AstarintheDruid wrote:
Of the races that can be a paladin, Dwarves and Humans get a small expertise bonus for the type of weapon they use. With humans, it's swords and maces; with dwarves, it's just maces. 3 Expertise isn't worth going out of your way to get unless you have the choice between two otherwise equal weapons.
The only time I've seen where you've got a choice is with the 353, 359, 365 crafted, and 378 weapons. Among them are slow Axe, Sword, and Mace. Obviously nobody's going to take a Gurubashi Punisher over the crafted weapons, but at least you got a Sword/Axe choice in the crafted department, though I think they coulda had a 365 mace too. And a 2H Strength DPS sword that didn't absolutely suck balls, but meh. That's giving Blizz too much credit there.
I'm glad that Blizz had the Foresight to give us a couple choices, anyways. Better than no choice at all.