So, last year my state made the decision to de-regulate electricity prices and of course, we knew the prices were going to go up.
Well, the end of May always brings hot weather (well, what WE term as 'Hot' here in SW PA) and much sweating and comps start running fans on Hi just to keep from overheating.
Normally, we'd put in 3 ACs, but we made the decision to only put 1 AC in the gaming room and pray that's enough, and for awhile it was working, but I got tired of losing sleep because I'm doing nothing but roasting, tossing and turning all night long, and I was missing my computer, which I could only use a little here and there until the room would start heating up to unbearable temperatures (not to mention I was afraid it would start overheating soon) and of course, at night, the bugs start getting through the screen and I would start getting eaten alive, which caused me to close the window/curtains, which only decreases airflow, and blaaaaaah.
Well, we finally caved in and said "***** it, we'll just pay the higher bills" and put my AC in earlier today and....ahhhh, sweet cool air, and I can use MY comp again.
Muchly happy, now I can play WoW again with my Naga, Nostromo and Banshee, have a nice large monitor a foot in front of my face, comfy office chair, etc.
And who knows, mebbe I get some decent sleep tonight for once.