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Race change questions.(opinions are welcome) & profession ?sFollow

#27 Jan 18 2011 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
If you go orc, go female orc for the sexiest females in WoW.
And I'd go for JC/LW/Enchanting/Alch or whichever other profession gives agility instead of engineering.
Engineering is cool but very expensive and not that useful for a hunter.
#28 Jan 18 2011 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
If you go orc, go female orc for the sexiest females in WoW.
And I'd go for JC/LW/Enchanting/Alch or whichever other profession gives agility instead of engineering.
Engineering is cool but very expensive and not that useful for a hunter.

I do have questions about some professions... again...

I understand having JC because of the 3 gems (is it still 3?) that you can make for yourself and they will have higher stats than a normal cut... is there something I am missing for agility other than the ability to have 3 extra high stats gems for agility?

I understand having Enchanting mainly for the Enchant-Ring and the ability to DE stuff and sell on AH... I am guessing there is a agility ring enchant?

I haven't played my Alchemy character in a while, so I can't think of how you would get agility from that profession unless you make your own flasks... but isn't there an item you make that will increase strength, agility, and something else as an alchemist?

Lastly... leatherworking? I can understand skinning for the Anatomy thing, but what does LWing bring to the table? I haven't had a maxed LWer since TBC, so I have no clue.

My main reason for wanting engineering was so I could go into a different engineer spec than my other engineer and make vanity pets, PLUS the awesome head gear.

Thanks for the replies.
#29 Jan 18 2011 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
JC = bonus agility from 3 gems.
Alch = bonus from flasks/elixirs.
LW = 130 agi bracer enchant.
Enchanting = agi ring enchants.
BS = 2 extra sockets for 2 agi gems.

And I'm not sure but I think inscription gives agility as well now.

Either way, if a profession gets you 80 agility (or more, of course) it's good, if not it sucks. Yeah, rather black & white but that's it really... 1 point of agility is almost three times as good as other stats in pretty much every case.

Edited, Jan 18th 2011 10:23pm by Aethien
#30 Jan 18 2011 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Start with Explosive > Black Arrow > Serpent > Steadyx2 > Explosive and then repeat ExS > Steadyx3.
Don't worry too much about focus capping, it's not as bad as it is for rogues or ferals.

As long as you shoot explosive and black arrow on cooldown and keep Serpent sting up any excess focus you dump into arcane is nice and a dps boost but not that much of an influence on your dps.

Quoted for emphasis, especially the part about focus capping.

If you don't use a focus dump, you'll see a noticeable but minor loss of dps. But you'll also guarantee that you're never focus-starved - which, among other things, means that you'll always have all your utility talents ready within a single GCD.

Personally, I don't worry too much about the things that separate good from great or great from elite until I've got the "good" down cold. Focus dumps are one of those things.
#31 Jan 18 2011 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
There is rarely a time in SV that you need to focus dump. I've only really come across 2 situations; rapid fire, and BL. Those provide excellent focus regen plus the 1.0 sec cobra's, you're popping them off like crazy.
#32 Jan 18 2011 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
It helped getting Cobra Shot. Does about double the damage of Steady Shot, it's crazy.

And I think getting a chest piece also helped a bit. Smiley: lol
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#33 Jan 18 2011 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
436 posts
Interesting hunter discussion . .wait, what was the question? Oh yeah.

Unless they have changed things a lot since my last swath of transfers it should work like so:
-You have 3 Org wolf mounts & exalted Org rep.
-You change to Goblin.
-You now have a Goblin with 3 Org wolf mounts & exalted Org rep.
(You would be be able to purchase Goblin trikes now because you are Goblin regardless of rep.)

Race changing in-faction doesn't change mounts and reps you already have.

Now, were you to transfer to Worgen instead you would end up with 3 of some other mount in place of your 3 wolves (Elekk or Ram maybe . .they have a chart somewhere which explains the cross-server transfer replacements) and exalted rep with . .I think Ironforge (again, there's a chart.)

On another note, my recently created horde hunter is undead. Reasons? I've never had and undead toon, I like the /dance, and having leveled my Dranaei to 83 I thought the cannibalize thing would come in handy for keeping me moving along. Plus, I wanted an undead because I do think they're cool but I never liked the way they looked in robes or plate. For some reason, I don't care so much with the hunter looking all disheveled. *shrug*

(If I ever made a horde hunter to actually do serious stuff with, it would be . .a female orc.)
#34 Jan 18 2011 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Pantherfern wrote:
Race changing in-faction doesn't change mounts and reps you already have.

Not entirely true with regards to mounts.

Going from a Tauren to a Troll Druid, I lost my kodo mounts and gained raptors.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#35 Jan 18 2011 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Assuming that your cobra shots are at 1.66 seconds cast time.

Explosive shot > 3x cobra > explosive > repeat.
When BA is off cooldown, BA + arcane + 2x cobra instead of 3x cobra.
When lock and load procs ExS > cobra > ExS > Arcane > ExS.
If, for some reason, you are still focus capped with this rotation, use 2 arcane shots instead of 1 cobra shot.

BM is even simpler, KC > 3x cobra > KC > repeat.
When you're high on focus, throw in 2 arcanes to replace 1 cobra or 3 arcanes to replace 2 cobras if you're really high on focus.

I have never played SV, so bare (? bare? bear? wtvr) with me please...

Explosive Shot (ExS)
Black Arrow (BA)
Cobra Shot (CS) (focus regain)
Arcane Shot (AS) (focus dump)
Serpent Sting (SS)
Lock and Load (L&L)
Kill Command (KC) (BM only)
Cooldown (CD)

The bolded numbers will be used in a rotation at the bottom instead of typing out the whole rotation over again)

I understand the (#1) ExS > 3x CS > ExS > repeat (I am guessing you mean to use 3x CS again and just keep doing the same rotation over and over... until BA is off of cooldown)

...then when BA is off of cooldown(CD) you do: (#2) BA > AS > 2x CS

... then when/if L&L procs you said: (#3) ExS > CS > ExS > AS > ExS(Do you need to have an enemy break a Frost/Ice Trap in order to get L&L to proc for two free ExS/***, or do you just watch for L&L to proc during an ExS?)

Do you normally start out a fight with SS or BA?

(#1) ExS > 3x CS > ExS > repeat
(#2) BA > AS > 2x CS
(#3) ExS > CS > ExS > AS > ExS

Here is a hypothetical long fight rotation and just by looking at what you typed how I would go about it... (please correct me if I do something out of place):
(#2) then (#1) and if L&L procs you go into (#3) then back to (#1) til BA is off CD then go back to the start starting with (#2) again.... right?

Edited, Jan 18th 2011 7:17pm by PentUpAnger
#36 Jan 18 2011 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Seems like getting Cobra Shot and not having to worry about Serpent Sting falling off again once applied helped a great deal. I ran a random LK Heroic and did 7-8k DPS on boss fights.

Also, rotation seems easier now than before, so thanks. I guess I was spamming Arcane Shot whenever I had excess focus, which would starve me for the Explosive Shots.

Either that, or gaining one level increased overall DPS so much it's ridiculous.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#37 Jan 19 2011 at 12:16 AM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
PentUpAnger wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Assuming that your cobra shots are at 1.66 seconds cast time.

Explosive shot > 3x cobra > explosive > repeat.
When BA is off cooldown, BA + arcane + 2x cobra instead of 3x cobra.
When lock and load procs ExS > cobra > ExS > Arcane > ExS.
If, for some reason, you are still focus capped with this rotation, use 2 arcane shots instead of 1 cobra shot.

BM is even simpler, KC > 3x cobra > KC > repeat.
When you're high on focus, throw in 2 arcanes to replace 1 cobra or 3 arcanes to replace 2 cobras if you're really high on focus.

I have never played SV, so bare (? bare? bear? wtvr) with me please...

Explosive Shot (ExS)
Black Arrow (BA)
Cobra Shot (CS) (focus regain)
Arcane Shot (AS) (focus dump)
Serpent Sting (SS)
Lock and Load (L&L)
Kill Command (KC) (BM only)
Cooldown (CD)

The bolded numbers will be used in a rotation at the bottom instead of typing out the whole rotation over again)

I understand the (#1) ExS > 3x CS > ExS > repeat (I am guessing you mean to use 3x CS again and just keep doing the same rotation over and over... until BA is off of cooldown)

...then when BA is off of cooldown(CD) you do: (#2) BA > AS > 2x CS

... then when/if L&L procs you said: (#3) ExS > CS > ExS > AS > ExS(Do you need to have an enemy break a Frost/Ice Trap in order to get L&L to proc for two free ExS/***, or do you just watch for L&L to proc during an ExS?)

Do you normally start out a fight with SS or BA?

(#1) ExS > 3x CS > ExS > repeat
(#2) BA > AS > 2x CS
(#3) ExS > CS > ExS > AS > ExS

Here is a hypothetical long fight rotation and just by looking at what you typed how I would go about it... (please correct me if I do something out of place):
(#2) then (#1) and if L&L procs you go into (#3) then back to (#1) til BA is off CD then go back to the start starting with (#2) again.... right?

Edited, Jan 18th 2011 7:17pm by PentUpAnger

Right now, it is a dps loss to try and force proc LnL. In 4.0.6 the way it stands is that Explosive Trap will essentially do more damage than BA, but with movement fights you will still want to use BA since you'll get it's full effect.

For starting the fight Aeth always says start with Explosive since you want to keep it on cd. I tend to start SS -> Explosive -> BA -> 2x Cobra, then Explosive is off cooldown and I can do the 3x Cobra until BA is off cooldown. While it may not be the top dps it's just what I've been doing forever now so I always tend to just apply SS and get it over with.

#38 Jan 19 2011 at 2:32 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
PentUpAnger wrote:
(#1) ExS > 3x CS > ExS > repeat
(#2) BA > AS > 2x CS
(#3) ExS > CS > ExS > AS > ExS

Here is a hypothetical long fight rotation and just by looking at what you typed how I would go about it... (please correct me if I do something out of place):
(#2) then (#1) and if L&L procs you go into (#3) then back to (#1) til BA is off CD then go back to the start starting with (#2) again.... right?

#1 is basically your entire rotation, explosive shots on cooldown with 3 cobra shots in between. When Black Arrow is off cooldown you replace the one of those 3 cobra shots by a black arrow and an arcane shot.
You replace one cobrashot by 2 instant shots because it's better to shoot one arcane shot and delay ExS by 0.34 seconds than to spend 0.66 seconds doing nothing.

Hyolith, Hero Among Heroes wrote:
For starting the fight Aeth always says start with Explosive since you want to keep it on cd. I tend to start SS -> Explosive -> BA -> 2x Cobra, then Explosive is off cooldown and I can do the 3x Cobra until BA is off cooldown. While it may not be the top dps it's just what I've been doing forever now so I always tend to just apply SS and get it over with.
I start with ExS > BA > SrS > CoS > CoS > ExS etc.
Starting with SrS is kind of a waste because it's not that important and you start off by delaying your first ExS and BA by 1 second.
#39 Jan 19 2011 at 3:49 AM Rating: Good
1,175 posts
Personally I found the transition between pre-401 Survival hunter and post-401 Survival hunter to be almost identical - at 80, Survival was focus starved, but Cobra Shot fixes that problem. Once you get used to the priorities, you might want to have Arcane Shot on a button somewhere to use when you're focus rich on a single target.

As for the OP's topic, I've been debating race changes on my two main toons for similar reasons - the racial benefits are negligible since I don't raid or PvP at the top end. My mains are a NE druid and Draenei huntress. Three others I've considered are a human warrior, BE pally and a NE rogue. The rogue I re-rolled because that class I historically struggled to level with (I found rogues to be far squishier than a mage several years ago) and decided that if I'm going to learn the class, I might as well start at level 1 with it. I'm nearly level 30 with the rogue; the original was 64 (boosted to 60 with RAF) and used only occasionally as a bank alt. So far I am satisfied with leveling the character, both with the improvements to leveling the class and with my rogue as a worgen. Through this character, I have checked a few things off my list in regards to changing my warrior and hunter. As for the pally, the decision was made when the new race was announced. The limiting factor for me is that I don't plan on playing the character much, making it a low priority for me. Re-rolling the character is a likelihood provided that I keep the existing one; she's 80 with 460 enchanting and 450 inscription with most of the glyphs and would give me the excuse of getting Loremaster of Azeroth on a horde character.
I've decided that if I'm going to spend the money to race change (since deleting any character 75 or higher with two 450 or higher crafting professions with many rare and valuable patterns isn't an option in my book), I need to like the little things about the race. One thing I don't like about the worgen are the casting animations. I feel most of them are too... unnecessary. The lady worgen animation for the hearthstone cast isn't bad though. This rules out me having a worgen mage, priest, warlock and potentially druid. I did decide, however, that if I am going to have a worgen druid, I would look past my dislike of the casting animations if I liked everything else about them.
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