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Why do people hate "kids" playing WoW?Follow

#127REDACTED, Posted: Jan 13 2008 at 10:32 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have said this before, but just because someone is acting badly in a MMO doesn’t mean that they are kids. A lot of bad behavior attributed to younger people might actually be caused by much older players.
#128 Jan 14 2008 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
First off I am going to say that I am indeed new to this site. Secondly, I have read this whole thread thoroughly. Some of it I agree with and other aspects of it I do not.

I am a 19-year-old female who loves to play video games as well as reads a lot so you could say I have fairly better than average knowledge of grammar and spelling. Yes there are people who use the abbreviations for a lot of words or some other form of text and it is VERY annoying. I on the other hand try my best not to use it so much because I know it's hard to read but I will shorten a sentence with reasonable abbreviations such as: b/c (because), w/e (whatever), lol (laugh out loud), etc. I use mainly those and a few others especially when in a group and we're in the middle of fighting something.

Also, most of the time I act mature. I do admit I have a few immature moments, however, those are mostly when the situation is appropriate for such when the group/guild is joking around or something. Other than that, I'd say about 98% of the time while playing WoW I am mature.

The people I consider "kids" are those who constantly act like jerks, idiots, immature retards, etc no matter what age they are. If someone is 34 and they're acting like they're the best and being a jerk about it, then that "someone" is a "kid" to me. Also, no one is a "kid" if they were complimented on something from another group player.

Here is such a recent experience over this past weekend:

Auberdine in Darkshore was getting hit by about 3 to 5 horde players on the Bladefist server. I contacted my GL (Guild Leader) and he came to help. There were several other high lvl'd Alliance avatars there as well, including some 70s. The small Alliance group ended up in Astranaar and eventually ported out via a mage's portal. The small group of Alliance there was invited to a raid group and for the next 1.5 to 2.5 hrs that group raided different Horde territories since we got up to about 35 people in the group. I used my VC to talk with the leader of the raid group as well as others and I gave several suggestions. All was done and over with a little after 10 PM server time and the raid leader went offline. No one ever asked me what my age was either.

Said raid leader from night before wisps me and we talk for a bit. He compliments me on my fighting ability and how well I helped with the raid as well as coming up with some suggestions that no one else had come up with (and I'm being truthful about this). He asks me to join his guild and asks me to ask my GL to see if he wants to join as well. I told him I'd think about it.


So in the end I was mature, thoughtful of all the other raiders, contributed what I could and it got me a very good rep with a very well experienced player. Especially considering I've only been playing for about 5 months now and my only avatar at the moment is my main, being a Lvl 63 Night Elf Hunter.
#129 Jan 21 2008 at 12:28 PM Rating: Default
In every guild I've been in, I've told my guildies that I am young. (I started this game at 11. I'm almost 13 now.) When I tell them I am 11 or 12 (depending on the time) they can hardly believe it. I occasionally get the poke of "he's the youngest kid in the guild". Sure I use 1337 speak sometimes but I don't overdo it like some of my other friends. "LOLZ U SUKORZ U GT GANKD BY THT SHMMY!!!" I don't do that......I only raided ZG cuz I dinged 60 only 2 months before the expansion. Sure nowadays I'm in Kara/ZA/Gruul. Sure if there's a gear drop and I lose I let out a crap or something but after that I congratulate the person who got the item. Not all kids are immature...give them a chance please? I don't want to get booted from SSC cuz I'm young. Just my 2 cents.
#130 Jan 21 2008 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
I feel that kids do have a tarnished reputation. I am young, play a hunter and do fine. Players hate kids for qualities certain, but not all kids who play have, namely bad typing, rudeness, immaturity, etc.
I don't use 1337speak, except for a few “r”'s, “u”'s and “thanx”'s.
#131 Jan 23 2008 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
I have no problem with kids playing. I enjoy playing with everyone. However, I had one experience, which I laugh about now, but was VERY annoying at the time. I was 65 and running through Westfall. A level 24 asked me nicely if I could run them through the instance there. I wasn't doing anything important and love to help people so said yes.

We zone in and I cleared the first set of mobs. The 24 went afk for 20 minutes!! Ok, we moved in a little more and I cleared more mobs. They were afk again for another 20 minutes! When they got back, I said nicely, please let me know if you go afk again. They said ok 15 minutes later because they were afk again!

Then they said my mom does not want me playing cuz I have school tomorrow. I asked them what grade they were in and they said fifth grade lol. Ok, thats fine.. I went further in, cleared more mobs.. AFK again, this time for almost thirty minutes!! Being the patient, nice person that I am, I actually waited for them to get back. They got back and I told him I have to go. Why? Because I have to get to bed. Why? Why? Why? OMFG

To this day that person still sends me tells asking for help and I just ignore or say I'm busy. I do not mind at all playing with anyone of any age, but yes, it's the maturity factor.
#132 Jan 27 2008 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I don't see anything wrong with it. I'm 18, but I actually started college and the game at 17. I've never gotten the "Are you over 18?" thing, but I definately feel that being in college would well qualify me to be in a group/guild.

Also, my 10 year old brother plays, and he knows much more about the game than I do. I don't get to play as much as I would like because of class and work, but he has nothing to do besides school, so he plays constantly. I'll admit, he can be a little annoying to people he knows on the game because he won't ever shut up, but he definately knows what he's doing and can contribute alot to any group or guild. Personally, he make things alot easier on me because I have my own personal information bank sitting right beside me on the couch whenever I play. By the way, I still live at home instead of living in a dormroom, just to clarify. Anyway, I hope I was able to support my case well. Happy playing everyone!
#133 Feb 02 2008 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
I don't mind anyone over the age of 15. i find that the people younger than 15 very immature. The younger ppl i have met are very rude and still refer to new players as "noobs" which i find insulting.
#134 Feb 02 2008 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
poladorasdeathcry wrote:
I don't mind anyone over the age of 15. i find that the people younger than 15 very immature. The younger ppl i have met are very rude and still refer to new players as "noobs" which i find insulting.

Most of the people I meet that are under 15 aren't that bad. It seems to be that fact that they don't know what "noob" means as opposed to "newbie" that you find insulting. Most of the rude jackass types I meet are actually around College age, not in the way of immature l33t but in the way of being totally jerks to me in BGs because they are lvl 70 and have epic gear.
#135 Feb 03 2008 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
Celcio wrote:

I've had to, for the first time, put a guildie on ignore.

I solve such problems with /gkick.

#136 Feb 04 2008 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
my kids and i both play the game...ages range from 8-15 yrs ... with the younger ones i sit with them and play, if someone does pst them i simply reply for them and let them know that this is a young player.... it seems only fair. i personaly like to know the age of whom i playing with so i can watch my for the older kids..i agree i have one who plays really badly hes the type you can tell his age off the bat...hes agreat kid.... and ppl in the game seem to be rude to him... hes a noob and hes learnin to be a tank....he just wants to do good for others and loves the game....i feel bad for other ppl that play with him..because he is not a great player yet....but i try to help him. the other teen yes his talk is bad...i get on him about it all the time regarding proper talk in the game. So as far as the kids go in the game,
be kind to them...its your choice to hang with them or not. My kids enjoy the game and the younger ones do feel sad when ppl are mean to them. so please be kind!
#137 Feb 11 2008 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
Here are 2 reasons:
1) It is an adult rated game with a lot of suggestive content and the game as a whole encourages adult interaction. Just because it is a game does not mean it is for kids just like South Park isn’t a kids show just because it is a cartoon.
2) Video games came into popularity in and around Generation X and as this demographic aged so did their habits. According to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), the average age of a gamer is 33. 44 percent are between 18-49, 25 percent are over 50. 74 percent of the MMORPG gamers are adults. 26 percent of gamers are kids. Lazy parents should be spanked for sending their precious snowflake into the lions den.
#138 Feb 11 2008 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
We don't let kids in our guild and if found out they are released into the dark portal.

DOB, first name, city and state of residence and agreement to use voice chat for all instances and guild meetings help prevent most kids from getting into our adult casual guild.
#139 Feb 17 2008 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
Hello I am only 11, and I have so many people in my server (Exodar) walk away after I tell them my age. I don't understand why people get testy just because I am young. I am not one of those people that go "HEYY YALL!!!!!!!!!!!", and I am one of those people that goes, "Hello everyone!". I am competent enough to keep a good guild running, and I'v been in some guilds run by parents that were very sloppy. Members could take 1000 gold out of the bank, as well I taking 1000 packages out of the bank. I do think that people should try someone after asking the age. And who ever said this, said it perfectly, "Don't judge a book by it's cover."
#140 Feb 18 2008 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
To be honest? It's like what Hetah said. This is a game where you can easily get missions that require you to steal, commit murder, commit political assassinations, go to the middle of a battlefield, torture a sentient being, help research a new plague, and even help make alcohol. And that's just the stuff I can think of in a single minute.

This is a game where some of the worst actions in human history or human conception are being played out for personal entertainment and for the express purpose of telling a story. This is not a game for children. Hell, this is a game where I doubt half of the adults who play it are mature enough to deal with the subject matter appropriately.

In this game, the average character will likely end up doing things that could get them convicted of war crimes in real life. And yet, we're letting children play it.
#141 Feb 19 2008 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
When I joined my current guild it was very much a family guild. We had parents and their kids, as young as 10, plus people in their teens, 20's, and so on. If a member, young or otherwise, was behaving inappropriately we'd tell them. That almost always ended the problem. Guild chat was fun, with lots of good-natured banter. Sometimes you could tell a member was pretty young, often times you couldn't.

Several months ago our GM quit playing WoW. A lot of us hit 70, and the guild started growing. Lot's of 70's, mostly twenty-somethings or late teens. The younger members found themselves being ignored and having a hard time getting groups. Whether that was because they were young or because they were mostly lower-lvl I don't know. Now I don't think there's anyone younger than 17, and guild chat sounds like boy's high school locker room. Lots of trash talk, swearing, and crude language. I am far from being a prude, but all the "your mom" crap gets really old.

To the OP, I apologize on behalf of all us "adults". Keep trying and hopefully you'll find a guild or group of friends who accept people for who they are, not how old they are.
#142 Feb 19 2008 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
Kelsiana wrote:
To be honest? It's like what Hetah said. This is a game where you can easily get missions that require you to steal, commit murder, commit political assassinations, go to the middle of a battlefield, torture a sentient being, help research a new plague, and even help make alcohol. And that's just the stuff I can think of in a single minute.

This is a game where some of the worst actions in human history or human conception are being played out for personal entertainment and for the express purpose of telling a story. This is not a game for children. Hell, this is a game where I doubt half of the adults who play it are mature enough to deal with the subject matter appropriately.

In this game, the average character will likely end up doing things that could get them convicted of war crimes in real life. And yet, we're letting children play it.

Woah, woah, woah, this game does NOT take place in current times. It takes place in the Dark Ages. Back then, there were no such things as war crimes, because the whole world was a war-torn society between religious affairs. This game merely captures that in a fantasy sence, it even has a few religious overtones, like the Alliance with their Holy Light and Druidism, and the Horde with their Shamanism and Warriors.

There is a reason this game is rate T for Teen. Its about going to war and fighting with other enemy forces. Of course it is not something appropriate to do in real life, especially by today's standard. The reason its rated T for teen is because the people who play this should be old enough to tell the difference between it and real life.
#143 Feb 19 2008 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Erotan wrote:
Woah, woah, woah, this game does NOT take place in current times. It takes place in the Dark Ages. Back then, there were no such things as war crimes, because the whole world was a war-torn society between religious affairs. This game merely captures that in a fantasy sence, it even has a few religious overtones, like the Alliance with their Holy Light and Druidism, and the Horde with their Shamanism and Warriors.

There is a reason this game is rate T for Teen. Its about going to war and fighting with other enemy forces. Of course it is not something appropriate to do in real life, especially by today's standard. The reason its rated T for teen is because the people who play this should be old enough to tell the difference between it and real life.

That's nice, but it's a complete waste of a reply that does not actually contradict anything I said.

The only reason this game is rated Teen is because of the fantasy feel of it. Considering you have characters hunting people down and chopping off their heads, characters who are ripping the guts out of someone they just killed and eating them (if that makes you sick, then be glad the undead animation doesn't actually look like it), cases where player characters are allowed to partake of drugs for temporary boosts (a certain item available to young BEs comes to mind...), and quite a bit of violence and general bloodshed. To be honest, if any of this were presented in even a semi-realistic viewpoint and not made completely unrealistic in presentation, the game would be rated either Mature or Adults Only and possibly banned in the United States.

WoW toes the line on its rating quite a bit, and I've seen games covering the same subject matter it does in some areas easily get pushed over the line just because the ratings people bother to ask more questions than normal. Considering the average player can touch on this subject matter and not really be exposed to it, it's okay as is. But, once you examine the subject matter, WoW stops being a game for kids by any stretch of the imagination. Why? Because of the amount of gore, bloodshed, and other activities within the game that are primarily considered adult topics.

I do honestly applaud Blizzard for making the effort to allow teenagers to play the game and how they've managed to represent the questionable items. It's a rare stroke of mastery to be able to properly pull it off and manage to have a very popular game that doesn't end up in legal trouble as a result. Very rare. And part of why I play.

Edit: Thinking about it, I've decided I will not continue this discussion further in a setting where children can easily get ahold of the information. The reason is because covering some of the things that WoW has, items which are very easy to get ahold of, that put it as definitely beyond the realm of what should be available to children requires discussing topics that are not appropriate for children to hear about. And I know children come on here.

Edited, Feb 19th 2008 2:40pm by Kelsiana
#144 Feb 19 2008 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
You probably think Bugs Bunny was an awful thing for kids to watch, too. don't you.
#145 Feb 19 2008 at 9:46 PM Rating: Default
71 posts
Celcio, nice straw man.

Now, being as you've contributed enough to be a guru and should actually be able to back up your position, I want you to find one example in Bugs Bunny of the risen dead killing people and eating their corpses, one example of people doing drugs and suffering withdrawel from them, one example of someone killing another person and slicing their head off for money, at least three blatant jokes relating to breasts or sex, and at least one example of radiation-caused mutation in a way that could potentially make for the next Sci Fi Channel special movie.

WoW has all of the above, and that's without getting out of the level 1-10 areas.

Edit: And, this is me going ahead and contradicting the edit in my previous post. But, in this case, I'll go ahead and contradict that promise this one time just to see if the straw man can withstand the pressure or if it follows the pattern and goes up in flame.

Oh, and a markup for Erotan from my side. Despite the content, I have to definitely give props for a well-written post. This is the only time I am noting doing this just to confirm that, yes, I do sometimes mark up people, even when they disagree with me.

Edited, Feb 20th 2008 1:11am by Kelsiana
#146 Feb 20 2008 at 8:31 AM Rating: Excellent
3,339 posts
Sure! True there's no killing people for money, just a lot of trying to kill people often for no good reason. And yes, no mutations, sorry you're right.

Cannibalism - Bugs would imagine Daffy Duck as... a cooked duck. Sylvester and Tweety is essentially PvP Smiley: grin And don't forget the, and I understand how this would be too subtle for you, Bugs in the cannibal's cookpot.

Drugs - You mean in addition to the fact that the carrot is essentially a cigar? Actually I thought there was some Jazz musician thing with bugs and marijuana, part of the whole racist steroetype thing all over the Bugs Bunny cartoons. Course, Popeye was a total addict.

Blatant jokes referring to breasts and sex? You never saw the ones with the scantily clad bunny women or the bunny robot and all the jokes involved? Yeesh, pretty racy. Not to mention the innuendo and leering. Pretty blatant. Even the cross dressing scenes where Bugs IS the woman are pretty risque.

Oooh what about gambling? Bugs wins the clothes of a hunter chasing him via a dice game leaving the hunter naked with leaves covering his groin.

Hmmm, not really so much of a strawman after all. There's violence, sexual innuendo, drugs, cannibalism, racism. And I tried to limit myself to Bugs. The whole Merry Melodies series had quite a lot of what you're talking about.

Daffy duck swallowing radioactive material and gunpowder for a big stage finish (which kills him)

Then you get into things like Rocky and Bullwinkle, which is a totally different show when you're an adult than it was when you were a kid.

So actually, can you come up with a Bugs Bunny cartoon that *doesn't* involve the characters trying to hunt each other down and kill each other, that doesn't involve at least one scene with a girl bunny with the eggagerated hip sway (or Bugs cross-dressing), one that doesn't have some sort of racial sterotype, etc?

I showed my hand, lets see if you can follow suit since you were so sure that, what was it you said? Ah yes "it follows the pattern and goes up in flame. "

Ready, set, go.
#147 Feb 20 2008 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Well, looks like I owe someone a nickel. First time I've lost this bet.

Celcio wrote:
Sure! True there's no killing people for money, just a lot of trying to kill people often for no good reason. And yes, no mutations, sorry you're right.

There's also quite a few deaths. I still remember episodes where a character's death was actually part of the gag itself, though presented in a much more dumbed-down way than even WoW has.

Cannibalism - Bugs would imagine Daffy Duck as... a cooked duck. Sylvester and Tweety is essentially PvP Smiley: grin And don't forget the, and I understand how this would be too subtle for you, Bugs in the cannibal's cookpot.

Actually, I remember that one and the intended imagery quite well. That's why I asked for "the risen dead killing people and eating their corpses" and not cannibalism :P

Drugs - You mean in addition to the fact that the carrot is essentially a cigar? Actually I thought there was some Jazz musician thing with bugs and marijuana, part of the whole racist steroetype thing all over the Bugs Bunny cartoons. Course, Popeye was a total addict.

I must have missed the Jazz musician episode or episodes. The carrot itself is not quite the drug that bloodthistle leaves are (BE starting area item), and the cartoon itself has had plenty of cigars throughout its history. Though, lately, I understand those were removed, but the latest version of it tends to be a mockery of what it used to be anyway.

Blatant jokes referring to breasts and sex? You never saw the ones with the scantily clad bunny women or the bunny robot and all the jokes involved? Yeesh, pretty racy. Not to mention the innuendo and leering. Pretty blatant. Even the cross dressing scenes where Bugs IS the woman are pretty risque.

I put out the challenge to see if you could actually come up with those. Remember them? Yes, definitely. The cross-dressing scenes were, sometimes, some of the funniest ones in the entire series.

Oooh what about gambling? Bugs wins the clothes of a hunter chasing him via a dice game leaving the hunter naked with leaves covering his groin.

I typically don't bother with gambling as an issue. Even the Pokemon series of games has casinos. If they were going to have issues with gambling, then a lot of games already released would have to be reexamined and they'd probably spend months trying to reclassify them.

Hmmm, not really so much of a strawman after all. There's violence, sexual innuendo, drugs, cannibalism, racism. And I tried to limit myself to Bugs. The whole Merry Melodies series had quite a lot of what you're talking about.

Daffy duck swallowing radioactive material and gunpowder for a big stage finish (which kills him)

Then you get into things like Rocky and Bullwinkle, which is a totally different show when you're an adult than it was when you were a kid.

I'll have to look back into Rocky and Bullwinkle. But, yeah, I'll admit you proved your case.

So actually, can you come up with a Bugs Bunny cartoon that *doesn't* involve the characters trying to hunt each other down and kill each other, that doesn't involve at least one scene with a girl bunny with the eggagerated hip sway (or Bugs cross-dressing), one that doesn't have some sort of racial sterotype, etc?

I showed my hand, lets see if you can follow suit since you were so sure that, what was it you said? Ah yes "it follows the pattern and goes up in flame. "

Point, set, match.

There is only one episode I can come up with, and technically it's not even Bugs Bunny, so I will say it doesn't count. So, yeah, I put myself into a corner and must admit I was wrong.
#148 Feb 20 2008 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Cel 1. Kel 0.

Heheh. Cel vs. Kel.

But really. WoW is so ridiculously cartoonish that it's actually sometimes hard for it to be mature about something. It has scary parts, like the upside-down sinners in the Karazhan basement, but it's honestly about as emotionally scarring as your average Batman comic. And no, not the one written by Frank Miller. He's insane.
#149 Feb 20 2008 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
I am 22. I also do not really care if you are 10 or 90+, So long as you don't use vulgar language to the point of slaughtering the queens language. Seriously, I use some abreviated words in every day life. Like Chillin and hella... it's how I grew up and can sometime's be hard not to use.

Difference is I know when to use it and not to. My guild has several kids in it. Generally children of our guild members but the problem with them is the lack of attention span.

Have a holy priest that will get bored in an instance and waste his mana fighting... he's 13. His dad is forcing him to do PVP as healer to get the idea through his head about the Group Atmosphere. He said once he can prove he can work as a team and listen to orders from those who are more knowledgeable than he, then he will be allowed to instance with the guild again.

#150 Feb 20 2008 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
Have a holy priest that will get bored in an instance and waste his mana fighting... he's 13. His dad is forcing him to do PVP as healer to get the idea through his head about the Group Atmosphere. He said once he can prove he can work as a team and listen to orders from those who are more knowledgeable than he, then he will be allowed to instance with the guild again.

I’m sorry but I can’t resist a comment here. I think it is great that parents want to do things with their kids. If you want your young developing child to learn about life’s simple lessons like teamwork and interacting with people then get them involved with softball or basketball and play catch with them. I’m sorry but we’re not a play thing or a baby sitter for your kid and we’re not a subject for social experiments on your child in a virtual world.
#151 Feb 20 2008 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
hetah wrote:
Have a holy priest that will get bored in an instance and waste his mana fighting... he's 13. His dad is forcing him to do PVP as healer to get the idea through his head about the Group Atmosphere. He said once he can prove he can work as a team and listen to orders from those who are more knowledgeable than he, then he will be allowed to instance with the guild again.

I’m sorry but I can’t resist a comment here. I think it is great that parents want to do things with their kids. If you want your young developing child to learn about life’s simple lessons like teamwork and interacting with people then get them involved with softball or basketball and play catch with them. I’m sorry but we’re not a play thing or a baby sitter for your kid and we’re not a subject for social experiments on your child in a virtual world.

At age 13, he should be plenty developed socially enough to at least play the game and deal with other people. The guild thing might take a while.
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