AstarintheDruid wrote:
A bard wouldn't really fit into WoW's Tank/Healer/DPS x3 model, even if I would personally like to see Blizzard's implementation of the class.
The only way they could make a true support class in WoW is if they buff everyone else enough that the bonus damage/healing everyone else is doing because the bard is there is roughly equal to the damage/healing just bringing another dps/healer along would do.
It'd would be a complete pain to balance, even before they got to PvP, but it's possible. The reason I don't see them doing this, though, is because Shadow Priests used to work on a similar theory in Burning Crusade. Shadow priests did low damage, but provided mana and healing to the group that would allow the rest of the group to go longer and harder than they would on their own
(hurr, innuendo), and provided buffs such as Misery (+hit%). Because of this, Shadow Priests' damage was kept low. When Wrath hit, Blizzard switched to the replenishment model and buffed Shadow's damage to be in line with other classes. They felt that players found it more fun to actually be doing damage to the boss than to enable others to do more damage. Which in actuality is a case-by-case basis (I preferred BC's model), but whatever.
I'm not saying that Blizzard can't change their mind, they've done it before. Just look at the threat changes recently. I'm just saying it's probably pretty unlikely,
no matter how bad I would want it.