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Why do people hate "kids" playing WoW?Follow

#1 Oct 02 2007 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
I am sick and tired of people complaining about young people that play WoW. What's wrong with us? I am 14 years old (stay away online predators) and I play WoW and always get crap about it. The first thing I am asked when looking for a guild, and even some groups is, "Are you over 18?". Being an honest guy I say no, and always am excluded from the guild/group. Its getting ridiculous. Just because you are not that old does not mean you suck at WoW. I play a hunter (go figure) and I believe am a competent one. I understand there ARE stupid kids out there who play and suck at WoW, but honestly, please don't discredit younger players simply based on age.

What do you guys think? I am right or being a ****** about this? Post your comments/opinions below thx =D
#2 Oct 02 2007 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
513 posts
Over half my guild is made up of teenagers. Some are more respectful than others. Some adults don't deserve the name. I guess, just consider the source. If you play on Aegwynn, look us up.
#3 Oct 02 2007 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
one word...guilty by association, somem guilds probably had a player in the guild that was youg and acted retarded (like talking gangsta, crying all the time, or swearing worse then a sailor) then the mindset get's set that hey all young kids are like that, plus they think if u r 18+ you SHOULD have a head on your shoulders, which is both true and false.

so just remember when you are tying you hardest to be nice some other had-on is out there ruining it for you.
#4 Oct 02 2007 at 10:18 PM Rating: Excellent
You're not being stupid or anything, you're asking a very reasonable question.

My whole problem with kids playing Warcraft (my definition is 16 and under), is that a lot of them can't spell and act like idiots in general.

It's ridiculious some times. I always hate "Will u sgn my charter???" (note, 3 question marks), and all the IM speak. You have a keyboard, you don't have to hit a button multiple times, it's not that hard.

If people are spamming the channels or overusing yell way too much, I just ignore them and move on.

"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#5 Oct 02 2007 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
614 posts
I don't hate kids playing WoW, I only hate the immaturity.
#6 Oct 03 2007 at 1:56 AM Rating: Excellent
1,970 posts
It probably has to do with a certain level of relating, too. Adults who play I am sure don't feel they can speak as freely around young teenagers as they can around other adult players. A young teenager knows nothing of a job to pay rent/mortage/bills, about longstanding relationships (often with kids thrown in the mix) and many other things that plague the daily lives of adults. To a certain degree they come from a totally different reality: the world of grade/junior/high school. And those of us who play that are also parents most definitely don't want to risk corrupting any of these younger players via swearing, talk of sex and drugs and whatnot. I myself feel far more comfortable knowing the people I play WoW with are at least young adults who, to any degree, are surviving in the real world.

Maturity level in young teenagers hasn't been too much of a problem yet. Some of them are quite respectful and intelligent, but they are still just kids. It is the previously mentioned lack of any typing ability that drives me insane though. There's no need for English to be so butchered. I'd almost want to blame their teachers for doing a poor job but it's not their fault. These days if a kid isn't going to listen and learn and just wants to be a G-money gangsta rollin' fatties and "kickin' it ghetto-style" then there isn't a damn thing a teacher is going to do to change his mind from that flawed and socially destructive way of existence.
#7 Oct 03 2007 at 2:01 AM Rating: Good
389 posts
smunks wrote:
I don't hate kids playing WoW, I only hate the immaturity.


I personally don't care what your age is, as long as you behave in a reasonably mature, well-mannered fashion. My old guild had players as young as 11, including one 13-year old girl we dubbed "Queen of Reason" because she has a better head on her shoulders than most people 5 times her age.

It's not that most of us hate kids, it's just that we tend to get REALLY tired of things like constant 1337speak and all-round childishness. Although there are plenty of older people who are guilty of this and worse. Age just makes some people more experienced fools.

And like one of the previous posters said, your reputation is likely to be sullied purely by association with those of your peers who ARE annoying little brats. The only advice I can give you is to obey the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Eventually you'll find a group willing to accept you for who you are. You shouldn't settle for anything less.
#8 Oct 03 2007 at 2:27 AM Rating: Excellent
The problem isn't that 90% of young people are immature tards.

The problem is that 90% of immature tards are young.

Also as Tavarde said, adults mostly prefer adult company.

#9 Oct 03 2007 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
116 posts
I am currently in a guild comprised entirely by "adults" and my old guild was comprised entirely of teenagers under 17 with only 2 exceptions (myself being one). I have actually met more ******** and immature jerks who were between 16 and 25 than 10-15 or over 25. I find people tend to be true to themselves until their mid-teens then turn into competitive braggarts who lie more than a con-artist and do anything that is currently considered "cool" such as gangsta-talk, 1337 speak etc.

I have no problem with young players grouping with me or joining our guild, however I do voice my concerns to them about the fact that their parents may not approve as I refuse to censor my speech for anyone. If I am having a discussion about sex, drugs, alcohol, or anything else I will not cease this conversation simply because the younger guildie has logged on.

If the youth has either the permission of the parent or can assure me that the parent will never pay enough attention to see what is written, then I am ok with it (as a parent, I am not impressed if other parents are not monitoring this stuff, but have no say in such matters). I would never say anything that I would not want my son to read at the same age and I only conduct mature, unbiased and informative conversations on these subjects. My son is 11, I figure that if a 14 year old doesn't already know as much as he does about sex, drugs etc as he does then it is about time they learned.

If people are discriminating against you based on age, do not prove their point by retaliating in a snide or rude manner. Instead simply state that you respect their decision and although it is a pity that they are unwilling to take you on an individual basis without predjudice and wish them a nice day/morning/evening whatever. If you show such a level of maturity while at the same time shaming them they may reconsider, and at the very least might treat the next "kid" better.

If they begin throwing back insults or "losing it" you should simply state that it is a good thing their guild or group only accepts "mature" players (quotes are important here) and walk away. A good test of how mature someone is, is by veiled and politely worded insults. If they cannot maintain a polite dialogue then you are probably better off without them.


If you play Eitrigg and want a guild, we are quiet and slow but nice, mature and helpful and you may enjoy listening to some of our discussions when we really get going on a subject. Just whisper me.
#10 Oct 03 2007 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
476 posts
Adults who play I am sure don't feel they can speak as freely around young teenagers as they can around other adult players.

that's the only good reason I can think of to generically reject playing with kids

kids generally have more free time on their hands and would be easier to find online. they might actually make better raiders.
#11 Oct 03 2007 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
627 posts
I find people tend to be true to themselves until their mid-teens then turn into competitive braggarts who lie more than a con-artist and do anything that is currently considered "cool" such as gangsta-talk, 1337 speak etc.

I would have to disagree, it might be just in England but it seems that the "competitive braggarts who lie more than a con-artist and do anything that is currently considered "cool" such as gangsta-talk, 1337 speak etc."

tend to be aged 13-16 (secondary school years) and then it seems to die off.
#12 Oct 03 2007 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
Ah, yes just like he said he identified them as under 16. Much like you just tried to contradict him, only you two agree on age.

Personally the "teen speak" as the mom's from my work call it is mainly what gets on my nerves. Why type if your not going to actaully type? Too young to play? No. Too immature... definately.

#13 Oct 03 2007 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
83 posts
As has been the sentiment in past posts, I don't hate young people, just people who act retarded. My guild leader is 15. That's young to me. That said, he's one of the nicest guys around- helps out lowbies, runs the guild like a well oiled machine, is friendly (i.e. has the option turned on so that he can greet everyone as soon as they sign on), and runs guild auctions and other stuff. When I found out he was young I didn't just quit the guild, frankly I was impressed that a 15 year old was that competent.

That said, for every young player who has a good head on their shoulders, knows basic rules of grammar and spells reasonably well, there are at least 5 utterly worthless people. What makes me able to judge people as worthless? Glad you asked:

Meet newb X. X is a lowbie who I am helping through some quests. As soon as he sees chests, he stops fighting mobs and runs for it, opens it, and ninjas the loot. Fine. I explain to him the principles of sharing and basic WoW etiquette. He then exclaims in guildchat that I'm an elitest who's yelling at him to play the game how I want it played. K... I suggest to him talents, how to use the AH...seriously, I must've spent 2 hours helping this kid. Oh, did I mention he only typed in caps, fractured english (not english as a second language, I mean white kid ghetto english), and couldn't spell to save his soul? Yeah...

So it gets better. Next day he signs on, asks me how to "CRE8 1 OF DOS MAKRO TINGS" (which took me a few seconds to translate). I told him, using /w as an example, how to make a text macro. He then proceeds to "test" out the macro technique by saying, in g-chat, "THIS GUILD HAS DRUGGIES" 15 times in succession. Everyone loved him after that.

Better still- the guildmaster wasn't online during that period. The kid signs out for an hour. Guildmaster comes back (I tell him of our friend...he's unhappy). Kid signs on. In g-chat, this is exactly what happened:

Guildmember: Dude...stop typing in all caps, seriously
Guildmaster: No, no and no
*Kid X has left the guild*
Guildmaster: booting him was the best decision I've ever made in my life. Ever.
#14 Oct 03 2007 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
146 posts
I agree with the comment about not feeling comfortable around younger players.

I was playing AQ when I was like 16 years old. I was not an immature player but I did think that players who had been playing should help me. Looking back I had a lot to learn.

In my case I was adaptable when people told me I was being a moron and to not do something I would listen. I also was playing MuD so txt based stuff was alot more interaction related.

I am 24 right now and I am really into the game. We are hitting the end game extremely hard and our guild takes a aggressive aproach to all end game content. With this we do not have time for people who cannot make the decision themselves to play or not.

What I mean by this is that when we screen someone during the application process we will not accept someone under 18 unless they are a personal friend of someone.

Say we are putting together a SSC progression run on a sunday night (which is very common raid night). If we have a few sub 18 year old whos parents are tired of them playing the player cannot be there.

Anyone in end game knows the importance of raid continuity. It is certainly assuming a lot because we have adults bail on us too. Just last night we had someone who is actually under 18 in our guild get kicked off the computer for two weeks cause he ran his cell phone bill up to 300 dollars. This is a pretty damn good mage...great player great person. But mommy and daddy pulled the plug and now we have our best geared Mage out for a time.

That is one way to look at it.
#15 Oct 03 2007 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
1,309 posts
Horde player here but I would like to put forth my own opinion as a guild leader regarding underage players.

I welcome all ages in to my guild, I am not afraid to give anyone a chance unless their reputation is just THAT awful. I have several teens in my guild including a 15 year old who has acted much more mature than people twice his age and an immature beggar whom I kicked after giving a clear warning.

We don't censor our language in my guild, I've made it very clear to everyone that I am no one's mommy and I won't yell at someone for cursing. If someone is offended I say /ignore the person, if they argue I say take it to tells because I want it out of my guild chat. I give everyone a warning when they ***** up and if they do the same thing again or if they break one of my rules (like not taking an argument out of my guild chat) I kick them, instantly.

To the OP: You do face stigma being a teen yes, but I am sure you can find folks at some point willing to give you a chance, if they are including you in their group, act mature, listen, play your class well, and afterwards see if you can maybe send a /tell and politely ask if they could join your guild. If you act maturely and show that you won't act like a child then I am sure you will find a guild that will allow you to stay with them.

Keep your head up, you'll find a guild.
#16 Oct 03 2007 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
I am sick and tired of people complaining about young people that play WoW. What's wrong with us? I am 14 years old (stay away online predators) and I play WoW and always get crap about it. The first thing I am asked when looking for a guild, and even some groups is, "Are you over 18?". Being an honest guy I say no, and always am excluded from the guild/group. Its getting ridiculous. Just because you are not that old does not mean you suck at WoW. I play a hunter (go figure) and I believe am a competent one. I understand there ARE stupid kids out there who play and suck at WoW, but honestly, please don't discredit younger players simply based on age.

What do you guys think? I am right or being a ****** about this? Post your comments/opinions below thx =D

I'm 15 and I get crap a lot as well. I think people who are 25+ and giving young kids like me or you crap on here are pathetic and seriously need to go outside, get a G/F, ect. (no offense to you older players) ESPECIALLY when we didn't even do anything to them. They just assume we're all going to be the same.

My whole problem with kids playing Warcraft (my definition is 16 and under), is that a lot of them can't spell and act like idiots in general.

Most, but not all. I'm under 15, but as an honors English student, I try my best to spell everything right so as not to be ridiculed by people who get great fun out of smashing everyone hoo spelz stuf rong.<---- supposed to be funny =P

Good luck finding a guild that will accept you and your age. I play on Terenas Horde and Dalvengyr Alliance. I am in two really good guilds that do kara and such and no one seems to have a problem with me in those guilds.
#17 Oct 04 2007 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
It's not kids I hate as such, it's just whining immature players who, to be honest, tend to be much younger. I also can't stand getting people in groups who declare, mid-instance, that they have to go AFK for 15 mins to clean their damn room or do homework. It's intensely annoying and can really take a lot of fun out of my session.

That said there are plenty older players who are annoying as well - they can be ninjas, talk crap constantly, go for smoke breaks every few minutes, etc. Doesn't happen nearly as often though - my guild's average age seems to be about 25 or so and it really shows in player behaviour.

To balance that up I have an on-off questing partner who I though was close to my age (31) given her attitude and maturity but it turns out she's only 14. Goes to show that you can't really prejudge people based on age alone.
#18 Oct 04 2007 at 7:42 AM Rating: Excellent
627 posts
I'm 15 and I get crap a lot as well. I think people who are 25+ and giving young kids like me or you crap on here are pathetic and seriously need to go outside, get a G/F, ect. (no offense to you older players) ESPECIALLY when we didn't even do anything to them. They just assume we're all going to be the same.

You talk **** about older players over forums, tell them to get a Girlfriend and then wonder why younger players are shyed away from in game?
#19 Oct 04 2007 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
439 posts
I'm about to turn 23, married with a daughter, full time graphic artist and full time college student. I don't hate kids who play WoW. Technically, to the older society (40+), ages 30 and below is considered being a "kid."

One of the guys in my guild is 14 years old. He was the first person I met when I first started playing and we have been in 4 guilds together ever since. He's quite mature, himself. In fact, he has a job (keep in mind the legal working age is 16 and he is 14) working prvately and still maintains good grades.

I don't judge anything on age, I judge on maturity. One thing that bothered me when I first started WoW was the lack of maturity in the community (I have played FFXI for 6 years, wasn't used to the extreme immaturity in my MMOs). But I found a small handful of mature players (only a small handfull) on both Horde and Alliance side. My main is Alliance, though. The sad thing is, I constantly run into immature players and like others have said, they tend to be younger. Don't get me wrong, I find older players lacking in maturity quite a bit too. I'm just greatly offended by such behavior. But the small handful of mature players I do run across every now and then are worth sifting through all the f***tards.

I don't care if you're 8 or 35, if you show some level of maturity then you have my respect. However, if you act like an idiot and don't take the time to spell out your words and speak correctly, then I'll probably just ignore you. Immaturity is just not worth my time.

Edited, Oct 4th 2007 2:39pm by Aeonkurai
#20 Oct 05 2007 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Aeonkurai wrote:
I don't care if you're 8 or 35, if you show some level of maturity then you have my respect. However, if you act like an idiot and don't take the time to spell out your words and speak correctly, then I'll probably just ignore you. Immaturity is just not worth my time.

Edited, Oct 4th 2007 2:39pm by Aeonkurai

One thing I want on the new patch is a longer ignore list, I have wanted it for a long time.
#21 Oct 05 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
4,074 posts
If you have a clue, behave decently, and don't type in a way that gives me a headache, I don't care how old you are. If you don't have a clue, behave like a dumbass, and type indecipherable crap in all caps, you'll get a different result from me, but I also don't care how old you are.
#22 Oct 05 2007 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
31 posts
I never ask anyone’s age. It’s sometimes obvious how young someone is by the way they talk, spell, act, but it does not mean that they are immature or not worth playing with. In fact, most of the players that I’ve grouped with that I thought were teen or pre-teen have been very thoughtful and helpful. They also ask for more advice than others which, in my short experience, helps the group a tremendous amount. They also apologize more often when they “think” they’ve screwed up.

Also, I don’t play WoW for the social atmosphere, so I’m not worried about offending someone’s child. It’s a game and when I play it, I am my character. She doesn’t look my age and I don’t dump balls of fire on people I don’t like. If she wants to go out on a date with some Tauren, that’s her business. I’m not getting involved.

And...yes...there is the “guilt by association”. Unfortunately, you seem mature for your age. While that will definitely be a huge plus for you in your life, right now it will cause you a great deal of frustration. Adults don’t normally remember what it was like to be 14. They will continue to treat you like a child until you catch up to their age. I’m 42 and the older I get the older “kids” get. I refer to anyone under 30 as “kid”. See the pattern?

Anyway, don’t let it bother you. If someone asks your age, ask them politely why they need to know. If it’s a guild that you’re trying to join, explain to them that you are under 18, but ask them if they might let you join for a “trial” period. Maybe even ask that an “older, wiser” member group with you for a day or two so that they can decide for themselves if you’re worthy enough for their guild.

Or, just move on to the next guild that is more concerned with how you play than whether or not you shave (if you’re a guy...).

Now...go do your homework. :-b
#23 Oct 06 2007 at 9:22 AM Rating: Default

It's sad you have had that experience. I think it say more about the people who are treating you like this than it says about you. I like young people and think they are intelligent and interesting. I like that they have a different view of the world.

If someone misbehave, just tell him/her off and don't play with that person again, no matter which age. Don't punish the ones who do behave.

And hey, all you people who look down on people who doesn't know English very well, a long (?) time ago you didn't know spelling or another language that well yourselves.

I think WoW should be for all people who like the game, young or old.
#24REDACTED, Posted: Oct 06 2007 at 2:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) well im sorry for those who wont like my message but... ppl who read this message and play WOW, YOU must know that all ppl plays are kind of child not for mental thing or maturity its just a bunch of ppl playing a good game like baby in a square of sand . EVEN adult can be this so please respect each other because its realy stupid the thing adult reject teens and child and by the way.... this game was supposed to be for teens so... eh!
#25 Oct 07 2007 at 5:34 PM Rating: Excellent
215 posts
Eh. People like to befriend people their own age. In and out of the game. People in the same, let's say, demographic (no I don't work in marketing) will have more to talk about. More in common. The older somebody is, the more likely it is they'll have something in common with you (if you're an adult). 9-5 jobs, payday, taxes, relationships, bills, insurance, motor loans, insurance, marriage, mortgages, insurance, kids, bills, careers, insurance, etc. etc. All very boring, and it's more than likely not what you'll end up talking about, but knowing that the other person is in about the same boat as you means you'll open up that much more. It'll be a deeper, more meaningful, unspoken bond. You know it, they know, and you get that oceanic feeling like everythings going to be fine. Just fine.

That, and teenage boys are sooo fuckin annoyin' with their whiny *****-*** voices screechin at you over vent. So just get a voice coach or lay off the mic and lie about your age and everything will be fine. Just fine.
#26 Oct 07 2007 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
647 posts
Act mature, and spell correctly. If you are unable to act like an adult, then don't expect to be treated like one.

Whenever the topic of age comes up, everyone is surprised to find out that I'm only 16 years old.
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