RAWDEAL wrote:
Here some idea for actors:
Sylvanas Windrunner: Emma Watson
No. Heeeell no!
Not that I have anything against Emma as an actor, but she's way, way, WAY too young and inexperienced to play such a dark and morbid character.
Although... the thought of her in a leather outfit that covers nothing...
Arthas: Gerard Butler
Too old. I'd say Heath Ledger would be perfect, but the idiot went and killed himself.
King Varian Wrynn: Russel Crowe
Now we're getting somewhere...
Vereesa Windrunner: Taylor Swift
...or not. How the hell do you come up with these names?
Liam would probably make a pretty good Stormrage stature wise, but I think his voice is too young for it. Brad Pitt as Rhonin would be comedy gold. I'll pay extra if he is wearing a blue dress.
Edited, Sep 8th 2011 4:36pm by Mazra