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Why do people hate "kids" playing WoW?Follow

#77 Nov 27 2007 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
302 posts

#78 Nov 28 2007 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
Well I have never really been asked my age,but a few times it comes up and it doesn't really affect whether i get into the gruop or guild it's really just something you wanna know.why? i have no idea it just makes you comfortable rather than worrying that your grouping/guild with a lonely 40 year old.

But to those people who do dislike the kids playing it is a kids game.Tho i do think 9 year olds who play are crossing the line...anyways When it comes to a game age shouldn't really have anything to do with it.
#79 Nov 29 2007 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
336 posts
Regarding very young players playing..

My daughter is 5 years old and loves running around killing things.
She knows what death is, and she know that this is a cartoon, so no harm done.
I disable the channels, and she knows to click "decline" etc when invited to a group. It's still fairly dangerous though. She's reading quite well at the moment, and can pick out a fair few words from a sentence. When somebody typed "%*$& you then &$^*" when she declined a group, she was a little confused.

We have a 14 year old senior member in our guild who has several L70 alts. He makes the best group companion ever. As has been mentioned many times, it's not the physical age that's important, it's the maturity.


Well, this person says, "your WIFE???? You're old enough to be married???? You guys must be internet stalkers!!!! I can't talk to you anymore!!!" Before he could respond that we were just game addicts, he was /ignored.

That's a very interesting comment. I wouldn't say that he was doing as his parents had taught him, but just being immature.

Edited, Nov 29th 2007 7:58am by Reknotz
#80 Nov 29 2007 at 11:10 PM Rating: Good
As said, I don't care at all about 'kids' playing WoW. This not just because I'm 14 myself, but because it's entirely dependant on attitude over age. It's rude to frown upon those younger than you. It makes no sense at all, everyone was at that age once. You're only fooling yourself.

If you're having trouble with people who mis-treat you due to age, thn stp typin lyk dis n start typing like this. People often base maturity upon spelling and grammar. Attitude plays a big part in perception of others. That's all I have to say.
#81 Nov 30 2007 at 1:43 AM Rating: Good
240 posts
well, using the word maturity is a bit strong. You can be young and somewhat mature. The key word in the topic should be "Wisdom". Unfortunately, young folks haven't been afforded the opportunity to learn the wisdom in seeing passed thier own nose. "Fact"! All the adults I play with do not require a return for helping each other out, where as the younger folks wanna know whats in it for them. You see, they've already been there,done that, and won the T-shirt that dropped, so how does it benefit them. As was stated above, until a person has to be responsible for more than themselves, and does it willingly and unselfishly, they can't see the true value in sacrifice, and how the big picture is not about "YOU". Thats the mind set I try to avoid, and thats why I perfer not to play with KIDS.
#82 Dec 14 2007 at 10:17 PM Rating: Good
These two comments sum up the situation, in my opinion:

We have a 14 year old senior member in our guild who has several L70 alts. He makes the best group companion ever. As has been mentioned many times, it's not the physical age that's important, it's the maturity.

Yes! That's 100% right! Nobody gives a rat's *** about your physical age, they only care about your maturity!

If you're having trouble with people who mis-treat you due to age, thn stp typin lyk dis n start typing like this. People often base maturity upon spelling and grammar. Attitude plays a big part in perception of others. That's all I have to say.

And that's the exact type of maturity that most people care about, and judge your age at. If you type like you don't have a firm grasp of the English language, then you're going to get killed in life, not just WoW. Ever try going to an audition or interview over email and go "lk i rly n3d tiz prt1one plzzzzzzzz" and your friend says: "Dear Example Name, I would like to audition for the part of _____. I would much apreciate it if you could fit me into your calender sometime this month. Thank you very much, _____.", guess who's probably going to get the part? If you guessed person #1, then you should really start worrying about job interviews, or auditions. If you guessed #2, then you would be right. If one could not have a firm grasp of the English language, then why would they have a firm grasp at _____? This is partially due to the fact that the English language, to people who know it fluently, seems really easy. And there's really nothing you can do about it, other then to learn it to their standards.

I bet nobody read all of that.
#83 Dec 17 2007 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
499 posts
My question to folks is never how old they are - it's how old their BRAIN is.

I've met my share of 10-year-old minds stuck in 40-year-old bodies and vice versa. /agree with everyone else - it's your maturity that matters. It's also important to note that intelligent people use grammar and sentence structure correctly, and if you spell and write like a dumbass people will think you are one regardless of your IQ or life experience.

#84 Dec 18 2007 at 6:04 AM Rating: Good
62 posts
The problem isnt a simple one, but two glaring reasons come to mind:

Scenario One: You're the 31 year old leader of a raiding guild. You play 4 or 5 nights a week, sometimes more, sometimes less, typically about 5 or 6 hours a day. This is your escape from life...your hobby, etc. You find darts and bowling to be boring as hell, and you really dont enjoy hanging out at bars. You've taken time to build your characters, and build your reputation. You do the same with your guild, selecting only the best of players, turning down many. While you do have general rules in chat regarding language and content, people are people and will talk/act/joke in a manner not always suitable for younger viewers. One member of your guild is an excellent player...great with people, knows their class and the game, is fun to group with...and is 13. One night you're all on a raid, and people are, as they tend to when they socialize, joking or talking comfortably, and the content or language goes past PG13. Suddenly you get a tell from this 13 year old's character, stating that the person speaking is the players mother, and is enraged at what you've exposed her little darling to.

No GL needs or wants that type of crap, so many have a rule regarding age.

Scenario Two: Similar to the above, but with a twist: the player gets into it with someone else, either in the guild or out, and behaves in a manner less than exemplary, and it reflects badly on the guild and on the leader. Granted, MANY adults can and do behave this way, but the straight forward truth, whether you want to admit it or not, is that such behavior is an order of magnitude more likely from a child than from an adult.

It's not always fair, but thats just how it is.
#85 Dec 18 2007 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
In response to parents and the language content... there IS a language filter in game if it's activated.

As for 'hating' kids that play WoW, I personally don't see a big deal if they act (along with adults as well) appropriately. We have a wide range of ages in our guild (going anywhere from age 11-40s). It all depends on how a person carries themself. If a person acts like a fool, saying inappropriate things, they get kicked. As simple as that. There's only been one time I've put a guildmate on ignore, and it was because they were saying things that weren't appropriate at all... even for someone that's no longer in their teens.

I do have to say though, one thing that irritates me is someone that always says "pwn."

"I'm going to pwn you"
"You've been pwned"

Seriously... that's the most irritating word ever, and whoever made it should be 'pwned'.

/rant ... I have no problem with people saying it... but saying it too much just gets annoying. At least mix it up a bit, like "I just laid the smackdown" or something =P
#86 Dec 18 2007 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
One night you're all on a raid, and people are, as they tend to when they socialize, joking or talking comfortably, and the content or language goes past PG13. Suddenly you get a tell from this 13 year old's character, stating that the person speaking is the players mother, and is enraged at what you've exposed her little darling to.

Tell her to put the language filter on?

Hey, it's there for a reason. You're not responsible for their child. You haven't waved a sign covered in expletives in front of its bedroom window. You haven't appeared at their house without your pants on.

Woman /w me to tell me to stop corrupting her child, I say, well damn, I didn't know Darkstabkill was 13. And if you've got a problem with the f-bomb, put your damn language filter on and all he has to ask you guys is "what does ^$%& mean?"

Seriously, the Internet isn't a babysitter. Don't blame it for ruining your kid. You not paying attention to the contents of your URL history is what ruined your kid.
#87 Dec 18 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
You're absolutely right, zepoodle. Seriously, isn't this game rated T or something like that anyway. Besides, nowadays, what 13 year old (if not younger) hasn't been exposed to language, violence, etc.? Kids these days are a lot smarter than their parents think.
#88 Dec 18 2007 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
499 posts
Tell her to put the language filter on?

Heh - most of the R-rated guild chat I've been involved in wouldn't have been caught by the language filters. I won't go into details, but there's a lot of adult humor and suggestive stuff that doesn't require expletives.

That being said, I agree that parents need to be involved in their kids' activities online. The game is rated "Teen" for blood, violence, alchohol, and suggestive themes - stuff that parents should really be monitoring for kids. It seems too often that parents are oblivious to what's happening online until something bad happens, and suddenly it's everyone fault but their own.

#89 Dec 19 2007 at 3:34 AM Rating: Good
53 posts
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
You're absolutely right, zepoodle. Seriously, isn't this game rated T or something like that anyway. Besides, nowadays, what 13 year old (if not younger) hasn't been exposed to language, violence, etc.? Kids these days are a lot smarter than their parents think.

I'm going to come off sounding like an old fogey, but WTH....

I hate it when people sya "use the language filter". That's an excuse to use bad language and usually act poorly. You might slip up and spurt out the F bomb in person, but unless you are on Teamspeak, you have to type it in game.

Kids today are smarter than their parents think only because most of the tiem the parents are morons. I was no angel when i was a teenager, but I wasn't a complete uncouth brat either. I won't lump all the kids playing WoW into this group, but if you can't speak (or type) without using F-bombs and other expletives, if you can't go into the game without acting like a idiot or if it just makes you get your rocks off to annoy other people, face it, you're a nuisance. And thats the nicest thing I can say about it. Its unfortunate that many kids get labeled that way since I'm certain many adults act badly too, with the anonymity of the internet.
#90 Dec 19 2007 at 3:59 AM Rating: Good
102 posts
For my part, it's more of a logistics thing than anything else. The guild I am in refuses any player under 18, and I'm very supportive of this rule, as I have been in too many groups/raids where one person goes "omg no my ***** mom juz came home n im not supposed to b on wow gotta go cyaz" or "I need to go do my homework now" or "it's dinner, mom is calling brb 20 mins" OR "it's bedtime guys sorry I know this is a progress raid and we're in front of the boss but mom says I need to log". I find people who can't commit to be there very frustrating, and since kids don't have the full control over how they spend their time like adults do, they're obviously not the best people to be inviting into a guild that is focused on progress.
#91 Dec 20 2007 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
well, back when i was 14 i started playing everquest..(this was 9 years ago mind you.) good times, i made plenty of adult contacts, because mainly the folks i rolled with were all respectful and weren't all into "adult" themed conversations and whatnot. They never asked my age, until about 2-3 years later. they were pleasantly shocked and surprised, but in the end, didn't really care or notice or treat me differently.

then again, i really only got along with adults when i was that age anyways... the kiddies were mostly immature and whatnot and i couldn't stand it. Still can't stand most kids to this day, really. lol

that said, people need to give everyone a shot at something. if they don't like something (legitamate of course) about the experience, then by all means get rid of 'em.
#92 Dec 20 2007 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
Kids today are smarter than their parents think only because most of the tiem the parents are morons. I was no angel when i was a teenager, but I wasn't a complete uncouth brat either. I won't lump all the kids playing WoW into this group, but if you can't speak (or type) without using F-bombs and other expletives, if you can't go into the game without acting like a idiot or if it just makes you get your rocks off to annoy other people, face it, you're a nuisance. And thats the nicest thing I can say about it. Its unfortunate that many kids get labeled that way since I'm certain many adults act badly too, with the anonymity of the internet.

*nods* Either the parents are morons, or they don't even care, which is sad. But as you said, if you can't refrain yourself from typing cuss words every couple of minutes, it just gets annoying.
#93 Dec 23 2007 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
Im okay with kids playing WoW. Only times I hate it is if their on voice chat acting like their 3 years old. If I have no idea your a kid, because your mature then Im fine with you.
#94 Dec 23 2007 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
Im fine with kids playing WoW.
Just as long as they dont use vent, or if they cant bother to type properly.
There are certain times when i cant even seem to understand them, for instance ill call the example "lowbie".

Me: Sorry, what?
Me: It's called a Dreadstead.
Lowbie: CAN I HAV????
Me:.... Uh yeah ok...
Lowbie: COM BCK!!!

#95 Dec 24 2007 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
You're absolutely right, zepoodle. Seriously, isn't this game rated T or something like that anyway. Besides, nowadays, what 13 year old (if not younger) hasn't been exposed to language, violence, etc.? Kids these days are a lot smarter than their parents think.

How does this have anything to do with today's teen culture? My Dad and his friends have known the F-word since they were 10 years old, and used them throughout their teenaged years. This was in like the early-mid 1970's. He mentioned that it was a way to sound cool, if they weren't caught by their parents. Back then, and nowadays, kids normally get their cuss words from their parents who inatentively cussed in anger in front of them at a very young age. The kids I talk to now don't normally cuss in the places I hangout, and usually know when to hold it in if they're around someone who doesn't appriciate. My dad mentioned it was the same with his teenaged friends.

As for the violence, look throughout the history of humanity, and you will see that it is part of our instincts. Not a likeable part, but still a part of it. Our culture is much more peaceful than it used to be, despite what you may be hearing about in the press. And I don't trust the press, anyway, they're normally outrageously political or biased, always report bad news, and always make a mountain out of a molehill.

This is getting off-topic anyways, I'd to steer us back now.

I think one of the reasons people say they don't want "kids" playing online is because kids do not have the social developments that adults have. It is often a lot harder for them to be patient, as it is for me (I'm 16, btw, and i can get impatient a LOT).

Or they could just be refering to immature stupid people as "kids" because it comes from the word "childish" meaning "immature".

Either way, it's kind of judgemental. Remember an important lesson that people of all ages were taught way back in Kindergarten and often forget: It is not the outside (pyshical age, maturity) that counts, it whats on the inside. (Emotional age and maturity).

Edited, Dec 24th 2007 4:16pm by Erotan
#96 Dec 24 2007 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
Yes I am 13 and I really dont run into many problems when people about my age. Then again i also dont go around telling people my age but my whole guild knows and Im and officer in my guild I may be the youngest officer but stil, I do know were you are coming at because there are some kids in my guild around my age that are completly immature and always have go eat or go to bed in the middle of a raid and it makes others our age look bad so yeah not all people are like that.
#97 Dec 24 2007 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
Exactly. I have a cousin who's 12, and he plays much better and more maturely than many 18-22 year old gamers that largely make up both factions.

Edited, Dec 24th 2007 4:14pm by Erotan
#98 Dec 24 2007 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
It isn't the fact that the kids are playing, it's the face that so many of them are so, immature. Most of them are noobs. That's ok, theres no problem with noobs. However, there is a problem with noobs not willing to learn, help, listen to advice when someone gives it, and tag along where their not wanted. Most children who play video games act like complete idiots because the person on the other side can't see them or do anything about it. Extremely immature behaviour. I myself, being 14, am freaked out by the immaturity of people my age who play wow.

It's children who caused other people to hate them playing wow. If your one of those mature children, then you have nothing to worry about, people will probrably take you for an adult.
#99 Dec 25 2007 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
It all depends on the maturity level.

I don't really mind playing with young people but I do, however mind if they not mature. I don't like little kids begging me for crap day in and day out. Annoys the crap out of me.

Also as Tavarde said, adults mostly prefer adult company.

#100 Dec 26 2007 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
439 posts
Andykiller wrote:
It all depends on the maturity level.

I don't really mind playing with young people but I do, however mind if they not mature. I don't like little kids begging me for crap day in and day out. Annoys the crap out of me.

Also as Tavarde said, adults mostly prefer adult company.


Wouldn't one actually have to be an adult to make that statement? o.O
#101 Dec 30 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
Aeonkurai wrote:
Andykiller wrote:
It all depends on the maturity level.

I don't really mind playing with young people but I do, however mind if they not mature. I don't like little kids begging me for crap day in and day out. Annoys the crap out of me.

Also as Tavarde said, adults mostly prefer adult company.


Wouldn't one actually have to be an adult to make that statement? o.O

I'm 17. That makes me a young adult.

I favor the players that I play with to act in a mature manor.
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