AstarintheDruid wrote:
Wonder Gem PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
I didn't get a Firefly reference. >.>
-50 nerd points.
50 points from Gryffindor!
I still know some people who deep down don't think that "girls" can be nerds. That they can play video games, like certain TV shows, etc, but that the true title of Nerd is, essentially, a male thing. I would say that this is idiotic in the 21st century but, then again, think of all the other stupid beliefs still running rampant now.
I just have the kind of mind that fills itself with useless information and absorbs movie quotes with one viewing. There can be movies I only saw once when I was 7 years old that I could quote and discuss with someone who watches it all the time. But I can't remember, say, what I had for breakfast yesterday!