someproteinguy wrote:
IDrownFish wrote:
And I'm really struggling to think of who the next villain is without going to new characters. There's not many left.
I think we'd benefit from a new villain, IMO. Besides it'd be nice if someone stayed dead for once. Too many setbacks, not enough victories.
Also yay Pandaren!
Edited, Aug 2nd 2011 5:57pm by someproteinguy Well, there is always room for ANOTHER Lich King. I mean they put a guy ON FIRE inside a FROZEN throne. We know that's not going to end well. I forsee a "Return of the Wrath of the New Lich King" (RotWotNWLK for short or simply "RotWot").
Black Temple could be merely a setback for Illidan. He's probably pissed off everyone keeps linking
HIS swords...
Magister's Terrace could be merely yet another setback.
Hogger has great potential. He's only died a few billion times.
Onyxia is admittedly due for an expansion off.
Talon King Ikiss would make an exceptionally formidable expansion boss, especially if they included voice overs for every quest he was in (like Arthas) leading up to the final raid, AND had an over ride to player's muting forcing them to hear is screeching voice AND implemented World of Warcraft Auxiliariay Telephony Audio System (WATAS) which would call your phone and continue to play Ikiss' ranting (for $5 a month you could opt out of WATAS.)
Just imagine your significant other/parents/roomate being woken up in the middle of then night while you're distracted raiding and Ikiss' being on the other line: Ikiss cut you, pretty -- ak-a-ak -- slice you, yes!