct 21 2011 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
499 posts
Meh, not my cup of tea. Happy for you folks who are interested. I was hoping for something more epic in storytelling, and this doesn't seem to be it. Maybe additional information will convince me otherwise down the road, but without a goal to reach (i.e. bringing Illidan, or facing Arthas, or [snicker] slapping Raggie) there just doesn't seem to be any point.

The whole thing seems really rushed to me. Almost as if there was a big threat to their marketing coming out in December...
#82 Oct 21 2011 at 8:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I heard they're bringing back world bosses.

To be honest, I was a little underwhelmed as well, but if they're really bringing focus back on the "tenuous pact" between the Horde and Alliance, I'm sold.

World PvP, here I come!

Just wish they'd let Worgen be monks as well. I mean, why not?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#83 Oct 21 2011 at 8:48 PM Rating: Excellent
I assume for the same reason Worgens can't be Death Knights.

#84 Oct 21 2011 at 10:16 PM Rating: Good
And apparently Pandas can't be DK's either. Which is way lame. I mean seriously, how AWESOME would a panda death knight be? =x
#85 Oct 21 2011 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
I watched the first 4-5 hours of Blizzcon so I have seen most of the new Warcraft plans.

I haven't seen one thing mentioned though and it has me just a little bit worried... not worried like "total failure" or anything, but worried as in "Hmm... I might have to put mining and herbalism on my Panderan Monk and then have 6 miners and 4 flower pickers instead of skilling up something new."

No new profession? Every expansion set has had at least ONE new profession... even if it was just a secondary one it was SOMETHING.

I am sure I can't be the only one wondering where the new profession news is... and I certainly can't be the only one with every profession maxed (or almost maxed) on at least one server.

Another one of my worries/gripes is something that was discussed on the live feed between the different panels... Will Blizzard make an 11th slot for an extra character on individual realms? I have nine characters on my main server that are at 75+, and one character (rogue) that is 36ish... so if need be I can delete the rogue and put a Monk in its place but then I wouldn't have a rogue on that realm... and moving any of the other ones would cost money and deleting a 36ish rogue is easy compared to spending cash to move a different one.

I don't see that 11th slot happening, and from what was said during the interview it doesn't look like it is even being thought about at this time. (But it took forever to get the ability to rearrange your characters on the select screen, so who knows...)

#86 Oct 22 2011 at 12:58 AM Rating: Good
In other news, these zones are freaking gorgeous.
#87 Oct 22 2011 at 4:02 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
PentUpAnger wrote:
I haven't seen one thing mentioned though and it has me just a little bit worried... not worried like "total failure" or anything, but worried as in "Hmm... I might have to put mining and herbalism on my Panderan Monk and then have 6 miners and 4 flower pickers instead of skilling up something new."

No new profession? Every expansion set has had at least ONE new profession... even if it was just a secondary one it was SOMETHING.

I am sure I can't be the only one wondering where the new profession news is... and I certainly can't be the only one with every profession maxed (or almost maxed) on at least one server.

Blizzard wrote:
Q: What’s in store for professions?

While we don’t plan to add any brand-new professions in Mists of Pandaria, the profession skill cap will be extended, and new recipes and content will become available for every existing profession.

No new profession. Smiley: frown
#88 Oct 22 2011 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
My initial response was pretty negative. The video was lame, the asian theme zones were an immediate turn off and a reworking of the talent system is something that I have absolutely no faith in Blizzard doing right, not after Cataclysm.

Cataclysm killed WoW for me, and I have been playing since release in 2004. I had ended my sub in March after giving cata 4 months try. I came back recently and I feel like the game has a little more polish to it even though it has lost the magic it once had. I definitely feel that MoP has killed my will to play.

So I was slugging through a number of forums reading the haters and reading the supporters doing their thing and I was trying to move away from a gut feeling of dislike for an expansion just recently announced to a more thoughtful opinion on the new expac and I realized maybe there isn't one. I've played wow for a long time, I am old enough to realize at certain points in your life you just move past hobbies you once loved. The game has passed its hey day and is entering its twilight and the new direction the game has been taking since 2008 has increasingly rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it is time to reinstall Rift, or wait for SW, or perhaps it is time for me to just hang up my MMO boots.

/random rant

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#89 Oct 22 2011 at 6:36 AM Rating: Good
187 posts
Any word on the Panda racial mounts yet? Rick shaws maybe?
#90 Oct 22 2011 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Okay, I've slept on it and I've decided that this expansion is silly.

Yes, Pandaren are cool, but I don't think an entire expansion dedicated to them was the right thing. Maybe if they had included them in an Emerald Dream expansion. They could have easily snuck them in there without having to go the Mists of Pandaria route.

Would've loved an expansion with Pandaren as a new race, perhaps Brewmaster as a new profession, but this entire thing just reeks of otaku.

Edit: Not going to quit or anything, I'm just not all that amazed by it. The game needs a breath of fresh air, but I'm worried about the massive changes to the talent system and the likes. Blizzard isn't known for bringing out the surgical tools when they do changes. "To the ground!" comes to mind. And the Asian theme... gah, I don't really mind it, except an entire expansion for it? If I'm going to spend the next two years looking at rice paper lamps and bamboo cottages, I'm going to smack someone.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2011 4:37pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#91 Oct 22 2011 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
A panda walks into a restaurant, sits down and orders a sandwich. He eats the sandwich, pulls out a gun, and shoots the waiter dead.
As the panda stands up to leave, the manager shouts, “Hey! Where are you going? You just shot my waiter and you didn’t pay for your sandwich!”
The panda yells back at the manager, “Hey man, I’m a PANDA! Look it up!”
The manager opens his dictionary and sees the following definition for panda: “A tree dwelling marsupial of Asian origin, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. Eats shoots and leaves.”
#92 Oct 22 2011 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I slept on it as well, and read a little bit more and you all know how I love to beat a dead horse so skip the post if you want to avoid it, however hopefully I can voice my opinion a little more articulately than "Panda's suck" or Kung Fu Panda jokes.

Catacylsm was not a successful expansion. That is not opinion, that is fact, and Blizzard has tacitly admitted to it yesterday and at many times before in the past. In fact with the rush on 4.3 and the Demise of Deathwing you almost get the feel that they are rushing to sweep this expansion under the carpet (that for you who lack an ability to read critically is an opinion).

How do you rebound from a stumble? The population has plateaued and you are bleeding players. The majority of your marketing at the moment is focused at getting people who used to play to come back. Do you turn it up to 11 and put out content that leaves the nerds with **** in their pants? Do have steel clad heroes fighting epic dragons, spell casters unleashing hell on earth, and Azeroth Total War? The answer is apparently no. You release an expac pandering to your major growth market, you totally break from lore and expectations, you steal concepts from existing games and you do another revamp to talents after your last one underwhelmed.

If anything this expac is going polarize a population who was already on the fence. Now WoW is monolithic and somethign that big never dies, hell EQ1 is still going strong a decade later. However most players are aware that WoW has hits its peak, that Blizzard is aware that there is now a forseeable expirary date on their Golden Goose and that a desire to squeeze potential revenue from an aging product will continue to effect where the game goes. Not that initial explosion of success and we can do anything attitude.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2011 11:14am by bodhisattva

Edited, Oct 22nd 2011 11:14am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#93 Oct 22 2011 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
You mean, steal from other games, just like those other games have religiously stole from WoW? You can only do so much with an MMO...
#94 Oct 22 2011 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
187 posts
Mazra wrote:
Okay, I've slept on it and I've decided that this expansion is silly.

Yes, Pandaren are cool, but I don't think an entire expansion dedicated to them was the right thing. Maybe if they had included them in an Emerald Dream expansion. They could have easily snuck them in there without having to go the Mists of Pandaria route.

One of the themes on the O-boards from people that are supporting the new expansion is that Blizzard only did what players have been asking for for years. This is odd really. In all the years I've lurked the O-boards, I've seen very few posts asking for a Panda expansion (granted there have been some asking for the panda race), but hundreds and hundreds of posts asking for an "Emerald Dream" expansion. The Emerald Dream in fact had always been one of the major speculations leading up to the leaks or common sense figuring out of the new expansions before Blizzard announces them. I honestly don't think Blizzard used what "everyone" had been asking for in this expansion at all. This expansion is geared towards a, I don't know, a different player base, new players.......something or someone different.

Had they announced an "Emerald Dream" expansion (something a lot of players want) there wouldn't of been the uproar quite like there is now. Even with all the changes, etc., etc.

Early 2 year predition: WoW will become free-to-play with premium content mid-way through the new expansion but after the year sub/D3 thing runs out. They will announce a new better MMO being developed around the same point. Old school players of WoW will be highly interested.
#95 Oct 22 2011 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
807 posts
RAWDEAL wrote:
A panda walks into a restaurant,”

Man that was dumb, but I'm still laughing.
#96 Oct 22 2011 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,570 posts
Seculartwo wrote:
One of the themes on the O-boards from people that are supporting the new expansion is that Blizzard only did what players have been asking for for years. This is odd really.
Not really. Any time Pandaren were mentioned, it would lead to people saying they want pandaren as a playable race, which would then devolve the thread into a flamewar over why Blizzard would never do it because of china.

The most detailed suggestions included a huge thread about a Great Sea expansion with Azshara as the main villain, covering the capital of the naga, the throne of tides, pandaria, kul tiras and a bunch of other sea-related regions and gimmicks. The fact that Blizzard decided to only release Pandaria may be the only real iffy thing about the expansion's design.
Had they announced an "Emerald Dream" expansion (something a lot of players want) there wouldn't of been the uproar quite like there is now.
Except that anyone who has been paying attention knows that Stormrage (the book) killed any possibility of an emerald dream expansion.
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Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#97 Oct 22 2011 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
1,570 posts
Double Post

Edited, Oct 22nd 2011 1:27pm by Ruisu
Products of boredom: 1 2 3 4 5
Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#98 Oct 22 2011 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I just watched the FL clear Vodka vs Blood Legion. That made up for the bad news of the shibby new expac.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#99 Oct 22 2011 at 12:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Saw the Blood Legion stream myself. I'm honestly surprised at how much of an ******* some of those people were.

I mean, they pulled off everything expertly in the actual fights. That was extremely well done. But I was laughing every single time the raid leader screamed "SHUT THE **** UP" into his mike, which was pretty often.
#100 Oct 22 2011 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
The Class/Item/Professions Q&A

Why does Ghostcrawler hate paladins?
A ret paladin killed his parents.

Shadow Priests: The wording on the new Shadow Orbs suggests that they're going to be based on a resource, is that true?
We're still working on the details but yeah, it will be a secondary resource kind of mechanic, take out the RNG aspect maybe. The idea currently is that Mind Blast will cost shadow orbs and have no cooldown

Are you satisfied by healing in PvP?
Balancing PvE and PvP healing is kind of a big challenge. Its something we talk about all the time, I dont think we have solved the problem yet and its something we are still working on. We've seen a lot of dual caster comps in the blizzcon tournament and we've buffed Mortal Strike and healing reduction in 4.3 and hopefully you'll be able to bring back warriors and rogues in PvP.

How do the old debuff talents work with new talent tree and tanking model?
We want tanks to do more of the active things to keep themselves alive rather than relying on the healers

My classes are about classes that have a 100 cap on a resource. Currently there are talents that increase these resource, are there any plans for the new talent trees to do that?
It's going to vary on class by class basis, its something that does not really fit into the current talent system as it is currently designed.

I have 10 characters, will you add an 11th slot so we can have all 11 classes?
Not sure just yet, might keep the current character cap but let you have them on any realm, so you can have many many charaters on one realm

For event items like the Scourge Invasion or the Vengeful PvP set, can we get those for transmog account-wide?
We want to make sure that all the times you remember from the good old days are available for transmog. Im happy you brought up the vengeful set, and in Area 52 there are vendors where can you buy these items. Regarding accountwide event items we have to watch out on our side as its kind of resource expensive. We could certainly look into that.

Can feral druids have two fist weapons? / As an enchanter we never got any good drops, are we getting new enchanting item drops?
Nope, working the talents to support it would make a mess. Monk tanks will use staff or polearm. / No plans on enchanting item drops to change.

I was wondering since this next expansion coming out is going to be so faction focused, if we could see faction specific legendaries for maybe a shield like Might of the Alliance or for the horde a Fist of the horde that are completely badass
Legendaries are something we look at on case to case bases, if the stories supports it and we find a cool item possibility. Everything is always possible. (GC loves the idea)

Death Knight tanks are bad right now, stats and talents need some changes. Set bonus is based on us being at low health, which shouldn't happen. What changes will fix these problems?
Death Knights get some love in 4.3 to fix survivability, Blood presence armor bonus is going to 55% from 30%. We don't want Death Knights to get killed in one GCD, but we don't want them to be the best tank by far

A balance druid can be really low on the damage and then theres the problem of sitting on solar when we need to do AoE, is there anything you guys are planning on doing to adress that like the DK ability that generates unholy power
In 5.0 Hurricane will have a new arcane function to make sure you can use it whenever you have to.

Any plans to improve the Death Knight gargoyle melee attack?
Nope, it is designed to work at range, There are no plans to change Death Knight stat weights during this expansion, maybe some balancing in MoP.

I have been playing since vanilla and one of my fav items i have been using up to today is noggaholic elixier, and i am wondering why we cant mount while skeleton
Our animation system does not have animations for some costume models that can be on a mount so we decided to completely disallow mounting while transformed to make it consistent, it was the only way to fix hundred of bugs.

Is there any plan to make solo Holy Priest DPS better? Running daily quests take a lot of time in Holy.
Nope, we have dual spec, it isn't a priority for us to make it viable for raiding or fast daily quests. We have to keep it balanced for PvP as well. In the Firelands some of the daily quests are designed to be actually easier for healers.

I'm a rogue so thanks for the legendary! Regarding the new introduction of the Windwalker monk class and also the formalization of cat druids as an official spec, with all these new melee DPS hybrids what doyou guys have planned as rogues to be competitive as a utilitiy class?
Everyone brings a little bit of everything, reasons to get a rogue now are things like poisons, interrupts and stuns. These will stay important during encounters.

New talents will still be cookie cutter, how is this new?
Most give utility choices rather than damage, this can't be number crunched. We will continue to balance them to make them hard choices.

Quick followup to the noggenfogger elixir question, there have been other places where you get onto something when you lose a transformation and then get it back later
One of the things that make consumables fun is that they are consumables. They can go away. If they were permanent things you are going to lose the impact of what a transformation really is. Fundamentally we want these to be fun things that arent everywhere. Ideally we would have it make an error message if you are near to doing this.

Archeology has been ignored as far as i can tell other than a few things here and there, are we gonna see lower than max level items on max variety?
The archeology items are all over the place, I use the vrykul helm always because I like being bigger than everyone else. We are looking into ways to sex it up and take out the grindy nature of it.

Tanking as a druid, I can go cat and do decent DPS when I am not getting hit. Is the new druid 4-specs model going to let me do that?
Other tanks can't do that and you won't be able to do that anymore, talents are set up this way to keep both seperate for PvP and PvE.

Resto druids have pretty decent single target rotation for healing, but when we want to AoE heal we go back to mindlessly spamming buttons. Are we getting more options for this in the next expansion?
There is one new ability plan like the wild mushroom to detonate to heal people. A lot of druids enjoy that kind of playstyle. When we did try to tone down the HoTs we got a lot of push back there. Some of the healing you mentioned is also needed in an encounter and we will try to not do this as much.

The 4pc bear T13 bonus, you don't want cats to get it but it's also impacting utility for bears?
You can swap to bear, press it, go back. We can't let cats use it because it would just force them to add it their rotation and stack them in raid, we'd just have to change the bonus completely.

Are we getting new spells at like 86, 88 and 90? If so, what are the new mage spells?
We are adding a lot of new spells to fill out the talent trees. One plan we have talked about is to get one new spell at level 87. Pretty sure we are not going to be able to get 3 more spells along the way. We dont know yet what the mage one will be. In the past we said 5-8 new abilties while they level up. Some classes however might get more than one new ability.

Can we have another tank legendary
Legendary needs a story to go with it, we aren't taking turns with the classes or specs, we put them in where they fit in the story. If there is an opportunity you will get one! A legendary shield would be great.

Regarding arcane mage mastery, it created the possibility for really deep gameplay for managing your resource. But we were promised this toolkit to manage our mana and all we got was Arcane Blast and clearing our Arcane Blast stacks. Are we gonna get anything else to help us not be 2 button wonders and make it deeper?
We are really not happy with the role of Arcane Barrage, we have some plans to make arcane more deeper. We would like to redesign so that Arcane Missiles barrage and explosion all have an equal role in the arcane role.

Can we have some shadowform tweaks so that you can see the gear?
We have a glyph in 4.3 coming to tweak the alpha of shadowform

Where is the Death Knight tier 13?
Its really awesome and you will see it soon

What about new Death Knight gear for transmog? Other classes can go back farther.
That is really expensive art to do. For us its a metter of budget, if we ask for certain armor sets we have to delay patches or expansions to get them. We have to make hard choices sometimes and it's not a matter of just throwing money at the problem, it just takes more time and delays things further.

Can we have strength polearms?
They are awkward right now, we want all Strength classes to be able to use them. Maybe in MoP with the hunter tweaks it will be possible.

Back in vanilla you had the hunter epic questline with Rok'delar and I was wondering if you guys are going to bring that back at all
It's something we are looking at and are considering, if we do something like that it has to be on our level of quality. It's also worth noting that that feel of solo quest/gameplay is something we've tried to re-introduce in 4.2 and 4.3 with the new legendary staff and legendary dagger.

Engineers got cool stuff in the past, can we have more powerful versions or something new and cool?
Yes, we can make powerful and cool stuff but it has to have downsides. We can add some new stuff with restrictions on where you can actually use it, not PvP, so that it is still balanced.

Regarding hunters; you are eliminating the use for melee weapons, are we still going to be able to equip it? Can we also get some mace love?
There are not any plans for that now, we are probably not going to let you equip melee. If it makes you feel better, the rogues wont be able to equip the orange legendary bow either. We do want to change hunters so you can see quivers and or ammo pouches, potentially customize them, etc.

What happened to engineering, you make it very cool once and then added something useless every once in a while. Goggles were very cool, but there are no upgrades, so they are worthless now. Archaeology gives almost as many pets as engineering.
We made engineering too good, then it was not so good. We are trying to make sure it offers cool stuff this time. Post your suggestions on the forums!

How is monk healing going to work? When I played yesterday you had chi and light and dark power. Is it going to be like I choose healing spec and you get a mana bar or something?
When you switch to healing stance you will get a mana bar, and regarding healing, the monk will be less target based and more proximity based. And there is also this mechanics where you can put statues in the raid, and when you melee the boss they give out healing for example. We are challenging ourselves into new ways to look at this.

One of the things WoW doesn't have right now is a melee cloth class. When you announced the monk yesterday I was super excited and I was wondering if there was any discussion to make them a cloth class to make them have a better monk feel?
The main concern was that if we introduce a melee cloth healer, we'd need a whole new kind of item drops in the loot table and you'd have to wait for your specific gear to drop. That's why we went for an already existing loot archetype, you already have the leather agi and leather int/spirit and it was the best way to go without having to create new armor types.

Since we're going to be able to name companion pet, is there any chance we'll be able to name warlock pets?
You're just grabbing a demon for your own use from the Twisting Nether, use it, and then get rid of it, it's not the same emotional attachment as a companion pet or hunter pet. Something we did talk about is a way to reset the name of your pets, for when you get a pet and really don't like the name.

I know that removing the min range for hunters is a great key, but for melee this means we are losing some stats too
Everyone is losing some stats with the ranged slots, relics, etc ... going away. Your range weapon will have stats so you wont lose more stats than everyone else.

JCing and Inscription selling is hard because of constant undercutting from others or gold farmers. Can we have perfect cuts back so that we have something not mass produced to sell?
That is how an open market works. Perfect gem cuts are problematic because nobody would use the regular blue ones. BoP Chaos Orbs help for some professions, maybe we should do something like that for Jewelcrafting.

I got to play the monk, and the play of it feels amazing. Can we expect the removal of auto attack on other classes? If so, hunters will be really confused.
The monk not having auto attack was controversial around the office too, we are not even 100% sure the monk will keep it. And removing auto attack for other classes will just feel like a huge change. We do crazy things on new stuff, not on old stuff. There are some downsides too - if a monkey has 5hp left they have to wait to push a button again were as a Rogue would just kill it with its auto attack.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2011 5:07pm by IDrownFish
#101 Oct 22 2011 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Mazra wrote:
But I remember the Pandaran from WC3. I just thought they were a joke. A fun thing, like the ending that features Arthas a rock star, critters that explode if you spam click on them and various units making pop culture references if you spam click them.

As far as I remember, Pandaran didn't exactly have a big influence on the game, or the games leading up to it.

Edited, Oct 21st 2011 10:42pm by Mazra

It was put in WC3 largely as a joke, and there was some very, very loose lore built around it (essentially, that it was an extremely isolated island nation between the two continents that didn't allow outsiders and whose people very rarely left it--usually only seeking new ingredients for their brews).

A whole expansion built off that? With no central villain? With some really random, uninteresting new systems thrown in?

And the complete destruction of everything that made talents interesting?

A'ight, I'm out. There's very little left for me in this game.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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