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Ah, youthFollow

#27 Jul 25 2011 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
I'm guessing they probably ran about the same as they do now, at least a couple hundred bucks right?

Yeah, gaming has never been a cheap hobby.

NES- $199
SNES- $199
Playstation launched at $299 (very successfully, actually).
N64 launched at $199.
PS2 launched at $299.
Gamecube launched at $199, but actually dropped in price to $99 fairly quickly because sales sucked. Its competitors were just too strong.
Xbox launched at $299.
Wii launched at $249.
360 launched at $299-479 (depending on model and package).
PS3 launched at $499-599.

But gameboys were fairly cheap. The GBC launched at $80, and the GBA at $150. The original launched at $90.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#28 Jul 25 2011 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
Since i didn't chronicle my Game growing up in my first post I'll add it here.
My First system was Atari 2600 at my uncles house. Until I got an NES for my birthday. Then I went to DOS games (Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, Scorched Earth etc)

Got a Gameboy(yay for Green/brown screen) and Zelda for the longest time.

Finally when i won a Copy of Final Fantasy 3 from school fund drive I bought a SNES. FF3(6) was my first RPG, From there it was Chrono Trigger and Tactic Ogre, went back and played FF2 and 1.

I got a N64 when i was 14 ish, sold it to a friend and used my first paycheck from work when i was 16 to get a Playstation and FF7 on launch day.

Got back into PC Games around here Diablo and Command and Conquer mainly. Some Unreal Tournament.

Got my Ps2 around my 20th birthday for FFX. Bought a Gamecube for Zelda Windwaker and sold it soon after.

From there It was mainly PC all the way, FF11 mainly and some FPS (Counterstrike, Battlefield)

I didnt get my PS3 until i was about 28.

Thats my game history, up to this point mainly. God now I do feel old remembering the hayday of RPGS, the 16 and 32 bit era. Nowdays RPGs seem to lack something special, even with the very few that are made. The PS2 had a few good rpgs but nothing as much as PS/Snes.
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#29 Jul 25 2011 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
That's probably because technology has advanced to a point where oldschool RPGs aren't necessary. Turn based gaming wasn't an aesthetic choice, it was due to mechanical limitations. People can create action-RPGs, FPS-RPGs, etc. now.

Other genres have changed a ton too. Zelda games now, even though they are still in the category of Action-Adventure, are much, much different.

Also, this thread has made me REALLY want to play some Zelda. But my Gamecube is back home. >:( I'm debating whether or not to download a 64 emulator for my PC right now...

I mean, I have Spirit Tracks on my DS. But it's just not the same. I mean, Spirit Tracks was one of the worst Zelda games, imo. Of course, that still means it is better than 90% of the games out there.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#30 Jul 25 2011 at 2:15 PM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
Oh, and I just listened to this, which Maz linked a long time ago:

Hell, now I want to play Wind Waker. It was also low on my list, largely for being so f*cking easy, but the music was great.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#31 Jul 25 2011 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,634 posts
I would advise against the emulator path, idig...

I went back and played:

Metal Gear
Mike Tyson's
Kid Icarus
Zelda 2

Then I hit SNES:

A few more of the FF series
Metal Marines
Zelda (Ornica of time? or Link to the Past?)

Then I broke out some old FF's on the computer...

Suffice to say it was kind of sad. They haven't aged well. I still remember them fondly, but looking back, with a more clinical (cynical) view... It was just amazing.

If, however, you want a laugh - Go play Bad Dudes again. "Ninjas have captured the president"
#32 Jul 25 2011 at 2:38 PM Rating: Excellent
614 posts
I'm 22.
My first touch with videogames was when I got a SNES or was it NES, I'm not sure. Games were inserted from the top of the console. Well anyways, I had a ''gamecard'' for it that had a lot of small games in it. I remember playing this Popeye game on it, it was very Donkey Kong-stylish. And then of course I had Super Mario Bros 1 aswell.
Then it broke and I didn't play games for a long time.. Not untill I got a Pony Slaystation.
On that I played games like Crash Bandicoot (everyone knows Crash, right? Man I love those games) and Gran Turismo.
After that I got Playstation 2 and now I have the third one on which I play Mafia 2.

#33 Jul 25 2011 at 3:56 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm going on 62. Retired twice (Marine and cop). Physically, I can't match the quick reactions of the younger crowd on the keyboard, and don't expect to. I quest and random pvp and don't work toward end game content. I enjoy the game having been a Conan fan long before D&D ever came out on paper. The trash talking kids and jerks I've dealt with face-to-face more times than I can count. (They don't get buffs IRL by the way) Pisses me off that there are so many on WoW, but that's because they can hide behind their puter screen. But not much can, or should, be done short of the internet turning into a police state. I think WoW is a great game though it took my son several years of cajoling to get me to try it. It's been a great ride so far...arthritic hands, selfish jerks and clueless kids and all.

#34 Jul 25 2011 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
432 posts
Hmmm, had to think about what computer games I played growing up. I remember playing Pong once on an arcade machine in the early 70's, but thought it was fairly primitive and uninteresting. Particularly after having seen 2001: A Space Odyssey a few years earlier, so had a much higher expectation of what I thought computers should be capable of. Didn't look at arcade games again.

It wasn't until my third year of university at SFU in 1979, that I came across a version of the text-based Adventure game someone had ported to Basic for the North Star Horizon CPM machine. I quite enjoyed playing that, since my imagination could conjure up better images than any graphics game that came out over the next 10 years. I ported a version of that Adventure game to UCSD Pascal for the North Star a few months later to help me learn Pascal. At the same time, one of my Computer Graphics classes made use of a PDP-11/34 with an Evans & Sutherland Picture Processor attached to it. Using UCSD Pascal again, we could create programs to manipulate wire frame images and large amounts of pixels on a 1024x1024 monitor in real-time. So we wrote a simple game to simulate a space craft flying into earth orbit with star fields in the background and coming up to a wire frame version of the 2001 space station.

Since the late 70's, I've written various versions of text adventure games in dozens of programming languages, primarily to help me learn the grammar & syntax, and find interesting ways to code the logic necessary for handling the game. For example, the verb imperative language parsing for statements like "kill the troll with the red sword", and data structures / databases for holding all of the text, objects & current game state. But beyond that, I didn't really play any other console or computer games, since I had more fun just writing text adventure games.

It wasn't until Nov 2006 when Blizzard offered a one month free trial for WoW, that I got hooked into playing it as as an escape from reality after my dad passed away from prostate cancer earlier that month. It had the feel of all of those text adventure games I had been writing for decades, and the visuals were about equal to what my imagination might create. Since then, I continue to play since I find that it is a pleasant avenue to de-stress from the day, and gives me a comfortable nostalgic feeling.

#35 Jul 25 2011 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I just finished the Deku Tree on an emulator, lol. I have to say, without a controller, this can be HARD.

But yeah, you really notice a lot of design features that later versions fix. The camera being a significant one on almost all oldschool games.

Part of me really wants to buy a 3DS for OoT. But that's literally the only reason I'd want one, so it isn't exactly worth it. :P
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#36 Jul 25 2011 at 5:41 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:

Part of me really wants to buy a 3DS for OoT. But that's literally the only reason I'd want one, so it isn't exactly worth it. :P

Very much this. I keep seeing it but thats all i really want for it.
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#37 Jul 25 2011 at 8:56 PM Rating: Excellent
91 posts
35 here, and not much of a gaming history to speak of before Wow. I had an Atari...2600? I think? Whichever model it was, it featured Asteroids and I stayed on it for hours wracking up an incredibly high score for a 5 year old. That immediately led to my parents banning it and insisting I play outside Smiley: cool

A quarter of a century later, my then-girlfriend got me into Wow and I haven't looked back. And given that I have no reflexes or aptitude for the game I haven't really looked ahead either. But I love Wow, my own lack of skill notwithstanding...
#38 Jul 26 2011 at 12:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Wow, first gaming memories... hmmm...

My uncle got me a Commodore Vic 20 when I was really little. There were a few games on tape. Some bowling/math one being the only one I remember, as I rarely had the patience at 5-ish to do the tape thing. A couple minutes to read in a game is just terrible on a kid's patience. Smiley: lol

There were also cartridge games that were more arcade-like. Jupiter Lander being the one that I remember pissing me off the most. I could never land that stupid spaceship... Smiley: frown I do fondly remember a space invaders game which I wore out the paddle controller playing.

I never got into the NES thing. I ended up with a Tandy 1000 computer and playing Simcity, Civilization, Kings Quest, and a couple of different fighter jet simulator games while my friends did duck hunt and mario bros. I did have a gameboy though, so I was sure to catch that fad at least. Smiley: wink
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#39 Jul 27 2011 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
161 posts
I'm 45, will be 46 next month.

The first video game I ever played may have been called the "Odessey" and you had to put a piece of clear green plastic over your TV screen to play something like Pong. My uncle bought one when they first came out.

The first one I owned was the old Atari with the round circular controllers and the clunky joystick with the red button.

I've been playing WoW since around the middle of Vanilla. I think I'm finally getting tired of it - don't even play every day anymore, and even then just a couple of BG's or something.

In some ways maybe the cross-server LFG ruined instances for me. I used to enjoy grouping with guildies or friend's list people, or at least some of the same people who were typically looking for a group at about the same time of day that I usually was. I liked having a reputation as a pretty good player and a nice guy.

Grouping with people you'll never see again is kind of a drag. If they're really nice or interesting, so what? You'll never see them again. And rudeness, ninja-ing, etc. is way more common.

Maybe I'm just getting old and grumpy. :)
#40 Jul 28 2011 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
18 posts
I'm 23. I've been playing viddy games since I was old enough to know how my thumbs worked.

My guild I'm in is centralized around that real life comes before WoW, which means there are plenty of older folks in it. There are two younger people (myself and a shaman, we are both 23 going on 24), but everyone else is ~35+. I believe the oldest we have is 60ish. It's nice playing with older people; there's a lot less drama to deal with and there's a lot more patience when it comes to progression.

I love knowing that if I want to take a day (or two or three) off and spend them with my boyfriend, I won't lose my guild standing. If work runs late, causing the raid to start a little later, that's okay too.

My alt is still with my original guild, if I feel like goofing off and having a little immaturity time.
#41 Jul 28 2011 at 9:25 PM Rating: Good
399 posts
As I frequently explain to my young german shepherd, he may be quicker, but I'm still slicker. Or,

old, steady and sneaky will beat young, fast and pretty just about every time....
#42 Jul 28 2011 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Ollamnh wrote:
As I frequently explain to my young german shepherd, he may be quicker, but I'm still slicker. Or,

old, steady and sneaky will beat young, fast and pretty just about every time....

Except when picking up women. Because the pretty one gets laid and you go to jail.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#43 Jul 28 2011 at 10:10 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Except when picking up women.

Bun-Bun (now 24) and I are laughing now.Smiley: lolSmiley: laugh

Your age: picking up women ten years younger means you're going to jail.
My age: it means they are complaining about menopause.
#44 Jul 28 2011 at 10:11 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
I have a pic for that.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#45 Jul 28 2011 at 10:14 PM Rating: Excellent
lolgaxe wrote:
I have a pic for that.

Is there anything you don't have a picture for?
Kaolian wrote:
After a horrific accident involving a radioactive housecat, Davejohnsan becomes “THE CAT YODALER!” By day, mild mannered veterinary supplies salesmen, but by night, daemon feline scourge of the swiss alps! Swiss cheese production falls sharply in the first quarter as lack of sleep slowly drives everyone in Switzerland insane
#46 Jul 28 2011 at 10:23 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#47 Jul 28 2011 at 10:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Should have used this picture:
Kaolian wrote:
After a horrific accident involving a radioactive housecat, Davejohnsan becomes “THE CAT YODALER!” By day, mild mannered veterinary supplies salesmen, but by night, daemon feline scourge of the swiss alps! Swiss cheese production falls sharply in the first quarter as lack of sleep slowly drives everyone in Switzerland insane
#48 Jul 29 2011 at 2:33 AM Rating: Good
Rhodekylle wrote:
Except when picking up women.

Bun-Bun (now 24) and I are laughing now.Smiley: lolSmiley: laugh

Your age: picking up women ten years younger means you're going to jail.
My age: it means they are complaining about menopause.

Seriously. It's funny, because E is 9 years older than me and we get along great, have tons of stuff in common, etc. Sometimes we get to laugh when he remembers something from his teen years and then thinks about how I was a child when he watched that/listened to that song, etc.

I sure as hell wouldn't date someone 9 years younger than me though. My minimum age requirement currently is 25. Teenagers and people in their early twenties just have a lot of growing to do, and lack a lot of life experience. Granted this isn't the case for everyone, but in most cases I just don't think I would have enough in common with someone that young to consider dating them. I have a few friends that are that age, and just the way they talk and the way they act, I can't help but think "Awww, you guys are so cute/young!" Even though those 5 or 6 years aren't that much chronologically, it makes a huge difference in how you relate to someone.
#49 Jul 29 2011 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
There was a time that I would have agreed with you; among other things that is something of a part of our culture. On the other hand, when one is already juggling massive differences in culture, language and education, age is something of a secondary concern.
#50 Jul 29 2011 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
Oh definitely. If I was dating someone from a different culture that'd be a whole other bag of beans, or whatever you want to call it. Education can be an issue too, but I really care more about intellect than education. If someone can keep up with me in a conversation and be able to talk to me about current events without giving me a blank stare, I'm happy.
#51 Jul 29 2011 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'm 26, but I feel like a 1,300-year-old immortal viking god. Also, I don't remember what I played when I was a kid. I've been way too drunk to preserve those memories. The only thing I remember is my Pentium 133 MHz with a Voodoo2 card from 3Dfx. It was such a baller processor, it could run Unreal Tournament, despite the 500 MHz minimum requirement.

Also, I believe the equation for calculating the socially acceptable minimum age of your significant other is half your age plus eight years, or so.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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